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Natural instead of artificial insemination.
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Many of you have known couples who wanted children but were "unable" to conceive. Before the huge medical evaluation, some family doctors used to "prescribe" a long ocean voyage- expecting the couple to fuck a lot more during this trip because there really is not much else to do at sea!

How often would a woman who "couldn't conceive" become pregnant soon after adopting a baby? Maybe some of there were the "postman effect" (some male not her husband helped the process). But many of these couples seem to have trouble having sex successfully- and NO OTHER PROBLEM in the biology.

After several years of donating my sperm for "artificial insemination", I decided that it made a lot more sense for me to implant the sperm myself, because the "artificial" process is very expensive and often unsuccessful (even with my sperm, which is well proven to produce smart healthy children on first exposure).

I was a surgeon at a local hospital at the time, so I let it be known to various nurses that I was providing fertilization for women who had been trying to have a baby but were unsuccessful. I had a lawyer draw up a "contract" that would avoid obvious problems with the process- no guarantee, but at least it would make it easier for me to avoid unwanted problems. Even before the lawyer had my "contract form" finished, I started getting calls. I explained that my sperm had been available for several years as an anonymous donor- and had been used locally by more than seven women, so it would be wise to consult with the sperm bank to avoid having siblings intermarry (or mate!). The city was almost a million population, so it was not like I was going to father hundreds of children.

The husband usually called, and usually asked for details of the "non-artificial" insemination. I explained that his wife would track her menstrual cycle, and would let me know so we could schedule two days and three nights together at my home. The husband would not watch or take part in any way- he would be forgotten for the three days, starting at 6pm on one day and ending at before noon on the third day. Thus if we began at 6pm Friday, the wife would be with me Friday night, Saturday night and Sunday night and would be done Monday morning- I expected to not take off time from work for this.

The long exposure seemed likely to be a problem, and about half of the husbands mentioned this seemed excessive- and I agreed with them that they should try something else if they thought I was trying to take advantage of their situation. Actually I was not trying to take advantage of anyone, and did not plan on fucking any woman over and over and over for three nights- I wanted the woman to be exposed to me long enough for her to become comfortable with me- and with my smells- so that she ovulated. I expected to be taking her temperature (with a VAGINAL thermometer and both of us naked!), to try to isolate the time of ovulation. And until the ovulation, I expected to be stimulating her as much as possible (both of us ~naked 100% of the time, with underpants to avoid any stains on the furniture. I did not explain my plan in detail to the husbands, but did explain that there were biological reasons for the long time, and yes, there was no expense involved for the couple.

I expected some desperate couples to be the first to agree, and I had explained that I would meet the couple for a short conversation to see if they would be compatible with me. The first couple I met with lived about 50 miles away in a smaller town, and we met for dinner at a local hotel restaurant. I wore casual clothes, and was actually a little nervous about the meeting. It was not like I had never dated or fucked women I barely knew, but I had never done it after meeting her husband and discussing it.

I had already explained a lot of details to Fred before we met, but had not really discussed anything with his wife Emma. Fred waved to me from their table when I entered the restaurant, and introduced me to Emma when I got to their table. She stood up and moved toward me, I guessed to hug me- but it turned out to be a sort of Hollywood cheek to cheek greeting, and she smelled strongly of some perfume. Not a good start as I had explained to Fred the importance of NO fragrance in any products she used (including shampoo and soap!). Anyway, the expected embarrassment never appeared, and they did not seem too crazy... so by the time dinner was over, I explained that they seemed like a good couple for my services. Fred asked, "So how do we begin?"

Emma asked, "when do you do the procedure?" Suddenly I realized that I had assumed that Fred had explained that there was no "procedure", that Emma would be staying with me at my home for three nights and that we would be "mating" as animals do, without any tools of the trade whatsoever. I never made that mistake again, because it turns out that Emma was not really very interested in having anything except a doctor's tool in her cunt, and so the whole evening was simply educational for me (and Fred).

The next couple was more fully educated about my "plan" before we got the end of dinner and I agreed to inseminate Molly. Tom asked, "How do we start the process?" and Molly asked if we could have a trial run in the parking lot!

I had reviewed her medical records and did not think the parking lot random fuck would add much statistical probability to an attempt to become pregnant, much as it sounded like fun. It did make me wonder if she had been trying out various other men while trying to get pregnant with Tom. Anyway, I gave them the record sheet and a clinical thermometer, and explained how to record temperature and phone it in to my office secretary.

