Giving Mum a Hand


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"Well don't go and ruin my dinner!" I said as my tummy rumbled.

"No darling, I won't, it's cooking itself – all that's needed is for someone to dish it out and I'll let you do that," Mum said, "And speaking of dishing it out, you wouldn't be so good as to fetch me another bottle would you – there's some in the utility room, in the cupboard."

"Sure, no problem," I said and a few moments later I was opening the cupboard wherein my parents kept their small stock of alcohol.

In keeping with their ways there were perhaps a dozen or so bottle of wine, port, sherry, spirits and even a couple of bottles of fine liqueurs – and two six-packs of my lager.

"Yay!" I exclaimed happily, "Brilliant!"

"What's that?" asked Mum from the other room.

"You've got some more lager in there!" I said as I returned with the bottle of sherry and a can, "Thank you Mum."

"Oh of course, do you know, I'd quite forgotten about that," she said as I refilled her glass, "But I remember now you mention it – I bought them when I needed to top up my grocery order to make sure my delivery was free. I always knew they'd come in handy one day."

"Just like you to think of me," I said as I placed her bottle on the table and bent to kiss her.

"I do try to look after you darling, even when you're not here," she answered as our lips met softly and warmly, "I certainly think of you when you're away."

"Saves me running out tonight too," I said as I popped the can open, "Not that I intend to drink all night."

"No, of course not," said Mum, "You're going to keep me company, aren't you."

She stood up and moved to almost lean against me, her arms wrapping themselves around me and squeezing me tightly.

"Ohhh darling," she murmured into my chest, "It feels so nice to hold someone again."

My love for my Mum spread out as I wrapped my own arms around her body and I felt her warm, firm breasts squashing against my chest. The instinctive reaction within my body was to respond sexually and quite unintentionally I felt my hips start to move as her pelvis pressed against mine.

It was then that I seemed to feel her body moving sensually too and suddenly there was a distinct feeling of sexual arousal in the air as we both became turned on. The feelings were too pleasant to allow me to stop holding her and when Mum turned her head upwards, things began to escalate.

"Give me another one of those kisses," she said softly, "Make me feel wanted."

Perhaps it was due to the alcohol; perhaps it was because I was accustomed to kissing Mum or perhaps it was because I was holding a woman against me but I found myself willingly bending down and letting our lips meet and in an instant Mum's lips softened and slid over mine in a way that would normally be the forerunner to sex. My lips responded to hers, quickly becoming as pliant as hers and I felt our tongues touching as we smooched.

In an instant I felt my cock lurch and begin to fill out, just as Mum seemed to melt in my arms, her whole body softening and writhing deliciously against me and then as my stiffened cock pressed against her I came to my senses.

"Ahhh, careful!" I said as I pushed us apart, "Sorry Mum, I nearly lost my balance."

"I didn't notice," she said through glistening lips, "I thought you were doing wonderfully."

I shook my head to indicate that the alcohol had affected me – but it was really just an excuse to give me time to cool down.

"I felt myself going," I said, "I'd better sit down for a bit."

I quickly lowered myself to the chair again, not to hide any giddiness but to hide my throbbing, stiffened penis that was now stretching my jeans.

Fortunately for me Mum's timer began to ring at that moment and she crossed the room to the cooker and turned both it and the timer off.

"That should be it, dinner's done, with a bit of luck," she said, "Come and help me take it out, if you're not too wobbly."

The few moments without her body so close had allowed my cock to deflate somewhat and I quickly rose, donned the oven gloves, bent to the hot oven and carefully extracted the still bubbling pot of almost certainly delicious food. I placed the heavy casserole dish on top of the cooker and lifted the lid, letting my nose be assailed by some wonderful odours.

"Smells perfect," I said enthusiastically, "I could eat all that!"

"I bet you could with your appetite," said Mum as she too sniffed deeply, "Mmmm, the meat should be nice and tender but we'll let it cool down a bit before we eat."

We left the pot to cool as we set our places at the table, then Mum turned and faced me once again.

"It's so nice that you're here," she cooed, "I've been eating all on my own so often recently."

She looked as if she was about to cry and as my natural instinct was to comfort her I found myself holding her again, cuddling her to my chest as I felt her calm down but then her face turned up towards mine again.

