Into Africa


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Ron walked away shaking his head. Simon had an impressive body, but so what, he was still black. He was annoyed & troubled. He had a niggling thought that Simon was a bigger & better man than he was. He had to get it out of his system.

The next few days passed without incident. Ron had vehemently refused to go on any more excursions. Jan spent most of her time lazing around the pool. Although, being leered at by middle aged men wasn't her idea of fun. There was no cell phone service here, either. That was something else Ron would have to take care of. The hardline phones also weren't that reliable. She was wondering how she could contact Simon.

On the seventh day of their stay, Ron had arranged a massage & manicure for Jan. He had an ulterior motive for the gesture. He needed the use of the room with Jan out of the way. After she had left, he waited 5 minutes, then headed to the back of the hotel to look for one of the cleaners, Sorella.

When he saw her, he made a discreet gesture & hurried back to his room. He'd first tried to proposition a receptionist, but she had told him to fuck off, more or less. It was a pity because she was a stunner.

There was a knock at the door & Ron quickly let Sorella in. He took $20 out of his wallet & said,

"Remember, you have to do whatever I say without argument...and you have to call me master."

She nodded & snatched the bill. She had done something like this before, and $20 was the equivalent of 3 months pay for her. She already knew what kind of shit this idiot was into...but $20 was $20.

5 minutes later, Ron sat naked in the armchair as Sorella was on her knees kissing his feet. He looked down at her & said,

"That's right, you nigger whore, I own your black ass."

"Yes, master," She replied, subserviently. Ron's dick was harder than it had been in years. He was loving it. An immense feeling of power coursed through him. He was the white man & he was superior to any black, including Simon.

He continued to verbally abuse Sorella all over the room. She was slim & fit with small tits. He bent her over a table & slowly eased his dick in & out of her. Sorella was hoping he wouldn't have staying power, older men usually had better control in her experience, but Ron was so excited he came inside a minute. There was still plenty of time & he intended to make the most of it.

Ron had Sorella lick his ass & massage his cheeks. Then, he had her kissing his legs as he hollered,

"That's right, whore, worship your master."

She didn't think much of his body, too much fat & little muscle. The heat had turned his arms & legs red, while his torso & genitals were a pasty white. He had the smallest, thinnest cock she had ever seen. Flaccid, it was a stub at just over an inch.

Ron couldn't believe it when his dick became erect for a second time in 30 minutes. He told Sorella to lick his dick & balls as he grabbed a handful of her hair. He was so excited his whole body was trembling. She decided to move things along & jerked his shaft as her other hand tickled his balls. Ron groaned loudly as his body stiffened & he came. He sat on the bed & gasped,

"So good...that was the best."

Sorella went to the bathroom to clean up. Ron looked at his watch. Jan would be halfway through her manicure by now. He could probably risk 10 minutes. When Sorella appeared, he pushed her against the wall & sucked on her tits. His hands ran all over her body as he humped his crotch into her. He kissed her skin all over as his finger stroked her clit.

Sorella moaned as Ron found her hotspot. The little fucker had switched 180 on her. Then again, an orgasm was the least she deserved after this ordeal. She closed her eyes & relaxed, thinking about her ex boyfriend.

It was just over 5 minutes later when Sorella moaned & shook as she climaxed. Ron felt her cum gushing over his fingers. He watched her intently as she came down, breathing hard. He glanced at his watch, it was time for her to go. He reluctantly said,

"You better get dressed, my wife will be back soon."

She threw her clothes on quickly, then Ron ushered her out, giving her another $10.

He checked the room thoroughly, making sure there was no trace of evidence that could incriminate him. He sat in the armchair, completely satisfied. Sorella would get a promotion when he took over. He imagined himself with a stable of black women at his beck & call. Then, Simon's powerful physique invaded his mind. Ron saw himself on his knees looking up at his menacing figure as Jan caressed his chest & said,

"You can only dream about having a body like this, Ron."

Ron shook his head vigorously. Why was his dick getting hard again? Something about Simon disturbed his usual confidence. Fucking Sorella had made him feel better but he didn't have a problem with black women. White men fucking black women was perfectly fine, but white women...NO WAY! Ron wished he could make Simon his slave. He'd beat the cocky nigger senseless.

He was suddenly incredibly tired. He couldn't keep thoughts of Simon out of his mind. Jan's voice was saying,

"Simon is some tasty eye candy...and I wanna taste that chocolate. Only a blind woman would prefer vanilla over chocolate."

