Dreams of the Wild


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"What are you laughing at?" Susan asked. Jo Anne turned to see her sister sleepily making her way towards the coffeepot.

"Oh, I'm just thinking about Paul trying to dance last night." Jo Anne checked her tummy and skirt but decided that Ignacio's goo had dried sufficiently so that no one could detect it without a close inspection.

"That was funny," Susan agreed.

They checked out of the condo later that day. The vacation was over. As they left Jo Anne turned and saw Ignacio sitting around the table with several other people including an attractive young lady next to him. Their eyes met and Jo Anne waved. Ignacio nodded at her and smiled. The attractive young lady turned to see who Ignacio was looking at and Jo Anne turned away and sighed so deeply that Kevin asked if anything was wrong. She assured him all was well.

On the flight back from Cozumel to Birmingham Jo Anne was baffled by her complete lack of shame for having fucked her brother-in-law or for the hand job she had given Ignacio. In some way, the trysts, although completely spontaneous, seemed fated, almost ordained. Jo Anne felt as if some confluence of otherwise impersonal events and forces -- the flapping of some butterfly's wings -- had impelled her and Paul into fucking that night on the beach and had decreed the intimate encounter with Ignacio. She felt no guilt towards Kevin or Susan, and quietly relished the memories of both acts.

Jo Anne had already decided that she did not want to pursue an ongoing affair with Paul. There were many men available other than her sister's husband. She looked at Kevin; his good looks were fading as his pot belly increased. His adventurous spirit had disappeared as he had become weighed down in the details of managing his thriving lumber business. Jo Anne realized that she no longer loved him. He was the father of their child and they shared many memories together but there was no romance left between them. She understood that she could never again really be happy as Kevin's wife. This was not just the result of fucking Paul on the beach or jacking off Ignacio on the dock, but rather, was the product of years of a mutual failure to cultivate their relationship with each other. They had taken each other for granted for too long.

As the clouds streamed by below her she also recognized that she had a potent libido, which had not been extinguished by the years of dreary monogamy. It was now apparent to Jo Anne that she yearned for the affections of younger men - flat-bellied, toned, athletic, young men. She smiled to herself with the satisfaction of having become aware of her own needs. She knew that this was an important step in finding, recovering, that lost happiness that had once seemed her destiny.

Jo Anne was known by everyone in town as the best, most diligent teacher in the high school. She sold hot chocolate at the football games on Friday nights and sang in the choir on Sundays. Most people who knew her would describe her as very proper, even straitlaced. Certainly, her reputation at Fayette High was as a demanding, no-nonsense teacher who required her students to perform to their best. People in Fayette had grown to expect her to set an example for the students and the community. Now, as she ruminated on the delicious pleasure of fucking her brother-in-law in the sand in Mexico and having her tummy covered with Ignacio's warm sperm the burden of her wholesome reputation weighed heavily on her. She felt inhibited by the expectations of her neighbors, friends, and colleagues. A great desire to be free of her virtuous façade came over her.

By the time the plane touched down in Alabama she knew she was going to be on the prowl for more strange dick although she was struggling with how she could accomplish it. She would have to be creative because she didn't have any social connections with single men and she didn't want to fuck her friends' husbands. There would have to be some other group she could access. She thought about trolling the campus in Tuscaloosa for attractive college students but she wasn't really that familiar with the university. She laughed at the thought of the 'perfect teacher' stalking other men to fuck as they rode home in the car.

"What?' Kevin asked.

"Oh, nothing, I'm just thinking of Paul trying to dance the other night. That salsa beat was too much for him. He's not really much of a dancer."

"Well," Kevin smiled at her, "neither am I."

"No, I guess not."

Chapter 2 Sweet home Alabama Where the skies are so blue Sweet Home Alabama Lord, I'm coming home to you From "Sweet Home Alabama" by Lynyrd Skynyrd (Ed King - Ronnie VanZant - Gary Rossington)

In the weeks since they returned from Mexico Jo Anne sensed that her exploits there had stirred the quiet waters of an emotional well deep in her psyche and awakened a sleeping monster. She had wild sensual dreams set in exotic locales. She dreamed she was on a boat in a raging storm at sea. Rough sailors had tied her up and she cowered helplessly on the deck as the spray and wind howled about her. A large rough man stepped in front of her and unleashed his enormous cock which he forced her to suck by grabbing her hair and pulling her mouth onto his dick. As she sucked the brutal man, her head bouncing up and down on his long cock, the winds died down and the storm abated. The sun came out and sea quieted. She looked up at the man and he was transformed into Ignacio. He gently cradled her head as she continued to suck, no longer in fear but in love.

