Dinner for two

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Dinner with ebony Alisha leads to so much more.
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At the end of a long day, I finally put the computer in my cubicle through its night routine, stood up and stretched.

I said, "Man. I thought I would never finish with those photos."

My next-cubicle neighbor Andy, punched my shoulder. "But at least you got it done, man, that's what's counts."

I nodded. "Yep, that's what's counts."

"You want to go grab a beer with me, Ryan? Catch part of the game before we both have to go home?"

I had to admit, that sounded good. And I said so. "After a long day of picking photos, a beer is just what the doctor ordered."

Andy cracked a grin. "Come on, man."

Once outside, I was thankful for my jacket. The September night was cool, and the breeze was even cooler.

I pulled my jacket even tighter about me, also thankful that the bar was just a block away from the office building.

Once inside, Andy and I got down to business -- we kicked back over a couple of beers, and made a friendly bet over the game that was in progress.

We had a good time, and watched the game until the first quarter was finished, then we both stood and stretched. Andy drained the rest of his beer and said, "Well, Ryan, buddy, I got to be heading home."

I said, "Same here."

"See you tomorrow."

"Yeah. Tomorrow."

Andy patted my back. "Nice job on the photos, man. You are one hell of a photographer, man. Keep it up."

"Thanks, Andy." I watched him leave. Then I drained my own beer, left a tip for the cute little waitress, and went to the bathroom.

As I left the bathroom and headed for the door myself, a small group of black girls came in. They were all dressed to the nines, I saw. I felt a stirring in my crotch. Lately, I've been finding that white women don't excite me anymore. I have also noticed that when I fantasize, it's been about a black girl.

My taste in the various men's magazines have moved away from "Stuff," "Maxim," and "FHM," all of which have skinny white girls, and moved towards "Smooth," "King," and "Black Men," all magazines that feature models of color.

I glanced for a second at the group of girls, and for just a second, had the idea to go over and say hi. But that idea died a quick death. I doubted that these beautiful black girls would show any interest in a guy like me, and besides, I had to get home. I had an idea for dinner that I was eager to try.

I was a pretty non-descript guy, even as white guys went. I was of average height and build, with a full head of close cropped dark brown hair, and green eyes, although I did work out and watched what I ate.

I was, therefore, pretty surprised, when I heard someone say, "Ryan?"

I turned. Surprisingly enough, it was one of the black girls. She was casually dressed in black capri leggings, and an off-white hooded sweater coat that snapped in front, with flip flops, carrying a matching off white crochet purse. A white lace bra top peeked out from under her sweater.

She had the most beautiful caramel-colored skin, with jet black hair, and equally beautiful coffee brown eyes. She also looked familiar. But I couldn't place her if my life depended on it.

But I said, "Yeah, it's me, Ryan."

She said, "Oh, my goodness!" And she gave me a huge hug, the biggest hug I think anyone has ever given me. She came over, wrapped her arms tightly around my neck, and rocked with me.

I was starting to remember who she was. It was Alisha! Alisha Cameo.

She pulled back and delivered three kisses in a row, on the lips.

"Baby, how are you! How long has it been?"

I said, "Too long."

"Oh my god, baby, tell me about it. Please don't tell me you were leaving."

I cringed. "Yeah, unfortunately, I was just heading for the door. I was just heading home to my apartment to make dinner."

"What were you going to make?"

I said, "Soup. Kind of a weird idea I have."

Alisha surprised me again. "Do you mind if I come with you? Baby, it's been ages since we've talked. We have to catch up."

I wasn't in the mood for company, really. But Alisha was different. We've literally been friends for ages. We met in college, during our freshman year. To say we were merely "close," would be missing the mark just a tad. So I said, "Yeah, that would be cool if we could catch up. But what about your friends?"

Alisha looked over her shoulder to her friends. They were waving at her in an impatient manner, like they were waiting to start their night of drinking until she came over to join them.

Then she looked back at me. "They can do without me for one night. Hang on a second, okay, baby?"

