All Comments on 'Exploring Feelings Ch. 05'

by laf199

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BrewtooBrewtooover 8 years ago
Nicely Done

Good story - I don't think Amy should have gotten off scott free and Liz is a bigger person than I would have been, but it's probably a lot closer to reality than the BTB stories. Good job!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Well turned out the way I thought...

So four chapters of a build up and then nothing. Here are some points I think might help you.

1: You spent four chapters to build up to this. No drama. No dialogue. No soul searching. You told us what happened and showed us nothing. It like getting to that epic fight at the end of the movie and the evil bad ass walking in, tripping and snapping his own neck. What you build up to you have to deliver on.

2: You had this planned from the beginning but never take your characters so far that you can't bring them back. The affair lasted too long and include the's too much. Normal people would of divorced or something. You tried to hide this with all your conditions thinking that would get you a pass. Then added the dating but we never felt he had atoned for anything because you told us never showed us.

3: The kids part. Sorry cop out you used them as a god save. You knew there was no way to get them back together so you used them as a kind of bridge.

4: The final meeting was mean to give us all closure. Look he didn't cheat but he did meet her. Hasn't he changed a lot. Sorry not buying you didn't change his character at all. You told us about the therapy. You told us he was sorry. You told us he would never do it again. But you never showed any changes in him.

Finally the Brian loop. As a writer you want to close down as many threads as you can especially with a short story like this. You left it open again you built up all this tension then left your audience hanging. We are left with no idea if she will cheat again after all she never had this magical therapy. We are left with no idea really who either spouse really is as you never introduced us to them.

Keep writing and I hope this helped. And if you wondering I gave you a 1 as well. But then you walk before you run.

impo_61impo_61over 8 years ago
16 years forgotten in less that a year...

16 years forgotten in less that a year...I understand the writer's will to end the story this way...Even using the child accident...His wife being a superior person, with an heart capable of forgiveness (as we know some people capable to forgive their child's assassin...), but the damage of those 16 years were deep in him...That showed how his wife found out about his cheating...he was desperate that his lover had end with him and sent her all those messages...Then like smoke all that disapeared, and only his wife and children counted...This was the tricky part of this story...not the forgiveness of his wife...About the other couple: It's impossible that the husband (a doctor chief of Cardiology) hadn't a DNA test on him, his wife and his children to know who's compatible with whom in case of someone got ill...So, or he knows already or he doesn't deserve to be chief of Cardiology...Also as someone commented she let go her 16 years of lust and cheating without any psychiatric help as he had...2*

DrPopeDrPopeover 8 years ago
Half a ending ....

That was really not much of a finish to what was a quite engrossing tale up until now. Too short, too neat and it really only delt with Chris's side of things. As a final chapter I must say I'm disappointed.

Concritic123Concritic123over 8 years ago
What a sucky ending......

You made this a story about Amy and Chris, yet the ending has nothing to do with Amy. WTF is that. What a disappointing ending. Yea, Liz was a victim but not nearly on the same level as Brian. But you left that hanging. Add another chapter and finish the series correctly.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Story not finished

Brian will find out. Maybe if you won't finish, FTDS can come out of retirement to give it a real ending.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

Sorry, the ending did not excite me. Chris the snake gets away with it, courtesy of a wife who is somehow prepared to forgive his long term affair and possible impregnation of another woman! And then there is Amy. She is as bad, if not worse than Chris. She gets away scot free, apart from a vague risk that things may come out downstream. She even invited the guy over for dinner, for goodness sake! Poor Brian continues to think that he has a great marriage and that all his children are his. As others have said, this story needs another chapter. Surely, Amy should suffer some retribution?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
want the truth or a lie

the truth is in my opinion i did not like it the start the body and mostly the ending the lie is in my opinion that it was entertaining.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Epic stupidity

With thoroughly unlikeable characters that seemed dumber than rocks, there simply wasn't anything to enjoy about this sorry tale. Mediocre writing, nothing clever or new simply left nothing fun to read. 1 star.

laf199laf199over 8 years agoAuthor
The Ending

I figured I would give you my thoughts on why I ended this the way I did. I toyed with a number of ideas, but settled on this because I liked the idea of one spouse finding out while another remains unaware, leaving that dark secret hanging over one of their heads. I do feel this happens quite often, and sometimes these secrets never get out.

