Falling for Love


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"Not everyone would see it that way. Looks as though you are repelling boarders."

"You think that. I find it attracts a much more interesting type - the ones with imagination, courage and guys prepared to take on what they consider will be a challenge. No whang-bam and goodbye types at all. OK I have a question for you - honest answer now. What's with two chicks?"


"The two you just painted." The double portrait was still on the easel drying. " You remember you said I could use the computer. I turned it on and when I booted it up from a 'did not close properly' your webcam files came up. Understand now? They are both very cute, by the way."

I was speechless. I had forgotten about the exhibition, or more likely suppressed it with Jane being around. I just went red. After a few false starts I gave Jane the whole story.

"I think you have Emily's answer. She'll pose nude for you. You're getting a fair amount of practice. By the way they are both gorgeous. The new Jane is wondering what it might be like with a woman. Never really fancied it until I saw those shots - mother and daughter, wow. In fact the very thought used to repulse the old Jane."

"How is the new Jane doing with Jake?"

"As I told you, he has accepted my conditions. When I returned I was hell bent on getting more from the plumber, but he had left town. It was a disappointment. So I took up with a local realtor, and we went upstairs whilst Jake was in the living room. That lasted no more than two weeks. Then the local school principal used to visit on Fridays. He was married, and became very guilty and we finished. Jake took it well. And there was another incident I'm not sure I want to tell you about."

"Also, Jake had another reason, apart from his love for me, to want me back. I was lucky for him. It turns out that when I was booted out, and stayed away he decided to invest all our savings, about quarter of a million, in a very risky mining penny stock."

"If we were to go to divorce he wanted revenge by having tossed out all of our savings. Guess what - they hit a major gold seam of high-grade rock. It netted him well over six million. When I returned he gave me four million. I'm now rich, dad. He is playing with some of what he kept and has hit two more winners to go along with about ten losers. He's doubled his money. So he thinks I am lucky for him. I am an asset to his boring accounting mind."

"Wow - that is rich. Such irony - a fuck on the side made you rich. What are you going to do with your money."

"Find good men - and maybe the occasional woman, after what I have just seen - to fuck."

"Oh, Jane. Jane."

"Seriously, I have no idea yet, so it is just accumulating. I do now fly first class. That reminds me - I'm leaving the day after tomorrow to go south to the sun for a couple of weeks and will swing through here on my way back.. Is that OK?"

"Sure, hon."

That night, and the following night after I had fallen asleep in bed, I woke as Jane slid into bed with me. Naked. On the first night she almost broke my heart when she said, "I do miss mum."

"So do I."

She moved across and cuddled me. We fell asleep in each other's arms. My waking was a long labrynthian matter. I dreamt I was in the middle of an orgy with all my family around me. We walked around lightly stroking each other as we passed. Then one unknown women stopped me and knelt before me. She took my cock in her mouth and started sucking. I became seriously aroused.

Then I slowly woke to find that Jane had me in her mouth, deep throating me. I came as she pulsed her tongue. She swallowed and stayed as I softened. Suddenly she disengaged and leapt from the bed straight into the bathroom without look back at me. I rose put on my robe and put on a pot of coffee in the kitchen.

Jane took about an hour to emerge. The coffee was somewhat stewed. I had eaten my cereal. Jane was fully clothed. She had difficulty looking me in the eye, wandering around to get a mug from the cupboard, milk from the fridge and a cookie from the drawer.

Eventually she came up to me with tears in her eyes. "You OK daddy?" she muttered. I was very OK as it turns out - all my reactions about incest were deeply buried. That Jane had given and received an act of kindness and necessity I understood completely.

"I am very cool with what happened. And if it were to happen again I would be equally comfortable. No harm at my end. You?" She didn't answer but set her mug aside and gave me a firm and affectionate hug.

"Yes. No harm from this end too. But I think it right I should leave this morning. I'm not running out - well, I guess I am really, but it feels right. I am following my instincts these days."

"Go back, and follow your excellent instincts." So Jane left.

