Frugality Comes with a Price Ch. 01


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"What are you doing?" she asked.

"Just watching you...realizing how lucky I am," I responded as a big grin spread across my face.

"You are lucky. Don't forget it!" she giggled.

With a deep breath, I told her about Ezzi and the photo session I had booked for later that afternoon. I explained about the card I picked up at the hut, my initial motivation about the surfing pictures, and then described how I had come across the picture of the young woman on the beach and thought of her.

"Just you, me and the photographer who is a woman?" she asked.

"Yes, honey. They'll be great!" I responded, trying to infect her with my enthusiasm.

After that, Caitlin warmed up quickly to the idea and we were soon discussing suits and poses. She loved the idea of being partly in the water like the model I had seen, but made it clear that she wasn't going to get naked.

"Where will I change?" my wife asked, bringing up a good point.

"She said it was a quiet beach," I shrugged, not sure what else to say.

Ezzi was waiting for us in a small SUV outside the hotel when we came down, and climbing in the vehicle, I could see a stack of equipment in the back. The drive took less than twenty minutes and when we arrived both of us were pleased to see a lovely beach with clean sand and several rock outcroppings. Plus, other than some kids playing on the very far end, there was no one around. Fortunately, the sun was out, and although there were some scattered clouds the light was good.

After helping Ezzi unload and a brief discussion on the program, we left her to set-up while Caitlin used a mirror to do some final touch-ups. She had worn my favorite suit to the beach, so as soon as Ezzi was ready, she directed my wife to a spot where the incoming waves would gently roll around her and for the next fifteen minutes snapped away. Caitlin took a variety of poses, standing, knees and prone, and by the smile on her face I could see she was truly enjoying the experience.

"Perhaps we should move to the rocks. Do you want to change?" the photographer asked.

"Not yet," I replied, after receiving a look from my wife.

We moved thirty yards to the closest outcropping and Ezzi returned to directing my wife. The setting was amazing and Caitlin looked fantastic, so I was hopeful that Ezzi's skills would be equal. I knew that if they proved to be, we would have a collection of photos that we would cherish for the rest of our lives.

"The sun will be perfect in thirty minutes, so if you want to change now, we can take more. You can change back later if you like," our photographer stated.

"How about the yellow one?" I suggested, referring to a bikini that I was fond of.

"Okay," Caitlin answered in a bubbly voice, and moved towards the car to collect the garment and change.

"Will you want nudes?" Ezzi asked boldly when my wife had left.

Even though the thought had been on my mind and I wanted to broach the subject, the suddenness of her question caught me off guard and I stammered a reply, "Uhhh...I don't know. Is it normal? I mean, I'm not sure Caitlin will want to."

"Many women want to once they start. I think your wife will agree. However, there is a twenty-percent additional charge," she explained.

"You think she will?" I asked, looking towards the SUV and seeing Caitlin had opened the door and was attempting to discreetly change behind it.

"Oh, yes...she is very beautiful," she responded.

"Well, if she wants to," I said in a low voice.

Soon, Caitlin returned and Ezzi took a set of photos in similar positions as before but this time with the different suit. When she had finished, she let us know the best light was approaching and we had about ten minutes to decide on the bikini, change and get ready. Of course, I knew I wanted her in my favorite, so I asked her to change back which she agreed to with a quick nod.

Ezzi positioned my wife with the surf lapping around her knees as she lay facing us with the sun setting over the rocks behind her. I moved where I could get her perspective and knew they would be awesome pictures. Ezzi and Caitlin had developed a rapport, with my wife moving efficiently to the direction of the photographer, and my words of encouragement helped feed the scene.

"We have just a few minutes," Ezzi suddenly announced and stopped.

I knew the meaning of her words, but Caitlin expression showed confusion. I thought about letting it go and just enjoying the amazing experience that had occurred so far, but I decided the likelihood of getting another chance was so small it was worth the risk.

"Honey, uhhh...maybe you should take your suit off," I said in a shaky voice.

"Well, I knew that was coming," she responded with a roll of her eyes.

As I struggled for a good rationale, it was the local woman who stepped in and helped, "Caitlin I think you will be disappointed later if you don't. Your body is so beautiful and it will be such a wonderful gift to your husband."