I said, "Okay."

I couldn't believe this was happening.

Alisha went back to the bar, and talked to her friends. I couldn't hear exactly what was being said, but it didn't take a rocket scientist to decipher her friends' reactions. Finally she said, "I'll see you guys later, okay?"

The rest of them moaned and bitched. But Alisha turned away from them, and rejoined me with a happy smile. "Don't worry about them. They'll survive."

"You ready to go?"

Alisha smiled wider, showing perfect white teeth. "I'm all ready, baby. Let's go."

A ten minute bus ride later, we were at my apartment building.

As we entered my building, she said, "Don't tell me this is where you live."

I chuckled at that. "Either that, or I've taken you to the wrong apartment building."

Alisha laughed out loud. "No, silly, it's just that I live in the apartment building just down the street from this one. I can't believe we haven't bumped into each other before now."

"Yeah, that is weird, now that you mention it. But we finally managed it."

Alisha smiled. "Yeah. Finally."

I turned the key, and let Alisha in ahead of me. "Come on."

Five minutes later, I was letting her in my apartment. I unlocked my door, then reached inside and snapped on the lights. She walked in ahead of me. "Wow, this is a pretty sweet place you've got, baby."

"Thanks. Make yourself comfortable while I start dinner."

I looked around at my apartment, as if seeing it for the first time. As I came in, to the right was my TV and couch. On the left, was my kitchen. All the way to the back, down a short hall way, was the door that led to my bedroom. To the right of that, was the bathroom.

Be it ever so humble, there's no place like home.

And here was Alisha Cameo, the beautiful Alisha Cameo, kicking back on my couch in bare feet, and checking out my magazines, sample copies from the publishers who had ran my photos.

I had to pinch myself, just to make sure. She was still there.

She put the magazines back down and said, "Wow, baby, you've been published in all these magazines?"

I said, "Yeah."

"That is incredible. I am so proud of you!"

I blushed, and had to look away. "Thanks."

"So, what's for dinner?"

"Soup and sandwiches. Hope you don't mind."

"Baby, I am starving. Anything you make will look good, I assure you."

I put two cans of vegetable soup in the pot, followed by a package of frozen meatballs. Then I covered the pot. "So, tell me, what have you been doing?"

"Same thing you have, baby. Making a name for yourself in the photography world, except as a makeup artist."

I cracked a grin. "That is great, Alisha. It's good to hear you've been successful."

Alisha blushed. "Thank you, baby. It's so good to see you again. I've missed you."

I came back around, where she was sitting at the bar, across from the stove. "I've missed you, too, Alisha."

Alisha stood up, and put her arms around my neck. She kissed me again, on the mouth. My lips tingled like an electric current was flowing through me.

"Baby, how is it that we manage to lose track of each other for so long?"

I shrugged. "I don't know."

I put my arms around her smooth waist. She hadn't changed much since the last time I saw her. Her face was still the same -- high cheek bones, small chin, full lips, small cute nose, elegant black eyebrows, that same cute smile. Maybe there were some fine lines around her eyes, but otherwise she was still the same. She'd taken to having long nails, French style. Boy, were they long, too. And her chest looked bigger. Although, I think that was my imagination.

But one thing wasn't my imagination -- the gold ring with a huge solitaire diamond on her left hand.

"There's one thing I do know."

I said, "What's that?"

"I do not want to lose track of you again, if I can help it. And I'm hoping the feeling is mutual, Ryan."

She was so close, her body so soft, her scent so pleasant. I nodded. "Definitely. The feeling is definitely mutual."

Alisha looked into my eyes. "I'm glad to hear you say that." She leaned in closer, and pressed her lips to mine. "Do you mind if I ask if you're seeing anyone?"

I shook my head this time. "Nope. Too busy making a name for myself. What about you, Alisha?"

She shook her head, too, moving her velvet hair. "Nope. Matter of fact, it's been a while since I've been with a man, of any color."

I said, "Really?"

