Getting The Contract

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She'll do anything to save their business - anything.
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People looking at my wife Jean and myself nowadays see us as a successful couple, both in our relationship and our business life. We've been married for ten years and have managed to grow ever closer in that time; to me Jean is more beautiful at forty than she was at thirty when I married her, despite the years her 36-24-36 figure is almost as firm as in her youth, her auburn hair has no hint of grey, her eyes still sparkle with mirth and sexual desire. Jean tells me that I've grown more distinguished over the years, but I have my doubts about that, at forty-five I'm starting to 'spread' a little here and there. Together we have built up a successful stationary supply business, we started it up five years after we married and have at last reached a stage where we have no financial worries and are able to let the business run itself while we enjoy life. So people look at us and see us as a happy, successful couple with nary a care in the world. If only they knew how things had been only three short years ago.

* * * * *

It had been two years since we had started up our business, things had gone well to start with, while I handled the sales and distribution side of the business Jean had done the bookkeeping. We had worked long hours, but it had seemed worth it as we watched our business grow and prosper. And then came the recession, suddenly we found our clients ordering less and taking longer to pay for their orders, some went out of business completely leaving us as just one of many creditors scrambling for a share of whatever we could get. In the space of a few months we were almost bankrupt, everything we had was mortgaged to keep the business running and the bank was starting to breath down our necks as they saw the recession continuing. Late one evening we were sat in the office going over the books trying to find ways to cut back or get payments that were owed to us.

"It's no good Mark," Jean sighed, "if we don't get a break soon we'll lose everything."

"All we can do is pray we get the Wellswood contract." I sighed back.

"Do you think we are in the running?" she asked.

"I don't know," I answered slowly, "I really don't know."

"Didn't Wellswood say anything when you met him yesterday?" she asked.

"Only that our quote was under review." I answered "Maybe he'll say more at the party tonight."

"Mark," Jean frowned, "I'm puzzled, why did Wellswood invite us tonight? Why us and none of the others that have quoted for his contract?"

"I don't know Jean," I shrugged, "and I'm as puzzled as you about that, but we have to go to the party if only to keep Wellswood sweet."

"I know." Jean sighed deeply, "Only I don't like the man, there's something ... slimy about him."

"I don't like him any more than you do," I sighed back, "but we need his contract, without it we'll go under."

"I know, I know." Jean frowned, "And if we get the Wellswood contract it will give us an in with the Carillon group. I just ..."

"Just what?" I asked as Jean fell silent.

She shook her head then gave me a smile, but though her lips were smiling her eyes looked troubled.

"It's just me being silly," Jean finally responded, "I just have a feeling about tonight."

"Feeling?" I asked feeling confused.

"Forget it Mark," she laughed, "even I don't know what I mean by it. Come on, we'd better go get ready if we are going to be at his place by eight."

On that note we left the office and home, but Jean's comments had started a nagging doubt in my mind about the night ahead. When Wellswood had made the invitation to a party at his home I'd jumped at the opportunity it presented without hesitation, it was only now, after Jean had voiced her doubts, that I began to wonder about the invitation. As I dressed I tried to puzzle out what Jean had meant by having a 'feeling' about the night ahead.

"Come on slow coach," Jean suddenly broke into my chain of thoughts, "being late won't make a good impression."

"I guess not." I grinned turning to face my wife.

My grin grew wider when I saw her; I could see that Jean had decided to go all out to charm our host, she had picked out her sexiest evening dress, one she normally only wore for me. It was black with a halter tie top that showed off a good deal of her bust, so much so that she couldn't wear a bra with it; the dress was knee length, but had double slits from the hem to her hips, one slit on each side. Looking at her and knowing that she was wearing nothing more than stockings and a pair of thong panties under the dress gave me an instant erection.

"Well if you don't impress Wellswood in that outfit nothing will." I laughed, "I really wish we could stay home now."

"Later you randy sod." Jean laughed, "Right now we have a contract to win."

It didn't take us long to get to the address Wellswood had given to me, it turned out to be a large house, almost a mansion, and we could tell that the party was in full swing as we drove up the to the front of the house. As I got out of the car I glanced at my watch concerned that we were late and was relieved to find we were five minutes early, giving the car keys to a uniformed flunky I took Jean's arm in mine and headed for the entrance.

