Dark as Daylight Ch. 07


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"Very funny Hannah, how do I get up from here?"

"By using your crutches, very carefully."

"I can see you are going to be a bitch of a therapist."

"I'm going to have to ask Teddy about that word."

"Don't bother, I'll be doing a lot of praying, for I'm thinking."


"Senior Captain Montgomery Jamison, this is my husband, Harvey Cushing."

"Hello Mister Cushing."

"Hello Captain Jamison."

"Mister Cushing from this moment on your assigned as a member of the Bridge Crew. Your hours are from 0600 hours to 1400 hours. We have a problem we want you to help us resolve. After we passed through the White Hole, we were thrown into an area of space we are unfamiliar with. We need your help to verify where we are and getting us to the planet called, 'Gliese 581G.' If possible, we would like to take a course that will give us as close an approach to Earth as possible, so we can launch our last rocket, and advise the people on the planet that we are still alive, and GL581G is where we are going, without taking us too far off course. Will you do that for us Mister Cushing?"

"It will be my pleasure Senior Captain."

"If you complete this task for me, with the greatest possible results, I will make you the new head of the science division."

"You don't have to do that Captain. I will gladly do this work for you as a member of the crew."

"I reward good work when I see it done for the good of this vessel. When I see work that is detrimental to this vessel, I will slap it down hard to get my message across, just as Doctor Luck slapped down his own son."

"I understand Captain. Shall I report to the bridge now for the last few hours of the shift, or begin tomorrow morning?"

"While I have been lying down on the job, I have learned several things, one of which is that you have been lax in your marital duties. Take your wife to bed, and start catching up. That is in order Mister Cushing."

"I accept that order with the greatest of pleasure Captain."

Joanne asked, "Hannah is it okay if I leave early?"

"Harvey can't do what the Captain ordered, without you; go."

"Thank you Hannah, thank you Captain. I'll race you Harvey."

"It will be no contest Monty. She will be naked in the hallway as she gets to the room. He will be picking up her clothes on the way."

"When did you say you could get me that date?"

"I think I should get you walking first. Ladies, let's get her up."


29. The Infield Fly Rule

As they sat in their box seats, behind home plate, Holden told William Jr, "If they knew what they were doing, when they built this cathedral to the circular ball, they could have added 1200 seats, and increased the distance down the left and right lines. They would have moved the Sun out of the men's eyes, who play on the grass. They could have protected the patrons from the elements also, while saving a ton of money at the same time."

Richard added, "Their watering system is also inefficient. Using a clay underlayment, they could save 2300 gallons per day. They could move the water cannons in left and right field 35 feet closer together, and remove the cannon in the middle, because the green area is crowned. Who did they use to design and build this monstrosity; someone from the 18th century?"

"Boys, we are here to watch a ballgame, not to dissect the deficiencies of the ballpark they're playing in. Is the ballpark aesthetically pleasing to your eyes?"

Holden replied, "Not really, as you look around the open space everything looks nice. Then they put this box-like structure called a dugout that ruins everything. Instead of being flat, with sharp angles on all 4 sides, which could hurt either a participant or an observer, it should be spherical or tubular to make it more aesthetically pleasing, and more in tune with the rest of the structure."

Richard said, "I agree wholeheartedly. Those angles will wind up killing someone chasing the spherical object.

Also, there should be more protection, in the form of netting, made of our long line Carbon Fiber, as there is behind the, oddly shaped, white structure called, Home Plate. This would protect the people, sitting in rows 1 thru 78, to the left and right of the white lines. These are the seating areas that flying projectiles, such as errantly hit balls, and wood bats, accidentally, or purposely thrown by the person called the hitter, causes the most damage."

Joe Oyster said, "I believe I'm going to enjoy this baseball game as much as I enjoyed nails being scraped along a blackboard."

The 24 agents surrounding them, and the eight snipers attempting to keep cool on the overhang were having a hard time trying not to laugh. As the boys kept talking about the deficiencies of the Stadium, and the idiocy of the rules of the game, which they quoted verbatim, and then tore apart piece by piece, period by quotation mark.

