Death and Cheating


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So I sat down and waited for her to come home. I turned on the TV but there was nothing on I really wanted to watch. So I got up and washed up the dishes in the sink.

Then I went into the bedrooms and got the laundry. I figured I'd wash the clothes while I waited for her to come home. We both washed the clothes and shared the things that needed to be done. But I seemed to be doing more of them lately while she was out. But they needed to be then. No I'm not the wimp husband type I just believe in helping out with things since we both worked for a living.

As I finished up with our bathroom I was closing the hamper when I saw a bra behind the hamper. When I bent over to get it I could tell that something was spilt on it. The bra was a lacy light blue, but there was something caked on it. It was a white, creamy color stuff between the cups and over one of them. Food was my first reaction to seeing it. But then I picked at it and took a fingertip into my mouth. Spitting it out I could taste its bitterness but had no idea what the hell it was.

As I sorted the clothes I noticed a bunch of new colored underwear from Victoria Secrets or Frederick's of Hollywood already in the washer. She must have forgotten to dry them. Shirley had about a dozen new under garments. Included in them were thongs, which she had never worn before as far as I knew. Let's say she never wore them for me. There were bras that I had never seen before. And they did more than shell we say pushed up, lifted or separated her 32C breasts. Some were just a sort of half bra and I realized that if she wore these, her nipples would almost point over the tops of the beautiful lace designs. The entire tops of her breasts would be exposed too. And there were two that might as well not have been bras at all they were that transparent and sheer.

I began to separate the dirty clothes. The bleach items from the other color items and that's when noticed the pair of tan panties hiding inside a pair of slacks. It looked like she took them off quickly and at the same time. I picked up the slacks and pulled the panties out of the inside of the slacks. I was about to throw them with the other clothes when I stopped.

They were stained too with the same white stuff. It was caked and stuck on like dried food. I had to really flake some off with my fingernail. The panties had it all between the leg openings on the inside where my wife's legs. Where…..her…pussy……and….ass…..would…have…been.

I was puzzled! As I looked at them I said, "Wait…….a……..minute!!! Wait just a fucking minute! It was cum! Jesus Christ! There was cum on one of the new sexy bras and in her panties." I was yelling now to no one, "What the fuck Shirley!"

As I looked closer at the dirty clothes I found nothing else. So I took the cum covered panties and bra and put them in a plastic bag to show my wife. I said. "Lucy you have so splaining to do!"

I went into the kitchen and got a beer. My brain was racing now reviewing all the things that had been going on with Shirley and me. I wrote them down. Let's see, new sexy clothes, nasty attitude towards me, and no sex, phone calls from the same guy and now new underwear and stains on some of them, cum stains. Does this mean she is cheating? Fucking A yes!!! But I need more information. I called the hospital and asked for Shirley. The lady told me, "I think she's gone. Left around 9 PM please hold on a minute."

I said, "9 PM that was 30 minutes ago. She should be here now or very soon." There was no one on the other end I was on hold.

When the lady came back she said, "Yes sir, she left at 9 PM but she was taking a couple of people home. They were going to be stopping off for a drink and some dinner first. She said if her husband called to tell him she would be late and not to wait up. Is this he?"

I told the lady yes and thanked her. Knowing how she was dressed made me very upset. She should have known better than to wear that type of outfit if she was on call. This would be the fifth weekend in a two-month period that something like this had happened. We would be some place and she would get paged and have to leave.

I was mad as hell now and decided to check out the rest of Shirley's things. The panties and bra I was going to take to a college and have a friend run a test to see what was on them for sure. And if it was cum, I would ask him to also run a DNA test for me.

Again I added the late dinner with some friends to the ever-growing list of things we would talk about later on.

Now to check out Shirley's stuff. First the closet where her clothes were hanging. Shirley had the big closet, it was a walk-in. I went over her things and found two blouses that had buttons off and /or wholes where the buttons use to be. I could only imagine the buttons were ripped off, maybe Dr. Ray did that when he was in a hurry to see her breasts and couldn't wait for her to get undressed.

