Iron Heart Ch. 02


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Walking to the front of the truck Ben saw some younger man running up and he was drunk. The man reeked of alcohol and pot.

"Yo man, where is that bitch!" he slurred and Ben lost it.

The right hook swung out and connected with the man's jaw sending him to the floor and tumbling backwards. Ben walked over to the man and saw he was no more than twenty or so. He also noted the sweat shirt the young man was wearing. It was a local college one and he knew right away that Carol had gone fratting. The whore went to the local college looking for frat boys to take home and party with.

With a disgusted sigh Ben shook his head and went back to his truck. Rochelle was curled in a ball still crying as he got in and drove away. Likely Carol wouldn't realize she was gone till the next day so he took his daughter back to his place.

Ben got them back to his place and carried Rochelle to the spare bedroom she used whenever she came over. For the second time that evening Ben put a young woman to bed and tucked her in. Rochelle, safe in her surroundings, fell fast asleep as her father kissed her forehead. Watching his baby sleep made his anger rise up like it hadn't before. Getting his phone he called his lawyer and left a very calm message for him. He told them of the frantic phone call from his daughter to him and even kept the message on his phone for him to listen to. In the same breath he demanded the papers to get full custody of Rochelle before something bad happened to her.

As Ben sat in his chair thinking of how things were going he got three phone calls in a row from Carol demanding he give Rochelle back. The last was a threatening call from her boyfriend that made his hackles rise. Ben was no coward and had nothing to fear of the little fuck, but he had a better idea. He called his friend Richard who was a cop. Ben and Richard became friends when Richard joined the bike club. Calling his friend while on duty was not usually a problem, he just hoped Richard wasn't busy.

"Hey Ben," Richard's voice piped up.

"Not busy are you man?" Ben asked.

"Nah, just eating lunch. Sup dude?" Richard asked.

Ben took a breath and told him the whole story. He explained in detail everything going on and what happened involving Rochelle. Richard listened to everything and took notes of important details. He listened to the minute details of the tale and nodded his head when Ben finished.

"So let me guess, she is gonna call the cops make a stink?" Richard guessed.

"Yup, she already is on the phone with her lawyer or so she claims," Ben answered.

"Dude, don't worry bout a thing. I'll call my shift commander and let him know what's up. Just keep her with you and take it easy man," Richard said reassuringly.

"Thanks bro," Ben said softly.

"Don't mention it man. Sides we got that run in three weeks. Be a shame if you can't make it on a count of that beyotch!" Richard said laughing.

"For real man. Hey good looking out," Ben said chuckling.

"It's all good man. Now get some sleep, I'll take care of it," Richard replied.

"Night man," Ben said and hung up.

Ben went to the door and locked it. He made sure all the windows were secure and hunkered down in his living room for the evening. Ben didn't sleep so well, but what he did get was enough. At precisely 9:00 AM the door was being pounded and Ben knew who it was. He went to the door and opened it, but kept the chain in place. Carol was on the other side with her lawyer and a police officer. Ben shook his head and shut the door. Feeling in a mood he took his time in removing the chain and opening the door. As he opened it the bitch made her move. Ben had no idea when she became a Jersey Queen, but somewhere she had.

Carol's once brown hair was now died platinum blonde and the roots glared their brown origins. Her bronzed skin was the result of self-tanning and had taken on an orange hue. The mounds of makeup she wore barely hid the lines on her face. The way her long hair was done up in an obnoxious poof made him shake his head. Her clothes were something that even a woman twenty years younger wouldn't wear. She was in a short belly shirt and what could only be called hot pants. The bright colors assaulted Ben's eyes as she stalked by him.

"You fucking creep! Taking my daughter in the middle of the fucking night!" she screamed and stormed past him. "Where is my baby, you prick!" she spat.

"She is asleep in the spare room. Now why don't you keep it down and I'll go get her," Ben replied in mock pleasantry.

Ben's gaze was fixed on the lawyer, but he noted the cop was shaking his head in disbelief. Ben walked to the bedroom and knocked softly.

"Rochelle honey, are you awake?" he asked.

"Tell her to go to hell!" Rochelle said from the other side.

"Bastard! What did you do to my daughter!" Carol screamed.

"I took her away from the fucking orgy going on at your house, tramp. Now let's keep this civil for Mr slime ball here," Ben said smiling smugly at her lawyer.