One of the snipers said into his microphone, "Please, Mister Zabo, can I off them? If they keep talking about baseball the way they are, I will never enjoy a game again."

"Guys, I promise; if they keep this up through the third inning I'm going to stuff rags in their mouth, and we are leaving. Is that okay with everyone?"

Suggestions arranged from the first out of the game, to the first pitch. William said, "Okay people, we will leave at the end of the second ending."

Everyone knew his word was law, and they said, "Okay."

After playing the national anthem, the nearly 11,000 people cheered as the home team, Jacksonville Suns took the field. They were in last place, with 19 wins and 28 losses. They were nine games behind Pensacola, and today they were playing the second place Mobile HoneyBears. Jacksonville was in last place for a good reason. Two of their best pitchers, and their best hitter had been called up to their major league team, the Miami Marlins, who were making a run at the major league playoffs.

As everyone applauded, Richard said to Holden, "Jackson's (the pitcher) first pitch is going to be a slider, low and inside.

Hudson (the batter) will not swing."

William was watching what the boys were doing. Neither of them was looking at the game. They were looking at the statistical sheet he bought for them prior to the game.

Jackson's second pitch will be another slider in the same place.

Hudson will swing and hit a ground ball to the right side of the infield. It should be easily playable by the two men there.

Everyone watched as Jackson threw his second pitch. Hudson swung at it and it was in on his fists. The bat broke, and the ball rolled slowly to the second baseman, threw it to the first baseman for the out."

Oyster said, "William we could make a fortune with those two during the playoffs, and on the World Series."

"Joe, we were here to make them relax. What are they doing?"

"They're using their minds to compute the odds."

"How are they doing so far?"

"Richard has called every pitch correctly, and Holden is just sitting there, grinning like a Cheshire cat."

"Why don't you ask Holden why he smiling?"

"I'm afraid of his answer."

"I'll tell you his answer. He already knows who's going to win, and by what score. He has tabulated everything in his mind, and unless the coach makes a major change in the lineup, it will happen the way he has seen it. Watch this."

"Holden we have to leave, what's the final score going to be?"

"The Suns are going to win 11 to 5."

"Why are they going to win by that large a margin?"

"The HoneyBears pitching is going to fall apart. They go through four pitchers before the end of the game."

"How do you know that?"

"The program said three of their infielders were sent down to a Single 'A' Baseball team, as well as one of their power hitters.

The Suns get sloppy in the sixth inning, when the top of the order of the HoneyBears comes up. We make three errors in the outfield, and that's when they score four of their five runs."

"Holden are you clairvoyant?"

"Sometimes I see the future, but most of the time I see the past. I see the errors that were made in the past, and that helps me not to make those errors as we go forward.

That's why Richard and I work so well together. He always sees forward, and very little of the past. When he hypnotizes someone, he also retains many of their memories.

When I hypnotize someone, it has to be a scientist of some note. Otherwise I will overload their brain with too much information. It's a gift both of us have to be very careful with, and we rarely tell anyone we can do it."

"Thank you for telling me, I'm beginning to understand you more now. Have you noticed the change in your language in the last few days?"

"Yes I have, and it's a constant battle for me. However, every time I say something wrong, he hits me. He doesn't hit me hard, it's like a love tap. It's just a reminder that I said something wrong, and I'm learning from it."

"Is Richard learning from it also?"

"Yes he is. I haven't heard him say anything off color since we left Kennedy. We will learn Mister Zabo, and it won't take us long."

"Excellent, because my palm hurts from hitting you."

"My head hurts from you hitting me, so we are even. It's the top of the second inning. The HoneyBears go down in order. Jacksonville scores two runs, on a single and a home run to right field. Can we leave now?"

"Holden, you could take the fun out of looking at a gorgeous, naked 21-year old female."

"What's so much fun about that Mister Zabo?"

"Ask Patrick when he turns 16 or so. Maybe he will be able to tell you. Your dad didn't find out until he was in his 30s, when he finally found your mother, fell in love and married her.

You have excellent role models here on Earth. Rod and Roselyn are very much in love. They will impart that love to you. It's not something you can calculate. It's not something you can make odds on. Love is something that grabs your heart, and your mind. It doesn't let you go, regardless of how hard you try.

