Darla's Games Day 03


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I struggled and tugged to get the skirt up over my hips. It was a battle and I was afraid I was going to rip the skirt in two getting it up. Finally, I worked it over my hips to my waist. No way that this was going to work. I could tell even without the pointing and laughter of Farin and Rebecca that my pussy was showing. I tugged it back down and Farin knelt with the bottom of the skirt.

She laughed again. "You better go lower. Well, unless you want everyone to see your stuff."

I tugged again until the skirt rested on my hips, stretched so much I worried for the strength of the elastic. I could feel, as I ran my finger around back of me, that the top of my ass cheeks, right where the "ass cleavage" starts was exposed. There was no helping that. The skirt in this position hung about 2 inches below the bottom of my ass cheeks. I think if I bent at the knees, my ass would pop out in back. It was that short.

Of course, it flowed as a cheerleading skirt flows, mostly. Three different colored pleats one on the other, which would have hung loosely on the right sized girl. On me, however, the bottom pleat clung like lycra. I didn't even know if I could walk in this damned thing.

"This totally sucks. I'm going to be flashing the whole school. That is totally against the rules and you two know it." I told them, hoping to elicit fear of Jill to my side.

"Nice try." Farin smiled at me. "Darla even got Jill's approval so deal." She eyed me up and down. "The boots really don't go with that. I mean, really, it's a fashion tragedy."

Rebecca laughed.

"After gym, wear your tennis shoes, here is a pair of socks." She handed me some bobby socks and I put them in my bookbag. "Keep the cell on you, we sewed a pocket in the front." She took the cell out of the skirt pocket from Rebecca's bag and pulled my skirt front up. As tight as it was, she had no trouble yanking the bottom up to bare my pussy. She tucked the phone inside a little pocket sewn into the front inside of the skirt and I realized that I would have to either dig in there or flip it up to retrieve the phone if it rang.

"Picture time!" Farin exclaimed with glee. She pulled out her phone and started snapping pics, first of me just standing there, then she had me pull up my skirt to show my bald pussy. Then she had me bend over and hold my cheeks open so she could get a picture of DARLA going down my ass crack. As I held my cheeks open in this position, I allowed a couple of tears to fall, unable to hold them back as I hoped it would be private.

"Okay, all done." Farin laughed with a swat on my bare ass. I stood up and quickly wiped away any sign of my tears before turning around to face them.

Rebecca zipped up her bag and left the stall. Farin locked the door behind her and leaned into me and whispered in my ear. Her sudden move alarmed me and I was ready to back away, but she grabbed me, her left hand on the back of my neck and her right hand on my bare ass under my skirt. "I have wanted you so long Carrie. You can't imagine. I hope we can be friends after this is all over." She was whispering so Rebecca wouldn't hear. Then she sucked my earlobe and let it drift from her mouth.

She flushed. Then she opened the door and left without another word. I was left wondering what the hell that was all about. I guess in a way it was obvious, but I didn't really think there were such things as lesbians at the time. Besides, Farin had many boyfriends over the past years.

I shook the thought from my head and stepped out to look in the mirror. I turned sideways and bent at the waist, just to test the point where my pussy would be visible. I got a good judgment call on it and pulled the bottom back down. I then turned my attention in the mirror to the two closed stalls. I kicked them one at a time. They had been empty all along. Thank God.

I decided to stay in the bathroom until it was time to go to homeroom. I waited for the bell. I wondered what they had done with Julie and hoped she wasn't going to hate me forever. I wished I hadn't gotten her into this. I mean, obviously she wasn't into it like I was, but ... well, I was concerned. I was a cheerleader. I looked in the mirror and sighed. I so wanted to vomit.

The bell rang finally and I instantly realized the flaw in my plan. Right now, the halls would be full of students hurrying to their home rooms and I would actually get more attention instead of less. The alternative was to show up late for class and make an entrance where every eye would be fixed on me as I came inside.

I looked at myself in the mirror again. I looked like such a slut. My brown hair hung straight down, framing my face, falling front and back of my shoulders, just a few inches beyond them. My face was the only part of me that didn't look completely out of place. My green eyes were bloodshot, I wondered if there would be a day in the next fifty-three that I would not be reduced to tears.

