Death and Cheating

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Her words cut me. Are you sure the kids are really yours?
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The signs! Were they there or not? I guess they were but I didn't recognize them or expected to see them. Or, maybe it was finding one clue at a time that didn't set off alarms that there was something wrong. Nor did finding two, or even three wake me up. I was just another loving and caring husband and father. And since the signs were found innocently and by chance over a period of time they weren't put all together until that sad night.

Our lives together were more or less like every other married couple I guess. We knew good times and bad times. There just wasn't a major a problem that came to light or that hit me in the face. My wife never told me there was a major issue and she always told me if she had a problem. No, there was nothing wrong with our relationship, nothing wrong with our marriage, nothing wrong with my wife either. There was nothing going on that I saw, damn it!

OK! OK! Call me dumb, call me unobservant, or to trusting, whatever. But I didn't see it happen or a change or anything until it hit me right in the jaw.

But now there were just to many things wrong and as I put them all together I knew we had a major, the most major problem a couple could have, another person in our lives. I was going to confront her tonight when she got home. I was going to confront my wife of 8 years regarding the things I have accumulated as proof of her infidelity. I was sure this could only go badly and was scared. I was scared that was I was thinking and found was all true and quiet frankly I loved her so much I was dying inside about what would happen when we talked. But I had no choice, I had to ask her what was going on and then wait for the hammer to fall. Maybe she would confess and beg me to stay with her. God I hope so because I loved her more than life itself. And I would most likely forgive her as long as it stopped.

So let me back up and begin from the beginning. The first thing I noticed was the lack of sex. We went from two or three times a week to two or three times a month. This had going on now for about three months. She told me she was just tired and work had been extremely hard with very long hours. I knew she was working more. Hell we haven't had a week alone for the past month. She was always being paged at the hospital. But it wasn't just the sex, it was the feeling of love and compassion that was missing also. She told me I was out of my mind and that it was my imagination. When we did have sex, it was usually conducted and controlled by her and it was quicker than before. Now I'm not a porno star most husbands aren't but over the past 8 years we use to make love for at least an hour maybe two. Now it seemed like twenty minutes was all she was willing to give me. Then she would work hard really hard to make me cum as quickly as I could.

I use to hold her and continue to make love to her for another half of hour after intercourse and sometimes that would lead us to do it again. Now when I rolled off of her she got up immediately and went into the bathroom. I would hear her cleaning herself completely. When she got in bed she would lay there with her back to me. Things like that showed me she didn't have the affection she once had for me. So I tried harder only to be rebuffed again and again. Lately there has been no sex at all, for maybe three weeks.

The second clue was her temperament and attitude changed. She got pissed off at me much faster. Her kidding and kindness towards everyone , even the children was greatly reduced. Shirley was much more of a quick temper now than she had ever been before. The once nice and gentle woman had changed almost over night to a woman I didn't recognized sometimes. Her attitude towards me especially was along the lines of "leave me alone or I guess I have to put up with your shit again today."

She would answer me with a simple "What, or what now, or I don't feel like it tonight, etc."

That brings me to the faithful night it all went to hell. I was home on time from work and being Friday night, I knew we would be going out to dinner like we usually do on the weekends. She worked long hours and neither of us feels like messing with the food, dishes, etc. As usual on the weekends she had sent the kids to her mothers or my folks. Sometimes it was good and gave us time to be together. But now it only gave her a chance to yell and be pissed off at me with no kids around to keep her courteous at all and she would really telling me off. So I tried extra things like flowers and gifts. I had sent her flowers today. I saw then in the living room as I came into the house undoing my tie. I said, "babe I'm home are we going out to dinner tonight?"

She said, "Come upstairs Bud! Come up I want you to see my new outfit. Yes we're going!"

She seemed OK. At least her voice didn't have vinegar or pepper in it, so far so good. I would be as nice as I could and maybe we could have a nice time together. I called back, "Right, I'll be right up."

I said to myself, "Another new out fit, Christ it's the fifth one this month."