Why did I pick Chris' wife to find out? Well, probably no surprise, but since I based Chris on myself and my desires, I have a better handle on why Chris acted like he did. I've never cheated on my wife, but I have to admit fantasies like this have turned me on, since an early age (as young as you can be to have fantasies like this really). The thing with Chris' college girlfriend did happen to me as well in real life, though like I said personally I had these fantasies before that.

I tried to think how my wife would react if something like this came out, and I feel what Liz does is plausible. It takes a long time for her to get over this, and the way I look at it she never really does, but has enough love and forgiveness to try and move past it. Many, perhaps most, people wouldn't...and that's understandable. As for the kids, I don't think you should stay in a marriage solely for the children, but I do think they can provide a powerful incentive to want to work on things. I think they kept Liz with Chris for perhaps longer than she would have stayed with him otherwise, but ultimately I view her decision to forgive Chris as one she makes mostly for herself, because she still loves her husband. The daughter's accident gives her that final push to move past everything, but the way I see it she was heading in that direction in any event.

Its hard to convey just how difficult something like this would be in the course of a few thousand words, so I can understand how people feel Chris got off easy. I don't mean it to come off that way, I think for a very long time he had become convinced it wouldn't work out, and Liz likely felt the same way. But sue me, I'm a sucker for a happy ending so I went with it. Again, I do think people can get past betrayals like this in the right conditions, but if you can't I don't think its unreasonable either.

As for Amy, did I let her off the hook? Maybe, while I liked the idea of one of them still trying to keep the secret, part of it also was I didn't have a great idea on how to approach Brian finding out, other than them breaking up. Maybe its chauvinistic of me, but I do think Brian would have a much harder time accepting and forgiving, given that he has to see Johnny everyday. Personally, I don't think it would affect his ability to be Johnny's father; the way I see it fatherhood is much more than who provided the sperm to the egg; but I do think its a harder task for him to forgive Amy.

But as I say in the story, secrets have a way of getting out, and that is sort of how I envision this part of the story. Yes, Amy still has her family intact, but a terrible secret looms over her head, that she has to live with. As I've seen pointed out in the comments, there are any number of ways this secret could be discovered.

I do see myself revisiting Amy and Brian at some point. I didn't really develop Brian as a character, so that's a fair criticism and one I would seek to remedy. However, I don't see Brian as stupid, or a bad doctor, for not getting a DNA test on Johnny. He has no reason to suspect his wife of anything, so why would he?

As for should Brian feel anger toward Liz, I'm not thought is no. The way I looked at it, Liz would only be telling Brian out of anger, to get back at Amy (and Chris) and ruin their lives. It wouldn't be to help Brian or his children. As I envision Liz, a mother with three kids herself, she wouldn't be able to do that since she realized how it would impact the lives of those kids. Again, I found that believable, and I think if she had told Brian, its just as likely he would have resented her for blowing up his life than thanking her.

If someone feels strongly about it and wants to write an alternate ending for all this, they are more than welcome to. Like I said, I expect to go back to Amy and Brian at some point, but I will admit the standard revenge ending, where Brian does everything possible to destroy Amy, and also Chris, does not appeal to me as a writer. I won't give away how I expect to write it though, because I'm not sure...I have an idea as to how the secret might come out but want to take some time to think about it.

I thank everyone for reading and providing their comments. As I said, this was a first try for me, so I realize its far from perfect and I appreciate all the constructive criticism I got both publicly and privately. In the end, I wrote the story that spoke to me, and I think that's all you can do.

laf199laf199over 8 years agoAuthor
Amy's Motivations

Also, I hear the criticisms about not fully exploring what drove Amy to have the affair with Chris. I concede her motivations are less clear to me than Chris', as I say in the story I see her as kind of a Type A personality always used to doing things the right way and never straying off the beaten path. So I saw the idea to her of being bad, of having a secret, as turning on a part of her that she hadn't explored. Is that a good enough reason to continue risking her family, absolutely not, but I don't think that's always enough to stop it. All this is something I would look to explore in a follow up story that focused on her.

Is she still cheating on Brian with someone else, now that Chris is out of the picture? Again, I'll leave that unanswered, but as I sit here I have a number of ideas running through my head. But as I said in my previous comment, I want to take some time and figure out what story speaks to me.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Some elements seem cut for the fabric of real life....