I found one pair of slacks ripped in the back on the seam around her hips and ass. There were a couple of other items that were ripped too. It was like someone was trying to get them off to fast or they were being pulled and stretched.

But the thing that really was the icing on the cake for me were the new things in the back of the clothes. When I took the last one of the low cut outfits out and held it up I smelled something sweet. Placing it to my nose I inhaled deeply and knew what it was, the odor of after-shave cologne and it wasn't my type.

All these clothes were new and had been worn maybe once. They were very erotic looking just like the dress she had on tonight. There were a few other things that had different odors on them, none that I recognized.

There was a group of clothes I had never seen before in plastic bags from the store where she had purchased them or fresh from the cleaners. They still had sales slips or cleaning tags on them. As I checked the cleaning bags, I could see that they were taken in on either Saturday mornings or Monday afternoons and they were picked up on Wednesdays. I recorded the information and checked it with the dates as far as I could remember when Shirley was paged while we were out. They were the same time periods or they coincide with the time period and nights Shirl was out with her girlfriend Judy.

Three months worth of cleaning and new clothes that would synchronize with her being paged by her new boss or since she had been going out with Judy. "More to talk about", I said.

I left the clothes and took a shot and checked the calendar on the PC, which belonged to Shirley. Not much to go on, the letters PF/ RS or meet Judy on different dates for the past three months was all that was there. What the hell was I think? If she was cheating she sure wouldn't leave that sort of information around on her PC. But RS could indicate Dr. Ray Stevens. The dates were right!

There was nothing else but deleted emails from the Reynolds Company. Who did we know that works there? Judy! I tried to get into the actual e-mail but they had a password protection on them. That made me wonder why so much security?

I realized I would have to be as cleaver or more so than she was in order to get all the proof I wanted. Wanted to be 100% certain. Plus I still wasn't completely sure yet that my wife was actually cheating on me. I guess my married brain wasn't working as quickly as my business brain. Plus it was hard to believe that my wife, the mother of my two children was whoring around with a guy named Ray and PF. Who or what the hell was PF?

I went to the kitchen and got a beer. Then I sat on the steps that went to the garage and said, "Let's see. New clothes and underwear, attitude towards husband changed drastically, phone calls from the same guy, nasty voice and hanging up, panties and bra stained with something that looked very much like cum, after-shave on a blouse that didn't belong to me. Was that what I had gathered so far as proof? Yes! Was it enough to confront her? I didn't know wasn't sure. Was it enough to go see a lawyer, yes. Did I want that? I didn't know. I was frustrated, mad and starting to get very sad. Did this mean my wife was cheating on me? I was getting sicker in my stomach as the clues built and built towards a "YES" answer.

Then as I emptied the trash out of the bathroom and saw two emptied duce bottles. It looked like she had use two of them in a short period of time, since the trash had been emptied last time, maybe two weeks. I held on to them and put them in the same place I had all the other things.

I took the trash out dumped it into the big trash in the garage. As I dumped it, I saw a pack of matches from the Flamingo Bar and Grill already in the trash can. There was a bright pink flamingo on the cover, which was all black. I knew I had never been to that place so they must have come from Shirley.

Looking further now at the bills and receipts file I found the following information. Then there were credit card statements and receipts, which showed a charge for a hotel. They must have stay there on the nights she was going to the movies with Judy. Funny looks like she never did go out with Judy. She was just a cover and I knew Judy she would cover for her best friend. I would get no help from her I was sure.

Then as I was about to close the desk I saw a piece of paper on the bottom of the file. It was a gas receipt from a station out by that hotel I had a receipt for. That was proof she was out there. No doubt that she had spent more than one time with him now. But there were receipts for only two or three nights. If she had been cheating on me it had been three months. Where did she go the rest of the times she was with him? Unknown yet.

While I was out in the garage, I decide to check my wife's car too. I looked under all the seats and the dashboard. There was nothing. Then I popped the hood and trunk. As I was checking out the trunk I dropped my damn flashlight and it rolled to the back of the trunk and stayed there, of course! It was that sort of night! I had to actually climb into the trunk about half way to get it back out.

