It Was the Middle of Summer


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Alyson couldn't believe what Amy was doing. She's trying to get us together. She knows how bad I want Dana Lee's pussy and she's trying to make it happen. This might even work. Maybe in a threesome Dana Lee will go for it. Fuck. No she won't. But she might. No. No fucking way. She's totally straight! But... I'd love to see her pussy. Maybe if I take mine off first. No. She has to take hers off first.

Dana Lee was just as uncertain. What the fuck, Amy? You're such a crazy bitch. You think I won't do it. I know you're bluffing. You think I'm chicken to get naked with you.

Amy smiled and Alyson gasped as Dana Lee suddenly rolled her yellow thong down her legs and past her feet. Alyson tried not to stare at her secret love's pussy. Failed. Oh my god. Her pussy is so beautiful. So fucking beautiful. Love that neat blonde trim covering that lovely pink slit.

Even Amy was amazed. Fuck. I didn't think she'd do it. If I didn't love Alyson so much, I'd jump that pussy myself. Nice. Fucking nice.

Before either Alyson or Amy could remove their thongs, Dana Lee's phone began to play Adele's Set Fire to the Rain. They both quickly removed their bottoms though and excitedly watched. She slowly rolled over onto her knees, unintentionally giving them both a view of her perfectly round ass as she checked her phone to see that the call was from Tanner. She pressed the receive button and said, "Hey, sweetie.....No. I'm at Amy's.....We're down in her mom's boat getting stoned.....Seriously?......No fucking way......Okay. Give me a few minutes.......Yeah. Bye."

Alyson was so transfixed by the contrast of Dana Lee's pale white ass and sun bronzed thighs that she hadn't really noticed the conversation. Amy nudged her with her knee to bring Alyson out of her trance before Dana Lee realized she was being drooled over by her friends. Then Amy said, "What up, chick?"

Dana Lee grabbed her thong and quickly pulled them up her legs and into place over her ass and pussy and said, "Tanner's parents are going on an overnight on the gambling boat out of Mayport Village."

"Yeah. So what?" Alyson said.

"So," Dana Lee said as she pulled on her white shorts and swung her feet over the side of the bed and slipped them into her flip flops. "We have his house to ourselves."

Becoming frustrated, Alyson whined, "We're spending the night with Amy. I'm leaving for Bible camp Sunday."

Puzzled, Dana Lee looked at her and said, "You act so weird sometimes, sweetie. You'll be back in a week."

"But we were supposed to spend the day together."

"Get a grip, baby," Amy whispered as she dug her fingers into Alyson's thigh.

"Seriously, sweetie," Dana Lee said. "I'll come back after we've fucked a couple of times if it's that big a deal."

Alyson sighed, before she smiled and gave Dana Lee a big hug. "No, sweetie. It's the weed making me goofy. Spend the night with Tanner. We'll all get together when I get back from camp next week."

Dana Lee eyed her skeptically. What is up with this chick? She acts like I'm sneaking off to cheat on her. "You sure? I'll go give him a blow job and come back if you want me to, but I have to at least do that."

Alyson giggled. "Go get laid, silly. I'll see you next week."


A minute after Dana Lee left, Alyson took Amy's hand and let her lead her back to the stateroom bed. Neither had bothered to put their thongs back on, leaving their pussies and asses bare for each other's view. Amy leaned her lips to Alyson's ear and said, "Take your top off."

Fuck it. She wants me the same why I want Dana Lee. Why not? Dana Lee's never giving up that boy's cock. So fuck it. Alyson complied with Amy's wish and tossed her bra to the floor with her thong.

"So nice," Amy said as she cautiously stroked Alyson's nipples and watched the little pink buds grow hard with her touch. "So fucking nice. I love your tits."

"Mmmm," Alyson said as Amy took a nipple in her mouth and softly sucked it even more erect. Yes. Just let her have me. Let it happen. Fuck pining over Dana Lee. She let her fingers find their way into Amy's curly blonde hair so that she could massage her lover's scalp while she switched boobs and sucked the other nipple so that it matched the first in hardness. Her hands slid from Amy's hair down her back to the clasp of her black bikini bra. When she had it unhooked, she tossed it to the floor with hers and let her hands move to Amy's breasts, cupping them and tweaking each nipple until Amy's were just as erect as were hers.

Amy gasped at Alyson's touch, and she slid up the bed so that their lips could meet. Softly she sucked Alyson's bottom lip as Alyson sucked her top one. The kiss lingered for a moment, then switched so that Amy was sucking Alyson's top lip instead of her bottom and vice versa. Their tongues slow dancing in between switches. Each girl moaned as their fingers simultaneously found the other's pussy and each began to rub the other's clit. Each on the verge of cumming when Alyson's phone began to play I'm a Bitch by Alanis Morissette.

