Dawn: A Cheating Slut Wife


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Frank told me the contact said the six people discussed the class, their families and appeared to be very comfortable with each other. They paid their own expenses, they did not sit beside the same person at each meal, and they talked to everyone in the group. This group has been together for a long time. Outside the hotel rooms they were friends inside the hotel room they partied. The last thing Frank told me was to decide what I wanted to do about Dawn and the others in this group.

Next I called Mike Davidson, my attorney and asked him for the name of the best Divorce Attorney in the state. I gave him a brief update and he told me he would have Dave Ford call me.

I checked into my hotel room and called Dawn to let her know I arrived safely in St. Louis. Then I called Fred to confirm our golf outing.

Around 9:30pm Frank called to check on me. I told him I'd given his name to my attorney and Mike was going to call Dave Ford for me. Frank laughed and said "Dave Ford's name alone would scare the shit out of any attorney Dawn contacted." I'm ready for this to end, only this time I'd be the one shitting on them. I believe in fair play but if you shit on me I'll make you regret the day you met me. They want to play hardball, then I'm ready to show them how well I can play.

All day Tuesday was spent with Fred on the golf course. We played 36 holes of golf, smoked 2 cigars each, drank a case of beer and had dinner at the club.

Frank called me around 1pm Wednesday wanting to know my schedule. I informed I was free the rest of the day and would drive home Thursday morning.

Dave Ford called me about 2pm and I got him up to speed. He was glad to hear how I was proceeding. He said Frank's company was one of the best. Dave wanted to know what I wanted to do. "If Dawn is cheating on me I want a divorce. I have to wait on Frank's group to finish the investigation before I can say how bad I want Dawn and her group to hurt. Go ahead and start preparing divorce papers charging her with adultery." Our discussion continued about gathering evidence at her next class and if I was up to acting normal for months. Dave informed me in Georgia I could obtain a no-fault divorce quicker and cheaper than charging her with adultery. Since the children were adults I wouldn't gain anything by charging her with adultery. After discussing this with him a little longer I decided I needed to think more about how to handle the divorce.

There was a knock on my door at 9pm Wednesday night; I opened it to find Steve and Frank standing there. Boy was I surprised to see them. I handed them a beer from my cooler asking why they were there. Frank said "I have bad news and devastating news to tell you and I wanted to tell you face to face. Steve does not know what I'm here to tell you. I thought you would need a friend. It's up to you if you want Steve to stay and hear the bad news." I stood there with my mouth open wondering what could be so bad they traveled to St. Louis to tell me. "Yes, I want Steve to stay."

I sat down and looked at Frank. He said "the bad news is we have the lab results back and Dawn was an active participant in the orgy. One bed had evidence of all six being active on the same bed. The girls each had their own bed and our evidence proves each woman entertained all three men on their beds. We identified Dawn by the DNA hair sample we got from your house. BeerMan I'm sorry it turned out this way."

Stunned I sat there trying to comprehend what I heard. I don't know how long I sat there in silence with my eyes closed, my blood boiling, fighting to regain control of my anger.

Slowly I opened my eyes and whispered "What could possibly be worse than my wife being involved in an orgy with 5 other people?"

Frank cleared his throat then said "Two of the men involved are the biological fathers of Kent and Emily. You are not the father of either child."

Bolting from my chair I screamed "WHAT! My children are not mine? That damn slut will pay and I'll be the one collecting. The bitch has been having an affair for over 24 years and playing me for a fool."

They sat there in silence and watched me pace around the room. My mind was going 1000 miles an hour trying to comprehend what I was told. I watched my perfect world collapse around me. What in the world was I going to do now? Never in a million years would I believe Kent and Emily were not my children much less believe Dawn was involved in an affair lasting the length of our marriage. Frank was correct that this was devastating news. One thing for sure is they would pay dearly for this. I would teach them how well I play hardball.

Steve and Frank sat there watching my emotions change from shock, disbelief, confusion, sadness, loneliness, loss, anger, rage and eventually determination. I don't know how long I paced time just seemed to stand still. Now I know why Frank came to St. Louis and brought Steve with him. They were there to support me as well as make sure I didn't do anything stupid.

