Giving Mum a Hand Ch. 02


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"Brilliant!" I added enthusiastically, "I won't let you down."

"Good, you'd better not! But we ought to find some way to include your sister too, I don't want her being left out," said Mum, "We'll have to get her involved soon, won't we?"

"Guess so," I said, feeling an excited trembling inside me, "Mind you, the way she was coming on like that yesterday said that won't take much doing!"

"Yes, so I noticed!" said Mum as her hand rested on my thigh, "Are you going to go to see her or what?"

"Hadn't really thought about it yet - I seem to have been a bit busy!" I said as the comforting pressure of her hand began to arouse me, "Wouldn't mind going to visit her - haven't seen her place for ages."

"Or we could ask her to come to my place," said Mum, "Then perhaps I'd be able to watch like I did this morning."

I felt a strong jerk of excitement in my groin and noticed Mum's eyes locked onto my growing erection. My cock was however somewhat tangled in my underwear so I just had to straighten out the kinks and in doing so I accidentally let my penis escape from my underwear and it now stretched out down my thigh, raising a huge ridge in my trousers.

"Damn!" I exclaimed, "Sorry Mum, let me put him back."

I started to push my cock back into his proper confines but Mum lifted her hand and held mine, stopping me from moving.

"Oh Chris, no, don't do that - leave it!" Mum hissed as I lifted my hand from my extended and distended cock, "That's making me feel all horny again!"

A moment later and her hand settled around the bulge of my now rigid cock, her fingers already caressing me deliciously.

"Ohhh Chris, that feels so good!" breathed Mum as she tried to get my zip undone, "Oh please, let me...!"

"We can't do it here!" I exclaimed quickly as I imagined Mum climbing on top of me here in the mortuary car park, "Stop getting me all worked up."

"But I like it!" moaned Mum, her hand back on my cock and beginning to stroke up and down my length, "Oh Chris, you're going to have to do me again as soon as we get home then!"

"Willingly," I answered, "But we've got things to do first - look, it's nearly one o'clock."

"Oh Chris, that's not fair!" said Mum as she slowly lifted her hand away and began composing herself, "Suppose we have to, don't we?"

While Mum checked her face in her little mirror I managed to return my cock to his hiding place and, with the solemnity of the occasion now in my mind, my erection slowly deflated.

Inside the mortuary it was quiet and peaceful and efficient and inside quarter of an hour Mum had confirmed her identification of the body and we were waiting for the paperwork. The doctor who'd checked him over after the medics had tried to revive him had agreed that he'd died of a massive stroke and had overruled any need of an autopsy, thank heavens.

"Silly old bugger!" she exclaimed, "Serves him bloody right!"

I tried to look serious for a moment but Mum was having none of it.

"Did you see me lift the sheet up?" she asked with a smile and I nodded.

"What were you after?" I asked, "Were you looking for his wedding ring?"

"No darling, not his wedding ring; his wedding tackle! I just wanted a last look at his willy!" she said with a wink and a quick laugh, "Huh, that's about the only time I've seen him stiff in the last ten years!"

Just then the paperwork arrived and after a few sympathetic words from the staff we were back in the car and ready to return home. Mum leaned towards me and we kissed warmly then fastened our seat belts.

"Anywhere you want to go?" I asked, "Since we're out I just wondered."

"No sweetheart," said Mum as her hand settled on my thigh again, "I just want you to take me home and then we can fuck away all the memories of that thing back there."

"Hey, he was your husband for what, the best part of thirty years," I said but Mum had definitely lost interest in her late husband.

"So what!" she exclaimed as her hand searched for and found my cock, "I've got this now and it's much, much better!"

The return journey was just as quick as the inbound trip and somewhat more enjoyable too because Mum explored and roused my cock and for at least the last ten minutes she'd had it out through my fly so she could stroke it more easily. She'd also pulled her skirt up to her waist and had her other hand busy at her pussy and I was sure that if the journey had been much longer then she'd have asked me to pull over so that I could fuck her there beside the road. However, as we neared home she tucked my cock away for me but it refused to lose interest and stayed remarkably hard despite me concentrating on driving. Then, before he'd gone down much we were heading into our road and I began to imagine us naked on Mum's bed again but as we turned into Mum's driveway we realised that Sam's car still there. We turned and frowned at each other but then, before I'd even turned the motor off Sam was there to greet us.