"Mark, Jean, come in, come in." Wellswood greeted us at the door, "Jean I must say that you look delightful tonight, truly delightful."

"Thank you Mr Wellswood." Jean responded.

"Come now," Wellswood smiled, "let's not be so formal, it's Jim."

"Then thank you Jim." My wife said giving him one of her sweet smiles.

Wellswood was in his late fifties, greying at the temples and thinning on top, he had obviously led the good life, the extra pounds he carried at his waist told that. Beaming at us he led the way to the bar, I felt Jean's arm tense a little on mine when Wellswood linked his arm through her other arm, but she smiled sweetly at him. Leaving us at the bar he went off to attend to some of his other guests with a promise to be back 'soon'. Accepting drinks from the barman Jean and I looked around the room, there were about twenty people there and I was both surprised and puzzled that the majority were male, but then I began to recognise some of them.

"God," I breathed to my wife, "most of these people are top end business men, think of the contacts we can make tonight!"

"Never mind the contacts," Jean almost whispered back, "just concentrate on getting that contract from Wellswood. If we get that most of these will follow his lead."

Jean looked around the room then leant close to me.

"I wonder where all the wives are?" she said softly.

"I guess they left them at home." I commented, "Does it make any difference?"

"No, I guess not." Jean smiled at me.

Just then I spotted our host heading across the room towards us, he waved us to follow him to another room and I suddenly felt hopeful that he was going to give us good news about the contract. Jean must have thought the same thing because she nudged me and grinned. We joined Wellswood in a large study that adjoined the main room, he was perched on the edge of an ornate card table as we entered the room. Smiling he waved at us to take seats then sipped at the glass he held.

"Well," he said at last, "what do you think of my humble home?"

"We haven't seen much of it," Jean replied with a smile, "but what I have seen I like the look of."

"Ah, a lady of taste." Wellswood laughed then became serious, "I suppose you are wondering why I invited you here tonight."

"It had crossed my mind, I assumed it had something to do with the contract." I admitted.

I was puzzled by the direction the conversation had taken, but I kept the frown from my face and waited for him to tell us the reason we were there.

"And you assumed rightly." He said, "I'm going to be blunt with you, I know just how close you are to going under and just how much getting my contract would mean to you. What I'm wondering is how hungry you are to get that contract."

'What the hell is this?' was the thought that ran through my mind.

"Hungry?" I responded aloud.

"As in just what would you do to get the contract," Wellswood spoke softly, "how far you would be willing to go for it."

Totally confused I looked at my wife, she was frowning as though she had guessed at where the conversation was going. Jean looked at me, her eyes were troubled, and for a moment I could have sworn she looked scared, then the penny dropped. Aghast I looked at Wellswood unable to believe that the man was hinting that we would get the contract if we did something for him. Call me naïve, but I still had no conception of what that 'something' might be, however, my wife had guessed it almost immediately.

"What do you want?" I heard her ask in a low voice.

"I think you know that my dear." Wellswood responded.

My mind was running in circles trying to figure out what we had that could possibly interest Wellswood, it was as I looked towards Jean for some hint from her as to what the man wanted that I realised what it was. Jean looked at me with haunted eyes as my own eyes went wide in shock.

"Now look here ..." I started to protest to Wellswood.

"Mark," Jean cut me off, "let me handle this."

I looked at her in surprise, I knew that if it had occurred to me that Wellswood wanted to have sex with her then it had to have occurred to her. She shook her head at me knowing I had been about to tell Wellswood where to stuff his contract, giving me an almost sad smile she looked back at Wellswood.

"At a guess I'd say you want me." She said calmly.

It amazed me that she could sound so calm about the situation, I was seething inside and it was all I could do not to leap from my chair to strike Wellswood.

"Yes and no." the man responded infuriatingly.

"And what the hell does that mean?" I blurted out.

"Mark, please." Jean said to me softly.

"I'll tell you what," Wellswood gave a half smile as though he already knew that he would get what he wanted, "I'll leave you two alone for a couple of minutes to talk this over."

