Getting The Contract


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"Thank you for your attentions." Jean said a little breathlessly.

For the next forty or fifty minutes Jean circulated around the room being groped or kissed or both by all but Wellswood, he smiled at Jean, gave her a brief peck on the lips then pointed her towards the next eager group. What was surprising was that no-one made any effort to remove Jean's dress, they would reach under it or fondle her over it, but left the dress intact on her body, I could not believe that this would hold true for much longer and in a way I was right. The first circuit of the room had been nothing more than an introduction of Jean to the people there, and I suppose a test to see if she would falter at the first stages. Gradually I began to notice that groups were moving towards chairs and even other rooms and I knew that pretty soon Jean would be facing more than mere kisses and gropes. I saw one group head for the study and a few moments later I heard someone calling Jean to join them in there.

When I entered the study just behind my wife I did a quick head count, sitting at the card table were five men, a middle-aged woman was sat on the arm of a chair near the table and another two men were leaning against a wall watching the group at the table. Jean was waved over to the table and the woman at the chair signalled that I should join her, numbly I sat in the chair, as soon as I was seated the woman leant against me.

"This should be fun." She said in a low voice.

"What's happening?" I asked nervously.

"The guys will play poker with your wife as the prize," she laughed, "it'll take them a while to get round to raising the stakes to winner fucks her. Sit back and enjoy the game, you'll get a great view from here."

Her words shocked me, I just could not believe that she, a woman, could be so gleeful about seeing another woman about to be turned into a sex plaything. But then who was I to talk, despite my shock at what was happening I was also being turned on by it, looking at the table I watched as the men cut the cards then started to play. Jean stood near the table watching the men play, for their part the men seemed more interested in their cards than in my wife, she looked across the table and our eyes met for one brief moment then she looked back to the men at the table. In that one glance I had seen my wife's shame and humiliation and something else; I had seen the first glimmerings of excitement, and to say I was surprised was an understatement.

"Okay," one of the men said as he studied his cards, "winner of this hand gets to play with her tits. So read them and weep boys."

He laid his hand down on the table with a broad grin, three of the other men tossed their cards down in defeat, but the fifth, a balding black man, gave a laugh and laid his cards down. From where I sat I couldn't see the cards, but it was clear that the black guy had won this hand, looking at Jean he pushed his chair back from the table.

"Okay honey," he grinned at my Jean, "let's see them titties."

My wife hesitated for a moment then reached up behind her neck, a moment later the front of her dress flopped down leaving Jean naked from the waist up. Though not overly large my wife's tits were well shaped and firm, and as I watched I could see her nipples start to harden in arousal which made my cock grew harder within the confines of my clothes. The man sat back and waved Jean over to him, as she moved to stand in front of him the man made a comment I couldn't make out then reached up to my wife's body. Her back was to me, but I could tell by the movement of the man's arms that he was fondling her breasts; then he leant forward, his arms going around Jean's body as he drew her closer, his head was suddenly hidden by Jean's body and I knew that he was sucking on her nipples. For five minutes this black man fondled and sucked at Jean's tits, then he sat back and waved her to one side; sliding his chair forward he looked at the other men around the table.

"Deal the cards," he grinned, "I want some more of that white meat."

The men laughed as the cards were dealt, I looked at Jean and saw her face flushed with humiliation at their laughter, but I could also see that she was becoming aroused which added even more to my own growing arousal. As the men started to play Jean went to tie her dress top back up, one of the men looked at her and just shook his head; blushing she let the front drop again and stood there with her breasts bare for all to see.

"What we playing for this time?" I heard one of the men ask.

"Tittie play," the dealer answered, "there's five of us so we all get a chance to win a play with those tits of hers."

"Yeah, assuming we win." Another of the men laughed.