"Yes, really."

"You want to explain that ring, then?"

Alisha laughed, as she looked at her left hand. "Baby, this ring doesn't mean a thing. This isn't even a real diamond. I just wear this ring to scare away any guys that can't take a hint."

"So, both of us are single?"

Alisha nodded. "Yep. Both of us are single."

"Why do you ask?"

Alisha looked away, then back at me. "I was kind of hoping, that we could move our friendship up to the next level, Ryan."

This was tricky territory. I'd heard of guys I'd known, who'd done just that, with a girl they'd known since grade school or what have you, and it would have just as much chance of being a disaster, as it would of being a success. The primary problem with taking a friendship "to the next level," was that if things didn't work out, there was no going back down to the previous level.

But at the same time, this felt right. She felt right.

I cracked a grin. "Let me guess -- you've been subconsciously comparing all the men you've known to me."

"Not subconsciously. But I have been comparing."

"And what did you find?"

Alisha whispered, "They've all come up short. So I figured, why go with all the pale imitations, when I can have the original?"

The problem, if you can call it that, was that I had been dreaming of this particular situation for years. And now, here it was -- coming true! And I didn't know what to do.

My heart was my best bud right now. It whacked me upside the head. Dude, kiss her! That's what you do, you idiot!

I leaned in, and kissed her. Her lips were so soft.

Alisha smiled. Then she kissed me back.

Alisha said quietly, "Tell me. How long will it be until the soup is ready?"

I gulped. "Those meatballs are still frozen. It'll take a good fifteen minutes, at least for them to defrost."

Alisha smiled wider. "Good. That gives us time to move up to the next level."

She leaned in close and kissed me. It felt like the most natural thing in the world, to be kissing Alisha. She stepped back. "Why don't I take this off?"

She started to unsnap the snaps of her sweater. Slowly. One snap at a time.

Snap ... snap ... snap ...

I gulped. "Sounds like a pretty good idea."

One quick move and her sweater jacket was on the floor. She stood there in a white lace bra and black pants.

I moved forward, to resume kissing her. We kissed for a long time. Slowly, she opened her mouth. After a few more kisses, she slowly put her tongue in my mouth.

I moaned. I couldn't believe I had Alisha in my arms. And we were kissing.

Alisha pulled back a little, and licked her lips. "My god, baby, you sure know how to kiss. Did you know that?"

I cracked a grin. "Glad to know I have skills."

"Baby, you've got mad skills."


Suddenly she stepped back into my arms. We kissed again. Part of my brain was thinking, we're already at the next level, and stepped off the elevator.

I banished my conscience, and instead slipped my arms around her waist, and moved my hands up her back, and found her bra clasp.

Alisha said, "I was wondering when you would do that."

I shrugged and grinned.

Alisha pushed the straps down around her arms, then whipped the bra off in one smooth motion. Then she stood there, and shimmied back and forth a little. Her breasts were definitely bigger, and didn't move.

My entire vision was filled with them.

I looked up slightly. Alisha grinned at me. "Do you like them?"

"Your surgeon should get an award. They look beautiful."

Alisha blushed. "Aw, thank you! Why don't you come here and touch them?"

I stepped forward eagerly, and reached out with both hands to cup her breasts. I played with them, caressed them, squeezed them.

Alisha exhaled softly. "Oh, yes, baby."

I bent down slightly and licked at one of her cute little brown nipples.

Alisha kissed me. Then she took my hand and led me to the couch. She pushed the ottoman against the couch, and laid down on it. I sat down next to her, and resumed fooling around with her big beautiful tits.

"What size are they, if you don't mind me asking?"

"I don't mind. And they're 34-D's."

"Wow." I wrapped my lips gently around her nipple.

Alisha arched off the couch. "Baby, take off my pants, please."

Grinning, I gently put my fingers inside the elastic waistband of her pants, and tugged. Alisha lifted her legs up, and I soon had them off. I discovered then, that she wasn't wearing underwear.

