Her First Time Ch. 02


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"Wow, that hasn't happened for a while - twice within... what, twenty minutes or so. Guess you must be enjoying my little story?"

We'd collapsed beside each other. Or, maybe it'd be more accurate to say that Dani collapsed. I was already prone, but it took a few minutes before I could even think again. Holy shit, that had hit suddenly and powerfully!

I glanced over at her, "That what this is, just a story?" Whatever, it sure as hell had had the desired effect. So, how much was nothing but fiction, I wondered. Made up, to wind my clock. If it was, it sure as hell had worked.

She giggled, "Oh no, it's all real... guess I was just worried that you'd be upset if you knew what kind of girl I was," turning toward me, "that I am NOT anymore," she added.

"So there really was a kid named Tevin?"

She grinned, nodding, "And he was Alan's cousin; tall, probably six-four or so, thin... and black, lots darker-skinned than Alan... sooo good looking! And sexy... his hands were all over my naked tits. And yes, I was fuckin' horny that night... and do you want to hear the rest of the story?"

I nodded. Hell yes, I wanted the rest of the story.

"Good, because I want to relive it. It's all coming back like it was yesterday." I watched her; she closed her eyes and it was almost like she was in a trance, one hand between her legs, rubbing herself.

"I found out that night that Alan wasn't the jealous type, or at least he didn't show it. Tevin and I, sat on the couch kissing, his hands all over me. Somehow, my blouse came the rest of the way off and so did his shirt. He was smaller than Alan, kinda skinny ... but he could kiss. I told him he could suck my breasts... and oh god, it felt so good when he did.

"When it came to the point that I couldn't take any more, I led him into our bedroom." She hesitated a little bit, eyes still closed, smile on her face, two fingers buried in her pussy, "By then I thought of it as 'our' bedroom, not just Alan's... at least when his parents weren't there.

"I pushed my skirt off and lay down on the bed. Oh, by the way, I forgot to mention that I took my panties off when I took my bra off. I was hoping he'd discover it on the couch. Guess he didn't realize what he could have been doing with his hands. He was pretty nervous"

I was having a hard time realizing this was still my wife talking - especially with what she was doing with her fingers. I simply had had no idea!

"I spread my legs apart so he'd see what he was about to get." She paused her story, plunging her fingers in and out, bucking her hips, and moaning. She added a third finger all the way to her knuckle. I was picturing her in my mind, this pretty eighteen-year-old cheerleader, my future wife, naked and knees spread for this kid who'd never seen a naked girl before. Dani and I had just made love twice and I was hard all over again!

"I was bare. Alan liked me smooth. I told Tevin I wanted him inside me... watched him take his pants off. Alan was there, too, watching. Then..." Her fingers pressed inside her and she moaned, bucking her hips, "He wasn't thick, like Alan, but longer... " Another long hesitation while her fingers slipped in and out and she moaned.

"I told him I wanted him inside me. He just looked at me with this strange look on his face and mumbled that he didn't know what to do. I took his hands and pulled him to me; asked him to kiss me..." I watched her, eyes still closed, a look of lust on her face, fingers buried deep in her pussy. I wanted it to be my cock, for a third time that night! But I also didn't want to interrupt.

She lay there for a long time, fingers buried, not moving. I'd started to wonder if she was going to finish, when, "I held his cock, pointed it between my pussy lips, God I wanted him... and he pushed... sooo good!" Her fingers started moving inside her again.

Dani was breathing hard, panting, her words slurred, almost like she was drunk, "He fucked me... so hard!"

She squeezed her eyes shut, her face twisted, her body spasmed, and her fingers dug deeper into her pussy. Dani was giving herself a huge orgasm. If I hadn't just come twice, I'd have been doing the same thing, ejaculating into my hand.

She was still breathing hard when her body calmed down. Her eyes opened and her hand, the one still wet with her pussy juice, wrapped around my cock. Without saying a word, she scooted down and started sucking. You have to understand, Dani doesn't do this. I can count on one hand the number of times she's sucked my cock in our twenty-eight years, probably excluding the thumb and little finger. Maybe even the middle finger, too, and that's counting this time.

Needless to say, I was shocked... and fuckin' horny! Yeah, I'd come twice, but hearing that story of her and Tevin had really done a number on my libido. I was about as hard as I ever have been. My eyes must have been about to pop out of my head from the pressure in my brain. I know that sex is mostly mental, which listening to that story pretty much proved, but damn, it's physical, too! And I was getting the physical side right then, with Dani's lips wrapped around my cock.

