Dream of the Unlikely Princess Ch. 05

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Oksana realizes her dream.
2.8k words

Part 5 of the 5 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 08/11/2011
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** The final chapter without the lead-in to the main story.


The dream ended and Oksana felt herself drifting so pleasantly in his embrace. She settled her face tightly against his neck as she hugged him. She was so happy. "Thank you Yevgeny," she sighed, "It was so beautiful to see your people. I wish that I was one of them, but I am happy with you here."

She pulled her head back and kissed him softly, feeling his throb deep inside her, still showing her the emotion of his heart. "Lie down," she whispered. I have found a king for myself. I wish only now that I could become your queen."

His eyes went wide and very dark as he looked at her with a soft groan in his throat. "It has been an even longer time since I have seen a female look at me as you look right now. Very well then. You find the way you like it, and I take you as my queen, Oksana, though I am nothing anymore."

Oksana sighed as she found the best fit for herself on top of him, "I think ..., I think you have it... wrong Yevgeny. Remember what I said before ..." she moaned quietly, "I know nothing... of magic. But... I have the heart for it, and ..." she grunted softly and threw her head back a moment before looking down at him again, "you are my king. That's what you are to me."

An hour and a half later, Oksana was looking up at him. His arms were holding her and his hand cradled her head. It was all that she could do to keep her legs around him. The big bang orgasms had come and gone again and again. Now she felt weak and happy at how he loved her so gently. She felt so languid and pliable, noticing details, tiny details. She could feel the tickle of his fur against her, and the wetness of his seed as it ran out of her, and still he went on so tenderly now. This surely must be heaven.

He'd forgotten to tell her that at three o'clock, the watering system would come on. He'd forgotten it himself. She didn't even mind it as he protected her from most of the soft rain and they laughed about it.

"Yevgeny? I still keep feeling little pains here and there, all over. They last only long enough for me to notice them, and then they are gone and it begins somewhere else. They don't even really hurt. Sometimes my skin tingles and itches for a moment. Then that is gone. Is this usual when you love, or is this more of you finding my nerves?"

"These are things that you feel in your nerves, Oksana. Do they bother you much? Are you hurting?"

"No," she said, "Please don't stop, unless you wish to. I would have thought that for someone who has never done this for more than a few seconds at a time, that I would be a little sore or something, but I think that I would be happy to do this all day with you. Am I good for you?"

He smiled and nodded, but he looked a little like he was concentrating, "Yes, very much. And you?"

"That is a silly question, my friend." She smiled and sighed as she reached up and stroked his cheek, "Can you not see this in my eyes when I look at you?"

She grimaced for a second, "Why do I feel a high sound, Yevgeny? I can't describe it any other way. It is nothing that I hear, but it comes to my mind as though I feel it as a sound."

He smiled, "You should be very happy for that, because I am. It is me trying to join with your nerves completely, but you are not ready yet, I think. That you can sense this at all is a miracle."

He noted a definite change in how her eyes looked to him, and it drove him to thrust harder. Oksana got the message and bucked against him once more, again and again.


She woke up listening to birds as she lay in his bed. She was covered in soft blankets, though her hair was wet. She wondered about how he'd gotten her here, since she couldn't recall walking, or even anything beyond the last thrashing wails of the last time. Her throat was sore. Oksana ran her hand down between her legs and smiled as she found what he'd left behind.

She got up and picked up her glasses from the nightstand. She set them on her nose, and then grimaced as she took them off again to look at the smudges which must be on the lenses.

But there weren't any smudges, other than a few faint marks from dried water droplets. She looked around, and noticed that she could see quite well without them. She wondered how this could be as she looked around, blinking.

There were other things which she noticed now. She looked at where she'd slept, and she could feel the warmth from where she stood. From more than four feet away, she felt the texture of the linen and, sliding her eyes along a little further, she felt the wetness of his semen. She shook her head. She could taste it a little from four feet away. She liked it, but it was insane. How could she feel texture without touching?

She looked at the closed door and knew there were food smells on the other side of it. She also knew that he was inside the house. She knew it like she knew that he loved her, and she knew that like she knew her own name. She stepped to the door and opened it to call down from over the railing.


"Yes," he answered.

"Nothing," she said, "Are we alone here? Can I come down?"

"Of course, Oksana. Why? Do you plan to give me a thrill this morning?"

She giggled a little at how hopeful he'd sounded.