"There is no need for name calling Mr. Harris," the lawyer said snidely.

"Fuck you asshole! How's that for name calling?" Ben said in a flat neutral tone.

The cop started to snicker and the lawyer looked to him with a sharp glare. The cop got it together and walked over to Ben.

"Just get her out here so we can end this nonsense," The cop politely said.

"This isn't nonsense! That asshole kidnapped my fucking daughter!" Carol shrieked.

Ben shook his head and sighed. He knocked at the door again and this time Rochelle strode out. What shocked Ben was what she did next. Rochelle wasted no time in walking to her mother and spitting in her face.

"Fuck you cunt! I am not going back to that hell hole to let one of your fucking asshole boyfriends feel me up anymore!" she screamed.

Ben interjected himself between the two before it got ugly. When the lawyer went to say something the cop interceded. He looked to Rochelle and asked a simple question.

"What do you mean?"

"Last night, mom had five guys from the local college over. She was fucking them all and one of them tried to paw at me while I was doing my homework in my room. He just barged in and started trying to feel me up!" she said as tears went down her cheeks.

"He did no such thing," Carol retorted. "My friends were over and she was flirting with one of them. He stroked her back and she freaked out on him. He tried to apologize to her, but she wigged out and started slapping at him," Carol said in her boy toys defense.

"I'm so fucking sure," Ben spat and pulled out his cell phone.

He played the recording from the night before and the cop didn't need to know what was what. He looked to the lawyer and shook his head.

"She is going nowhere with you Miss Harris. I am making the call that for her health and wellbeing that she is to stay with her father until the courts make a further decision," the officer said.

The lawyer scrunched up his face as he listened and Carol's jaw bounced off the floor.

"You can't do that!" she protested.

"As a shift supervisor of the Totowa Police Department I can and just did. Now get out of here and let the lawyers go over the details," he said firmly.

Ben smiled smugly as the lawyer had to remove Carol who was seething. As a parting shot he waved goodbye to Carol and she spat at him. Ben chuckled as they left and the cop walked up to him. They shook hands and he filled out a statement. It took a few hours of phone calls and testimonies, but the issue was passed on to the family courts. It took a day of arguing before it was all said and done. After the dust had settled Ben had temporary custody of Rochelle pending a hearing in family court. Carol was seething in rage as she was told of the decision and she went into a wrath. The thing that got the decision made faster was the fact there was drugs and paraphernalia found at her home.

Ben was allowed to take Rochelle back to Carol's and get her things. It took only one trip as Rochelle got her clothes, books, and lap top for school. The rest she left and was happy just to be gone from there. Ben helped her put her clothes away and was grateful that she was still in the mood to go south with her sisters and him. They spent a quiet night going over her situation and finding a way to keep her in the school she was still at. Ben found a way to get her to and from school in one piece with the help of a friend of his, one that was in charge of the pledges to his club. One volunteered to be a chauffeur so that settled that issue. Ben knew the man was a good guy who was in fact a recent graduate of the Police academy.

As Ben and Rochelle hammered out all the details for her moving in with her father they also made sure to keep up to date with her school. Ben missed a few days at the garage for it, but the guys understood. They had families too and for one of their friends to need some time for his, they rallied in the garage. The easier projects were handled first and the harder project was put on the slow burner for now. Ben sent the guys a bottle of Crown and they returned his thanks by getting the two easier projects off to the painters.

Ben and Rochelle took the weekend and went to the shore. Point Pleasant was their destination. The other daughters and their respective other halves were on their way the following morning. Ben and Rochelle spent the day in the rental setting up for the upcoming fun. Slowly over the course of a few hours, the next morning, the others showed up.

Surrounded by his family, Ben was finally able to relax. Susan and her husband, Todd, showed up. Ben actually liked Todd Driver. He was a systems analyst for Verizon and a hard worker. The day he walked Susan down the aisle was a happy time for everyone, even Carol. But the happier time was the one day Todd shocked him by taking him and only him to a nice dinner to ask permission for her hand. Ben was so touched by it that when he handed Susan over to Todd he shook his hand in front of everyone. At the reception they had a great time.

