All Comments on 'February Sucks - the Mulberrry Tree'

by Chorisero

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Hell no!

TajfaTajfaabout 1 year ago

She seemed to get off lightly.

SwordWielderSwordWielderabout 1 year ago

Interesting and new take on the story. Unfortunately, there were some critical plot errors. First - waking up Mrs. Porter to get the kids somewhere around 2 AM in the morning? That doesn't make sense. Get some sleep, the get them first thing in the morning. Although I do like how Mark was disposed of, I do NOT agree with Jim taking Linda back. Linda's mother did make a stupid decision and let Lester get close to her, but she was raped - she never gave consent. Linda on the other hand walked out of celebrating her 10 year anniversary with her husband to spend the night with another man. Jim has an obligation to protect his kids, but his wife voluntarily left their marriage. He should not have had sex with her that soon - she needed to be tested for STDs - and in my opinion never have sex with her again. Jim should have avoided Linda, and found a lawyer and filed for divorce. His only response to her should have been along the lines of "The only contact I will have with you will be for issues about the children, and I'd prefer that to be written. Other than that I want absolutely no contact with you whatsoever. Linda, you get to live everyday for the rest of your life knowing that your selfish actions destroyed our family. If you want to do one last favor for me, please kill yourself. The kids and I will recover from your death easier and quicker than a divorce."

Bottom line - great way to handle Mark, but your punishment for Linda wasn't severe enough by a landslide.

Shavedbollox69Shavedbollox69about 1 year ago

Should've planted his wife alongside Marc

schulz777schulz777about 1 year ago

siriosly another FebruarySucksStory ???????? why ?

I never understood what's so interesting in original GA Story. It was a prety weak story (from the wirter's point of view) that didn't make any sense from beginning till the end. Why so many people try to write their versions of that story and make the same mistake with female character again and again??

ThorlolThorlolabout 1 year ago

Hmm, way too onesided. Somehow the whole burden was planted on Marc. Too be honest, he was just a minor actor in the whole story. Even in the original. Sure he 'went' after a married woman but he can only succeed if the woman is in on it. It will always be Lindas decision to go with him. There was no magic or drugs involved. She decided to do it and not Marc. I am really not happy with this story, sure Marc got killed but so what? Doesnt change what Linda did and who she is. Shes remorseful but only after everyone told her to be. That says alot.

ArdieffArdieffabout 1 year ago

Eh - Linda should just be dead to him, no come back.

Robby_DRobby_Dabout 1 year ago

When the original story came out, I felt the obligatory hatred of Marc LaValliere. Over the next 50 or so sequels, I came to hate him even more. Here was this irresistible force who could take any woman he wanted and chose to fuck up marriages as a sport. Clearly the kind of predator that needed to be put down. Therefore, as bloody and violent as this version was, I thought it was a reasonable solution. After all, it was a family tradition! However, there is still the problem of Linda. The story was a bit one sided. It was very sweet of Jim to take Linda back but it seems that their relationship needed a bit more work to even things out. Anyhow, I gave you 5 stars for your effort. I feel more at ease when I think about Marc. It's nice to think of him as being useful. As Joyce Kilmer once said "but only God can make a tree", but it's nice to know that LaVallere is doing his part to make that tree a little stronger.

HikingThruHikingThruabout 1 year ago

Certainly different. Marc disappearing the day after he publicly waltzed out with Linda in front of J & L's friends would have certainly led police straight to them.

Jetcrash747Jetcrash747about 1 year ago

It seems the women got off easy, loosing just one pinky finger for falling into the spell of a deceitful man or men. The husbands took care of the problem so their children could play ring around the mulberry bush.

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 1 year ago

I agree with a couple of the comments here, 1st Linda would be as dead as Marc apparently is. 2nd, this story acts as if Marc clubbed her with a stick and carried her off to his cave. Linda left under her own power. 3rd, why would he go to her family? If my wife kills my mother, i in turn run to "hers". So they can tell me to forgive her no matter what. RACC with a healthy portion of WACC.

numbnutz49numbnutz49about 1 year ago

I wrestled with commenting as the story was well written. At times, it distorted some elements of the original and reality (end of February and Marc was getting ready for a game the next day). It is tough to write another version of this classic and the direction this one took will not appeal to many LW readers. It's the author's choice how to use the characters but I think this version has the quickest reconciliation of them all. Maybe it wasn't a true reconciliation - just Jim and his FIL enjoying the act of killing Marc.