"I might, but first I need the bathroom. I know where it is."

She walked slowly along the hall, feeling the woven texture of the wallpaper without touching it. The bathroom upstairs had no window and was very dim, being at the end of the hall. She was about to reach for the switch, but didn't.

She closed the door and sat down on the seat, looking around. It was the same here, she noticed. She could feel the plastic of the shower curtain in the darkness and without hearing it, she knew that the tap was leaking a little. She made sure to turn it completely off as she stood in the dark, after washing her hands.

She turned on the shower and washed herself in the darkness, seeing everything perfectly.

"I feel strange today, Yevgeny," she said as she walked into the kitchen. She hugged him and kissed those lips that could make her knees buckle. And then she turned sideways suddenly.

She stared at him, "See? I heard the bacon there popping even before it did, really, and knew that some hot fat was coming. How can this be, Yevgeny?"

He smiled at her, so in love that he thought his heart would burst. "Our breakfast will be ready in only a few minutes," he said taking the bacon out to lay it aside for the moment before he carefully wiped the pan to begin with their eggs, "There is a long mirror on the back of the front door. Why don't you look and see that you are alright, since you say that you feel strangely? You look better than fine to me."

She nodded absently and turned. She could see herself from where she stood, but began to walk toward it slowly. She looked the same to herself. "I see nothing," she said, "only me."

"Yes," he replied, "but it is a beautiful you, "he chuckled, "It is always a beautiful you."

She turned around, "I can see without my glasses today. I can feel things with my eyes. I know things without looking at them. What did you do to me?"

"Nothing much," he laughed, "I only loved you."

She chuckled, "Well, you are very good at that."

"At first."

She looked at him, "What? What do you mean?"

"I mean, that I only loved you – at first." He smiled. "Take another look in the mirror, and try to think of your wish last night."

She walked to the mirror again. At first, she saw nothing, but then she remembered and felt the gentle longing wish that she'd shared with him. She gasped as she saw that as soon as the thought came to her, her eyes changed.

She stared and watched it all come to her, what she wanted to be for him. Her feet changed a little, growing little claws, but her hands ... they turned into long clawed things, still beautiful, but now very deadly-looking. She raised one up and looked at it. She tried to smile and saw teeth. She opened her mouth and turned to the side as much as she could to see a little of her profile. Just a hint of a snout. It was perfect on her like this, and...

There was fur, short fur and full of glistening highlights. She felt and saw her own soft ears flick backward as he cracked an egg. Oksana cried out a little in joy when she noticed that she had stripes over her ribs, three stripes. Her cat's eyes went wide in amazement as she saw a hint of something there between her legs, far back. With a gasp, she spun around and watched her tail fly to follow the movement. And then she saw her long, brown mane, all the way down her lovely back in a long line. Oksana burst into tears as she dropped to her knees.

He was concerned. "Oksana? Are you alright, Have I done something wrong?"

She hid her face in her clawed hands and wept. "No," she sobbed. "I'm happy. I can't believe what you have done."

After a minute, she stood up and looked again, blinking hard, not believing what she'd seen. "I am exactly what I wanted to be, Yevgeny. For the first time in my life, I feel really beautiful."

"That may be," he smiled, "but you not a bit more beautiful that you normally are, since it not possible to be any more lovely."

She sprang to him the length of the hall and the kitchen, and he caught her carefully. "Have a care, until you learn what you have."

She showered him with kisses and ached to kiss him even more. "Thank you! Oh, thank you." Her tears started again. "How Yevgeny? Can we dream together?"

"It is not complete, I'm afraid. I don't have the ability to create a being. I can only change you, and it is because you wanted it so much, or I could never have done this much for you. You might not be able to dream quite like the others, but I would be able to dream together with you – to take you places instead of the other way around. We had this happy lesson last night, and once I saw that some form of dreaming was possible for you, I knew that I had to try very hard for you, so I did this. We can try to see who can lead the dreams between us. Maybe it can work both ways."

He pointed at her, "You will need to practice going back and forth until it is natural for you to hide this, and..."

He sighed heavily, "It comes at a cost. Some to me, but not much, but something more for you, I'm afraid. I thought about it, and decided that if I'd asked you first, you would have agreed instantly, no matter how I'd said it, so I went ahead. I had to do it this way, or there would have been much more pain if you knew beforehand."

"So you did this while we were... my god,Yevgeny, you really are a king."

