Helpless in the Woods Ch. 04

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Judy is punished for her disobedience.
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Part 4 of the 4 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 11/13/2015
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My name is Matt. In the first three chapters I describe how I came upon these two attractive women stranded deep in the Canadian woods. Their canoe had been swept down a rain-swollen river for miles before crashing on some rocks. They were wet, cold, and lost. I offered to lead them to the nearest road, but told them it would take days, and we would all have to live off my hunting and fishing skills.

I also told them that they would have to obey my every command, including sleeping nude with me in my sleeping bag. One of the girls, Susan, enthusiastically responded to all my demands, but the other, Judy, disobeyed and had to be punished.

The sun was up and the temperature in the seventies by the time we finished breakfast. The girl's clothes were hanging on a line above the coals and almost dry. I went to the tent and retrieved several cloth straps. I had been planning Judy's punishment.

"Stand up, Judy," I ordered.

"Why? What are you going to do?"

"You know you are going to be punished. Now stand up."

"Better do as he says," said Susan, a sly smile on her pretty face.

Judy got to her feet. She clutched the lapels of the flannel shirt that was still her only covering. "You are not really going to spank me."

I tossed one of the straps to Susan. "Tie her hands behind her back," I said calmly.

"Oh, no," Judy protested, but I grabbed her wrists and, stepping into her, pushed her hands back so that Susan could do her job. Judy's struggles forced me to clamp her lush body to mine, and I was instantly aroused. The helpless woman felt the effect and tried in vain to break the contact.

"You've already had your way with me," she wailed. "I've obeyed you. What more do you want?"

"Right now I want you to stop squirming...that's better. How's it coming, Susan?"

"Got her," said Susan. "She won't get her hands out of that."

"Good job. Now go cut me a couple of nice switches, one light, and one with some bite to it. Use this knife."

Susan grinned and scurried into the trees. I took hold of Judy's hair and held her at arm's length. Being almost a foot taller, I was able to manipulate her like I was a puppeteer, and she the plump little puppet. I clenched my fist to hold her still while I undid the buttons on her shirt, and then pulled that one article of clothing down her arms to bunch at her tied wrists.

"Oh god," she whined. "Do you have to strip me to spank me? I'm cold."

The air wasn't that chilly, but cold enough to bring her long nipples to instant attention. To my surprise and delight, those plump breasts that I had so enjoyed in the sleeping bag, stood out firmly on her chest, a tempting target for spanking.

"When are you going to learn to stop protesting?" I said. "You just earned some extra punishment."

The tips of my fingers on my free hand came up in an arc and caught the underside of her left tit, not too hard, but with enough force to bounce it almost to her chin.

SLAP... SLAP... SLAP... More blows followed, again not hard, but making her mammaries swing like miniature punching bags. She stamped her feet and danced under my extended arm, wailing like a tortured cat. I flicked a finger at her nipples and brought her up on her toes each time I managed to catch one.

"OHHH... MY GOD... Ohhhhh...

After a few pulls and pinches, I decided her buds weren't going to get any bigger, and I began marching her toward the river. By staying behind her I was able to help her along with a few swats on her bare ass. Her knees came up as she tried to place her feet to avoid the brambles, which of course exposed her pussy. I was fully hard, infused with the feeling of my power of her. A thin line exists between sexual dominance and real sadism, and I could understand how some people might go too far.

But I was not like that. Judy didn't have to worry. At the first sign that she was really hurting, I would ease up on her punishment. My kicks come from forcing her to submit to her own nature. And from my expectation that a little pain now would make her quick to obey in the future.

"What are we going?" she wailed. "You're not going to put me in that cold water."

"No, no," I laughed. "Although you may welcome the cool water later. I told you, you are going to be spanked. Well, actually, switched."

The bent, dead tree was about six inches in diameter and rose beside the river at a thirty degree angle. Most of the bark had flaked off, but enough remained to provide a rough surface that was perfect for my purpose.

I forced her to straddle the trunk and pushed her down until her forehead was in contact with the wood. Then I encircled her neck and the tree with one of my straps and tied it off. At that point, with her hands tied behind her, she could barely move the upper part of her body. But her feet on the ground on either side of the log allowed her to twist her hips, which she did, in a vain attempt to avoid rubbing her crotch on the rough bark. I stepped back to admire my improvised spanking bench and its vulnerable occupant.