MightyheartMightyheartabout 1 year ago

Good one.


A new take on FS.

I would have loved to hear what Jim & Marc spoke.

Very well written.

irinmikeirinmikeabout 1 year ago

Rather gory but well written. I liked it!

littleone35littleone35about 1 year ago

I liked it, Marc was good for something plus a beautiful tree bloomed to bring life to the world

francemanfrancemanabout 1 year ago

Surely I didn't quite understand.

Who betrayed Jim? Linda or Mark.

Who broke their vows and promises? Linda or Mark.

Who humiliated Jim by running away? Linda or Mark.

Did Mark rape her? did he force it? did he drug her?

So on the one hand, he deserves death and she nothing?

Really !

Funny conception of responsibility!

Monagamous_NowMonagamous_Nowabout 1 year ago


Powerful stuff. Love this treatment of the story. Well done!

300WSM300WSMabout 1 year ago

I thought this was done to death, i was wrong. Great story.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 1 year ago

Wow! Lot of hate in the comments. I was expecting the usual cheat and beat story, but this was much more. It was quite intense. Linda proved herself and that isn't an easy thing after what she did. Wonderfully done! Good job. Thanks for sharing.

OverconfidentSarcasmOverconfidentSarcasmabout 1 year ago

Wow... just... wow. That's story is fucked up on SO many levels...

Tim_the_cajunTim_the_cajunabout 1 year ago

Wow what a great finish to a true classic. Your writing is inspiring, Please kYou have a talent,

gentle_touch4ugentle_touch4uabout 1 year ago

Great story. I especially enjoyed how Linda's parents supported them both. Parents are the strength, of their family.

mainer42mainer42about 1 year ago

well done.. the back story made this an extremely fun read

Busman19639Busman19639about 1 year ago

Not a big fan of murder but that’s the way of the world sometimes. Would rather have seen a lifetime of regret than death.

BigBlueKatBigBlueKatabout 1 year ago

My favorite reconciliation story in this series. 5*

Regguy69Regguy69about 1 year ago

Very well written, but not okay to kill some asshole that seduces your wife. Revenge should match the wrong. Maybe smash his face so he's ugly, but no murder. Also no forgiving Linda, ever! She willingly went along with Marc and humiliated Jim, she does not deserve any consideration from Jim. Marc gets punished for the videos not for seducing the unfaithful slut.

LarrynDallasLarrynDallasabout 1 year ago

Would have preferred tying Marc up in his bed and cutting his penis off, then slicing it into pieces and flushing it down the toilet while Marc watched. Let the punishment match the crime.

That said, this was well written and carries a poetic symmetry that reads well in fiction. Well done to the author. Please continue to share your talent with your fans.

JohnAmalfi4104JohnAmalfi4104about 1 year ago

Interest story. Deadly revenge isn't my usual cup of tea, but it was well- and powerfully written, and you've earned your five stars. Linda's self-mutiliation was a twist I didn't expect, but I appreciated that it was a means of showing she realized she had some agency in the matter.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bcabout 1 year ago

Loved the reason for the women cutting off a finger - 5*

Driven2ReadDriven2Readabout 1 year ago

Best of the RAAC versions of this story -- definitely fits in the genre of "at all costs" ... for those that say Marc's crime didn't fit the punishment. I disagree, he murdered a family with his actions. Does hers warrant similar punishment - well that is the my only caveat. This point is where an author makes a living. He got us to think about all of that points with his written skills. That is what good writing does and makes this a 5* story. That author gets us to think -- Did she actually get punished? Loss of a digit - well that is pretty punishing, A forced reminder of what she did, every day for the rest of her life? She is a first time offender does that warrant this leniency? Mark is a serial murder in a way, doesn't that warrant a stronger punishment. I never saw capital punishment as a deterrent but a solution that stops future offenses. In this case it prevents future transgressions @ a rate of 2 a month.

