Dawn: A Cheating Slut Wife


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Kent sat there with tears in his eyes while Emily sobbed. Pausing a moment for them to think about what I said and to gain control of their emotions.

"At the end of the movie as the film credits roll by you learn this group has been making a least 4 movies a year for the past 24 years. We can go over to my laptop and access a video stream of them in a hotel room a mile from us right now making another movie. I've collected over 40 hours of tape of your mother and her gang from her last 3 trips. Kent you discover you are not the biological father of your children or Emily you discover your husband is the biological father of someone else's child. How would this make your feel?"

I took a breath and continued. "The person you love most in this world is leaving you and their children a day early to meet a group of people so they can have an additional day of sex. Plus they stay over another two days for sex. When your spouse comes home they need 24 hours to recover before they can be with you the one they claim to love. How much do you think they love, respect and care for their spouses or children? Your mother not only disrespected and lied to me; she disrespected and lied to both of you."

Kent choking back tears said "Dad, I never thought of it that way. You're right I wouldn't want my wife to treat me that way either. I've never looked at it as mom choosing to spend more time with that group over staying home with us much less how devastating it has been for you. I love you. I don't know if I can be there for you tomorrow. I'll let you know."

"Dad, I'm so sorry for your pain. I'd cut off my husband balls and shove them up his slut's ass if he did that to me and my children. You can count on me I'll be there for you tomorrow. Dad, thank you for being my father. I love you." Emily continued, "Kent get your head out of your ass. Mom chooses her fuck buddies over us! You'll be there with Dad and me tomorrow. Standup and be a man you pussy!"

Talk about being blown away. Emily's reaction and outburst was a total surprise to me. The look on Kent's face was priceless. God I love my children.

Emily looked at me with fire in her eyes "what's the game plan for tomorrow?"

"I've invited the 'Gang of Six' spouses to join us tomorrow. Their spouses think I'm having a party for our 25th wedding anniversary and since their spouses have been with Dawn all these years I felt it appropriate for them to join in the fun. You and Kent are the only two I've told in advance. This will be a total surprise to everyone else. I want them to freely let their emotions flow and respond to their cheating spouses. I'll give them a copy of all the evidence I have. Before I forget you have some half bothers and sisters you may want to meet at a later date."

All 5 of the other spouses showed up at the hotel where we met, got to know each other and had a nice lunch. At 2pm we, including Kent, headed over to the hotel where Dawn's class was being held at. The rest of my surprise guests were waiting for us in the hotel lobby. An attorney from Dave Ford's office, a PI from Frank's staff and a video camera operator were my other special guests. At 2:30 a florist delivered the 25 red roses I'd ordered. Emily and the other women commented on how nice they looked.

Emily had fire in her eyes she was ready for battle. I took a moment to calm her down and let her know I was running the show.

At 2:45 we started through the lobby toward the meeting rooms. Emily was ready, Kent was following Emily's lead, and the spouses seemed caught up in the excitement.

With the 25 roses I entered Dawn's classroom at 3pm followed by John manning the video camera. Dawn turned bright red seeing me approach her with the roses and a smile on my face. I commented on her face matching the roses and everyone laughed at my little joke. Dawn smiled then turned toward the class and introduced me to them as 'JT', her husband.

I looked out over the crowd identifying where the other 5 were seated. True to form, they were spread out across the classroom.

Looking at Dawn I said, "I know today is the last day of class and before you leave today I wanted everyone's help in making today memorial for you. This Sunday is our 25th wedding anniversary...." Before I could continue the group entered from the hallway with Emily leading the pack. The photographer got a fantastic shot of Dawn's face as they entered and the look on her face was priceless but the look on the sex group members was one of total panic.

Standing there with a huge smile on my face I watched as Emily introduced Dawn to the spouses of her fuck buddies. Emily was enjoying this drama unfold. This was a side of Emily I'd never seen. Her future husband better tow the line.

"This Sunday is our 25th wedding anniversary and I wanted your help in making this special. Dawn will celebrate 25 years with this company next month. Isn't it exiting two major milestones happening within a month of each other? George, Henry, Chuck, Joyce and Katherine joined about the same time. I invited their spouses to join us here for this special occasion. John is video taping this special occasion so please say a few words for the camera before you leave. In a few minutes, I'll introduce you to the other attendees." I took this time to pause, catch my breath, slow down my racing heart and take a look at the 'Gang of Six' faces. "George, Henry, Chuck, Joyce, Katherine please come up and join us." This group slowly approached the front of the room while the other class attendees applauded.

