Emily's Home - Ginger's Out Ch. 04


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"You gonna be okay Ginger? I'll stay for a while if you want." I don't want you to sit with me. I want you in my bed.

"Honey, I think I'm okay. Let's see, Saturday's aren't working out too well for us are they?" We both laughed. I can't explain why, but I leaned in and kissed her. Uh huh, I really did. Light, closed lips, little more than a brush. Her eyes were hot, wide, and I knew, in that moment, that she was too and that she wanted me. I shook my head in frustration and embarrassment. "I'm sorry Kathy. That was uncalled for. You saved me from grave danger and I made a fool of myself. I'm ver ..." Her mouth covered mine; that kiss was not the least bit light breezy.

"This isn't the time or place Ginger but I'd always wondered. The way Nora talked of you, the way you looked at me. We'll figure this out another time." Another quick, warm kiss, and she smiled, touched my cheek with her hand, and left.

No way could I drive to Lily's. No, I had to ... somehow. I took the robe off, threw the workout clothes in the garbage, showered in water as scalding hot as I could stand and still felt like shit when I was done. My skin was red, raw, and sore. My eyes were dull and puffy. I put on underwear, jeans, a sweater, and penny loafers. I stuffed Lily's panties in my purse. I threw on a coat, opened the door, peeked out, and went to my car. I sort of expected the tires to be slashed. I read too damn much. I backed out of the lot and headed to Lily's. I looked at the clock -- shit! It was almost six. I half expected the phone to ring. I checked it ... I had missed a message: running late, dinner reservation at 7, love u! L

I just wanted to get there safely. I opened the garage door -- nope. Phew! I raced inside, closing the garage door as I entered. I hurried in, hung up my coat, and poured myself one big ass glass of wine. I collapsed on the couch. Not ten minutes later I heard the garage door open. I smiled, relieved. I stood, put the glass down. Lily breezed in as usual, took one look at me and came rushing. "What? Good god, what happened? Oh my god, Ginger, tell me! Please!" I sobbed. I was limp, sore, scared, and in the arms of the woman I loved.

Yup, in that blink of a moment, my mind was made up. This woman would be my future. I didn't want a house of my own. I would stay in my shit box until the time was right. She held me as I cried, part relief, part ... relief. She sat me down on the couch, handed me my wine, and made a phone call. "This is Lily Russo. Please cancel the reservation. I want two dinners delivered. Pick them for me and charge my credit card. Okay, that will be fine. Thank you so much."

She poured herself a glass and came and sat with me. "Tell me all of it." I did, through tears, sobs, shivers, and sips of wine for liquid courage. Her brown eyes never left mine. They were cold with rage, hot with anger, and teared with fear. I told Lily about the breakfast, the rather random comment, and my response that seemed to have spurred her rage. How Nora had stormed out. I could see the fury in her eyes and on her face. She seemed to understand, instinctively, what I had done and why. I told her about the bath, how I had fallen asleep, my shock at seeing Nora, the hate in her eyes, about unlocking the door, leaving it slightly ajar, and praying that Kathy would notice the clothes on the floor. I told her about being naked, hands tied over my head, and what she had forced me to do. I told her about feeling Nora being lifted from me, seeing Kathy hurl her to the ground, then untying me, how she used my phone, how I told her to call Mo. Lily's eyes clouded at that for a moment. She nodded. How I wasn't sure if I could or should come to her house and how glad I was that I had. Her eyes were wet when she kissed me.

The door bell rang -- dinner. Lily signed the slip and put the food on the counter. I came to the table and sat. I wasn't hungry and I was famished. Lily spooned my dinner onto a plate and set it in front of me. I smiled, held my hand out to her; we kissed, softly, hungrily. She pulled away after a while and did the same with her food. She sat as close as the chairs allowed. I pushed the food around the plate, picked at it. I felt her eyes on me and I smiled, badly.

Lily stood, locked the doors, turned off the lights, came to me, took my hand, and let me to our bed. She gently pushed me back on it; I was trembling with fear, remembering. She stood, undressed, and slid back into bed. Her brown eyes were warm, soft, and had tears. "May I please, Ginger?" I smiled, best as I could, and nodded. She undressed me, piece by piece, kissing my flesh, an inch at a time, leaving me trembling with terror and want. I don't know exactly how but she was astride me -- both of us naked, her body warm, mine still trembling, yet desperate and needy.

