I Feel I Hit The Lotto!

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A fifty year old woman seeks an adventure.
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I need to express my appreciation to Oldnakeddad. I contacted him as an editor but he became more than that. He has been a mentor and a teacher and molded a disorganized draft into something I feel comfortable submitting to you literotica readers!

I am forever grateful!

I'd been either blessed...or cursed!


So you can better understand what I'm referring to, I should offer you a preface. I'm a fifty year old, happily married woman. Rather than wane as I age, my sexual needs have continued to peak, so I crave more sex now than when I was in my thirties.

My husband (Paul) and I have been in an open relationship for at least a decade. We've explored the so called "Lifestyle" and briefly became involved with the swinging scene, but to be honest, it doesn't quite meet my expectations.

One evening, while lying in bed and chatting, I confessed.

"I miss the feeling of being pursued, wanted, and seduced. In these "Lifestyle" web sites and clubs, I feel sex is taken for granted."

We decided to setup a scene for a chance encounter in an environment which led itself to the seduction game. We thought the best venue, which might lend itself to our scenario, would be some kind of singles' bar.

As I performed a Google search for "Hookup bars in Houston", a list of ten places fitting that description popped up. After a careful study of each web page, I settled on three bars that appeared to cater to people other than the college crowd. Of them, one was located within a well-known boutique hotel, so we reserved a room for the weekend.


Friday arrived and we left work early. As we drove toward Houston, we took the opportunity to talk about possible scenarios and discussed our fantasies, which kept us busy and made the trip fly by.

We hadn't ever tried for a chance encounter before, so we agreed to keep in touch over our cell phones and came up with some safe words to use...just in case!

By five o'clock that afternoon, we'd arrived at the Zaza Hotel, checked in, and I ran upstairs to get prettied up.

I showered under a hot spray until my skin was pink and glowing then Paul toweled me dry, laid me on the bed, and handed me a mirror. He knelt, with trimmer in hand, and started to detail me. He loved my bush!

"Your bush is to your pussy as a beautiful frame is to a beautiful painting."

He trimmed the top, then the hairs of my outer lips, to make me both more visible and more accessible.

"Would you like to check out my work?"

"Sure. Oh, I look inviting!"

He proceeded to dab a little perfume on my neck, breasts, groin, and the inside of my thighs, which created what he described as "an olfactory path to follow."

I carefully chose my attire. I wanted to look sexy and appealing without looking overdone, slutty, or out of place. I settled for a little, black wraparound that enhanced my curves and cleavage, a string of pearls that plunged invitingly between my breasts, and black pumps to add to my five-foot, five-inch frame.

As a rule, I used very little makeup, but I did spend some time on my eyes and lips to try to make myself as sexy and alluring as possible.

Finally, as a special treat for the stranger I'd hoped to meet, I chose a brand new pair of lace panties and a matching bra that I'd bought in Madrid during my last trip.

I felt ready to roll to make our fantasy come true!

We'd decided to hit a wine bar, well known for its happy hour, (first) because we believed it'd be a good place to meet a single guy. If not successful, we'd try "Plan B" by going to the hotel bar and try our luck there.

It was time to start my prowling, so I walked through the door, sauntered through the foyer, and cased out the place. I chose a stool strategically situated where I could both watch and be seen. Soon, Paul walked in and positioned himself where he could observe me.

As time went by, not much transpired. There were a lot of very young kids—most appeared to be college-age and certainly weren't what I was looking for. A couple of guys did approach me and began to make small talk, but they weren't my type...not at all!

Actually, the most interesting person to hit on me, during that time, was a very beautiful woman. We chatted for a while, but after I made it clear that I was straight, she gracefully acknowledged, gave me a peck, and left to continue her hunt.

By then, I was ready to call it a night there and continue with "Plan B." I signaled Paul, shrugged my shoulders, and pointed toward the ladies' room. I walked toward that direction, but when I got there, it was occupied. As I waited, a young, tall, really attractive guy walked toward me as he made deliberate eye contact.

As he drew near, he lowered his head and whispered.

"I've been watching you. I noticed you've been sitting alone and have turned away the advances of a couple of guys and a good-looking woman. Could I entice you to share a drink with me?"

My answer was a very coy, come hither grin.

He was tall! He towered over me which, for me, was a turn on! He looked at me with piercing eyes and a beautiful smile.

As the woman in the bathroom exited, she gave him a very protracted and suggestive look. I believed she'd intended it to be a slight, but on the contrary, I felt empowered and gave the guy a tentative kiss. When he kissed me back, I became ballsy—I grabbed his hand, gently guided him into the restroom with me, and latched the door.

