All Comments on 'Future Pharming Ch. 02'

by cookingwithgas

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VeracityHeterodyneVeracityHeterodyne10 months ago

You want me to wait a week??!! Arrrgggghh! (Tears himself in half). 5 stars

Boyd PercyBoyd Percy10 months ago

Man plans and God laughs! Or something like that.


BigfundrewBigfundrew10 months ago

Well done.

Most enjoyable.

Harryin VAHarryin VA10 months ago

JESUS CHREIAST MORE RIFHTR WING CRAzy tlk this tme defending Trump maga

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

We know from previous comments that this particular author has is absolutely convinced of his own infallibility and knowledge of things and how the world really works because he is after all the conservative and he knows all about the liberal conspiracies. It should come as no surprise to anybody that he is attempting to defend the armed Insurrection to over the Constitution of the United States on January 6th 2021.

Predictable and sad

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Is this totally fiction?

I have my doubts!

servant111servant11110 months ago

Interesting nightmare.

3 stars

WhackdoodleWhackdoodle10 months ago

An FBI agent says they are BEGGING him to try something and not to do it. First thing he does is commit a treason.

Does he want to be black bagged and shipped off to an unknown country where mo one will ever see him again? Or if they do, he’s a fucking vegetable? If the govt, an agency that has the ability, temerity and audacity to topple sitting world leaders, assassinate presidents and destabilize entire regions on a whim tells you they want you to fuck up so they can catch you….DONT FUCKING DO IT!

You want us to believe one man can outsmart the entire US security apparatus? Go fuck yourself with the stupid stick.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

It was a good story until you mentioned real events and real people. Why do you authors have to wreck fictional stories with real politics? I HATE that! It takes me right out of the story! Don’t you get it?! I don’t want to KNOW your politics! I don’t want to know ANYTHING about YOU!

Geeze! 🤬

numbnutz49numbnutz4910 months ago

Is there a Rosemary's Baby somewhere in the future? Only the author knows!

someoneothersomeoneother10 months ago

The author has no respect for the readers and so why should we respect him. He writes that on Dec 26 "Two entire innings passed in the ballgame...." Author does not even know that there is no baseball in December?

Author ignores the MC's and wife's families because he cannot handle the overhead of a normal Christmas period.

The story is so far out in the conspiratorial world that it has lost any interest.

Then, on top of it all, the wife is hit by the Martian Slut Ray and suddenly needs Dr. Prescott, and changes completely. Author needs to change characters because it is too difficult to maintain consistency.

Buster2UBuster2U10 months ago

If he hates Sarah so much...Why hasn't he already seen a lawyer and started the divorce proceedings? Why hasn't he moved all her shit outside so that any rain or automatic sprinklers could damage it? Why is he so slow to exit his damaged marriage with his cheating wife? Why hasn't he looked for another home and found a real estate company to sell their home? Sarah thinks she should move in with Dr. Prescott, and that wouldn't damage her marriage worse. Obviously, now that she spent a month fucking Dr Prescott, she has developed feelings for him. LOL If I was this guy I would just disappear. Sell the home or burn it down, and disappear. Fuck that slut of a wife he has. Divorce the cheating lying whore ASAP. Destroy everything that she left behind, just like she destroyed your trust and love by being a guinea pig whore for a month fucking 16 young men constantly. Even tho she has completely destroyed all trust and love for her husband, Sarah, plunges one last knife into hubby's back by moving in with Doctor Prescott. LOL What a fucking slut, whore, cunt, Bitch. She NEVER cared about her husband. NEVER what a lowlife cheater! I have actually known women just like this slut, just like her, that love destroying the man that cares about her. LOL She does all this on purpose, she has NO LOVE for anyone.

irinmikeirinmike10 months ago

Part one of this three part trilogy was interesting. I thought part two would be a study in human emotion with Sarah trying to find a pathway back to her husband Steven. Instead, Sarah is made a deranged bit player while the plot line of this story turns to outrageous political theatre, bolstered by conspiracy theories, supposedly fueled by the so called deep state. I really don't care what the authors political persuasions are nor do I want to read about conspiracy theories. As this author always states at the outset of a story: "It's only a story folks, relax". However, this story sucks and went so far off the rails that I could care less about part three. The only way to save it is to dump the conspiracy theory rhetoric and return to some semblence of sanity. After all is there any way back to marriage bliss between Sarah and Steven? I think not by the way the author writes Sarah out of the story and reverts to political dialogue which is so far out it is laughable. What's next for this author? Big Pharma takes over and we are all fed high dosage of anxiety pills so that we remain docile and pliable while performing the conspiracy states directives. I will refrain from further comments because the remainder of my bullets were already shot by "someoneother" reaction to this three part trilogy.