Caitlin looked at us silently from twenty feet away for several seconds, and then her hands went behind her back, and in less than ten seconds she had removed her top and stepped out of her bottoms. Her lovely smooth pussy was on full display and only her tan lines disrupted the color of her body. For the next few minutes, Ezzi positioned my wife, taking pictures that highlighted her awesome butt, then turned her over so her nicely proportioned breasts, taut tummy and smooth mound filled the lens. I stood still, unable to move and barely able to breathe, as I witnessed the artful process. Then it was over, and with a quick movement, I handed Caitlin her suit and held her steady as she dressed.

"You are very beautiful. The pictures you will certainly like," Ezzi announced.

Thankfully, the nudity didn't dampen the fun that Caitlin had experienced, and as we packed and headed back towards town, she became animated while expressing how much she had enjoyed the experience. Ezzi said she would have some proofs ready the following day and both of us expressed how eager we were to see them.

"That made the trip," I said to her as soon as we stepped out of the SUV at our hotel.

"It was fun," she admitted with a big smile.

"It was amazing," I replied, letting her know her description was inadequate.

As soon as we got back to the hotel, Caitlin made for the shower to rinse off the sand and salt from the beach. Then, we headed out for dinner, but ended up walking along the beach before stopping in a place.

After we were seated and had ordered, I felt like being a bit playful, so I asked Caitlin, "What bikini are you going to wear tomorrow?"

"One piece, no more shows," she answered instantly.

I was annoyed that my attempt at playfulness had been shot down so quickly and emphatically, but decided not to press. Much had occurred in the last few days and it was probably best to take a break anyway. However, it wasn't long before another thought came into my head and I wasn't able to suppress the question.

"I heard Maria say that Juan Pablo has a nickname. What is it?" I asked, curious as to why the young prostitute made it sound like a secret.

"Did she? I'm not sure I remember," she answered in a way that let me know she was being evasive.

"Yes, what did she tell you?" I demanded, giving her a look that told her I wasn't going to let it go.

"El Domador," she said, after a pause for effect.

"What's that mean?" I asked, not recognizing the word.

"The trainer," she answered.

It sounded logical given his role as surf instructor, but the context of Maria's discussion made me think there was more to the story. Then, when I considered the root of the word, I got even more suspicious.

"Hmmm..." I said and pulled out my iPhone.

I watched Caitlin play with her glass, trying not to smile, while I found an online translation site.

After a few minutes, I said, "This says it means "tamer". What exactly do you suppose he tames?"

I caught my wife taking a sip, and my question made her start coughing, which eventually turned into giggle, so it was several seconds before she could respond, "The rumor is he is very well endowed."

"And to think you were almost naked right next to him," I said sarcastically.

"I know!" she replied quickly and began laughing loudly.

We decided a good night's sleep made the most sense, so as soon as we finished, we returned to the hotel and immediately went to bed. The best part of going to bed early is you feel so fresh and lively the next morning. We were up at eight and made love, with Caitlin acting quite horny. We had barely started our foreplay when she pushed my head between her legs. I gently lapped at her until she pulled me up, and then rode her to a satisfying climax. Watching her let go put me over the top, with my release starting just as hers was ending. It was a great start to the day, and afterwards she rested with her head on my chest as I played with her hair.

"Are you surfing this morning?" I asked.

"No, he's booked this morning. I have a lesson at noon. Can we go shopping?" she asked, looking up and flashing me her "I want my way" smile.

We had been lucky so far with the weather since it was the rainy season, but today was overcast and dreary, so her idea made sense. We wandered the streets stopping in countless shops where Caitlin would browse the cheap items, and occasionally find something to buy as a gift for a friend. We passed Diego's along the way and were both struck by the different way it looked in the daytime where, without the people, the music and the lights, it almost seemed like a carcass. Later, back at the hotel, Caitlin put on her one-piece suit, and now that I knew there wasn't going to be a show, I decided that sitting on the beach watching her surf would be pretty dull.

"Honey, I'm going to wander around some. I'll check on you later," I said, and she seemed happy with it, so we parted in the lobby headed in separate directions.