"Thought you'd like a warm welcome," she said as she opened Mum's car door, "So I went home, had a quick lunch and then came back - the kettle's hot and ready. Anyway, I want to catch up on the news - how did it go?"

"More like you want some more of Chris's cock!" said Mum ignoring Sam's question as the two ladies hugged and kissed lovingly, "And there was me thinking I'd be able to have him all to myself this afternoon!"

"What on earth made you think that?" asked Sam as she came and hugged me too, "Oh, I see, you've got him all worked up and ready, haven't you!"

As she held me tightly with one hand her other hand surrounded the shaft of my penis, quickly bringing him back to a condition of rigid stiffness.

"Feels lovely Chris, are you going do me again please?" breathed my aunt into my ear, "I need to feel you back inside me!"

"Get off! You're going to have to share him with me," said Mum as she joined in, her hand pushing her sister's away from my cock, "And I got him all worked up so I get first go!"

"That's mean!" said Sam gently, the two sisters playing happily together, "He was so much fun this morning that when I went home all I could think about was his lovely hard cock and I've been on edge ever since!"

"Huh and I've been stroking him and playing with myself most of the way back so I'm just as worked up as you are!" said Mum, "Anyway he's my son, so there!"

We'd managed to get into the house by now and there was a pause while Mum and I unwound and then the pressure was on again. It was a very warm afternoon and I was quite happy for the ladies to insist that I strip down to my underpants which by now were obscenely stretched by my erection. Mum and Sam had worked together to remove my shirt and trousers and then, with a knowing glance between them they too began to remove clothes until we were all showing a fair amount of skin.

"So what are we going to do next?" asked Sam as she pulled her knickers from where they seemed to have stuck between her legs, "Have I really got to wait until you've finished?"

Mum and Sam's eyes swivelled from me to each other and back before Mum made up her mind.

"I'll tell you what, you don't half look good, sis," she said and with that she stepped up close to Sam and I heard her whispering in her ear.

"Do you remember how we used to play around together?" she asked as her hand stroked Sam's arse.

"Mmmm, yes and you look good too," said Sam as her body began to respond to Mum's caresses, "How could I forget those days! Wonderful times - why, what were you thinking of doing?"

"I was just thinking that if we're going to share Chris then we'll wear him out that much quicker, so if we can share each other too then that'll help give him time to recover," said Mum as she bent down and kissed the top of Sam's tits, her hands already stroking her flanks, "What do you think?"

"Perfect answer," my aunt sighed as she responded to Mum's kisses, "Perhaps I won't have to wait so long that way."

"Shall we take him upstairs and see what happens?" asked Mum as she reached around her sister and undid her bra, "Ohhh darling, love the way your tits are still firm like mine."

"Love your touch too," breathed Sam and she pinged Mum's bra loose with a quick flip of her fingers, "Your tits look pretty damn good too!"

By now I was straining at the leash, quickly realising that my cock needed some action. Having been confined inside my somewhat tight trousers for much of the past few hours and also stimulated by Mum so much, my penis was throbbing with pent up excitement and now, with two delicious women playing together just feet from me, I knew that some energetic fucking would be just perfect.

I slid my underpants off and stropped my already stiffened penis a few times until I felt the movement of some precum as it welled from my tip then I spread the bubble of liquid over my knob, before stopping to admire the way it glowed with health and energy. My cock stood pointing half way to the ceiling and seemed to bounce in time with my breathing and then it released another bubble of precum that grew until it lost it's grip and stretched out to the floor.

"Look at him! All that delicious juice!" sighed Sam as she lifted her head from Mum's breast, "God, that's so inviting!"

"Oh come on then, let's get down to business!" said Mum as she gave her sister's breast a parting stroke then reached for my cock, "Get upstairs, the pair of you."

There seemed to be a mad flurry of half naked, or in my case entirely naked bodies as we all tried to climb the stairs at once and then I let the ladies lead the way so I could enjoy watching their pert, tight, smooth and delicious arses as they moved. I stood and watched them as their pert bums jiggled ahead of me and realised immediately that there was indeed more than enough for me. I'd have to be something of a superman to fuck them both to their satisfaction then found myself wondering which one of the two I'd like to fuck first. I was still debating the matter in my mind when my ruminations were cut short by Mum.

"Come on Chris, we're waiting!" she called from her bedroom and I scurried to cross the landing, led by my excited penis.