My beauty was slow, gentle, deliberate. She let me guide her. I was a frenzy of want, frantic for release, relief. I tried to let my body show her ... she was scared too. I finally took her hand, put it between my legs, and whispered "Please!"

Her eyes filled, she nodded and devoured me, slowly, relentlessly, completely. Any attempt to reciprocate was met with a firm hand. She gave again and again, she left me limp, shivering, breathless, completely satisfied, crying. She held me close as I recovered. She asked for nothing in return. I knew any advances would be rebuffed. The last time we made love we were face to face, body to body, wet sex to wet sex. My eyes never left hers until they couldn't see anymore. I knew she had taken her pleasure when I heard her scream -- echoing, seemingly, forever. The last thing I remembered, oddly, before I slipped into sleep was Heart -- 'Strong, Strong Wind.' I smiled, held her close, and slept, deeply and well.

I woke Sunday in Lily's arms. When she realized I was awake she brushed the hair from my face and kissed me. It warmed and comforted me as the horrible memories flooded my mind. I shivered; she recognized it, and held me close. Her lips were in my ears, "I'm not leaving your side today, Ginger." No, that wasn't fair! Lily had work to do, clients, prospects to care for. I would be okay; I told her so. She argued with me; I was, umm, stubborn. I cheated. I asked if I could bring some of my clothes and things over. She beamed, nodded, kissed me, and headed for the shower. I got out of bed, put on a robe, and tied the sash. I had so much to think about. I know what my thoughts were yesterday -- but this was Sunday. Mo! Kathy? I had no clue. I knew what Lily was. I loved her. I wasn't going to buy the house. I would tell her later. There was no point. Yeah, I might move in with Lily - some time soon. Nora, what the fuck is wrong with you? What did I do that brought out that kind of anger, especially at a time of such joy for you and Jimmy?

Lily came out of the bathroom smiling. She bent to kiss me and hurried into the closet. She came out looking like Lily, my professional sales woman. I stood to meet her, pressed myself to her and kissed her hungrily. "I have to go honey; you have yourself a comfortable day. See you later." I smiled, even as my mind was whirring. I walked her to the garage door and waved as she backed out past my car.

I called Mo. "Christ, Ginger, are you okay? Are you home? Can I come over?" Oh fuck. What time is it? I looked at the clock. Half past eight.

"Yeah, can you come at ten?"

"Sure. You okay?"

"Yeah, kinda I guess. See you soon Mo." I hurried to get dressed, pushed the garage door button, and backed out of the driveway. I had about an hour to make up my mind once and for all. I know, I know -- in the emotion of last night I had said what my heart felt was right and real. No, I hadn't lied to myself. But I knew, deep in some part of me, that 'your cop' had some special kind of appeal. Whatever that attraction was had its hooks in me, way deep. Did I dare explore? And if I did, what would happen to me and Lily? She was already jealous and I didn't think that was, generally, part of her makeup. It was a sign that I was something -- no, way more than 'something' to her. Lily told me how she felt about me and Mo. How it killed her wondering if she and I were ... umm. God help me, I wanted to!! I stopped, grabbed something stupid to eat and some coffee, and headed home. I gulped the food and sipped the hot, blissfully strong coffee.

I stopped, turned off the car, looked around, headed in, looked around again, and walked to the door. I tested the handle; turned the key, and pushed the door open. I shivered. I knew I could never stay here ever again. This place was dead to me. Shit, I called it the band box anyway. I would give notice before I left today.

I stripped the bed; all of it went in the garbage. I hurried to the shower. I scrubbed, I soaked, I cried. I dried myself and my hair, slipped into jeans, bra, sweatshirt, and anklets as the knock came to the door. I shivered. Why the fuck didn't this damn place have a peek hole? I opened the door to a worried, frowning Mo.

I opened my arms to her. She shut and locked the door and came to me. I cried as if it had just happened. She held me tight to her. 'My god, she's strong' came from somewhere in my not quite red head. I kissed her, desperately, as if seeking life, which wasn't that far from the truth. Mo and Kathy both actually. She pushed away, held my shoulders with her hands and studied me. Cop eyes; I smiled. I kissed her at the thought of it. I knew she didn't know and I wasn't going to tell her. She slipped out of her coat, threw it on the chair and gave the band box a quick, thorough once over.

Mo came out of the bedroom with a tight smile. "Getting rid of it all huh?" I nodded, the tears started again. She stepped to me and looked me in the eye. "No, Ginger -- good for you, it's the right thing for you to do." I felt much better. "Want me to help you make up the bed again?" The twinkle was unmistakable. I laughed and nodded. We made the bed.

