Hubby Said No

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But wife didn't listen.
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Kathy Jones sat on the couch next to her husband, Mike. "Babe, let's watch a movie."

"Sure Kath, what do you want to watch?"

"Something adult."

Mike looked at her. She had never suggested that before in the five years they had been married.

"You sure? Why?"

"Do I need a reason to watch an adult film with my husband?"

"Well, no, but it's not like we do this regularly or anything. What's gotten into you?"

"Well, me and the girls at work were talking about stuff and Lucy said she found the perfect way to spice up her marriage."

"We don't need to 'spice up our marriage' Kathy. We're happy aren't we?"

"Of course we're happy but I just thought this might be something to try."

With that statement Kathy got up and put a DVD into the player. Mike looked at his wife and thought about what they were about to do. He got hard. Kathy saw the bulge in his pants.

"And judging by the swelling in your crotch you think so too."

Kathy pressed play on the remote control. Mike was surprised to see two men and a woman. He wasn't all that interested in this type of porn. His tastes were more romantic (as romantic as porn can be) than this, one-on-one consensual sex. His cock softened a little. As the film went on he realised that it was a story where one of the men was married to the woman and he was giving the other man permission to fuck his wife.

Mike nearly vomited. "Kathy, turn it off. I've got no interest in this at all. You should know by now that I'm a one-woman kind of guy."

Kathy replied, "Just give it a go. I've seen it before and it's really hot. I now you'll love it."

"No Kathy, I won't love it. I hate this sort of thing. I know some men like the idea of letting their wife screw other men, but that's not me. Like I said, I'm a one-woman man. There's no way I'd even think that this sort of thing is okay. Now, turn it off."

"But just give it a chance."

"No, I'm going to bed. This disgusts me. I hate it."

Mike stormed off and got ready for bed. When he got into bed Kathy came into the bedroom.

"So you'd never even give this a thought?"

"No, Kathy, never. In fact I'd go so far as to say that if you ever decided that this was a good idea, that would be the end of our marriage, no question."

"You're really serious, aren't you," Kathy asked?


And that was the end of the conversation.

Kathy was a tall, buxom blonde. She looked ditzy but actually had an MBA and worked for a financial management company as an advisor. She was well respected in her field in general and at her workplace especially.

Mike was taller than Kathy at 6'2" with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. He was a runner and had represented his College in 800m and 1500m events. He was the manager of a small branch of a well-known banking group.

They had a good marriage. They were deeply in love and enjoyed each other's company immensely. They were compatible intellectually and enjoyed lively discussions about both national and international issues.

Three months later, Kathy had started commenting on their male friends and acquaintances. It was nothing too serious, things like, 'Oh, Tony looks good tonight,' or, 'Max looks like he's been to the gym,' or, 'Look at the six-pack on Paul.'

This went on for a couple of weeks. Then one night, when Mike and Kathy were in bed, Kathy grabbed Mike's cock and said, "What if this was someone else's cock?"

"What? What did you say?"

"You heard," said Kathy. "What if my hand was on someone else's cock?"

Mike wanted to jump out of bed in protest but she had a tight grip on him.

"It makes you hard doesn't it?"

"You're making me hard. What you say is making me ill."

"Yeah, sure, Mike. Whatever you say, Mike. You're as hard as a rock."

"That's because you've got a hold of me. Let go and keep talking the way you were. Then you'll see some definite shrinkage."

"Okay, sweetie. I'll stop talking."

She let go with her hand but leant over and took him in her mouth. This was a relatively rare occurrence but not unheard of. In any case Mike didn't last long. He came after a minute or so of dedicated sucking. Kathy swallowed it all. This too was not unheard of but was quite rare also.

"Now, fuck me lover," commanded Kathy.

Mike climbed onto his wife and eased his cock into her hot, wet pussy. She was dripping. Mike began a slow and steady rhythm. He knew how to grind against his wife's clit and did so. She was soon breathless. She was cumming.

"Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me, lover, fuck me. Don't stop, harder, make me cum, lover, make me cummmmmmmmmmm!!"

She orgasmed spectacularly. As she did, Mike got closer to his orgasm too. He pumped harder as he got closer. Kathy stayed on a high and kept having mini orgasms each time he pumped.