Emily phoned and arranged to come around. She arrived with Pia.

"You wanted an answer to your question. I suspect you already have it, but there are some conditions. Want to hear them, or will you just take the money?"

"Tell me,"

"It will be both me and Pia, for a start. Surprised? Then I insist you take at least a fifty photos of us together. Your set-up photos are rather good. We will select the pose to be painted. On the second session you will be naked to the waist, and for the third, and any more sessions you will paint totally naked. Those are the conditions that all have to be met."

"Painting the two of you is OK, but it may take much longer to paint. I have no problem with the photos - I can click away all day. As for my nakedness, I must think about that."

"The offer is open for a week. We'll swing by in a week and either get into a photo session or give you a check."

I was in two minds. Eventually my decision was driven by a combination of curiosity and a muted lust. I was curious as to how the whole event would play out, and the thought of experiencing a threesome for the first time in my mid sixties seemed to me one for the books. I phoned and arrangements were set up.

I set up the study with the pull out bed made up. I had lights organized.

The whole affaire started with a complete shock. Emily and Pia arrived punctually. Then Aileen followed them in. I almost freaked out. It must have shown on my face. They all burst out into hysterical laughter. It took them about five minutes for them to regain control of themselves.

Wiping the tears from their eyes they just said, "Your face!" and once more bent over laughing. Eventually some degree of control was regained. Aileen spoke. "Emily and Pia have the type of relationship that Emily and I had twenty years ago. So I am here to oversee the poses and derive some pleasure watching a family tradition continue." I was speechless.

"So do you want to start?" I nodded.

I ushered them into the study/studio. Emily and Pia, without formality, simply took their outerwear off. They had no underwear. Each had shaved their pubes completely.

Aileen spoke, "You two are so beautiful. Lets have you standing to start off."

I readied my camera, but found I was shaking too much, so had to mount it on a tripod. I turned on the lights. Aileen posed the two, and I made some suggestions for variations. After the standing poses they sat, and then eventually moved to a horizontal position on the bed. As the session progressed the level of intimacy increased.

In the final shots Emily was masturbating Pia as I photographed. I was told to get close-ups. I captured Pia's expression as she came forcibly. Aileen had pulled her skirt up and was fingering her bare cunt.

Then we were finished. I downloaded the pictures onto my computer and then onto a thumb drive I had bought for the purpose. In quite matter of fact manner they dressed, and I handed them the thumb drive. As they left Emily called over her shoulder, "I'll call you tomorrow with our choice for the pose. See you next Wednesday."

When I returned from my walk the following morning there was a message from Emily on my message machine. The call display showed it was from Emily but I hardly recognized her voice. The message was short and to the point. "Arlene died of a stroke last night. I'll send you a check." My mind churned - the excitement, the guilt and the tragedy. I cried.

Echoes of Sue's death returned to me. I questioned my own behaviors and motivations. I played with idea of the question of retribution for immoral behavior, but was unable to convince myself of the argument.

Jane returned from her holiday with a fine tan. She was still dressed formally. She declared I looked down and depressed, and told me I needed to see her tan lines to cheer me up. Before I had a chance to object she turned the radio to bluesy music. Jane did a very sexy strip - the contrast with her business ware and her behavior was vivid and did the trick to jolt me away from thinking about Arlene. Jane had no tan lines. Nude beach she told me, and surprisingly no guys who caught her fancy. "I was celibate. Well except by my own hand." She laughed. So did I.

She grabbed one of my robes, "What you been up to?" I told her. Jane became very compassionate and gave me a long hug. She led me to the bedroom, undressed me, lay me on the bed, shed the robe, and climbed on the bed and straddled over me with her breasts on my chest. Quite involuntarily I became hard. She slipped my cock into her and gave me a slow soft fuck. We then slept for an hour in each other's arms. She whispered in my ear "I'm glad we're not related", rolled over, left me to have a shower and dressed.

I got up, and met her as she finished a coffee. "I must go." We looked at each other without guilt or remorse. Jane picked up her suitcase and headed for the door. "You're looking much better. I am feeling better. And we have not been struck by lightening. Smile." I did.