When Emily appeared at my side I knew she was ready for fireworks.

Taking Emily by the arm I lead her over to George. Then I said "Emily I'd like to introduce you to George Thomas your biological father." Dawn turned white as a ghost and George's wife looked at me and asked me to repeat what I'd said. "George is Emily's biological father." George found his voice and said "what makes you believe I'm her father?" Holding out my hand, and the attorney placed three documents in my hand. Turning to George I handed him the first document saying "this is a request for a court ordered paternity test." Handing him the second document I said "I'm suing you for 21 years back child support and emotional trauma. Finally George this is a copy of the suit I'm bringing against your employer for not enforcing the morality clause in your employment contract. I already have DNA results from an independent lab certifying you as the biological father of Dawn's daughter Emily. The court ordered test is just a formality." I turned to George's wife and said, "Don't worry. I've copies of all my evidence for you to use as you see fit." I'm not sure if she heard me because she was chewing George a new asshole.

The classroom was going wild. The other spouses were in shock and now understood they weren't invited to a happy party. Well at least I was enjoying myself.

Kent surprised my by stepping up to me, he stood up straight and just nodded his head. I was very proud of Kent at that moment. So we walked over to Chuck where I introduced him the same way I did Emily to her biological father saying "Kent I'd like to introduce you to your biological father Charles.... Kent.... Nixon." The room went silent when they heard Chuck's middle name. In the silence, once again the attorney placed the documents in my hand. I went through each document with Chuck the same way I did with George. Chuck's wife wanted to make sure I had copies for her.

Everyone in the room seemed to settle down since Dawn only had two children. I smiled knowing that I wasn't going to let the others get away without any pain. They had played now they were going to pay. Dawn was sitting in a chair sobbing.

"Could I have everyone's attention? I know this isn't what you were expecting when I entered. Hold on tight the fun is just starting." You could hear a pin drop it got so quite. Continuing "I found out 5 months ago that Dawn, Joyce, Katherine, George, Chuck and Henry attend class so they can get together to fuck. This has been going on for over 24 years. Emily turned 23 four months ago. You do the math. Now I don't want the others to feel left out so I'll share my information with the other spouses." The 'Gang of Six' started yelling while their spouses were chewing them up.

While all the chaos was going on the PI from Frank's office started a video tape from one of their fuck sessions. A hush came over the room while everyone watched the orgy being displayed. This got everyone's attention.

"For those of you keeping score, Henry is the biological father of Joyce's daughter and Katherine's son. George is the biological father of Emily and Katherine's oldest daughter. Chuck in the biological father of Kent and Katherine's youngest daughter. This means Joyce's son is actually her husband's child. Can you believe that? Six out of the seven children these three women had only one was fathered by their spouse."

The room was in total chaos. I'll not go into detail about the rest of the proceedings. Let's just say all the legal documents were delivered, their spouses were given copies and major pain was inflected on the 'Gang of Six'.

Handing Dawn the divorce papers I said "Don't call, don't come home and don't come see me. Eat shit you lying, cheating slut."

Sitting in my hotel room, sipping an ESB (Extra Strong Bitter) I reflected on the way things happened with Dawn and her gang. Emily disrupted my script when she stood beside me. I planned on starting with Dawn, work my way though each member of her sex group and then let everyone know about the children. Emily wanted to move straight into confronting her biological father. My script went into the trash and I went with the flow. I accomplished my objectives of letting the 'Gang of Six' know that I exposed them to their spouses, I publicly embarrassed them in front of their peers; I served them with legal documents suing them, and I left them with very angry spouses. I'm feeling better about myself.

While getting another ESB from my cooler there was a knock at my door. Opening the door, I saw my children standing there. Last time I saw them they were helping their mother to her room. They came in, gave me a big hug and told me they loved me.

Emily said "Dad I know you don't want to hear about mom but she is a basket case. I'm taking her home with me tomorrow. She needs the rest of this week to get her shit together before she returns to Atlanta. I'm her daughter, I love her, I want to kick her ass for what she's done to our family but she needs me."

Emily still had fire in her eyes, I knew Dawn needed to be with someone and I'm glad Emily stepped up to do the right thing for her mother. One thing I learned about Emily these past few days she is a strong woman and she would be very firm with Dawn.