After I got control, we discussed my options and goals. I told them "all six of the assholes would pay big time for this."

We got very little sleep and I was glad they were with me. Without them I don't know how I'd have been able to drive.

Once we had the evidence we would decide the most painful course of action against them. My divorce from Dawn would be very public and embarrassing for her. Yes, I know I'd be embarrassed too. Soon everyone would know Emily and Kent had different fathers by my lying, cheating slut wife.

In the state of Georgia either party can file for a no-fault divorce. You file, wait 30 days, you're granted a divorce and divide the marital assets. If you file for a divorce on grounds of Adultery it takes months to obtain a court date then you have to prove Adultery occurred. I really wanted to take Dawn to court on charges of Adultery and drag them thought the process. However Steve, Frank and Dave convinced me to go after a no-fault divorce. It would be quicker and cheaper. I'd still be able to embarrass Dawn and her gang. I just had to decide when, where and how.

Back in Atlanta; Steve, Frank, Dave and I met in Frank's conference room to discuss what we knew, what we needed to find out, how to find out and how to make them pay.

"Hey, Frank did Dawn do anything wrong while I was in St. Louis?"

"No. Dawn didn't do anything or have any phone conversations that were inappropriate."

Frank continued "we traced the 'Gang of six' back the past 5 years. Two of the gang always reserved connecting rooms but not the same two each time. Most of the time all six were there and sometimes it varied. There were times when one of the women would be there with the 3 guys. There were always at least 4 of some combination."

This wasn't what I wanted to hear. I slammed my fist on the table shouting "that lying, cheating slut will pay! Frank find out everything you can about the 'Gang of six' including Dawn. Clearly I didn't know the slut. I want to know if they are married, how long, do they have children, in the case of the women were their children fathered by their spouse, do they all work for the same company, where they lived and anything else you could find out."

Armed with Dawn's schedule Frank knew when and where the next class was scheduled. This gave Frank time to develop contacts, devise a plan to plant cameras and bugs in their hotel rooms. Yes, I know this couldn't be used in court but I was going after a no-fault divorce. I needed information.

One thing I learned from Dawn's calendar, she had 3 classes scheduled between now and our 25th wedding anniversary. Our 25th wedding anniversary will be on a Sunday and Dawn will end a class in Orlando on the Friday before it. I looked at the group and said "I want this shit to end the last day of class before our anniversary. I'll not celebrate our anniversary with her and the slut will not like her gift. Gentlemen, this is when I stop being a cuckold to my lying, cheating slut wife and she starts paying for 24 years of being a lying, cheating slut. This is where I turn my pain into their nightmare. Dawn will regret the day she met me. I owe her for being lied to each and everyday for the past 24 years."

A week later we were in Dave's conference room being updated by Frank. George C. Thomas of Richmond, Virginia, Henry S. King of Little Rock, Arkansas, Charles K. Nixon of Columbia, South Carolina, Joyce D. Hopkins of Miami, Florida, Katherine G. Williams of Knoxville, Tennessee and Dawn made up the 'Gang of Six'. They all worked for the same corporation and met in a new employee training program over 24 years ago.

Wednesday following Dawn's last class found Frank, Steve, Dave and I around a conference table. Dawn and Henry had the connecting rooms last week in Washington, DC and all six were there.

We learned the two with connecting rooms slept together. The orgy took place only in the connecting rooms. Discovered the women were all bisexual. On Saturday they drew cards, the highest male and women were the ones who reserved the connecting rooms next time. George and Joyce won and will reserve the connecting rooms in San Diego. The woman (Dawn this time) with the connecting room got to have the first foursome with the men. She received an airtight fucking, one in her ass, one in her pussy and one in her mouth. The women took turns eating cum out of each other. Every man fucked each women and each woman ate out each woman. The men took Viagra and fucked the women for hours. They had contests (blow jobs, hand jobs, eating pussy, etc.) to see who got to do what to whom.