I bumped my head, yelled some nasty words, and that's when I noticed something being held on the bottom of a speaker under the back window. It was one of those magnet boxes you use in a car to hold a spare key. You know it gets hidden under the fender or bumper and if you lock your keys in the car you can get that one to open the door. But this one was up under the trunk and back window hidden completely unless you knew it was there. When I tried the key it didn't open any door or trunk to Shirley's car. I took it and would make a copy of it and put it back in her car.

As I looked closer at the match pack and opened it I saw that there was a map on the inside showing its location out on Rt.22 and US 1. I knew a place called Memories or something like that out that way. It was a strip club, an expensive strip club.

I knew I would have to make sure we had a baby sitter the next time Shirl went out with Judy so I could follow her. And, I would have to check out the Flamingo Grill one day too. I decide to call my friend Larry who had contacts that could bug phones and PCs and break into password protected files. I went back in and took a CD and copied the e-mails I couldn't open. I then packed all the things I had found in a bag and hide them in my car.

I went back and took two of the outfits that were ripped or torn or that had a button off. There were more than I first realized. There was a skirt that had a large rip at the top and a button missing that held it together. There was a sweater, which was very soft. It was made of made of lamb's wool. Expensive and new, and I hadn't seen it before. It looked like the neck had been stretched badly. There was a small rip on the sweater too. It started where the V ended. Not much just a little rip. But I took it and placed it with the rest of the things I had accumulated.

Then I waited for my wife to come home. I watched TV and I guess I fell asleep until the front door opened and in walked my lovely wife with her skirt riding high on her hips. She smiled at me and said, "You shouldn't have waited up Bud. It's late, almost 1 AM. I'm going to bed. I'll talk with you in the morning. I really beat."

I said, "Ray called earlier but I guess you saw him."

She stopped and turned towards me. She looked mad now and said, "Oh yes! What the hell were you thinking asking my boss a bunch of dumb ass questions. Don't do that again Bud."

She began to read me the riot act saying she had a right to talk with anyone she wanted to as often as she wanted too. Who the hell did I think I was talking to her boss like that? Etc., Etc., Etc. She never questions me when my secretary calls me or goes with me to meetings, etc. She read me the riot act to the point where I really felt it was major over kill.

I just stood there and let her rave on me. Then I watched her walk out of the room. I was pissed but decided to hold off until I have everything that I needed. She said, "I'm going to bed, I'm really tired."

There was no "goodnight or I love you" nothing! I came into the bedroom and watched as she reached behind her and tried to unzip her dress. She was working hard to get the dress off her body. I came over and started to help her. We finally got it off her body it was that tight. She stood there with her back to me. She quickly put a robe on right away before she turned and looked at me. I looked for rips or stains on the dress but there were none. She said, "What are you looking for?"

I didn't answer her but instead I answered, "I have your dinner from the restaurant in the refrigerator if you're still hungry. But the lady at the hospital told me you were going to go get something to eat with a couple of other people."

I wasn't surprised when she said, "No, I'm not hungry. We all ate after the operation. I'm going to shower and go to sleep."

I said, "They told me you left at 9 PM, what took you so long babe. Who did you go to dinner with in that dress?"

She said, "We ate and were having fun Bud and I didn't realize what time it was! OK! We even went dancing afterwards. Yes! I went out in this dress without you Bud and you know what? Everyone told me how good I looked in it. I was the woman everyone wanted tonight Bud. The woman that everyone wanted to fuck Bud, it was great! And you know what I loved all the attention."

I reached for her arm and she pulled away. She said, "No Bud. Not tonight that's for sure. Maybe never again! I'm going to take a shower and go to bed. Why don't you sleep in the other room?"

I said, "WHAT! No fucking way in hell. Who were you with Dr. Ray?""

She said, "Fine I'll sleep there then. I want piece and quiet and not to be grabbed all night by you."

I said, "All I wanted was a kiss good night from my wife Shirl. I wasn't going to attack or rape you. Tell me whom you were out with! Was it Dr. Ray Stevens?"

She just looked at me and went to the bathroom. I followed her and she shut the door. I stood there for a minute and then knocked asking, "I want to know who you were with tonight Shirley and I'm not leaving until you tell me!!