Alisha smiled up at me. "That's right, no panties. Why don't you help yourself?"

"I think I will."

She spread her legs wide for me. I dove down and began working the folds of her pussy with my tongue. She had no pubic hairs to get in the way, so who was I to refuse a clean pussy?

Alisha gasped out loud. "Oh, yeah, baby! Eat my black pussy!"

And so I did. Until Alisha was making such high pitched squeals that would shatter crystal. She laid there, breathing heavily, her hand on her chest.

"Are you okay?"

"Baby, I am better than okay. Where did you learn to eat pussy like that?"

I grinned. "Men's magazines are very informative."

Alisha laughed. "Here, help me up, baby." She reached her hands out.

I helped her up. She pushed me against the couch and began hugging and kissing me like I'd never been kissed. In a flash, she had my sweater off. Then her nimble hands were undoing my fly. Suddenly my pants joined my sweater, on the floor.

Then she was between my legs, grinning up at me.

I groaned as she put her warm mouth on my cock, and began sucking like there was no tomorrow. The room was quiet while her head bobbed up and down, except for the sexy slurping noises, and my own groans.

I said, "Do you like that white cock?"

She made mm-hm.

Then she let my cock pop out of her mouth. "I think you're ready." Without another word, she turned and grabbed her purse. She rummaged around in her purse, and finally got a condom out. She quickly unrolled it on my cock, and stood up.

Then she climbed on the couch, and straddled me.

She held my cock, and said, "You're going to have to be patient with me. It's been a while since I've had a cock inside me. I'm pretty tight."

I gulped. "No problem."

I held her waist as she very gingerly sank down on my cock. Her mouth was wide open in a silent "O." I groaned again. Her pussy was tight, but not as tight as I thought it would be. But I let Alisha take her time. She had to lift up and sink down a few times. But eventually, all of me was inside her.

Then the real fucking began.

Alisha was a quiet woman -- she didn't make a lot of noise. But the way she dug her nails in my shoulders with each down motion, spoke a thousand words.

It was magical, they way we made love. It was like we were in a weird kind of synch. I felt my cock tightening up, just as I felt Alisha's pussy tightening up.

"Do you like that white cock in your black pussy?"

"Baby, I love your white cock in my black pussy!"

"Are you going to come?"

"Oh god, yes, I'm going to come!"

And her mouth opened wider than ever before, in a silent scream. Just as she was having her orgasm, I came hard, too. I groaned.

Then she suddenly collapsed in my arms.

I held her, rubbed her back.

"Oh, god. Ryan, thank you. I have never come like that in my whole life."

"Me, neither."

Alisha kissed me over and over again. "So, have we made it to the next level?"

I cracked a grin. "We've made it up there and already stepped off the elevator."

Alisha laughed out loud. "Baby. Are you on the same floor with me?"

I nodded. "Definitely. Penthouse suite all the way."

Alisha kissed me. "Good. Guess I'd better climb off you so you can go check our dinner, huh?"

We both laughed. I said, "Yeah. Dinner for two, coming up."

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SatyrDickSatyrDickalmost 2 years ago


Romantique und Zexxsi!


AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago
Black girls make everything better

The use of "baby" in dialogue may have been a bit much, but not a problem. As an avid reader of interracial erotica, I can't get too much of talk of dark nipples, black pussies, and white cocks. It was a short but very hot and effective story. I hope you have more like it. Thank You.

-EbnyLvrBryan, via mobile phone.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
If only

If only it was that simple. But there are beautiful girls in many different shades of darkness. I've met a couple of real Nubian princesses from south Egypt who had me feeling all jumpy. The ticket taker at the Met in NYC was caramel perfection. I like black women, strange for someone who saw his first black person age 12.


KittyOh48KittyOh48over 9 years ago

There's NOTHING wrong with a quickie as long as both parties agree!

AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago

Hate to say I find't finish the story, imho "baby" being in the story so many times and the talking during the sex scene kind of bored me :/

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