My life dropped into a routine; walk, shower, breakfast, read newspaper, check out e-mails and other newspapers on line, lunch, shop on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays for the few provisions I needed, paint for an hour, snooze for about an hour, go down to lounge to chat or play cards, have dinner, back and watch TV or read a novel and sometimes pornography.

There were some small variations but the general structure of my life went this way for several months. I was comfortable with the known, but wished someone or something out of the ordinary would happen to me. I had no push within me to break out. The family appreciated that I settled down, in their eyes, but also worried I was becoming reclusive.

I attempted to make new friends with a good looking cashier at the Supermarket, had coffee with her a few times and thought I was making progress when she blew me off - she was always too busy. I am not sure what happened, but I thought I was trying to get her to come with me, which I was, and she had no interest.

Then I accidentally bumped into Sue's former Doctor when she was visiting another resident. She was small, cute and full of vivacity. She asked about me and did accept my invitation in for a coffee. We chatted for quite a while as she asked how I was doing. She promised to drop in on me the next time she was in the Residence.

It was evening, after dinner, the next time she called. We shared a glass of wine and she opened up about her divorce and concern about not having a family. I was getting encouraged and started making plans to see how I could develop this relationship. She visited again a week later. She admitted to me that she found my maturity and good listening skills supportive of her need to share.

It was the next visit she revealed she was now in a steady and solid lesbian relationship. We got onto sperm donations and it was made clear that a man of my age was not in the running. I backed off, having been fuelled by the idea I was making a slow and steady seduction.

My failures communicated themselves to my family. They started to show signs of concern with increased calls and visits. They started to organize me. Taking me out to the theatre and movies. Paula took charge. I wondered if Jim was worried about the increased time Paula was spending with me. I asked him outright.

He was forthright, "You need help, and Paula is the one to give it to you. I am under the gun at work and have to work all hours, so keeping Paula occupied is great for me too. Win, win."

Paula was a bit more creative and arranged visits to the Zoo and museums. She took me bowling, line dancing and also swimming.

The outside summer pool was great. The first time we went, I had to dig around to find my swimming trunks. They were somewhat old fashioned and quite tight around my crotch. Paula emerged from the changing area looking spectacular, and against all odds I sported an immediate boner, which my trunks showed up well. Paula noticed, "Pleased to see me? You need a girlfriend."

"Got one. I have you!"

"Yes, right." Paula kissed me on the lips and hugged me is such a way as to grind her pelvis in to my boner.

The day was hot. I swam once and I had deflated. Paula swam and sunbathed. "Lets go to your place. I've had enough sun." She pulled a t-shirt over her bikini and started to the car. I chased after her dragging my towel and clothes behind me.

"What's the rush." There was no reply.

Once in the door at home Paula turned around and gently pulled my head to her and kissed me full on the mouth. She kept it going. Relaxed a bit, licked my lips and pulled me in hard with her tongue penetrating my mouth. Her body also came into hard contact as if she wanted to absorb herself into me.

Once more my cock responded with vigor. She slipped down me, pulled off my trunks and took my cock into her mouth. She was a pro. It took me a while to come and the closer I was the more I took to fucking her mouth pushing the back of her head. Many months of inventory spewed into her mouth and down her throat as I came and came.

Paula stood, stripped off her t-shirt and bikini in one quick movement. "My turn. Do me." She lay back in my armchair with her bum at the edge and legs wide open. Who was I to refuse such an invitation? I licked and teased and use my fingers in her cunt and anus until I had counted three orgasms, each greater than the last.

"Now lets fuck." We did.

I surprised myself with my performance. Slow to come but hard all the time. She came several times as I eased myself in and out of her. Speaking out loud, as if reassuring herself, "At least its not quite incest." I was not so sure, but said nothing.

This was the start of regular therapeutic sessions over the next few months. Mutually therapeutic.