Kent said "Dad I love you and hate what mom did to our family. Can I ride home with you tomorrow?" Of course my answer was "Yes, I'd love for you to ride home with me tomorrow."

Emily stood up gave me a hug and said "I'm going back to spend the night with mom. I don't thing she should be by herself." The last thing she said as she walked through the door was "Dad, I love you."

Kent spent several hours with me drinking beer with me before he returned to his room.


It's been 5 years since I destroyed the world the "Gang of Six' lived in and I'm happy to say they have been good years for me. I feel great about what I did to that group of assholes.

All six were fired the following week. They're divorced, broke, broken and alone. Strange how every time they get a decent job their past comes back to haunt them and forces them to find another job. I'd like to take credit for that but someone else is keeping track of them. They're trying to rebuild their lives and relationships with their children. I'm happy to say they have a long way to go. Their former spouses don't even speak to them unless they want money. A few are making some progress with their children.

After returning to Atlanta and spending one night in the house, I knew I'd never spend another night there. There were too many memories there for me to deal with. I moved into a hotel while I looked for somewhere else to live.

Kent rode back with me to Atlanta and stayed in the house until he moved to Dallas, Texas for his first real world job. They seem to be happy with him and his work because he's been promoted 4 times. He's single, dates a lot, likes his job and loves living in Dallas. This summer we will discuss him joining my company. Even after 5 years his relationship with his mother is guarded. Occasionally they talk on the phone. Kent hasn't seen his mother since we left Orlando. Kent talks with Emily on the phone almost every day. The destruction the 'Gang of Six' left in their wake when everything was exposed has affected all of us especially the children. I don't know if Kent can every trust anyone enough to get married.

Emily did take Dawn to Naples with her for a week. Every time Dawn tried to explain, Emily told her to save it for her therapist she didn't what to hear her lies. She told Dawn there would never be an acceptable explanation for her actions and the destruction of our family. Emily will celebrate her 1st wedding anniversary next month. Dawn was not invited to their small beach wedding. Emily and her husband Trey live here in Atlanta. Emily didn't want to work or be involved with my company; well she joined my company 2 years ago. I like her being close to me. Turns out she is a natural business woman. Needless to say, Emily let Trey know up front what she would do to him if she ever caught him cheating. Yes, Trey knows all about Dawn and her 'Gang of Six'.

The spouses and children of the 'Gang of Six' got together here in Atlanta 8 months after I exposed them. It helped being around people with the same feelings and trying to go on with life. The children bonded quickly and stay in touch with each other. We are going to Nashville in 3 weeks for another get together.

Turns out when the 'Gang of Six' started cheating, they would pair up as couples for the week instead of participating in group sex. Emily was named after George's mother and Kent is named after his father. Dawn choose these names forever linking her children to their biological father. Once this information became known Emily and Kent turned on Dawn. Even after 5 years they have very little to do with her. Emily will at least have lunch with Dawn but Kent refuses to see her.

I was deeply in love with Dawn until I discovered she was a lying, cheating slut. I know some men can't move on with their lives, I'm not one of them. Life goes on. You either lay down or you pick your self up and move on. My children needed me and I needed them.

Dawn and I reached a settlement. She kept the house saying she has too many good memories there to give it up, I didn't.

I also reached a settlement with George and Chuck. The money I received from them I placed in trust funds for Emily and Kent. I didn't want their money I wanted them to pay until it hurt.

Six months after our divorce became final, I started dating. One of these days I hope to find someone to share my love and life with. Loving someone and being loved is the secret to a long happy life. Until then I'll continue to look and wait on Emily to give me some grandchildren to spoil.

Nothing good happens for anyone when someone cheats. Payback is a bitch.


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AnonymousAnonymous6 days ago

Five stars. A good story, well told. As far as a prior mentioned upside or joy, where the hell would one find "joy", and what could be the "upside" to behavior described in this story. As I am not known to be a warm and fuzzy person, I guess it might have enhanced the story if Dawn had jumped off something tall.

AnonymousAnonymous24 days ago

Good story, but ESB stands for Extra Special Bitter.

shadrachtshadrachtabout 2 months ago

Lack of any real upside or joy detracted. It also felt like the ending backtracked on itself a couple of times. 3*

muskyboymuskyboyabout 2 months ago

Burn wasn't remotely bad enough on any of the cheaters.

TeeceemcgTeeceemcg2 months ago

I don't understand how Dawn knew who the fathers of her kids were. Did she do DNA/paternity on them after being born? When did she have time between birth & naming?

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