I was as surprised by my actions as he was. It was a spur of the moment decision—a bit bold, yet very arousing. I felt his hardness pressing into my backside as he pressed himself against me, grasped my hips, and breathed onto my neck.

I pushed back, rubbed myself against him, and whispered.

"Do you like how it feels? If you do, I'll be sitting in the same spot. Think about it!"

I turned and walked out. I was so nervous, I didn't realize I hadn't even peed. As I walked toward the bar, not sure what to make of what had happened, I asked myself, 'Should I run or, on the contrary, did I just hit the lotto?'

My body answered that question for me before I even sat as I felt the warmth of my moisture seeping onto, and settling between, my thighs and that familiar throbbing in the depth of my pelvis. I thought, 'Oh, my god! How did that happen?' All common sense had been erased and replaced by arousal in all of ten seconds!

As I sat back against my chair, I gave Paul a look that hinted something was going down and texted him.

[Me] Chill for a while.

I waited (under Paul's inquisitive looks) until the guy, looking a bit flustered, nervously stumbled out of the ladies room. He walked toward my stool and plopped next to me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Paul smirk as he caught on.

There was a moment of silence before my young, tall, really attractive guy turned and grasped my forearm.

"I thought about it! Trust me, I thought about it all of three seconds, and yes, I not only liked what I felt, but I want the entire package!"

You have no clue what a nonverbal consent is like. I felt as though I was exuding pheromones, and my pussy was screaming at me as I felt his eyes burn through my clothes. I was barely able to mouth to him, 'Zaza Hotel.'

I found out that he'd paid my tab as he took me by the elbow and walked me toward the door.

"I rode an Uber here. Do you mind if we go in your vehicle?"

As we walked to my car, I saw Paul exit the bar and walk toward the curb. I felt terrible. He was going to have to get a taxi to the hotel and miss one of his fantasies—watching me arrive and walk toward the room.

As I drove, my brain continued telling me, 'This is so impulsive. Things are moving way too fast! You need to know more about him!' But my will had since dissolved, and my body was being steered by the need to put out the raging fire in my belly.

During the ride, he spoke to me in a low, husky voice. He was very flattering, very seductive, and didn't keep secret what he had in store for me. I found out he had a gift for pushing all of my right buttons.

As I drove, he kneaded my thigh as he slowly moved his hand up and didn't stop until it was against my sopping wet panties. He scooped up some moisture, brought his fingers to his lips, and licked them while giving me a mischievous smile.

I quickly drove up the ramp to the hotel and came to a screeching halt. The valets must've freaked out as I literally threw the car keys at them as we ran (hand in hand) up the steps—the elevator was full, so the ascent seemed to take forever, but we were soon rushing down the hall like horny teenagers.

I trembled as I opened the door and we tumbled inside as our hormones were raging out of control.

He pushed me against the wall, lifted my skirt, and before I knew it, my panties were off. He had me skewered against the wall with one thigh around his waist, his hand spreading my buttocks and nether lips, and desperately pumping.

I was over the edge! The ease with which he entered me, and the squishy noises from between my thighs, evidenced how aroused we were.

I began to have a series of small peaks that preceded the big release when, suddenly, he stopped with his stiff cock deep inside of me.

"Your warm juices are running down my balls. You're going to make me cum!"

When he grimaced, spasmed, and began to empty himself inside of me, a switch flipped, and I joined him during that convulsive moment. My brain cried, 'The condoms! Where are the condoms?' while my vagina ignored me and hungrily milked every drop out of him.

Afterward, we stumbled toward the bed, fell onto it in a heap, and as we each collected our breath, we slowly removed our clothes and wrapped ourselves against each other.

"Sorry, I couldn't control myself. I promise to make up for it to you."

"Don't be silly. That was awesome! I feel like I've died and gone to heaven."

We slowly began to explore each other—looking, touching, smelling, tasting, and nibbling. Somehow, I ended up at the foot of the bed. I looked up along his thighs and noticed they were strong and well formed. His abdomen was ripped, and his chest was hairy, strong, and masculine. I thought, 'This guy must seriously take care of himself.'

As we began to talk, I learned his name was Sean, he was in his mid-thirties (yes, a good twenty years younger than myself), and getting over a previous relationship. He was an engineer, working offshore, and was just getting off of a three-week stint on the rig.

"I was beyond horny, and you're just what I needed. I'm not in the mood for young chicks. I need a woman...a real woman...and I think I found her."

I told myself, 'I hit the lotto, too! I won this young, good looking, eager guy, and I'm going to make the best of it!'

