Giving Mum a Hand


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She stood there now, at arm's length from me, her legs apart with her remarkably small knickers stretched over her pussy. Her knickers were thin enough to reveal that her excitement had caused her to pussy lips to part wetly and that she'd shaved all but a small patch of her pubes.

"Well?" she asked, "How do I look – good enough to fuck?"

She didn't stop long enough for me to answer but instead she began popping buttons on her blouse and suddenly it sprang apart to expose her substantial and very full breasts clad in an extremely flimsy bra. Her generous nipples were clearly visible, flattened against the material but with a quick tweak of her fingers they began to stiffen and press outwards, then Mum began to massage her breasts, pushing them forwards towards me.

"What about these, then?" asked Mum as she leaned forwards, pushing her breasts closer to me, "You like boobs, don't you?"

I felt my cock lifting my clothes powerfully as it strained to reach out while inside my head my conscience was quickly being erased by my lower brain and suddenly there was pressure on my penis as Mum's hand stretched out and stroked it.

"Bloody hell Mum," I enthused as she excited the bulge of my cock, "Stop it, please Mum, you're getting carried away."

"Come on Chris, take me," she simpered as she stood upright once again, causing her big breasts to sway hypnotically before me, "I know you won't say no. Please say that you will!"

She rolled her hips now, pushing her pussy towards me, urging me on – but at that moment we both heard the sound of a motor right outside the house.

"Oh God, that's your sister's car – I'd know that sound anywhere!" said Mum and in an instant she'd gathered her clothes and disappeared upstairs.

A minute or two later and my sister Sharon opened the back door and stepped inside.

"Muuuummm!" she yelled, "Anyone home? Who's there?"

"Hey, it's me," I called back as I rose from Dad's chair and headed towards the kitchen.

"Oh Chris – I couldn't work out whose car that was parked in the drive – you've changed it!" she said and a second later she was in my arms, squeezing me tightly, kissing me madly and purring like a happy cat.

"Yeah, felt like splashing out," I murmured between kisses, "I found a deal that I couldn't refuse."

I responded eagerly to her warm kisses because my sister was really my favourite person in the whole world, apart from Mum possibly. She was an incredible person and we were close enough to have few secrets between us. But just as I'd not seen either of my parents for several months my sister had been absent from my life for even longer and I was thrilled to see her again.

"Let me look at you," she said as she held me at arm and finger-tip length, "You're looking so good – that's a wonderful tan Chris, better than mine!"

She held our arms together and my tan actually was deeper than hers. The touch of our arms also sent an erotic wave of pleasure through me, it seemed to be such an intimate gesture.

"Loads more sun where I've been," I said as I felt the hairs on my arm tingling, "Nice to be back though."

"So where have you been then – all around the world as usual?" asked Sharon as she moved and held my hands.

"Feels like it," I said, "Far East; you know, Hong Kong, Singapore and all that."

"Ohhh lovely," said my pretty sister, "Wonderful places – so good."

"Hey, speaking of good," I said, "You look really good too."

"Mmmm, I feel it," she answered, her voice all honeyed, "Especially now I've seen you again."

While she was speaking however, her eyes were scanning up and down my body and it was very evident that her gaze was pausing around my groin and I suddenly realised that my cock was still at least partially inflated.

"Fancy a drink?" I asked to distract her but she shook her head.

"Thanks for asking but I'm driving and I won't be staying long anyway," she said, "Just came to see if Mum's ok – where is she?"

"She'd just popped upstairs when you arrived," I explained, "I think she wanted to change or something."

"I just popped in to see how she was managing what with Dad and his disappearing act," said Sharon, "No sign of him yet?"

"No, Mum hasn't heard from him at all apparently," I answered, "Really bloody nasty of him, isn't it?"

"Couldn't agree more," answered Sharon as she turned the kettle on.

There was a pause as we waited for the kettle to boil.

"Poor Mum," added Sharon as she inspected Mum's mug and then loaded it with a tea bag and sugar, "I bet she's feeling really lonely these days."

"I think she'd feeling very horny too," I admitted, "She's been getting quite personal."

"Mmmm, so I see," Sharon answered, then she leaned close to me and whispered, "You've been leaking!"

"Oh what? Oh fuck," I gasped as I bent over and tried to inspect the damage, "It's all Mum's sexy questions – they've been getting really personal and she's got me all worked up."