I stripped her right after we finished making it. She had her turn and then had her turn again. My god she was a whirlwind of glorious, fit, female flesh, all of it perfectly soft, curved, and firm. How she loved me!! The hints from that time in the parking lot? Oh my god! If you remember it, and I did, take it to the tenth power. She is absolutely gorgeous, which I knew. She has the most fabulous breasts, which I knew. She has the most amazing lean, firm, athletic, insatiable body, which I had correctly guessed. She was a devil in giving, demanding, and taking pleasure.

She ravaged me, gently. She loved me, wonderfully. She teased me; I shivered. I finally recovered enough to take my fill of her. Lord god, as gloriously as she loved me, she was every bit the lithe, fit, fabulous feminine subject of my oral and other attentions and affections. I can't begin to recount the gasps, pants, screams and the rest of it all. I knew we had each examined, explored, tasted, and caressed every bit of each other that was bare to us, surprised us, delighted us, or that we may have wondered about. And if that doesn't give you enough of a visual then (shrug) go get you some!

As glorious as it was there was a lot we needed to deal with. I faced it head on. "Mo, it's probably best for both of us that we not spend the night together ... much as I want to." I smiled and swept a few strands of red hair from her eyes. "I think I need a little time." I could see the 'bullshit meter' in her eyes. Oh well ... it is what it is. I needed more time with her -- and I wasn't sure I had it or wanted it. She tried to pull away; I wouldn't let her. I kissed her, trying, with my lips and the press of my body, to let her know how much I really did want her. And I did!!! There was the conundrum.

She pulled from the kiss and said, "We had to bond Nora out, Ginger." I began to shiver with fear. "I didn't want to, but her attorney made such a stink -- first offense, a bunch of other bullshit, and the A.D.A. really couldn't argue. Apparently her fiancé put up some of the bail money." She kissed me, stood, and began to get dressed. "You may have noticed I locked the door when I came in. If you have somewhere to go - do it. Please!" I slipped on my robe. "I really don't think she's stupid enough to try anything Ginger. I think being in jail scared the crap out of her; her fiancé was madder than hell. She might, depending on how it all goes, lose custody of her kids." She moved to me, hands on my shoulders. "Please be careful. I don't want anything to happen to you." I walked her to the door for one last kiss. I did everything that I could to speak of my gratitude with my lips and hands. Not just this morning but for everything. I watched as Mo walked to her car, she waved and was gone. FUCK!

I hurried to wash up and dress. I threw a bunch of clothes, makeup, and other stuff into a suitcase and headed to the car. I backed out of the driveway and drove to Lily's. I'm a civilian who wouldn't know if she was being followed. I pulled into the driveway and opened the garage door. Damn! I locked the car and headed in the back door, suitcase in hand.

Lily was on the couch, glass in hand, legs crossed. I dropped the suitcase, walked to the couch and kissed her, and sat down. "Mo called me; Nora is out on bail." Lily paled; I nodded. "I couldn't believe it either. She told me that she couldn't believe it. She begged me not to stay at the apartment, though she thought it unlikely Nora would try anything stupid. I went to the apartment, threw some things in the suitcase and hurried back. I'm surprised to see you, Lily, but very glad." Better shut up now.

"You went to your apartment, Mo came, you fucked her, she told you about Nora, left, you packed a bag, and now you basically want to move in with me. That about sum it up, Ginger?" I actually wished Lily had said those words. I hated lying - or not telling the whole truth.

"I was worried about you, Ginger. An appointment canceled, I moved one up, and pushed another back a bit. I came back and you weren't here. I figured you went to your place." She didn't say it.

"Lily, I'm never going back to that apartment. Ever! I don't know if it's smart for us to move in together yet. I don't want to buy that house, as much as I like it. I want you in my life and I don't want to worry about a damn house. If you think you can negotiate a lease on it, fine. Maybe you can find another apartment, I don't know." Lily leaned and kissed me to shut me up. I couldn't tell her. It would hurt her so I didn't. Lily held me as I cried. I figured she knew anyway.

"When did you decide you don't want to buy the house honey?"

