Gaming vs. Femboy Ch. 01


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"I just mean being next to you like this. I know I picked a small character, but you're... fearsome, I guess."

"Ha, yeah. That's what I was going for. I put a lot of time and level ups into physical features too."

Cass swallowed. "It's a good look."

Scar arched an eyebrow. "Is that your type?"

"No. Maybe. I've... had a confusing day. I'm not sure exactly what my type is at this point. I wasn't trying to come on to you or anything," he added hastily.

"No, I know." Scar nodded at the other two. "You should make sure they're all healed up too, if we've got a boss fight coming."

Cass nodded and stumbled off toward Vanya. He caught Scar watching him as he walked away, and wasn't sure what to make of that. He was beginning to forget what kind of outfit he was wearing, and every now and then he was forcefully reminded.

He had to resist the urge to try tugging his skirt down at the back. He was pretty sure he didn't actually flash his panties every time he moved, but he wasn't a hundred percent confident in his own modesty. Even the smooth midriff he showed off continued to cause him some insecurity.

"Ah, thanks, Cass," Vanya said as he healed a few of her scrapes. "That feels really nice."

"Yeah, Scar was saying that too," Cass mumbled.

"Must be the clerical order you're from. Some of them have unique features and bonuses."

Cass though back to Adora and all his acolytes. "Yeah, I suspect this one probably does."

Ash appeared next to Cass in that way that really beginning to get too familiar.

"You could just move like a normal person around friends, you know," Cass grumbled.

Ash smirked, then held out a key.

"Oh, cool. There's that solved," Vanya said. "Let's--"

Ash shook their head and held up three fingers.

Vanya looked at the boss doors. "Three keys? What's even the point of that?"

Ash shrugged and moved off about the room again. Cass thought about calling out that he still needed to heal them, but then decided he'd just catch up in a minute. There were still two more keys to find, after all.

"Hey, what about a buff?" Vanya asked.


"You leveled up again already, right? Can you grab any buff spells or anything?"

"Oh. Maybe. I hadn't stopped to spend my level up yet."

"Well new spells are usually good choices for powering up," Vanya said. "Especially when you don't have many options yet. Some kind of ranged damage wouldn't hurt either since you're staying out the front line for the most part too."

Cass nodded. He had a free moment to look at his character screen, it seemed. He bit his lip at seeing an image of himself pop up in his vision again. His look was growing on him more and more as the shock and embarrassment had time to wear off.

"I think... I think I could boost everyone's damage for a bit," Cass said. "But... I remember when I got my buff, and...."

"And what?" Vanya asked.

Ash started laughing. When Vanya and Cass looked over, Ash started making a blowjob motion with their hand and mouth.

"Oh gross, Ash," Vanya said. "That's--"

"No no, they're right," Cass admitted. "It was... I got a blowjob."

Ash laughed harder while still searching the room.

Vanya narrowed her eyes. "You'd think Ash was familiar with the process, except they don't actually have genitals."

Cass blushed. "But so then how does... how do sexy things work?"

Vanya shrugged. "Same as normal, I guess, except for certain things are off the table."


"Like baby making stuff would be out." Vanya paused. "Except I did hear at one point that you can actually have a baby still if you want. It's this whole--"

"Focus, Vanya," Scar said, stepping over to join them. "Am I hearing all this correctly?"

"Probably," Cass said, more flustered again with Scar being close. "Um... I don't really know how it works though, like if there are no actual cocks to... bless."

"That can't really be necessary," Scar said. "It's probably just a touch thing, and you got... you know, special treatment."

Ash started laughing again at the far side of the room.

"No," Vanya said. "Ash wouldn't be laughing that hard if that was the case. And, you know, Church of Femboy and all. You hear rumours."

Vanya and Scar looked at each other while Cass hugged himself and wished he had a hoodie or something comforting to hide in, instead of the flimsiest, most revealing outfit he'd ever worn.

Vanya eventually shrugged and started lifting the hem of her dress. "Ah well, might as well figure this out."

"Wha..." Cass offered intelligently.

Vanya slid her panties down to her ankles and delicately stepped out of them. Cass's eyes bugged slightly at her revealed pussy, which was as pink as the rest of her skin, and bare except for a small tuft of hair that shimmered the same as the hair on her head.

"You know. Get a blessing," Vanya said, shifting a little awkwardly as Cass and Scar both stared at her. "Please?" she added.