Without further comment he left the room, rising to my feet I crouched in front of my wife and took her hands in mine.

"Jean," I said firmly, "let's get the hell out of this place."

"Mark," she replied giving me a brief kiss, "you know we can't afford to do that. I love you and nothing will change that. Will you trust me darling?"

"You know I trust you," I sighed knowing that I would go along with whatever she decided on, "but ..."

"No 'buts'," Jean smiled softly, "it's this or lose everything. The bastard knows he has us over a barrel, if we don't get his contract we'll end up with nothing but the clothes on our backs. Mark, we HAVE to go along with it, whatever it is."

"Okay, but I don't have to like it." I surrendered, "I love you Jean."

Wellswood returned at that moment, resuming my seat I looked at Jean and then at him, feeling helpless I waited for him to speak.

"I assume you've reached a decision." He gave that half smile again.

"What is it you want?" Jean asked bluntly.

"You were almost right when you said I wanted you," Wellswood said looking directly at Jean, "but I don't want you to myself. I have a number of guests here and I think it would be nice if you entertained them my dear, and me of course."

"I assume by 'entertain' you mean I should go to one of the rooms and have sex with them." Jean said.

"Good lord no," he laughed, "nothing so mundane. What I want is for you to go out there and circulate, my guests will decide the where's and how's and I doubt any will wish to waste time going up and down to a room."

"Surely you can't mean Jean should let them have sex with them in front of everyone!" I gasped.

"Of course I do," Wellswood half smiled, half smirked, "what I am proposing is that Jean lets my guests use her as they see fit for the rest of the night, in return I will sign that contract with you and use my influence to place other business your way. Well?"

"And Mark?" Jean asked.

"He must watch, that goes without saying." Wellswood grinned knowing he had already won, "Your husband will be the only one here who can't touch you. Is that clear Mark? If Jean agrees to my terms you will only be able to watch, nothing else."

"I understand damn it!" I snapped.

"Jean?" he said softly.

"I agree." Jean replied in a low voice.

"I thought you might." Wellswood laughed, "I'll give you five minutes to prepare yourselves, after that my guests will be waiting."

True to his word Wellswood left us alone in the study, even closing the door behind him to give us our last few moments of privacy. Neither or us spoke, what was there to say under the circumstances, but we held each other; Jean clung to me and I could feel her whole body trembling against me, when I looked into her eyes I saw her fear and humiliation clearly. The minutes passed as we clung to each other, it pained me to know that this would be the last time I would be able to touch my wife until we had finally escaped the place. A fear rose within me that after all she would surely have to endure Jean may no wish longer with to share physical acts of love with me, it was a terrifying thought that in gaining a contract I could lose my wife.

"I love you Jean." I said softly, breaking the long silence.

"I love you Mark." She replied as softly, "Mark, promise me you will stay near by, no matter what they do, no matter what you have to see me do, please stay near to me."

"I promise darling," I said firmly stroking her hair, "even if the bastard hadn't made it a condition I had to watch I wouldn't leave you alone with those sharks."

"I guess our five minutes are up." Jean sighed looking over my shoulder.

Once glance showed me that Wellswood was at the now open study door and was signalling us that it was time to leave the room to 'mingle' with his guests. Giving Jean one last squeeze I let her go, she took a deep shuddering breath and walked towards the door with me a step behind her. Seeing my wife in motion Wellswood returned to the main room, I could hear laughter and had no doubt that he had informed the other guests that their 'entertainment' was just coming. My wife would have made a great actress, she walked into the main room with her head held high as though nothing untoward was happening. I'm afraid I was not as cool as she, my face was fixed in a scowl and within me I felt nothing but contempt for the pigs Wellswood called 'guests'. When we entered the main room I had no idea what to expect, I guess somewhere in the back of my mind I was expecting the guests to leap on Jean en masse, thus it was a surprise to find nothing happened. The last thing either of us expected was for the party to continue as though nothing was out of the ordinary; I did notice the looks of lust my wife got from all quarters, but no-one seemed in a hurry to do more than look at Jean.