In a couple of weeks, I notified them that Molly should plan on being at my home from Friday at 6pm until Monday morning some time, and without other arrangements, they appeared at my home at 6pm and I invited Molly in, and asked that Tom not enter nor return until Monday morning- unless there was an actual emergency. All calls went through my answering service, to insure they were emergency situations- and I gave Tom Molly's cell phone to hold until Monday.

I closed the front door, turned to Molly and asked her if she was ready to begin. She smiled at me and asked, "You mean have sex right now?"

"No", I explained, "we will have sex only when I think you are ready. But you can take off all your clothing right now- you may have noticed that the house is somewhat overheated... we are going to be naked for a few days."

I paused to see if this order resulted in some contrary behaviour, but she did not hesitate to shed her clothing right down to bare skin. I soon had my clothing off also, and noticed that she stared for a short time at my penis- but did not say anything (what could she say, it was soft!).

"First we will get to know each other while relaxing in the hot tub, and before that we both will shower and wash each other, using no fragrance so we have our natural smells."

She followed me to the hot tub, which was on an indoor porch that had a privacy screen- and an adjacent shower. I washed her body, including her hair, and her breasts and including her vulva, and lastly her butt crack and anus.

"Now you wash me." She began cautiously, as if she had never done anything like this before (and I guess she had not). I had to encourage her to rewash my penis and scrotum as she really did not do that very carefully. Nor was she active enough at washing my asshole, so she redid that. Then we got in the hot-tub, and I began the conversation by asking her about her sexual experiences, starting with the earliest she remembered.

She claimed to have no sexual experience until she got married! Of course that is impossible, but gave me some idea why she was having trouble getting pregnant. We went back to her preschool education, and talked about what she did in school and who her friends were and how they played together. Then repeated that for each year. As she became more comfortable with my authority and non-judgmental discussion, she eventually explained that her mother had been very aggressive about not letting her "touch herself down there". She was taught that her private place was very special, and her mother would smell her hands after she had been in bed for a while, and would punish her if her hands smelled like pussy. Also she had been given enemas regularly, and explained that she still used enemas when she felt "too full". I asked how old she was when her mother stopped smelling her hands and she said she never stopped until Molly was in High school and could lock her bedroom door.

"Did you touch yourself then?" I asked. "Oh!" she laughed, I always was touching myself there- I suppose that is how the whole thing started. I learned to keep a washcloth in bed with me to wash off my fingers when I heard my mom coming to check me!" I had her explain how she touched herself and the results she got from that- then as we got out of the hot tub, I asked her to "show me what you did as a child that made you feel good." By now she seemed to trust me and was almost enthusiastic about showing me. She lay on the bedsheet under the covers, then suggested I remove the covers or I really could not see what she was doing. I was going to do that anyway, but it was nice that she thought of it first. He lay on her stomach, with both hands under her so her fingers could get on both sides of her clitoris, and she started slow but sped up, then paused... then started over.

"How long would you do this?"

"As long as it takes- but I usually would like to spread it out so it takes longer- that is why I stop and start over."

"Did you think about anything while you were doing it."

"Oh yeah! That is almost the best part. When I was a kid I would think about strange things, but now I think about more adult matters, mostly silly fantasies where I am showing off to others, or being admired by others, or sometimes giving orders to an attractive man."


"Sure... .like ordering him to give me sexual pleasure."

"Do you play games like that with your husband? or anyone else?"

"No... I tried that and he seemed upset that I was being dirty."

"Oh, well... why don't you try giving me orders to pleasure your private parts, so we can find out if I learned how to do that correctly."

"Really? are you kidding?"

"Not at all, just don't order anything painful or dangerous to either of us."

She laughed and asked "is that the only restriction?"


She rolled over and enthusiastically spread her legs. She asked if I had any lubricant, and I said yes and got it when she suggested that.

"OK, lube up your index finger and play with my asshole the way you did while you were washing me." Which I did and which she liked.

"OK, Simon says, 'lick my pussy'" and I got into position and gently stroked her labia with the tip of my tongue.

"STOP!" and I stopped.

"Hey, Simon didn't say stop licking my pussy!" and she laughed, and so did I. I was worried she would be too shy, but turns out her husband had been keeping her too shy, she was actually loving every moment of this.

We continued with Simon Says- one lick at a time- here and there- until she was very very wet and swollen.

"I'm getting really excited," she said... what if I finish?

"Do you finish with your husband when having sex?"

She laughed again, "No, he just fucks me and is usually finished before I really get excited, so I have to finish it myself."

"Well, why don't we take a break from Simon says, and have you play with me for a while? Maybe suck on my penis?"

"OK, but I really don't know how to do that- my husband will not really let me even SEE his penis, I think because he thinks it is too small, and it really is not very big if 6" is average."