But no sex and bad moods from working too much and new outfits alone don't mean anything to a husband. I mean hell I was raised to believe that women had to have new things to wear all the time. And so I really didn't care if my wife brought new things. The world was made so women would shop spend money and buy stuff. It's what made the world go around! Right? It especially didn't mean my wife was cheating on me.

When I arrived in the doorway of our bedroom Shirley was standing there modeling an extremely short, I mean 8 pr 9 inches about the knee short. Her ass was just covered by the bottom of the dress. And it was tight, I mean anyone could see that she didn't have a thing on under it. Dark blue in color, the dress emphasized her lovely body. Hell that was like saying the Super Bowl was just another football game. The first thing that I could think of was she looked single and twenty-five and was going out clubbing with her girlfriends. I smiled and said, "Is that it?"

She smiled and said, "Yep! How do I look babe?"

Now Shirley looks good when she gets up in the morning after a hard day's night of parting and sex afterwards. So here she was with her hair done, make up on and standing as she was slipping on the left high heel. As she did, she was bending backwards which meant her body was arched and her hips and pussy was pushing outwards a little as she bent her knee up and used her hand to adjust the shoe.

She looked hotter than the sand on the beaches of Cancun in August. Without thinking I said it, "Well where are you going out with the girls clubbing? You look like a twenty-three year old babe going out and looking to get fucked"

I was thinking she looked like that girl you see in every bar and dance hall. You know there's always one who stands out and looks fantastic. But after saying what I did to her, I said to myself, "Oh shit! Did that just come out of my mouth? Did I say that?

I meant it both as a compliment and like I was kidding her. At age 33 after two children she still looks like she did before the kids in her early twenties. But Shirley took it completely wrong and told me she was sure that there were lots of men out there who would think she was closer to twenty-three than thirty-three. And I sure didn't appreciate all the work it took for her to stay that way. She was actually mad! Just like that she jumped on me. The attitude towards me was certainly different.

I said, "Wait Shirl you're getting upset for nothing. You asked me and I told you what I felt. You look great baby! It's just that you don't usually wear those tight short dresses. It's not that you can't wear them, it's that you haven't had one on in years."

She said, "Well get use to it Buddy because I have decide to dress how I fell and I feel like I'm twenty –three. And thanks a hell of a lot dick head, I was sure you would love to see me get all dressed up for tonight. I have worked hard to get my stomach back down to size 22 again, the same size I was in college. But no, of course not, not you. You think I look to old or to fat or something and as usual you make fun of me."

Is said, "Woo!! Wait a minute! I was kidding with you. You look super and your body looks as good now as it ever has, even better. But I just think that dress is a little too…..(I was looking for the right choice of words, short and tight whatever)."

But she said it for me, "To sexy for an "old married woman" to wear out to eat dinner. Well I'm not an "old married woman" and I love the way I look and people at work told me I look fantastic."

I said, "The people at work? You wore that to work? Jesus!"

Shirley put her hands on her hips and looked at me like I was the dumbest man on the face of the earth. Hands on her hips made the dress rise up another inch. Hell, it seemed that every movement she made, caused the dress rise up a little more and looked even shorter. And it didn't go back down either unless she pulled it down.

She said, 'Of course not! Are you crazy? I brought it while I was on lunch and then put it on and showed everyone just before I left to come home. I did wear it home. And you know what? Not one person that saw me in it told me it wasn't a great outfit or that I didn't look great in it. Then my husband comes home and just criticizes it, and me."

I said, "The dress does look great on you Shirley if you were going clubbing and partying with the girls. You know looking for sex and single again, then I'd say if I saw you out I would say, WOW!! You're dress for sex! I know if I was a guy in a club it would get my full attention if you walked past me."

She said, "How dare you say I look like I'm dress for sex! And you might as well not even think about that Bud! You'll be getting NO sex from the "old married woman" for quiet sometime. In fact you have a good idea! Maybe I'll just call Judy and we'll go clubbing since I'm dressed for sex!"

Judy was the single woman with a child and Shirley went out with her once every other week or so to shop, movies or dinner. But she was always home by 11PM so no problem. Right? They were like a sister.

