Developing Friends Ch. 09


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The loud noise in his ear startled Sam, who was trying to think of anything other that being up Anna's cunt Then she gripped him tight. If he thought she was tight before, the experience his penis was feeling now was incredible, she squeezed and throbbed and he felt the warmth of her liquids released deep inside as they washed over him and soaked his cock, allowing him to keep sliding inside the convulsing walls. He was grunting now, trying to hold back as her pussy squeezed him, wanting his release. It got it.

Sam felt the throbbing of his cock and couldn't stop, he was panting and groaning into Anna's neck as she gripped him with her arms. legs and vagina. She whispered "yes." to him, as much to confirm her own orgasm, but it triggered his and he repeated the word into her ear as his cock swelled deep inside her and the sticky wetness enveloped the head that was pushed against her cervix, his sperm washing over her womb and filling the end of her tunnel as he continued to jerk and release into her full body as the lovers twitched together, still wrapped tight.

Anna unwrapped her legs from Sam, letting them fall to the bed, too exhausted to hold them up any more. The were gasping against each other's necks, mixed with small kisses when they could breath enough. She was still holding him tight inside and pulsed with the aftershocks, squeezing his cock as it softened, her walls contracting around it, not wanting to let go of her new, older, lover.

"Thank you," he gasped and she repeated the words back to him as he slowly lifted his body from hers. the glisten of their sweat causing them to stick together. He looked down their bodies again. Her chest was heaving, the nipples were hard and red. Her shaved pubic mound was wet with their sweat and her juice. His grey curls were resting on her, nestling between the open lips and, as he lifted up more, he saw them soaked from her. He moved his hips back and saw his shaft emerge, wet and shining. Anna joined him in looking at his cock as he began to withdraw. She could feel the emptiness as he slipped away from her depths and her pussy had gripped him, closing around the cock as it left. They both gasped as it slipped out, both feeling the emptiness as they separated. Sam stared at his cum covered cock as it fell away from the tight hole and Anna stroked his face and said "see, Sam, it did happen," as if understanding his disbelief that he'd been inside her. He looked at her and they opened their lips as they met.

Robert moved quietly to the bed side as the pair kissed and Anna turned to him once Sam's lips had left to welcome her boyfriend's on hers and his tongue in her mouth. Sam knelt up, still between Anna's open legs, watching the couple kiss and then gazing at her pussy, the lips slowly closing, her clitoris back in its safe hood and the hole tight now, a dribble of his creamy sperm escaping from it. His cock was shrinking, still flushed red and streaked with the foamy mix of their cum. He was so entranced by the sight that he didn't notice Robert had moved until his head appeared below Sam and he opened his mouth to reciprocate with the earlier gesture, sucking the combined cum from the end of Sam's cock. "Yum," he said as he smacked his lips. "I always wanted to taste the depth of your pussy, my love." and he turned and kissed her open mouth again as Sam went to rest next to her.

"Who wants more creampie?" Anna laughed and both her men lay down on the bed next to her, ready for their sweet treat, straight from the honeypot. Anna moved up on her knees, trying to keep her legs together to save the elixir inside her as both men opened their mouths.

Anna squeezed between her two lovers after they had eaten from her and she cuddled Sam as Robert put his arm around her from behind, his hand cupping a breast and feeling her breathing subside as they relaxed.

The afternoon air in the room was hot and thick with the smell of sex and the trio drifted away as the birds sang in the trees outside, their calls mixing with the humid air to wrap around the sleeping three.

Sam was the first to wake, the odd sensation of an arm across him made him jump a bit as he opened his eyes. He gently lifted it and padded off to the kitchen to get a drink.

A couple of minutes later, Robert appeared. Both men still naked and comfortable with each other. Sam offered to make tea and coffee and then they sat at the table to chat.

"Let's get the important thing out of the way first," Said Sam, "what shall we have for dinner? I fancy pizza, but you are my guests."

Robert agreed on the pizza. With the important issue addressed, they chatted about photography, Sam decided to raise the issue of the couple posing for him and Robert thought that it was a nice idea. They talked about the weather, birds and generally nothing as important as pizza.

Robert was puzzled why the kitchen windows had blinds or net curtains, but nowhere else did.