I find it strange how events converge. Like events bunch together. Not only had Paula come into my life, but Sally came into my life after the death of her baby due to a rare blood disorder. The illness was kept from me due to Sally's husband's somehow misdirected sense of shame associated with the illness. As if his children would never get sick.

Sally felt shame for the fact I was never told. She tried to make it up to me with kindness. This too slowly became physical. Hugs turned into cuddles, cuddles in soft caresses and clothes were gradually shed. Sally loved to have her nipples sucked and sucked. She could have multiple orgasms from this alone. In fact we were only ever oral with each other. I had to educate her into the techniques of giving head, but she was a quick study.

My life became even more complicated when Jane also dropped in from time to time to check on me, and liven my life up.

The final challenge, for that was what it was becoming, arrived in the form of Suzy and her girlfriend, Steph. They pleaded with me to stay for a few days. I never asked why. Almost immediately it was obvious that Suzy and Steph had something going in an open sort of way. The kissed and fondled each other in my presence.

My, now very active, boner responded immediately to the show. It was made worse when Suzy started to wander around first in her underwear and then topless. Steph responded in kind. It was weird. If there was a knock on the door I had to herd them into a bedroom. We all drank too much one evening and Suzy told me she regretted not going all the way with me when we did the portraits. I somehow challenged her and then it was game on. Steph also wanted some of the action. It was three- way fuck orgy for hours. I blanked out and collapsed.

The multiple visits became too difficult to manage. I called a temporary halt to matters for a month. They all understood and each one separately insisted we resume later. I guess I was doing something right.

Two weeks into my rest period, I received a phone call from Suzy's rich husband asking me if I would join them on a cruise on one of the huge cruise liners around the Caribbean. I wondered if he wanted to get Suzy away from Steph. It was before the hurricane season and was just for 10 days. I tend to get seasick, but I thought the big boat would be stable enough to enjoy the experience. I agreed and was surprised to find it was only two weeks hence.

My life had a focus for a while. Buying some clothes I could wear on the cruise. I shopped around and asked my fellow residents what they wore. Eventually I was equipped to go including the Gravol and other medications. I had a haircut.

As per the instructions and the tickets I made my own way to Florida. I travelled a day early to be sure not screw up by being late and missing the boat. I made my way onto the ship, and found I had an outside cabin suite with a separate sitting area and small external veranda. In port it was a bit vertiginous looking over the rail from about 8 floors up. I received a call from Suzy with instructions to meet them in a specific lounge at six in the evening.

I changed into long white trousers and a new sharp blue shirt. I like to be on time, so when it took me a bit longer than I had thought to find the lounge where we were to meet, and the thought of seeing Suzy in this unfamiliar setting, flustered me.

I arrived ten minutes late, and edgy. At first glance I did not see them, my quick scan of the room only revealed large groups. Then I suddenly realized that not only were there Suzy and hubby, but Jane, Jim Sally and Paula with their spouses sat around a large round table. As soon as they spotted me there was huge "Surprise" rang out.

I was paralyzed for a few moments. My heart raced and I almost fainted. My mind went into overload. I came around finding myself sitting with a large whiskey on the rocks in my hand. In the instant of my recovery, I saw the all the faces around me. All the women looked worried and showed great concern. The men carried a strange satisfaction on their faces. Then everything broke into merriment.

After a second drink we all moved on to dinner. The chat was how none of them knew everyone else would be there. Hints were made how they were all worried about me, each in their own way, and thought the cruise would help. This seemed to come more from the men than the women, for reasons I understood, due to our recent intimacies. Everyone was tired so we all turned in early.

I could not sleep feeling slightly sick, and very confused with all the women in my life surrounding me. I took a Gravol, and eventually settled down, half expecting a knock on my door. The next day, I woke early and took a brisk walk around the deck. After my shower the phone rang and arrangements were set out for the day. After the merriment of the previous day the conversation was more measured and I detected a small tension creeping in.

My one-on-one conversations with my daughters were all very proper and we studiously avoided the elephant in the room. I was uncertain as to who knew what about each other. I had endeavored to keep all of the complex relationships separate, but was unsure how successful I had been.