Hypnosis Isn't Real - Is It?


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"Well, seeing as this... this hypnosis seems to be real... and how well I slept... could we... do it again?" It was clearly not easy for her.

"Seems to be real? Seems to be? Do I need to show you that note again, dear?" I grinned at her.

"Okay, okay! IS real! Do you wanna help me or not?" she asked, hands on her hips.

"Of course, honey. Let me finish here and we'll get you a good night's sleep."

"Already? I figured we could watch a little Netflix first?" she asked.

"Well, you can't sleep 'till ten on a Thursday, so I think you need to get to bed a little early. You still need the sleep, see, the hypnosis doesn't just give you energy..." I explained. Plus I needed a little time for my devious plans...

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Yeah, okay," she agreed and helped with the dishwasher before we went upstairs to the office.

There, I placed her in her chair once again, started the music like last time and found the prism.

"You ready?" I asked her.

"Don't make me cluck or flap or do anything ridiculous, alright, John?" she demanded. If she only knew...

"Of course not, dear," I assured her. And I wasn't even lying. It wouldn't be ridiculous.

"Just... relax. Relax and listen to the waves. Look at the light, and relax. Feel yourself growing tired..." I began and droned on. Maybe I was getting better, or more likely, this time she was more susceptible to the hypnosis, since she'd already been under once before. And she wanted it this time -- that too plays a major role. Whatever the reason, she fell under my spell quite a bit faster this time.

"You're falling deeper and deeper asleep. You're so relaxed. I will count to ten, and when I reach ten, you will be completely hypnotised. One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Six. Seven. Eight. Nine. Ten. You are now completely hypnotised. You will listen to my voice, and you will obey its command. You will obey, and you will answer."

"Yes, I will listen and obey and answer," she said, as lifeless as the other night.

"Elisha, you will tell me the truth," I instructed.

"Yes, I will tell you the truth."

"Do you remember what happened the other night when you were hypnotised?"

"I... no," she said.

"Okay, good," I said somewhat relieved. If she couldn't even remember it while under, then there was no problem. And we still had the opportunity to make new memories that she wouldn't remember...

"Elisha," I ordered, anticipation spreading throughout my body as I leaned back into my chair and spread my legs, "crawl to me and suck me off. And swallow my cum."

"Yes, I will crawl to you, suck you off and swallow your cum," she repeated and did just that. Unlike last night, I didn't want it slow and teasing. I wanted to cum in my wife's mouth, and soon!

As soon as my cock was out, her mouth closed around the tip. No hesitation or reluctance but no desire either. Just... acceptance, I guess.

Still, an accepting blowjob is better than no blowjob! And soon my wife had me gasping for breath as her blonde head bobbed up and down on my lap,

"Oh fuck, Elisha... oh fuck. More, take more of my cock... suck it!" I commanded. I remembered that I couldn't make her too uncomfortable but cautious be damned! It was so good, but I needed more! Obeying, she slid further down, taking about two thirds of my hard rod inside her warm mouth, making me groan again.

Up and down she slid, bringing me closer and closer to the edge... without even knowing what she was doing. This hypnosis-trick was the best thing ever!

"Oh, Elisha... faster. Faster! Oh fuck!" I gasped and again she obeyed, increasing the speed. Loud slurping noises escaped her and drool hung in a thick strand from her mouth. She clearly struggled to get as much of my cock into her mouth, but she'd never been one for deep-throathing, so it wasn't easy for her.

"Ahh... jerk me off while you suck," I ordered, wanting the last edge before I fired my cum into her sucking mouth. Immediately, she grasped my cock and started rubbing me off, quickly finding a good rhythm. From that point on, as much as I tried to draw out this wonderful sensation, I didn't really stand a chance.

"Nhgn... get ready... I'm... cumming!" I grunted, right as my cock erupted. Elisha continued bobbing her head up and down and stroking me, as her mouth filled with cum and she worked hard to swallow what I gave her. I watched her fight to send as much of my cream as possible down her throat but even so, like the other night, it eventually spilled over and ran down her chin.

When my dick was drained, she pulled off it, and, also like the other night, she scooped the excess cum up in her fingers and licked them off in a lewd, arousing display. Once she was reasonably clean, she sat up straight, once again awaiting my command.

