Gaming vs. Femboy Ch. 01


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"Ok, so--"

Cassian stopped. He's dropped his pants, but so too had the princess dropped what was left of her skirts. She stood with her hands behind her back, swaying gently from side to side. As she moved, the large, erect cock between her legs swayed along with her.

He followed the movement with his eyes for a moment, unable to think of what else to do. This... this was not what he'd expected.

"You... that... what?" he asked.

"Sorry, would you like to do it in bed instead?" the princess asked. "Or we can get right to sex if you'd prefer. I have--"

"Oh god, no, what? What's happening? Can I skip this? Skip! I say-- oh."

Cassian stumbled a little as the scene changed, though he hadn't actually moved. He found himself in a rather picturesque and traditional looking town square, complete with large fountain right in the middle. He looked around, decided there were no princesses in sight trying to stick their cocks in him, then sagged down to sit on the edge of the fountain.

"Well that was... fuck, Scarlett could have warned me about that," he grumbled. "I mean what was that out of nowhere?"

As an afterthought, he checked himself out. His clothes were intact, and he seemed to have a short sword and a small pouch of coins to his name.

"Scarlett, Scarlett. How do I call her again?"

Cassian fumbled about for a moment before bringing up Scarlett's picture. She appeared to be busy and focused on something, and she made a few grunting noises.

"Scar?" Cassian said hesitantly.

A spray of blood splashed against Scarlett's face and she absently swiped at it with the back of her arm. "Oh, hey Cass. Just beating up some baddies."


"Wait, are you done already?" Scarlett smirked. "That was pretty fast. Even--"

"What the hell, Scar. She had a cock."

"She... what?"

"You could have at least warned me."

Scarlett shook her head. "She didn't when I went through. I'm pretty sure I would have remembered that. Just... just hang on a sec."

Cassian grumpily folded his arms and waited. He was about to ask what he was waiting for when Scarlett abruptly appeared next to him. She was, in the game world, actually quite large. He stumbled back a little at the sudden intrusion.

"Oh hey," she said, grinning toothily. "You... damn you're short."


"Anyway the princess never had a cock that I knew of. She just... I mean we had sex and everything at the time, so--"

"You did?"

"Yeah. Part of the tutorial. I mean you can skip it or whatever. Sex is always optional and consensual. But like... I wanted to try it, you know?"

"Yeah," Cassian said. "I did too."

"So why didn't you? Afraid of penises?"

"No! But... surprised, I guess. And I asked about blowjobs, and she thought I wanted to suck her. It... it was confusing."

Scarlett laughed. "So just ask again. She's an NPC. It's not like she cares."

"Well... yeah, ok. That makes sense. Where was that advice when I needed it?"

Scarlett shrugged. "Didn't think you wanted me around for that part."

"Yeah, fair. But--"

Cassian jumped back again as another person appeared next to them, this time someone he didn't recognize. The person in question was some sort of pink humanoid with horns, a tail, and flowing hair that shimmered different colours as he watched it. She wore a dress that clung artfully to her body while she moved, yet seemed cut to provide a good range of motion still, complete with side slits that went dangerously high up her thighs.

"Hey Scar!" the new arrival said cheerfully. "This your new guy?"

Scarlett nodded. "Yeah, this is Cass. Or... sorry, do you want to go by something else in game? I pretty much just go with Scar. It suits my character."

Cassian glanced back at Scar, noting that on top of being a hulking, green, muscled, orcish woman, she indeed had several visible scars.

"I didn't think about it," he admitted. "But I'm good with Cass for now."

The stranger nodded happily. "I like it. It suits your cute character. Hehe, you're so smol."

Cassian was forced to admit that he also seemed to be shorter than the new arrival. She wasn't nearly as tall as Scar, but clearly taller than he was.

"I didn't realize I'd be so short," Cassian said. "I'm really short, aren't I?'

Both girls nodded.

"Messing with sliders, were we?" Scar asked.

"No. I don't think so," Cass said. "But, uh, I did kind of just rush and go at one point. I thought I looked cute. I guess maybe too much."

"Not at all," Pink Girl said. "I really like the look. And we could use someone adorable and dainty. Help balance out Scar being all buff and scary, and Ash being all edgy and broody."

"Who's Ash?"

Scar jabbed her thumb at a figure sitting nonchalantly on the edge of the fountain. Cass could have sworn there wasn't anyone there a moment ago.

