It Depends Upon The Lie

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A black caddy has sex with a married white woman.
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"Fore," Blaze hollered and pointed to his left as Mrs. Whitney's pull hook screamed toward a foursome on the seventeenth fairway. Fortunately the ball landed short of the other golfers but rolled into the wrong fairway.

"Ms Whitney, it's all right, you have a decent shot at the green," he said smiling at her.

I'm pleased at the professional and diplomatic way he handled that situation. As his conscious, I've been preparing him for the rigors of life since he was born and the golf course, even as a caddy, is a good place to deal with stress and tension.

Mrs. Whitney of the most prosperous law practice in Society Hill: Whitney, McMurry and Webster, was playing a match against Mrs. Ravenel, and they were even playing the eighteenth hole. They were both competitive and hated to lose. Mrs. Ravanel the smaller of the two had driven 180 yards down the right middle. At 5'9" and 145 pounds Mrs. Whitney was the longer but less accurate striker of the ball. As usual she was dressed to impress in an all white ensemble that displayed her hour-glass figure.

Blaze had known Mrs. Whitney since he had been in the sixth grade and since puberty, like most of the guys at Society Hill High School, had appreciated her beauty and build.

"That shot probably cost me the match." Mrs. Whitney trudged beside Blaze; she placed her hand on his black arm and said dejectedly. At the same time she marveled at the smoothness of his skin, his muscularity, and his powerful lion-like stride.

"It depends upon the lie, if it's okay then you have a good chance of getting to the green while Mrs. Ravenel is at least fifty yards further from the green than you," Blaze said as a matter of fact. He had noticed that she had been touching him and leaning on him for more advice than usual.

I forgot to tell you Blaze is the product of a mixed marriage, white father and black mother. He inherited both intelligence; top five in the senior class; athletic ability: football, basketball, and golf; had the build of a swimmer; and was almost as dark as his mother. The family was borderline poor but Blaze's athletic prowess give him and his family an unusually high standing in the small settlement of Society Hill.

Mrs. Ravenel's second shot was short of the green but almost a sure a par because of her excellent short game.

"Damn her, doesn't she ever miss a shot," Mrs. Whitney murmured.

Blaze handed her a six iron and said, "You only have one hundred and thirty yards to the green. Take several practice swings, calm yourself, go through your routine, and put it on the green. I know you can do it."

She smiled and said, "Blaze whatever what I do without you? You're a darling."

Blaze returned her smile then he stepped back waited and watched.

I wonder if that statement has two meanings. She's been unusually touchy, feely and complimentary today. Is she coming on to my boy, thought his conscious?

The swing was as fluid and smooth as Tiger Woods. The ball flew high and straight, landed just short of the green and rolled up to three feet of the hole. Mrs. Whitney dropped her club and jumped into Blaze's surprised arms. She quickly realized what she had done but loved the feel of his body against hers. Releasing him she said while brushing off her skirt, "I'm sorry Blaze; I'm so thrilled."

"That's all right ma'am, I understand," he said pleased with her shot but more with the feel of her ample breasts against his chest. She's certainly acting strange, he thought.

Mrs. Ravenel chip shot went long and Mrs. Whitney made her short putt to win the hole and match. She was outwardly gracious with her victory but inwardly she had the feelings of a lioness after a kill: pride, satisfaction, and glory.

"Congratulations Elizabeth it took a great shot to beat me, but you need to be more careful about your behavior around that boy." Mrs. Ravenel said in her typical arrogant manner while nodding toward Blaze.

"Oh Peggy It was just the thrill of the moment. I was so excited about my shot. Your such a good player and I never expected to win," she said secretly pleased with herself as they parte d ways.

She paid Blaze double the usual fee. "The extra is for your help with the match. Do you need a ride home?" she whispered while holding his hand."

Looking longingly into his brown eyes she thought, please say yes, I want to give you a real reward.

"That would be nice but do you think that's a good idea?" He asked looking around and thinking about the possible ramifications for both of them.

No, no, no don't agree to that. You know the kind of trouble you can get your black ass into. Accepting a ride from a white woman is dangerous in a small South Carolina town, his conscious thought. Her behavior hasn't been normal. She's acting like a teenager with raging hormones. Think of a reason to say no.