As she thought about this dream Jo Anne was perplexed. She had never performed oral sex on a man and, although it had occurred to her to go down on Ignacio when she jacked him off, she did not have a strong inclination to do so. The idea of sucking a man's dick had always seemed quite debasing to her; but, as she thought about it, the magnificence of Ignacio's nude body in the morning sunlight played in her mind. In some way she didn't want to acknowledge she felt she had failed to rise to the occasion with Ignacio.

The Saturday after they returned, she assisted at a large track meet. As she worked, she observed the high school girls flirting with the boys' team, particularly, Cassie Fuller who garnered the most attention from the boys. Cassie was a cute, skinny, vivacious, blond with, so it was rumored, an active sex life. Jo Anne had heard that Cassie gave blow jobs to her boyfriends, and, that those included Luke Whitaker, the school's star athlete. The only remarkable thing about that was that Luke was black. Jo Anne admired Cassie's willingness to date Luke in spite of the prevailing racial attitudes of the community. Observing Cassie however, she seemed just another friendly, if flirtatious, young woman. Other girls had more voluptuous bodies; but Cassie was the one the boys wanted. Jo Anne craved to be wanted, like Cassie, for her sexual prowess.

Jo Anne found herself examining various men in her life for their potential as lovers. For example, the next weekend she and Kevin went over to some friends' for barbecue. She found Jack Cramer, her friend Debbie's husband, to be quite attractive. He was a little younger than Jo Anne; maybe thirty-five, had nice features, dark hair, and seemed to have a provocatively noticeable lump in just the right place in his crotch. The problem was he seemed completely in love with Debbie. Still, after noticing the appeal of Jack's body that Saturday, Jo Anne became a frequent crotch watcher. The more she focused on men's crotches, the better she became at discerning whether the guy had an erection and whether his 'equipment' was tempting. She began checking out the male teachers and coaches at school. It was a guilty pleasure that she enjoyed in her own secretive manner.

Several days after Jo Anne had become a confirmed 'crotch-watcher,' she was organizing and directing the production of a school play when she realized with a visceral unease that she was lustfully focusing her attention on one of her students. During the rehearsal of 'Macbeth' that afternoon she had begun to ogle Drew Kingman, an eighteen year old student, who was playing the dissolute king. He was a skinny but muscular young man with long legs, a tight butt, and a large unruly mop of curly light brown hair that flopped with a charming casualness over his forehead. He had dark hazel eyes, fine features, and an insouciance that Jo Anne found exceptionally attractive.

Even as she had daydreamed about the display of the morning sun on Ignacio's writhing body and mentally measured the cocks of other possible lovers, it had not occurred to her that she might have an affair with a student. But as her eyes fixated on the delicious bulge in Drew's tight jeans she was forcefully drawn to him and she wanted, hungered for really, a chance to feel that bulge and explore its mysteries. She felt a hot blush of dread blossom on her cheeks and tingle her breasts. She intuitively knew that an affair with the young man was inescapable and that, once she had taken such a step, her life would be forever, profoundly altered. As she calmed herself by breathing slowly and deeply she found a certain acceptance of her fate welling up within her. She would bravely face her destiny even if it destroyed the comfortable life she had been living.

Over the next few days she manufactured reasons to chat with Drew. She assured him that he needed her help in learning his role. He needed her coaching on moving about the stage. She took every opportunity to be close to him and establish eye contact. She made it a point to help him out with his lines by sidling next to him and incidentally brushing his arm with her tits as they both read the script. A couple of times she stood close to him with her breasts touching him and rubbed his back for reassurance when he made an error. She complimented him on his progress and told him how good he looked in his costume allowing her eyes to scan slowly over his body. During English class she would watch him and smile when he returned her gaze. She would stand next to his desk with the side of her leg contacting his shoulder.

