Danica Pt. 18


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Andrea wiped her eyes on her shoulder and left the house. Danica smiled and said, "Ready to go then?"

They both nodded, and Danica cast her spell. She told the couple to wait a moment before entering the portal, going in to warn the demons to remain scarce as she had before. She didn't have to reinforce the warning with pain this time, neither seeing nor hearing anything from the creatures.

Danica gestured for the couple to enter the portal, and then used her telekinetic powers to lift their things and bring them in after. Danica found it was ridiculously easy to move even the heaviest of the items. All it took was a quick thought, and the couple's belongings lifted from the floor to drift exactly where she wanted them.

Once everything was inside, Danica closed the portal and turned to the couple. "I need to tell you some things. Be wary of anyone you recognize from here. Zoraster is evil. Most of the people are here of their own free will, but some are no better than slaves, and I'm one of them. I'm afraid that he might try to use you against me, and that's why I'm trying to get you safely away. If I don't follow you through the portal, he shouldn't be able to find you. I have an apartment in the city, but we won't be able to visit. I don't want him to find us together and locate you."

Grant and Heather's eyes both went wide as Danica revealed her secrets to them. Danica sighed and continued, "You can have someone take letters to my apartment, and they will be delivered to me, so at least we can stay in touch. I can return the letters with this spell so it will be safe. Be wary of anyone that takes too close an interest in you, but otherwise, just be happy and have lots of kids when you're ready for them."

"We'll be careful," Grant acknowledged.

"And we'll work on those children. Now that we'll have a bigger place and more money, I think I'm ready to be a mother," Heather added, her eyes still sparkling with tears.

Danica smiled. "Have all the fun you can until the first one arrives. From what I know, you're going to have difficulty finding the time, especially to make the second, once you have that first."

Heather laughed and said, "Now that we don't have to worry about what time of my cycle it is, I think we can have a lot of fun."

Danica laughed too and walked up to hug them both as Andrea had. She stepped back after the hug and opened the portal into their new home. It was no more difficult to move their things out of the portal than it had been to move them in. As soon as everything was arranged in the general vicinity of where they would need it, one of the advantages of a portal that could be moved from room to room, Danica handed them a bag of gems.

"This will let you buy what you need to make it your own. I put a list of shops in there, and suggestions of some things that you should get to make your life easier. I picked this house because it has a place to put a nice big tub that you can drain. Make sure you get one of those and seats for your chamber pots. There's a bed there now for you to use until you get one more to your liking."

Grant looked into the bag and said, "This is so much, we can't..."

Danica wiggled her finger at him. "I've already told you once that you're not allowed to refuse anything on those grounds." She sniffled then, a single tear running down her cheek, and echoed what Andrea had said earlier, "Now go on, start your new life before I start bawling."

Heather walked up and hugged Danica one more time, and then stepped through the portal with Grant. They turned and waved to Danica once they were in the house, and Danica waved back before closing the portal.

Another tear ran down Danica's cheek, a mixture of sadness that she would likely never see them again and happiness that they were away from Zoraster's direct influence. One of the creatures crept out from behind a tree and asked, "May we come out now, Mistress?"

Danica growled and slammed the thing with her mental powers. It flew up about ten feet into the air and smacked hard against a tree. As soon as it hit the ground again, it scurried back off into the undergrowth and vanished.

"I guess that answers your question," Danica replied and opened the portal into her rooms in Zoraster's complex.


Zoraster stared into the mirror as the portal opened in Danica's room and she emerged. His attention to necessary details had afforded him little opportunity to spy upon his favorite pet of late. He had added magic to her amulet almost immediately upon her return from Beniopolis that alerted him whenever Danica used the Hellgate spell.

When the alert sounded, Zoraster had watched curiously as Danica helped the couple pack up their few belongings and enter the portal. His lip had twitched in anger when the portal closed and he was unable to sense his little rose inside the extra-dimensional pocket created by the spell. Patiently, he waited for her to step out the other side to see what she was doing.