There was nothing. So I yelled, "God damn it Shirley talk to me!!! What's the hell is happening here to us!"

She opened the door dressed in a towel. She said, " For God sakes. OK! OK! Here's your damn kiss good night."

She bent just a little towards me and I kissed her, she didn't return it. She said as she was closing the door, "God what a cry baby! Now will you leave me alone so I can get ready for bed. I'm fucking tired."

As I kissed her I could smell the same after-shave lotion that was on the dress in her closet. I don't know why but I reached for her and pulled her to me and held her tight. She held the towel. She said, "Let me go. I want to shower and go to bed. Let go of me damn you!"

I realized she wasn't moving at all and was turning her head and a voiding my attempts to kiss her again. She was just standing there while I kissed her cheek and neck. She didn't move. Her face was a look of hate and there was no love in her eyes at all, only sadness. I could smell the after-shave and when I did manage to kiss her lips I could have been kissing a piece of stone. I broke the embrace and looked at her. Then I said, "What is wrong with you?"

She said very plainly, "I want to shower, I'm tired, and I want to go to bed. OK! Goodnight. I'll see you in the morning."

I said, "Yes. We have to talk in the morning Shirley that's for damn sure."

She said, "Yes, I know Bud."

She started to close the door when I said, "What does that mean, you know. You know what Shirley??"

I pushed the door open and she said, "No not now! All I want is the shower and go to bed."

I said, "Now works for me. Come on let's talk!"

"No" again from her.

"How about I join you in the shower. You looked so hot tonight you got me all worked up."

"No Bud. Jerk off!"

I said, "What? What did you say to me?"

She said, "I told you to go jerk off. You won't be getting any sex from me. Now get out!"

I was shocked!! She had never told me that before. What right did she have to say that to me? I'm her husband! But I still tried and said, "I'll make it worth your wild."

"NO BUD! Let me shower so I can go to bed. If you have that much of an urge go jerk off."

I said, "I'll eat your pussy and make you cum. That will relax you."

"NO I SAID!" and she pushed more on the door.

I said loudly, "No Shirl! I'm not leaving here until you tell me what the fuck is going on. I'm asking my wife of 8 years to have sex with me! Right now! Tonight! God damn it!"

She said, "Well I'm telling my so called husband of 8 long years, NO! Get the fuck out of the bathroom."

I started to pull on the towel and she screamed fighting back kicking and hitting me with none hand. Then she used both hands to hold the towel from me. I held on to it winning slowly. Finally she was either to tired or just gave up I wasn't sure. She just let it go and stood there looking at me. Then she said, "Happy now?"

I looked at her magnificent body and beautiful face. I saw why she held the towel as tight as she did and why she didn't want to have sex with me. Her breasts were red and covered with suck marks, especially around each nipple. She had her nipples sucked and pulled on hard tonight, that was for sure.

Had she had anything else done to her?

As I looked down her body I saw her thighs red with handprints on them. And then I saw it! The wetness on her upper thighs and around her pussy. There was a dried stain line on each of her inner thighs. It had to come from where it was still leaking out her pussy and running down her leg. I was sure it leaked as she drove home and that's why she wanted to get a shower and why she told me no. She was most likely still very loose and full of cum. I asked very softly, "Shirley, what's this?"

I reached for and touched her pussy. She jumped back a little. She looked at me and then took a deep breath as she said angrily, "What does it look like Bud?"

I said, "It looks like the same thing that's on a pair of your new panties. It looks like cum! Is it cum? Is it ray's cum?"

She sighed loudly and said, "Oh Jesus! Please let me take a shower and then we can talk. Let me clean up first."

I said, "Answer my question Shirley. Is it CUM? IS IT RAY"S CUM?"

I said the last five words so loud she jumped again and I knew the neighbors heard me! She looked at me and then she looked down at the floor as she said one word, very softly, "Yes."

That's all she said. I stood there looking at her. I asked again, "Is it Ray's cum?"

She said, "Yes" again.

Then she saw my face and said, "Oh God don't start crying! Bud! Be a man! Be one for the first time in your life! Oh get out so I can shower."