Mary, his second oldest, arrived with her boyfriend Jake Park. Jake was into sports, but his studies took top priority. Mary was also at Princeton for her own studies in Business and met Jake at a function. They hit it off well and as they got to know each other their lives began to merge. Jake was everything a girl could want as he was tall and handsome. His heritage was something unusual. His father was a Korean whom was studying in America with the Korean Marines. His mother being an African American woman who worked at the base he was training at. Jake was a unique man as his mind was as sharp as his body and that was his footing. He had a perfect grade in his prominent studies and in lacrosse and track he was a standout. Ben liked him for the intensity in his eyes and knew that he was a good man who strove to be the best he could be.

Sherry arrived with Mary and Jake and she was the one Ben had high hopes for. She had just secured an academic scholarship to Rutgers and a minor for track. She took after her father by being tall. She didn't have the massive bulk like him, but was more lithe with a good figure. Her body did draw attention as she went, but she was still working her initial studies out she had no interest in men for the time being. Sherry was fortunate to be out of her mother's house before she had gotten too crazy from the divorce.

The girls all shared hugs and excited chatter in the living room for a while. Todd and Jake had developed a report and were talking on the balcony of the rental. Ben decided to take some time for himself and walked to his bedroom. He sat on the bed and thought of how fucked things were getting with Carol. After the divorce he wanted to be over and done with her, but for some fucked reason she wouldn't let things go. It seemed like every time he tried to get some distance she would run back and make him miserable somehow. As he thought of the pile of shit his wife was dragging his family through his phone went off and he about jumped from his skin. He looked at the number and saw it was Leta.

"Hey sweetie," Ben said into the phone.

"Why don't you answer me, papi?" Leta asked sounding perturbed.

Ben realized that his phone had a few messages from her and sighed. During the misery that was the last week, he had ignored his phone and didn't bother to check his messages. He was sure that Leta had called, but he was too busy with the cops or with Rochelle to take notice. He had no answer so he just said what came to his mind.

"I'm sorry, honey, it's been a fucked up week," Ben said into the phone and his voice inflection carried serious weight.

Leta heard it and almost cringed. She could hear the pain and anger in his voice and thought twice about lashing at him. She bit back her retort and decided to be a bit nicer.

"What happened, papi?" she asked and her voice showed a genuine concern.

Ben sighed and told her everything in detail. He spoke of Carol and her fuck toys trying to make their own private orgy. How Rochelle called him and was in hysterics. The scuffle with the man and of the day with the police and the lawyers.

Leta sat on her bed and absorbed everything he said. From what he told her she was almost in pain for him. The venom in his voice as he talked about Carol was something that was pure and spiteful. Something in him wanted something bad to happen, but the nice guy he was prevented him from thinking it. Leta could tell he was nearing his wits end and sighed as she listened to him then talk of the garage and how he missed time at work.

"What a fucking bitch!" Leta exclaimed.

Ben chuckled and replied, "That she is sweetie, that she is."

"Seriously though papi, what the fuck is her problem? Does she still want you or is she just a vindictive cunt for no reason?" Leta asked incredulously.

"You got me, honey. All I know is for fourteen years things are fine, then POOF it all started to go down and hard," he replied.

"I bet she did," Leta mumbled and Ben heard that.

"Many times, but not with me," Ben said and Leta laughed aloud.

"I'm sorry, papi," she said sweetly.

"It's not your fault honey. Hell, you were what...ten when shit got bad between us," Ben said chuckling.

"Well, either way, she has no right to make you miserable papi," Leta said and curled on her side.

Ben grunted and laid back on his back. Looking at the ceiling he saw Leta's face and smiled. He actually missed her and wished she was with him now.

"So, your home?" he asked.

"Yeah, just got off and am I'm getting ready to relax. Your down the Shore?" she asked.

"Yeah. It's the girl's birthdays so we are spending the weekend down here. Wanna come?" he offered.

"Wish I could papi, but I gotta work a double on Sunday and Monday. I have tomorrow off, but I need to catch up on a few things," she said ruefully.

"Too bad, I woulda ran up there right now to get you, maybe next time?" he offered.

"We'll see," Leta said softly.

They talked for a while longer of work and how Leta was doing. The other reason she didn't want to go was it was her time of the month. Ben understood that as living in a house with five women he got accustomed to that. Many times he had to go to the store for tampons or maxi pads. Ben understood very well the reality of things as more than once they all synced up. The times he spent with five women all having their period was never pleasant, but he endured. Ben laughed as he told her of that happening and Leta rolled her eyes.