The sweater totally showed off not only my breasts, but my lack of bra as well. They were pulled apart somewhat by the stretched material, but the spilled outward from the lack of any support. I gave a small bounce to test it and realized just how perverted I looked. I tried to will my nipples to deflate, but it only seemed to encourage them to mock my efforts by pushing out at the sweater and demand attention.

My skirt was so short, I would have never worn such a thing with panties under it, much less in my current condition. I lifted it and stared at my naked pubic region. It was so bare it made me look so slutty. And that is how I felt. My pussy looked back at me in the mirror and I could almost hear it calling me to touch it again. I wanted an orgasm so badly, in spite of everything, I needed to cum.

I shuddered and dropped my skirt. I turned and looked at the back over my shoulder. This was not going to be easy. I decided to just get it over with and holding my backpack in my hand, I slung it over my back on one shoulder and headed for the door.

As I opened the door, all my nightmares came to life. The open mouthed stares as I walked down the halls. I had always dressed rather conservatively in school. My shortest skirt, before they had all been destroyed, was knee length. People gasped aloud as I tried my best, for a change, NOT to wiggle my ass as I walked. I wanted no more attention than necessary on this voyage.

I was extremely aware of my perpetually erect nipples and noticed eyes held there by the mesmerizing bounce of my breasts with every step. I felt like running home and crying myself back to sleep, but I couldn't do that forever, and this 'treatment' wasn't going to change for a long time. So, I did my best to smile.

As I smiled and blocked out the whispers, the pointed fingers, even the wolf whistle, I started to feel something besides embarrassment. I felt a twinge of a rush. I felt empowered a little. Somehow this manner of dress held me in control of the entire hall. I imagined for a minute that I could somehow control them all and make them beat the hell out of Rebecca and Farin for me, their queen. I laughed to myself, and saw my breasts bounce.

I stopped laughing and regained control of such images. I pulled my backpack off my shoulder and held it to my chest as I rounded the corner. There was my homeroom class, three doors up on the right. There was my locker, next to Julie's after a few trades with other classmates. There were all the seniors in the school, up and down this hallway.

I backed up around the corner where I couldn't be seen and stood with my back flat against the wall. I clinched my eyes shut and hugged my backpack tight to my chest. I wanted to die rather than make this walk.

The boys and girls I passed earlier, I didn't know, a bunch of underclass kids. I didn't care about them. But here, these were my people. These were the people I laughed with, cried with sometimes, even cheered with for our football team. They all knew how I felt about cheerleaders and I was about to become the biggest hypocrite any of my friends had ever seen.

I thought so hard I felt I would explode. How was I going to play this off? What would I tell them when the inevitable questions arose of why I was dressed like those I had always expressed my greatest disdain for? I thought back to our freshman year, Julie and I had been closest friends even then, BFF. We had known each other since elementary school.

She had wanted to try out for the cheerleaders then. As I said earlier, I had convinced her not to. She had always followed my lead, though I never would claim myself anyone's leader. No, I was the eternal outsider, popular with my schoolmates because I was attractive, entertaining and was, without exception, true only to myself.

Who was I kidding now? I screamed follower with every fiber of my being now. Maybe I could play it off as a joke. But that wouldn't last beyond one day or two, then people would really start to question my association with the cheerleaders. Well, one day is better than none. I shook off my inhibitions and pasted a smile on my face.

I took a bold step around the corner right down the middle of the hall. I wasn't going to evade attention by hiding off to the side anyway, so what the hell? I could play this off for today. I stepped into the aisle and was suddenly thrilled I was wearing my signature boots. It would help me maintain the façade.

I wasn't going to walk down quietly, I was going to get all their attention as if it were my plan all along. HA! I'd like to see how Farin deals with that. I stepped forward loudly, letting my boots click onto the tiled floor with each step. I stepped with my forward foot crossing my center to the other side so I was sure to shake my ass with every step.

I realized my backpack was no longer clung to my chest, but dangling, swinging from my side in my hand. I casually tossed it over my shoulder and began strutting down the middle of the hall like a runway model.