I saw him looking from my face to my breasts, down to my belly, and then settle between my thighs. That made my belly lurch, so as an answer, I parted my thighs to fully expose myself to him, which ended the conversation. The only thing that could be heard was our breathing.

I ran my hand up his thigh and toward his groin as I yearned to explore what I'd felt so rewarding earlier. As I made contact, I felt his cock twitch then slowly begin to grow and harden while the skin of his balls rippled from my touch.

I used long, slow laps to lick him from his balls to his glans and softly blew my warm breath onto the underside. I nibbled (very gently) as I became proud of how hard I was making him. The tip of his cock was sculpted—a well-formed ridge that set aside the beautiful head from his shaft.

As I tasted his juices, I continued to think, 'Should I make him cum in my mouth? Or would I rather feel him inside of me? Hell, I've already breached both of my principles and all common sense. He's already spilled himself inside of me, so I might as well enjoy it again.'

All of a sudden, my thoughts where pushed aside.

"My turn!"

He began to lick my thighs and work upward. I felt him place his hands on my groin and unfold me. I knew what awaited him because of what Paul had always told me, 'Whenever you're aroused, you turn into a wet, swollen, inviting, pink funnel!' And aroused I was!

He began to lick me enthusiastically, but I was still bent on impressing him and winning him over.

I whispered.

"Wait, wait! If this is what you want, let's do it this way. Will you roll onto your back for me?"

As I knelt above him, my knees were on each side of his face, and my pussy was poised inches from his mouth. I wanted him to watch as I lowered myself. I wanted him to taste the string of wetness hanging from my lips. I wanted to hover, just above his tongue, so I could tease him, and I wanted to be able to grind myself against his face when I began to cum.

He was good, and he was enthusiastic! He had me whimpering in no time, and I soon found myself grasping his hair as I ground down and began to feed him a torrent of juices.

After my spasms subsided, I paused to catch my breath and what I saw made me speechless. His cock was rigid and stabbing the air! Its head was tight and shiny. The veins were full and seemed to have their own heartbeat. His balls were tight and rippling. He looked good...really good! It was long but even better, he was thick, and I was about to enjoy every inch, slowly and for as long as possible.

As I slid down his chest and belly, my pussy left a slimy path. My breasts were swaying against his chest, and my nipples were hard as they grazed against his skin. As I leaned over, and we began to kiss, I felt his tip nestle between my pussy lips.


For a fleeting moment, I thought of my husband. 'What a turn on it'd be for Paul to: see me take this magnificent cock, watch my eyes glaze over, see the smile on my lips, and see the skin of my neck, breasts, and chest blotched and reddened.'


My nipples felt like pencil erasers and, had Sean been able to look at my pussy, he would've seen my wet folds were about to draw him in.

But the present prevailed. I began to slowly rotate my hips and move around in little circles. Since I religiously practiced my Kegels, I'd developed great pelvic muscle control, which I used to my advantage to grasp and tease his cockhead.

As much as I enjoyed the look of desperation on his face, the fire inside of me raged, and the only means to calm it was to bathe my insides with a torrent of warm cum. I told myself, 'I want him inside of me...now!'

I became still, straightened my back, poised myself with his cockhead at my entrance, and then let go. In one smooth movement, I dropped onto his cock—driving it in until I felt it against my navel.

I leaned back.

"Sean, will you please watch my pussy lips and your cock, with me, as it drags them out when you withdraw and then folds them in as you plunge back in again?"

I was very wet, and that made my pussy become very noisy!

I'd learned a lot during the thirty-five years since I gave up my cherry, and I planned to use every trick I knew to make the experience unforgettable! I knew my pussy can be addictive, so by the time I was finished with him, I'd have him begging for replays.

I moved slowly, and I moved fast. I drew all of him into my depths and continued until he suddenly pushed me off, rolled me onto my back, and pushed my knees against my shoulders.

I'd accomplished what I wanted! His face screamed desperation as he knelt, with his cock throbbing, between my pale thighs and my gaping and pleading folds. The look on my face couldn't have been much different than his, as I needed to squelch the fire burning in my belly.

I held onto his shoulders, tilted my pussy up to be as accessible as possible, let out a sigh as he skewered me, and we began a synchronized dance toward mutual release.

When he began to groan, grunt, and (lastly) roar while pumping with all abandon while I was pinned to the mattress, I lost it! As an answer to his spurts, my pussy continued to milk him to draw his cum deep inside of me to bathe my walls and pool in my womb.

As we came down from our high, we fell into a sweaty heap. Our limbs were crossed as our heartbeats and breathing were slowing down. I felt the tension in my pelvis subsiding and that sublime feeling of having been fucked so thoroughly.