Overall my thought is she gets punished rather severely but Jim & the family get reparations for what she did to them in the form a family centered mother and wife.

1Thinkingman1Thinkingmanabout 1 year ago

One generation of misogynistic cucks to the next. Because MIL was a stupid whore to the FIL that somehow justifies keeping the daughter? Obviously being a whore is genetic. Plant Marc under a tree does nothing to deal with the wife. Losing a finger has little to no meaning versus her actions. There is no immediate contrition so no forgiveness. I would have planted two trees. *

26thNC26thNCabout 1 year ago

Marc got what he deserved for multiple offense, and that tree gets a great boost with that fresh fertilizer. It just doesn’t pay to mess with folks who have a deep hole and a backhoe. Interesting, viscerally satisfying take on the story. There will be much wailing and gnashing of teeth from the “just be a cuck and shut up” crowd, but more than a few readers will enjoy it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The only outcome for this is dievorce. No other possibility exist in any alternate reality or reiteration.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

A few points: One, with all due respect to Asian gangsters, losing a finger does nothing to purify a cheating cunt. Two, Jim fucks Linda while she still has live swimmers from her lover looking for an egg inside her. That is very cucky behavior regardless of the fact he had killed the lover. At least he did not put his mouth on her putrid pussy. Third, since Linda has proven she cannot be trusted to keep her vows, only a fool would trust her to keep the secret of Marc's demise. She cut off her finger. She did not cut out her tongue. Hmm...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I'm no BTB fundamentalist but any ending in which Linda doesn't get thrown out with the trash is unacceptable to me. I've read all of the alternative versions of FS, probably in an attempt to purge myself of the feelings of uncleanliness and contamination I got from reading GA's original but this one has set me back, notwithstanding the justice meted out to ML.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Best follow up story so far! Makes me believe there is a just god!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

And let this be known period that's what united states more things do, Is your life worth going after another man's wife. I know of who needs to be put down, They now Reside in the everglades.

SexecutionerSexecutionerabout 1 year ago


So typical, of course when someone states they loved Cuck Anderson's original version of his beta manifesto you know where this is going. Though I gotta say the twist of mother/daughter being sluts was unique.

But as usual, the writer thought it would be justice to kill the AP but go easy on the betraying cum dumpster.

SexecutionerSexecutionerabout 1 year ago


So typical, of course when someone states they loved Cuck Anderson's original version of his beta manifesto you know where this is going. Though I gotta say the twist of mother/daughter being sluts was unique.

But as usual, the writer thought it would be justice to kill the AP but go easy on the betraying cum dumpster.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Why? She is equally responsible and more sinner than Marc. She should be one cared for her husband and family. Ofcourse Marc need to be punished, but making her as a victim is bullshit. She is more evil than him by leaving and humiliating her husband in a worst way possible.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

good idea whit the tree ... i will remember

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Reminds me a little of Quitters, Inc by Stephen King. Nice job!

LenardSpencerLenardSpencerabout 1 year ago

I think I've read all of the "follow up" February Sucks stories. This is easily one of the best. As others have suggested, I think one more step was required. That Jim arrange for an Escort, then fucked her in front of Linda, doing all the same things Linda had indulged in, with the departed Marc. Then they would have been even. Oh, my deviant mind had guessed about the "little finger" aspect. Yes, a nice touch. The only thing that I didn't think was realistic (even though extreme) was I didn't think Jim had the gumption to cut off Marc's cock and then "gut" him. It just didn't fit the depiction of his character. I know how difficult it would be for most people to actually kill some one and Jim doesn't fit the profile. Cheers.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Really? Divorce is a lot simpler than being convicted of murder; Marc publicly humiliated Jim - and sent him videos from Linda’s phone while it was at Marc’s house. Combine that with Marc’s celebrity status and even the Keystone Kops could figure this one out.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Excellent story, settles the arsehole’s hash nicely, justice is served, you gotta love the USMC

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This story seems to have come up one death short.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Really good story, a bit gruesome for some, but poor ole Marc got his just desserts.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This version really sucked! The husband should have told the in-laws to "fuck off", when they laid out how he should be a good cuck and do what he's told. But in this version, he's weak and follows along and she's off the hook. She should have been under the tree. The married whore cheats publicly and willingly and the guy becomes the sacrifice to let her off the hook. She's still a cheating slut Just stupid!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Very extreme unrealistic fiction. Well written and original

Lowrider2020Lowrider2020about 1 year ago

One of the best ones, good job!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Wow what an amazing family!!!