LNRAstroLNRAstro10 months ago

Seriously?! He knows his wife has betrayed him in the worst ways possible and that his entire property is wired for sound and video. He then proceeded to rant at his wife about how he wasn’t going to take it lying down. Really, you flip back and forth describing a brilliant scientist and the dumbest motherfucker who ever lived! Which is it?

onlythelonelyloveonlythelonelylove10 months ago

Hi cookingwithgas

I don’t know what your politics are and I think it would be presumptuous to assume that you are right wing. You paint an interesting future where what matters is POWER and its apparatus, rather than a wing. But, and it is a big but, the internal logic of the story is not telling. He knows that the government can hear and see everything and he tries to outfox them anyway. Why? What is the point? So, he can be recruited by the anti-government moles inside the government? Far-fetched, don’t you think? I mean, who is processing the information from the surveillance—the plucky agents outside his house or the NSA as a whole? Unless, it’s an elaborate sting on Strategem… actually, I have no idea how this works. I will be interested to see what your final chapter brings.

BigBlueKatBigBlueKat10 months ago

Even though I am your political opposite philosophically, I’m enjoying the story without taking it too seriously, and I’m glad you chose not to make Steven a cuckhold. 5*

Wavedave45Wavedave4510 months ago

Okay you have me fucking livid for Steve which means this is really good. Don't fuck this up. There needs to gratifying payoff. Sarah needs her "oh god what have I done?" moment where she realizes how stupid she was. Don't forget to make her lonely and alone in the Epilogue. Maybe even have news of the study get leaked and she become a walking joke for the rest of her days. A lot of stories tend to completely forget about the cheater after her moment of realization and moves right on to how the husbands life turns out great. I admit I'm a mean shit but I hate the idea of the ex living a long happy life being used as a cumdumpster and watching the sun set at old age thinking "gee I'm glad I cheated on my husband when I did, I should have done it sooner".

Also you totally wanted to avoid making a terminator 2 reference didn't you? haha I wonder how many younger people didn't catch that. It sticks out like a huge blinking red light for me.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Enjoying it so far, though (of course) I would prefer the third part be posted a.s.a.p. Gabby and the attitude of the other agent pushes things a little unless they are working against Stratagem. The wife's rollover on the affair with David and her immediate willingness to to run to him speaks of a longer term relationship; she must be lacking any remorse at this point, which seems more obvious in her reaction to him losing his job, the surveillance, etc.

skruff101skruff10110 months ago

Has anyone ever noticed the practically ever author here comes up with a line like ‘it wasn’t the sex that upset me it was the lies and deception’. What total and utter bollocks, it’s both in equal measure.

But hey that’s just me.

As to the story?

It seems we have a wonderful future to look forward to, if it’s not already here.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Author has some very, very serious issues! Obviously believes in a dictator type government. And, just as obvious, believes that anyone attempting to defend/preserve individual freedom should be "put down." Likely was part of the attempt in the attempt to overthrow the government and replace it with a Trump dictator!

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Like I said I chapter 1 the wife had zero justification for what she did and inviting her boyfriend after hubby left made it exponentially worse. Hopefully he can somehow unleash the hounds of hell on all over them. Burn the bitch and bastards into the ground.

offkilter123offkilter12310 months ago

I don’t know. I’m on the fence about this chapter.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I see the ignorant old libtards are out in force. The comments display every meme that the government, its controlled media, and pharma have tried to plant in the public consciousness to short-circuit critical thought about the Covid hoax. You ignorant old fucks not only don't understand, you don't even want to know, that the experimental gene therapies that you took in your lemming like stupidity did not undergo valid trials. That is a fact that was established early in an ongoing False Claims Act that has resulted in massive discovery from the FDA relating to the Pfizer drug. Because you are stupid, credulous old fucks you didn't realize that virtually every claim our Facist government made regarding the drugs was subsequently walked back quietly, that the PCR test that was used to diagnose was quietly acknowledged by the CDC to be "inappropriate ", and so on. I do hope you get lots of boosters and triple mask (if you knew anything about virology and basic mechanics you'd know why those of who do know are amused by your wearing a symbol that tells the world that you are gullible and easily manipulated). Hell, you are the kind of idiots who believed that Hunter's laptop was Russian disinformation. After all, 51 present and former high level officials of our "National Security State" apparatus (who knew they were lying? Government officials can be trusted, andgolly, claiming 51 did is just a "conspiracy theory") signed a letter to that effect. As for claiming there was an "insurrection ", knowledgeable people just laugh at your cable news induced ignorance.

