Don't Do That So Good

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A mother sends double messages to her son.
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Janice drank; lots. It started with the disintegration of her marriage. The bastard, as she referred to him when she was being kind, had left her. The 'joke' of it was that she was 38 and he left her for two nineteen year olds. Actually he left her for one nineteen year old who has a twin sister. Whether anything actually happened between the three of them was speculation but she wouldn't put it past the bastard.

Janice still raged at the fact that he had made her work all those years, always complaining that she spent too much, when he had all those hidden assets. Thank God she had a lawyer who found them. The bastard was paying now; neither she nor her son Jimmy would ever have to work again but what she had gained monetarily she had lost in self esteem.

That's probably what started the drinking and the little exhibitions. Janice desperately wanted to feel desirable again; wanted to be wanted. She took off her bra and started wearing blouses that would 'happen' to open enough to show a good portion of her full breasts. She took off her panties and started wearing skirts one size tighter than she used to. The curve of her ass and the sight of tit-flesh were not lost on her son Jim.

On a few evenings Janice came home so drunk he had to put her to bed. He didn't undress her but he spent a long time looking in the open blouse and hiked up skirt. On a few evenings she wasn't as drunk as she appeared to be and enjoyed the warmth of feeling his eyes on her and his hands on her as helped her to bed.

Jim was shy and had been basically overwhelmed by his father. If he had a dollar for every time his father had seen him lost in thought and yelled, "Get up and do something you worthless lump" he'd have enough to buy his mother anything she wanted; and now he did.

Jim adored Janice. He loved her face and her kind hands on his, he loved the warmth of her body when she hugged him, and he loved her smell. Even though he didn't like high school, after graduation he took computer classes four days a week because she asked him to.

The first time he touched his mother he thought he would collapse from the excitement. She had come home bleary eyed and gone directly to her room. She had taken her top off and fell asleep on her side. Jim went in after a few minutes to see if she was all right. When he saw her nipples for the first time, he was transfixed. They were mocha colored and covered the top of her tits. He watched his mother's breasts gently rise and fall with her breathing and got a straining hard-on. The longer he looked, the more he wanted to touch. As his desire took him he felt a tremble in his arms and legs. As he reached for her tit he tried to think of what he would say if she woke up. He couldn't think and he didn't care. The ocean was in his ears and his mothers beautiful breast was in his hand.

He gently fondled her and let his finger trace around the big nipple. After a few minutes, his excitement grew but at the same time calmness surrounded him. Janice began to become aware of the sensations. She was so tired that she didn't move nor open her eyes. She languished in her sons touch. As she became more awake her breathing pattern changed and Jim released her breast and left the room.

Janice's mind raced with conflicting thoughts: "how good that felt, how could she let him do that, how nice to have him want to touch her, what kind of mother allows her son to fondle her breasts when she could stop him"? Janice froze; he was coming back in.

Her eyes stayed closed as he quietly re-entered. She heard him unzip his pants. Her tit was in his hand again; firmer this time. He was breathing hard and she opened her eyes just enough to look through her long lashes in the dim light. He wouldn't have seen anyway. His eyes were closed as he rubbed himself while his palm moved across her stiffening nipples. She looked at the big cock so close to her face. She could smell his heat. "My God" she thought "is he going to come on me? Am I going to feel my son's hot cum on my tits or face"? An involuntary sound came out of her throat and he stopped and left.

Neither of them slept well that night and each of them masturbated with the other in mind. Both of their awakening thoughts were of a son fucking his mother; and in one case, then fucking his mother again.

At breakfast Janice kissed his lips instead of his cheek. It was a quick kiss but different and a line of juice went through him. They spoke easily and he went off to class but computers were the last thing on his mind. When he came home, Janice had prepared dinner and was made up. "What's the occasion mom?"

"Does there have to be an occasion for a mother to make her son dinner?" They both laughed because the answer was 'yes'. They had been eating out or bringing in for a long time now.