The person in question, from what Cass could tell, appeared elven and had that sort of casual grace one sort of expected from media portrayals. They also had long, silver hair with a few tactical braids running through it, and were wearing an awful lot of black with spikes artfully scattered about.

The elf, presumably Ash, made a gesture with one hand that probably technically counted as a wave.

"That's Ash," Scar confirmed. "They don't talk much."


"They're nonbinary," Pink Girl supplied helpfully. "At least in game. And it's generally considered good etiquette to treat people how they want to portray themselves in this world."

Cass nodded. "That makes sense. I, you know, I'm pretty similar to this in the real world. But bigger, I guess."

"Still a femboy though?"

"I... what?"

Pink Girl covered her mouth. "Oh! Sorry. I know I shouldn't assume, but what you said, and your name...."

Scar abruptly started laughing. "Oh my god, Cass, I didn't even think to check. You totally chose 'femboy' for gender."

"I did what?"

"Yep, it's right there," Scar said, pointing at something above his head.

Cass maneuvered as quickly as he could to finding his profile, and sure enough it listed him as Cassian (femboy). He sighed, changed his in-game name to Cass while he was there, then closed the menu back out.

"Goddammit, I have clearly been rushing all this too much," he grumbled.

Scar was still chuckling. "It's always been a flaw of yours. I warned you it'd get you in trouble one day."

"Yeah, well... maybe I like it better this way," he said, attempting to save some face.

It mildly backfired when the rest of the group nodded easily as though they were perfectly willing to accept that explanation.

"That's cool," Pink Girl said. "Even if you're just trying it out now or whatever. You can see how you like it."

"Um... thanks," Cass mumbled. He didn't quite dare look at Scar for the moment. She knew it hadn't been at all on purpose. Well... maybe a little on purpose. He did like the way he looked. He just hadn't meant it to mean anything. "I, uh, don't think I caught your name yet."

"Oh! Sorry, yes." The pink, horned, bubbly girl did a slow twirl, then executed a sweeping bow. "Vanya. Pleasure to meet you, Cass."

"You too," Cass said.

Ash stood, moving with cat-like ease and fluidity, and whispered something in Scar's ear. Scar slowly smiled with impish amusement.

"Ah, Ash has a good point," Scar said. "Probably that's why the princess had a cock in your instance. Femboys default to a preference for cocks in your personal settings, if you didn't manually flip it again. Which--"

"Which I definitely didn't," Cass groaned. "I know. Pay more attention, Cass."

"Hehe, yeah."

"You can change it though," Vanya pointed out. "Easy peasy."

"Well that's a relief. So... so the princess was a girl with a cock because I'm a femboy? And it really isn't the norm, huh?"

The other three looked at each other.

"Might have been," Scar said. "Might have, uh, been another femboy, possibly."

"Femboy, drag queen, trans woman, futa." Vanya shrugged. "Possibilities."

Cass flushed. "Oh. Those are all options?"

"Gender is pretty free-form in this game," Scar said. "Including options that you can't really do in real life." She pulled Ash close in a one-armed hug. "Ash claims to not have selected any genitals at all, for instance. Or rather, purposefully deselected any."

"Oh, but how do they... how does... where...."

Cass blushed harder as he struggled to find a question that wasn't super inappropriate.

"We don't need bathrooms or anything in game," Vanya said, hopping up on the edge of the fountain and walking along it with her arms out for balance. She caught the spray from one of the jets of water and casually turned it into something akin to a rainbow. Probably not a big deal for anyone else who'd seen magic in the game, but Cass found it quite entrancing.

"And like I said, sex is always optional," Scar said. "Or... what form of sex you do."

"That's cool," Cass said, rubbing his arm awkwardly. "Um...."

"Feeling overwhelmed yet?" Scar asked sympathetically.

"A little."

"That's ok. We can get away from technicalities for a while. Want to go hit things on the head for a while?"

Cass nodded. "Yes please."


"You got this Cass!"

"All you!"


Cass grunted and kept his sword raised. Sure it was all imaginary, but he could feel his muscles protesting all the same. Raising his physical stats was going to be more important than he'd realized.

Still, he was doing ok in this beginner area. The rest of the group were basically hanging back instead of fighting as a team like he'd kind of expected. But then, he'd seen them tear through a few of these low level enemies, and it was impressive how casually they dealt with them. Not because of how much damage his team could do, but just the level of finesse.

