Iron Heart Ch. 02


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"Daddy, I hope this doesn't make you feel old, but you're gonna be a grandpa," she said smiling.

Ben was sipping his drink when she said that and he looked up with the drink in his hand and looked to Todd. While Todd was a good sized fellow at six foot one, he felt small suddenly. Ben blinked rapidly a few times and nodded.

"It was bound to happen after all," he said suddenly smiling.

"You're not mad with me daddy?" she asked.

"Why on earth would I be mad, baby? Now you get to put up with everything that I had to put up with from you," Ben said smiling smugly.

The whole table laughed at that and Susan shook her head. He raised his glass to the soon-to-be-mom and toasted their success. The other girls went crazy with questions and Ben just sat back and enjoyed the time with his family. They had a great seafood dinner and during desert Jake and Mary held hands and Ben saw the look they had. He knew that it was only a matter of time before he had another wedding to look forward too.

Driving back out from the restaurant, they took their time and enjoyed the sights of the shore at night. The boardwalk was lit up and the families and friends on it were having a good time. Ben wished he could have Leta down with him to enjoy the night, but he resigned himself to her pictures to warm him.

As Ben walked along the boardwalk with his kids, he let them go ahead of him. From a better vantage point Ben watched them having a good time while he sipped his soda. They played a few of the boardwalk games and not surprisingly won a few gifts. Ben didn't play any as he knew they were, of course, rigged to lose. Seeing Rochelle win a large teddy bear brought a huge grin to his face. She won the ball toss game that the previous five had lost. What he knew was that Rochelle was the best pitcher on her softball team and that was used to her advantage. The Carnie that ran the booth had to ask her not to play anymore because she was winning too much for his liking.

Ben walked by the man and gave him a cold stare when he was being a bit too rude to his daughter. The grim visage of the behemoth that was her father, was all it took to quiet the man. Ben led Rochelle away from the booth with her fairly won prize and to her favorite frozen treat stand. Getting all the group frozen ice treats was a nice touch after the good dinner. The group walked along the boardwalk and Ben really felt for once that his family was with him. As he thought of it his face grew distant. As they ate their ices all the daughters felt like something was wrong. The girls noticed how distant their dad was and as they found a nice quiet end of the boardwalk Susan decided to find out.

"You OK, daddy?" Susan asked softly.

"Hmm...oh, yeah...I'm fine," Ben replied as his focus came back.

"You just seem a bit...distant," she said.

"Yeah daddy. What's up?" Mary asked.

"Nothing baby, just thinking of some things," he responded.

"Like?" Rochelle pipped up.

"The new bike I have to help the guys make. The collector wants a specific type of styling and we have to produce," Ben answered half truthfully.

"Daddy, you've made hard bikes before and never looked that lost," Sherry said giggling.

"Daddy, it's not our place to ask, but are you seeing someone?" Mary asked.

"And what if I was?" Ben replied looking at all of them with a grin.

"Then I'd say it's about fucking time!" Jake said mirthfully.

"Here here!" Todd said laughing.

Ben chuckled as the group of them was on his side. He knew they all were on his side from the divorce and that made him feel more at ease. He looked at them all and then he got curious.

"And what makes you think I'm seeing someone?" Ben asked suspicion in his voice.

"We weren't," Susan replied and impishly she went on, "But now that you've outed yourself, who is she?"

Ben was duped and walked right into their trap. His mouth opened and he got an incredulous smile on his face. It was the "Dad doesn't have an answer go ask your mother"-look he had many times. It didn't help that now all four of his girls and two men in their lives were eyeballing him. Feeling on the spot he shook his head and laughed a bit.

"Yes, I'm seeing someone and no it's not your business whom," he replied.

The girls looked to each other and when they looked back they all had grins. Susan put on her best poker face and looked deep into her dad's eyes. She hoped that he was actually looking to move on and asked the big question.

"So you are at least gonna try and be happy a bit?" she asked inquisitively.

"Yes, I am. Besides I got the garage and the guys to keep me out of trouble," Ben said truthfully.

"We know you got the guys, daddy, hell the guys practically raised some of us too," Mary said cheerfully.