"This is the Twenty-first Century Blaze. I'm giving you a ride," she said while thinking, hopefully the ride of his life.

"How soon are you going to leave?"

"I'm going to shower and change my clothes."

"Okay, I'll be able to do the same. Where should I meet you?

"I'll pick you up at the portico."

"I don't think that's a good idea Mrs. Whitney, it's too public a place. How about the entrance to the parking lot?"

"Blaze you're so sweet thinking of my reputation. Okay I'll pick you up there in about twenty minutes."

He wasn't thinking only about her reputation. If the wrong people saw them together he could be in deep shit.

His conscious was relieved, he had suggested the change of location, but still thought accepting a ride was a bad, even a dangerous idea.

* * *

A light blue Lexus paused at the entrance to the parking lot and Blaze jumped into the passenger's side of the car.

"Thanks for the ride it's nice of you to do this," he said as she drove slowly down the pine-lined road away from the center of town--the wrong way.

"Blaze do you think I'm pretty?" She asked before he could say anything.

Blaze, Blaze, Blaze don't answer that loaded question. She's leading you down a path that can't be good for you, don't answer.

He hesitated then said, "Yes, I think you're pretty. I've thought that since I first saw you in sixth grade at a PTA meeting. All the guys at school think you're the foxiest mother in the whole school." He looked out of the window not wanting to face her.

"Do you mean I'm the subject of conversation at school?" She glimpsed at him.

"Yes ma'am," is all he said because many if not most of the comments were about what they would do with her in bed.

"That's interesting, do they make sexual comments?" She placed her hand on his thigh.

"Don't answer that question Blaze. Say no, say no, say no."

He was quiet. He looked at his hands and feet. He was afraid to respond honestly.

"You don't have to answer. I already know that I'm seen as a sex object. I'm kind of proud, at my age, to be seen as a possible conquest for young men." She squeezed his leg.

Blaze looked at her sheepishly. He didn't want to tell her what he heard, and feeling uncomfortable about her hand on him.

She slowed the car and while looking at him asked, "Would you like to sleep with me?

I knew it; I knew it, Blaze I told you she was acting like a bitch in heat. Say no, you're out of your mind if you agree with her. She's nothing but trouble.

She moved her hand higher on his thigh, "I'd like to make love with you. I've been thinking about it for the past three years, I've requested you to caddy for me so I could be close to you. Now that you're eighteen and graduated from high school, I don't have to worry about a statuary rape charge and there's no school connection."

"Mrs. Whitney . . ."

"Call me Liz. Mrs. Whitney is too formal."

"L . . . Liz I'm tempted. I'll have to admit I've thought about the possibility, but I don't think it's a good idea. In a small town an affair between us will soon be found out and we'll both be in trouble. I'll be in physical danger, and your reputation and marriage would be in jeopardy."

Good boy Blaze, that's thinking with you head and not your cock. Keep thinking that way and we'll get out of this alive.

She moved her hand closer to his crotch while saying, "We won't get caught. I've been having affairs for years and no one's the wiser. I've access to a cabin not far from here. We can go there without the possibility of being discovered."

"That's a tempting offer Liz but I have to say no. If I was white I'd say yes in a skinny minute but a black boy and a married, white-woman is bad medicine even if it is the Twenty-first Century."

Blaze your doing a great job. Keep it up, resist, resist, resist. You don't want to wake up dead in some soybean field.

Liz turned on her right turn signal, turned into a maple, oak and pine forest. An almost entirely hidden tall medal gate swung open and as she drove through it closed behind them.

"We're almost there and no one will know I've brought you to my little retreat."

"Jump, jump and run, Blaze you're about to be shanghaied into a dangerous situation, a situation that could prove deadly. If your life worth a piece-of-ass?

"Mrs. Whitney . . ."

"Liz please?"

"I can't really do this," he said reaching for the door, it was locked.

"Yes you can Blaze," she said stopping the car in the shade of a mammoth oak. She looked at him intently, "You can," leaning toward him she kissing him lightly on the lips.

Blaze, no, no, no. You can't let her do this to you. You've got to get out of here. Don't look, don't touch, it's a mine field.