It was perfect. Except for the shirt bunched at her wrists, her body was bare, stretched out for whatever I wanted to do. Her full tits dangled on either side of the trunk, and as she tried to keep her pussy away from the rough wood, her ass waved in the air like a balloon in the wind, I imagined her giving up and gripping the tree with her thighs when I began applying the switch.

"Comfortable, my dear?" I teased.

She managed to turn her head so that she could look at me. "No! Please, Michel, let me up. I'm getting scratched. I told you I was sorry. I'll make it up to you."

"Oh? How will you do that?"

"Whatever you want."

"Tell me."

"I'll... I'll... give you a blow job. If that's what you want."

"You make it sound so distasteful. Not good enough, Judy."

"It's not distasteful. I want to do it. I'll suck your dick and lick your balls. You can lie on your back and I'll ride you until you cum in my pussy."

"My, my. You've come a long way. But you're still going to get a spanking. Naughty girls can't be allowed to get away with disobedience. Here comes Susan with the switches."

Susan walked up with a big smile. "Look at her, all undressed up and ready for the party. I can't tell you how many time she has put me in a similar position. This is going to be fun."

"Susan, no!" cried Judy. "Don't let him. You'll be sorry."

"Don't be such a baby," said Susan. "You are going to love it, just like I do. We'll make sure of that, won't we Matt?"

"In the end she will," I said, taking one of the switches. "Being on the bottom is the flip side of being on top. It's the same coin. Your friend prefers the top, but she gets off on the idea of power exchange. Some men are the same."

Susan raised her eyes. "Oh? You too, Matt? You'd like being spanked by a woman?"

I grinned. "Never tried it, and don't intend to out her in the middle of nowhere with you two bitches. I like having you under my thumb. You are easy, and Judy here is going to be ever so compliant after I finish with her."

The switch was a short branch from some kind of prickly bush, and was covered with tiny, sharp barbs. I used my knife to shave the stalk to make a smooth handle. Then I laid it across Judy's ass and sawed it slowly back and forth.


"Look how she squirms," I said. "And I haven't even started. Let's see how she reacts when I move down to the back of her thighs..."

"OH GOD... Surely you're not going to whip me with that thing..."

"Your friend Susan picked it out."

"Susan! It has prickers on it!"

"I know," said Susan, her eyes gleaming. "Move it up between her legs, Matt. Not too hard."


I flicked the barbs lightly against her pussy. Her hips bucked like an unbroken colt. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Susan slide a hand down to touch her own sex. Clearly, watching her friend's torment was making her hot.

"Feel good, Judy?" I said. "Want more?"


"Do her tits," panted Susan, now actively rubbing herself.

"You mean like this?"

I dragged the little stickers along the skin of one fleshy gourd. It hung like a piece of ripe fruit below the tree trunk. Judy's big nipple was long and full, a teat waiting to be milked. I rested the tip of my little branch against her areola and rolled my wrist.


Susan couldn't stand to be left out. She handed me the second switch, a longer one without thorns, and straddle the tree between Judy's legs.

"Whip her now," she cried, "while I finger her pussy."

"Better keep your hand down low," I said. "Or I may be hitting you as I do her ass."

The branch had just the right amount of flexibility to make a good switch – stiff enough to make an impression, but not rigid enough to mark the taut skin of Judy's basketball ass. I lay my little stinger on the delicious target and swished it back and forth.

"Are you ready, Judy?" I taunted. "You are about to learn the consequences of disobedience."

"OH GOD... please..."

"Please what, Judy?

"Please don't whip me with that thing."

I laughed. "You sound like Brer Rabbit and the briar patch. What do you think, Susan? Is she turned on by what is about to happen to her?"

"It's sure turning me on," Susan exclaimed with a grin. "Let me check her."

I kept the switch moving on Judy's ass, occasionally dragging it up the groove and over her back. She was wiggling in a most delightful manner, her tits swaying beneath her. I couldn't resist cupping one lightly in my free hand and letting the stiff nipple caress my palm.

Susan took her time exploring up between her friend's spread thighs before finally holding up an obviously wet finger.

"My, my," she announced. "It seems Judy's pussy is relishing the situation."

"In that case, let's not keep her waiting any longer," I said. "Bite your tongue, you naughty girl."