"Ha, you hornygirl," Scar snorted.

"I mean, yes, maybe a little," Vanya said. "But like, we need to try it, don't we? We could use any advantage we can get for the boss fight."

Scar turned back to Cass. "She's kinda right."

Cass swallowed and nodded. He'd been trying to avoid making it obvious just how badly he wanted to dive into Vanya's pussy. He was a bundle of nerves for various different reasons, not least of which were the memories and sensations that came back every time he thought of Adora's 'blessing.'

The embarrassing part was that Cass could feel himself getting hard in his panties, which was new for him. It was equal parts uncomfortable and sensual as his erection fought for space in the cute, silky underwear. He really hoped his tiny skirt wasn't showing a bulge too blatantly.

Cass slowly sank to his knees. It wasn't exactly comfortable on the cold stone floor, but he wasn't worried about that just at the moment.

"Damn that's hot," Vanya whispered.

Scar murmured an agreement.

Cass tried to ignore them both and put his hands on Vanya's thighs for balance as he leaned in. Her skin was warm and smooth under his fingers, and her pussy seemed to draw him in.

He could do this. Despite the audience, he did at least have some experience with pussies. It would be worse trying to 'bless' a cock right off the bat, he thought.

Remembering Adora, Cass started with plenty of kisses and small licks. He wasn't sure if that actually helped, or if it was just Adora's particular technique. It got Vanya cooing and moaning, in any case.

Cass pretty quickly got into his task, forgetting all the reasons why it might be a bad idea. He loved the way Vanya reacted to his oral attention, and he was only getting hornier in the process. There was something else too, something tugging at him in a way that he couldn't quite understand. Something that drove him to really shove his face in and eat Vanya out.

Was the game doing something to him? He knew that the more he swung weapons around, the more the game would make it feel natural to him, and assist in his movements. There was, in a sense, no reason the game couldn't also guide him in this. Perhaps that was part of casting this blessing, or... or just from being a Cleric of Femboy generally.

Idly, Cass wondered if all blessings were going to be oral based, and whether he'd have to lick someone out every time he gave a new one.

"Mmph, yesss," Vanya hissed. "That's so goooddd."

"Damn, Cass," Scar said a low voice.

Even Ash had come over to watch.

Cass tried to ignored how everyone was staring just at him and his slutty little self as he licked Vanya. He gave her longer and deeper licks, and experimented with sucking on her clit some. It was hard to figure out what worked best for her as she seemed to enjoy it all.

Vanya moaned her way to an orgasm while riding Cass's tongue. She held him against her pussy while she came, and in the process squirted all over his face. She made enough of a mess that Cass halfway felt like he was getting a porno-style cumshot. It had to be some kind of game options making her squirt so hard, but it honestly felt just as sexy as if it was all real.

"Is it just me, or did you actually get your buff well before you came?" Scar asked Vanya.

"Shhh," Vanya said, putting a finger to Scar's lips. "Shush now, babes."

"Like I don't think the orgasm was actually nece--"


Cass looked up at them proudly from his kneeling position, Vanya's cum all over his mouth and chin. "I liked it," he said.

Scar snorted. "Uh huh."

"See, he liked it," Vanya said. "And I'm well on my way to being converted to spirituality and shit."

"Such a hornygirl," Scar said.

Vanya smirked. "You gonna tell me you're not going to get... blessed?"

"I... shut up."

Cass wasn't actually sure how that was going to go. He felt like it would be weird eating Scar out. They'd never done anything like that in real life, though he supposed they'd flirted with the idea of dating and stuff at times. It hadn't ever happened, and this really didn't seem like the place to open up that emotional trap.

Then again, if it was just for the purposes of an advantage in the game....

Oh who was he kidding. Cass was ready and eager to eat more pussy, and there was something deliciously naughty about it being Scar's. All the emotional stuff of the friendship and bond they shared, plus... plus her character was appealing to him on some level he didn't fully understand.

Scar was a big girl; tall, muscled, and curvy. That brief touch of her chest earlier had revealed that she definitely wasn't all hard edges. There were some soft and feminine parts of her underneath that armour she wore. That and the strength to casually break him two if she wanted. Was it fucked up that it turned him on to acknowledge that fact? Probably.

Ash moved close before anything could be resolved. Cass was fascinated to see they had stripped the lower part of their armour and clothes off, and indeed where there should have been a cock or pussy, there was... nothing. Just nothing.