It felt like her mouth was milking me, lips sliding up and down, her cum-soaked hand squeezing, I gripped Dani's hair on both sides of her head, leaned my head back and groaned, bucking my hips up while I held her head.

God, the feeling! I can't even begin to describe it. I know if it hadn't been for those two other times, I'd have come the instant her lips touched the head. As it was, the feeling just went on and on as even more cum started to rise with that incredible pre-orgasmic bliss.

I kept expecting her to pull her mouth away, as she had all those numerous other times. But no - the closer I was getting, the harder Dani sucked. When it became inevitable, I tried to tell her, "I...I..." before a loud groan escaped me and there was no more pulling off. My hands were tangled in her hair, and she didn't even make an effort to resist my pulling her mouth down on my cock. The instant before I erupted, the vision flitted through my head of Dani naked guiding Tevin's cock inside her pussy.

I exploded and Dani sucked. She had to be swallowing it but I had no idea. The intensity was just plain mind-blowing.

When it was over, Dani snuggled up to me and kissed my cheek. "I'd forgotten how much fun that can be," she said with a little giggle.

"All I can say is wow, that was incredible!" I told her

We lay on the bed together for a little while when a question popped into my mind, "Alan, how did he react with your little escapade with Tevin?"

"How do you think...?" she looked back up at me, waiting for an answer, I guess. When I didn't have one, she continued, "He fucked me! Rolled me over on my hands and knees and said he was going to show Tevin how it was supposed to be done." She hesitated, then, "That shock you, your pretty cheerleader wife with two guys in one night?"

Hell, I didn't know how to answer that. Yeah, surprise, mostly. And after watching that night with Alan, I knew she probably wasn't exaggerating. All I could think to say was, "You miss it? The..."

She interrupted, "Hon, we've been married for twenty-eight wonderful years. I couldn't have asked for a more wonderful life than we have. There's nothing to miss."

"But... the hot sex... we don't... at least not like that. And the way you describe it, was so hot... besides, look what it did to you just talking about it."

"Uhuh, it was hot. And I loved it. But still... and talking about it was fun, the remembering, but not something I could ever do again... I'm not that girl anymore." She kissed me on the lips and I noticed that slightly odd taste from her mouth, "Besides, I have you now, don't need guys like that."

I wondered. I'd seen that look on her face when she was telling me about Tevin.

One more question popped in my mind, "You see him after that? Tevin?"

She shook her head, "Alan took me home after... his parents were coming home and I couldn't stay the night. Tevin had to go home Sunday. Alan mentioned him a few times, mostly teasing me, but no, never saw him again after that night."

It was late. We snuggled our naked bodies together and I realized what a lucky man I was. Before long, Dani's breathing changed and I wasn't far behind her in falling asleep.

The kids came home for a very normal Thanksgiving, none the wiser about the night that had rocked our world or anything that came after. Then the same thing Christmas. We had a wonderful Christmas Eve and Christmas Day with all our family at home.

New Year's Eve, the 'kids' were off doing their own thing, leaving Mom and Dad home alone. We got out a little vodka and orange juice and were feeling pretty well by midnight. Just as the ball was dropping in Times Square, Dani and I kissed. Immediately after, I mentioned for the first time since that night when she'd told me about Tevin, almost exactly two months earlier, "Bet you and Alan kissed on New Year's, didn't you?"

She smiled, and with the slight alcohol odor in her breath, whispered to me, "We did a lot more than kiss..." letting her statement just lie there.

Okay, I was half tipsy. We both were, or what happened probably never would have. "You ever have any contact with him after...?"

"Mmm, you mean after... he was a star at Georgia... or for the Bucs?"

I looked at her in surprise, she hadn't mentioned that, "What? He was in the NFL?"

"Mmhmm, fourteen years, Tampa Bay Bucs. You don't remember seeing about local kid in the NFL?"

"That was him? Alan Ryder?" That was a shock, I sure as hell hadn't made that connection. She'd never mentioned his last name. Alan Ryder was famous; wide receiver - Tampa Bay Bucs, three times in the Pro Bowl, Super Bowl ring. "So you did keep track of him?" I'd wondered why Dani was always so interested in watching the Bucs when they were on.