She had not left the portal with the couple, however, and had emerged back within her rooms. For a moment, Zoraster's anger spiked and he nearly went to confront her. Numerous times, he had considered forbidding the use of the spell by both her and Celes, but had decided against it. The spell had proved useful in the tomb, and it might aid them again to fulfill his orders.

The couple was irrelevant, although they could have proved useful weapons against Danica at some point if necessary. With Celes, Marlena, and the young servant Andrea to use against her, it was truly a meaningless exercise to waste time and effort on others. He already had enough holds upon Danica, should the need arise.

"I could punish her for you, Master, if she has angered you," Camilla suggested.

Zoraster sighed and turned toward Camilla. "No, I fear you would have a great deal of difficulty avoiding a mistake that would cost you your life, and me your service yet again. Use your hatred of Danica as a focus to increase your power, if you must, but do not act on that hatred. It is fuel to fire you, drive you toward higher pursuits. You had become complacent in your first life, losing the vital burning need to learn that I require from you. Return to your studies and prove to me again why I took you in my service in the first place."

Camilla bowed and replied, "As you command, my Master."

Zoraster smiled. "Much better."


The next day, word arrived from Carolyn that they were ready to leave. They had joined in a marathon packing session with friends and family assisting in order to finish as soon as possible. Only the essentials of daily living remained unpacked, everything else loaded on a wagon and stored out of the weather, ready for departure. The couple eagerly anticipated the move now, but it was growing harder to think about leaving their friends by the day, as the sad goodbyes continued.

Danica immediately gathered up coin and grabbed the pouch of gems she had prepared for the couple as soon as she read the letter. She intended to go down into town and set things in motion to get them on their way. Just as with Grant and Heather, it was hard to let them go, but she knew that getting them away from the center of Zoraster's power could only be a good thing.

She was just gathering up a few things from her lab, magical toys she had enchanted to help start the couple off right when they opened a new shop, when a knock sounded on the door.

Danica closed her eyes and concentrated, her wards telling her it was Celes outside the door. She called out, "It's open. Come in Celes."

She heard the door open and finished packing up the toys as Celes walked into the lab. Everything ready, she turned and greeted Celes. "Hello, Celes. I was just getting ready to go down into town. Do you need anything -- or would you like to come down with me?"

Celes shifted her weight from one foot to the other for a moment, and then replied, "I wondered if I could look over the notes for Marlena's toy."

Danica's face broke into a wide smile. "Thinking of making something using those sorts of enchantments? You can use my lab any time you want -- and ask for help if you need it. The notes are still over there on that table. I haven't gotten around to packing them up and storing them away yet."

Celes nodded her head and said, "Thank you." Danica thought she heard a note of hesitation in the woman's voice, and walked over toward her.

Celes looked over the notes, and her hands trembled. Danica laid a hand on the woman's shoulder and asked, "Are you okay?"

Celes stiffened and replied, "I'm fine."

Danica would have had to be deaf not to recognize the lack of conviction in that statement. What hit her next as Celes turned to look at her nearly knocked Danica down. Celes was afire with desire for her -- and something deeper. Danica could feel the need for her touch, for her companionship, for her love.

The emotions washed over Danica and awakened her own desires. She hardly ever saw Celes as anything but young and beautiful now, having so carefully trained her senses and her mental powers to make it so. The barely masked longing and sadness in Celes' eyes cut into Danica like a knife, and started her juices flowing. Danica sat down the bag of toys she held on the table, stepping closer to Celes.

"Danica, what are you... It won't..."

Danica cut her off by kissing her. Celes trembled as their lips touched, and Danica shuddered as well. When their lips parted, Celes let out a gasp that ended in a whimper. "Danica, I couldn't bear the disappointment when the illusion fails. We can't do this."

Danica huskily whispered, "The illusion didn't fail when I kissed you."

Celes' breath came in quick bursts. This is what she wanted more than anything. It was the reason she wanted the notes, to try to put the enchantments on her toy so that it would be Danica between her legs when she used it. She had told Danica the truth, however, she knew that the illusion in Danica's mind would vanish, and it would tear her heart out when it happened.