One day during rehearsal for the play Jo Anne was leaning over a table on the set reaching out with both arms to arrange some of the props when, with her peripheral vision, she noticed Drew staring at her swaying breasts displayed prominently by her form-fitting cashmere sweater. After allowing Drew to fully appreciate her form for several seconds, she straightened up and placed one foot forward in a purposeful pose. Batting her enticing lashes she locked her eyes on his for a long moment. Drew was smitten by the smoky sexuality of her gaze -- the enthralling beauty of her dark eyes and the sensual parting of her full red lips tightened his chest and addled his thinking. Without speaking she turned away to other business blushing hotly from her own forwardness while feeling a delicious wetness in her pussy. She couldn't concentrate on anything but her desire for the young man the rest of the day.

An internal debate raged in her head all through these days. She would lie in bed thinking about whether it was truly possible to have an affair with Drew without hurting all involved. She knew it could be catastrophic; the sort of thing that once in motion would slide through her life and her family like an avalanche. Still, a powerful call reverberated in her mind continually, the need to 'seize the day' or miss an opportunity for pleasure that may not come again. The sex with Paul and Ignacio on Cozumel had reawakened her desire, her craving for sensual, physical lovemaking.

She dreamed of a cheetah chasing a vast herd of wildebeests. The cat flew through the savannah and jumped at a straggling animal, its claws extended, and ripped deeply into its victim's hide. Blood gurgled around the paws of the great cat as the wildebeest tumbled to the ground. Jo Anne sat up suddenly as the cat opened its jaws preparing to crush the throat of the struggling animal. She was sweating and her heart racing. A storm was brewing outside. She got out of bed -- it was 2:30 am. Kevin was sleeping heavily. Jo Anne went out to the back porch and watched the storm begin to break over her little town. Great arcs of lightning traced across the southern sky and seconds later the resulting thunder shook the earth where she stood. She watched as the rain beat down in a great torrent and ran off the uncovered part of the porch in sheets. Swirling wind slapped a sting of rain against her cheek and wet her nightclothes. She stood there in communion with the tempest for some time, until its fury lessened and then returned to bed, resolved to satiate her lust for Drew Kingman whatever the cost.

On Wednesday of the following week a full rehearsal was scheduled for 1:00 pm. She met with the cast in the morning and they went through their scenes. As she watched Drew step through his role her desire for the boy was consuming. Desperate to assuage this hunger she formulated a vague plan. She decided that they needed different fabric for the backdrop for Lady Macbeth's bloody scene. After the run-through she asked Drew, "Will you go with me to buy some different material, we'll just go to Wal-Mart and buy some cheap stuff." She smiled at him and he caught the gleam of mischief in her eye. He assented quickly. The attention she had been paying him had not escaped his notice and it was not the first time that an older woman had shown interest in him.

They walked to her car and drove off the school parking lot without speaking but she made light chit-chat with Drew on the way to the store and while they were shopping. After they purchased the material and had returned to her car Jo Anne steered in the other direction from school. "I want to show you something Drew, it won't take long." He indicated it was fine with him. Jo Anne drove out of the little town and turned at a graveled lane she was familiar with and then turned into a private dirt road and pulled under a shade tree that hung out over the side of the road. She looked around to make sure they were alone. She looked at Drew and held his gaze with hers. Her long lashes seemed to draw him into the pools of her dark eyes. Jo Anne again felt as if someone outside of her was guiding her actions. She extended her right hand and placed it on his thigh and squeezed lightly.

"Will you kiss me Drew?"

"Sure Mrs. Baker I'll kiss you," he said shakily. He leaned towards her and she met him opened mouthed. Her luscious, soft, red lips felt warm, inviting and incredibly luxurious against his mouth. They kissed for a long moment and then he placed his hand on her shoulder and pulled her towards him as they kissed again, this time harder and deeper as Drew felt a surge of confidence. As they kissed Jo Anne placed her hand between his legs and pressed her palm against his cock. He responded with a soft moan and gripped both her shoulders as he kissed her more passionately. She pulled her head back from his kiss and looking down at his crotch rubbed him more vigorously.

"Lean back," she told him. He slumped against the car door, spread his legs, and pushed his pelvis forward on the seat to give her easier access to his dick, watching her intently the entire time. She squeezed his erect dick through his pants with her fingers and thumb and pressed her palm against it as he hunched against the pressure she supplied. "Ooo, it feels good, Drew."