"Mmhmm, you jealous?"

"Depends, you still got the hots for him?" mostly just kidding, sort of, wondering if my almost drunk Dani would be a little more candid about her old boyfriend than she'd been that night when she told me about Tevin.

She picked up her tablet, googled 'Alan Ryder'. A whole series of websites popped up, along with several pictures. She clicked on one, a closeup of him in his Bucs uniform, nice looking guy; broad shoulders, chocolate-brown skin, nice face, younger, but the picture was probably ten-fifteen years ago. "Show me a red-blooded girl that wouldn't... especially if she'd..."

She didn't have to finish that statement - experienced his big dick inside her, quite often.

Like I said, I'm pretty sure none of this would have happened if it hadn't been for the alcohol.

"Mmm, maybe you should be a little jealous," she said, scanning down through his Wikileaks article. "Single, never married, what possibilities!" she giggled. "Think he'd remember an old high school girlfriend?"

She was teasing me. She wouldn't. Would she?

I decided to call her on it. If I'd had any wits about me at all, I'd have let it drop, but oh no, the idiot blundered on.

"Find him, email him, I double-dog dare you."

"Ha, you think I won't, don't you?"

"Well, first, I doubt you can. It's been years since he retired." Wow, it dawned on me when I said that, what must it be like to retire in your mid-thirties, a multi-millionaire! "And no, I don't think you would, anyway. And he's probably fat and bald by now, too." Yeah, that'd get me off the hook.

About two minutes later, she showed me the Facebook page of Alan Ryder, ex NFL player, current restaurant owner in Tampa.

That made me raise my eyebrows at her, "Restaurant owner?" I asked her.

"I'm not surprised, he loved to cook. Could cook anything and never used a recipe. Mmm, I still remember his deep-fried ice cream."

She showed me the pictures on his page. Didn't look fat. Or bald. Of course, he was a wide receiver, not a six-hundred-pound lineman. Maybe time to be jealous. Especially if he could cook.

"Still think I can't do it?" she asked me with another giggle. His site was active, too, lots of pictures, lots of posts, a lot about his restaurant. It looked pretty damned high-class, too.

"Yeah, but you wouldn't message him. That's a little different than finding a Facebook page."

She glared at me, then clicked on the 'add friend' button. Her profile picture still looks so much like she did in high school that he wouldn't have any doubt who Daniella Shore was, even if her last name is different.

We went to bed with Dani giggling about what she'd done. Once there, she teased me about 'Alan', how much fun it would be to meet with him again. "Think I should shave it all off again?" with another giggle. She kept herself neat 'down there', but never bare, like I just remembered her saying that Alan liked. That kind of flew over my head that night. After all, other things were happening.

I still thought that in the morning when the alcohol effect had worn off, she'd delete the friend request. Can you do that? After all, it had been thirty years. But the fantasy led to quite a New Year's night. Thankfully, I hadn't consumed enough alcohol for my vital body part to not function properly. Neither had Dani.


"Omigod, omigod, look who messaged me." It was New Year's Day, late afternoon. We'd finished dinner with our little family and Dani had checked her Facebook page on her tablet. "I'd forgotten all about that." So had I. Actually, it took me a minute to remember the conversation from the night before. We're not used to alcohol. She showed me the message that she'd gotten along with his friending, 'Yo, babygirl, recognize that beautiful face anywhere. Where you been all my life? You more beautiful than I even remember.'

"Babygirl?" I asked her.

Her face turned red with a cute blush, "That's the nickname he gave me. After one of our more... energetic evenings," she explained.

I was beginning to think that the playfulness of the night before might not have been such a great idea. I remember kidding about jealousy, but now it was there for real. This guy was real and he had the hots for my wife. He's rich, good-looking, wide shoulders, arms that look like they're made of muscle, big dick (well, at least that wasn't in the picture)... and single. And I could tell from the way my Dani was intently scrolling through his FB page that she was enthralled with him, too. That night I witnessed with my own eyes how Dani had reacted to his lovemaking flashed through my mind. Her repeated denials that she missed that life seemed a little thin to me. Jealous? Hell yeah!

What I'd seen that night from 1987 and heard later kept going through my mind, It's kind of like unseeing some of those gross people pictures at Walmart that pop up occasionally. You can try, but it lingers on. Jealous wasn't the half of it!

