I Introduce My Aunt To My Brother


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He looked over at me and winked and I was fearful that I knew what he was planning and before I had a chance to warn Sara he slipped out of her pussy and rammed it into her ass. He only got it in about two inches before she threw herself flat on the chaise lounge and rolled away from under him. He fell to the side laughing his ass off and he soon found out that he had made a terrible mistake and was going to have a serious regret for his action.

She quickly slid over to the barbecue grille and grabbed the pair of meat tongs that were still hanging there and turned and slashed at his rock hard cock.

The tongs hit it right about the middle and they opened up a gash at least three inches long and half way through it. The blood began pulsing out of it and he was screaming like a banshee.

Sara quietly said, "Jana, you might drive this asshole over to the hospital and let them stitch him up. I'll bet it will be a long time before he tries any of that shit again."

I grabbed a couple of towels and threw them at him and told him to stuff one on his cock and was pulling on my clothes while I went for the car. As serious as it was I couldn't help but laugh seeing him bent over like a half-shut jack knife and filling the towel with blood.

I simply said, "Brother dear, you fucked with the wrong woman that time and you're lucky she grabbed the barbecue tongs rather than the spatula that was hanging on the other side of the grille. If she had used it on you she'd have cut your cock off with the swing she made rather than just mangled it."

The humor had just began. The hospital was only a mile or so away and when I drove up to the emergency entrance the crew came out with a gurney and helped him out of the car and then they too started to smile. Unfortunately for Jim the doctor on duty in the ER was a woman and when she lifted the towel and she saw the damage couldn't help but get an ear to ear grin.

"What happened lover boy, gal say no and you wouldn't listen?" she said laughingly.

Jim was hurting too bad and was way too embarrassed to fess up to what had happened.

Well, to watch the Doc stitch up his dick while laughing with each stitch was a riot. She finally said,

"Don Juan, whatever cut into your penis cut some of the small blood vessels that control the blood flow in and out of it that enable you to get an erection. They are way too small for me to stitch up so all you can do is hope that your fornicating days aren't over"

All we heard out of Jim was a huge moan and all of the medical staff in the operating room burst into laughter. That made his moans even louder and to tell the truth I laughed right along with them. Jim was so proud of his huge cock that he acted as if it was invincible. He found that his aunt didn't believe that at all.

Watching them try to bandage their work was another riot. They would wrap the gauze around it but the gauze would keep slipping down it and after a few wraps it looked as if he had an eighteen-inch white dick. The doctor came back into the operating room and went into hysterics when she saw what was happening.

She put on a straight face and said with a smile only a few of us could see, "Perhaps I ought to amputate it just above the slash and then we could cauterize the stub with a torch to stop the blood flow."

The scream he let out could have been heard miles away. "Jana, don't let her do that. Please, Please."

The doc said, "I'd love to hear what happened to him but I guess he'll never tell. Give me the gauze and I'll wrap it nice and tight. Lover boy, you won't know for several weeks if you are ever going to have another erection."

As they were filling out al of the paperwork she came over to me and asked very quietly, "He'll never tell me, will you?"

"Only if you swear to never tall the law."

"I swear."

"Well, he was having sex with a gal I know and he got smart and pulled out of her and tried to ram that monster up her rectum. She screamed 'NO' and rolled out from under him and grabbed a pair of barbecue tongs and swung with all of her might. You saw what a good aim she has."

The doctor was holding her sides laughing and said,

"Good for her. He got exactly what he deserved and I hope he can't get another erection again for a long time .....if ever."

I drove him home and he moaned the whole way saying, "I'll get Sara for this. I swear I will."

"Well big shot, it you even make one move against her, I'll put the law on you in a second and guess what, the whole Emergency room at the hospital will be a witness to what she did to you for what you did to her. Yeah, you got it ...I told them."

"Geez, Jana, you're my sister, why did you do that?"

"Well brother-boy, you showed you are like a million other guys who think their dicks are Gods gift to the female world. Sara showed that you were wrong and I'm glad she did and do hope you have a tough time ever getting it hard again."

"Oh don't wish that or you and I will never be able to have sex again."

"I'll be glad to give that up if it will mean you will never be able to do to another woman what you did to Sara."

All he could respond with was, "Oh God."

I left him in the kitchen moaning about his misfortune and went over to see the backyard surgeon ...Dr. Sara.

She was sunning herself as I walked around to the pool and jumped up to greet me. "Oh Jana, I'm so glad you came over. I was afraid you would break off with me for what I did to Jim"

Saying "Not a chance. He deserved what he got," as I walked over to her chaise. "Now you have about one minute to make me feel good" as I pulled off my shorts and panties. She almost dove for my pussy. I lay on my back and used both hands to pull her down on my crotch.

It didn't take any more encouragement than that and she had a few fingers deep inside of me with her tongue fighting to beat them to my clit. It didn't take long before I was covering her face with my juices and she simply licked every drop off me.

She made a sudden dive for the pool and was out of the water in a flash and ran into the kitchen to return with another pitcher of scotch and ice and we were back to where we started all of this a few weeks earlier.

It took Jim's dick more than a few weeks to partially recover but it wasn't completely useless. He could never get it totally hard again even after having a number of surgeons' work on it but there sure wasn't going to be any chance of him repeating what he tried on Sara with any other gal. His ass fucking days were over .....thank God.

Sara and I get together at least once a week and I finally made Jim move out on his own. He found a new girlfriend and I haven't pried to ask about their sex life. One thing is for sure .... her ass is safe.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
Sadistic much?

This is not pleasurable porn. Eroticism and brutality are a stupid combination. Author should be ashamed and, please, get some help.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago
sadistic much?

This story isn't porn; it's sheer brutality. 2 very different things.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Wives do far worse to husbands on this site, and you all cry that he overreacted if he divorces her. Hypocrites.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

He goes straight from the hospital to his aunt's husband and tells him his wife is screwing around, “Just go home early tomorrow and see your wife with my sister”. Busted, divorced, homeless. Justice!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

About the ridiculous assault with a deadly weapon, over reaction of the aunt, (He stuck 2 inches up her ass, while they were having sex! No means no, when you actually say NO. I'm not defending rape, so dont go nuts. She invited him for sex, then got him all excited, maybe he just got caught up in the moment. The moment he touched her ass, all she had to do was say “STOP. I don't do that”, Then if he didnt stop, he deserved what he got) for which he is maimed for life, along with huge medical bills. How many of you would be cheering and laughing if the roles were reversed with his aunt shoving a cucumber up his ass, only to have her face slashed open with a blunt weapon, and left with a permanently disfigured face? I seriously doubt all the man haters would be so understanding.

But whatever about all that, it was still a poor story anyway. Attempted sodomy and genital mutilation may appeal to the freaks, but it doesnt belong in erotica.

There was no build up, just; Aunt and niece are sunbathing, then suddenly, without warning, aunt has her face in her SLEEPING niece's pussy, (rape, for anyone paying attention), no warning, no build up, no flirting or seduction, just sunbathing, sleeping, sudden lesbian incest. In that order. And just as suddenly in the story; “Oh, by the way, I'm fucking my brother, want some?”. No explanation as to how that happened, just thrown in there. Not very sexy or erotic, just blunt.

A story needs more that sex for the sake of it. It needs explanation, dialogue building to a point, it needs STORYTELLING. Not just " Here are the names of the characters, and now the fucking!”

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