Blaze tried the door again but it wouldn't open. Her kiss was intoxicating. She tasted of mint and smelled of Ivory soap. He looked at her beautiful face and the hint of bountiful flesh beneath a dark blue V-neck blouse.

Play dead, play dead, don't go for the bait. Back yourself into a corner and put your hands in your pockets. I'm only telling you this for your own protection. I've been with you all the way through high school and for the past four years you've fucked all of the eligible black girls and a number of white girls in the school. Your one fucking machine and once you get started your almost impossible to stop.

Blaze blinked as though he had been in a trance. "Liz, I'm going do this against my better judgment." He wasn't sure if the feeling in the pit of his stomach was fear or desire, but he decided to take a chance.

"Oh Blaze you won't regret it. I've been lusting after you since you were in the tenth grade," she squealed with delight, put the car in gear and drove rapidly down the narrow lane. She stopped in front of a ranch style house made of reused brick that gave the structure a rustic look.

Jumping out of the car, she ran into the building.

Blaze, don't go in there. You can still get away. Hide in the woods and hitch a ride back to town. She's tempting but is she worth your college career or your life?

Blaze followed behind admiring her shapely ass. Entering the house, he noted it was sparsely and simply decorated and heard her yell, "I'm in here."

He followed the voice. A bedroom door was open. She dropped her skirt and panties to the floor as he entered.

"Do you like?" she asked with a big smile being as provocative as possible.

Naked with an hourglass figure with ample pert tear-drop breasts and a triangular shaped patch of blond pubic hair, she fit his expectations. He had been with white girls before but none of her age or experience. He undressed rapidly while swearing under his breath at the double knots he tied in his Nikes.

Liz was applying KY Jelly as he finished undressing. "I can't wait," she said as she hopped on the king-sized bed. She was thrilled as he stood showing his magnificence. He's more than I expected, she thought, holding her arms wide as an invitation.

Okay Blaze, if you really going to do this, take charge. Don't allow this tempest to control the situation. You the man; orchestrate the love making. Show her how capable you are as a lover. Give her more than she expects and she expects a lot.

Leaning over the bed Blaze kissed her hungrily and cupped one plump tit. He thrust his tongue into her mouth while flicking his fingers lightly over a nipple. God she tastes and feels good he thought.

She was surprised by his French kiss but willingly entwined her tongue with his and enjoyed the thrills coursing through her body. His firm grim on her breast and his fingers rippling over her nipple added to her desire. With her free hand she sought his erection. It was huge, the bulbous head and smooth veined shaft was more than she could have hoped for. The dribble of pre-cum was a precursor of what was to come. I can't wait she thought.

Good boy, take your time and bring her to a point where she's begging for your cock. If she wants it bad enough she can wait until you the one who's ready.

Blaze pulled his lips from her mouth and attached them to her other nub that was already standing at attention. Next to an orgasm mouthing a nipple was an incredible pleasure. He pressed the roof of his mouth and his tongue against her flesh and applied pressure causing her to sigh. His tongue and fingers ran back and forth over her nipples, wet and dry sensations that caused her to moan softly and squirm with pleasure.

Her passion was aroused by his kiss but the sensations of his tongue and fingers at the end of her breasts was tantalizing. She sighed and moaned in pleasure but was disappointed she was no longer able to fondle o stoke his dick. Instead she ran her hands over his body and through his kinky hair. She was energized and was in a hurry for his cock.

Okay Blaze it's time to go to the next stage.

He continued to suckle her nipple with his lips, tongue, and teeth but released her other breast and slowly slide his finger to her belly button. After circling for a while he slipped his hand to her pubis and lightly but rapidly ran his fingers back and forth across her vulva lips. He smiled to himself because she was moist, her lips were separating, and she raised her pelvis at his touch.

Liz couldn't believe what he was doing to her nubs. Chills like the ocean's tide surged from her breasts to her core; she could feel her temperature rising. Her eyes widened when his hand left her breast to circle her tummy button and crept to her pubis. His fingers tickled. The feeling was erotic. She rose in an attempt to show her willingness and desire for him to speed up the process. She was nearing an orgasm and wanted him in her but felt helpless because of the incredible pleasure he gave her.