"Here he comes!" hissed Sam as she dropped her knickers onto the chair, "Let me have him first, please!"

"Oh go on then!" said Mum as she threw her own knickers on the chair, "Make it quick though but don't let him finish - it's my turn to have him spurt in me!"

Sam was on her back almost immediately, her legs spread wide to welcome me. Mum also now lay down beside her and smiled broadly at me.

"So which one of us looks the best?" she asked provocatively as she slid her hands slowly up the inside of her thighs.

"How on earth can I answer that!" I exclaimed, realising that there was little to choose between them, "What can I say - you're my Mum so you're the best I suppose but then Sam's your twin sister so she looks just as good as you and you both look good enough to eat."

"Forget eating," moaned Sam as she lifted her pussy up towards me, "I just want fucking!"

Mum curled up and covered her face as she heard Sam's words, then she burst out laughing.

"You're completely insatiable, aren't you!" she exclaimed as she reached out and took hold of my cock, "Come on Chris, you'd better get to work!"

Mum's hand pulled me downwards until I was poised above her sister's body, then pushed my cock downwards until it aligned with Sam's slit.

"Love the way you've shaved everything off," said Mum as she let go of my cock and stroked her hand over her sister's naked pussy, "Feels so wonderfully smooth and sexy."

I heard Sam gasp delightedly as their bodies touched, then Mum returned to my cock and guided my rigid instrument up and down Sam's slit until her juices were well and truly spread.

"You'll do," she said calmly as she pushed my penis into the depression of Sam's vagina, "Get busy - she's all ready for you."

She was indeed and as I let my body sink downwards, so my cock just slid inside her smoothly and easily. Despite the amount of lubrication in her vagina she still felt beautifully tight as I pressed deeper into her until our bodies were squashed together firmly.

"Ohhh Chris, that's what I needed!" sighed Sam as her hips moved languidly, adjusting her body until my penis was seated perfectly, "Just let him stay there - don't move for a bit."

I could feel our pulses causing steady waves of slight movement of our united organs until Sam's body jerked suddenly.

"Oh that was incredible!" she sighed, "And now you can start fucking me!"

Gently I started to slide in and out, my movements slow and relaxing until I felt Sam's body responding. It began as a slow caressing of my penis by her internal muscles and then she seemed to gather more energy until she was squeezing me with powerful contractions of the rings of muscles inside her.

Faster and more eagerly her vagina moved in various ways until it seemed to settle into a steady rhythm of pleasurable waves all around me until her entire vagina was alive to make use of my cock. I pumped steadily, feeling my penis pressing through her contracting, convulsing vaginal flesh, noting that Sam's eyes were closed as she concentrated - before suddenly they popped open.

"Ahhh, oh Chris, ahhh!" she gasped, "Ohhh god, more, do it more!"

I pumped deeper and harder, driving my cock even more strongly into her as her excitement rose and rose. Her hips now joined in, lifting her pussy up to meet me, thrusting up at me with ever increasing energy.

"Ohhh fuck!" she exclaimed as our combined actions shook the bed, "That feels so damn good! Oh god - oh god - I'm going to cum, I know it!"

Suddenly she was convulsing, shuddering and shaking as she climaxed noisily on my rigid penis, her internal muscles working overtime and her hips thrusting her pussy almost violently at me.

"Oh sis - he's doing me!" she howled, "He's making me cum already!"

She was certainly doing that and I hung on, doing my best not to make any undue movement to unseat myself as my aunt enjoyed getting herself off on my cock. Her orgasm was abrupt, powerful and exciting and for a few moments I wondered if I'd erupt too but then suddenly her body lost all it's movement and she relaxed beneath me. There was a short period of silence, broken only by our breathing before Sam recovered somewhat and smiled up at me.

"Bloody hell sis," breathed Mum, "Wish I'd asked to go first - that looked amazing!"

"Damn well was!" agreed Sam, her eyes glowing with excitement, "Can we get another one like this so we don't have to share!"

We laughed happily together, then Sam patted my thigh to indicate that she wanted me to move. "Give your Mum some of that lovely thing!" she said, "That's taken the edge off - I can wait for a bit now."

Gently I let my still stiff penis slide from it's happy nest between her legs, then watched as her vaginal opening seemed to pulsate before it closed up again, leaving a bubble of glistening lubrication at it's entrance. I wanted to sink my cock back into that exciting slippery hole and finish what I'd started but the girls had other ideas.