Repeating the process once again, I sent her to get cleaned up before sitting her in the lazy-chair once again.

"Elisha, focus on the crystal. Look at it. You will not remember what we did tonight. You will remember nothing after I hypnotised you. You trust me but you don't remember. You don't want to remember. You trust me, and it's not important to remember..." I told her over and over, and, again like last time, I sent her off to bed and not to awake before the alarm-clock rang.

"When you wake up, you will feel refreshed. You will feel relaxed. And you will know that my hypnotism made you refreshed and relaxed. You will like this feeling. You will like that I hypnotised you, and you will want it again. You will want it again soon. You will want to feel refreshed. You will know that I made you feel refreshed and you will want me to do it again. And you will want to do nice things for me too. I do something nice for you, and you will want to do something nice for me. You will want to repay me..."

This was my latest scheme to improve life (well, my life, at least). I really did help her though, since uninterrupted sleep was so rare for her -- and it was only fair that she helped me back. I must admit I was quite curious as to see how she'd repay me. An 'awake' blowjob would certainly be nice but I didn't really think it was the way Elisha would think. Yet...


It worked again. The next morning, she awoke fresh and in a very good mood when the alarm-clock rang, and she was extremely pleased with my hypnotism. Despite not remembering what we'd done, she didn't seem suspicious in the least, quite the opposite -- she thanked me again, and I got a long, soul-warming kiss as I left for work.

She had made me breakfast and when I came home in the evening, she was making breaded tenderloin with baked potatoes for dinner, which is my favourite. When asked, she kinda shrugged and said she felt like it. Well, maybe she just felt like it or maybe the post-hypnotic suggestion I had planted had taken root, and my dear wife had decided that the best way to do nice things for me would be to feed me. As I mentioned, I hadn't exactly expected a blowjob from her... well, not while she was conscious, anyway.

But it was certainly a step in the right direction, and it made me feel... I dunno, powerful, I guess. Like a comic-book super-villain or an evil genius, and it was a great feeling.

"So," she asked me when dinner was done and we were cleaning the dishes, "you wanna hypnotise me again tonight?" She tried to sound flippant about it but there was a tightness in her shoulders that told me that it made her anxious to ask.

"Sure, I guess," I answered while my cock was dancing happily in my pants, "if you want me to."

"I eh... yeah, I would," she agreed quickly, "you know, it makes me sleep so well. Only, I have some work I need to finish first. You think that's okay?"

"Yeah, sure. Just don't be too long if you want a good night's sleep..."

About an hour later she was sitting in 'her' chair, across from me, ready to be hypnotised. I had my prism in hand, ready for a blowjob. She was wearing a light-blue blouse and a skirt - not overly arousing, but certainly better than the last two times.

"Okay, Elisha, you know the drill by now," I smiled at her as I held the crystal out in front of her. Listen to my words, look at the crystal and relax."

She nodded, her eyes already fixed on the crystal.

"Now, relax. Look at the crystal and relax. You're already getting tired. You feel tired. You don't want to stay awake, you just want to relax. Look at the crystal. Feel how your body relaxes. Your feet, your legs, your hands, your arms are all so heavy..."

It took three minutes, then she was all gone. Three minutes of intense mumbling, and she was mine once again.

"Elisha, you are now hypnotised," I told her, "and while hypnotised, you will answer me truthfully."

"Yes, I will answer you truthfully," she repeated.

"When awake, what do you think of this whole... thing. About me hypnotising you, " I asked.

"It's a little scary, putting myself in your hands like this. But at the same time, I trust you and I sleep so well and feel so good afterwards," she answered with that dreamy, far-away look in her eyes.

"And what do you think happens while you're under?" I wondered.

"You put me under and send me to bed so I can sleep all night," she answered.

"You never think anything weird is going on?"

She got still for a moment as she contemplated this. "Sometimes... sometimes I wonder. But I trust you, so I stop thinking about it."

Hmm. So that 'trust me'-spiel had worked. Good to know. I made a mental note to keep reminding her to trust me. But back to the matter of hand.

"Elisha, stand up," I told her, and she obeyed.

"I want you to strip for me," I told her, "I want you to do it sexually and to try and turn me on as much as possible. I want to see you dance and tease me while you take off your clothes," I instructed her with my dick already hardening in my pants at the sheer power I held over my wife, "do it now."