It took a second to catch on. At first, most of the others continued their conversation, but then, it started with John from the football team, dropping his bag on the floor with a loud crash. As if that got everyone's attention, I smiled at him and batted my eyelashes and said in my best cheerleader voice imitation, "Hi John!" I gave a little cupped hand wave to him and his jaw dropped.

I kept parading down the center of the hall and saw Sara and Gina over on the left side. They were friends of mine. They stopped in mid conversation with their mouths agape and I walked right over to them. "What do you think?" I asked and gave a little twirl, not enough to make the skirt fly up and show my ass, but enough to get the entire hallway's eyes hoping it would happen. Who knows, I probably did flash a peek of ass.

They gaped, not knowing what to think. I stood then, and arched my back and pushed my breasts forward right at them. I knew this was dangerous as I felt the skirt rise and bounce off the bottom of my ass. I cocked my head to the side and batted my eyelashes.

"What?" I said. "I'm a cheerleader." And I started laughing really hard. I just hoped it didn't sound as forced as it really was.

It worked though. It worked so well, I mentally congratulated myself on the brilliance of my plan. They started laughing and then pretty much anyone who knew me started laughing along.

"Oh my God Carrie." Sara said. "What in the hell? Where did you even get that?" She asked through eyes tear filled with laughter.

"I joined the squad silly!" I laughed back.

And things were normal. Yes, I looked like a complete slut-cheerleader, but I pulled it off.

"I can't wait until Julie sees!" Gina laughed.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Farin. She had lost the mirth she had earlier. She looked sad. I almost felt bad for her. Then I saw her calling on her phone and stomping down the hall towards the bathrooms. I felt a twinge of fear, but I wasn't going to let this stop my control of the situation.

I looked at the clock, it was about a minute before the bell would ring, so Gina, Sara and I bounced together into homeroom. I felt my boobs bouncing around and it just made me do it harder. We turned the corner and went to our assigned seats, Gina to my left and Sara to her left. We pretty much had that row once Cat and Jen sat down. The AEP. It stood for anti-establishment punks, because some cheerleader had called us that once when the six of us played a prank at a football game. It stuck, we liked it.

I flopped down in my chair. I wondered instantly, where was Julie? About fifteen seconds later, she showed up. She was wearing a normal size cheerleader's outfit and I instantly felt miserable. She was smiling. Like I said before, she wanted this back in our Freshman year and I had convinced her that cheerleaders were stupid and petty and had fed that into her for the last three years.

She was almost glowing and I knew what was coming next. As Gina and Sara saw her they started laughing again. "Oh no, not you too Julie!" Sara laughed.

Julie caught my eye and we stared at each other. What was there to say? I suddenly felt so sad, I wanted to cry, but of course, I didn't want to betray the reality of my state of dress, so I just smiled at her sadly and she looked at me, equally sadly for a moment, before joining in the laughter of the other two as if it was all a big joke to her too.

She wiggled and jumped all the way to her seat and sat down and crossed her legs. I realized then that my knees were pressed tight together and sideways, towards her. I looked over at her and she wasn't laughing anymore. She must have felt my stare, because she finally turned her head towards me and looked at me.

"You look like a slut." She said and laughed.

I just looked at her eyes. I suddenly wished I hadn't made a big joke out of being a cheerleader. I wished I had just let them all condemn me for the traitorous whore I am and maybe that would have let Julie off the hook to enjoy being what I had held in such contempt for so long.

A tear released out of my right eye, and I didn't bother to wipe it away. I suddenly felt guilty for crushing her dreams for so many years. I guess it took that for me to realize how much it meant to her. I mouthed to her "I'm sorry." And I let a dozen more tears fall. My vision blurred with the wetness of my tears, I finally reached into my backpack and took out a tissue and wiped my eyes.

For her part, Julie looked taken aback. She didn't understand why I was sorry and I wasn't sure I could ever explain it to her without her getting angry and defensive and professing her loathing of cheerleaders all the more. I gathered myself together and she mouthed, 'what's wrong'. I just mouthed back, 'its nothing'. I gave her a fake smile and turned back to the front of the classroom.