Women are cheating sluts, and men are good cuckolds.

Is it genetic?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The whore got off to easy

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Well, that was pure RAAC.

- Jim, after talking with my mother (another cheating wife) and thinking it through, and changing my mind that ultimately it wasn't the best night of my life, and that Mark wasn't a god of sex with a big cock, well i have to tell you i'm sorry.

-Okay Linda, I forgive you.

This is your story?? A story with such betrayal, such humiliation, in front of their friends and therefore made public??

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Stupid raac

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago


sbrooks103xsbrooks103xabout 1 year ago

"taking her away from you and proving that I am the alpha-male and you are just a poor beta cuck." - No, it just proves that she's a slut.


"Brooks Panties?"


"if he really loved me he would let me have that one special night!" - Right out of the Cheaters' Handbook! If SHE really loved HIM, she wouldn't have want it! And she never even gave him the CHANCE to "let" her.


"modern living and family life didn't really leave much time for digging up what they had done in the service." - Please don't let them be ex-Special Forces or something!


"Did she conspire to cheat on you over time, or did she take advantage of an opportunity to be with a celebrity?" - Who cares? It's still cheating.


"Did he bear some responsibility?" - No, and Marc, while an asshole, could have done nothing without Linda's cooperation.


"he reclaimed what was his." - This idea always irks me! There shouldn't be a need to "reclaim" your wife!


"Mother, it's not the same. From the sounds of it you didn't go willingly, I on the other hand fooled my husband and snuck out the back door. My sin is much worse that what you did." - Exactly!


I can see this heading into RACC territory, with the mulberry tree sealing the deal.


Oh, no, I was afraid there'd be a para-military operation, never saw the human fertilizer aspect, though!


"But one thing I brought you was my fidelity." - Brought HIM!


"you better not be bragging that you spent the night with a celebrity." - Yes, not like many stories where Linda keeps raving about the best sex ever!


"I choose Jim, not Marc;" - Sigh. When you're married, there shouldn't even be a choice to be made.


"I was such a stupid fool to fall for his line of bullshit." - So it would have been okay if it WASN'T just a line of bullshit?


"Jim needed to stop obsessing and get over it. She was back and nothing had really changed." - More from the Cheaters' Handbook: HE'S obsessing, "nothing has changed," when EVERYTHING has changed.


"Don't touch me, I'm unclean" - Could we get any more melodramatic, than smearing dirt on her face? Sheesh!


I agree with SwordWielder that what Linda did was worse than what her mother did.


Thorlol, I agree. Linda was the one who broke her vow to Jim, Marc was just an asshole.


Numbnutz, as a football fan, I'm embarrassed that I missed the error about no games in February!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Sorry, I didn't get very far. It started right out with a ridiculous cliche. What celebrity would be stupid enough to make a video like that? With my profession, I've met thousands of people but never a single person who would send a video like that.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

One of the better aftermath variations. Of course, it depended on something not in GA’s original — that Marc had used Linda’s phone to video all the action, and that he sent it to Jim to torment him. That said, the story that followed was rather clever.


Having Linda’s mother be the primary intercessor was brilliant. And having her relate a similar story was more than enough to shake Linda out of her delusions of specialness. Of course, having Linda’s Dad almost immediately kick into gear a revenge action with friends was exactly what Jim needed to recover…while brutal, it worked (one of my favorite other variations of Feb Sucks had Linda’s Dad ram Marc’s car in Jim’s driveway — the use of Linda’s parents to help balance the scales worked there too!).