"Let me just have another one of those lovely kisses," she said, her lips held ready and once again I found myself becoming sucked into her warm and willing charms.

Our lips met and softened together in an instant, our tongues finding one another more quickly this time. I felt things happening down below as well and once again the feeling of warm sexiness was so strong that all I could do was to enjoy our intimacy more and more.

Our bodies melded together slowly yet strongly until we seemed to be almost making vertical love, then suddenly it was Mum who pushed us apart, brushing her front and her sides with her hands.

"Ohh, goodness me, look at the time!" she exclaimed, looking up at the clock, "Come on, we'd better get on and eat."

I frowned because it wasn't all that late before my mind began to understand that Mum had become just as turned on as I'd been and was now dodging the subject carefully.

"Yeah, definitely," I agreed, "Need something to soak up that lager, I think."

"There's some nice fresh bread in the bread bin," said Mum, "Hack some off so we can dunk it."

"Not in the lager I hope!" I answered with a chuckle.

"No, silly, to dunk in the gravy," said Mum, "There's all kinds of things in that casserole – the juices should be really delicious!"

Inside me there were so many feelings and innuendoes swirling around. I'd felt my own juices rising and felt the pressure as precum had oozed into my underpants and knew for certain that my own mother's juices must have been on the move too.

I imagined her, in the privacy of her bedroom, peeling her sodden knickers off before wiping her wet and sticky pussy, possibly with me there too, using my tongue to cleanse those quivering lips of hers. I felt my cock rising again and I realised that I'd need to be very careful tonight; careful not to let Mum catch sight of my horniness and careful not to say too much out of place. It would feel so very wrong and might spoil everything to be seen to be lusting after my own mother...

"Ok, you go and sit down, I'll get things done," I said, making myself busy until my sexual arousal relented, "I think we'd better have bowls – do you want a large one?"

"Oh definitely!" said Mum with a giggle, "And lots of meat!"

I shook my head as Mum's usual polite words were constantly being replaced by yet more innuendoes and insinuations.

"You're terrible," I muttered as I dished out our dinners.

With the table set, some bread cut and the casserole now ready to eat I settled down opposite Mum and concentrated on my meal. It was delicious of course and my bowlful was emptied all too soon but I noticed that Mum wasn't far behind.

"Have some more," suggested Mum but I shook my head.

"No I'm fine," I said, "That was so tasty that I could easily eat another bowlful but I won't, thank you Mum."

"Please yourself," said Mum affably, "There's plenty to go round, as you well know."

With the lager and now my dinner I was actually feeling remarkable replete, especially as I still had some residual jet lag in me and mine had only been a compliment rather than a desire.

"No, it'll be nice just to sit and chatter and let my dinner go down," I said, "That way I'll be able to remember it without wishing I hadn't eaten too much."

"I'm sure I'll remember tonight too," said Mum as she rose and took our dishes to the sink, "And I think I'll leave the washing up until later."

I shook my head, not for the first time as her words drifted over me. Mum was in a very romantic mood or something but I couldn't work out exactly what had caused it or why. Eventually I put it down to the fact that she was missing her husband, wherever the old philanderer was...

"Come on," said Mum beside me, "Stop daydreaming – bring your drink through to the lounge."

I followed her into the lounge, casting my eyes over the room and almost expecting to see my father sitting in his big comfy armchair but he wasn't there, obviously. The room was carefully filled with an excellent mixture of both modern and antique furniture and felt warm, friendly and relaxing, entirely in keeping with my parents home generally. Unusually both Dad's and Mum's chairs were side by side with the settee on the opposite side of the fireplace.

"You come and sit in your Dad's chair," said Mum, firmly pushing me, "If he doesn't want to use it then you belong there."

"Yeah but..." I spluttered, surprised at Mum's determined push, "I don't mind using the settee."

"You do as you're told young man," she insisted, now guiding me to the armchair, "Now sit down and stop fussing."

Truthfully I wasn't really complaining because Dad's chair was extremely comfortable as I'd discovered years earlier when it was first purchased and now I almost sighed with pleasure as I settled into it while Mum settled into her own comfy chair alongside me.

"You really look quite the part," said Mum suddenly shaking me from my reverie, "Almost as if you belong there. You actually look terribly grown-up darling."