Sam pointed out that one window in the bedroom was also covered as this side of the flat could be seen from people in a block a little way away, although it was unlikely. The rest wasn't overlooked, so Sam was free to walk about naked. He joked that it didn't really matter as nothing happened in the flat, until today.

Robert chuckled, "Imagine if someone could see, they'd have a heart attack watching today!" They were both giggling when Anna walked in and both men turned to look at her as she stood naked in the kitchen.

Sam was trying hard not to stare between her legs, but he was so captivated by her lovely smooth pussy, the swell of the puffy, soft vulva and the dark vertical line that led into her when she was opened up. The head of his cock began to stretch free of his foreskin as he thought of how he had explored her body.

She reached into her bag and pulled out some knickers, sweet and lacey, but Sam and Robert were still sad to see her pull them on.

"Disappointing" Robert quipped and she explained that he didn't feel that comfortable walking around with her pussy on show.

"Shame, it's lovely little pussy." Sam told her, still staring down at the only piece of clothing she had on..

"You'll just have to make do with my boobs" she told the older man and jiggle her chest for him.

His eyes moved up her but only got as far as her breasts as he watched them bounce.

"Still not bored then?" she giggled


"Sam has suggested pizza for dinner," Robert piped up, trying not to look at Sam's stirring cock or Anna's breasts, wanting to remain soft for a while, at least until they had decided on food.

"Sounds good," she said, "what's on the menu?" Sam read out the options and they chose one each, Anna suddenly thinking, "Wait, it's your birthday, we have to pay!"

Sam pressed the button on the phone to send the order. "Too late!"

Anna pouted as she sat down, slumping with her elbows on the table. "That's not fair," she grumbled, "It's your special day."

"It has been VERY special already,"

"One of us will have to get dressed," Anna said as the trio stood and sat, mostly, naked, in the kitchen.

"Why?" Said Sam, looking genuinely perplexed.

"For when the pizza comes." She explained.

"Well, I forgot to add a tip, so maybe one of us should open the door as we are." The birthday boy reasoned and looked at his phone. "The delivery driver is called Alex, so, Anna, you are the tip." and he laughed as she pouted again.

"Are you serious?" She stared at the older man.

"No, just teasing." He hoped he looked genuine when he said it. "It will be OK, they will hand over the pizza box and you just take it from them. I have done it many times before. Or they can leave it on the doorstep." He explained.

"OK," she said. "I can poke my head and arm out around the door." and she puffed her chest out causing both men to stir as they stared at her breasts, the nipples now just a bit darker than the areola and the skin soft.

"You will have to take the knickers off though" Sam argued. "It's only fair as we are naked" and she reluctantly nodded.

"The most they will see is a breast." She reasoned.

The three talked about nothing much for thirty minutes, comfortable and almost all naked together.

The entryphone made Anna and Robert jump as it buzzed, Sam scampering to the hall to answer it, telling the ringer that it was the top floor, on the right and pressing the release.

"Anna, get ready" he called to the kitchen, but she was already out the door and in the hallway. her underwear now on the kitchen table.

Sam moved back, just out of sight and Robert stood behind him, both men giggling like teenagers as Anna waited to open the door, totally naked.

There was a knock and they heard the door unlock and Anna poked her head out to greet the pizza delivery.

"Hiya" The voice confused Anna as it was female.

"Oh, the app said your name was Alex." She said as she reached out to get the pizza.

"Yeah, a female Alex" was the response.

Anna realised that Sam normally only ordered one pizza, so grabbing that would be easy. There were three now and the boxes weren't so easy to handle whilst trying to keep hidden.

"I need a photo to prove I delivered it" and Alex pulled her phone out as Anna struggled to hold the boxes with one hand and moved too far, almost stumbling into the doorway and exposing both breasts as she pulled the boxes close to her to cover her body as best she could.

Alex tried to get the door number and the boxes in the photo and not the naked breasts, but stared at them as she took her time composing the photo.

"Perfect" said Alex as Anna stumbled out from behind the door, still off balance and desperate to not drop the dinner as the female driver giggled and reached up to grab the boxes before they fell.

"Thanks." Anna mumbled as her hands didn't know whether to cover her body, or reach for the pizza.

Alex handed over the boxes, they were big enough to need both hands to carry all three and she reached into a pocket and pulled out another phone.

