Darla's Games Day 03


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"You have to come with me okay? I can't wait. What am I going to wear?"

(I know, right now you are probably sick of the excitement, relax, consider it a peek into girl talk and just deal.)

"I'm not sure if I should go, but I would guess you will be wearing your uniform." I laughed. "The party is usually straight from the game. Besides, guys like these uniforms." I scrunched my nose up and raised my lip and stuck my tongue out.

Julie laughed. "You must come with me. Please. Come on, I don't want to be all alone in case he like blows me off or something."

"Are you kidding Jules? You're hot, he'd be an idiot to blow you off." Did I just call my best friend hot?

"Yeah, whatever." She laughed. "You are coming, I don't care what you say."

"Maybe." I laughed.

"No!" She turned on me and really took me by surprise. "Carrie..." She looked me in the eyes, those pleading jade green eyes, puppy dog eyes I called them. I felt some heartfelt request coming and I couldn't take that right now.

"Fine! I'll come." I gave in.

We laughed and talked about what we would wear for awhile. Although, I still felt like my idea about the cheerleading uniform was what was expected. Then, Farin walked in and, though I hadn't noticed her before, I felt her stare and I looked up and saw her staring at us.

The bell would ring shortly. I could tell she wanted to sit with us. She looked so alone as she took her regular seat about as far away from us as you could possibly sit. Well, she wasn't really alone, she sat with one of the other cheerleaders. I needed a break to be honest, maybe I'd invite her tomorrow if she behaved.

So, all during social studies class, Julie and I traded notes back and forth and giggled about the party on Friday night. At some point, I thought that I might need to get Darla's permission to go, but things seemed easy with her this morning when I asked for a ride, so I hoped she'd be cool with it. It would really suck if I couldn't go the party now that I had promised Jules. In the back of my head, I knew I there was something about Friday night, but honestly, I just couldn't recall what it was.

By the end of class, neither of us had a clue what the class had been about. We got up and started heading towards fourth period, Biology. Farin was in that class too and she waved us down as she came out of social studies to wait up for her. I didn't really want to, but I also didn't want to face the issues if I didn't.

So, the three of us headed down the hallway together, laughing and talking like Julie and I hadn't hated her yesterday. I wondered if Farin was going to try to join us at our table. It was usually pairs for all the science projects and if she tried to edge Julie out as my partner, there was going to be an issue.

Julie and I broke off from Farin as we entered the room. She smiled brightly and went to her usual desk with her partner from the squad. I was actually paying attention to the teacher for the first time today when my phone buzzed. Julie, who couldn't stop beaming and whispering about her upcoming date with Chad, heard the buzzing and looked for the source. I rolled my eyes wondering how I was going to get the phone out of my skirt without drawing her attention to it.

As if in answer to my dilemma, a boy at the table in front of us dropped a test tube with a resounding crash. Without even looking at my lap, I reached under the desk and flipped the bottom of my skirt inside out to get to the buzzing phone. I opened it, but didn't look at the screen yet. I just left it sitting there open between my legs.

As the drama of the broken test tube relaxed, I looked down to the phone. Time for number 5

There was no misunderstanding of the meaning. I quickly typed back, 'Impossible here'.

I glanced up at Julie and she was aptly paying attention as the teacher gave instructions of the experiment we were going to do today. With apprehension in every part of my being, I glanced back at the phone.

Not my problem

This was far enough. Honestly, it had been far enough long ago and I was done. I typed back 'No. I don't care about the bet, do what you have to.' And I closed the phone.

It buzzed away again and I opened it and closed it again to stop the buzzing. Three more times it happened, I didn't even look at the message. I just opened the phone and shut it. No way on earth I was going to masturbate under an open desk next to my best friend. I took an extra step of rebellion and turned the phone off.

The buzzing, of course, ceased after that. I paid attention to class, with the wheels turning in my mind, wondering what Darla was going to do to me when she caught me. It was a stupid trap anyway. I never would have bet at all if I had realized that she meant to do all this nonsense. Angrier than I had been in the last two days, I concentrated on the assignment and soon Julie and I had achieved the desired blue color in our test tube.

The bell rang and we started heading out of class. We grabbed our bags and headed down the hall to store them before lunch. On the way out the door, I saw Farin taking her time to pack up her things and then she started walking over to us.