"Good time to learn- just don't use your teeth and it will be OK. Get up close and smell me, and feel every part and squeeze every part, but gently with the scrotum and balls."

"OK, but don't get upset if I do this wrong."

I lay back and she began with a spirit of adventure, carefully touching and moving each part of me- with predictable results: my cock got bigger and bigger and she mentioned that. And bigger still. And she mentioned that she didn't think that would fit in her because it was too big. I told her to not worry about that, we will find a way to get things to work. It is really fun to have a woman truly ADMIRE your cock and how big and hard it is- turns out she had never seen her husband's erection, nor felt it except inside her. And certainly not kissed, licked or sucked it. I found myself wondering what her husband expected AFTER his wife spent time with me- I guess he really wanted her to get pregnant!

While she was sucking me, I was diddling her labia and clit, and slid a finger into her vagina- which was not tight on one finger, but when I slid in a second finger she sort of gasped and it was quite tight. Since my cock is bigger than two of my fingers thick, she was right to expect this to be a tight squeeze- but getting there is half the fun?

I suddenly turned her over and decided it was time to penetrate her- but expected to do this VERY slowly. I bumped the tip of my stiff cock against her vulva, and against her clit, and she encouraged that. So I started pushing at her vagina, then would let my cock slip up along her vulva and across her clit.

"Can I try something?" she asked.


She took my cock and held it against her vulva and clit- exactly as it had been rubbing- but she pushed it down with her hand and asked me to slide it back and forth. About the 10th time, her face was all distorted and she started coming in what was a truly amazing orgasm that had her gasping and groaning. Then she was still. "HOLY SHIT! Pardon my French. That was like the most amazing thing I have ever... I didn't even realize I could do that!"

After a minute or two, I resumed the efforts to enter her vagina, and realized that she still had part of her hymen intact. I explained to her that we could either tear the hymen with my cock, or I could get a clamp and sterile scissors and snip it that way (which might hurt less).

"You mean I am still a virgin?" she laughed. "Go ahead and try the natural way for a while, and if that doesn't work, we can resort to surgery. Still a virgin... who would believe!"

I decided that the "best" way would be for me to let my erection get a little smaller by half, lube it up real well, and slide it in - then gently let it grow back to full size inside her, tearing the hymen as it did so. That actually worked really well, and although it hurt her, she actually seemed very positive about the experience of "losing her virginity" (again).

And I ejaculated mightily once it was all the way in, after I had gently stretched up her vagina- pushing her cervix further and further, which may have given her another orgasm, but she didn't say. I was about to come and then I seemed to just keep pumping sperm into her for a full minute. Uterine contractions may actually suck up the sperm outside the cervix, but no way to assure that happens.

I turned her over while still impaled on my cock, and lifted us both up to doggy position, and told her to keep her head and chest down on the bed to promote better contact of the sperm by the cervix of the uterus. She explained she had been doing this after sex with her husband and understood the reason... but then she explained "couldn't we just have sex in THIS position?" Turns out her husband only uses the missionary position, all others are perversions in his mind.

So I hope you get the idea. It was not even midnight Friday and she was probably already pregnant! But neither she nor I were going to abandon this "work" until Monday morning, and I think we both knew that.

Turns out that Molly has been seeking my "professional services" ever since, which I continue to provide gratis because she is as much fun as any woman I have ever had sex with. She loves her husband, and has sex with him the way he insists on having sex. But she comes to me for what she calls REAL sex, with orgasms that are not "do it yourself" and a whole lot more variation and stimulation.

We have added "role playing" out in public (not in either of our home towns!). She simply loves to get off at a movie, or be fucked from behind in a shopping mall. Even a quickie in the back seat of a car is enough to get her off if my cock is in her. I love to help.

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imhaplessimhapless4 months ago

Entertaining -- need I say more? 5*

iammweaseliammweaselover 1 year ago


Yeah nothing says "Im a weak, self esteem lacking, homosexual" like a writer finding it hot to watch another dudes dick knock up a wife that has something between her legs that he doesnt want....and yes I mean pussy, clearly HE WANTS the cock thats between her legs.

NemarleNemarlealmost 3 years ago

This seems to be the kind of story an old pervert would write if there was some easy way for gullible women to contact him and ask him to stop by when her husband was not home? IF he could do this, wouldn't he be out doing it instead of writing about it??

OK, I loved it and wish every man I ever date would read it (twice).

26thNC26thNCalmost 3 years ago

The only way for a cuck and whore to make a baby.

amischiefmakeramischiefmakerabout 4 years ago
Cute and entertaining

but did she get pregnant? 5* either way.

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