Unlike President Depends, you are living some of the consequences of the hoaxes, or more properly psyops, you so ardently embrace. I hope you are enjoying the massive increases in food, energy, and other costs that you unknowingly have enabled by being libtards.

Perhaps the best thing for you to do is to embrace the Facist suck. It's more comfortable for you in you twilight years, and God knows that nothing matters to you more than not having to do the hard work of thinking critically.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I like the story. Don’t like government overreach by any party. As the saying goes. You don’t trust the government to give you the truth

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I can see being inspired by everyone's Covid experiences to write a dystopian "what if". I cannot see why you brought up January 6th conspiracy fantasies. I don't think many readers are interested in having somebody push their agenda even if it is a fairly "soft" sell throwaway line.

Also, it is fundamentally implausible that a business/agency would bother with the headache of using women in monogamous relationships for a study like this. Also, he would have been thoroughly interviewed and assessed before his wife was included in the study. The premise is indeed far-fetched.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I am normally a really big fan of this author, but this story/chapter really fell short. Her actions make no sense whatsoever, there is no explanation and the Dr Prescott thing just appears out of left field. The science/FBI part is totally unresolved (because part 3 is standalone, I assume it will be about the husband and FBI agent running off together). For a bit, I thought this might go the route that Splashdown teased going, but it didn't (neither did Splashdown) so it teased a lot of really good ideas but then the whole thing just kind of ended without resolution much emotion or angst.

BSreaderBSreader10 months ago

Really confused but when did the bitch stop loving and started on Prescott my guess is she was already cheating on him with this prick doctor.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Apparently a lot of commenters missed your "Relax; it's just a story, people." 🤣🤣🤣 Then again it's quite easy to get a liberal's panties in a wad.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

As gripping a drama as this is I have to take on board some of the comments below. Conspiracy theories are tedious and generally the realm of dullards. Excessive politics too detracts from the story. I'm not American and know zip about baseball so the fact that there is no baseball in December went right over my head.

I'm puzzled as to the MC's determination to corrupt the batch of vaccine, which seems an insane amount of risk for what would be at best a pyrrhic reward. I've enjoyed this series so far but I feel like it's making too much of a departure from the central premise of the story which, in case any of us have forgotten is Sarah's cynical and brutal betrayal of her husband and their marriage. My fondest wish for the final chapter is that all this 'Mission Impossible' hokum can be cleared up ASAP and we can get back to the real heart of the matter which is how the MC deals with his treacherous wife in the final confrontation.

patilliepatillie10 months ago

Like it a lot. I didnt read part 1 so I have that to look forward to while we await the concluding chapter.

Frank66Frank6610 months ago

A comment on the commenters, those who stick their heads in the sand, or up their butts. Could this story be true? don't know, I'm just 'Joe lunch-bucket', but a government that says it's all about women's rights and the LGBTQ community, then pulls out and leaves the Afghani women and gays in the hands of radican Islamic terrorists, well......

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Look. I know you warned us eith the 1st one about not saying "this could never happen" shit.

BUT...sorry. this is the most unlikely scenario ever.

And here is why. It's a plot hole large enough that a semi with 3 trailers attached could drive through.

A wife. One...who despite being clueless it appears...who loves her husband. Has been with him a decade. Never cheated. In a monogamous marriage.

Decides she is going to go to an island. Isolated. Take her husband. And is going to have lots and lots of sex as part of an experiment with 16 amazingly attractive and virile young men. Basically in open cuckolding. Right in front of her husband.

Was literally going to be bringing him sloppy seconds. Because it doesn't matter how well you douche...there's still another dude's semen up your skanky hole.

And she decided him. Lied to him about why they were going and what the experiments were all about.

And keep in mind she knew her husband. A decade remember? And supposedly whe loved him. Cared about him and his feelings. And they usually communicated well about everything prior to this.

And even if she was worried about cancer. And how this might keep her from getting cancer like her mother go...she never told her husband about why...or her motivations. Never had that conversation.

She just took him to the island. And rubbed his face in her deception and utter betrayal and then her reaction was "gee...I'm doing it for science and because I'm worried I might get cancer at some point. And we'll get past this. I'm sorry I'll do anything to make it up to you."

And we are supposed to believe this to be plausible? In any way? An educated and informed, intelligent modern woman with a decade of love and caring with her man does all of this? Really?

Sorry. This is fiction. And there's always a bit of "suspending belief" in all fictional stories. Artistic license.

But this entire premise is so completely far fetched. The only women who could have pulled this off? Were those married to already established cuckolds. Those few weirdos who love slurping up sloppy cum filled gashes from their wives, and don't mind it when their wives come back to them stretched out wider than the halls of rhe capitol building.