"Anyway you look very nice, mom"; and she did. The makeup made her eyes dramatic and the low cut dress showed her breasts to their full advantage. He couldn't stop thinking about how much he wanted her and the wine was fueling his feelings. Janice drank lots more than he did and was stirred.

Jim then did the bravest thing he'd ever done in his life. He started to talk to his mother about how he felt. "Mom, could a son love his mother so much that he would do things to her"?

Janice became wary and wide eyed. "What do you mean Jimmy, against her will?"

"Well, no but if he wanted to touch her or something."

"Jimmy, we all have desires and at certain ages like yours, they can be very strong. There's nothing wrong with that but a mother has to be stronger and would never allow her son to do things to her unless he forced her."

"What did that mean?" he wondered. Is she just boozed and not making sense or is she saying…? He made up his mind as to what she meant. They drank into the night.

When she gave him a sloppy kiss goodnight he let his hand slide to the top of her ass. She smiled and turned to go to her bedroom. When he came in a half hour later she was naked on her belly and seemingly asleep. She felt him tying her hands with the wide ribbon to the brass headboard. As her legs spread when he tied her ankles to the thinner brass rods at the foot of the bed, she got wet: not just wet but viscous. He laid his hand on his mother's ass and traced the curve from her waist to her thigh. Janice 'woke up'.

"Jimmy, what are you doing; why am I tied up?"

At first he didn't answer; he stopped then took a deep breath and exhaled. He put his hand between his mother's legs and held her wet pussy. "I need this mom and if this is the only way I'm going to get it, then I'm going to do it this way."

"No Jimmy, you can't touch your mother like that. Listen baby, I know what your going through. I need things too. Untie me and we can talk about. Maybe I can let you touch momma's breasts but we shouldn't do more than that. Jimmy, even if it feels good to both of us we shouldn't do more than touch."

"No mom, I'm beyond just touching your tit, I'm going to do everything to you. I know you would never want me to and you'll probably hate me but I want you so much I have to. It's all I can think about."

"Jimmy, you're my son and I could never hate you no matter what you did but even if I wanted you as bad as you want me you, you still shouldn't put your cock into your mother."

He got on the bed behind her and lifted her hips slightly. As she said, "Oh no, no" she held the position which would give her son easy access to her pussy. He entered her cunt and pushed into the liquid channel. Had she not been so wet, her pussy would not have been able to accommodate his large cock so easily. There was no feeling in his life that had felt better than moving in and out of his mother's cunt. It felt so much better than his hand or the hands of the few girls he'd gone out with that had made him come. It felt so much better to his mother than her hand.

"Oh, oh Jimmy, you're fucking me…no…oh you're in my cunt and you shouldn't be… but you're fucking me so good…fucking your mother so good…"

At the sounds of her words he came. He pumped cum deep into his mother's belly as he reached to get his hands between the sheets and her tits. He spasmed time and again and Janice was inflamed by her son's cum in her, but his quick ejaculation caught her before she was ready to come. She was on the ceiling as the big cock slid out of her.

Janice didn't know what to do or say. She closed her eyes and slowly started to grind her cunt into the wet sheet as she lay on her belly still tied up. Jimmy began stroking her back, stroking the sides of her breasts, her ass, and her cunt. For almost ten minutes she felt his hands, his fingers, and then his tongue find her tenderness and her holes. She couldn't stand it any more. "Jimmy you're not going fuck your mother again, are you?"

He answered with his cock in her, with long measured strokes. "Again and again and again" he said as he plunged into his mothers waiting cunt. This time he fucked her until she was raw and sore. This time his cock found all her secret places. This time her orgasm hit first. Her voice betrayed the lust she felt as she cried out, "Oh fuck yes…oh…oh…in my cunt… oh, oh, oh…" It turned into a cross between moaning and crying: "Oh Jimmy, Jimmy, I let you fuck me…I let you fuck me".