"Who, me?" I asked, "Nah, it's all in your mind Mum – that's your imagination running wild!"

"No darling, what I mean is that when I usually look at that chair I just see your Dad there, gradually getting older and older but instead I now see a nice strong healthy man and it actually makes me feel so much younger too."

"Huh, at least I can do that much for you," I said, "Be nice if it could actually happen – that we could turn back our clocks so that we were all young again."

"You'd be a babe in arms if you were any younger," said Mum happily, "Then I'd have to nurse you all over again."

She chuckled happily, then winked at me.

"That just reminds me how you were always so eager," she said as she rested her hand on mine on the arm of the chair, "I don't suppose you remember much about how often you'd demand a good suck, do you?"

I frowned and shook my head, only having a few skimpy memories of my early days but as I wondered why Mum was raising the subject she carried on.

"Yes, you used to love to have a good suckle – it was just as well that I could produce plenty of milk," she said as she now cupped one hand under a breast, "And it was always so wonderful to have you at my breast because it always made me feel so, so...oooops!"

"So what?" I asked, curious to know how she'd felt.

"Oh – so sexy, so excited!" she said, her eyes closed, "And ummm, stimulated – oh damn, I really didn't mean to tell you that!"

This time I'd definitely heard her properly and as her words sank in I felt my cock rising once again, straining inside my underpants with eager arousal. I glanced down and with subdued movements I pressed him to one side so he could stretch more comfortably but when I looked up again, Mum was looking at me.

"What's up darling?" asked Mum, "Isn't the chair comfy – let me show you how to adjust it."

In an instant she was up and leaning over me, her hand quickly reaching down within the confines of the chair right there beside my thigh and as she did so I felt the seat reclining somewhat under me.

"There, is that better?" asked Mum as she remained leaning over me, "Oh! Ohhh, umm, oh I see. Oh, I guess it wasn't the chair, was it?"

She slowly straightened up and returned to her chair where she quickly crossed her legs, while one hand slid down and seemed to settle at her groin. My cock jumped again, now stretched to full length over my thigh and I felt my face reddening, then not knowing what else to do or say I lifted my can of lager to my mouth to hide my embarrassment, noting that Mum did the same with her glass. She on the other hand seemed far more composed than I was.

"So, I thought you were going to tell me about your trip?" asked Mum a few moments later, "Was it really all business?"

"No, not entirely," I answered, relieved to have something else to talk about, "I did have a bit of time to myself and of course I was able to have a look round at night too."

"Oh I bet you did!" said Mum, "I bet you were out there chatting up all those good looking girls for some horizontal entertainment! How did you get on with them?"

There was no point in trying to admit that I was entirely pure and innocent so I opted to try to shock Mum instead.

"I had a bloody fantastic time to be honest!" I said, "There were so many incredibly hot looking girls to choose from but do you know what?"

"What dear?" asked Mum as she leaned forward to listen more intently, "Come on, tell me!"

"I only picked English girls," I said, "I felt safer that way. It's not that the local girls are ugly – far from it, but over there you can never be sure if it's a girl or a tranny you're chatting to especially if they're Asian."

"A tranny?" asked Mum, "A what?"

"A guy who's changed himself to look like a girl, you know, all complete with implants and hormones and stuff," I said, suddenly feeling horny, aroused and yet embarrassed, "A transsexual."

"Ohhh! " exclaimed Mum as she leaned back, "Goodness me, I bet they're exciting!"

"Depends on what you like I guess," I said, "They're always beautiful – it's just when you get to taking off their knickers that the truth comes out."

"I bet it does!" said Mum, "I bet it pops right out!"

She laughed wickedly and I did my best to join in while still feeling somewhat embarrassed.

"I bet you've seen a few doing that, haven't you?" asked Mum with a wink.

"A couple, when I've picked up the wrong girl by mistake," I agreed, "At least I don't get all nasty and throw them out instantly but I haven't really taken it any further."

"What, you haven't tried to screw them or suck them off or anything?" asked Mum, surprising me with her open-minded thinking.

I blushed deeply as I remembered the one instance when I'd let things go all the way for once and felt my cock stiffening yet again to the memory. She – or he – had looked simply fantastic and even when she dropped her knickers and her seven inch penis had sprung out I'd carried on, eventually fucking her ass several times that night. Not only that but we'd also had a wonderful 69 session that caused me to surprise even myself.