There is seriously a complete disconnect here of relatability from the wife described at the beginning and the marriage relationship and then the character we read ON the island and then the one who comes home pulling her 2 suitcases into the house.

They are like 2 different people. And I'm sorry. I could not believe. Relate. Or really get beyond it.

I mearly skimmed a lot of this installment.

You are obviously a good writer. Technically good. Have pretty good ideas. Express yourself well.

But I'm sorry this series. These stories? I just couldn't get beyond this issue.

And to make my point even more. They had a great marriage. A good relationship by all counts.

Yet he doesn't find put the truth about his MIL and her cancer and his wife's really big worry about the likelihood that she would develop a similar form of terminal cancer like her mother? They never spoke about it? He didn't find out the real truth until he was shown the video of her interview? Right.

I think a more plausible scenario would be ahe confides in him about her mother. And her deep fears about contracting cancer. Probably pretty early on in their marriage.

She then comes to him and tells him about the experiment. What it can do. How the drug and these trials will probably save her life.

But that it will mean a huge betrayal. And that it constitutes cheating. And that she knows he'll never be able to forgive. Forget. Or get past it.

So she offers him right from the start a divorce. That she is doing this to save her life. And that she'll be fucking a bunch of other men. And it's clear that she'll enjoy it. They will create the environment on a paradise filled island. In the moment she will be having many amazing sexual experiences. And that she knows he won't be able to ever get past it.

So for rhe sake of her health. And her future life expectancy she has to do this.

And they separate and divorce. And she goes to paradise Island with her doctor friend instead. And he moves on with his life. Sad. Feeling a little betrayal. But knowing that she at least cared enough about him to spare him the pain and suffering of lies and betrayals that would have to happen in order to get him to go.

That is plausible. That is believable.

And don't get me started on the bozo characters supposedly running the island experiments. They interview her. Find out she and hubby are in a long term MONOGOMOUS marriage wirh 2 partners that had NEVER cheated. They were doing these incredibly expensive and important experiments. And they just left it to "chance" that the husband knew and would be OK with her fucking a bunch of other guys? And their answer to him was "gee we know it's hard but we have a really good marriage counselor". Really?

Kinda borders onto the humorous when you think about it.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Okay, CWG. I can see where you’re going with this. However, there’s one big issue I have. You’re using a Cheating f wife story to write futuristic political satire, not the other way round. And this is an erotic story site. I disagree with some that what you wrote isn’t possible. I have two friends at the FBI and after the hearings of late they are seriously considering the private sector. Morale in the agency they tell me has never been lower. But why put a shit story like that here?

My gut tells me you may have some inside knowledge of our government like I do, but again, this isn’t the forum. I wanted to see some epic battle of wits between Sarah and Steven. Some questions of morality. I get that the guy is already on house arrest. I know a few of those guys too. Still on house arrest simply because they laughed at J6 publicly. But Sarah just comes home and leaves? I didn’t want an RAAC either, but it looks like she just went off the deep end so that part 3 can carry Steven onto a new political landscape maybe with Gabby? Farming with an F? As in Bill Yates?

You’re a great writer, but damn son, check your categories before you submit. I’m not with yahoos that call it conspiracy theories. They’re obviously not watching YouTube videos of what’s happening in congress these past few months or they’d be embarrassed to say that. The way things are going in the DC circus you don’t even have to wait a year anymore for “conspiracy theories “ to be proven as absolute fact, but it ain’t playing well on a free sex story site.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I'm all in on this . Loving it .

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Sadly, you couldn't save this original tale. I didn't like it because many people escape here where the insanity and evil of the real world exist here, much as they did during the halcyon days of pro wrestling. You know, a world of black and white, good and evil. The evil minions always came for the trusting hero and overcame him by breaking the rules and twisting the norms. Then, when finally pushed into a corner or fighting with his back to the wall or heels on the edge of the precipice, our guy triumphed one way or another. No, this felt/feels like the dystopian mess happening in the world, which evokes Yeats' slouching beast of The Second Coming.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I guess you're driving the libs a bit over the edge with this, but for me it is just too far-fetched to enjoy. The MC and the disaster with his wife should be the main focus of this fiction, but it seems to have drifted into LaLa land. You're an above average writer and I like several of your stories, but this one is not my cup of tea.

Burner70Burner7010 months ago

Loving it so far . Can't wait til the next bit. Fuck all the shit posters. 💯

silentsoundsilentsound10 months ago

Interesting story. It really inspires fury and I sure hope some bitches and bastards get burned.