Just then, I felt a light buzzing in my skirt. I rolled my eyes as Ms. Galler started calling out names for attendance. I reached between my legs and pushed the phone out of its pocket and clinching my knees tightly back together, opened the phone in my lap.

There was a picture of Darla. Then words began to cross the screen. Jill says nice job keep up the good work. I smiled. It looked like my ploy wasn't going to get me in trouble. Still you made my sister cry You are about to be punished.

I gritted my teeth. Damn. I tried to listen for my name while reading the scrolling words. Borrow a pen from Julie. This seemed stupid, but okay. I leaned over to her and whispered. "Jules, you got an extra pen?"

She smiled at me and dug in her backpack and handed me one. I typed back 'OK got it'.

The letters began to move again. Stick it in your pussy and get it wet, stir it around.

I blushed horribly, but dared not disobey. I slid the pen discreetly between my legs, under my skirt and then into my still wet pussy. The lid was still on so I could move it with my thighs without keeping my hand down there. I typed back 'OK'.

Now, take it out and shove it up your asshole.

I shook. I typed as fast as I could, "Please no".

Don't fuck with my sister again, do it little girl.

I looked around to make sure I wasn't being watched. I listened for the names and as mine came up, responded, "Here." Then, as everyone still had their eyes on the teacher or their books, or anything besides me, I reached between my legs and eased the pen out and then, pushing my hips forward, I began poking it towards my virginal anus and had a great deal of difficulty finding it by feel alone.

I finally centered the tip on the rosebud hole and pushed. The lubrication of my pussy helped, but not as much as I would have liked. It was a struggle, especially as my asshole kept involuntarily trying to push it back out as it broke all former rules of 'exit only'.

I gritted my teeth and pushed harder and the pen finally slid past the barrier my body held against such an intrusion. The angle was very uncomfortable as the protruding pen forced me to sit back, but I closed my legs tight and leaned back.

It was extremely uncomfortable and embarrassing. I typed back "it is in."

Take a picture and send it to me.

I typed furiously. 'someone will see the flash'.

Not my problem

I looked around again and stuck the phone down under my skirt. Roll call seemed over and the teacher stopped talking as the morning messages came in over the intercom. As the crackling voice said something about the game this Saturday, I clicked the picture button. I heard the click and it sounded so loud to me, I looked around wildly to see who else had noticed. No one seemed to and with my left hand in my lap to block what my right hand was doing, I pushed the send button on the phone.

I pulled the phone back into my lap and looked at the screen. The picture wasn't that good, but you could see the pen there, obviously sticking into my ass, though my asshole wasn't visible. Then a single word flashed on the screen. Deeper

I looked over, Julie looked at me inquisitively and I just smiled and shuffled my notebook out of my bag and tossed it onto the table. Using the distraction with my left hand, I shifted my right between my legs and pushed the pen, gritting my teeth against the uncomfortable friction of it sliding in.

I knew what was coming next, so I wasted no time in asking, I just slid the camera under and snapped off another picture and hit send.

Letting a minute pass to avoid attraction at my fidgeting at my skirt, I finally fished the phone out and looked at the screen. Deeper

I sighed deeply and looking over at Julie, our eyes met and I gave her a smile. I mouthed to her 'what?' And she laughed and mouthed back 'what what?'

Then the teacher started talking with the end of the announcements and we returned our attention to the front of the class. I took the distracting opportunity as everyone shuffled their papers, reached down and grabbed the pen and pushed hard. I bit my lip against the intrusiveness of it and barely contained a groan as I had pushed, perhaps too hard and the pen was now well over half way up my ass.

I snuck another picture and sent it. A half minute later I looked down to see the next message. Take it out, get your own pen and return that one to Julie

I froze. That was so gross. I pulled it out easily enough and pulled it into my lap. She didn't say I couldn't so I took the tissue I had used to dry my eyes earlier and using the dampness of my tears, I wiped the pen off as much as I could.

I pulled my bag up to my lap and shuffled around and pulled out a pen. I brandished it for Julie's benefit, then offered her back her own. 'Thanks anyway' I mouthed.

This whole time I had pretty well blocked out anything the teacher had said. She was still rambling on about something when I guess she noted me giving the pen back to Julie and she called on me. "Carrie?"