....some seem complete (and flimsy) fabrications.

The best art imitates life. This story had some of those elements and was well written and carefully edited.

It might be nice to run another small series on "Brian and Amy: The Aftermath".

The ending appears to include the possibility for such a segue.

Oh, one of the best things about this story, is what it is not: a re-telling of the all too common coming home early (which is rare in real life). This one is a rare bird indeed. So again, Thank You.

CuckoldGuyCuckoldGuyover 8 years ago
Dull story

The first chapter was well written but by the middle of the third chapter you lost me. It was just too much repetition so I waited for chapter 5 and read only the last two paragraphs to see if I knew the ending. Brain was the cuckold in this story and 90% of the time, the cuckold knows that his wife is cheating. It seemed that Brian always gave his wife the opportunity to be with Chris. Cuckolds are like that.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Excellent first try 5*

I liked the story. It was complex, it was dull, it was self-involved, it was without clear resolution. In short it was about life and you did an excellent job of addressing it. Someone said the characters were as dumb as a box of rocks or something to that affect. Yup! a lot of people in real life fit that description. Again real life. Sadly a lot of people don't have the ability to see around the next corner and they do some awful things although they are not awful people.

In short, well done and I hope you submit more stories.

Thank you

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
A Newer Not Amateur Author?

May It Be The Association of The DNA Test Laboratories Pays Authors To Write Adervertising Stories In Amateur Story Collections? The Association of The DNA Test Laboratories Wants This Funny Advertising Campaign To Teach Younger Bachelor Readers To Use DNA Test Laboratories When They Will Be Husbands And Naturally The Nowdays Husbands To Took The Samples Of Their Kids To An Near DNA Test Laboratory!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
DNA problem

DG Hear has an excellent Romantic story. I forgot the title. The husband has 3 kids and the oldest has problem with his kidney and the doctors say to the father main character a wrong news his kidney is not good for his oldest kid. His son and his older daughter are not DNA relative to him. The wife had a longer affair with her lover who died and this is the reason that his youngest daughter is his relative alone. They debated and the angry wife drives in high emotional state and she encounter a big truck and she died. The widower finds a other young widow with 3 young kids and the 2 older kids will be enviouse to the new family of their not biological father....LOL...What will they inherit if their father marries a widow with 3 kids????!!!!! Ha, Ha, Ha!!!! Their non biological father shows the results of their DNA test and he explains them (AND HE TELL A LIE TO HIS 2 OLDER KIDS, BECAUSE HE DISCOVERED AT THE KIDNEY OPERATION ONLY!) he raised them to know they are not his DNA relative kids.....Ha, Ha...! He could be True Dad to the 3 kids of his ex widow wife!!!!!!!!!!!! Excellent BTB story! (And his only DNA relative daughter is in good relation with his second wife!)


PS I think a lot of readers do not feel what is the BTB in that DGHear's story!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
The Triumph of the time Thives

Brian refused one night adventure at the first cardiology symposium with a young woman doctor where he was first. (His wife did not refuse)

Brian refused a long time extramarital affair with a divorced nurse in the hospital.

(His wife did a kid with Chris)

Brian refused to start an affair with a woman doctor in a Congress of Cardiology.


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I like your writing

But the story was not that good, too many holes, not one likeable character.

Chris and Amy are morally wrong characters but both of them succeed, both of them get their happy ending. Chris is not man enough to tell his "best friend" the truth but he said "The truth can set you free" and he is "Finally he was free of his deep, dark secret", is he really? Potentially having a kid with the wife of his "best friend" is not a dark secret?

Liz? The Queen of the cop out. Will she like it if Brian knew and did not tell her?

And finally Brian, I cannot like him, I cannot dislike, is a not entity in this story. Kind of feel sorry for him but that is all. I got the feeling his story was not told, his story was not finish.

Overall 2 stars, nevertheless I will like to congratulate you on the writing, it was good.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
About the other THIFE!

Lize refused a lot of lover candidates and the thife (Chris) stole a lot of adventures from her!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
This was a tough one to stick with.

Obviously if they eventually quit, they could have quit any time, or not even started. So we are left wondering, will they really quit? Wasn't it 6 years between fucks one time? Its been less than 6 years since the last fuck. So it has to occur to Liz that, what, really, is to keep them from fucking again in the future?