PowersworderPowersworder10 months ago

It was alright, but dealing with the slut wife would've been far more interesting than this tinfoil hat big pharma conspiracy stuff.

The problem is you're keeping us in the dark about everything, and the protagonist is a clueless dumbass, so we basically learned nothing in this entire chapter.

sf_operative63sf_operative6310 months ago

While I agree with Whackdoodles comments, I'll wait until the final segment is done .


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Again, thank God @someoneother is here to guide all of us ignorant readers with his comments and insights. What would we ever do without him??

LT56linebackerLT56linebacker10 months ago

4 stars again. I agree with silentsound. There had better be some major bloodshed and payback on EVERYBODY, or the Bear is going to be sorely pissed. At least he appears to have two halfway decent FBI agents on his side. DON'T LET ME DOWN. The Bear will continue to read and reserve judgment.


MaxiMilfMaxiMilf10 months ago

Awesome story so far. Not sure why you aren't getting higher scores. LW readers are a tough crowd. This is a true 5 star story if there ever was one. Can't wait for the next installment. This would make a Great movie.

Demosthenes384bcDemosthenes384bc10 months ago

Great sci-fi - When does Keanu show up? LOL! 4.6*

Buster2UBuster2U10 months ago

CWG - Great Writing! Great Story! WOW, 100 big blazing stars, for a gripping 'page turner' I can't wait for the next issue to find out what happens. I am so hoping that the Cheating wife and her BF Prescott get their asses handed to them so badly. That her cheating, conniving, whoring, slut ways are given back to her in spades. The wife knew the whole time that she was going to be fucking all 16 of these young studs, she was looking forward to it, obviously. She didn't want to tell her husband, because she knew clearly that he wouldn't accept her doing that, for any reason. Her pussy has been polluted by these 16 men, then even worse, by Dr Prescott who slept with her EVERY NIGHT. She was probably already cheating with him, every chance she got. fucking slut, whore, heartless Bitch! The perfect ending would be that the Female FBI agent takes Steve over to Dr Prescott's house and gives him a gun to even the score. Steve goes in and shoots them both, and she brings him back home to give him an alibi covering for him. Happy Ending! Thanks, Buster2U

miket0422miket042210 months ago

This chapter felt like empty calories to me.

While I was reading it I was enjoying it but, at the end I felt somewhat dissatisfied. When I thought about why I felt that way it's because this chapter didn't do anything to advance the storyline.

He leaves the island. The FBI agent says to come with her if he wants to live. Those were the only events that meant anything. The two 1/2 pages in between were filler.

Sarah is so one dimensional that there's no possibility of a meaningful conversation with her so, that was wasted time twice over.

aprguyaprguy10 months ago

Excellent writing as always. One very minor quibble. The fact that he was watching baseball during the Christmas holidays. If he was watching football, or basketball or, better yet, hockey (I'm Canadian - what else am I going to say!), it would ring more true. But, as I said, a minor quibble.

deependerdeepender10 months ago

Come on, you guys. This isn't political at all. It is following the standard LW plotline:

*Wifey cheats an emotionally joins with lover

*wifey hoodwinks hubby into considering being a cuckold

*wifey manipulates hubby into confronting her infidelity in a way that he cannot avoid

*hubby gets mad, says "NO", and plans on divorce

*Wifey gives ultimatum

*a new love/sex interest is provided for hubby

*everything works out in the end


Sit back, relax, and anticipate the mc's interactions with the juicy Special Agent Gabby. Life is just a holiday on Primrose Lane...with you.

ribnitinribnitin10 months ago

You lean nicely on current and recent events, without making the story into a political tirade.

The plot thickens

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Two entire innings passed in the ballgame


A baseball game in December?

WargamerWargamer10 months ago

Great story. Sarah is delusional and a nasty bitch. She knew what she did, she has no regrets about what she has done to her husbands life.

I hope the trail fails and that yes she contracts cancer and dies hard knowing what she did to herself and that those who caused this conspiracy are caught and exposed, and all of them punished in the end.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

"If he hates Sarah so much...Why hasn't he already seen a lawyer and started the divorce proceedings? "


Leave it to Buster2U to post something this fucking stupid. Obviously it totally ignored the parts where he's under house arrest, they find out about his burner phone, he's told repeatedly to NOT start divorce while she's gone and maybe not even then.


Did this moron read the story? This kinda explains its stories.


Oh, and Liberals and Conservatives trying to assign politics to this, did you miss the part where the insurrection happened a decade before this? There's not telling which one is in power. Right now, trashing the FBI is a right wing thing, but who knows in 2031.

OldGuy1946OldGuy194610 months ago

Fun read, well written. Looking forward to the next chapter.


AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

She going to be preggers?

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

maaaaate don’t leaving me hanging here too long !!

good story

Harryin VAHarryin VA10 months ago

Some of you may recall I've had some big knockdown drag outs in the reader feedback section with cooking with gas. He's convinced of his own perfection that he knows stuff nobody else does and that he can single-handedly defeat all the libtards . He is in fact stupid .


People who are smart know that there are things they don't know anything about and are constantly rechecking the data and opinions. People who are stupid think they know everything and never doubt their own opinions about anything. For example cooking with gas or Trump or some of the other stupid Anonymous commentators here


No cooking with gas does not have any inside information about how the government works. He CLAIMS to have inside information based upon his own opinions and his own ignorance and his own conspiratorial ideas about how government and power actually work.


Thinking you know the truth and knowing the truth are not the same thing.


Even if you are stupid enough and fucked up in the head to believe that the entire covid thing was a vast government socialist globalist conspiracy ...

that has nothing to do with January 6th.


The federal government has won every single prosecution against the individuals involved in the armed Insurrection to overthrow the Constitution and keep Donald Trump as a fascist dictator president. They've won every single case because they've had the evidence. And just to remind the stupid people out there it is quite possible not to have been in Washington DC on that day and still be involved in the conspiracy to organize and overthrow the Constitution.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Pretty far out there. If you don't understand what the Government and certain people are capable of. Certainly this would be highup on Qanon's list of believable things. Probably belongs in Sci-fi.

DrtywrdsmithDrtywrdsmith10 months ago


katibkatib10 months ago

Who cares? But three cheers for Harry in VA.

cookingwithgascookingwithgas10 months agoAuthor

Here we go. My dear friend Harryin_VA is back, like one of those UFC MMA fighters who keep getting pummeled and comes back for more. Okay. Lots of people love to read the comments, so it's entertainment then instead of the delete button.

We'll address the elephant in the room first. I can't remember one single time that I've bragged about my knowledge. If any of you can, please enlighten me. I did say at the onset of chapter one, that I might answer personal messages and that within the "Science" of this particular story, I was happy to accept the role of subject matter expert. There's a big difference between what Harry is peddling and a guy who's spent 3 years researching a novel about Covid, with over 10,000 documents from scientists all over the world. Many of those directly from the WHO or CDC, later taken down from their own website, when they couldn't substantiate their own claims. Facts matter, Harry.

Next elephant. When it comes to you, Harry, I am smarter. Far smarter, in fact. You're a progressive, schooled in the American Progressive Paideia. Like almost every single person who's gone to public school since the 1950's. The so-called disciples of that ilk, your main tactic is to personally attack whoever is besting you, because you have nothing substantial to engage with. Like all your idols, John Dewey, Margaret Sanger, William James, and Saul Alinsky, when out of your league, lob personal attacks meant to throw them off balance. That hasn't worked out too well with college students, where I'm concerned. Not with college professors either, whether in a crowd or sitting at our Texas hold 'em table on a Friday night. The difference with those professors is that they actually enjoy the debate.

Now, we've laid out your credentials. Here's mine, and I'm still not bragging, just making sure you know where you stand next time you leave a comment like this. I grew up, as eluded to in my story "The Busboy," working at and eventually running a country club where the only members were southern Michigan Sicilian mafia and corrupt Michigan politicians. I learned early on what, when, and how politics -real politics - work.

Beyond that, I will not describe my affiliation with True States Guard, one because I'm now inactive, and two, because it's not any of your business. What I can tell you, is as you watch the breaking news congressional hearings on YouTube or CSPAN just know that the circus and theatre is not about getting to the bottom of J6 or the truth. The government already knows the truth, and moreover, they already know the True States Guard knows the truth. The theatrics are intended to keep the Guard from exercising their constitutional duty. The lower 48 now outnumber the entire US military, and all 3-letter agencies by more than 2.5:1. So many Americans are joining it's a nightmare trying to vet them all. Then of course, Biden has depleted our military, to below the 1.2mil mark, but even without the woke DEI, none of those military kids would ever turn on their own family members in the Guard. The bluest state, arguably, in the nation - California - recently surpassed the 75,000 troop mark. If we wanted to insert ourselves in a border crisis, or literally anything else, for that matter, we wouldn't be asking permission. In fact, that's the exact reason that six, soon to be eight state governors have announced they are sending their guard - Governors Nat'l Guard - to the border to assist the fed.