Now he was ready to come again. His second explosion was more intense than the first. There wasn't as much cum as the first time, but the four or five jets he shot into her seemed to send electricity through his body. As he lay on her back with his cock still swollen in her, he just repeated "Mother…mother…mother…"

After a few minutes he untied her. He couldn't read her emotions. She looked at her son and took his face in her hands and said, "I know this wasn't your fault, we're not going to talk about this again". She took a nightgown from the drawer and went into the bathroom. As she left he saw his cum running down his mother's thigh.

Jimmy put on his briefs and went into the kitchen and could hear the shower running. He waited nervously. He went to the bathroom door and thought he heard Janice sniffling. "Mother, are you all right"?

"I'm ok dear; I'll be out in a minute."

When she came out, her dark hair was slicked back. Her body and pretty face had small beads of moisture still on them. She wore a nylon nightie of Bridal White that ended above her knees. He could just make out the darker circles of her nipples and the patch between her legs. She looked so young and vulnerable and the sad smile on her face almost broke his heart.

"Mom please come and talk to me. I'm sorry if you think what we did was wrong but we can't make believe it didn't happen."

"Please Jimmy… we don't have to…we…" Before she could finish he took her hand and led her to a chair. He sat her down and brought his chair as close as he could get to her. He took her hands in his. She memorized his well muscled chest and arms and looked down.

"Mom, this was the best night of my life and I can't just forget about it. Do you need me the way I need you?"

"Of course I need you, you're my…" He stopped her.

"No mom I mean do you need me to be in you. Do you need me to make love to you?" She sat silently with her eyes downcast.

"Mom, I will not let you get up from that chair until you talk to me. I don't care how long it takes." She sat for what seemed an eternity to him and finally took a deep breath and raised her eyes. She seemed on the brink of tears and swallowed hard.

"Mom, just tell me what you felt before; what you're feeling now."

"All right… I…I loved it. I loved having your big cock in me… I was never so wet and I never came like that. You filled me and I felt like I found what was missing for so long." As she spoke he took her breast in his hand. "I feel your hand on me now and I'm afraid…because I'll never want you to stop."

"Mom, I untied the real ribbons from your hands and feet, now you have to untie the ribbons that tie you to what other people think. We can't throw away a love we both need."

"Come to me mom" he said as he opened his arms to her. His mother's eyes brimmed over and she came to him with mixed cry and laugh that said "Yes".

Janice straddled her son as they kissed. She ate at his lips and mouth and tongue as if she was starving. One of his hands reached under the nylon and pushed up her tit as he palmed it. The other hand reached behind and he put a finger into her ass. They kissed the kisses of new lovers. His cock ached because she pressed against it. His cock ached because he wanted her so much. He lifted her slightly and pulled off his briefs. Janice guided his cock into her.

Jimmy sighed as his cock found its haven. It slipped up high into her wetness. His mother was completely around him. Her son was completely in her. He pulled the white nylon over her head and she wrapped her arms around him as her belly and breasts pressed into him. She clung to his mouth and moved on his cock until the only thing she wanted was to do was come; and not come: just feel like this forever.

Jimmy put his two hands under his mother's ass and lifted her as he stood up. She opened her eyes wide in surprise but still wrapped her legs around him and he stayed in her. He smiled and said, "I'm taking you to bed".

As he carried her she said in his ear, "Always take your mother to bed: my lover, my Jim."

He sat her on the edge of the bed and pulled out of her. He brought the big cock to her face. She inhaled the heady sexual smell and kissed the knob and shaft. "You're only my second man and I never took him into my mouth. When we first got married I didn't think wives should do that and later when the bastard was screwing around on me I wouldn't give him the satisfaction of having me any way he wanted; but I want you to have me and I want to have you."