So Chris will tell Liz that he met Amy in the mall, by accident. And Liz can do only two things, believe him, or suspect there is more to the story he's not telling her. So what's she gonna do? She's going to wonder, and stew, and realize, if he really met Amy at a motel and they had wild monkey sex, how is Liz supposed to know? Chris and Liz's marriage now exists on a knife edge. The slightest stress could be fatal to the marriage. How long can you live in a relationship like that? Chris pulled the wool over Liz's eyes for years, and she had no clue. So on what change in Chris is she supposed to place her trust? Throw away phones are easy to use. Short half-day fuck sessions are easy to setup. And as Liz ages she will get less secure, and more doubtful, and more suspicious. Its anybody's guess where this will end up.

I would like to say this is a very thought provoking story. But really it just leaves me sad and empty. If the sex was so great they couldn't stop, then why did they stop? And Liz will continually ask the logical next question, have they stopped? The marriage may last, but the love and romance are gone. Some day Liz may wonder why she should let Amy maintain her fake romance after ruining her's. I'm thinking, one day, Brian is going to get a call. And Amy is going to burn. Let's see, successful older doctor, surrounded by sexy intelligent young nurses. Yeah, I'm guessing once the kids are out of the house, Brian will get his. Why don't you write that story?

laf199laf199over 8 years agoAuthor
Re: Comments

Just read some of the recent comments, guess I can't help myself. Several brought up some interesting points, that I must admit made me stop and think. Chris does feel free of his secret, in my mind, but can he really be free of it as long as Brian is unaware? And in the end I think you're right, he can't, but at this point all his focus is on his family.

Also, I agree Liz should feel continued distrust of him, even as they move forward. The difference this time is he's not just telling himself its over, he's telling her and he got to see up close and personal what life might be like without her. As I say in the story, I feel this is enough to scare him straight and keep him from falling into that trap again. But it doesn't mean his wife would trust him fully, or that she's stopped monitoring him. He thinks she's not looking at his phone, but there are many ways to keep track of someone without them realizing it. And that's sort of what I see here. She wants to believe her husband, but he'll still have to prove it to her, one day at a time.

As to the future, I have been thinking today about some ideas to continue the story, and settled on a possible idea. The story will be entirely from Brian and Amy's point of view, but we will probably see Liz and Chris at some point as well. It will include one flashback (sorry for those who hate that), but after that everything takes place in the present, immediately after Chris leaves Amy in the mall. It may be several parts, or I may just write it all and publish it at once. I think I will just call it "Brian and Amy." Probably will be a little while before its ready, certainly a few weeks at least.

Concritic123Concritic123over 8 years ago
The authors comments....

I'm encouraging you to tie up the loose ends with Brian and Amy. The series was excellent but the ending was open ended and left the reader wondering what happened to the other 2 players in this drama. You're right, you didn't thoroughly develope the character of Brian but then you really didn't develop the character of Liz either until the end. The question is this......Should some secrets be taken to the grave, only to be found out randomly in the future?

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
What charming characters!

Absolutely lovely people that I couldn't wait to hear more about. I swear I was hanging on every word. The entertainment value was sky high, almost as good as a Jerry Springer show! Don't you just love those nasty husbands and wives that sneak around and fuck other people's husbands and wives? Solid gold hit here! I can't wait to read another amazing comment from the brilliant author explaining how his ending got so fucked up. Great story!!!

WhackdoodleWhackdoodleover 8 years ago
My wife discovered my affair with a young lady

And while I didnt go through the hell Chris did, for a long time I had to pay my penance.

It took years; but now, 14 years after, my wife has forgiven me and as she said, "If I want our marriage to work, I have to forgive you and trust you. Completely. I can't distrust you or we might as well end it."

My wife recently said to me that if a hundred people came forward with video evidence depicting me cheating and I denied it, she would believe me. Do you know how honouring that is? She trusts me and I will never break that trust. I can't. She is my heart, the air in my lungs, the person I trust over anyone else.

Distrust in a marriage will poison it. It will consume and devour the marriage until all that's left is anger, hurt and misery, for everyone. At some point, Liz has to trust her husband or end it. After all, if you can't trust your spouse, who can you trust.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
If you writes a new sequel chapter!