"You want to join us at our table for lunch today?" She smiled at Julie and I, though she looked more at me.

This was a problem. Julie and I were expected with our friends at our usual table. Eating with the cheerleaders was going to blow my whole 'this thing is a joke' routine and my position of leadership of the AEP was in grave danger. Not that I took that role seriously or anything, but the balance of my position in the whole school system was in deep jeopardy right now.

I also knew that the request was a demand. It wasn't really an option. I really didn't have a choice in the matter and perhaps, for Julie's sake, it was best this way anyhow. "Sure." I smiled. And glancing over, I could tell Julie was thrilled at the opportunity.

It was as bad as I expected. Gina, Sara, Cat and Jen were sitting with all of our regular 'crew' at our table. They waved excitedly at me. "Woohoo, looking good cheerleaders!" Julie and I laughed and went over to them. I had to think fast. "Hey, we are going to sit with them today and we'll fill you in on who they talk about behind their backs." I laughed.

Sara laughed and thought it was a great idea, but I got the feeling that Gina, Cat and Jen were far less enthusiastic. It wasn't argued though and Julie and I went over to the cheerleader's table. They all welcomed us and made room for us to sit together. Farin sat next to me on my left, Julie on my right.

"So, welcome to the club!" I don't really want to get into all their names. I mean they all said things and I don't really recall which one said what, so where it isn't important, I'll just leave the name out. Besides, you'll want me to describe them all and between you and me, all cheerleaders look alike. HA!

Julie and I found ourselves quickly involved in the dialog. I thought we would be kind of to ourselves, but it wasn't that way at all. I was in the middle of telling an animated story about a dog that had wandered into my house when Farin put her hand on my thigh.

For my part, I continued on with the story and more as a way of hiding what was happening from Jules than to encourage her activities, I scooted forward and blocked Julie's view with my right arm.

"So, I am standing there in the living room and this dog is just looking at me, like I invited the damned thing in."

Her hand moved higher and I felt her fingertip brush against my clit. I jumped a little.

"And I open the door and the dog won't leave. I was calling and whistling and running through about twenty doggy names and the furbag doesn't get it."

She pushed deeper, pressing her ring finger into my pussy and her pinky played with my clit. Oh God that feels so good, she so needs to stop.

"So finally, I go to the kitchen and I'm leaning down to try and find a hot dog or something to lure it out with."

She is fingering me now, I can't look at her. My face is flushed, it must be. My nipples are poking out like they have all day. I swear I feel sweat forming on my forehead.

"And the damned dog jumps up on my ass and tries to hump me." I laughed and elicited a round of howling laughter from everyone at the table.

She slides a second finger into me alongside the first. Oh please don't make me cum! She is pushing me so close now, too close. Her finger is like magic on my clit.

"So I jump away from him and grab a hole bag of hot dogs and throw them out the door to get rid of the sex crazed monster." I laugh more, I hope there wasn't a moan mixed in there.

She just keeps going, faster and faster, bringing me so close. Where am I in the story? I don't want to mess up.

"So, it's pretty simple, boys are like dogs, just feed them and they forget all about sex."

The table starts roaring with laughter and I clinch my fists to fight the urge to cum and she slowly slides her hand away, leaving me panting.

I laugh and turn to look into her eyes. Farin is smiling. Her eyes aren't showing malice at all, quite the contrary. I growl at her and then turn back to the table and laugh a bit more.

She then makes a show of sticking her fingers in her mouth for my benefit. She sucks on them really hard. I shudder and look away. She smiles.

Across the table and down five people is Rebecca. She claps. Too loud. "I always knew the dogs liked you Carrie." She laughed, but didn't get many in return. "Oh come on, I'm joking." She added quickly. I looked into her eyes. She was furious. That little comment of hers had cost her dearly in the dangerously teetering balance of control of the cheerleaders. I flashed a wide smile. She made the universal sign for a blowjob at me.

"Anyway." Rebecca cleared her throat and all eyes went to her. "Welcome to the squad, our newest members. We have practice Tuesday and Thursday after school and we pretty much all hit the gym on Monday and Wednesday. So kiss your lives goodbye." They all laughed and she smiled.

Julie and I looked at each other and it just occurred to us both, we had a problem.

"What?" Rebecca asked, she had noted the exchange.