We rolled away from the puddle of juices, held each other, and cuddled until Sean broke the silence.

"I have something to confess. I consider myself experienced, but I have seldom had such intense sex!"

I was thinking, 'Wow, I'm glad I impressed this guy.'

"Sean, you're so sweet! You just want to flatter me."

"No! I'm serious! This was an awesome experience. Can we see each other again?"

I'd pulled every trick I knew to impress him...and it worked!

"Well, in my opinion, you're handsome, you have a beautiful body, and you know how to use your amazing cock! You should have chicks throwing themselves at you, but if you want more of this old woman, it'll be under my conditions."

"Which are?"

"When you're due for a break from the rig, text me and we'll set something up. I want to catch you as horny as you were today! Let's trade cell phone numbers."

In the back of my mind, I knew Paul must've been anxious, curious, and waiting for my call.

"Sean, it's been an unforgettable evening. I have reasons, which we can discuss later, but I must ask you to leave."

He got off of the bed, dressed, kissed me, and thanked me.

As I began to stand, I felt a trickle of cum begin to flow, so I squeezed my thighs together and thought, 'I have better plans for that!'


As the door closed, I speed dialed Paul.

"Paul, where are you?"

"I'm at the downstairs bar. It's about time you check in. Was it fun?"

"Oh, yes, and I have quite a gift for you! Come up here...quickly!"

I scanned the room. My panties and bra were by the side of the bed, and my dress had landed near the door. The bed was a mess—wrinkled and undone—and I was in even worse shape.

I inventoried my damage in the mirror. My neck and chest were covered with blotches. Oops, so was the skin on my inner thighs. I had hairs stuck to my belly and chest and even more on the sheets.

I opened my thighs and touched myself. Ouch! I was tender and sore but deliciously so!

Was I loose? Yes! I felt open, loose, swollen, and engorged. I thought, 'He's going to love this!'

I whispered to myself.

"Hurry, Paul! Please hurry before it starts to subside!"

I crawled onto the bed, faced the door with my thighs squeezed together, reclined onto several pillows, and waited. But not for long!

The door clicked and Paul looked down at me as he walked in—I heard his breath catch.

The smell of recent fucking must've hit him like a brick wall. The smell was intoxicating! It was everything he'd always fantasized about, only better.

He sat on the edge of the bed, gave me a kiss, and scanned my body with his eyes.

"Do you want to know what he did to me? Do you want me to tell you every detail?"

I knew the answer but waited for him to nod before I patted a spot next to my knee.

"Ok, I will, but sit here."

I lifted my feet and placed them around his waist, surrounding him, as I spread myself.

"Look at me. Look at me closely, and I'll tell you how he got me in this state."

"Oh, my god! I love you so much!"

He was mesmerized as he leaned forward until he was inches from me...his eyes were focused like lasers!

For me, it was very exciting to know my pussy was so distended, he could see inside of me, past every reddened fold and crevice, to my very depth where a glistening pool of juices awaited him.

He uttered his last words before his face disappeared between my spread legs and he started to lap at every drop of Sean's and my combined juices from my gaping lips.

"I love you so much and you make me so happy!"

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
StubbyoneStubbyone10 months ago

Not badly written, but went from 0 to 60 in a heartbeat. Not all that realistic. Didn’t know thing one about this guy. Hubby didn’t get much out of the encounter other than the cream pie. Maybe that was enough.

Jb0664Jb0664about 2 years ago

Well written. The descriptions are amazing. I also liked that it moved to the sex rather quickly.

dannyd4fundannyd4funover 4 years ago
Damn Hot Couple

OH I loved this story so much. I share my wife too and I now have a new idea to share with her. I am absolutely going to take her to a bar and watch until she finds that one man that dhe desires for the evening. We normally pick her a man together at one of a few clubs but the thought of her letting a man take her to a motel room and literally fuck her until she is completely satisifed, alone, taking all his loads, and then saving them for me. I only wish my wife and I knew this couple.

oldbearswitcholdbearswitchalmost 5 years ago
Good story thanks Clearly she adores her hubby, just not a much as he adores her.

He's a keeper if he can function in normal life, isn't a drooling cuck obsessed wimp, and will eat creampie. Most guys wouldn't.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
This clown who calls himself anonymous, keeps on moralizing about my stories

This clown who calls himself anonymous, keeps on moralizing about her stories Yet offers no suggestions. He only criticizes her style.

She chose to live her life and her relationship that way

My suggestion is DON’T READ HER SUBMISSIONS and go back to your pathetic life

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