@ Author A doctor learns human genetics and a doctor knows 2 light colored parents can not have 1 dark colored kid. COULD YOU EXPLAIN WHY THE DOCTER DID NOT KNOW THE HUMAN GENETICS IN THE Ch. 06?????

The possibilities:

1, Brian stayed to be married because he did not want to spoil the young ages of his 2 genetic related kids!

2. The first possibility + Brian have been a lot of extramarital affairs!

3. Brian is creampieater!


AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

So Chris and his wife are ok and Amy gets off free of no . Brian the poor bastard was betrayed by his 2 best friends. That is the most humiliating act of betrayal and when people you love have secrets behind your back the betrayal and humiliation is x 1000. Tie up the loose ends this guy only tried to provide a good life for his family. Amy doesn't want to find out for sure if the kid is his because she has deniability not knowing . Any man or woman deserves the respect to know how they are wronged so they can do what's best for them. What do you wait for a family emergency for it to come out. I know a few people that are in this situation and it makes me sick to think of how the poor husband is raising someone else kid while the friend is fucking his wife behind his back. The we don't want to hurt him comment is bullshit it's the cheaters that don't want their lives broken because they get the best of both worlds

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
The Wimp wife and a Non Declared Open Marriage end?

Liz was a wimp, but I do not blam not to tell Brian that his wife is a serial cheater after she chose the wimp solution.

The husband cheating rate is higher (60%) than the wife cheating (55%) rate and Brian is a doctor and he learned human genetics so he know his third son is bastard with his dark colored hair. An interesting non clishe end was he would be misstress(es).

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
I am sorry

A non clishe end was Brian would have misstress(es) and he would divorce when his 2 biological relative kids reached the coledge age................

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Well written 5*. Please do write a follow up!

I find Amy the hardest to understand, I think a wife cheating on her husband is more personal than a husband cheating on his wife. Not really sure why but part of my thought process is that she is letting another man enter her in two or three different ways. She is allowing an invasion of her body that should be preserved for her husband. There is also a greater emotional connection with a woman in sex, so she is prepared to emotionally bond with another man on a regular basis to the exclusion of her husband. To me a man just basically sticks it in and fucks. He is giving nothing but his penis away. Okay a simplification but deep down I believe that. Also:

1. Amy regularly betrays her husband in her own house (every room but the marital bedroom)

2. She also does it regularly while her husband is actually in the house looking after the children (that is really sick to me). This is done deliberately to humiliate him in her own mind. Quite a betrayal.

3. It appears to be a planned systematic act over circa 20 years that again is denigrating and disrespecting her husband time and time again in a cold, calculating heartless deliberate act.

4. She has a child by her lover which she allows her husband to think is his and bring up.

5. She did it on the night before her wedding. Not as a spur of the moment thing but planning and driving to his hotel room like a traitor in the night showing little if any true remorse.

She has basically disrespected her husband throughout her marriage with minimal conscience. How can she get up in the morning and smile at her husband knowing what she has done and is about to do is beyond me. Okay her lover does some of this stuff but it is far less intense emotionally than what she does.

I actually love reconciliation as it stretches the emotional boundaries to breaking point and allows both parties to fully explore their feelings. It allows intense and thought provoking emotion to come to the surface. What she did to me was a deal breaker but I would love a talented writer to find a way out of the very deep hole that she has dug as long as she does suffer terribly on the way as some little redemption for her despicable actions!

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

This is so unsettling. I sincerely hope you write another chapter or a sequel wherein either Amy gets her just deserts or she fully recognizes her wickedness and completely destroys her cucolded husband. I would chose the former case, of course, but there ought to be some resolution to this story. Just my thinking ... I could be wrong.

EddboyEddboyover 8 years ago
what a let down


icebreadicebreadover 8 years ago
I gave it a five.

A good story that ended well for me. Thank you for your work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago
Free of his deep dark secret?

He screws his best friends girl in college, continues doing it for 15 years. Gets her pregnant and never tells the hapless friend he's raising someone else's kid. He doesn't take responsibility for any of his actions. He got caught and that's it. Both main characters are complete asses. The wife Liz is an ass as well. Lack of any respect for anyone. You give no reason to believe that either one of them have redeeming qualities.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
i would kill them both

with fire and acid

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Pure crap

Absolute garbage that he gets away with a 16 year affair, this author is smoking some good shit to write that crap.....