Of course, as with every variation, there really was no way to have Linda explain her behavior in such a way as to excuse it, and this version also failed to do so. But at least in this one, Momma Helen got Linda to accept that her behavior was grotesque. And she succeeded so well that Linda did what Helen did 40 years prior….sacrificed a finger to remind her until she died how awful her behavior was.


Jim taking Linda back so quickly can only be explained by him participating in the destruction of Marc. Not sure even that catharsis could have gotten most guys to do that — after all, while Marc was a predator, good ole Linda was a WILLING prey. Very willing.


All that said…this was one of the better variations.


Strong 4 ****

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Re comment by franceman. While I think Marc's punishment was extreme, you fail to consider not only the trail of destruction behind Marc, also consider the destruction he would create unless he is stopped. He is destructive to likely scores of marriages.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Marc offered to dance with Linda, she agreed. Marc offered to fuck Linda, for a whole night and the morning, and she enthusiastically agreed. Linda returned from fucking Marc with no guilt, no regret, no remorse, only thrilling memories and a fondness for Marc. She even had Marc's cum still inside her when she presented herself to her husband, claiming she was the same woman he had married, unchanged. I think she was telling the truth. The only thing that had dramatically changed was Jim's knowledge and understanding of Linda's character, values, ethics, and morals: she has none.


Jim got what he married, he got what he deserved. Linda still could have cut her finger off, Jim and Linda still could have reconciled, none of their recovery was aided by Marc's death. This story is perhaps emotionally satisfying, but is ethically and logically bankrupt.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

The characters were good, as were he relationships.

I have a problem with bleeding and stabbing. That was gross. But it's your story.

I think the military mission was overblown and there were better ways to accomplish things. She should have been sent out the airlock.

My observations are minor - you wrote an original. With so many others on this very story, that's difficult.

ReadyOneReadyOneabout 1 year ago


Linda sincerely atones; Mark preys no more.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Yep, Little Miss Linda was, if fact, a slut who was as guilt as Marc. He didn't drag her kicking and screaming from the dance. She went willingly. Marc got what he deserved..Linda did not! She should of joining him in that hole so that they could continue their relationship for all eternity.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Best ending yet!!! I was hoping that was what the Mulberry tree hole was for. The penis removal and then gutting left him alive to understand who, what and why it was happening. So much better than knee-capping a man with $50,000,000.00 in the bank or getting him traded. This was a very satisfying take on this oft told tale. One complaint, please find a way to start paragraph's beyond using a proper name or title. At one point 4 paragraphs in a row started with "Jim" and 6 out of 8 before that were the names of people. You have the ability to overcome that penchant.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Interesting twist, but one I don't completely agree with. As franceman pointed out below, Marc didn't betray Jim, Linda did.

Also, I'm amazed that several combat vet former Marines would have counseled reconciliation with Linda in any way. Semper Fi means "always." Combat means trusting others with your life. Breaking vows and breaking trust so thoroughly have special consequences to us. We really don't like Blue Falcons.

I'd have been disgusted with those people in GA's original story who were simply aiding and abetting, and permanently disavowed them. But that would be **nothing** compared to what I'd feel toward the actual perpetrator -- Linda

Lastly, if Linda wanted to "atone" for her actions, you missed a great opportunity. Secure Marc, hand Linda the knife, and have HER cut off her lover's dick. "Go ahead, dear. You said you'd do 'anything' to make it up to me. Learn about the consequences of your actions at the same time he learns about the consequences of his own."

If she did it, have her examine her bloody hands. Tell her that from then on, you'll trust her again because EVERY TIME time she looked at her hands, she'd remember what the price of betrayal is.

Burner70Burner70about 1 year ago

Very good read. One hell of a tie in . 5 stars all the way. Going to look for more from you . Great job

EdgeOfSundownEdgeOfSundownabout 1 year ago

I believe Franceman said it best in his comment. And Just_Words, really? You got your panties in a bunch over proper reactions to betrayal and disrespect? I'd tell you to take a look at yourself in the mirror, but that'd be a waste of time....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Utterly juvenile, and it reveals how thoughtless many readers here are.

Let's see...