"And this photo is for me. Smile please." and Anna did as the phone clicked, hoping the boxes covered her as she stood in the doorway, fully exposed to a stranger and holding three pizzas.

Alex was still holding the phone up, but looked directly at Anna, "Very nice," she said, "shame the pizza is in the way." and she smiled warmly at the naked woman and saw her slowly lower the boxes to expose her breasts, the nipples reddening as she breathed deeply. The phone clicked again and Anna realised how much she was showing and raised them again.

"One more for the road?" Alex asked and stepped back to take another photo, as Anna held the boxes higher, before realising she was now exposing her pussy.

The camera clicked again and Alex smiled.

Anna felt a hand beside her and turned as Sam reached for the dinner, having moved closer to watch the action.

The camera clicked again. "Nice bum!"

Anna didn't know how to hide now and she also didn't actually want Alex to stop taking photos. She looked at the two men, who were smiling at her in the hallway and took a step towards them.

"Thanks again." Alex called from behind, "enjoy the pizza" and she started to go down the stairs.

Anna smiled at her men as they looked at her naked body. Then she turned back in the doorway, opening it with one arm outstretched and leaning against the wall with the other arm.

"Female Alex."

The delivery woman stopped and turned and a huge smile swept over her face as she walked back up the steps. She reached for her phone again as Anna smiled back.

"Nice smile," Said Alex, the phone clicking even as her eyes lifted to look into Anna's, "Especially the vertical one."

Anna blushed then shifted her legs to give Alex an even bigger smile as they held each other's gaze, the phone still clicking.

"Thanks, female Alex." and Anna began to close the door.

Alex turned to go, thanking the naked woman and then calling "Thanks, Sam, enjoy your meal, dessert looks delicious!" as she started down the stairs.

Anna looked at the older man as he giggled.

"You knew it was a girl delivering it!" and he laughed some more.

"Yes, she is the regular delivery person."

"Next you will tell me you did tip her too!"

"Well, it is rude not to." he laughed and went to the kitchen with the food, his laughter mingling with Robert's as they opened the boxes.

Anna stood with her hands on her hips, trying to look annoyed, which was hard as she was naked.

"The extra tip was wasted then." She said as she headed for the pizza, the aroma too strong to keep her away.

"Not really," he explained, "it will be nice for her to see a naked body here she would like. Normally it's me and she has no interest."

"How do you know she has no interest, Sam?" Anna asked.

"I am not her type." He replied as he began to slice the pizzas.

"What is her type then?" Anna was still curious about Sam's actions.

"Well, I don't know exactly, but you are much more her type."

"ohhhhhhhh" Anna said, realising why the girl had looked so pleased. Then her face showed shock, "I let her take photos, she has pictures of my tits and pussy!"

Sam laughed and looked at Anna, stroking her face, "Another one wanking off to you, dear."

They all laughed, then got on with the serious business of eating pizza.

Over dinner they chatted about the rest of the evening, Sam hoping his special day would continue.

"Well," Anna said as she nibbled her pizza, "for such a birthday, we could make a weekend of it."

Sam was glad he was sitting as his penis began to swell.

"The sofa folds out to a bed." The older man said, hoping they would take the hint.

"Excellent!" said Anna. "I can sleep there and you and Robert can share the bed!"

Now it was Sam's time to be confused, unsure if it was a joke, but also thinking it wouldn't be bad to share the bed with the younger man. Whatever the outcome, he really hoped the couple would spend the night.

Anna put the pizza down for a second and looked at Sam with a smile. "It's your birthday, Sam. If you want us to stay, say so. This is your day and you should have whoever you want in your bed for the night."

Under the table the birthday boy was getting hard.

After the food, Sam headed to the bathroom for a while, mainly to let the couple have some time to discuss things, not knowing they had done that in advance of the day.

Robert did ask if Anna was ok and she wanted to know that he was fine with sharing her. Both admitted it was very thrilling having this special weekend Robert had loved watching Sam with Anna and she had loved watching him watching her. They didn't know what the rest of the weekend had in store, but their original plan was that Sam could be trusted, so the couple were his, Anna especially, but should he want Robert, then that was good too.