With the exception of the connecting rooms everybody was spread out on different floors of the hotel. You never saw a woman go into or exit a man's hotel room and they never exited from the connecting rooms at the same time. During the week they had meals with others from the class. If you were not looking for something you would never know these people were involved with each other. They spent a lot of time with their classmates during the day and early evening. Around 10pm they would start drifting to the connecting rooms. Sometime after 2am they would start back to their own rooms. The only exceptions to this were Saturday and Thursday nights where all six of them stayed all night in the connecting rooms.

All of their discussions and interactions outside of the connecting rooms were like normal business associates. They discussed where they stayed, where they ate, ballgames they went to, plays they saw, what their children were doing, about their vacations and their spouses. I guess after 24 years it's easy to hide what's going on from the rest of the world.

Once again Frank's agents went in with the cleaning crews. Since the sex was confined to the connecting rooms, collecting and identifying hair and fingerprint samples for each person was simplified. We took sheets from each room for analysis as well as taking samples from the women's soiled panties.

Armed with the DNA evidence we were able to identify George as Emily's sperm donor and Chuck as Kent's sperm donor. Watching all of the unprotected sex they had there was no way Dawn could know who was the father of her children.

George C. Thomas of Richmond, Virginia has been married for 24 years and has 2 adult children all living in the Richmond area. George and his wife will find out shortly that George has another daughter.

Henry S. King of Little Rock, Arkansas has been married for 23 years and has 21 year old twin sons.

Charles K. Nixon of Columbia, South Carolina married his high school sweetheart. They have been married for 25 years and have a son. Chuck is about to discover he is the father of another son.

Joyce D. Hopkins of Miami, Florida is married and will celebrate her 25th wedding anniversary next month. Joyce is the mother of a son 23 years old and a daughter 21.

Katherine G. Williams of Knoxville, Tennessee has been married for 23 years and has 2 daughters and a son.

Everyone in the 'Gang of six' has been married for over 23 years and appears to be as happy as I thought I was before discovering my wife is a lying, cheating slut.

What we would like to know is if any of the 3 men is the father of any of Joyce's or Katherine's children. Odds are they are the biological father to at least one of their children. I bet their spouses would like to know the answer to that question. Frank hopes to know this by next Wednesday. How he plans to find out I don't have a clue.

Wednesday at Dave's office was a short meeting. First Frank told us the Orlando class is only a 3 day class. "Can you believe it? The slut plans on spending Thursday and Friday getting fucked before our anniversary! That bitch doesn't have any respect for me at all. Damn it the bitch is going to pay!"

After giving me time to calm down; Frank said "Beerman you're not the only spouse with children fathered by another man. Henry is the biological father of Joyce's daughter and Katherine's son. George and Chuck are the sperm donors for Katherine's two daughters. Can you believe it Joyce is the only woman to have at least one of her children fathered by her spouse?"

Henry is the biological father of Joyce's daughter and Katherine's son. George is the biological father of Emily and one of Katherine's daughters. Chuck is the biological father of Kent and one of Katherine's daughters. Man I need a flow chart.

I guess because I know my marriage is over and I've gone through the stages of grief I'm able to act like a loving husband. This has become a game for me. Acting like a loving husband while plotting the destruction of Dawn my lying, cheating slut soon to be ex-wife has been entertaining. I figure if she can lie to my face for over 24 years surely I can fake being a loving, caring, dumb husband for a few months.

Frank's team would go through the same procedures in San Diego as they did in Washington. We would review the tapes and evidence collected to see if we were missing something. We believed everything would be the same as Washington. To say I was looking forward to Orlando and turning their world into a nightmare is an understatement.

Katherine didn't make it to San Diego. Dawn and Joyce were excited about sharing the 3 cocks between the two of them.

Since it was going to be a 3 day class in Orlando, all six of them planned to attend. Two days of fucking without their peers around was very exciting to them. Dawn proved she didn't give a damn about our anniversary by staying with her 'fuck buddies' instead of rushing home to the one she loves. What they didn't know; I was going to be their Wednesday afternoon instructor. I'd conduct the last hour of the class while all of the students were still there to witness the 'Gang of Six's' public exposure and destruction.

Dave Ford and his staff had all the information they needed to prepare the legal documents. He promised me everything I needed would be ready on time. Frank would have his staff on-site and monitoring the gang members.