Immediately, she obeyed. Staring straight ahead, she started to sway slightly to an imaginary beat and slowly lift up her blouse. Then down again and up again, a little further this time. She repeated this process three more times, each time showing a bit more skin. Still moving her hips a bit, she let it go and began, slowly, to unbutton her blouse, one button at a time, all while staring into nothingness.

My boner was fading. This was the dirty-talk all over again -- without soul or spirit, it just wasn't hot. A robot talking dirty is just not arousing, and neither is a zombie dancing.

"Elisha, stop," I commanded and she froze, "forget that. Just... come here and suck my cock." Somewhat disappointed, I had to settle for a blowjob...

It was strange, I mused as my wife's lips closed around my dick, how a guy who used to dream of getting his dick sucked now was disappointed by a blowjob, but it felt like... like I had found a way to fly, but I couldn't get out of the window. Yeah, flying around in the house was great, (and as I put my hand of Elisha's head, bobbing up and down on my cock, it really was) but I knew there was so much more, and I wanted it! Maybe it was greed, maybe it's just the human nature (and maybe the two are really the same) but I had to find a way to open that window. Or break it...

"Ahh..." I sighed, "use your tongue more. Yes, like that..." Her tongue massaged the soft underside of my dick, while she sucked more and more of it in. Now, normally, having your wife polish your dick with her mouth would not be the greatest time for epiphanies but at that moment, I had one. Kinda, at least. How to make a robot human? Well, robots aren't horny. If my wife was...

"Lis, stop," I commanded. She pulled her face off my dick, and it immediately started protesting -- it wanted to be in the warm, wet and willing mouth but it would have to wait. Elisha stayed on her knees, still completely in trance.

"Take off your panties, sit in the chair and hike your skirt up," I told her, and she obeyed. Unceremoniously, she pushed her boring, practical, grey panties off, hiked up her skirt and sat down, giving me an unobstructed view of her pussy. It was covered in blonde curls (something I'd never liked and something we'd change one day, hopefully) and looked closed off. One could have hoped that sucking me off for -- what? Five minutes? At least -- would have had some kind of effect but she looked dry as a bone.

"Elisha, masturbate," I commanded, a little eager to watch the show. Elisha was a private person, and I'd never seen her pleasure herself though I knew she did it occasionally.

However, I did not get a sexy show. Instead, her brow furrowed and she started blinking rapidly. Her hands went down between her legs, but more to shield her privates than to pleasure them.

"Shit!" I gasped, "Elisha, forget that order. Relax. Just relax. Let go of your worries and relax. No-one wants you to do anything but relax," I rambled, trying desperately to strike a balance between that calm, confident voice I used to bring her under and the need to repeat the words as many times as possible to prevent her from waking up.

"Cower yourself up and listen to my voice, Elisha," I ordered, "relax. Just relax. Nothing's wrong, all is peaceful. Listen to the waves, so peaceful. Your entire body is so tired; listen to it and relax."

As ordered, she put her skirt in order, cowering herself and gradually, she returned to the docile state I needed her in. Phew! Close one!

No more excitement for tonight. Instead, I gave her the usual speech about going to bed and sleeping uninterrupted through the night, waking refreshed in the morning -- and not remembering anything about what we'd done!

"When you wake up, you will feel refreshed, and you will remember how my hypnosis did that. You will feel grateful, and you will want to return the favour. I did something nice for you, so you will want to do something nice for me. You don't want to be ungrateful..."


The next day, I returned to my beloved books, and they all agreed -- I had been too greedy. As I had even noticed at the time when I gave the order, Elisha is a private person and she simply didn't want to pleasure herself infront of company. I hadn't thought it was that deeply rooted though. She didn't like oralsex either but she did that just fine when under. On the other hand, she also did it while awake (albeit rarely) unlike public masturbation.

In time, I could probably remove the inhibitions that made it impossible for her to do it with an audience but a flat-out order like that was clearly not the way to go. Luckily, Elisha didn't remember. I had been scared out of my mind when she woke up but nothing out of the ordinary happened this morning. Well, nothing bad at least. She made breakfast and coffee for me, and I got a scolding hot kiss as I left for work - some quality of life improvements by way of hypnosis.