"Has, hasn't she!" said Sharon as she stroked my chest, "Still, you always were easily led!"

"We haven't done anything together of course, if that's what you mean," I gabbled as I tried to cover my arousal with chatter, "It's just the way she's been talking."

"So," Sharon now asked as her hand continued to stroke my chest, now concentrating on my nipples, "You'd like to be doing something with her, would you?"

"Of course not, but she's enough to make anyone want her," I answered as I tried to skirt the truth.

"What about me then?" said my sister as she pinched one of my nipples hard, "Don't you fancy me at all?"

"Of course I fancy you, who wouldn't?" I said feeling my penis stirring eagerly again, "But I can't, any more than I can do anything with Mum."

"Who said?" my sister whispered and she shuffled closer to me until her firm breasts pressed against my chest, "I wouldn't complain any more than Mum would!"

"What about your boyfriend, you know, Bill or whoever?" I asked, unsure of who her latest companion was.

"Gone, got rid of him," said Sharon slowly sliding her breasts from side to side against my chest, "Good riddance too. Do you know, I actually moved in with him for a while – I must have been mad!"

"Yeah, definitely," I murmured as I enjoyed the sensation, "Suits you!"

"Shut up!" said Sharon with a quirky smile, "Anyway I walked out and left him – next time perhaps I'll find someone who can fuck properly!"

I shook my head as I pondered on her mind – on how she rated having sex higher than friendship – then realised that I felt much the same way.

"Damn, that's all you women seem to think about these days, isn't it," I muttered.

"Mmmm," Sharon answered as her breasts pressed more firmly against my chest, "We do, don't we! So what about you, don't you always think of sex too? I'm sure you do."

My cock had hardened completely by now and suddenly I felt Sharon's groin squashing my erection between us, her hips immediately beginning to roll and squirm against me as she rubbed her groin against the rigid bar of my cock.

"Hey, cut it out," I moaned as her enticing body stirred me, "You're not supposed to do that...and Mum's just upstairs too."

"Hmmm, I can't but Mum can, is that the story?" Sharon asked, "Come on Chris, be honest with me."

"Neither of you should – that's called incest," I hissed unable to move away because Sharon now had me pinned into the corner of the kitchen worktop, "Cut it out I said."

Sure I could have pushed her away but somehow my body wouldn't let me do that simple thing...

"Incest – so what!" exclaimed Sharon as her hips continued to work away, her pubic mound pressing against my hard cock, "Never let that get in the way of a good fuck!"

As she spoke she stepped away slightly and her hand quickly fell onto the bulge of my jeans-clad penis, squeezing me and then sliding up and down as if to ascertain my length.

"Feels perfect," she sighed, "Just what I could do with."

"Sharon, leave it alone!" I hissed, "You're making it hard for me."

"It was already hard!" she breathed, her lips close to mine, "Hard and exciting!"

I was quite unable to remove myself from her touch because it was easier said than done not to be interested in fucking my sister.

She was tall and beautiful, her slim legs seemed to go on forever, her hips had already proven their ability to arouse and her breasts, quite as generous as Mum's but more youthful, were even more alluring. Her face, as befitting her job as a cosmetic consultant, was as delightful as Mum's too, but enhanced by her youthfulness. She always dressed perfectly too but had a habit of wearing minute shorts that did nothing to repress any incestual ideas I might have. Tonight though she was wearing a skirt but even so it was remarkably short and sexy and had she not been my sister I'd have eagerly have considered chatting her up.

"Quit it," I moaned as she stroked me, "Stop teasing."

"Ohhh, I'm not teasing," said Sharon seductively, "Any time you'd like me to entertain you..."

She'd raised my desire to such a pitch that I found my own hand snaking out and resting on her hip and as I did so Sharon twisted her hips to cause my hand to slide down over her front and suddenly I felt my hand slip between layers of material and come to rest on her smooth warm belly. I even felt the prickle of trimmed hairs against my fingers so I must have been within just inches of her pussy when we heard Mum's footsteps on the stairs.

We sprang apart and both grabbed at things, me picking up the can I'd brought out with me and Sharon grasping a towel as we tried to look innocent. And then Mum was in the doorway, her eyes lighting up as she saw her daughter.

"Sharon darling, what a lovely surprise!" she said and a moment later the two ladies were in a tight embrace until eventually they pulled apart.

"I was just asking Chris how you were, Mum," said Sharon, "How you're getting on without Dad."