Ron closed his eyes & was asleep in seconds. When Jan woke him up, he realized he'd had a wet dream.

The next day, the hotel owners arrived & Ron started his negotiations with them. The one big thing in his favor was that this place would be a hard sell. Jan knew that Ron would be tied up & she also knew there was a safari booked at midday. She headed to the gates at the front & waited for Simon to appear. 3 people were already sat in the Land Rover ready to go. She needed a couple of minutes to talk to him.

She spotted a figure in the distance & gambled on it being Simon. She walked towards him quickly, trying not to be too obvious. When she spotted the rifle, she knew it was him & waved. Simon was happy to see her, too. He had thought of little else since that day under the waterfall. She was 50 meters away but he could still make out her knockout figure.

As Jan approached him, she cheerfully said,

"Hi, Simon, how are you?"

"All the better for seeing you, Jan," He replied. She beamed at the compliment as they walked towards the Land Rover.

"So, are you coming on this safari?"

He asked, hopefully. Jan sighed & replied,

"Unfortunately not. Ron says excursions are out."

Simon looked down, sadly. He had no chance while Ron was around. Jan moved closer to him & said,

"Actually, Ron's meeting the hotel owners all this week to negotiate the deal. How do you spend your evenings?"

Simon knew what she was getting at & replied,

"I usually stay at the family camp. We're about 8 or 9 miles from here. If Ron's busy, you could visit the tribe tomorrow evening."

Jan looked ahead. They had about a minute before they reached the vehicle. She quickly said,

"I'll have to speak to Ron about it, but how can I contact you, Simon?"

He thought for a moment, then replied,

"I can be here tomorrow at 7 o'clock. You can let me know then, no pressure."

Jan said it was a plan & they said goodbye. She was almost skipping as she headed back inside the hotel grounds in a much improved mood.

She was already rehearsing her conversation with Ron. The last few days had been a bore, lounging around the pool, drinking cocktails. She could do that back home. Memories of the waterfall encounter had driven her to masturbate several times. Her pussy had been constantly tingling lately, hot & ready for action.

Jan didn't see Ron until the evening, when they were having dinner. She took a deep breath & said,

"I saw Simon today, Ron. We briefly got talking & he invited us to visit his family tribal camp tomorrow."

Ron looked up & replied,

"Well, I'm busy with this hotel deal, so, we can't make it, even if I wanted to go."

Jan played with her food as she said,

"You're going to be busy but I'm going to be bored in this hotel with nothing to do."

Ron finished the last of his food, then said,

"Look, babe, I'm only going to be tied up for a couple of days, after that we can visit the capital or any city you'd like."

Irritated, she replied,

"I'd like to visit Simon's tribe & observe a little local culture. What's the big deal, Ron?"

He leaned forward & said,

"The big deal is that I don't want my wife in the middle of a bunch of black savages. Some of the guests are playing Bridge tomorrow. Why not join them?"

"Are you kidding? Play Bridge with a few middle aged zombies that I have nothing in common with...could be the highlight of this vacation,"

She replied sarcastically.

Ron realized it had been a dumb suggestion. Jan was young & she had a young perspective on life. His only real argument was the issue of safety. He stuck to his guns & grumbled,

"I'm sorry, Jan, but I can't let you go unless you can be contacted there or I'm with you."

Jan left the room in a huff & went for a walk downstairs.

She walked around the grounds, disappointed & pissed. She saw the head of security by the main gate & decided to speak to him. Tiago watched her as she approached. Damn, she was fine. He wished he was 20 years younger. Jan read his name tag & asked,

"How come there's no cell phone reception here, Tiago?"

It felt like he'd answered this question a million times. He replied,

"The networks haven't got round to putting up masts this far outside any city. Plus, there aren't enough people here to justify the expense. If the hotel wants coverage, they're gonna have to pay the bill."

Deflated, Jan sighed & joked,

"I don't suppose you've got a long piece of string & 2 cups?"

Tiago laughed & replied,

"Why don't you hire a pair of the 2 way walkie-talkies?"

Jan's eyes lit up in excitement as she said,

"Walkie talkies? Yes, I'll definitely hire a pair of them. What kind of distance can they cover?"

Tiago replied,

"15 miles, tops, on flat terrain."