I'm sure you've heard how I met Gwen. It wasn't the most romantic meeting ever. It was probably the most comedic meeting. I fell on her, and wound up laying on top of her. It was not very gentlemanly of me, especially since I did not get off her.

She looked up at me and said, "I don't kiss on the first date, and I definitely don't fuck."

"Mister Zabo, you said a bad word. Can I hit you?"

"No, because I was quoting someone else. I didn't say it."

"I'm going to have to have my hearing checked. It sure sounded like you said it."

"My point simply is when Gwen and I met there was no reason to believe we would fall in love. However, we did and we are expecting our first child. I miss her very much, but I have obligations because of the building of our spacecraft. As soon as I get you two safely back to Charleston, I'm on an aircraft on my way to New York, and my wife."

"Who takes over when you're not here?"

"He is there waiting for you. His name is Colonel Lucius Canyon. You will address him at all times as Colonel Canyon, just as you refer to me as Mister Zabo."

"Yes Mister Zabo."

"Colonel Canyon and the members of his staff will begin training you in the art of self-defense. You will work on the spacecraft until 5 PM, eat your dinner, and then begin your lesson. These men are soldiers. They have been in battle many times. When they tell you to do something, don't hesitate, do it. It may sound unreasonable. It may sound harmful to your body. Regardless of what you think, do as you are told."

"Yes Mister Zabo."

"Let's leave this place, it's been a total waste of money and time."

"If we buy this team, we could make the changes I recommended, and we could make money."

"Yes we could, but I wouldn't have any fun doing it. If I'm not going to have any fun, why do it?"

"I understand that Mister Zabo. That's why I work so hard on the Good Luck 2."

William's phone rang in a special code.

"Good afternoon dad, how are you feeling?"

"Your mother's breasts feel just wonderful William, but that's not why I'm calling. Patrick's 747 is out the paint shop, and going through its preliminary testing phase. She asked if we have pilots ready to fly it? I told her yes. Did I lie to her?"

"In seven days, we will have more applicants than you know what to do with dad."

"Is this going to be like our international detective service?"

"No dad, this will be for real."

"Okay, remember you are entrusting your brother with them."

"That will be my first priority."

"I will see you in a few days' son."

"I can't wait to see you, but I'm more interested in seeing my wife."

"Goodbye son."

"Goodbye dad."

"What was that all about William?"

"Your airplane is being tested."

"I can't wait to fly it."

"Little brother, that is not going to happen. You can read all the books, you can know all the controls, you can even know how to fly that aircraft upside down, but you're not going to fly that airplane. That is an edict from our father."

"Sometimes our dad is no fun at all."

"Just remember, you have to play him a game of chess when you get home. Somehow I have a feeling you're going to have your ass handed to you."

"There, you said that word again. This time you said it, and you weren't quoting anyone. Can I hit you in this time?"

"Go ahead Holden, get it out of your system."

Due to the seating arrangements in the SUV, Holden had to climb over his seat to get to where William was sitting. Once he got there he realized he would have to hit William with his left hand.

"Can I save this for later, I can't get in the right position to hit you."

"It's now or never Holden."

"Dammit, lean forward."

"Do you realize what you just did?"

"That's not a bad word. You can say it when you make a mistake."

"Yes you can, and you just made one."

"Can we call it even?"

"Okay, I'll let you off this time."

"Sometimes life isn't fair."

"You are beginning to understand what life is all about."

On the way to the Jacksonville airport, on Interstate 95, two black SUVs bracketed the vehicle William and the three boys were riding in. Simultaneously the windows in both cars opened, and high powered machine guns began to fire.

William screamed, "Boys get down."

The three of them did as they were told. They were on the floor of the SUV, with William laying on top of them as a shield in milliseconds.

Their driver hit the brakes and turned to hit the SUV on his right, driving it into the barrier. The two cars in front of them braked. The lead car blocked the lane while the second car popped open its roof and opened fire with armor piercing rounds at the car in the third lane.