1. A woman being drugged and raped is somehow morally equivalent to Linda's gross betrayal?

2. Now, let's look at the weirdly religious significance the author gives "Marc":

"Then Aaron shall lay both his hands on the head of the live goat, and confess over it all the iniquities of the people of Israel, and all their transgressions, all their sins, putting them on the head of the goat, and sending it away into the wilderness by means of someone designated for the task. The goat shall bear on itself all their iniquities to a barren region; and the goat shall be set free in the wilderness.

— Leviticus 16:21–22

Of course, sending the goat into the wilderness was a death sentence. In very little time it would be killed and eaten. In essence, both the goat and the sins would be eaten; both would cease to exist.

So, here "Marc" becomes the scapegoat who is used to "expiate" "Linda's" sins. At the level of most of the readers here, however, "Marc" serves as a distraction - "Oh! Look over here! Stop paying attention to what Linda did."

In the "religion" of this author, as is the case with many authors here, women have the moral agency of an 8 year-old child. Consequently, their sins are the responsibility of the men who "lead them astray". It's natural, then, that the men suffer Biblical punishment (death), while the women are merely scolded and, metaphorically, made to suffer "time-outs" or are "sent to their rooms with out dinner".

In other words, this story makes sense analytically only if you see men as adults and morally responsible and women as young children. Functionally, executing "Marc" gooses the score here because it provides catharsis while at the same time diverts attention from "Linda's" heinous behavior, which incurs little "punishment" from "Jim".

3. "Linda's" apology is inadvertently hilarious. Having been lectured and coached by "Helen" on the way to the ranch on how she should behave when she sees "Jim", "Linda" launches into a barrage of "I'm sorries" relating to everything about her betrayal, and Jim, being a good judge of character regarding "everything Linda" IMMEDIATELY sees she's telling the truth. So, the "repentance" part of the story is accomplished in about 20 seconds, and now all "Linda" has to do is reestablish "trust" (The hoary old LW RAAC formula). Somehow we are to believe the same "Jim" who was so clueless about "Linda" before actually can now read "Linda's" mind because he knows her so well.

4. Just as the execution of "Marc" is used to distract from "Linda's" culpability, so is her minor act of self-mutilation. What is the meaning of the act? Who knows? Of course, the intended take away is that it puts an exclamation point to the "I'm sorries", but does it really demonstrate sincerity? Bear in mind, she has just witnessed a gruesome execution of her lover by her husband and father. This would certainly concentrate the mind and put one in the way of thinking about how to make a show of "sincerity" that would help her avoid a fate similar to "Marc's". After all, what she did was far worse than anything "Helen" did. In that context, cutting off her most useless finger might make some sense to her as a means of appeasing the evident bloodlust of her husband and father, which she has to fear might be visited upon her in some way or to some extent. BTW, most Plains tribes would help a wronged husband cut the nose off an adulterous wife, who then became known as a "Cut-nose woman". I wonder if the site would publish a story in which a slut like "Linda" gets her nose cut off as punishment? Yes, we all suspect not, even though men are mutilated and murdered for adultery in stories.

Rationally, "Linda's self-mutilation makes no sense at all. Her action is morally irrelevant to her betrayal. She cold-bloodedly, with male of aforethought, publicly humiliated and betrayed her husband and contributed to his further humiliation though the videos. Who would be so stupid as to think that saying "I'm really, really, really sorry." and cutting off a pinkie somehow atones for that? Genuine repentance can only be demonstrated over time, and in the case of such an extreme betrayal, the most that true repentance could earn would be cordial interaction with "Jim" at graduations, weddings, etc. Looked at another way, one might conclude that if the price of what "Linda" did is a pinkie, she still has one "get-out-of-jail-free" digit left in case she runs into another celebrity.

In sum, thinking that all has been made right by "I'm sorry" and cutting off a pinkie makes as much sense as thinking that you can avoid prison after being caught robbing a bank by saying "I'm sorry" and cutting off a pinkie.