After getting bored, I ended up once again at Diego's, talking with Rodrigo, although this time I avoided questions about Senor Tejeda. An hour and several beers later, realizing it was past time for my wife's lesson to end, I left and went to the hotel. Expecting to find her cleaning up, I was surprised to find the room empty and immediately left to look for her on the beach. It had started to drizzle, so the beach was mostly empty, and there were no signs of Caitlin or any surfers for that matter.

Juan Pablo's hut was shut, and I was just about to return to the hotel thinking I must have just missed her, when I saw the door open and Caitlin emerge with her instructor right behind. I was far enough away that they didn't notice me and I moved behind a tree and watched as they continued talking. Caitlin was wearing her one-piece suit with her cover held in her hand. Then, right before me, I saw the young man's arm circle her waist and pull her to him as if to kiss, but Caitlin at the last second put her hands on his shoulders and pushed him away. She escaped his embrace and turned, walking away quickly with her gaze downward which gave me the opportunity to walk in her direction as if I was just arriving. Over her shoulder, I saw Juan Pablo spot me and he quickly darted back into the hut.

"Hey there," I said with a smile, when we were ten yards apart.

Caitlin, still looking down, was startled by my voice, but quickly returned my smile.

"Where have you been? It was my best day!" she asked, with feigned annoyance.

I stifled a myriad of smartass comments and innuendos, and instead kissed her quickly then answered, "I'm sorry honey. I lost track of time. How many waves did you ride?"

"Hmmm..." she whined before her desire to brag took over, "I was up on almost all of them. I feel like I'm getting my balance and rode half all the way in. Juan Pablo wants me to go into heavier surf now."

"That's great sweetie," I said, and we started walking towards the hotel

As soon as we were in our room, Caitlin stripped and headed for the shower. Thinking of Juan Pablo alone with her in the hut made me very curious, so after a few minutes I joined her.

"What are you after?" she laughed when I stepped in.

I took her in my arms and turned her so her back was against me, and with my face nuzzled into her wet hair, I let my hands roam her body feeling and massaging her breasts first before letting them wander lower until I dipped a finger into her slit, finding it quite slick.

" must be horny, too," I whispered.

"You're making me that way," she answered, and moved her butt until my hard shaft was nestled in her crack.

I kissed her neck and fondled her body some more before I finally spoke, "You sure it wasn't from you and Juan Pablo playing in the hut?"

There was an awkward silence, and I felt her body stiffen slightly before she answered, "We didn't do anything."

"What were you doing then?" I asked, as my finger gently circled her clit.

"Mostly talking," she replied, which left a whole lot of other things to consider.

"What else?" I demanded, in a firmer tone.

"Honey, I'm so sorry. I've been bad...I'm sorry," she spat out after several seconds of silence.

"What did you do?" I asked calmly.

"I...I...saw him naked. I saw his...his penis," she forced out, after another short silence.

"What did he see of you?" I asked. It was the obvious follow-up question, and when she didn't answer, I tried again, "What did he see?"

"I...uhhh...he didn't see anything, but he touched me...some...and we kissed," she finally answered, as I felt her shoulders slump.

She must have been too upset to notice, but my dick was completely hard which gave away what I was thinking.

"Caitlin, I don't want to play twenty questions. Tell me what happened," I demanded.

"Okay...okay...well...'s difficult to explain," she started.

"Caitlin," I said in a stern voice.

"Okay, well...ummm...when we were surfing, he was getting closer. I think because you weren't there and I could feel him against my leg sometimes and uhhh...well between that and the girl's description curious. I mean I was just curious, but when we finished, we went into the hut because it was drizzling, and I don't was wrong...I feel so guilty," she tried to describe, but started to whimper.

"Go on, Caitlin," I said.

"His suit was kind of bulging, like he was getting hard, and he caught me looking. He asked if I wanted to see it," she began and then stopped. When I didn't respond, she waited several seconds and then continued, "And I guess I said yes..."

"He didn't see you?" I asked, finding it hard to believe he wouldn't demand it.

"I said no," she answered, and gathering herself, she added, "He wanted to, but I said no."

"He was okay...he accepted that?" I probed, finding it unlikely.

"Yes...finally, he did..." she replied.

"He took everything off?" I asked.

"His bottoms...his suit..." she answered meekly.

"Then what?" I asked, now dipping my fingertip into her slit.

She became silent once more and she shot me a quick look over her shoulder before she replied, "He took my hand and put it on him."