The first strike was a hard one, and crossed both globes at their highest point. My helpless quarry shrieked and bucked, shaking the tree trunk. I stepped back and followed up with four quick slashes, two forehands and two backhands, covering the target. These blows were not strong, and barely left a mark, but Judy hollered like she was being flayed alive.


"Such a baby," I said. "You've barely been touched. How do I know you'll keep that promise? Maybe I should continue to make sure."

"NO... NO..."

"Let me check her again," said Susan. "Poor baby needs some comforting."

"Go ahead. While you're doing that I'll have a talk with her. I can always tell when a woman is lying to me."

I stood beside Judy's head. Her face was turned toward me, held firmly in place by the cloth strap securing her neck to the tree. She was taking deep breaths, and her watery eyes looked into mine beseechingly.

"I won't disobey you again," she said softly.

"We'll see. I'm going to ask you some questions."

Before I could continue I heard a muffled sound from the base of the trunk. Judy's eyes popped open and a shiver racked her body.


"Go easy, Susan," I said. "I want her coherent to answer my questions. You can keep her simmering, but below the boiling point."

"Yes sir. I'll use just my fingers, and save my tongue for later."

Judy moaned again and licked her lips. "You don't know what she's doing to me," she groaned.

"I have a pretty good idea. Now Judy, you said you would obey me in the future, right?"

"Yes, sir."

"No matter what I order you to do?"

"Well... as long as it doesn't hurt me, or someone else."

"And who will be the judge of that?"

She hesitated. Then Susan did something, and she gasped, "OH GOD"

"Focus Judy. You must answer my questions, or I will continue with the switch."

"You, sir. You will be the judge. I will trust you not to hurt us."

"Good answer. Now supposed I ordered you to lick Susan's pussy."

She grinned. "No problem, sir."

"What about her ass?"

Her eyes narrowed, but she didn't vacillate. "I would do it, sir."

"What about my ass?"

This time she frowned. "If I have to."

"You have to do what I say. Do you understand that?"

"Yes, sir."

"Have you ever been fucked in the ass, Judy?"

"Oh God... no, sir."

"Ever wonder what it feels like?"

Her eyes closed. I couldn't tell whether she was thinking or savoring a new motion of Susan's fingers.

"Well?" I persisted.

"I think every woman, and man, has wondered that," she replied.

"You are going to find out," I whispered. "You know that, don't you Judy."

"Yes, sir. You can do what you want with me."

Music to my ears, as they say. I licked my finger and ran it over her upper lip. "Take my finger in your mouth, Judy," I said. "That's it. Now lick it."

Over, around, and under, her tongue bathed my finger tip. Her breath quickened and little mewing sounds came from her throat. My erection was almost painful, it was so erotic.

I put my mouth up to her ear, and flicked at it with my tongue. "I'm going to fuck you in ways you can't imagine," I whispered. "I'm going to squeeze and suck on your tits until you beg me to fuck you. I'm going to put my finger in your ass and spank your cheeks to make you take it in all the way. You are going to lick and kiss my cock and balls and ass for minutes at a time, and then swallow every drop of my cum. Do you understand, Judy?"

"OH GOD, yes, I understand. Make me do all those things, and more."

"Good. Now I'm going to let Susan lick and nibble your clit. You may kiss me as you cum."


I turned my head and looked down over Judy's back and ass to where Susan was poised, her busy fingers working on the bound woman's pussy. "Use your tongue now, Susan," I said. "I want to hear her scream."

Susan winked at me and licked her lips. I stroked Judy's cheek and stared into her eyes as her friend's head dipped into position.

"Give me your tongue, Judy," I said sternly. "Then let yourself go."

She kissed me eagerly, extending her tongue deep into my mouth. Her body began to tremble, little shivers at first, and then a rhythmic humping against the tree. A low, kind of growling noise came from Susan as she worked.

It didn't take long. When I reached down and pinched a swollen nipple, she went off with a loud wail.


The sound of a woman in the throes of a powerful orgasm drives me crazy with lust. I got to my feet, pushed Susan aside and plunged my cock into Judy's gapping, slippery pussy. But she was too loose. It simply would not do. It did not provide the tightness that I needed. My plan to save her ass for later went out the window.

I pulled my hips back, leaving my hands on her ass and my cock dangling, dripping a combination of our juices. Susan was watching with hot eyes.

"Use all this nectar to lube her ass," I ordered. "Then guide me into her."

Susan smiled and bent to the task. "You're going to love this, honey," she said to Judy. "It'll be much better than that skinny dildo."