They spoke as though Jean wasn't stood right there, naked from the waist up, it was as though they considered her as an object and I suppose that was just what she was for that night, an object there to please anyone that wanted her. Still, it was a shock to hear them talk this way, looking at Jean I saw the light glint in her eyes, squinting I saw a single tear in one of her eyes. She looked at me and I could not meet her eyes, not because of what she was letting these men do to her, but because of the way I was being excited by her humiliation. A sudden gleeful cry focussed my attention back on the card game, one of the two Asians playing had won and was beckoning Jean over to him as he pushed his chair back from the table.

This time I had a side view of what was done to my wife, I saw the man take one of her tits in his hand and squeeze it ungently, I didn't need to see his other hand to know that he was giving Jean's other breast the same treatment. He looked up at her face and said something I couldn't hear, but whatever it was did not please Jean, I saw her body tense and the man laughed up at her as he almost crushed her breasts in his hands. Then he released her breasts, grasped her waist and pulled her closer, he said something and Jean reached up to her breast, cupped them in her hands and held them as though offering them to the man. Laughing he leant forward and I saw him suck a nipple into his mouth, his cheeks hollowed as he sucked on her nipple and when I saw Jean wince I guessed that he was using his teeth on her as well. Leaning back the man glanced up at her then leant over to take give her other nipple the same treatment, his actions were hidden by the swell of the breast nearest to me, but I could tell by the way she would wince that he was biting at her flesh. He leant back again then opening his mouth he placed it over the nipple I could see, reaching up the man grasped the base of her breast and squeezed while at the same time pushing his head forward and sucking hard. For a moment I thought he would suck her whole breast into his mouth, his hands and his mouth actions crushed her flesh as he stuffed as much as he could in his mouth. A few moments later he moved to the other breast to give it the same treatment.

"Wonderful, my friends, wonderful." The man said as he sat back, waved Jean away and slid closer to the table, "But I am anxious for more, shall we change the stakes?"

"Getting greedy Ghupta." One of the other men grinned across the table at him, "I'd like a chance at them tits too you know."

"Then take them my friend," the Asian laughed, "let all those who have not sampled them take their turn now and we can move on to a more interesting stake."

It came as no surprise when the others agreed to this and I watched as one after the other the three men who had not so far sampled the delights of my wife's breasts fondled and sucked at them. At one point Jean was stood facing me, her body almost hidden behind the man that was sucking at her nipples, our eyes met briefly and I saw tears in her eyes, then I looked away in shame at how excited I was getting by all that was happening to her. Then it occurred to me that Jean may think that my looking away was a sign of disgust with her, with her acceptance of the deal offered and with her actions. Forcing myself to meet her eyes again I mouthed 'I love you' and I saw a look of relief come over her face, then her attention was drawn back to the man at her breasts. Each of the men played with my wife's breasts for about five minutes before waving her on, the last man eventually waved her away and slid his chair back to the table.

"So what are we going for now?" he asked as he picked up the cards being dealt to him.

"Let's save the best for last," another of the men suggested, "how about a blow job this round?"

Each of the men signalled his agreement to this stake and got down to playing, behind them Jean was looking nervous and excited at the same time. I became aware of a form on the other side of me, glancing that way I saw Wellswood standing there watching the game unfold.

"Jimmy," the woman sat on the arm of my chair said with a chuckle, "you should have included this stud in your deal."

"Not as much fun that way my dear Ethel." Wellswood laughed, "Don't worry, you'll get to play with the young lady soon enough. Well Mark, what do you think of your wife now?"

I glared up at him and made no comment, he laughed then strolled away to another part of the room. Just then my attention was drawn back to the table by the loud cursing of the black man, it took me a moment to figure out that the second Asian at the table had won the hand. Looking at Jean he signalled her to come over to him, when she was at his side he looked up at her and said something, for a moment Jean hesitated then slowly she sank down to her knees.