Janice wrapped her lips around her son's cock and began sucking. Her tongue instinctively knew what to do. The way she sucked let him know that his cock was where she wanted it to be. Janice turned her eyes to the side and could see the two of them in the dresser mirror. She loved what she saw: a mother sucking her son, Janice sucking Jim, she sucking him. He smoothed her damp hair with both hands as she lovingly took as much of the thick meat as would fit in her mouth. She wrapped her hand around the rest and squeezed it gently back and forth. Jim wondered, "How could anything feel this good"?

He found out when he came in his mother's mouth. His body shook as stream after stream shot to the back of her throat. It was sweet cum to her and she couldn't get enough. She sensed his pleasure as he cried out "Oh mom…oh mom" time after time. It inflamed her desire to please him so that she sucked harder and harder and wouldn't stop. When he was drained, his cock was slick with only his mother's saliva and he collapsed in her arms. They spent the night inflaming and satisfying each other.

Jim got up early the next morning and went to shower. He stood under the warm stream feeling good until the hot water gave out. He returned to what he now knew was their bedroom. He was surprised to see his mother with her face beautifully made up. She sat on the bed with her legs spread. She wore a see through bra that barely contained her full breasts. Her pussy was bare. He smiled at the sight. "And who are you getting ready for?"

"For my son" she answered playfully.

"And what is your son going to do when he sees you like this?"

"He's going to put his big cock in me. He's going to do his mother like he did her last night; until she can hardly see straight. And then he's going to do her again until her cunt is so sore she begs him to stop fucking her."

"Is he a good boy who listens to his mother?"

"No he's very bad; he keeps on fucking her and doing all the things he should never do to his mother."

"What shouldn't he do to his mother?"

"He shouldn't spread her legs and suck on his mother's pussy - but he does it. He shouldn't suck on her nipples so hard that milk almost comes out of them - but he does. And he shouldn't make her take him in her mouth and suck him until he shoots his cum stream after stream down his mother's throat."

"You must be very ashamed of him."

Her tone changed and she became serious. "Oh no, I'm very proud of my son. I'm proud of how he takes care of his mother in every way. I'm proud of how good he fucks her and I'm proud of how good he loves her."

She kissed her son soft and long. He loved her long and hard. He found every opening and they all yielded to him. She sparked him again and again until he exhausted her.

Their special first days led to many special nights over the course of a year as lovers. On the anniversary of their first time, she made him the same dinner and his 'gift' came again wrapped in ribbons, and came again.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Yes mom ,your the greatist

Don't quit now ,your on a roll with a couple who truly love each other. Now let us know what they do with this new life.

AnonymousAnonymousover 10 years ago
"Jimmy you're not going fuck your mother again, are you?" He answered with his cock in her, with long measured strokes. "Again and again and again" he said as he plunged into his mothers waiting cunt.

That's the way a boy gets once he's fucked his mother. Like Jim in this excellent story, the boy simply cannot get enough of that paradise between his mother's legs. And like plenty of moms--more and more of them all the time--Jim's mother can't get enough of what her big good-looking son's got sticking out from between his own legs. Nowadays in our sexually liberated society a mother and her son find it much easier to talk openly with each other about their needs and desires. A mother will confess her need for convulsive, body-shattering cums, and a boy confides his need to unload his hot young balls multiple times a day into a warm wet place. It doesn't take long for them to realize that their needs are complementary, just like the boy's big hard cock and his mother's warm wet twat are complementary. The old, antiquated "taboo" is fading fast, and for lots and lots of mom and son couples today it just doesn't exist. Look, they're mother and son, they love each other to pieces, both of them know full well that the boy came out of that cunt, that it's his own damn birth canal. They know it's perfectly natural for the boy to shove his fat young cock up into his first and best home and blow his young balls up where he started out. So they just go ahead and fuck, and like Jim and his mom, they do it again and again and again.

LAROCLAROCover 11 years ago
NICE STORY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sid_SilverSid_Silverover 12 years ago
Pretty good

Short and sweet. Gets you where you need to be in a hurry.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Great story!

Loved it!

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