Celes' eyes filled with tears and she whispered, "I can't. I just can't." She then took a step back, her lip quivering and her heart aching.

Danica took a step backward as well, the pain in Celes' eyes cutting through her desire, "I-I understand Celes. I'm sorry."

Celes shook her head. "Don't be sorry. I will cherish that kiss for all my days. I should go."

Danica didn't know what to say as Celes turned and swiftly walked out the door. She watched in the direction Celes had left even when she could no longer see her, only blinking her eyes and sighing when she heard the door close.

Sighing once more, Danica armed her protective wards and picked up the bag of toys. She teleported near the city, and then walked to Carolyn's house.

Finding that the two were indeed ready, she went back out into the city to try to find information about a caravan heading into Egoria soon. She was fortunate to find one leaving the very next day. The merchants appeared trustworthy, and the caravan had a good contingent of guards. They didn't protest in the slightest to taking the couple with them, especially when Danica offered to pay for additional guards and offer a gratuity for their hospitality.

Once she had handpicked the guards and paid them up front, Danica returned to Carolyn's house to help them finish packing and spend the night there. She shared their bed -- and more -- one last time, yet another bittersweet goodbye.

The next afternoon, she stood next to their wagon as the caravan prepared to move out. Danica concentrated, sending a thought to both of them, Don't be alarmed, and don't respond out loud. Just think anything you want to say, and I'll hear it. It's magic -- just trust me.

Carolyn and her new husband both sent back confused and hesitant thoughts acknowledging what she had said, and Danica thought back to them, That's fine, I can hear you perfectly. Okay, I want you to be very careful of anyone who comes around you that is from here, especially from Zoraster's complex. Be suspicious of anyone who pays too much attention to you, though. There are dark things going on in the world, and I want you to be careful. Don't let it keep you from living your lives -- just be wary.

Carolyn's answering thought was a little fearful, We'll be careful.

Kyle thought to Danica, I'll protect her, and I'll love her.

Danica was surprised to find that the connection she had established to speak to them extended to them hearing each other's thoughts when Carolyn silently answered her husband, You're so sweet, Kyle.

Danica then said aloud, "I'm going to miss you both so much."

"We'll miss you too. Thanks for the toys to sell to get us started -- and everything. I just can't say thanks enough," Carolyn said with tears in her eyes.

Danica laughed and said, "I'm starting to feel like I'm saying this every day as I watch people I care about move away, but just love each other, be happy, and be safe. That's thanks enough for me."

"We will," Grant declared as the sound of wagons starting to creak into motion at the front of the caravan signaled the beginning of the couple's journey.

The couple waved as their wagon lurched into motion, and Danica waved back, watching them until they turned a corner and left her sight. Mindless of what anyone thought, she teleported directly to her rooms and stuck her nose in a book.

She remained buried in her studies, concentrating on those concerning the evil beings that populated the hells, for many days.


Zoraster stood, his hands clenched into fists as the seconds ticked away in his mind. Before him, the elven woman lay on a bier, surrounded by black candles and with a brazier near her head. Above her hovered the blue nimbus of light, which contained the artifacts he had gathered. The items within their cage vibrated, as if they could sense what was about to occur and sought to escape his magic.

Looking up, he observed the heavens through the magically transparent roof of the room. The stars and planets all closely aligned as the convergence drew ever closer. The untrained eye would assume the celestial bodies were already perfectly aligned, but to Zoraster's studied eye, he knew that two planets were minutes away from full alignment.

At the foot of the bier and off to the right side of the stone platform stood a plain wooden table. Upon it were all the spell components he would need to work his magic, and the obelisk. Glancing to the floor, Zoraster once again checked the runes of his mystical circle, although he knew from all the previous checks that there were no errors or omissions.

All was in readiness, the seconds continuing to drag on as if time was slowed. Looking to the heavens again, Zoraster sneered, "Do you feel it? Does fear turn your forms to ice, puppet-masters?"