The club had a lot of good men in it who had a hand in teaching the girls some life lessons. They aided Ben in teaching them sports he didn't know and helping them with lessons in schooling. One of the club was a college teacher and from him the girls all learned math and financing. From the club they also learned another vital lesson; they learned how to protect themselves. The police and military from the club all had a hand in that.

Ben had no real answer for the girls regarding the new way his love life was going, but he would tell them when he was more certain of what was happening. He didn't want to drop the bomb on them if him and Leta had no real future together, so for now he left it open for debate. Ben felt his arms lift up and Rochelle and Sherry put themselves under them. Ben chuckled as his girls wanted to go home in a safe place and indulged them. Todd put his arm around Susan and happily they walked behind. Jake smiled as he took Mary in his arm and walked alongside Todd and Susan.

Walking along the boardwalk as a family was a touching experience for Ben and the girls. The stares from the people around them warmed all of them and helped them forget the shit of the week. Inside the rental, the family spent the rest of the night playing poker and watching TV. The next day was spent on the beach tanning and swimming. The fun night was spent grilling steaks and shrimp. The above twenty one crowd enjoyed beer and whiskey while the not of age and pregnant one enjoyed virgin strawberry daiquiris. On the last afternoon of their weekend away, they had a great family picnic. That last evening, after they all had packed up, they all enjoyed a nice pizza before they separated again, going home.

Ben took Sherry and Rochelle back on his drive back north, while Jake and Todd drove their ladies home. The drive to Rutgers was on the way and at the college Ben walked his daughter to her room. While he hadn't been able to take her on opening day due to her mother's interference, he made up for it now. As they made it to her room Ben got a look at it and was impressed. He didn't go to college himself and seeing three of the four of his babies doing what he couldn't made him feel proud.

Sherry had a nice roommate and when Ben met her, he felt something odd about her. It was the way she looked at Sherry that made him semi concerned, but he trusted his baby to make her own mind on things. Ben saw the room as a neat clean place that was good for studying and he felt eased by that. He talked with the both of them and when he found her roommate had a similar major, he nodded his head appreciatively. After a while he hugged his baby and called it a day. He promised to call her more and to make an attempt to come see her more often. Walking back to the truck with Rochelle he smiled at his youngest.

"So you ready to figure out where you want to go?" he asked.

"I have an idea, but I need to make sure I got my guns loaded for war," she said.

"And where is that?" Ben mused.

"I want to go to Yale law," Rochelle said proudly.

"Wow!" Ben said looking at her with an impressed look.

Rochelle had a high 3.9 GPA and her after school activities were well documented. All she really needed was a solid SAT score and she was bound for greatness. He chuckled and turned the radio on her favorite station. While Ben was an affirmed lover of Rock and Metal, he could stomach Hip Hop for an appropriate amount of time. They drove back to the sounds of some singers he may have heard of, but really could care less about. Rochelle on the other hand sang along to them and was happy as a clam. They arrived as the sun was setting and walking their bags to the door, Ben saw a summons on the mat in front of the door.

Sighing Ben reached down and picked up the envelope. He didn't need to open it to know what it was and as he walked into the apartment he saw the phone blinking rapidly. Sighing he went to it and pressed the button. For the next twelve minutes he was bombarded with Carol's lawyer and Carol's ranting. Rochelle shook her head and stomped to her room and was angry at how stupid her mother was being.

After all the messages Ben got one that shocked him to his core.

"Hey papi! God I'm hoping you are loving the Shore. Wish I could have gone with you, but work sucks massively! Maybe we can get together for drinks sometime this week? I'd really like that. Talk to me sometime and let's make something happen. Call me, papi!" she said happily and he smiled at that.

Of all the shit he was about to go through the small bit of happiness Leta brought to him was something he couldn't ignore. Walking to Rochelle's room smiling Ben saw she was on her bed reading her school books. He walked to her bed and sat down next to her.

"What's up, daddy?" she asked looking at him.

"Well baby I think you know what's going to happen soon," Ben started to say and she raised up to say something when Ben raised his hand to stop her. "Let me finish honey." he asked softly.

Rochelle nodded her head and looked at him with her baby blue eyes. Luckily, her eyes were the only thing she had inherited from her mom, the rest of her looks she got from her handsome father. Ben saw the tears that were forming and handed her some tissues.