Scar had deliberately waited until three bandits were practically right on top of her before whirling her massive axe in a very deliberate arc to pop all three heads off in a clean sweep, right at the neck.

Vanya had plopped herself right down in the middle of the field, basking in the imaginary sun, and only lifting a single finger to shoot a small bolt of fire at anyone who got near, the effect of which was to nearly melt heads off of shoulders with practically no effort expended.

Ash was a bit more of a mystery. Cass had noted them taking care of bandits, but never in a way that seemed to involve moving. Ash just lurked in the shadow of a large tree, and bandits fell around them with throats that had been sliced entirely open. Cass hadn't so much as seen them draw knife yet, but the evidence was there.

And he... he had to struggle for every kill. It wasn't a close contest, exactly. He never felt like he'd lose a one on one with these newb-fodder mooks. But he definitely had to trade blows back and forth a bit. He was getting good at blocking, he felt. Partly just because the bandits were predictable as shit once he'd fought a couple, but also his stats had gone up a tiny bit already, and even that small margin had increased the ease with which he deflected sword-strokes.

Cass dispatched another bandit, then felt a surge of elation that replaced his tiredness with excitement. In fact, it quite literally did. He'd leveled up, and he'd played enough games before to make the connection that it had restored his hit points and stamina, and he could physically feel his body refresh as it happened. The few minor wounds he'd taken didn't seem to even be present any longer either.

"Yeah! Fuck yeah!"

"Woo, Cass!"


Cass smiled at the applause from his team. He turned and gave as dramatic a bow as he could manage. He fought a few more bandits, just for the heck of it, then wandered back over to his group.

"I leveled up!"

"We saw," Scar said. "How's it feel?"

"Good," Cass said. "Really, really good. Um... what do I do with a level up though?"

"Lots of things," Vanya said. "Depending on what you want to focus on."

"You can boost stats," Scar said. "Though it's best to save that for stats you need but struggle to raise through gameplay."

"You can unlock abilities and stuff," Vanya said. "Or like pick up new classes."

"Level two typically you'll want to choose a class, at least for a while," Scar agreed. "They give you more immediate benefits than anything else you can do at this stage."

"I'm still a little confused on how class work," Cass said. "Like--"

"That's normal," Vanya said. "But kind of just think of them working like you'd expect them to, except you can change them out, or run multiple at once, or whatever. You could, technically, be every class at once if you worked at it."

"And that's not super powerful?" Cass asked.

"No," Scar said. "There's... there's a lot of theory and math behind it, how progression works, and how much power you get out of each class, and stuff like that. Ash understands it better than we do, and they assure us that for most purposes, one class at a time is your best bet, unless you really want to do something specific."

Cass looked at Ash, who silently nodded.

"I think I'll just take your words for it," Cass said.

"Probably easiest," Scar said.

"And really, I just want to make progress right now so we can go quest together or something."

"Careful about moving too quickly," Scar said with a smirk. "You end up missing some important stuff."

Cass blushed. "Yeah, yeah. But I've got you all now to guide me, so...."

"That's true," Vanya said, idly firebolting another bandit creeping up on her. "So what sort of character do you want to be?"

"Um... I don't know," Cass said. "I had a few thoughts, but what does the party need?"

"Heals, probably," Vanya said. "Scar's got all our brute strength, Ash got that sneakiness and damage, and I got magic and stuff."

"You can go for any of that too, if you want," Scar said. "You're not locked in to being our support, especially where you're just starting. But we could use it, if you wanted."

Cass nodded. "And support tends to be an easier role to learn a game with, if you've got a group with you."

"Very true," Scar grinned. "We can definitely protect you as need be."

"So... how do I actually choose a class?" Cass asked. "In my character options somewhere or...."

Ash stretched and languidly walked closer. They nodded at Cass in a 'this way' kind of motion.

"Oh, ok," Cass said. "Um...."

"Yeah, go with Ash. They know the city better than we do," Scar said. "Me and Vanya'll go shopping and delving into our stashes, see if we've got some helpful items to give you that you can use at low level."

"Ok," Cass said. "I'll see you soon."


Cass followed Ash back to the city that he assumed was the hub of the world, or at least the nearby area. Ash moved with casual grace and certainty through the streets, as though they indeed knew exactly where they were going.