Sam wandered back and made tea and coffee and Anna slid her knickers back on again, still not comfortable with parading around naked.

The couple went to the living room as Sam made drinks. His phone pinged and he saw a message from Alex.

"Hope the pizza was good and you get a taste of that sweet pussy."

He giggled. He had known Alex for a couple of years or so, she was the only delivery person that he didn't have to put on clothes for after she got a glimpse of him when his robe fell open. He had seen her with a girl only once and her lover was very 'normal' looking, the pair looking very unobtrusive and matched. The girl had also looked a bit like Anna.

"It is delicious" he replied.

"GOOD MAN" came the reply, "hope you get some photos too."

Alex knew Sam loved photography and he had tried to get her to model, but she turned him down jokingly saying "you're a dirty old man and I'm a dirty younger lesbian!" He had thought that ideal, but she explained she would get horny posing for photos and he really wasn't her type. After that they just enjoyed a playful friendship and she became his regular delivery driver and they both enjoyed his naked acceptance of the pizza as he found someone who wouldn't get him banned.

"No photos, yet." he texted back. Moments later, as he poured the tea and coffee another ping and Alex had sent one of the full frontal shots she had taken of Anna.

"Hopefully you won't be just wanking over this tonight." Alex said and he smiled and saved the photo to his Anna album.

Sam went to the living room, his cock already stirring at the thought of being inside Anna again and tasting that sweet pussy.

Anna patted the sofa next to her and Sam sat as she moved against him, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Hope you are having a good birthday" she said in her soft, warm voice and before he could answer she jumped up and scampered from the room, both men watching her nice bum jiggle in her lacey knickers.

She walked back a minute or so later carrying a plate with a slice of her cake on it. She was smiling at Sam and he was so busy looking at her face and breasts he didn't even see the cake until she stood in front of him, the plate held low at roughly hip height.

"Happy birthday, Sam. Hope it tastes good." and she moved the plate a bit lower revealing the top of the cleft in her mound.

Sam's eyes were no longer on her breasts as she moved the plate a bit lower and he moaned as he took in the beautiful sight of her vulva as she exposed herself further.

She moved the plate away with one hand and the older man's eyes remained fixed, ignoring the sweet treat for something he wanted to eat more. Anna stepped forward and Sam leaned towards her to kiss the soft lips as she groaned at his touch.

Sam placed soft kisses on line of her lips and then moved his lips upwards, standing to kiss and lick up to her mouth where he found her lips open to greet him. His arms went around and he moved so she was standing with her back to the sofa now. He saw some movement and realised that Robert had leaned over to take the plate from her hand and they pair embraced tightly.

"Sit down, Anna" Sam whispered in her ear and she did just that, her face level with his stiff cock, her lips moving to kiss the underside of the head, wanting it inside her mouth, but Sam moved away and down.

He was kneeling on the floor in front of her, just looking at her, taking in her face and body and smiling. She exhaled and relaxed and opened her legs to watch his gaze go down to the unfurling lips. She was coming alive for him again, blood flowing through her labia and the inside of her pussy already tingling.

"Beautiful" he whispered and her lips widened as she opened her legs for his eyes.

Sam's lips pressed to one of Anna's knees, then the other, slowly kissing each leg, higher each time.

"So nice" she whispered a she opened with his touch on her.

His eyes were almost fixed to her pussy as he kissed, watching the inner lips swell and pull free from her outer labia as his hands moved her legs wider and his mouth travelled up towards the sweet, wet prize.

She shifted her position, sliding forward slightly as he spread her legs, his hands then sliding under her thighs to lift them as she groaned as each kiss neared where she wanted his mouth the most.

Anna reached down as Sam pushed her legs up and he stared into her dark red hole as her fingers pulled apart the swollen labia so he could see inside her and the wetness that was for him.

He leaned down and placed his lips around the hole, feeling it throb as he kissed it and Anna released her lips to place her hands behind her knees, trying to get as wide as possible as Sam slid his tongue into her and licked her vaginal walls.

Anna pushed her hips up to meet his lips and tongue and now it was his fingers that opened her lips wide as his tongue spread her walls to lick her liquid from the tight tunnel. He pushed his tongue out and moved his head back and forth to slide it in and out of her wet hole as she groaned with each thrust of it inside her.