She bit him on the ear. "Imagine you are my lover, not my husband, Mike."

"What? Who? What are you talking about?"

He stopped pumping. Kathy had tipped over into her second orgasm, though, and didn't quite realise. She had her eyes closed and breathed rapidly.

"That was amazing, Mike. Thank you, darling."

Mike rolled off her, stunned by what she had said. Kathy got up to clean up. She went into the bathroom and used a warm, damp towel to wipe her nether regions. Had she been paying attention she would have seen that there was no cum. Mike hadn't climaxed inside her. That was something that had never happened before.

Mike feigned sleep when Kathy came back to bed. She didn't mind. In her head they had both climaxed when she mentioned him being her lover. She slipped into a deep, contented sleep.

Mike, however, was concerned.

This type of behaviour went on every night for the next week or so. Every time they made love, Kathy said something about an imaginary lover. Mike decided to say something.

One morning over breakfast, Mike said, "Kathy I need to talk to you. I'm not comfortable with how you talk about a lover when we are in bed together."

"Oh, come on, Mike. Our sex life has never been better. I think it really stimulates you."

"No, Kathy, I think it turns you on and you think it turns me on too. But nothing could be further from the truth."

"Really, Mike? Then how come you get off when I talk about it? Answer me that, if you can."

"Honey, that's because I'm already horny because of you, not this garbage about a lover. Let me tell you this, and make sure you hear me, too. If you go from fantasy to reality, that will be the end of our marriage. I will not remain married to someone who I can't trust and who takes a lover."

"Oh, you're just saying that, babe. You'd never leave me, no matter what."

"Kathy I love you but don't push me on this. Just don't"

"Mike if you love me you'd let it happen. You want me to be happy, don't you?"

"I love you, Kathy, and I show you every day by spending all of my time with you. I could go out drinking after work but I choose to be here with you. I cook for you because I like doing that for you. I take pride in our house, enough pride to spend time and money on it to make sure it is what you want."

She had no reply to that.

"Kathy if you love me you won't do anything. That would make me happy."

Mike was really scared now. He decided to stop all bedroom activity for a week or two to see if his wife would see sense.

That night when they were in bed Mike told Kathy he was too tired for sex. The next night he made sure he went to bed early and was asleep before Kathy came to bed. The night after he stayed up until she was asleep.

She said nothing.

The following Friday Kathy went out with the girls from work. That morning as he left for work, Kathy reminded him.

"Don't forget, Mike, I'm going out with the girls tonight for a few drinks."

"I hadn't, Kathy. Don't forget what I've been saying. Don't do anything stupid."

"Never, Mike. Bye."

The tone of her voice concerned him. He decided that he needed to be there to watch what went on tonight. He had no real idea where they would be drinking. There were a couple of places he knew Kathy liked but he decided that he would tail her.

Mike was in a friend's car in the car park of Kathy's work when she came out of the building with a number of other women. They were obviously going to carpool as they split up into two groups. Kathy led one group to her car. Mike was relieved. This would make it easier to track her.

He followed his wife's car and recognised the direction in which they drove. It was towards one of Kathy's favourite bars. It was a place that had live music and a happy hour. He also knew that there were a couple of entrances. He watched as the women went inside. He parked the car and approached a different door.

Once inside he looked around for his wife. She and her friends were at a large table off to one side of the bar. Mike was able to get a seat that was both unobtrusive but with a great view of his wife.

He got a beer and decided that he would nurse it as long as he could. The women had a few very quick drinks, some sort of cocktails. Then they looked around. There were a number of single men there. One went to the table and spoke directly to Kathy. She smiled and took his hand. They made their way to the dance floor. She danced with the stranger for a couple of numbers and then went back to her table. When she got there some of the others were dancing with other men.

A few drinks later and the same man was back at the table asking Kathy to dance again. Mike looked closely at him. He was not quite as tall as Mike and didn't seem to be as broad across the shoulders. He was by no means ugly but nothing spectacular either.

A slow number came on. This man pulled Kathy close and put both arms around her. She responded by putting her arms around his neck. They were in full body contact. When the slow number was finished he leaned in and kissed her lightly on the lips. She smiled at him and went to sit with him.