Across the room I saw Wellswood leaning against a corner of the mantle, a snifter of brandy in one hand and a cigar in the other, he was talking and laughing with the group around him and barley looking towards my wife. Jean looked over her shoulder at me with a puzzled expression on her face, then looked towards the nearest group of men, there were three of them and they signalled for Jean to join them. Smiling nervously my wife joined the small group with me tagging along behind like a little lap dog, introductions were made, though I really didn't pay attention to their names at the time. To my surprise the men started to make small talk, neither in word, sign or action did the men give any indication of what was really going on. For one brief moment I had the vague hope that Wellswood had been pulling some elaborate, not very funny joke on the pair of us, but that hope died when I saw Jean tense out of the corner of my eye.

Looking at her I immediately saw the reason for her tensing, one of the three men was quite openly stroking her backside while the group carried on talking as though nothing were happening. Feeling hopeless and guilty I watched as the man squeezed Jean's buttocks through her dress, at first Jean stood stiffly while he groped her, then I saw Wellswood grimace at her then put an exaggerated smile on his face. His signal was clear as crystal, Jean was to act as though she was enjoying the situation, in other words, she should be smiling at her partners to be. Nervously my wife smiled at the three men then managed to give them one of her sensual smiles that always turned me on so, it seemed to have the same effect on these men too. Encouraged by Jean's acquiescence to his touch the man went a step further, fuming in impotent fury I watched as he slid his hand through one of the slits in her dress, though I could no longer see his hand I could see the dress moving as he stroked my wife's all but bare buttocks. Jean smiled at the man, albeit a somewhat strained smile, then pushed back against his hand slightly as though in enjoyment of his caresses.

From my vantage point of only a couple of feet away I watched with growing guilt at the sudden arousal I was feeling as I watched another man touching my wife so intimately. Grinning the man leant towards Jean and said something, she looked at him and nodded at which the man removed his hand from under her dress. I know I was wide eyed when I saw Jean reach through the slits of her dress, I watched her wriggle and then stared at her tiny panties as they slid down her legs to lie around her ankles.

"Much better." I heard the man that had been stroking her laugh.

Kicking her panties aside Jean stood there waiting for whatever these men wanted to do next, nor did they keep her waiting long. The man that had been stroking her slid his hand back through the slit and this time the movement of the material told me that he was not only feeling her buttocks but also sliding his fingers along her pussy. Another of the small group moved closer to Jean, his hand touched her back then slowly slid up to her neck, reaching up further he twined his fingers in her hair and used that hold to twist Jean's head to face him. A moment later he was kissing my wife forcefully, his hand in her hair holding her tight to his hungry lips. Then the third member of the group joined in, he stood in front of Jean, reached up and began to cruelly squeeze at her tits through her thin dress. They held this tableau for a few minutes before the three men moved back from my wife; she stood there breathing a little heavily though not showing the signs of excitement that I knew so well, but I knew that with enough attention those signs would come.

Smiling at Jean the men suggested she should circulate now, the bastards even thanked her and looked forward to getting better acquainted later. Jean smiled back and went to move away, but one of the men called her back, I stepped a little closer in time to hear him say: "You must remember to thank us for our attention to you". Jean nodded and replied: "I guess I had my mind on other things. Thank you so much for your attentions, I hope you will do more to me later." "You can bet on it!" one of the others in the group laughed. With that Jean moved off to circulate and I followed her a step behind her all the way, moments later she joined another group of four men and a woman. She smiled at them as she joined the group and they grinned knowingly back at her.

This time there was no brief small talk, immediately Jean joined the group one of the men had his hand under her dress, another followed suit while the third and fourth men paid attention to my wife's breasts. It was the woman that grasped Jeans hair and used it to twist her head around so that she could kiss her. Stunned I watched the five of them groping my wife as they pleased while my cock jerked to life within the confines of my trousers. I suppose humiliation was part of what Wellswood wanted, my humiliation at seeing my wife used by his guests as a plaything, and her humiliation at having to submit to the attentions of these people without protest. Nor did I doubt for a moment that the man had known that seeing what was happening to my wife would excite me and add to my humiliation. Nevertheless I watched as the five toyed with my wife's body for a while then stepped away from her.