Then she said, "Yes! Maybe I should go clubbing. Judy has asked me to do that with her before when we go out, but since she single and I'm not, I didn't go. Maybe I need a younger man to appreciate me. And I bet I would get some nice young guy to dance with me in this outfit!"

She ran her hands down the dress straightening it and making sure I saw how it accentuated her breasts, ass and legs. Then she continued, "Maybe I'll meet a young man who appreciates the way I look and the time it takes to stay this way and the effort I make to look like this. Yes, someone who cares about how I have taken care of myself. Maybe a guy who would love to see me dressed this way and will hold me tight while we danced. You sure don't!"

I said, "WHAT! I'm always telling you how good you look and how beautiful you are. I don't know where you get off saying these things."

I have been married long enough now to know that whatever else I said from here on would only piss her off more. But, I'm a man damn it! And the dumb ass that I am, I couldn't let it drop. Finally after she stopped raving at me for what seemed like five minutes, I held up my hand. I walked right up to her and looked her in the eyes. I then realized that the heels she had made us just about the same height now.

I said, "Wait a fucking second, back the truck up Shirley! You call me up to the bedroom as soon as I walk into the house. I seen god knows how many new outfits these last three month on you. They all looked great! Did you hear me I said GREAT!"

I spelled it. Then I said, "Then YOU asked me what I think of this one. It's the sexiest of all of them so far. Then when I try and kid with you about it, you get pissed off! Instantly you get pissed off. Then when I try to explain you I was kidding, you threaten me with going out and picking us some young guy dressed in that outfit that oozes sexuality. And you expect me to stand here and listen to you beat the hell out of me because I suggested only after you asked, that the dress might, MIGHT, be a little to short and to tight for you. A wife and mother of two who looks great anyway but maybe shouldn't be trying to look 20 again, at least not all the time. What's wrong with this picture? You asked, I answered! It seems I can't win either way here."

She just looked at me and sighed as she adjusted her stocking and I knew she wasn't wearing anything under the dress now for certain. No bra, no panties only the thigh high stockings. My cock jumped and was getting harder by the second as I stood there looking at her.

I said, "Look Shirley, you look fantastic and you don't need a dress like that to prove it. As long as we're together you can wear anything you want. But, I just don't want you to wear something that tight, that short out with Judy or when I'm not with you. It could only bring trouble. But let's not fight about it! Come on I just got home from work and I want the weekend to go well for us. It's the first one in a while where you haven't had something to do or have been called away to work."

She said, "Oh and I guess that's my fault. It's my fault that some drunk runs into a phone pole and I get called because there's an emergency at the hospital to we try to save him. I get paged. It's my job! My job Bud! Just like yours! I get paged and have to go in. I'm not going to apologize to you for that. You'll have to deal with it! You knew it would happen when I took the promotion. You sure don't fight about the extra money coming in. And don't ever tell me I can't wear something when I go out. Because I would wear it just for spite"

I said, "Extra money! I bet you have spent more than you bring in with all these new clothes. But it's not the money babe. It not that at all Shirley. It's every time we get to go out alone. You get called away and we don't get to spend an evening alone together. It's like they have a camera here and know when we might be going to have a good time. When they see that they call you! God knows our sex life is almost nonexistent these past 3 months."

She didn't reply she just looked in the mirror and turn this way and that smiling. She didn't say anything. So I said, "Come on let's go to dinner as soon as I shower."

She turned and walked out of the room. I watched her round firm 34 hips and ass sway as she walked past me and down the hallway in the dress. I stood there and said to myself, "Welcome home! What the fuck happened?"

OK! So new clothes and a wife who pounces on her husband with the slightest wrong word and no sex, does make for a cheating wife. Sure, I didn't like the changes and I didn't like her flaunting her body in the dress but as long as she was with me I gave in and didn't say anything else. But, cheating? It didn't even cross my brain.