"You have, haven't you?" exclaimed Mum, "I can see from your face – oh Chris – you are a naughty boy!"

"Well, when you're away from home and all that," I said as I pretended to fan myself with my hand, "You get horny and lonely but I still prefer the real thing. Proper girls that is."

"Oh, that's good to know," said Mum as she put down her empty-again glass, "So, remind me why you don't have a steady girlfriend."

"Oh that's easy – I just never stay at home long enough," I said, "I like my job and all the travelling. Oh of course you know I've had some girlfriends that I've wanted to go steady with but it does nothing for a relationship when you're disappearing every so often."

"You're telling me," said Mum firmly, "So what do you think about your Dad going off like that?"

"Well, he always used to go away quite a lot anyway, didn't he?" I asked referring to Dad's occupation, "I'd have expected that you were used to it."

"Not the way it's happened this time," said Mum with a frown, "No, I mean about your Dad doing what he's...well – whatever he's doing."

"Not really fair on you, is it," I answered, "So I expect you're a bit pissed off."

"A bit? Very pissed off is the answer," said Mum vehemently, "Even though you've done a lot to calm me down."

"Hope I have," I answered, "So have you decided what you're going to do about it?"

"Yes darling, actually I have," said Mum suddenly brightening, "I've decided that the best thing I can do is to take a leaf out of his book and find another man for myself."

I felt my eyebrows lift, surprised that Mum should be willing to extend the boundaries of her normal behaviour and yet understanding her feelings too.

"Wouldn't really blame you, not if it's happened several times," I agreed, "So, do you have someone in mind?"

I imagined some younger gentleman from around the town in bed with her and wondered how I'd feel to have a step-father nearer my own age.

After I'd spoken there was a pause and as I waited I saw Mum's eyes roaming over me and the tip of her tongue wetting her lips and in an instant I felt sure that she was about to pounce on me. In a quick moment it dawned on me that she had plans for me and not some other potential lover! However, instead of feeling frightened, concerned or worried I felt my heartbeat quickening just as my head reminded me that my mother made me feel very horny and as my cock reminded me that he was still very much erect.

"Well darling," she said softly, "I did have one young man in mind but I'm not sure if it's the right thing to do..."

I felt my pulse racing, my cock throbbing and my breathing becoming faster too as I imagined us having sex together. It had been a while since I'd last dipped my wick or even jerked off and my moral standards were therefore lowered to basement level so all I needed was some release and some pleasure and my mother, regardless of any considerations about incest, was delectable enough to enjoy thoroughly.

At that moment Mum stood up, then pushed the coffee table away until there was room for her to stand directly in front of me. She stood there, her legs slightly apart, her breasts rising and falling as she breathed deeply.

"Tell me how I look darling," she asked simply.

She used her hands to smooth the material of her skirt over her hips then, reaching down she grasped the material and began folding it up into her hands, until a fair amount was rucked around her hips. Her smooth legs were now bare and visible right up to within what had to be just inches of her knickers.

"Not bad at all," I admitted carefully, "Pretty good in fact."

"Nice legs?" she asked and I nodded carefully.

She let go of her skirt and now moved her hands to cup her breasts, lifting them upwards as if weighing them, then stretching her blouse to stress the fullness and size of her super breasts behind the straining buttons. I felt my cock jerking urgently and then the feeling of something happening inside and realised that I'd probably just oozed a load of precum into my underpants.

"What about these darling?" she cooed, "I've still got jolly good tits, haven't I?"

"Yeah Mum, whatever," I said trying to be nonchalant, "Yeah, they're gr...I mean you're great, now go and sit down again and take it easy, please Mum."

"Why should I?" she asked, now sounding a bit pissed but also excited, "I like to show off my body and if your Dad isn't interested then I'm pretty sure someone else will be."

She blew me a big kiss and I knew immediately that I was that someone else...

"Come on Mum, cool down," I said, "Go and sit down and I'll bring you another drink, eh."

"I don't want another one yet and I want to show you my body, so there!" she said and with that she fiddled around behind her and a second or two later her skirt fell to the ground.