From where I was sat I could see most of what followed; with the front of her dress dragging on the floor my wife crawled under the table, on her hands and knees she positioned herself in front of the man's legs then reached up to push them apart. Above the table the five men were chatting and joking as though nothing were happening, then to my amazement they started to play another hand of cards. Looking back to my wife I saw her hand delving into the open front of the man's trousers, she must have unzipped him while I had been looking at the actions of the five players. It was hard not to laugh when Jean finally managed to draw the man's cock through the fly of his trousers, he was small to the point of miniscule, erect his cock couldn't have been more than three inches long. On the part of her face I could see my wife had a wry grin, but that faded quickly as she moved to carry out the next part of the act; leaning forward between the man's legs she took his cock into her mouth. Glancing above the table I saw the man's face suddenly beaming with pleasure, looking back down under the table I saw Jean sucking at his cock for all she was worth. It was obvious to me that she was doing all she could to get him to climax quickly in order to get the ordeal over as fast as possible. There wasn't enough cock for my wife to slide her lips up and down on, but she was sucking at it and sucking at it until at last I saw her swallowing hard. If her swallowing actions hadn't been enough to tell me the man had cum in her mouth his groan of pleasure was more than proof enough. Below the table Jean leant back and started to crawl out from under the table.

"Not so fast girlie." The black man laughed as he leant down to look at her under the table, "My turn next."

I had been concentrating so much on what was happening below the table that I had missed the game going on above it, clearly the black man had won the hand and even as he sat back to await my wife's attentions another hand was being dealt. This time Jean's body was blocking the view, beside me the woman called Ethel muttered something.

"You'll want to see this," she said as she stood up "come on lover let's get a better view."

Numbly I stood and followed Ethel to another chair, when I sat I found that I was both closer to the table and had a clearer view; in fact now only one of the men was positioned in such a way as to obscure everything that happened between him and my wife, and since this was the Asian with the small cock this was no great loss. As I focussed on what was happening under the table I saw that Jean had already got the man's cock into the open and was staring at it, I wasn't surprised she was staring at it either the thing was at least an inch longer than my own eight inches, but it was slim, for which I'm sure Jean was eventually thankful, and this made it appear even longer. Grasping the shaft in one of her small hands Jean leant forward and licked the head of his cock, I heard the man sigh, but my attention remained fixed on what was happening under the table. For a moment my wife paused, her head turned slightly and I caught a glimpse of tears on her cheeks, then she lowered her head and took the tip of the man's cock into her mouth. I know from experience just how well my wife could suck a cock, but she wasn't using that skill at this point in time, all she was aiming for was to get them off as quickly as possible, but she had forgotten one thing; she was not in control, they were.

"That's great lady," the black man commented, "only it isn't what I want. Here, let me teach you how to suck a real cock."

I have no idea whether he had held a winning or losing hand, but he threw his cards aside and put his hands under the table, one of his hands went to the top of Jean's head, the fingers twining in her hair; the other hand went to the back of her head. Firmly he pulled her forwards, drawing her mouth further down onto his cock and when I heard Jean gagging I realised he was pressing his cock at her throat.

"Well, well, what d'you know." The black guy laughed, "This girlie hasn't been taught to mouth fuck right, guess we'll have to change that won't we guys."

With loud laughs the other agreed that they would indeed have to change this so called 'lack' in Jean's abilities, but although they were enthusiastic about the idea Jean certainly wasn't. I could see her trying to draw back from the cock in her mouth, but the hands clenched in her hair and pressed to the back of her head prevented this. Putting her hands on the man's knee I saw Jean try to push herself away, but her strength was no match for the black man's, with firm pressure he began to force her even further down onto his cock. Jean tried to shake her head in denial, she tried to slide sideways, she even tried to fall down to the floor to escape, but this man kept her in place by pulling sharply on her hair or grasping her neck and pulling hard at her. Despite all her struggles the man's cock gradually forced it's way deeper into her mouth, she was about half way down the shaft with the cap and perhaps an inch of shaft already buried in her throat when the black man ordered her to drop her hands to her sides. At first it looked as though Jean was not going to do as he had ordered, but then her shoulders slumped in defeat and her arms fell limply to her sides.

"Better," the man grinned, "now let's do this right."

Wondering what he meant I kept my attention on what was happening below the table top, I saw the man grasp the hair on either side of my wife's head and as he gave a hefty pull towards him his hips thrust up from the chair. Jean gave a smothered gurgle of a scream as the man's cock thrust all the way into her throat, her lips pressed tight to his pubic mound as the man let out a deep sigh of satisfaction.