We went to dinner that night and she wore the dress much to my disapproval. But I didn't say anything. I'm sure the dinner would have been good but I had lost most of my appetite. The two vodkas and tonics I had before dinner helped me mellow a little and get past the crude looks from the men and the disapproval from the women. I had to admit, Shirley looked incredible! So damn sexy and so erotic and so sluty, I loved it. I just didn't like her wearing it if we weren't together. And it really didn't fit with the restaurant and what we were doing. But, as long as she only wore it when she was with me, then I was OK with it as I could be. It didn't cross my mind that she could wear it without me anytime she wanted. She sure looked like she was out hunting for a cock or cocks. The outfit almost screamed I want to fuck someone, anyone! And while it looked fantastic on her I felt uncomfortable from the way most of the men there looked at her.

The conversation wasn't much and as bad and as hard as I tried to talk about things, I got the one work or one sentence answer. She never even tried to keep the conversation going. Finally I just sat there and drank my drink.

The dinner arrived and I had taken maybe two bits when damn if her cell phone didn't ring. She looked at the number and then ignored it. Then ten minutes later it rang again. She looked at the phone and me and still didn't answer it. She looked at the number again and then told me it was work and she would call them back later. I felt guilty and said, "Well maybe it's an emergency babe maybe you should take it."

She said, "Maybe you're right." She got up from the table giving half the men in the place a nice long view up her thighs. As she swung her legs out of the booth the dress had written up her body, just like it was suppose to do. It was so short now that I got a flash of the tops of her thigh high stockings under it. I knew the guys in front of our booth saw much more. And then without pulling the dress down any at all, she walked away towards the lady's room. I swear I could see the bottoms of her ass cheeks as she walked. I watched her walk and place the phone next to her ear and start talking. She was gone maybe 15 minutes.

When she came back I asked if everything was OK and she sighed and said, "No Bud. Look I have to go. I have to leave now they want me to assist with an emergency operation. I'm glad I did take the call it's a little girl who fell and we have to relieve the pressure in her head. Look I'm sorry I have to go."

I said, "We can try again tomorrow. OK!! I know you have to go. So go."

She looked at me for a few seconds. Damn she looked so beautiful in that dress. I said, "Are you going home and change first?"

She said, "No I'll get one of those green doctor's outfit at the hospital. Look, this could take quiet a while I'm sure it's a major operation. I got to run. I'll get a snack before I get to work."

She kissed me goodbye sliding her lips across my lips and showing her ass to everyone as she bent down to kiss me goodbye. She walked out as all the men watched her shapely ass and breasts bounce and jiggle. As she stood on the corner she caught a cab and was gone. I sat there wondering what the folks in the hospital were going to say when she come in and they saw how she was dressed. Then I remembered she had already showed them the dress.

I ate and went home with Shirley's dinner in a box just in case she was hungry when she got home. I saw the light on the answering machine blinking and pressed play. A man's voice came on and said, "Shirley this is Ray can you break free? I need you tonight. Please call me as soon as you get this message. It's an emergency."

I figured they called her at home first. Then not reaching her they called her cell phone. While I was there, I checked and deleted the other messages still on the machine. There were four of them from Ray.

But new sexy clothes, no sex, a tense wife who goes nuclear on her husband for the slightest little thing and a bunch of messages from the same guy all of these doesn't make for a cheating wife. At least in my little brain it didn't register that way.

I dialed the number and it rang and rang before someone picked it up. A voice said, "Shirley are you on your way yet?"

I said, "This is Shirley's husband and yes she is on the way. Who is this please?"

The voice said, "This is Dr. Ray Stevens I work with Shirley at the hospital. She told me she was going to leave you at the restaurant twenty-five minutes ago. Where is she?"

I told him she was on her way and then I asked him why he had been calling here so much? He got uptight quickly and said, "Look, Bud is it? I call her when I want her. I call her when I need her here to help me. It's her job. OK?"

And he hung up slamming the phone down in my ear. "Ass hole" I said to no one.

Add another one to the growing list. New sexy clothes, no sex, pissed off all the time at me, multiple phone calls from the same guy that said he needed her and wanted her. There was nothing about work. And then the guy gets nasty with me when I ask him a simple question about the number of calls from him. And I knew later that Shirley would go absolutely nuts on me for even asking him anything. But all that doesn't mean crap. It sure doesn't mean my wife is cheating on me. But I did say, "God what a live!"