"Not too bad," said Mum as she glanced at me, "I'm still so very annoyed with him thought – just walking off and leaving me like that."

"How do you know he's gone?" asked Sharon as she began stirring her tea but Mum shook her head.

"I don't, but I'm not sure he'll be welcome back now anyway," Mum said as she guided us all into the lounge again.

"Wouldn't really blame you Mum," said Sharon as she followed Mum, "I won't tell you what I'd do if my guy walked out on me."

She was a fine one to talk after what she'd just told me of her actions and I laughed behind my hand.

"Come and sit down, make yourself comfy darling," said Mum ignoring me, "Then we can have a nice chat and you can tell me what you've been up to and how you're getting on."

Once we'd moved through to the lounge Sharon lowered herself onto the sofa and leaned back against the cushions, her actions causing her breasts to appear even more prominent and her skirt to part somewhat and reveal even more of her legs. I felt myself tense with increased desire and as I did so I sent an urgent message to my cock to behave. No way did I want to be seen to be aroused in front of both my mother and sister despite their combined interest in me!

I let myself down again into what had been Dad's chair and heard Sharon gasp.

"You're not supposed to use that chair!" she said but Mum intervened quickly.

"I said he could," she said firmly, "If your Dad isn't here then Chris is the man of the house, so he can sit there instead."

Mum looked at me now and nodded decisively.

Ohhh, game on! Fifteen love to Mum.

I saw Sharon's eyebrows lift with Mum's proclamation then she smiled at me and winked too.

"So you're the man of the house are you?" she said, teasing me, her eyes flitting between my face and my groin, "Does that mean that you're taking over all the household duties?"

Fifteen all.

"Might do," I answered, intentionally leaving my words vague and yet teasing, "All depends on what Mum wants me to do."

"I'm sure she'll be glad of your company," said my sister with a wink, "I'm sure you'll be able to do plenty for her too."

"Oh he will, he'll be so useful," enthused Mum, her innocence lost by the way she looked at me, "And I do enjoy Chris's company too."

Thirty fifteen to Mum.

I saw Sharon's eyes roll theatrically as Mum spoke and her eyes flitted back and forward as she weighed up the situation and her response.

"So Chris, are you going to rise to the occasion?" she asked, her eyes locked on my groin rather than my face.

Thirty all.

I felt things happening again down there as I tried to form a reply and for a few moments, as blood left my brain and rushed to inflate my cock I was unable to think of a sensible reply.

"I'll do anything that Mum wants me to," I answered eventually, knowing that I was being provocative, "Just so long as she's nice to me."

Offside! Oh no, wrong game!

"Of course I'll be nice to you darling," said Mum as she stretched out and stroked my thigh with one finger, "And I'm sure that your sister would be kind to you as well if she needed you to help out."

An edgy one there but forty thirty to Mum now.

I wasn't really certain right now as to who was leading the game but currently Mum seemed to be at least holding her own but all it needed right now was for someone to say the whole truth and the place would descend into an incestuous orgy!

"Mum, you know I always love to have Chris near me," my sister added, "I'm sure he'll be very useful and helpful to us both. He's actually already implied that he'll be round to see me soon."

Ohhh, great shot – deuce!

"Have you dear," said Mum as she looked at me and raised her eyebrows, "Oh well, we can't have Sharon monopolising you can we? I'll have to see what I can find for you to do!"

Advantage Mum.

As she spoke her breasts seemed to stretch out towards me – an illusion I'm sure but one that sent a surge of energy to my cock once again.

"I'm sure you'll be willing to help me, won't you?" said Mum, her tongue sliding over her lips provocatively.

Another ace! First game to Mum!

Automatically my eyes slid over to look at my sister and as I did so she wriggled around and slowly slid her skirt further up until a hint of her knickers was on show to me. I wasn't certain if Mum had the same view but somehow I rather imagined that she did and it was apparent to me that Sharon intended to win the match!

It was at that moment however that the house phone rang, a sound sudden enough to put us all off our stroke. Mum jumped up and crossed the room, picking up the phone and answering it quickly.

"Oh hi Sam," we heard her say, then she paused as Sam spoke.

"Yes, yes, come on over – we're all here actually," said Mum a few moments later, "Ok, tell me when you get here."

She put the phone back on the charger and turned towards us.

"That was my sister," she said, her face tight, "She's got some news about Dad so she's coming right over."