"Can I... how do I... what?" Cass asked with great verbal dexterity.

"Yeah, is that even gonna work?" Vanya asked. She'd sat down on the floor with her back against a bookcase. She hadn't bothered to rearrange her dress for modesty, and was still showing off copious thigh, and a hint of her pussy if one looked hard enough. "Can Cass just, like, kiss your area there or what?"

Ash held up a single finger for patience, froze for a moment, then pulled an item from their inventory. Cass was still getting used to items and things casually appearing and disappearing from his perception. It made sense in game logic, but still kind of freaked him out a little as it messed with his brain.

In this case, the sudden materialization took a back seat to the nature of the object Ash produced.

"Is that... a strapon?" Cass asked.

"Sure looks like one," Vanya said. "Why do you have that?"

Ash rolled their eyes and stepped into the harness, then adjusted the straps to seat it snugly in place.

"I mean I get what you're going to use it for in this case," Vanya said. "But... do you always just have that with you?"

Ash grinned.

"... do you have other sex toys too?" Vanya demanded. "You do, don't you. What kind of friend are you that you never told me what a little deviant you are? Here I was, assuming no genitals, no sexy fun times, and you've had some kind of side thing going this whole time, haven't you?"

"Ash is allowed to have their fun," Scar said firmly.

"Well sure, but not nice keeping it secret like that," Vanya said.

"Just because you're an openly wanton little thing--"


"I can still see your pussy."

Vanya shrugged and tugged her dress down her thighs a bit. "Just wait 'til it's your turn." She grinned impishly. "Cass doesn't know what he's getting yet, does he?"

Cass frowned. "What does that mean?"

He got a face full of Ash's strapon before he could get an answer though.

Cass looked up at Ash, who was peering back down with eyes that contained... amusement, sure, but maybe also lust and excitement? Cass honestly didn't know what Ash was feeling, or what they could feel as far as sexual emotions. Except... presumably in the real world Ash had genitals of some kind, one way or the other, and just because they'd opted out in game didn't mean they didn't get horny the same as the rest of the group.

For that matter, Cass had a suspicion that Ash was previously familiar with the Church of Femboy before introducing Cass to its fold. This might have been something Ash was hoping for, which was sneaky and tricky of them.

However... Cass wasn't all that bothered. He was enjoying himself. He didn't know why, and he didn't know what it meant, but he did know that someone was offering him a dildo to suck, and he kind of wanted to.

Part of it was Ash. Whatever gender they were or weren't, they had a mystery and a beauty, and indeed an attitude that was really working for Cass. Their sleek elven features ran feminine enough for Cass's tastes--whatever the hell those even were anymore--even if they weren't actually a girl. Adora hadn't been a girl either, and Cass had already enjoyed himself with that encounter.

Cass leaned forward and started with kisses, as seemed fitting. In theory, there really shouldn't be a pleasure transfer in the same way that there would have been with Vanya. However, Ash actually did moan a little as Cass pressed his lips to their pseudo-cock.

Hey, it was a magical kind of game. For all Cass knew, Ash could feel every little touch. The way Ash always seemed to know what they were about, and apparently was the group's expert on the game, Cass was fully willing to believe they could get a magic sex toy like that.

"Unf, that's kind of hot," Vanya said.

"You just came," Scar murmured, even if she was watching just as closely as Vanya.

"Only once," Vanya said. "Not like I lose all appreciation for sexy things just 'cause I cummed already."

Cass was getting seriously uncomfortable in his panties. He'd been primarily worried about accidentally showing his cock in the short skirt he was wearing, but it didn't seem like such a big deal anymore. In fact, he wasn't sure he could keep it hidden if he wanted to.

Cass wrapped a hand around the base of Ash's strapon and experimented with taking the tip in his mouth. Again he got more of a reaction from Ash that sucking on a sex toy should have provoked. Ash was definitely feeling the sensations of getting a blowjob, or some facsimile thereof.

That was secondary to Cass by then. With his free hand he wrestled with his panties and got his cock loose. He dragged the offending underwear as far down his legs as he could while kneeling on the floor, then moaned in needful satisfaction as he wrapped his hand around his pulsing erection.

Cass jerked himself off while learning to give a blowjob. He wasn't trying to cum, not really, but just to take the edge off his need and horniness while working on Ash.