They joked for a while longer than Ben heard his door being knocked at.

"Yeah?" Ben asked.

"What are we doing for dinner, daddy?" Sherry asked.

"Food," Ben replied whimsically and she laughed.

"Just a sec, honey," Ben said to Leta.

"What do you want?" he asked.

"Can we do 'The Shrimp Box'?" she asked.

"Sure, go get ready and we'll roll out," Ben said.

"OK, daddy," Sherry said and left him be.

"Taking them out to dinner, papi?" Leta asked softly.

"Yeah. It's been a while since we all sat down for a good meal and for three of them I owe them a good meal away from that bitch," Ben said chuckling.

"Don't worry about her, papi. She isn't there and you guys are gonna have a great weekend," Leta said in an upbeat tone.

"We will indeed, honey, we will indeed," Ben said smiling.

Leta curled on her side and wished Ben was there to hug, but his family was important. Hers was still important for her too although she didn't visit often, she did make the effort of calling them on regular times to check on them. Feeling semi daring Leta got an idea in her mind.

"So if I sent you something would you give me your honest opinion?" she asked.

"Sure. What do you need?" he asked.

"You'll see. I'll send it to you after we hang up, speaking of shouldn't you be getting ready?" she asked.

"I guess so," Ben laughed.

"I'll call you tomorrow?" she asked.

"Sure thing, honey," Ben said softly.

"Talk to you then papi," she said softly and hung up.

Ben sat up and realized he was getting a hard on. He had never just sprouted one like that just from talking to a woman and the thoughts of their last encounter on the phone came to mind. He smiled as he recalled the moans and whimpers she let out and shook it away. He had a dinner to get ready for and went to shower. As he took his shirt and pants off Ben looked at his chest. The massive pecks stood proudly on his chest and the tattoos on them were as impressive as he was. The one on his left side was a cross with a banner wrapped around it. The banner was the names of his daughters and it was for them he got it. On his right side was a reaper riding a bike with flaming wheels. On his back was a large demon skull with a knife plunging into it. He stepped into the shower and washed away the worry of the day.

Leta was up to far more devious things. She had just bought a new skirt and pair of boots. The skirt was a cute one that while short it was tasteful. The boots were leather, four inch heels that went up to her knee and a bit over, the proverbial "fuck me"-boots. She had a shirt picked out just for it, but decided to be fun. She went to her drawer and found just the right touch. She pulled on her tan-colored thigh high stockings and the boots.

The skirt was just long enough to cover the tops, but if she crossed her legs they would show. She put on the whole outfit and looked at herself. She looked great! Smiling playfully she got out her camera and took several pics in the mirror. The poses she took were cute and very naughty all at once. After she took her fifth and final she texted them one by one to Ben. The last one she blew him a kiss and looked so cute in the process she was sure to get a reply.

Ben got out of the shower and saw the text messages on his phone. After he got dressed Ben picked up his phone to check them and his eyes widened. Leta's first picture was her sitting on the bed with her knees together, but her feet spread and she was leaning forwards. The blue top and tan skirt was cute as were the black boots. The next picture was her reclining on the bed and her stocking top showing. The third was her giving a very sultry look and crossing her legs. Ben took a moment to take a breath as the fourth came up and it was her on her knees on the bed smiling cutely. The last one of her blowing him a kiss was the one that made him smile.

Ben sent her a text showing his appreciation of the pictures and he promised to get her something while he was down there. Leta didn't say she wanted anything and he let it go. The one message he got from her was a simple one.

***Hope you like the pics! Smile papi and I can't wait to see you again =D***

Ben smiled at that and he left the bedroom. As he walked to the living room he saw all the girls were ready to go as were the two guys. Loading into the truck and Todd's SUV they rolled out and to the restaurant. Ben got a good table for them all and sitting down in the nice place they enjoyed talk of current events. The only ground rule was no talking about their mom. The girls had so much to talk about regarding college and the way things were going. Ben absorbed all of them as they ate their appetizers, then he noticed how the Todd was being silent. Normally he had a lot to say, but he looked to Susan suddenly and nodded. Susan smiled at Todd then turned to face her father and drop the bombshell.