"Um... where is it, exactly, you're taking me?" Cass asked.

Ash glanced sidelong at him, but didn't answer.

"I don't mean to be rude or anything, like I know you don't talk much. But you do talk some, don't you?"

Ash nodded, but just kept walking.

"You don't, like, mind me joining, do you?" Cass asked. "Scar said it was ok. Like that you could use another person. I hope that's fine, because--"

Ash flashed a crooked smile and a thumb's up.

"Oh," Cass said. "Good, then."

They stopped abruptly. Cass looked around, then up at what appeared to be a large, cathedral-like building.

"Ah, a religious building?" Cass hazarded. "Makes sense. Healing and support and stuff. It doesn't get all weird and spiritual, does it?"

Ash shook their head.

"Cool. Well... let's see how this goes."

Cass entered the building alone, as Ash stayed out in the street, somehow making lounging outside a church appear menacing.

The inside of the building was quiet, but not deserted. It seemed to be largely stonework inside, with large, impressive stained-glass windows that depicted cute women in various poses. Two of those women were even presented as statues up at the front of the main entry area. It was a far more interesting decor than any church Cass had previously been in.

From the amount of space he was seeing, Cass already suspected that the building might be far larger inside than it appeared from the outside. Game rules and all.

A few girls in robes whisked about on their own personal missions. A few other people were in the room who were clearly just visiting and weren't a part of the church itself. At least judging by their attire, and in many cases their weaponry.

Cass, not knowing what else to do, strode toward the front of the room where the most other people seemed to be gathered, whether they were players or npcs.

He was intercepted partway across the room.

"Hello," a cute girl greeted him. She wore the same robes as he'd seen a few times already, the church's uniform, probably. "How may I assist you today?"

"Hi," Cass said awkwardly. "I'd... like a class, I guess? A healer? I... I don't know if that's a cleric in this game, or...."

"Certainly," the girl said with a beaming smile. "We're always happy to have new members. Let me show you to the Arch Cleric."

"Oh. Ok. That sounds promising."

Cass was led down a hallway hung with tapestries to a new room. Another girl was already there and waiting with a beatific smile on her face. She presumably was a higher rank than any of the other clerics he'd yet seen, as she was dressed differently and her room was spacious and filled with sunlight from a window that encompassed practically one whole wall.

The odd thing, such as it was, was this girl seemed to actually be wearing less than the robed acolytes Cass had seen about the place. Her long flowing hair was unbound, except for a couple cute bows, and she wore a robe that was almost more of a dress. Her shoulders were bared as her robe was cut low enough to nearly expose cleavage. There was for some reason a diamond-shaped hole in the robe right at her navel, and a slit up the side nearly up to her hip, exposing sleek thigh-high stockings underneath.

"Greetings, traveler. I am Arch Cleric Adora."

Cass swallowed as Adora stepped closer. She had an angelic glow about her, and she was just too beautiful and cute for Cass to be totally comfortable. He kind of wish Scar was with him. She'd provide the emotional support he needed right now.

"Hi," Cass said. "I'm... Cass. I'd like to be a cleric? I think?"

Adora smiled. It felt like an actual physical caress every time she looked at him like that. Cass belatedly realized it might actually be a magical effect. He needed to remember this world wasn't running on real world logic.

"That's wonderful. We're always happy for new members of our church. Especially such cute ones as you."

Cass blushed. "Not that cute," he mumbled.

"Agree to disagree."

Adora clapped her hands, and almost immediately a pair of acolytes moved in to flank Cass from either side. He meeped in surprise as they gently but firmly started removing his armour and clothes.

"Um... whoa, hey. What?" Cass said.

Adora raised her hand, and all activity halted. "Sorry, I should have warned you. Your introduction traditionally involves some small... physical intimacy. Is that alright? We can do a less involved ceremony if you prefer."

Cass glanced at the two girls patiently waiting next to him, them back to Adora. "You know... some small physical intimacy might be ok," he said faintly.

Adora beamed at him. He was already getting addicted to making her smile.

"Just out of curiousity," Cass said as his clothes started coming off again, "are you an actual person?"

"Haha, yes I am," Adora said. "Most of our staff are NPCs, such as my lovely helpers here. Players tend to go adventuring with the blessings of our order. But I spend much of my time here these days. I started this church, actually."