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

5 chapters of repetitive garbage. I see going by your latest offering, you still haven't learned to not be so wordy.

rereadrereadabout 6 years ago
Can Brian be having a long term affair also?

So many hours at the office and a large group of young nurses maybe Brian head was turned before? Or maybe it time for the trade up to the trophy wife?

I know these are cliché but what's good for the goose....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago

Why would my not pass on the pain to the person who contributed to her year of hurt and what could only be a lifetime of trust issues? No, in the real world she would have called Brian first thing to let him know what his slut of a wife and her asshole husband had been up to. Then she would have moved on to someone who really did love and respect her. Who would want to live like that? Always wondering if Chris was somewhere filling up Amy's or maybe some other sluts cunt.

johnadpjohnadpabout 6 years ago
Two Blondes Can Only Have Light Haired Children

Blond hair is a recessive gene so two blondes can only have a blond child. Brian, as a doctor, would know this even if the author did not.

The story was realistic. Amy initial worry about having only been with one man in her life and what was she missing. In modern age, at some point most men and women would wonder what they missed out on if they have only been with one person. Brian working so many hours leaving Amy alone also is a common cause of cheating. Yeah, we can all say she shouldn't have (and she shouldn't have), but many decent people cheat at some point and one of the leading causes is partial abandonment, both physically and emotionally. After all when they last meet Amy is not interested in Chris sexually as Brian is working regular hours.

Another realistic theme is that women are much more likely to forgive cheating. Probably Liz, without the male ego to stand in the way, was able to think of her children and didn't want to lose her family. Also, she showed great character in not wanting to hurt the other family by exposing Amy to Brian. Those that commenters that criticize that remember to react with revenge and lash out in anger when hurt are our most base instincts. She was able to rise above that and think generously of others (primarily Brian and the children) and not lash out. As I have stated in other comments that if you want the cheating spouse to always feel shitty for what they did (even if you divorce them) then act with class and grace during the breakup and they will always realize what they fucked up. Act out revenge on them then they will lose that love and respect for you and make their moving on much more easy.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Total BS

Absolutely no one would respond like Liz has to Chris' betrayal. Are we dealing with a per-schooler? A blind mice? A fool on a hill?

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

I started to read Amy and Brian, but the preface said it was a continuation of Exploring Feelings which should be read first.

It is hard to believe that this well-crafted story is a debut offering. It has good dialog, expressions of feelings and attitudes, and a variety scenarios to keep me interested.

Furthermore, there are lots of stories from the victim's standpoint, but laf199 has attempted to put us in the heads of the cheaters -- and succeeded, and that on his maiden voyage. And succeeded so well that I had more feeling for Amy and Chris than for the victims. (Whether these are accurate depictions of cheaters' feelings and attitudes I do not know.)

Comments come down on the deplorable, selfish attitudes of Amy and Brian. Literotica's description of Loving Wives category is "married exta-marital fun," which includes swinging and cheating. So "Loving Wives" is a misnomer. (If you want actual loving wives, try Romance category.) in Loving Wives you expect cheating, unless you exempt consensual infidelity, such as swinging and willing cuckold, from cheating. I went through all this to say that Amy and Chris's actions are what you find in Loving Wives. If you do not want to read about cheating, GET OUT of Loving Wives. I am not condoning Amy and Chris's behavior, I am just putting it in its Literotica context. And saying that laf199 gave me an empathetic understand of cheater's behavior -- or at least Amy and Chris's behavior.

As to my attitude to Amy and Chris, johnadp has expressed this so well, that I do not need to, except I would emphasize more the sheer sexual pull toward each other and their kind of sex. Also when johnadp discusses blond genes, he says that this is something Brian as a doctor knows even if the author does not. This is impossible. Since the author is his creator, Brian knows nothing unless the author knows it first.

In conclusion, this is a well-written story on a difficult subject from a difficult viewpoint that held my attention and had an acceptable resolution (I like reconciliation stories ). Will there be more resolution in the sequel Amy and Brian?

Paul in Oklahoma

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago
Cop out

Liz forgiving him after an affair of that length, and a bastard child? That just doesn't ring true. The realization over the injured child is just too Hallmark Channel. Liz should share the drama and tell Brian. Let the fun begin.

javmor79javmor79about 5 years ago
This was an excellent series

I'm on the the next set. Great job with this. I was enthralled all the way through

ctdansctdansalmost 5 years ago
saint Liz

My god how could she stand such a betrayal.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

Wow. Just wow. This is the best series I’ve ever read. And I mean that!! I just found this and could read it over again in an instant. You nailed a real marriage and affair.