The 2 of the 3 following protection group opened fire on the SUV that attacked the Primary. They showed no mercy as they poured their armor piercing rounds into the vehicle. The attack and the response to it, lasted only seconds.

Traffic on Interstate 95 ground to a halt, as the men and women from the protection group got out of their cars and formed a protective shield around the primary vehicle.

Within moments, 2 police helicopters were circling overhead, and police vehicles were screaming southbound on the northbound lanes of the highway.

Police do what they always do when they arrive at a crime scene. They yell out those famous words, "PUT YOUR WEAPONS DOWN."

They received the following reply. "GO FUCK YOURSELF."

Tom shouldered his weapon. He walked towards the lead police car taking out his credentials and holding them out for the police to see. He stopped 15 feet short of his goal.

"Who's in charge here?"

A sergeant said, "I am. What the fuck happened here?"

"Why don't you take half a dozen of your best men with you, and take a look. No harm will come to you or your men. Oh, you better put out an announcement this road is going to be closed for about six hours. The coroner is going to have a field day."

"Do you realize what this is going to do to rush hour?"

"We didn't start this; we were on our way to the airport when it happened."

"Give me the short version."

"Two SUVs bracketed our PRIMARY and opened fire on it. The primary took out the SUV on his right and was helped by two of our rear SUVs. Two of our front SUV's and one of our rear SUV's took out their vehicle on the left. It was a suicide mission pure and simple.

From the look of the primary car, they did not use armor piercing rounds, but they had to know that car was armored. When we went after them, we used our armor piercing rounds, and it went through their SUVs like cheesecake. Two vehicles going against an armor plated car, using a high-powered machine-gun, expecting a quick kill. They knew they were dead men before they started the mission. Either these men were stupid, or they were very sick and were going to die soon anyhow."

"Who the hell is in the primary vehicle?"

"William Zabo Junior, Patrick Zabo, the new administrator of NASA, Holden Luck, Richard Luck and their driver, Hernando Valesquez. Hernando did one hell of a job as soon as the attack started. He took both Op-Force SUV's out of play instantly. That man is getting a raise."

"99% of the time sheer boredom, 1% absolute terror. That's what we get paid for, that 1%."

"That's what we train for every day. Unfortunately, you guys can't do it. You have other work to do, we don't. We trained to protect the people in the Primary Vehicle, and others like them. Do you want to take a guess at how many men we have protecting that car and others of their rank?"

"From what I can see you have almost 24 here today."

"There are another 10 you can't see. They are interspersed among the crowded cars looking for someone that doesn't look right. Someone close, with a bomb that could ruin our day. Trust me, no one will start moving, until you guys say so. By that time, we will be long gone."

"You can't leave. You all have to be deposed, and statements have to be taken."

"Are you a betting man sergeant?"

"I have been known to drop a dollar or two."

"I will bet you one dollar all 39 of us are out of here in less than two hours. Your Governor will call your Mayor. Your Mayor will call your Chief of Police, and orders will come down the line for us to leave. Notarized statements will be returned to you by the day after tomorrow. If you have any other questions, we will do them by videoconference. My team and I have nothing to hide. Mister William Zabo Junior will testify that we were attacked, because he was in the primary car with the three boys. No one in this country from the President down, will argue about that man's veracity."

"I know the name Zabo, but I can't place it."

"Do you remember the spacecraft that took off a year ago December?"

"Oh yes, now I remember. He was the older gentleman, and 2 of his sons are in that car?"

"Two of his sons, and two of the primary scientists who are building the Good Luck 2. They are Even Luck's son's."

"How did the perps know they were in that car? All your vehicles look exactly the same."

"We just left the ballpark watching the Sun's play. They may have watched us line up as we left the parking lot. It's only a short run from the ballpark to the airport, so we didn't play the games we normally do, when we are on the road. I can guarantee you that's going to change."


"What did you find guys?"

"Each car had a driver, and two shooters, Sarge. The driver on the right caught three in the chest, and I don't think they'll find a heart or the left lung inside him.

The front seat shooter had a short-barrel automatic rifle. His magazine was half full when he bought the farm. He caught so many rounds in his chest and stomach, he has no back.