He watched her run back towards the lobby, her ass cheeks jiggling as they poked out the bottom of her tight shorts.

Jan burst into the room with a look of elation on her face & shrieked,

"Mission complete! We're hiring a pair of walkie-talkies tomorrow. They'll easily cover the distance, so, you've got nothing to worry about, Ron."

He looked back at her, perplexed. How the hell did she find out about the walkie-talkies? They weren't advertised. The hotel only kept them for the excursions. There was nothing he could say.

Jan picked up the walkie-talkies in the morning. She wasn't leaving anything to chance. She didn't know what would happen this evening but the thought of cheating on Ron wasn't a moral issue for her. In her mind, Ron wasn't satisfying her, so, she was entitled to find satisfaction elsewhere.

Ron was dreading the evening. How had he let this happen? He even tried cancelling the meeting with the owners, so he could accompany Jan but they were unwilling to reschedule. They wanted to conclude the deal over the next 4 days. Ron got even more agitated when Jan booked the hotel hairdresser, then spent the late afternoon primping herself.

Ron was knocking back rum cocktails as he watched her. He was getting angry & wailed,

"Why are you getting all dolled up, Jan?"

She smiled at him & innocently replied,

"I always try to look nice, Ron. I thought you liked me looking sexy."

"Yeah, but you're doing it for him, that fucking nigger!" He spat.

Jan spun around & cried,

"I fucking told you not to call Simon that...EVER! He's the only friend I've made out here, so you better start treating him with respect. I want to see a lot more of him, as you'll be so busy."

Ron looked back at her in open mouthed shock. What she'd said & the tone she used had stunned & demoralized him. He wanted to cry but managed to fight back the tears.

At 6.50pm, Jan grabbed her backpack & said,

"Time for me to go. I'll speak to you on the radio, honey."

Ron could only nod in confusion. He was already running late. He wasn't in the mood to go over the books with the owners but it had to be done.

Jan was in the bathroom in the lobby. She went into a cubicle & took her bra off. She looked at herself in the mirror & giggled. Her big tits stretched her tight top. It couldn't be more obvious she wasn't wearing a bra. She walked through the lobby with her backpack in front of her to avoid attention. She was still amazed at how Ron had meekly backed down when she had raised her voice. Maybe it was what he needed. His over confidence was a sham.

Simon saw Jan exit the hotel & walk towards him. He'd been pretty nervous until he saw the backpack. He knew then that she was definitely coming with him, hopefully in more ways than one. As she got closer, he said,

"Damn, you look good enough to eat, Jan."

She smiled shyly. Her sleeveless top was tied under her breasts, showing off her flat belly. The material was practically molded around her huge tits. She had cut down a pair of her shorts even further. They were now so small that half her cheeks were visible.

As they began the long walk, Jan was pleasantly surprised that Simon had worn aftershave. Not that she thought it was important. His natural scent was like an aphrodisiac to her. Simon dropped back a pace momentarily & quietly groaned when he saw the back of Jan. Her shorts were riding up & three quarters of her ass cheeks jiggled sexily. Her long legs were tanned & flawless. Simon had never seen a woman anywhere near her calibre.

Jan explained the situation with the radio as they walked. Simon laughed as he said,

"You know, I don't think your husband likes me, Jan."

She laughed too & replied,

"It's because he's afraid of you. You intimidate him."

Simon looked puzzled as he asked,

"Afraid of me? Why would he be?"

Jan looked him up & down as she replied,

"He's intimidated by your muscularity, your looks, your size & strength. You make him feel insecure & weak."

Simon raised an eyebrow in surprise, wondering how this information could benefit him.

It was nearly 8.30pm when they finally reached the camp. It was smaller than Jan had imagined. There were 12 temporary huts built of wood, leaves & mud. There were only around 20 people at this camp. Simon told her there were more tribal members further south in another camp.

Simon introduced her to everyone, including his father the chief. Few of them spoke any English, but they were all fascinated by her blonde hair & huge tits. The older women couldn't understand how her breasts could be so big & yet so firm. Jan leaned against Simon & asked,

"How come you're the only one who can speak English?"

Simon looked around, then replied,

"My father was worried about tribal life being under threat. So, I was sent to a missionary school. I learned English there & eventually went to a university in Cape Town to study wildlife ecology. The ironic thing is that it's not logging, mining or any environmental issues that are ending tribal life. It's young people wanting something different."