I was sure I knew what she meant but still wanted to clarify, "On his cock?"

She nodded her head and said in a whisper, "Yes..."

"Where were his hands, what was he doing?" I responded, a little too urgently.

"Touching my breasts," she answered in a barely audible whisper, and after a deep breath she added, "But it was through the suit."

"Did he try to do more? Did he try to fuck you?" I asked, frustrated by the time it was taking to learn the extent of her indiscretion.

"He wanted to but I wouldn't let him...I wouldn't do more," she replied, and suddenly I felt her hand on my hard dick.

She began stroking it slowly, but I was too far into the interrogation to stop.

"Caitlin, damn tell me what happened!" I demanded, in a manner that was totally out of character for me.

"I...I...please don't be mad...please don't but I...uh...masturbated him...some..." she finally was able to get out.

"He climaxed?" I quickly asked.

"No!" she responded emphatically.

"Did you do anything else? Did you suck on him?" I asked as a final question.

"No!" she answered strongly, again.

"So, let me understand. You get horny during the lesson because his cock is rubbing against you and you follow him into the hut where you tell him you want to see his cock and then he puts your hand on his cock and you start stroking it while he is playing with your tits?" I fired out rapidly, and when I didn't receive an immediate reply, I asked, "What else, Caitlin?"

"We kissed some..." she answered as her hands covered her face, and the continued with, "I'm very sorry."

"How many times? How long did you kiss?" I demanded.

"I don't know...maybe ten minutes," she whimpered.

"Was it worth it Caitlin? Was he big?" I replied, asking the question that had started it all.

"Yes, it's big," she admitted.

"Sounds like he did tame you," I said, then pinched her nipple.

"Owwww..." she cried out from my assault, and then followed with, "Am I in big trouble? Do you hate me?"

"Caitlin, I'm not mad that you did what you did. I'm surprised because it's not like you. You've always been so conservative, but I'm kind of intrigued by this different Caitlin. I'm concerned you weren't going to tell me and if you didn't and I found out it would make me very mad. Very mad. Do you understand?" I asked, trying sincerely to explain my feelings.

"I was going to tell you, you just caught me off guard," she responded.

"Good. What else do you need to tell me?" I asked, hoping it would clear the air.

"Well, I told him maybe we would be at the bar later," she answered, and after a few seconds of silence, as I absorbed the message, she turned, looked at me and said, "Let's make love."

It was damn hard not to fulfill her request. I was pressed against her warm, beautiful body with a raging erection, and I knew she was very aroused as well. However, she needed to stew in the situation she had created for a while and I knew she was thinking our lovemaking would signal forgiveness. Plus, something in the back of my brain came screaming forward to tell me the remainder of the day could be lots more fun if Caitlin was horny.

"Later, sweetie," I answered, releasing her and stepping out of the shower.

I was on the bed in boxers watching TV when my wife appeared a few minutes later with a towel around her body and another around her head. She climbed onto the bed and was silent for a time before finally speaking.

"I'm sorry," she said meekly.

"Caitlin, I'm not angry. It's okay," I said looking at her.

"Please make love to me. I want us to make love and have you tell me you love me," she begged.

"We will later sweetie, but I do love you so calm down, okay?" I said, hoping it was enough to reassure her.

The rest of the afternoon was uneventful until we went to Ezzi's shop to look at the photos. I was hopeful that her talents would prove sufficient, and as soon as I saw the first picture, I knew I would be very happy. She had managed to capture the light in an amazing way, but even more importantly her lens had found in my wife a combination of innocence and sensuality that was truly amazing. After going through a half-dozen, I realized I was so focused that I hadn't gauged Caitlin's reaction, however when I looked at her, I could see that she was also very pleased.

"They're perfect," I said to Ezzi, which made her beam.

"Ezzi, I love them. They are so good!" Caitlin exclaimed.

We continued to look through the rest, and when we came to the nudes our chatter ended. I could feel my dick swell as I took them in, suddenly taken back to the beach, and realizing what a unique experience it had been. One shot in particular made me pause, as the clarity was so perfect that it showed the detail of a single drop of water hanging from her nipple. When we were finished, I paid for the shoot, and Ezzi provided us with a flash drive with all the files.