The Archmage laughed, raising his arms above his head and screaming, "I will show you what true power is, conceited manipulators. I will do as I please, your will be damned. Your arrogance shall betray you, and deliver all that I desire into my hands. Do you sit, cowering, knowing that the power of the universe overwhelms you as the time draws near? Do you feel your impotence as your vision is clouded by forces far greater than your own?"

The moments continued to pass by, and Zoraster could feel his power building within him. All who worked magic in the world would feel the surge of energy that accompanied the convergence.

Within his mind, the final second ticked away, and he reached for the silverthorn, the first of the spell components he needed. Crumbling it into a bowl on the table, he began to chant in a loud, deep voice.

The harsh, guttural words of the chant passed his lips with power, resonating throughout the room far louder than was possible for him to produce with his voice alone. The runes at his feet glowed with power, and the quivering of the artifacts in their protective cocoon increased.

As he continued to chant and the heavens drew closer to complete convergence, the elven woman snapped awake. She opened her eyes and screamed in terror, feeling the dark magic that surrounded her. Unable to force her body to make the slightest move, she began to sob. Her weeping was broken by screams as jolts of dark power shot through her body, called up by the growing strength of Zoraster's magic.

The Archmage dropped the last of the spell components into the bowl, the volume of his chanting voice growing ever louder as the magical power summoned by the spell increased. The nimbus of magic surrounding the artifacts deepened to a nightblue color and the items within ceased to tremble, hovering motionless in the grip of his dark magic.

Picking up the bowl and moving to the head of the bier, Zoraster continued to chant and raised the bowl to the heavens. The convergence was only moments away now, and his body burned with power. The elven woman was once again unconscious, this time not of her own will. Her mind had shut down to avoid the pain of the dark sparks assaulting her and the unbearable loudness of his chanting voice.

Dumping the bowl into the brazier caused it to flare into a tower of flame that licked the roof. At the same time, the candles flared high as well. When all the flames settled, they burned black, now flickering shadows rather than sources of light. The runes at his feet glowed like the sun, giving an even more sinister cast to the Archmage's features as he continued to chant. His face was a mixture of ecstasy and triumph as the chant neared completion, the celestial bodies above in near perfect alignment.

Moving back to the foot of the bier, Zoraster picked up the obelisk and silently ordered it to assume the form of the black-bladed knife as he chanted. Once the dark artifact assumed the form of the weapon, Zoraster crossed to stand at the side of the bier, holding the knife before him and gesturing to the hovering artifacts. The items in their prison moved lower, close to the elven woman's bared breasts. Her skin broke out in gooseflesh as the nightblue aura of magic drew near her, her nipples poking out erect before the unearthly cold of Zoraster's magic.

Zoraster moved the knife over the woman on the bier, above the chill trap that held the artifacts above her. He began to repeat the final word of the chant, and on the sixth repetition, he thrust the knife through the magical field and into the woman's heart.

The chill of the magic surrounding the artifacts froze his flesh, but the power of the knife in his hands healed the damage as fast as it occurred. The elven woman's life was sucked from her, transferred to the knife and into Zoraster. As the last of her life seeped from her, the magic surrounding the artifacts flashed with a crackling sound and vanished. The artifacts continued to hover, tendrils of magical power flowing from them into the knife.

Zoraster screamed as the power filled him to capacity -- and beyond. He bit off the scream and clenched his teeth tight, willing his hands to remain closed about the knife sunk into the woman's flesh as it sucked the magic from the artifacts.

The heavens and hells shuddered as Zoraster, Danica, Celes, and every other pawn or dupe in the Archmage's dark plan vanished from the sight of the gods.

Jerking the knife out of the woman's chest, Zoraster laughed aloud, feeling the power surging within him and knowing that his spell had succeeded. Never again would the gods interfere with his plans. Only one more obstacle lay between him and the stone, and it would soon be blasted to nothingness through his power.

Then, the gods would truly know fear for the first time in their immortal existence.