This is a really incoherent moral universe, but it evidently appeals to people who are easily distracted from serious issues by lots of gore.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Nope! The sluts needed to be buried with the man they chose over their husbands! I’ve never understood these stories where the other man is punished worse than the cheating wife. SHE made promises and broke them. She is the traitor. Do women not have agency?!? Should they not be held accountable?!? If men in these stories view their wives not responsible for their choices, then they are as little girls, and that’s just sick!


AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

OK. So read both of your stories and all of the characters in both stories are sociopaths.

Hmm, interesting.

Rolando1225Rolando1225about 1 year ago

Nice and different ending to the original story. Sometimes man has to make justice for himself. The story was well-written and balanced, even though Linda's pardon took place too quickly for my taste. I think she got off too easily. What nobody can satisfactory explain in these stories is why Linda was so willing and eager to destroy her husband and risk her marriage for one night stand with La Valliere. Her mother was seduced and her defenses gradually penetrated. Linda put no resistance whatsover. She voluntarily opened the doors of the fort and let the invader destroy and humiliate her husband without second thoughts. Again, the nefarious Martian Slut Ray guided by GeorgeAnderson's hand sure did the trick and bewitched her., facilitating her downfall. Thanks for the story and the effort.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

This was one of the best versions of February sucks that I have read. There are so many alternate versions I almost didn't read it, glad I did. Well done.

Cracker270Cracker270about 1 year ago

Well written and a ver well thought out storyline. That I do not agree with what happened in the story matters not a wit. What does matter is that the writer swept me up and entertained me for a half hour or so. Thank you for that

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Interesting take on the story. IMO the only help hubby needs in this one is some assitance in digging 3 graves instead of 1.

swedishreader1swedishreader1about 1 year ago

A murder porn cuck raac.

The category is hitting new lows

NudeInMaineNudeInMaineabout 1 year ago

Only comment s that Jim and Linda should have been kept in the dark about what Charles was planning for Marc. You know, “plausible deniability”. After Marc’s disappearance, Jim would have been the first person the cops questioned / suspected.

IbeSteveIbeSteveabout 1 year ago

Interesting twist. I was seeing where the story was heading with the tree planting. Great version.

MasterKoteMasterKoteabout 1 year ago

Would've been better with a divorce. I doubt most spouse would take someone back after that disrespect and deceit especially that quickly. The moms background was just to make the ending click together so Linda would understand. Too bad not much dialogue on her making her loving hubby a killer because of what she did

Wavedave45Wavedave45about 1 year ago

Linda gave him kids already. So she's already accomplished one of the few important things a woman can provide a man. Gay men are perfectly happy with their partners if having children together isn't in the equation. However she's unfaithful and disrespectful. Without needing to provide him kids her list of things only she can provide is short. HER faithfulness and HER respect. Well she can't provide those. So what does she have left? Sure she can perform that crazy ass finger cutting thing the Yakuza does. But shit now his woman is missing a finger. How about she splash acid in her own face so he has an scary burn victim wife while she's at it? There's really no reason to keep her around. That pinky chopping shit just shows she still doesn't think before acting. Bat shit insane even.

She has no value at this point. She's unfaithful, disrespectful, impulsive, and fucking Tarantino character level of insane. Jim still continues to provide the same resources he always had. In fact his earning potential is much higher at his age compared to when he got married. To top it off he's gangster as fuck with how he handled Marc. Mob gangster not west coast pants around ankles and drunk on cough syrup gangster. Jim has all the leverage and she has none. Jim could very likely find a younger woman to start another family with and probably manage to make his ex be his new kids nanny. Jim could use a little autism so he can ignore all the emotional crap and see things more objectively. If she's dead set on self mutilation then what she did is worth at least 2 fingers and not just one. At least with the second she will know what to expect and won't be shielded by ignorance and adrenaline. Cutting off one finger is just fucking stupidity. Two is complete devotion.