"I wish to God that you didn't have to go through this honey. I wanted nothing more in this world than you to be happy and find your path, no matter where it went," he said softly and tilted her chin when she looked down, "I love you honey. From the moment you took your first breath in my arms to this moment now and every moment I have left," he said softly and Rochelle gave him a sad looked and collapsed in his arms.

"I love you too, daddy," she said softly and sobbed into his arms.

Ben held strong for his little girl and held her while she let it all out. He didn't want to ruin the moment that they had like this, but with everything in the air surrounding them he had to let it out. For a few minutes he held his daughter until she got it under control. Rochelle looked into Ben's eyes and made her intentions clear.

"I am not going back to her house daddy!" she said firmly.

"I'll do my best to keep that from happening honey. Now get your homework done and get some sleep," Ben said firmly and she nodded.

Rochelle went back to her books and her heavy heart was put aside by her want to succeed. Ben watched her work for a few minutes in her doorway then left to go to his room. He pulled out his cell and pulled up the pictures Leta sent him. Seeing her pose the way she did made him feel a lot better knowing at least one good thing was in his life still. He was admiring the pictures when his phone began to ring. Leta's name was showing on the display and he grinned as he answered it.

"Hey honey," Ben said smiling.

"Hi papi! How was the shore?" Leta asked in a cheerful voice.

"Went very well actually. Had a lot of fun and I even got some sun," he replied.

"That's good. So got any plans for tomorrow night?" she asked.

"I haven't," Ben replied and Leta chuckled.

"OK, it's settled. You pick me up and we got out for dinner and maybe dancing?" she asked.

"Well, I suppose we can do that if you really want to," Ben said smugly.

"Yup. It's settled. See you tomorrow at seven," Leta informed him.

"You will indeed," Ben replied and she hung up.

Leta smiled as she lay back on her bed. She missed Ben while he was down the shore and wanted to see him the last weekend. Her weekend was boring as she worked and dealt with teenagers at the store for the whole weekend. The shift she pulled at the hospital was a brief one, thankfully, as she only had to work an eight hour day on Sunday. The sights of work still made her depressed sometimes as she dealt with miserable people and bitchy sick people daily. As she laid on her back looking at the ceiling Ben's big smiling face came to her mind and she giggled softly.

The thoughts of the pictures she sent him made her smile devilishly and as she did she got up and went to her closet. She pulled out the same boots from the picture and then went on the hunt for the rest of her outfit. She selected a nice blue skirt and a cute white and blue striped top. The skirt hugged her hips nicely and the top was cut enough to show a decent cleavage with the right bra. She decided to match and got a lacy blue bra and matching boy shorts. Still enjoying how the stockings looked in the picture she got out the same pair and set them with the outfit.

Leta took a shower and felt herself really getting excited for the date. She wanted to make Ben forget about the bitch and focus totally on her. In her excitement she didn't realize her hand was between her legs and diddling her clit slowly. Leta felt the fire begin in between her thighs and clamped them shut trapping the hand between her legs. The surprising climax was as sudden as her hand drifting between her thighs. She squeaked loudly and whimpered as the jolt hit her like a bolt of lightning.

Leta was flat against the wall of her shower and shaking madly as the tremors wouldn't stop. Leta had never climaxed so suddenly in her life as she just did and it took her a few minutes before she could get her legs under her enough to turn off the shower and dry off. As she walked to her bedroom she had a fun thought of Ben with his hand between her legs and that thought made her purr wickedly as she turned on her radio.

As the fast beats of some heavy bass inspired music came on Leta found herself in a groove quickly. She loved to dance and letting her hips go as the song kicked in made the normally boring day come to a close. She felt the fire of the music and it was amazing as she danced and dressed herself for bed. Leta was laughing as she put on her undies and found her favorite t-shirt. Looking in the mirror she found her head band and tied her hair back so she could let it out in the morning as she liked. As she found her back on the bed Leta was still in a fun mood and she laid there listening to all her favorite songs.

The next thing that Leta realized was that it was morning and she had fallen asleep listening to her songs. Leta woke up to the morning DJ and his talk show. She rubbed her eyes slowly getting the gunk from them and smiled. She didn't have to work at either job today or tomorrow and was eager for her two days off. She knew that Ben had to work his morning job, but not his side job. She got out of bed and went about her preparations for the day.