"Oh Mrs. Baker, I love that you want my dick," he moaned as he hunched her hand.

She leaned forward and undid his belt and unbuttoned his jeans. She carefully unzipped him and then she pulled his pants and underwear down all the way to his knees exposing his rigid and inflamed cock. It was thick and long and the sight of it was incredibly exhilarating to Jo Anne. She fondled his cock for a few moments by lightly running her well-manicured and brightly painted fingernails up and down his impressive shaft as she drank in the spectacle of it. "God Drew, it's so beautiful, so big, baby, mmm."

"God, you're beautiful Mrs. Baker, I want to put my dick in you."

She could feel his pulsing excitement as she deliberately wrapped one hand around the shaft and squeezed, feeling that wonderful combination of stiffness and suppleness that a hard dick presents. With her other hand she tenderly examined his balls by rolling his scrotum between her graceful fingers. Then, Jo Anne began to jack him off moving her hand slowly up and down all the way to the base and then pushing up all the way to the head of his cock. Drew sucked in his breath as she did this provoking a broad smile by Jo Anne. "You like that baby?" she asked staring into his pleasure-glazed eyes.

"Oh yes, Mrs. Baker, yes."

She began to stroke him faster squeezing even harder and he bucked his hips towards her with joyful enthusiasm. In spite of the awkward position in the car she wriggled herself closer to him placing one of her legs between his and scrunching herself as near to him as she could. This allowed her to lean over his cock as she jacked him even more furiously. He reached up and stroked her hair with the fingers of one hand and then let his hands fall to her breasts. Jo Anne straightened a bit and pushed her chest out to allow him to touch her easier still stroking his dick rapidly. "Ah...ah...ah," he moaned in increasing pleasure and pinched her nipples through her blouse eliciting a low sigh from Jo Anne as well. Jo Anne could see an ooze of cum from the purplish head of his cock and she was thrilled to feel micro-droplets of sperm spraying her face and arm as her brisk pounding flung it around. She could tell Drew would soon erupt.

"Cum for me Drew, cum for me, baby, please."

Drew hunched hard and then his body shook and a great spurt of warm semen blasted from his cock slapping across Jo Anne's knee and onto her beige dress immediately followed by a second burst which, as Jo Anne leaned in even closer to him and pulling his dick toward her, landed fully on the lap of her dress. She milked a final spasm of sperm from him onto her dress and then carefully wiped the creamy head there as well. Jo Anne released his cock and let her tired arm drop to her side. She leaned back and looked Drew in the eyes seeking his approval and thanks.

"Oh wow, Mrs. Baker, wow. Gosh, I've made a mess of your dress," he said eyeing the puddle of cum in her lap.

She looked down at the mess and gingerly dipped two fingers in the small puddle of warm goo. "Hmm...well, I'll just say I spilled something." She smiled at Drew and was pleased to see his glassy look of satisfaction. As Drew pulled up his pants Jo Anne started the car and headed back to school. "Don't worry about the cum on my dress, really, no one will know what it is." She gave Drew a reassuring smile. It occurred to her that this was the first time she had spoken about a man's 'cum' to another person in many years, probably since exchanging some joke in college. It reminded her of the first time she had let a man ejaculate on her - she had given Kevin a hand job many years ago when they were courting. The memory made her laugh at the innocence of that girl.

They both tried hard to compose themselves when they returned to school. The rehearsal was about to start. Jo Anne walked into the auditorium and stepped up on the stage. She turned to address the group of students and teachers involved in the production. The large wet spot in the middle of her dress was plainly visible because it was much darker than the dry fabric. Jo Anne tried to ignore it and launched into her instructions to the group on the rehearsal. She couldn't help but notice a number of people looking at her dress and decided she had to say something about it.

"Forgive me for being in such a mess," she said gesturing to her dress, "but I spilled my lunch, I'm afraid, and I didn't have time to change." She then finished her talk and walked over to the side of the stage as another teacher took over instructing the kids. As Jo Anne was leaning against the wall listening to the speaker, Sally Watkins, another teacher came over next to her. Sally bent forward and peered purposefully at the splotch on Jo Anne's dress and then, to Jo Anne's surprise, she raked her fingers across the spot, gathering a small bit of the goo on her finger tips.