"NO... NO... I'm not ready... not now... Don't let him, Susan.., DON'T LET HIM.."

"Did you forget what you just promised me?" I barked. "Do want me to get the switch?"


"She's ready," announced Susan. "My finger went in up to the knuckle with no problem. Now for your big dick..."

The little minx cupped my balls in one hand while she worked my crown into position, stimulating the super-sensitive nerves on my glans and Judy's opening at the same time. My toes were literally tingling, I was so tuned on.

"She's yours, Matt," Susan said. "All you have to do is push."

I leaned forward, but Judy's ass clenched, blocking me.

"Susan, go slap her tits until she lets me in!"

Laid out on the log with her legs spread there was nothing Judy could do to stop me. Her ass was at the perfect height for power thrusts. The tip of my rock hard erection was in place, it was only a matter of time.

Susan knelt under the tree trunk at the point where Judy's breasts hung in the air. "Open up for him, honey," she crooned. "Don't make me punish these lovelies any more than I have to."

"Do it," I growled.


The results were almost immediate. Diverting her attention relaxed her sphincter just enough for my head to penetrate. Now the door was open, it was only a matter of time. Her ass was tight, but no stranger to penetration, and gentle pressure eased me gradually deeper.

Judy writhed and moaned, acquiescing to the inevitable and welcoming it. My power over her was an aphrodisiac for us both. If I hadn't already cum multiple times in the past few hours, I would never have lasted.

Susan sensed that I was making progress. "Are you in? Should I keep slapping her?"

"Yes," I panted. "Make her take all of me."


"You heard him, honey. Don't fight it. He's going to have your ass."


Twisting and writhing under me, Judy slowly absorbed my full length. With a final push I was in to the hilt, with my groin nestled in the cushions of her plump cheeks. It was incredible. I went off almost immediately.

Judy reacted to the hot injection with a long screech that must have scared the wildlife for miles around. Grabbing her by the waist I held her against me until we both calmed.

Susan stood, watching us. "Jesus, you made her cum again," she marveled. "I've never seen her orgasm so many times. I want it too."

"Patience, my dear," I said as I withdrew.

"Maybe tonight in the tent?" she said hopefully.

I laughed. "You're too much. But I'll need lots of stimulation after doing your friend here. You can talk dirty to me as Judy lathers my sore dick with her tongue. Be thinking of things to say to entice me."

"I know lots of things," she tittered. "You'll see."

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
This story has promise...

I see you stopped at this chapter but there was another 2 weeks or so before they would get back to civilization. There are several directions this story could take. For instance, they could go through the 2 weeks exploring each others ants and limits. They could meet one or more tampers and explore various senarios with them. A park ranger may find them and join in or put a stop to what they're doing. They could face a wild bear or wolves and become closer as a result of that encounter.

Maybe it is time to continue this saga, regardless of which way it goes.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Previous commentator is an PC idiot

The previous commentator would only be happy with this story if the two women had immediately caved in the guys skull with a rock, stolen his gear, and found a female park ranger to introduce to their bdsm lesbian lifestyle. Would they have been as judgmental if this story only involved three women? Judy was a top and had previously done all these things to Susan. Judy had a bad experience with her ONLY previous male encounter. Anyone with real knowledge understands that bdsm is based not only on seduction, but building trust. There was no rape involved here, just an expansion of sexual boundaries. Great story ( rating reflects this ) !

AnonymousAnonymousover 4 years ago


You really fucked up by forcing Judy earlier in the story it’s been abusive arsehole rapist since then. I’d expect her to dump Susan when they reach civilisation, they were supposed to be in a loving relationship how the fuck is she supposed to trust her after this shit?

The sad fact is that this could easily have been a really sexy story if it had been consensual. At this point you have a traumatised confused lesbian being abused by two fucking losers.

BobossweetnessfreakBobossweetnessfreakover 7 years ago

"No! Please, Michel," When did Matt change his name to Michael? And just like so many other writers on here, you leave the story hanging!!! Grrrrrrr I HATE WHEN THAT HAPPENS!!! :D

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago
Safe words needed.

I really like this story. As a sub in BDSM, sometimes no does mean yes. Having caution and safe words in this piece would make the girls, mostly Judy, feel better. If it the first time submitting, you are scared and will say no to things that you are unsure of. Just adding the words in would make it more realistic. But I do enjoy this story.

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