He smiled, "Only to you. But it is enough for me, since you are no longer a princess, are you? Don't you want to know the cost?"

She nodded, "I suppose I'd better hear this. You can't undo this, can you, not that I'd want you to. I love myself now."

"The cost to you is your death, Oksana. Don't look at me that way, let me say it better. You will live a long, long time, much longer before you die. I don't think that most humans ever want to die, but I have seen many who grow tired of living."

She sighed, "I don't think it will be a big problem for me, Yevgeny, as long as I have you." She kissed him again, and then reminded him to turn the eggs.

"I don't suppose that I could have kittens like this, could I? I guess that would be too much to ask, and rightly so, I think I don't want to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I thought I should ask."

He put their breakfasts onto plates and put them on the table. "I don't know," he said, "I didn't think of it, but if I can't create a being, why would I be able to make you so that you could have our kittens?"

"Our kittens," she smiled, "Well maybe there's another thing for me to wish for. How does that work with you... or us? What is the cycle like for a female?" She was having a little trouble with the utensils in her clawed hands, but it was coming to her.

"It is hard to tell, since there are no females here but you and the time is different because of the planet's orbit and only one moon here. It wouldn't work out to anything as solid as what you had before, so, I guess that would be the first sign, if your period cycle lengthens."

"Lengthens to what?"

"I'd say once every four or five years for maybe about three days of this time. But if you were true, then you would only become fertile when you wished to be and before that, you would release no eggs. No eggs, no ..." He shrugged.

She dabbed a bit of egg from the corner of her unfamiliar mouth with a cloth napkin. "Well that's something to hope for, anyway. But I'm so happy like this, even if I stay the same inside."

"You are hopeful to become fertile?"

The cloth napkin hit him in the face as she laughed. "I'm hoping first to enjoy not having a period, you sweet fool." She rolled her eyes and then she laughed at his expression. "But yes," she said softly, "I don't even know anything about it, but if this is what I am, and I'm happy like this, then I think it would be something to hope for between us."

He looked at her, "So you are happy?"

She nodded, smiling "I was happy before. Now I'm beyond happy. I'd mention it all, but it's a long list, and I wouldn't want to forget anything, but the most important is that you love me. What about you? Are you happy?"

"I can't even begin to explain how much."

"Then," she looked down at her plate for a moment, "do you think that we could... go into the garden again?"

"What I really want to say here is to tell you very sternly to finish your breakfast, since I made it for you to enjoy, and then say that we could go there."

Oksana smiled mischievously, "Have you issued the royal edict that today is to be a nudist day?"

He chuckled, "I thought that I would let the queen make the proclamation."


They spent the day caring for the garden. Oksana kept notes all day long on what might be needed. She made them lunch and they sat together eating among the plants. At the end of that, they made love for the rest of the afternoon. She couldn't decide which position she liked the best yet, though he thought that she was joking. She had to explain that she couldn't say with any certainty. The little pains continued, but they came less often now and she welcomed them, now that she understood what was going on.

When it had grown full dark, he led her outside and they were gone for an hour as she rode his back and was amazed at how fast they could go like this – especially since it was nighttime. But he found every fence long before they reached it and adjusted his stride to clear it. They returned hours later and made love before going to sleep in each other's arms.



There originally was a rather long (4 Literotica pages more) connecting piece that led into the main story, but it's been pointed out to me that I need to finish my stories. So right here is where this one ends.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
AnonymousAnonymousover 11 years ago
wait a while, this writer is worth it.

I have learned that this writer is very good, well worth waiting on, and should never be rushed. It will be worth the wait, and in the meantime, check out some of the other great stuff happening to keep us entertained. I am pretty sure, a return to this track will come when the others have reached the realm of writers block. :)

roseNthornsroseNthornsover 12 years ago
Where to now?

It's been 6 months since you wrote this chapter. Where does it go now?

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago

your ending it like that thats retarded does he kill the slugs and what

happen's in six months with the other slug to many questions left unanswered

katgoddess1katgoddess1over 12 years ago
Very good!

I really enjoyed the story but the ending was a bit abrupt.

AnonymousAnonymousover 12 years ago
Many thanks

I am glad you continued, I look forward to the longer work. Knowing that this is but a fraction of a longer story, I understand the lack of symmetry between this work and it's fellow's. After all, can't be giving away important parts of the bigger story in the teaser. :)

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