"Julie and I take the bus." I explained. "I don't know if we can get a ride every night."

"Honey," Karen broke in, "You are a cheerleader now. We look out for each other. You always have a ride."

The other girls all agreed and Julie smiled brighter than I think I have ever seen her smile before. The guilt came on me like a ton of bricks.

"Okay, but we can't make it tonight. Oh, and we have detention Wednesday, so we'll be late." I laughed.

"Who gave you detention?" Britney asked.

"Miss Galler," I answered, "But she is cool. I doubt we will be long."

"Yeah, I like her." Agreed Courtney. (Okay, so I am throwing the names out now, but I am absolutely not going to describe them all. Long blonde hair, blue eyes, big boobs, that defines the majority of them)

We finished up lunch and were about to head off to the door to go to fourth period when Farin asked Jill if she could borrow me for a few minutes. Jill agreed and headed out with a group of the girls towards Biology. Farin and I were both in that class too.

"What's up?" I asked her, trying to pretend she hadn't just masturbated me to a near orgasm.

She looked into my eyes. "You'll see. Let's go."

Rebecca got up to join us and Farin looked at her. "Not this time Bec, I'll see you later okay?"

Rebecca looked disappointed, but didn't question as Farin led me off to the hallway. We headed down the other end of school from our lockers and the class we had to get to. She practically pulled me into the girl's room down there and led me into a stall and locked the door.

She grabbed my face in her hands, firmly, but gently and pulled my face to hers. She kissed me. Actually, she was making out with me. She opened her mouth and stuck out her tongue and pressed it against my own. She sucked on my upper lip as she swished her tongue all around mine.

I felt obliged to kiss her back, so I did. I pressed my tongue into her mouth and tilted my head and wrapped my arms around her. I felt her hand go under my skirt to squeeze my naked ass. Her other hand was on my breast, squeezing it and feeling me up. I didn't really have as much interest in this as her, but I did squeeze her ass in return.

She started rubbing against my thigh. Sliding her panty covered pussy up and down, building up friction. I slid my left hand into her hair and kissed her back harder. She was going to cum on my leg and I knew it. So, I helped her get there quicker. She moaned into my mouth and I felt her start to shake all over. Soon, I was kissing her through an orgasm and sure enough, I felt her wetness on my thigh.

She just held on tight and rode it out on my leg. Finally, she finished and she softly kissed my lips over and over again. Then she sunk to her knees and started licking the spot on my thigh where she had left her juices. It was a very exciting feeling, it got me quite turned on.

Then, we heard the bell ring. She stayed there, holding my ass in her hands and licking my thigh. She looked up at me. "Want to cut class?" She asked.

I looked down at her and smiled. "Hey, no, let's not, we have plenty of time to spend together. I mean, we will."

She faked a pout and then smiled. "You're right. I just got a little Carried away I guess."

I helped her to her feet and we kissed softly again and made our way out and fixed ourselves in the mirrors before leaving the bathroom. She had selected this one because we were least likely to be interrupted at this time of day in this bathroom, but now we had a long walk to our lockers and back down to our respective, and thankfully separate, classes.

Well, we ran in the halls holding hands. And no one caught us. And my breasts were bouncing all over the place. We grabbed our bags from our lockers and ran in different directions. I made it to class just as the last bell rang and I joined Julie in our usual seats for Spanish V.

It was the greatest relief of my day. The class was boring, but it was just what I needed at the time. No disruptions and no stupid tasks. Just me and Jules babbling in broken Spanish. The forty-five minute class was way too short in my mind and before I knew it, my concerns crept back on me again. We had gym for sixth period and Rebecca and Farin would be there with most of the cheerleading squad. Top that off with Sara, Gina, Cat and Jen in attendance and a possible devastation course was plotted.

I walked with Julie past the nurse's office and seriously contemplated faking a sudden illness brought on by cafeteria food. There, ahead of us, however, already having seen me in perfect health, were Rebecca and Farin and the rest of the squad waiting for my arrival. "Hey Carrie! Hi Julie!" They all greeted us and I saw the menacing smile on Rebecca's face as we approached them. To the right, just as the confrontation seemed a certainty, emerged my friends Sara and Cat and I waved cheerfully at them.

"Guess what?" I exclaimed, tugging a reluctant Julie behind me to join them in the walk down to the locker rooms.