Guided by Mum's hand I lifted my knees over assorted legs until I was in position above my darling mother's thighs.

"How do you want me?" I asked, "Same as Sam?"

"Yeah, do it to her just like that," said Sam as she rolled towards us and grabbed my sticky cock, "Just push it in and then let her do the work."

Her hand repeated the actions that Mum had done and then, having made sure that my cock was slippery she seated my tip in her sister's vaginal opening then rolled onto her back again.

"Have fun," she said with a smile, "Then you can come back here Chris."

Sam's hand settled over her pussy and she began to slowly caress her sex, one finger now disappearing into her vagina as she watched us. I wanted to watch Sam but Mum was now taking control of my senses and my body and I felt her vaginal muscles squeeze me tightly. I found myself glancing up at Mum quickly, then pressing my penis into her vagina which let me smoothly slide inside.

"That's better, concentrate!" she said as her vagina began to massage me, "I'm down here!"

"Sorry Mum," I said "I'm just overwhelmed I think - both your lovely bodies to enjoy - I hardly know where I am!"

"You're right here, inside me," said Mum gently as her hips started to move around, "And you're going to give me another delicious fuck, aren't you?"

I was - most definitely well and truly embedded inside my mother's hot sexy hole now and it wasn't just hot but very lively! Every few seconds she seemed to squeeze me then gently caress me then let pulses of contractions ripple up and down my penis in a most arousing way. I found myself starting to slide in and out, my almost unintentional movements driven by her responsive pussy.

"That's better," she sighed, "Now make your strokes longer and deeper darling."

Immediately I began moving with her, then entirely in time with her and with my hips answering her movements the sensations increased as did my concentration and from a nice slow beginning we were soon fucking hard with our bodies slapping together with every stroke. Mum's hips were working hard too, lifting to meet my thrusts while our breathing came faster and harder with every passing minute.

"Chris, that looks so bloody good!" said Sam from beside us, "You're really giving it to her!"

"He's definitely doing that!" panted Mum, "Oh god, this is wonderful - oh god, this is what I've been missing!"

Amid our strenuous efforts I now realised that not only were we now fucking hard but that my own climax wasn't too far away but all that did however was to drive me on, now pumping my cock even harder and faster into Mum's body.

"Yess, yesss!" hissed Mum as her arms came up and closed over my shoulders, "More, more, make me cum, make me cum!"

Her own body was now moving powerfully as our strokes met and as we collided our bodies slapped together with a most erotic sound, the music of a good fuck in progress. We'd both begun to sweat and our groins were becoming wet too as Mum's pussy overflowed with her passion but we couldn't stop; no way could we stop! Both of us were very obviously heading towards a huge climax...

"Kiss me!" called my mother and in an instant our lips met and locked together wetly, then my tongue delved deeply inside her mouth much like my cock was doing down below.

"Uhhh, uhhhh!" grunted Mum as we smooched and fucked and stroked each other, "Uhhhh, gonna cum, cum, cummmm!"

"Give it to her, go on Chris - fuck her, fill her up!" urged Sam as she rolled towards us, her hand now pressing my arse downwards with every stroke, "Give her what she wants!"

"Yeah, I am!" I panted as we fucked harder and harder, "Ohhh fuck - here it cums Mum!"

"Do it - do it now!" gasped Mum as her vagina began to convulse around my swollen, rigid, pumping cock, "I'm cumming too!"

Suddenly we were both there - I felt my cock seem to reach even deeper into Mum's cavity as my first eruption began and as I started to unload so Mum reached her own climax too.

"Yessss!" she yelled as she reached for and found her sister's hand, "Ohhhh, ohhhh sis - cumming, cumming!"

"Doing it, doing it!" I managed to say between spasms, "Oh god, oh fuck!"

I'm sure I unloaded five times; at least I certainly felt five huge convulsions and spasms and I knew that Mum's vagina was now filled with my cream because I could feel the warmth of it swilling around my cock as I slowly came down from my climactic peak.

Mum stretched up and found my mouth again and we kissed with soft hot loving lips and slippery tongues until the need to breathe forced us apart.

"Phew!" said Mum after she'd drawn in some big breaths, "Now that's what I call a lovely fuck!"

"Looked so hot from here too," said Sam as she watched us unwinding, "Wish he'd unloaded inside me instead."