There really wasn't much to giving a blowjob, and it wasn't nearly as scary or overwhelming as Cass might have assumed. He mostly bobbed his head back and forth on Ash's strapon and worked on taking it as deep as he could, while maybe getting his lips and tongue into it a little too.

Eventually, Ash grunted and gently pushed Cass away. Cass sat back on his heels, still playing with himself, a little disappointed that he was done. He could see a subtle glow around Ash that indicated they were buffed, but there hadn't been a satisfying climax as there had been with Vanya. Perhaps that was to be expected though.

"Your turn," Vanya told Scar.

Cass swallowed and turned toward his bestie. He took the opportunity to ditch his panties entirely, as they were just hampering movement by that point. His heart was beating altogether too hard, his tummy was all aflutter, and his cock throbbed and dripped precum onto his fingers. He didn't care how weird things might be after, he wanted to lick Scar out. Oh how he wanted it.

"Don't look so excited," Scar grunted. "I'm not what you're expecting."

Cass cocked his head in confusion. "Hm?"

Vanya seemed somewhat amused, but also excited. She had a hand under her dress, Cass noted, and it was moving at a slow rhythm. Kind of like his own hand, if less urgent. Ash, meanwhile, was sitting back and calmly relaxing, just watching events through heavy lids.

Scar dealt with the bottom half of her armour by unequipping from within her inventory. A large chunk of metal just simply vanished from her lower body. Her pants underneath she removed manually.

Cass inched forward, licking his lips despite his attempt at self-restraint. He was so horny. He vaguely wondered if there was any chance one of the others would help him out when he was done, assuming he hadn't already cum by then.

A moment later, Cass's jaw dropped. There was, in fact, no pussy hiding beneath Scar's clothes. She had a cock instead. Cass felt like he probably could have accepted that easily enough given how his day had been going, except....

"How the fuck big is that thing?" he asked, eyes going wide in a mix of awe and fear.

"Um..." Scar said.

"Hehe, it's a monster, isn't it?" Vanya giggled. "I didn't believe it either the first time I saw it. But, you know, it's not like proportions have to stay realistic."

Cass leaned to the side to try and get a better estimation of Scar's massive orc cock. "It's like... jesus, it's like the length of my whole torso."

"Probably about that," Vanya agreed. "But then again, you are smol."

"I'm not that small," Cass argued. "And... and you balls. Scar, you balls are half the size of my head. I mean... is this not excessive?"

Scar, for the first time since Cass had joined the game, seemed a little shy and tongue-tied.

"It's... yeah, like, I know I overdid it," Scar said. "But it seemed like fun at the time. And it's only a game, so like... why not?"

"That's fine," Cass said. "But I can't get that in my mouth. Not by a long shot."

The worrisome thing was as he said it, Cass was all too aware of how much he really wanted Scar's cock in his mouth. He hadn't minded Ash's dildo. Maybe he'd even been kind of turned on by it. But Scar... Scar was more exciting on a few different levels. And she had a real cock, and she physically dominated him by such a ridiculous margin....

Cass could so easily picture himself stuffing his mouth full of her, if only it didn't seem so physically impossible.

He was clearly way too horny. Scar's cock looked so appetizing, and somehow... somehow amazingly sexy on her body. Like as monstrously large as it was, it wasn't crazy out of place on her frame.

Was he falling for a video game version of his best friend? Or was he just stupidly horny and thinking he was into stuff that he wouldn't be once he came? Cass had to admit that the latter option did occur at times. Horny was a hell of a drug.

"You don't gotta deep throat her, ya know," Vanya said. "Just kiss her on the penis until she gets her buff."

"Oh," Cass said, practically salivating at the suggestion. "Yeah, that could work."

"You don't have to," Scar mumbled. "I can go without a buff. Not like we usually have them handy most of the time anyway."

"Oh shush," Vanya said, clearly playing with herself under her dress. "Let us have this."

Ash, sitting with rapt attention, nodded eager agreement.

"You can ignore them if you want, Cass," Scar said more softly. "I--"

Cass ignored her instead. He tried to wrap both hands around Scar's shaft and felt frissons of sexy fear at the realization that his fingers didn't even touch. He didn't stop to let his better judgement get a toehold, and pressed his face against the head of Scar's cock. She tasted strong and sexy, and like she'd been leaking quite a bit of precum already.