Showtime was approaching. Dave, Frank, Steve and I worked through how to handle their exposure. The stage was set now I was ready for my turn at bat.

Saturday after Dawn left, I called the 'Gang of Six's' spouses. I told them I wanted to surprise my wife in Orlando for a combination 25th wedding anniversary and 25 years with the company. Since their spouses started with the company at the same time my wife did I think it would be fun for them to be there. This was my treat there would be an airline ticket at the gate waiting for them.

I told Kent and Emily about surprising their mother on Wednesday and invited them to meet me in Orlando on Tuesday. Tuesday night I met with my children and told them everything. I spent hours going over how I found out, what evidence I had, how I planned on destroying their mother's world tomorrow and how much I loved them. I told them "I'm not your biological father but you are my children and I'd always be your father." We cried and held onto each other. They asked a lot of questions and I answered them truthfully without sugarcoating my answers. I asked them not to warn their mother, which they both promised me they wouldn't.

Looking into their eyes I said, "I want you both to be there tomorrow when I confront and embarrass the hell out of your mother. This is a lot to ask of you and I'm sorry if I embarrass you. The fact you are not my biological children will be all over the Atlanta papers by this weekend so we all will be embarrassed. You'll see me being a bastard to your mother and her fuck buddies. My goal is to scare the shit out of them and make the rest of their lives a living hell. If you go you'll hear me say almost anything to embarrass them. Nothing I say will change the way I feel about you. You're both adults so I can't adopt you. I would if I could but know from the bottom of my heart I love you and consider you to be my children. You are free to choose whether you'll be there. After all she is your mother. You do not have to decide right now take time to think it through and make your own decision. Remember I love you now and for always."

With tears in his eyes Kent asked, "Dad I know mom loves you and you love her can you forgive her and move on?"

"Why can't you and mom go to counseling and work through this?" asked Emily.

I looked at my children while trying to gain control of my temper. How do you answer in a calm reasoning way unbelievable questions?

Taking a deep breath, "I know as children you always want your parents to stay together and always be there for you. Please close your eyes and let me take you on a journey. You've met the perfect person and want to spend the rest of your life with them. You can't bear being away from them any longer than required. After a fantastic honeymoon you settle into your jobs and several years later you have two fantastic children. You spend your time living for your family going to soccer practice, soccer games, cheerleader camps, girl scouts, through teenage years, romantic vacations and dinners with your spouse, holding the people you love most in this world. Living to spend every minute with the ones you love. Going out of town at the last possible moment and returning as quickly as possible to your loving family. Everyday you thank God for your family and the happiness they bring you. You're happy and feel blessed knowing your life can't get any better."

Pausing and letting my statements soak in for a moment. They have smiles on their faces.

"Kent, you're watching a movie staring your lovely wife. She's in a hotel room with 3 men and 2 women. Each woman draws a card from a card deck. Your wife gets a huge smile on her face as she shows everyone her Ace of Spades. The 3 men start removing your wife's clothes; she removes theirs and drops to her knees taking their cocks into her mouth getting them hard. One of the men climbs on the bed, your wife climbs on the bed straddling him holding his cock as she lowers her pussy onto his cock, fucking him for several minutes, another man gets behind your wife inserting his cock into her ass while the third man sticks his cock in your wife's mouth. They continue on for a few minutes then the man in her ass switches places with the man getting the blow job. A few minutes later the man getting the blow job blows his cum into your wife's mouth, she opens her mouth showing everyone his cum then she swallows it and cleans his cock with her mouth. When she finishes him the man in her ass pulls out then sticks his cock into her mouth blowing his load. She repeats the process of showing his cum, swallowing and cleaning his cock. Now she really starts fucking the man in her pussy. While this is going on the other two women are on the bed with her engaged in a little 69 action. The man in your wife's pussy blows his load, your wife rolls over, one woman dives into your wife's pussy eating out his cum and the other woman uses her mouth to clean off the mans cock. So Kent do you believe your wife loves you? Emily now picture your husband as one of the men in this movie. Are you in a forgiving mood, are you looking forward to counseling and working through this?"