So why not? The constitution that you mentioned, although your idea of constitutionality is all backward. Plain and simple. The Guard has been on high alert almost every single day, since Obama's second to last year in office. Long before your buddy - Trump. Just waiting for a constitutional line to be crossed that cannot be uncrossed. The Constitution belongs to the American people, and its safety is entrusted to the Guard, not the Gov't, certainly not to any progressives. We're the bigger bear, Harry. You can read all about it in my new book "18-2-83" when it's published. And for the readers, that's a little heads-up for chapter 3.

I can tell everyone else, despite Harry's childish opinions, the people who know, really know what happens in the bowels of government, do not choose a side. Red or blue - Dem or Republican. Why? because almost every one of them is as crooked as the day is long. And all the division is created to distract the public and keep you off balance. There are over 100 great books on the subject. Trump was hanging out with the Clintons at $10,000/ plate charity and political doner galas before he creamed her ass in an election. Bush the 43, like Teddy Roosevelt, was a progressive masquerading as a conservative. I personally knew Mitt Romney's crooked father from that country club. The apple didn't fall far from the tree.

Lastly, Harry, I'm involved with over twenty political action groups these days. Trying to stop both Republicans and Democrats in their progressive goals. Especially the battle for our schools and a return to the Western Cultural paideia, as laid out in many very good books, one of which "The Battle for the American Mind," explains it very well for parents. My early life training often provides unconventional alternatives to solving issues.

Stick with critiquing sex stories, Harry. You're way out of your league. I am most certainly not smarter than everyone else. I am, however, smarter than you, and it seems, about a great many things. And there's no such thing as "Speak your own truth." That's more progressive double-talk. There's only one truth. The one that can be proven beyond any doubt.

KRD19254KRD1925410 months ago

WOW the know it all comments here opining on points of a FICTION fantasy story as it its REAL LIFE. I can only ASSume these same opining readers religiously bow to the quack show "The View' as true/fair/just - NOT!


Does CWGas bias HIS story, sure why not, it's his writer liberty. You don;t like it don't read it/CWGas. Better yet get off your ass and write a better story - open yourself up to arm-chair-guru perfection.


I happen to agree with Gas the 6th was an UNarmed protest instigated into criminal trespassing by FBI-plants at the express orders of the DNC/Lib-Congress/DOJ.


I'm very interested in where CWGas is taking this story, now. Looks like some fun is coming.


He did not see potential assault upon his person coming? He does not have a baseball-bat or hammer? He's will to give up and role over?


5***** Hooyah, Salutes for this part....

KRD19254KRD1925410 months ago

CWGas, you got baited and you bit to Harryin's blabber.... Harryin is not worth the time/effort for a response.


If Harryin is such an expert let him write a better story so we can opine on it, suffer the unwarranted criticism of his style/grammar/spelling and then the actual story subjects.


Oh Harryin/CWGas, I do write here but post under a different pen-name due to just what wanna-be writer arm-chair-guru types did right here. Am I any good - nope, but it is cathartic and self fulfilling. And writing is work for this dyslexic to get the HOT story flags.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

The basic plot is OK. This reads like a variation of the older story about the nurse who volunteered for the sex enhancement drug trials. She had the best sex of her life, and came to realize that sex with her husband would never again be satisfying. This is just a much more complicated and outrageous variation.


As to the political aspects, I am sympathetic. Just read about the Tuskegee Experiment, where hundreds of black men were secretly held in a syphilis experiment, for 40 years, all at government direction and control. Anyone who thinks the government wouldn't do the same or worse again is just blind and stupid. Power corrupts, and absolute power corrupts absolutely. The whore wife in this story is a perfect example of a person who believes what they want to believe, justifies their self-serving arrogant behavior by claiming some benefit from their actions "for the greater good," and who has become a brainless bot for government and state control. No different than some Jihad suicide bomber, some Nazi Gestapo, some Justice Department agents altering and forging documents to support their executing Ethel Rosenberg. Henry Kissinger once quipped, "The unlawful we do immediately, the unconstitutional takes a little longer."


I hope the good guys win in your story. I expect sooner or later the truth will come out and the American people will wake up.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

You are seriously a nut job.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Okay Cookingwithgas the only thing I will say because it shows you bias. Trump didn't cream Hilary, he lost the popular vote and only got the presidentancy because of the electoral college. If that's getting creamed than I have multiple bridges to sell you. You a conspiracy nut who probably needs mental help, but have the facts hurt your feelings don't they.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago
5* *****

fellow readers, we do Not have the government all were taught we had.. Orwell was a true visionary,,im in my late 60s now so i am on a glide path down..i weep for the young.

dgfergiedgfergie10 months ago

The martian slut ray used to help humanity.......................good conspiracy going here.

irinmikeirinmike10 months ago

I seldom go back to a story's comments after posting and find commentors by readers and even the author arguing political positioning. Eristic dialogue in the Loving Wives category is odd to say the least. I guess the end run for part 3 of this tale by Gas will be bloated with negativity about Big Pharma. All I wanted to know was whether Sarah could convince her wronged husband that having sex with sixteen studs and others could be excused in the name of science.

lujon2019lujon201910 months ago

BluAnon said

It should come as no surprise to anybody that he is attempting to defend the armed Insurrection


If it was armed why has there not been a single weapons charge?