JoeBetterBNiceJoeBetterBNiceabout 1 year ago

Sorry, didn't like it. No version of this story that has the woman thinking how great Marc was is going to make sense unless the husband leaves the self-involved wife. When someone shows you who they are, believe them the first time. I have seen versions that walked back Linda's excitement and upped her remorse, and those made much more sense. I could see where this was going right from the start (it was painfully obvious), so I ended up skimming and got confirmation, Turning the husband into a cold-blooded killer didn't help. Marc never promised anything to Jim. The person that made the promises is the one most at fault (Marc is certainly partially at fault). So, if Marc deserved to die, the wife certainly would deserve it more...although I felt the violence over the top and unnecessary. Just leave the self absorbed bitch and live better.

miket0422miket0422about 1 year ago

The parallels with Linda's parents was an interesting angle.

I was pretty much enjoying this until two things happened. Linda throwing herself on the ground and rubbing mud all over her face was over the top and ridiculous.

Then the whole thing with Helen & Linda cutting off their pinky fingers.

But, have to give the author credit for some creativity and originality with how they handled the fallout after the events of the original story.

njlaurennjlaurenabout 1 year ago

I give the author credit for this take on the FS story,definitely is different. But taking it to the point of killing LaValliere puts it into the realm of too far. I didn't rate the story because of it.

I am really surprised they published this, I had a satire of GS that Lit rejected claiming it promoted illegal activity ( it didn't,bc it was clearly a satire). If killing la valliere isn't illegal I don't know.

brian_scoobybrian_scoobyabout 1 year ago

Wow… very interesting ending… liked the read. Thank-you

NegateGivityNegateGivityabout 1 year ago

Helen getting drugged and raped, exactly the same as Linda choosing to abandon her husband for a night with another guy. Yup exactly the same.

Dry_opinionDry_opinionabout 1 year ago

Strong emotions. Questionable logic.

Nice try overall. Thanks for sharing.

Big_Tim99Big_Tim99about 1 year ago

I have only seen a couple of versions of this story where she regrets what she did. In this version she only regretted it because she realized her actions led to someone's death. Up until that point she was still thinking about her fantasy night.

I don't mind some BTB endings, but I draw the line at murder. While some predators invite killing Marc as far as I know never raped a woman. He should have been beaten, but killing him was way too far.

opheliusopheliusabout 1 year ago

Punishing LaValliere does not excuse Linda's actions. It takes two to tango. He may have been a predator, but she was a very willing prey who very publicly cuckolded her husband without a second thought.

Dlh143Dlh143about 1 year ago

Jim still just ends up a cuckolded husband with a cheating slut as a wife. I wish I could give negative stars.

xtc5xtc5about 1 year ago

A well written story that I did not like. I will not rate this story as it IMHO not be fair to your writing and sharing your work. I hope in the future tales you will give a little warning about raac. Thanks you for your effort

EhsheehsheEhsheehsheabout 1 year ago

love the story best story line and ending of any of them

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Sorry, no. This story completely turned the original upside down. There was really no good reason to makes this a FS follow-up. Just another author being too lazy to do his own work. I mean no disrespect to Choriseo. He’s obviously a good writer but he should try carrying his own weight. Do an original!

moorejomoorejoabout 1 year ago

Really enjoyed this story, kudos. Now one of my favorite February Sucks aftermath stories. I agree with most other comments, the consequences for Levallie are a little severe, but understand that anything that leaves him alive will be problematic for Jim & family, so it works for the story. 5*

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

My favorite so far of the February Sucks endings. Especially the link between Mother and Daughterl and the lost digit. Very creative. Agee with MasterKote that a divorce would be the only way I could handle it, but the unique method of retribution was masterful.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

If my wife cheats on me with a man I'm gonna blame the man and kill him because it takes only one for a tango! Yippie!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Nothing clever about that bloody mess. I've always thought killing someone was too easy a written solution for any story and the baloney about cutting off the wife's finger sounded like the Italian mafia came to town. Still didn't solve the husband's problem with his wife's betrayal. Regaardless of how many people they kill or how many fingers they cut off it doesn't change her actions or the husband's feelings.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

I actually like the idea of the finger loss. What so many stories miss is the idea that, after the betrayal, no matter what, the trust is going to be permanently damaged, less than 100% whole. So the cheating spouse having cut off their own finger as a constant reminder of "Never Again" was a nice touch.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

Ah old Americans and their military fetish

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