Ben spent a night of tossing and turning. He was so miserable in the morning as he crawled from his bed into the shower. He went to work and didn't have the same energy as before. His work crew noted how he worked like a man possessed by anger. They watched as he heaved beam after beam into place. Watching their boss lug around two hundred pound beams so easily, made some of them wonder what was wrong.

No one but Ben knew the fire that possessed him this day. He had a dream that his ex-wife was taking his daughter and making her into something he didn't want. The way his dream haunted him made the rage in his soul burn over like a boiling kettle. He didn't take it out on his men, only the beams that he heaved and lugged. The crew watched in awe as he placed a beam in its place by himself and went for another. The men saw how he moved and some were inspired to follow. As the day went on, the building's frame filled out and way ahead of schedule they completed three floors and were well into the fourth.

Ben lugged his weary body to the truck and got into it. Looking at the time he saw he had about an hour and a half before he was to pick up Leta and went home. Rochelle was in her room doing her homework. Ben walked to his shower and climbed in. He scrubbed the sweat and dirt from himself and his mind flowed away. He didn't realize how long he was in the shower until he suddenly felt cold water hit him. Snapping from his day dream of nothing at all he turned the water off. Wrapping up in his towel and walking back to his room Ben saw Rochelle getting dressed up.

Ben narrowed his eyes and went to his bedroom. He got dressed in a nice shirt and pants them came out. As he did he saw Rochelle all dolled up and ready to go somewhere. As she got to the door he crossed his arms and cleared his throat.

"Going somewhere are we?" he asked whimsically.

"I'm going to the Sadie Hawkins Dance tonight daddy," she said and her eyes showed no lie.

"That was tonight?" he asked not sure of the dates she said.

"Yeah. I told you about it last week," she said and in truth Ben couldn't remember.

"Well, have fun baby. And don't do anything I would," he said grinning.

"That leaves me nothing left!" she said laughing.

"Leaves you plenty! Just not everything," Ben laughed and Rochelle rushed up and kissed his cheek.

She rushed out to the waiting car of her date. Ben saw the young man and from what he saw he looked like a decent kid. He waved them goodbye and as they drove off, he locked the apartment and went to his truck. Ben climbed inside of the truck and put on a CD mix he made and when it came to life he grinned. While he was a firm lover of older rock, some new rock had made its way to his ears. He jammed to the sounds of a new favorite band of his called Solid State Logic and the drive to Leta's place was a short one. He pulled up to her apartment building and was happy to see her car was in its spot and its tires were in one piece. He was about to text her when the apartment front door opened and the vision Leta was came out.

Leta was practically bouncing as she walked to his truck. The boots were a nice touch and looked very sexy on her. The skirt hugged her hips like a glove and when Ben saw her top his eyes almost bugged out. The top had just the right amount of ceavage to make her beautiful breasts show, but not look obnoxious. Leta climbed into the truck and leaned over to him and kissed him fully on the lips. Ben's eyes closed as he returned the kiss and when they broke her beautiful brown eyes peered into his their mutual passion almost overflowing.

"Happy to see me, papi?" she asked softly.

"Isn't that an obvious question?" he replied and kissed her lips again.

Leta laughed softly and with a last peck, she sat down and buckled up. They drove to her favorite haunt and had a great diner. Ben was shown new varieties of food and when he tried a new dish he saw her eating he was blown away by the simplicity of the dish. Leta explained that food from Puerto Rico was made from love and a blend of so many cultures that lived on the island. From African to Spanish, Taino and even American the food was a representation of all that the island was. Ben smiled as he listened to her explain her own heritage was a mixed one as well. Her grandmother was an African immigrant and her grandfather was a native. It wasn't uncommon for the intermixing of bloodlines and the end result was the current breed.

Ben was impressed by that and explained his own heritage was mostly English and Dutch. The height he had was from his mother's side of the family. Leta was happy to spend time with him and listen to the story of his upbringing. She was impressed at how much he had done in his life and knew that she was going to have to try and catch up to some of his achievements. After they ate, the club next door was opening and they meandered to it.