Take your time Blaze. Make her wait. Bring her to a climax before you give her what she wants.

He rose to kiss her again.

She willingly accepted his lips and tongue and access to his erection that was leaking profusely. Relieved, she stoked his cock with an experienced hand and enjoyed its smooth hard surface. She groaned inwardly when a finger entered her vulva lips and caressed the outer portion of her opening. Up and down his finger moved and she shuddered with joy when his finger pierced her vagina. She squirmed as he plunged his finger in and out of her and arched her back when a second and third finger spread her ever wider.

Blaze's long fingers fucked her vagina with abandon. Her reaction was what he wanted. He pulled his lips from her mouth and sucked in a nipple again and then he withdrew his fingers to search for and circle her clitoris. She drew back and then thrust into his finger with wildness. Up and down, back and forth, in clockwise and counter clockwise circles he slowly and softly aroused her clit.

Good boy, good boy Blaze you got her exactly where you want her.

Liz's arousal intensified and when his finger rubbed her clitoris she felt herself rise into a heaven of blazing stars. Electric currents surged throughout her body. She was on fire. She was in paradise. She was in an unknown physical and emotional place. She was so pleasured that it hurt and she had to pull him from her. She screamed.

Okay Blaze, give it to her.

Blaze looked down on Liz's writhing body and listened to her screams with pleasure. He crawled onto the bed and spread her legs further apart and slipped a pillow under her ass. Then he edged toward her with cock in hand.

As she screamed, she felt the springs of the bed being depressed, her legs spread, and her hips being placed on a soft cool object. She opened her eyes and saw Blazes muscular body hovering above her. Her sounds abated but her anticipation increased. "I'm ready, I'm ready, give me that glorious cock of yours. I've been waiting too long."

He edged forward placing his cock at her moist entrance. Her eyes were open. She had a slight smile. Her chest was a dull pink. He ogled her breasts, even in the down and back position they were marvelous. Wigging his cock in circles, he inserted the head and stopped.

That's the way Blaze make her want it even more. She's the one that wanted this so much. Make her wait. If you're going to get in trouble you might as well make her suffer before you give her the best cock she ever had.

She raised her head, she asked with a pleading tone, "What are you waiting for?"

Blaze waited.

Liz raised her hips, pulled him to her, and said, "Give it to me. Don't make me beg."

She gasped as he slowly pushed his shaft into her until he was at his depth. Black penetrated white, white encased black, searing shank inside fiery furnace. Her vagina walls were widely separated and his warmth filled her being. He was heavy but she pulled him tighter, wanted closer, as she moved under him. "Blaze your incredible but I want you to come.

He kissed her neck and sucked on her ear lobe. Her movements were minuscule but he allowed her to continue. He eased his hands under her shoulders, blew in her ear, raised his ass, and assaulted her pussy with instinctive passion.

She was shocked by his jack hammering. Never had she experienced such a rapid plummeting. Ripple after ripple of pleasure surged through her. She felt his sweat oozing over her body, she smelled his Old Spice, she tasted the acidic flavor of his fury, she heard the quickening of his breath, and she saw his shoulder bobbling over her. Excitement built within her and when she felt his cock inflate she exploded in a body rattling climax.

Her scream occurred just before he shot spurt after spurt deep into her waiting cavity.

After a long time they fell apart sexually, physically and emotionally spent.

Okay Blaze I hope you're satisfied because now you have to deal with the after effects of fucking a married white women in small town South Carolina. Remember you're the one that said 'it depends upon the lie.' I hope the lie was worth all the trouble you've just fucked yourself into.


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wunderboiwunderboi3 months ago

It was just OK.

The author built the tensions. But over and over he repeated the same doubts.

He didn't eat her pussy.

She didn't suck his cock.

Unforgivable and thus this story is forgettable.

AnonymousAnonymous11 months ago
Getting a really BIG BLACK clock is something I love so much!

It just happens, I become his sexual white married SLUT willingly every time.

I absolutely love it!


ForensicFossilForensicFossilalmost 8 years ago

The word you wanted was conscience.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Fade to black.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago

Sounds like a hole in one

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