"You get pom poms?" laughed Cat. God, I loved her sense of humor, but this wasn't the time to bash the cheerleaders.

"Chad asked Jules out after the game!" I exclaimed. And finally Julie stopped tugging away from me and smiled at Sara and Cat.

"Woohoo, you go girl!" Cat congratulated her.

"About time he took notice of something worth seeing!", Sara joined in, a not-so-cleverly hidden remark about the cheerleaders standing and finally turning towards the locker rooms themselves.

Rebecca, the captain, in case I hadn't mentioned it before, took that moment to chime in. "Hey, that's great Julie, congratulations. Chad is cute!"

I eyed her to see where she was going. I just knew Rebecca wasn't sincere, but nothing to be done at the moment as she forced her way into our group and we ended up, oddly enough, descending the steps together, AEP and the cheerleaders.

Somehow, and though I saw it happening, I couldn't understand how she pulled it off, Rebecca worked herself and me behind the rest and grabbed my wrist roughly to hold me back as they talked together, descending the stairs and turning the corner out of sight.

Rebecca looked up and down the corridor and then grabbed my shoulders and slammed me back against the wall. She is bigger than me, like I said, I'm pretty short and she is about 5'7", but it never would have happened if I had been on guard. Still, my head hit the wall rather painfully and I was about to throw a punch when she whispered, but in a very angry tone.

"You stupid cunt! I have the pics, want them sent? Don't ever disobey me again. Now, instead of 5 today, you can have 6 and since there is little of the day left, you best do one now and one after gym. You don't and I am telling Darla."

I almost laughed. Darla hadn't sent the message earlier. I was relieved, but I didn't want this bitch to know that. She had her weight leveraged against my shoulders, but my hands were free and I reached behind her skirt and yanked it right up to show her panties.

"Nice panties Beck", laughed one of the guys from the football team who had just rounded the corner and began trudging down the stairs to gym. She screeched and pulled away from me in a huff. "Do it or you'll be sorry." She warned and stomped away.

The guy who had made the comment was Neil, a receiver. He laughed, and I laughed with him. "What the hell was that all about?" He asked me.

"She still thinks I am afraid of cheerleaders." I laughed.

"You would think she'd know better by now." Neil laughed back.

"Yeah, but you know how cheerleaders are..." I giggled.

We started walking down the stairs together. "So tell me how are you?" He nudged his elbow at my ribs and made me laugh again.

I put on my most serious voice I could muster, one with airs of being above such things. "I am not a cheerleader. I am just dressed like one."

We laughed all the way down to where the boys and girls divide and I turned into the most devastating of places for a teenage girl... the Locker Room.

Even though the diversion was short, Julie had already changed into her gym shorts and shirt by the time I got down to my locker. A reality hit me like a bus. I had nothing on under my skirt and top. The whole aisle was going to see this. I felt it was pretty common knowledge about my lack of bra what with my boobs bouncing around and my nipples poking out all day, but the panty department was a little different.

I thought quick as I threw my bag in my locker and closed the door. "Hey Jules, I have to go the bathroom, meet you in the gym."

"K, see ya!" She waved and headed out to join the others as I stealthed away into the bathroom and into the stall at the end. I sat there, waiting for everyone to leave, it was taking forever. Well, I thought to myself, as long as I am here...

I listened intently for sounds in the bathroom, but everyone was in the locker room or heading to the gym. I quickly lifted my skirt and spread my feet and worked my pussy. I drew a finger tip up and down my lips, watching them separate far too readily. I had been wet all day, so in about twenty seconds, I was hammering away at my clit and pussy, eyes closed, speeding straight for the orgasm I had been desperate to get since this morning.

I was plunging my hand in and out and thinking how great it was that nobody was here to stop me this time. I thought of Jill, of that asshole Rick, of Brad (an asshole, but he was still cute) and then of Greg, then to Farin and finally back to Jill. My orgasm was rushing in, I wasn't going to stop. My heart was pounding, my chest heaving as my lungs expanded and deflated to get more oxygen into my system. Jill, that perfect kiss. I wonder what it would be like to kiss Julie? CRASH! I yanked my hand away at the last second. Where the hell did that thought come from? My mouth dropped and I just sat there, dumbfounded by that errant vision that popped into my head.