Over the next week, Elisha became more and more dependent on my hypnosis. With the exception of Saturday, I had put her under every night, got myself a hummer and generally worked on her subconscious, making her want (or even need) my hypnosis and making her feel more and more in debt to me for helping her. After the near-disaster last Thursday, I had become more careful. I still wanted to break the window to fly out into the world, so to speak, but I had really gotten a good scare.

I didn't want to be too direct (yet!) so I didn't give her any instructions on how to repay me. Everyday, it became a little more clear that she wanted to, though. We watched her silly shows less and less, letting me decide what to watch or even do, she cooked my favourite dishes more often and volunteered to clean up after us, brought me wine when we were watching the good shows on Netflix.

Not that she had become a servant or anything... it was more, she was looking for ways to please me in everyday situations. Like a wife from the fifties, perhaps, except she also had to work too, of course.

It sort of culminated when I got home from work Thursday afternoon, a week after she nearly woke up during our hypno-session and ruined everything. She had made cordon bleu with a champignon-sauce. It tasted divine! And, as we ate, she told me with a pleased smile, "I have a little surprise for you when we're done."

"Oh honey, you shouldn't have..." I said insincerely while my eyes darted down her body -- she was not exactly dressed to seduce in her loose blouse and skirt but who knew what lay beneath? I must admit that the possibilities made my cock twitch a bit.

"I wanted to. I'm really happy you're helping me out and it gives me so much more energy. I want to show you that I'm grateful," she smiled.

After dinner, she led me to my office -- which was a little strange but if she was really grateful maybe she wanted to do me in the chair where she went under? In there she picked up a suspiciously book-looking present and handed it to me.

"Oh, wow, what's this?" I wondered in an (if I may say so myself) impressive amount of self-control. When you're expecting a blowjob and get a book, it does take some strength to feign interest and delight. I tore the paper off and revealed Flags of our Fathers by James Bradley.

"Wow, thanks honey!" I exclaimed with an appropriate amount of enthusiasm. I actually thought it was gonna be a good read but you know -- it's no blowjob.

"Well, I don't think you've read this one, and the guy at the store said it's very good," she explained, "and I really wanna do something for you. You know, to show you how grateful I am for all you do."

"Aw, come here!" I smiled and pulled her into a hug, "you know I just want to help!" I pulled back a bit and found her mouth with my own and we kissed. She kept it chaste for a little while but soon opened her mouth and welcomed my tongue. My arms were still around her and my hands slid down her body, until I was gently caressing the point where her back turned into her ass. She tensed for a minute but then sorta shrugged and kept kissing me.

I had no idea how much of this - if anything -- had to do with my post-hypnotic suggestion of 'being grateful' to me, and to be honest at the moment, I didn't care. I hadn't made out like this with my wife in a long time, and it felt wonderful.

Seemingly on their own, my hands had wandered a bit further south and were now gently squeezing her delicious ass, and she encouraged it with more, eager kissing. It really was a great ass - round and soft, and I kneaded it with a fervor.

Just kissing her and groping felt great but soon another, a more demanding player entered the show, pressing himself up against Elisha's stomach and upper-thigh, and I'm pretty sure she felt him too, because she seemed to sorta rub herself up against my growing erection.

Finally, this became too much and I broke the lip-lock and let go of her ass. I took her hand and with a simple "come" I led her out of the office and into our bedroom. In there, I sat down on the bed and pulled her down with me, finding her luscious lips with my own again. It didn't take long before we were laying on our sides, kissing and exploring each other's bodies. I went straight for her boobs -- not only do I love them so much (they are large and firm and always manage to draw my attention) but I also knew how sensitive they are. The quickest way to get my wife aroused goes through her tits. The loose, dark-blue blouse offered no resistance as my hands slid up under it, nor did the tank-top beneath it, and soon I was pinching and caressing her nipples.

"Mhmm..." she sighed into my mouth while running her own hands up and down my sides, quietly encouraging me. As her nipples stiffened, I pulled her blouse and top up over them, freeing her impressive mammaries -- God, I love them. They are so big and sexy, and wonderful, and I just had to kiss them. I left her mouth and bowed down, sucking her cute, pink nipple into my mouth.