She looked like she was having a fine old time. She leaned in at everything he said and frequently touched him on the arm. Mike was no expert but he did recognise the body language. She was in full-on flirt mode. She then leaned over and kissed him fully. It lasted for hours for Mike but was actually less than a minute. But there was some passion in it.

Kathy went to the ladies. She went past her friend's table and spoke to them. When she returned she left with the man.

Mike was shocked but he recovered in time to see her get into her car while he got into his. She drove over to where he was parked and it looked as though she was going to follow him. Mike decided to follow them both.

They drove into the suburbs and pulled into the driveway of a small house. Mike drove past and parked a couple of doors down. He quickly ran back to see them enter the front door. A light came on. Mike looked around. The street was deserted. He approached the house. The curtains were drawn so he couldn't see anything but he could hear them. There seemed to be lots of moaning.

Then everything went quiet. A light went on at the rear of the house. Mike crept towards it. The curtains weren't fully drawn and he had a clear view into a bedroom. His wife and her new best friend were in a deep, passionate kiss.

It seemed that Kathy had decided to ignore his pleas and take a lover. He took his phone out, made sure there wouldn't be a flash, and took a picture of them kissing.

Kathy went to undo his shirt. He undid hers also. She was wearing a pretty black bra that Mike hadn't seen before. She then undid her lover's trousers as he undid her skirt. Soon they were kissing while just in their underwear. She had panties that matched her bra.

Kathy reached behind her and unhooked her bra. She let it fall. Her lover's hands went straight to her 36DD's. His mouth quickly followed them. He suckled on her tits like a starving man. Her hands were at the back of his head pulling him into her. Mike took another picture.

They lay down on the bed. Both took off their own underwear. They were naked. Kathy spread her legs. Her lover took the hint and mounted her. She grabbed his cock and guided it into her cunt. She moaned loudly.

Mike took one more picture before he was spectacularly sick all over the side of the house. He stumbled away from the house, made his way back to his car and drove home.

His mind was in turmoil but he knew what he needed to do. Fortunately all their banking was done online. He took half of the money out of their joint accounts and put it into an account he had set up recently hoping never to use.

He then packed a bag. He had a place to go, a little apartment he had been left by his grandfather on the other side of town. It was a recent acquisition as his grandfather had just recently died. Kathy didn't know about it because he had received it after she began talking about sex outside the marriage.

He then hooked his phone to his laptop. He printed out all three pictures and then sat down at the kitchen table to write a note.


You couldn't resist could you? Well, as of tonight our marriage is over. Please do not contact me. I will have the divorce papers drawn up and sent to you as soon as possible.

Kathy, you've broken my heart.


He took off his wedding ring and left it with the note. He put the pictures and the note on their bed. Then he walked out of the house and never looked back.


Kathy was heartbroken. She never realised how Mike really felt. When she thought about it she realised she didn't want to know. She didn't contest the divorce. She did, however, get half of their asserts.

She was having trouble with her health. She had the flu and just couldn't shake it. She also developed a rash. Because she had eczema as a child she thought that it was the same thing. But no manner of creams helped. By the time she was concerned enough to go and see a doctor she had advanced stage syphilis. It turned out that her lover was bisexual and had unprotected sex with a number of men. Unfortunately nothing could be done. Not long after the divorce she developed symptoms of dementia. She was dead within twelve months. Strangely in her will she left everything to Mike.

Mike moved on. He took a job at his bank's corporate headquarters in the capital. His career trajectory was on the up. He met plenty of young women in his new role and in his new city. He dated but never remarried. He could never trust another woman fully.

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BSreaderBSreader2 months ago

That she didn't know she didn't care, no respect.

AnonymousAnonymous3 months ago

Too simple,1,2,3 allover

thomashwhitethomashwhite4 months ago

Why was it necessary to bring the gay/bisexual angle into the story in the end. It wasn’t part before. Syphilis is not particularly a gay disease. Tired of the “bad gay guy” as the boogey man.

AnonymousAnonymous5 months ago

"She never realised how Mike really felt." Well it's not like he told her over and over that he didn't like or want it. But I suppose we're just meant to ignore that, like she did apparently. Seriously, I guess we're meant to be as dumb as Kathy is made out to be to believe such drivel. At least it worked out for her in the end and she can no longer bother anyone with her stupidity.

timrivtimriv5 months ago

Okay story but really dumb ending.

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