We all began moving around, me to fetch another can from the fridge, Sharon to find two glasses and Mum to begin to fill them both with sherry and then Mum disappeared off upstairs to use the toilet while Sharon used the downstairs one.

We'd hardly all gathered in the kitchen again before we heard the sound of Sam's Range Rover as it powered into the driveway, then the door slammed and Sam crashed in through the kitchen door.

"Oh Shirl, you'll never guess what?" she said, ignoring us two, "The police just rang me about Keith – it seems they've found his body!"

There was a silence that filled the room for a few moments then the sound of glasses being put down.

"Well, I didn't really expect that," said Mum, her breasts heaving as she contained her emotions, "So why haven't they contacted me."

"They wanted to but they got us two mixed up apparently and for some reason Keith didn't have any ID on him so they had to go by whatever means they could and somehow they found me instead of you," Sam said as quickly as she could, "So I gave them your contact number and they'll be calling to see you any minute – I told them to wait until I got here so I could be with you first."

Just then we heard another vehicle outside and forewarned Sharon, Sam and I trouped out of the room to leave Mum to have some peace. Sharon however stayed by the door to eavesdrop if she could.

"It seems he died of a heart attack," said Sam quietly, "While he was on the job."

"No, he was on leave apparently," I said, "He wasn't working."

"Not on that kind of job!" exclaimed Sam, "You know – having sex!"

"The dirty old man!" exclaimed Sharon from the other side of the room, "Trust him to be at it – they're all the same, these men!"

"Takes two to fuck!" I said as I glared at my sister, "Whatever he was up to."

As I spoke Sam turned towards me and her face lit up.

"Oh Chris," said Sam as if she'd only just seen me, "Oh darling, I haven't had a nice hug from you yet!"

So saying she advanced on me and, wrapping her arms around me, she kissed me firmly on my lips. I felt everything responding again just at the same moment that I felt her tongue slip between my lips. It skittered around erotically for a few moments then withdrew.

"Mmmmm, lovely," she murmured, as her arms squeezed me against her, "Do that again!"

I didn't know what it was that I'd done so I merely kissed her back and in an instant her tongue was there again, now sliding over mine in an erotic dance. I felt her body squirming against mine, her firm pussy mound against my now stiff cock and her warm, soft, generous breasts moulding against my chest.

"Yesss," she breathed, her whispering breath soft against my lips, "I like it!"

Sharon meanwhile had been hovering by the door, still trying to eavesdrop on the conversation in the other room and now we heard her turn our way again.

"Hey – here comes Mum," said Sharon as we quickly stopped having oral sex, "I heard her saying goodbye."

We seemed to spring apart but although our bodies parted our eyes continued to hold each others' gaze and there were clear signs of lust in my aunt's eyes. I could clearly see that she too was eager to know more about me and my body!

"We'll have to meet sometime soon," said Sam quietly, "Come on round when you get a chance."

Then Mum was there, dabbing her eyes with a tissue and we all turned our attention to her.

"He was, you know," said Mum, "He was having an affair – and it cost him his life."

We all made sympathetic noises but Mum held her hands up.

"Don't all go getting silly," she said, "Everyone here knows my feelings and while it's sad to lose a husband he'd only been a husband of sorts for ages – not a real loving husband."

She paused while she found her sherry which she drained in one go – then held up her glass for a refill.

"They said that he was in a flat with some woman and he'd had a heart attack or something," she said, "She called the ambulance but he was already dead when the medics got to him."

She sipped at her new glass of sherry then continued.

"Oh and he was naked apparently," she added with a wry laugh, "Trust him."

Sharon, Sam and I all looked at each other but Mum went on with her story.

"Naturally I'm going to have to go and identify him," she said, "And I suppose we'll have to have a funeral of some kind but then..."

She paused again as she drank some of her sherry, then smiled.

"Then – I can start all over!" she said happily, "Being free again and enjoying myself!"

We all looked suitably shocked but Mum held up her hands again – her face full of smiles.

"You all know how it's been for ages now so now the truth has come out and now he's gone I can do what I like," she said, "And the first thing I'm going to do is to get well and truly fucked!"

A moment or two later and she downed the rest of her sherry then flopped limply onto a chair. We gathered around her but she was out of it, so I scooped her up and carried her through to the lounge where I set her carefully down in her own comfy chair and then, having made sure that she was comfortable and safe I left her to sleep it off.