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Don’t care about people’s politics but it’s a entertaining good story

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

This appears to be a more than two part story

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

Great story. Definitely 5 star.

Can’t wait for future chapters.

Ignore the negativity and ….

Please keep writing!

deependerdeepender10 months ago

Ooops...looks like I was wrong. The author just politicized his story. O, well. Delusions abound. Reeps believe that Q is a god and Dims believe that the US is a democracy. Can't we agree that reality is now so scary that we each need a delusion to get by? I'll accept your delusion if you will accept mine...don't hurt nothin', don't mean nothin' anyways. Can't we all just get along?

Harryin VAHarryin VA10 months ago

COOKINGWITHGAS.... It's really scary how you can write that sort of ridiculous polemic and then claim that you're not a conspiracy nod there. You say are that you are not claiming you are smarter than everybody else. You are fucking deranged and conspiracy driven retard. But let's take your argument at face value.


Let's say you've been spending 3 years researching COVID.


That IS a lie. Even if you actually research 10,000 documents or papers you don't have the medical background and critical thinking skills to understand them. But even beyond that the fact that you've written a covid novel or a short story like this one doesn't mean you have a firm grasp of the virus or the disease or the vaccine. Just because you write a novel doesn't make you an expert. Again I have to ask do your parents know you're this fucking stupid?


The fact that you are involved in 20 different political groups doesn't prove you're smart. it doesn't prove you're smarter than me. it doesn't prove you're smarter than anybody else. Only a professional retard like you would think that being involved in different political groups proves intelligence. Jesus do your parents know you're this fucking stupid?


Then you go on and on talking about secret Militia Forces which now according to a delusional nutcase. Like you outnumbers the standing US Army. But again, the only person who knows about these secret state militia forces seems to be you. So while you claim you aren't smarter than anybody else

You claim that only you know the truth about january 6. Again asserting you're amazing inside information while at the same time claiming you not smarter than anybody else.



Cracker270Cracker27010 months ago

Good, well written story. Enjoying it very much so far.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago


If you didn't know that some people had guns, others had bear spray that were used on the men and women in blue, and others used flagpoles as spear tips, etc then you need new sources of information before spouting off that the insurrection on January 6, 2021 wasn't an insurrection and didn't include many people who were armed. It was an insurrection and there were people who were armed. Facts Matter.

deependerdeepender10 months ago

"Why look for conspiracy when stupidity can explain so much." JOHANN W VON GOETHE


It usually goes: denial anger bargaining depression acceptance.

Many, many MAGAheads are caught up into a truncated version which goes: denial anger bargaining depression denial.


Donald Trump is a cry bully. His supporters are victorious victims.


Return to the top line.

OOAAOOAA10 months ago

GREAT second part!!!!

Well done 👍👍👍

deependerdeepender10 months ago

BTW, why not discuss politics here? It's not happening anywhere else. And we are used to insulting each other...why waste it? Not one single person is required to read it.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago

I understand that you know more about the s je ce than I do, but a story still has to make sense. The MC had some sort of plot related to neutralizing “the vaccine,” but it’s unclear whether he’s that’s the one that originally made people sick or the drugs Strategem was giving folks on the island. It’s not clear how neutralizing something bad would be “revenge” nor against whom. The whole plot seems fuzzy, poorly thought out and unclearly told. I’ve enjoyed the author’s previous stories and thought them told well. This one falls far short of the mark.

dawg997dawg9973 months ago

Like the originality of the storyline, and it seems there is another one going on in the comments.

Big Gov and Big Pharma in cahoots? Does anyone NOT believe that?

Back to the story, I am enjoying it.

Schwanze1Schwanze12 months ago

Fucking awesome

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

"We understand. We do. Agent Wilcox, Tom, and I are only doing our job. How about redirecting your anger at the people responsible for this?"


I would have responded: “I’m sure that statement sounded just as pathetic in the original German at Nuremberg!”



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Romance novelist, under pen name K.L. Denison. You can follow me on Amazon, KDP and coming soon on SmashWords Like writing and posting free stories for others' enjoyment - often just to clear a writer's block. Real life can be pretty boring, so I strive to avoid the common ...