"Last night Lily. This morning, after last night -- I don't know." I shrugged. "If I may ... my future is with you. If, that is, you'll have me." I laughed at the way I worded that. Lily smiled. "I don't know what to do about work. Nora knows where I work. There's the parking lot I always use. It's scary enough; now this. I know what Mo told me and it scares the crap outta me. I need to get the rest of my things. The band box is furnished, so I only have that to worry about. Oh shit, Lily, I'm talking too damn much." I shook my head in frustration.

Lily eyed me coolly. "I know how scared you are after yesterday, Ginger. You were very passive in our lovemaking last night. There were several times when I thought you were a breath away from crying during dinner. I'm glad Mo called you honey, and I understand why you don't want to go back to that place. There's no reason for you not to stay here. In fact, I'm glad you will be. About the house ... we'll let that rest for a bit. I would recommend we sign a contract. We can always pull it back later." Lily smiled. "Welcome home Ginger Butler." She leaned in and kissed me. I was on her left; I reached for her, pulled her to straddle me on my lap and held her tight to me. I could feel the smile in our kiss.

I have no way to explain this other than to just say it. I hated how I got here and I was very happy that I was here. I wasn't horny. My god, not after ... can a human being feel any worse about feeling as good as I did? If Lily had given any sign that she wanted to make love, I'd have done so in the proverbial New York second. I swear my fingers that by themselves. I know, I know -- Ms. Freud, your slip is showing. It was nice cuddling and kissing. It was a while later that Lily stood and suggested we take the suitcase to her bedroom to hang my clothes.

I didn't bring everything and I knew we would have some challenges fitting everything in her ... our closet. Lily was already moving some of her things into the second bedroom. No, that's silly. I insisted that my stuff go into the second bedroom's closet. She wouldn't hear of it. She could put seasonal clothing in the other closet. I pouted; she raised an eyebrow and she stared. We both giggled -- problem solved. I laughed and said, "Hey you, we never did have our make-up sex." She rolled her eyes. I smiled. There had been enough lovemaking to cover several dustups. Makeup and the like went into the bathroom. We left some things for later. Lily suggested she needed to welcome me home, umm, in a certain way. Who am I to refuse such an invitation?

No, we weren't married or anything, but that didn't mean I didn't feel a sudden shyness as my lover undressed me in our bed. I whispered, "Have I told you today how much I love you?" She smiled, kissed me, and showed me, emphatically, enthusiastically, and repeatedly how much she loved me. I tried to turn her over (and nearly succeeded) during the first 'assault,' tried again, weakly, during the next, and was too, hmm, what's the word, oh hell -- well fucked, to even try during the next. Please notice I did not say 'last.' Interestingly, the first involved me standing at the side of the bed while Lily's head hung over the edge. Clear enough? Picture me, on shaky, spread legs, fingers on my nipples as instructed, while her tongue pleasured me and a hand wreaked glorious havoc on my clit. The free hand kept me from collapsing on her. I did, as the orgasm shredded me, need to lean on the bed for support. It's hard to type with one hand (wink).

Thankfully, I was able to climb on the bed. Caveat emptor: being on the bed ... oh lord, what Lily did to me. It would take a lot less time to describe what she didn't do to me. I was limp from it, god love her. Oh dear, I may have forgotten to mention that among other things I brought from the sugar shack (band box) were a few toys. So if I tell you that I was limp (and sore) it was because Lily made very, very good use of one of the toys. Her screams of pleasure were as loud as mine, praise be to false, plastic gods. One more -- with Lily on her back and me, screaming for mercy and with pleasure ... oh god, to be with the one you love is a fabulous thing.

We rested. I was in a fetal curl, Lily spooning me. The only way I knew I had fallen asleep was because I felt Lily's lips on mine. And it was dark outside. She helped me to the shower (shiver) and let me soak in the hot water alone ... well, nearly. I did recover enough to give Lily a spend. She insisted we go out to dinner.

We talked in the car and in the restaurant. Was there an alarm system? She paled; she would make a few calls tomorrow. Her garage door opener worked automatically from the car she drove. Mine was one of two. We agreed to hide the other. The codes would be disabled for the 'leftover.' I would keep mine in my purse; never in the car. All windows would be locked; all doors would be checked. The patio doors -- she would have the security company do a security check.

"I'm sorry for bringing all this bullshit into your life." She reminded me, curtly, that it was into our lives. Okay. "I have to adjust my thinking. The only 'we' in my life was when I was married." Lily smiled, nodded, and kissed me. The kiss was light and it warmed me to my toes. You're wondering where we went and what we had for dinner? Honest to god I don't remember. It was that kind of day and night.