At 9.30pm, the radio hissed & Ron's voice was saying,

"Ron to Jan, come in."

Jan picked up the walkie, hit the button & replied,

"Yes, I'm here, Ron. Everything's fine...over."

"It's getting late, are you coming back soon? Over," He was almost pleading. Jan gave him a short reply,

"Not yet, I'll let you know...over & out."

Jan was given some food & a dark drink. She didn't know what either of them were but she wolfed it down & the awful drink. She soon discovered the drink was some kind of home made alcohol...and it was potent. Simon told her the tribe wanted to put on a dance for her & he disappeared to get changed.

Jan was downing more of the Waragi & starting to feel more relaxed & aroused. What she saw next had her pussy dripping. Simon came out of his hut wearing practically nothing. His only garment was a piece of cloth covering his genitals. Strings went around his waist & along his ass, attaching to the front like a G string.

As the men & women began dancing & chanting, Jan was drooling over Simon's body. From her position on the floor she had a good view under his miniscule loincloth. She could see his large balls swinging & bouncing around. It was getting dark & the firelight lit all the half naked, black bodies. Jan narrowed her eyes to make out Simon's cock but it was tied & held in place somehow. She was tempted to reach out & grab his peachy ass when he danced in front of her.

When the dance was over, Simon came over & sat opposite her. Jan was leering at his body lustfully, and she wasn't discreet about it. The Waragi had completely removed her inhibitions. She licked her lips as she watched a bead of sweat run down his neck, over his pecs & along his hard sixpack. She had no doubt that he was the most gorgeous man she'd ever laid eyes on.

It was nearly 11pm now. Simon had taken off Jan's boots & was massaging her feet. She was leaning back against a tree enjoying his expert touch when he said,

"You can stay here tonight if you want, Jan."

Smiling, she replied,

"I presume I'll have to...sleep in your hut? Looks pretty cramped in there. Can I trust you to behave yourself, Simon?"

He thought about it for a second, then simply said,


She looked directly into his eyes & drawled,

"Well, then, in that case, I guess I'll stay. One night, it shouldn't be too hard."

Simon shrugged, then quipped,

"I'm pretty sure it'll be as hard as hell."

"And I'm pretty sure I can deal with anything that cums up," she shot back with a wink.

Eventually, they went to Simon's hut. It was hardly spacious at 12x8ft & sparsely decorated. The bed was only 3ft wide & comprised of layers of leaves & branches covered by a large blanket made of animal furs. Jan sat down on it & found it surprisingly comfortable. Simon lit a small fire & the hut was illuminated by the shadowy light.

The radio hissed again, followed by Ron's panicked voice,

"Ron to Jan, come in...please come in."

Jan hit the talk button & replied,

"Jan here...I'm staying here tonight, Ron. It's too dark to walk back now...and I've been drinking their homemade hooch...over."

Ron came back on, his voice cracking as he said,

"Oh no...come home early, Jan, please...over."

Jan replied,

"Going to sleep now. Goodnight, Ron...over."

Jan leaned back against the wall as she finished her drink. This Waragi stuff was lethal. It tasted vile but it acted like an aphrodisiac. Simon laid down on the bed & adjusted something under his loincloth. Then, he locked his hands behind his head. Jan shimmied out of her shorts. They weren't covering much, anyway.

She propped herself up on her elbow facing Simon. The bed was so narrow, she was almost laying on his right side. Then, she saw movement under his loincloth. Jan was watching his crotch intently as the material bulged obscenely. Then, it happened. His cock broke free of the loincloth & bounced on his right thigh.

Jan was totally transfixed by the awesome sight. His cock was long & thick & still growing. The circumcised head was swelling to huge proportions. Simon's cock was already easily bigger than the black stripper's...and at least twice the size of Ron's. Amazingly, it started rising up off his thigh, still growing & getting harder. Jan wondered how much bigger it could get.

She wanted to play with her pussy, but settled for humping her crotch against his thigh. Simon's cock was pointing to 10 o'clock now, big veins snaked all over the thick, black shaft. It kept rising until it pointed straight up & then fell back towards his stomach. Before it could make contact with his midriff, it jerked massively & throbbed powerfully. It pointed towards 2 o'clock, 10 inches of rock hard, black meat hovering in the air.

Jan stared hypnotically at the giant penis & said,