Dunny69Dunny69over 3 years ago
Horrible people

A right pair of bastards hated it.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

The cheaters got away with it and off almost essentially without any punishment or consequences and Brian is just left clueless while married to a slut raising a kid that isn’t his? What a bunch of terrible people and crappy ending.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Automatic 1 star or less if possible. I cannot stand literotica writers that use the crutch of I do not want to bring bad news. The innocent partner deserves to know and make decisions. These total low life got away with it and no one told the doctor husband. Just despicable and horrible. It IS the business of friends to tell what they know. Just total crap.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Despite all the drama and hotness, the author literally make a fool of a good person, husband, father and a intelligent doctor. Who is getting the please in the end? The cheaters. Can this resembles the author is a cheater and love to have this ending or this is the authors life?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Negative stars if I could. How this piece of shit got such a high score? The cuck and cheaters crowd must be voting a lot for their apologist. Otherwise I don't get it.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

That was a disgusting diatribe! U really must have come from a fucked up fsmily system Laf…how do u keep excusing cheaters and portraying them in a positive manner?

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Poor Brian. Why the author is fine screwing him over so badly when literally EVERYONE else knows and he’s raising another man’s child who he thinks is his own? What a terrible group of people. The other wife should have told Brian ASAP after she found out. Terrible people portrayed as if they stole a piece of candy not had an ongoing affair for years and got pregnant then passed the kid off as someone else’s. Terrible terrible terrible.

nixroxnixroxover 2 years ago

0 stars - what a horrid story.

There is absolutely nothing redeeming about this story. It is crap from start to finish.

However, I am giving you 1 star above, so it lowers your average.

Maybe it might convince you to be a bit more considerate of the readers on this website.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

The whole series is on an absolutely disgusting level... for God’s sake it was not a bad be off affair!!..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Chris is pathetic. Amy is disgusting. Liz is deluded.


And Brian is an unknowing Cuck of tne biggest kind.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 years ago

Disgusting, they got away with it and nothing happens to either of them? Fuck, what a terrible story.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

Five chapters about two pieces of shit. Oh, and now I can read four more chapters about how her husband is tortured. Yay. NOT!

PorterrhPorterrhalmost 2 years ago

Morally this is a reprehensible story

mattenwmattenwalmost 2 years ago

"TonyBeets" I only remember Confucius and the idiots!!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This story can only be viewed as pro infidelity propaganda. Both Amy and Chris deserve to put in stocks like back in the Puritan days. I found this story to have zero redeeming value.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Yes, such a pair of spouses do want to make you well and truly puke. Why do I think this is more common than many want to believe? And WHY do so many relationship 'experts' want married couples to 'survive ' such infedility? SImple: it costs society less to paper it over than allow cheated spouses the space to move on and find a more reliable partner while still young enough to do so. I speak from experience where two cheated-on spouses found one another and escaped or at least beat back the resulting cynicism. Only those who actually faced it and know the struggles to move on understand the costs. Not relationship repair 'experts'.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Honestly, the portrayed wronged wife's forgiveness was foolish. Such a spouse will do it again and again, shown by his previous longterm activity. What drove the wife was fear of being alone with her children, and a selfish grandparent who didn't support her. Wise soon to be divorcees date other ones who know the costs of infidelity and seek loving reliability. That her mother didn't give her that space says volumes about the bitch. It took me three years before finding a loving wife and blended family. My kids actually liked it as they realized they had a predictable, supportive home.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Pure fantasy that he would give up after 15 years of such infidelity. Especially with another child. You are known by your actions, and his spoke volumes. Why write such trite bullshit? It would have been a better illicit story to have him leave his wife and children to go with his partner with her child instead. Then played up his 'guilt' which he clearly lives with but doesn't regret enough to rectify. That would fit a real life 15-year adulterer's character more 'faithfully'. The point of this category is examining alternate realities and examining the costs in the moral imagination.

PlattnumPlattnumabout 1 year ago

That's and hour or two of my life wasted reading this crap hoping for some kind of burn.

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