"Fuck subtlety!" he declared to his card comrades.

Holding Jean's head motionless he then proceeded to fuck her mouth as though he were fucking her pussy, I know my own cock was aching and the furtive desire to be in the man's place flitted across my mind as I watched him cruelly raping Jean's mouth and throat. Nor can I think of another was to describe the act but as rape, his thrusts were cruel and at no time did he fully pull back from Jean's throat. From time to time I caught glimpses of her pale face as he took her, she was sweating and I think it was mainly from lack of air, but I'm not certain. At one point I saw her eyes and they seemed to be filled with excitement, but that could also have been my imagination. This brutal use of Jean's mouth seemed to go on for ages, but at last I saw the man stiffen, his hands tightened around Jean's head then he was pushing so deeply into her throat that her whole face was being crushed into his groin. Once, twice, three times I saw his hips jerk, the third time a thin stream of white semen forced it's way past my wife's lips leaving no doubt that the man had climaxed deep in her throat. For a few moments following his climax the man held Jean pressed right into his body until I feared that she would be suffocated, but then he released his hold on her head and forcefully pushed her away from him. I watched with a throbbing cock as his meat slid from my wife's mouth, it glistened with saliva and semen, as for Jean she was almost collapsed on the floor gasping and panting for breath. The man said something that sounded like 'clean it bitch', whatever it was he said it had my wife forcing herself back up to her knees to lick his cock clean from tip to root.

"Next!" The black laughed a few moments later.

One of the other men waved his hand under the table to indicate who she was to attend to next, still breathless Jean crawled over to him and once again I watched as she opened his trousers, reached in to take out his already hard cock then take it into her mouth. This man was more or less average in size which meant Jean was forced to take less of him into her throat, yet the sight of him pulling her face into his crotch as he buried his cock as deep in her as he could made my cock harden almost painfully. The man said something to his companions at the table and they laughed, taking his hands from Jean's head he sat back in his chair expectantly. For a moment my wife pause with the man's cock almost all the way out of her mouth then she slowly pushed down on it, gradually taking it all into her mouth and throat; the man laughed.

"I think she's getting the idea." He commented to his companions.

It certainly looked as though he was right, Jean was now moving her head up and down, her lips sliding up and down the man's shaft in long strokes. Gradually her movements became faster, I had no idea at the time whether this was because she was starting to enjoy what she was doing or because she thought it would make him climax sooner. Whatever the reason the result was the same, after only a few minutes the man gave a heavy grunt and his hips jerked up, as his hips moved so did his hands; grasping Jeans head he pulled her tight to him and once again I saw her throat moving as she swallowed another man's juices. As I watched this scene I felt a tinge of jealousy, Jean had never swallowed my semen, whenever she had sucked on my cock she had always released it before I climaxed and finished me off with her hands; yet here, in the space of a short period of time she had swallowed the juices of three men. Moments later Jean licked the man's glistening cock clean and looked around the table to see who was next. There was no mistaking the excitement my wife was feeling, as she turned I could see her nipples were like hard little bullets, her face and chest were flushed and though there were still tears in her eyes I saw excitement there too.

The fourth man waved under the table to her and once again Jean moved to pleasure this stranger, part in guilt and part to ease my own excitement I looked around the room. It was a surprise to note that while I had been so intent on watching what was being done to my wife the room had gradually been filling with people, I think most of the guests were there chatting and half watching the events at the card table. I saw Wellswood standing with a couple of women and a man, they were laughing about something and I felt my excitement fade slightly as my anger at the man returned. A groan from the direction of the table drew my attention back to what was happening to my wife in time to see her release the cock from her mouth and lick it clean. She sat back for a moment gathering her breathe then looked to see who would signal next, unsurprisingly it was the Asian that had been referred to as Ghupta that was to be next, obediently Jean crawled over to where he sat, pushed his legs apart, opened his trousers and reached in to pull out his cock.