Especially when I come back to the present and my wife is madly typing out a message. She's there on her keyboard, licking her lips, like she's intent on flirting with some lucky guy. Dani's normally a pretty conservative dresser. She pretty much has to be as a high school teacher.

Occasionally, though, she'll put on some short, skimpy dress and we'll go out to an adult place where we can have a nice dinner and dancing. She'll see some good-looking guy and flirt with him from a distance, licking her lips as she meets his eyes like she's savoring something (can't imagine what). A time or two, the guy has even come over and asked if she'd like to dance and she's accepted. Pretty sure she's given lots of guys blue balls of what 'could have been'. It's fun for both of us. I've always reaped the rewards afterward, which have been substantial.

And I have no doubt that lots of high school boys have had the fantasy, too. She teaches biology, botany, and general science. I sure as hell don't remember any teachers who looked like her, especially science teachers.

Dani always dressed very appropriately in knee-length dresses, pantsuits, or just a blouse and jeans at school, but, hell, she could dress in a bag and look sexy. Still, at forty-nine.

She turned her tablet toward me, trying to get my attention, showing me the message she'd typed. "Think I should send it?" she'd interrupted my thoughts, and I apologized for my wandering mind. I looked at what she'd written, 'Alan, can't help but remember the good times we had together. I watched every one of your games that I could. Congrats on that Super Bowl win!'

I'd forgotten how excited Dani was when the Bucs won the Super Bowl. Now I know why.

Hell no, I didn't want her to send that message! 'Can't help but remember the good times we had.' The fucking, she meant. But, but, the hardness between my legs sure as hell wanted her to.

"Well, send or delete?" she asked again, when I wasn't answering her.

I looked up at her expectant face. She was having some fun. So was I, to be honest. What harm was there? "Send it," I told her.

We waited for a response, but none came. He'd apparently left his computer.

I had to work the next day, Dani was off until school started again on Monday, the sixth. I always remembered school starting on the second of January, even if it was a Friday. Kids have it so easy, now. Dani didn't look at her tablet before I left and promised she wouldn't until I got home, anticipating another message from Alan. I know it was killing her with curiosity, though.

Me, too, to be honest. I spent most of the day pondering where this thing with him would go; just Facebook friends... or something more? The idea of the 'something more' was so tantalizing to me, but scary as hell, too. Hell, the guy is single and was every girl's dream guy! It wouldn't be nearly so bad if he was happily married, like we are. That night with my eighteen-year-old Daniella just played in a never-ending circle in my mind. At least one consolation, he's on the other side of the country, three-thousand miles away.

But the 'what-if' sure as hell had my cock straining in my pants behind the counter, my customers none-the-wiser! Dammit. Those occasional nights out took on a lot more significance, too; how wet and horny Dani always was afterward, especially if she'd found some good-looking guy to flirt with.

Dani was nonchalant when I got home. I was chomping at the bit, wondering about a message, but she acted like she didn't have a care in the world as she fixed dinner. She asked me about work; we own a little, independent auto-parts store that does pretty well. We deliver parts within about a thirty-mile radius of the Tri-Cities. Our customers have come to trust our reliability and American-made products. Between it and Dani's teaching job, we're pretty well off. Not rich, but comfortable.

Anyway, back to the elephant in the room that Dani hadn't even acknowledged existed. After dinner, we sat down to watch a little TV before bed. At least she did. I wasn't the least bit interested in anything except her Facebook. I had to finally ask, "Get any messages today?"

"Don't know, never checked." She tried to act like she wasn't particularly interested, but I noticed her fingers shaking when she picked up her tablet. There was one chat message, Dani's finger was shaking when she pressed on it. Showed from Alan Ryder, 'I remember those times, too. You should know, that's why I'm still single. No one could ever come to the standard you set. Hope we can meet again sometime.'

I read through it again, as Dani did, too. Finally, she said, "Well, that's not going to happen. I'm not going to meet up with him," then under her breath, almost like she was trying to convince herself, "not that girl anymore." I kind of wondered if 'that girl' might be hidden away somewhere, just waiting to be released again. Kind of an exciting... and scary thought.

She seemed pretty adamant that she wasn't going to see him again. I wasn't so certain but wasn't going to push her, either way. I dunno, I half hoped she would. Even though I knew I'd be half out of my mind with jealousy if she ever did. And the thought didn't escape me that there was likely a reason she was so determined - she was afraid of what might happen if she did.