"Fuck," Alyson said. "Can't she ever just leave me alone?"

Fuck! I had her. I finally fucking had her. Fuck!! Amy rolled away onto her back and said, "You better answer it before she comes over here looking for you." Fuck!

Alyson sighed and picked up the phone clicking the talk button. "Yes, Mommy......No. I'm at Amy's......Was that today?......I thought it was after I came back from camp.....But I'm leaving Sunday.....I want to hang out with Amy today.......Okay. Okay. Okay, Mother.......Don't freaking flip out on me.........Yes. I'm sorry.......No, Mommy. You're right. I'm disrespectful......I'm sorry. Please don't be mad at me.......Okay. I'll find Christian when I get to the mall.......Yes. Mommy. I love you too."

Alyson clicked off the phone and threw it across the stateroom. Amy's blue eyes grew wide and she said, "You okay?"

There was fire in Alyson's emerald eyes as she said, "I have to meet Christian Peller at the Avenues Mall. We're....Get this. We're passing out pamphlets declaring homosexuality to be the root of all American evil."

Amy tried not to. She really, really tried. But, she could not resist busting into laughter. Soon, Alyson's glare turned into laughter as well and the naked girls giggled hysterically on Amy's bed. Amy wrapped her hands around Alyson's back and pulled her in for a kiss, but Alyson rolled out of her grasp and started searching for her bikini top, her freckly face blushing bright pink. Amy sighed, then lit a cigarette. After an awkward silence, Alyson tossed Amy's top to her, saying, "Well, bye."


"Oh fuck. I forgot. Dana Lee drove us here. Damn. I can't believe she just took off without taking me home first."

"Well, she had something else on her mind. But don't worry about it, sweetie. I'll drop you off."


When no one answered the doorbell, Dana Lee let herself into Tanner's house. It wasn't very big, so it was only a few steps down the entryway, through the living room, and into the hallway that connected the three bedrooms. Tanner's door was open and so was his sister Tiffany's, and no one was in either. She heard noise from his parents' bedroom, so she pushed the door open to see Tanner and an extremely muscular boy wrestling on the bed. Each dressed only in a pair of tightie whitie briefs. Weird. She watched them for a moment before clearing her throat.

They turned to see her, and Tanner said, "About time, Dana Lee. Take off your clothes."

Her mouth fell open. They're both hard. Shit. Jimmy Snyder told me Tanner was totally into cock, but I thought he was just fucking with me. But, look at my freak popping a boner wrestling with a dude. She closed her mouth and composed herself before saying, "Tanner, sweetie. What's going on?"

"We're just fucking around."

"I see that," she said. "But I'm not taking my clothes off."

"Come on. It'll be fun."

She gritted her teeth and pulled a cigarette out of her purse. Before she could light it, Tanner said, "Can you go smoke that outside, baby? Mom will freak out if she smells cigarette smoke."

"Your mom ain't here," Dana Lee said as she flicked her lighter and applied flame to the cigarette. After she blew a stream of smoke in their direction, she said, "You haven't introduced me to your....friend."

"This is my cousin Doug."

"I see," she said as she took another drag on her cigarette. "What's he doing here?"

"I told you he was going to be here when I called."

"No you didn't." Did he? I was so excited about coming to get fucked that I don't even remember for sure.

"Yes," he said as he stepped off the bed. "I did. It's cool though. Doug's 21. He can go buy us beer."

Dana Lee shrugged. A beer would be nice. "Why didn't he already go get us beer?"

"Well," Tanner said as he looked down at her feet. Damn, she's got pretty feet. I love those brown flip flops she wears all the time.

"Oh," she said. "You don't have money."

He smiled that boyish smile that always won her over. "Right, baby. You know you're the only one with money."

She shook her head and let her cigarette dangle from her lips as she pulled two twenties from her purse and handed them to Tanner. Tanner took the twenties with one hand and her cigarette from her lips with his other hand and gave her a soft, slow kiss. Damn. Why's he have to kiss so fucking good?

He placed the cigarette back between her lips and held it so she could take another drag before he handed Doug the twenties and said, "Get dressed, Doug. Then you can walk down to 7-11 and get us a couple of 12 packs."

"He can take my car if he wants," Dana Lee said.

Tanner shook his head as he held the cigarette to her lips again and let her take another hit. God I love it when she lets me control her like this. "He doesn't drive a stick. Besides it will take longer if he walks."

"Oh," she said. "I see. Take your time, Doug."

Tanner smiled. Bitch will do anything I want. That's how much she loves this cock. "I got to piss, baby," Tanner said as he stepped toward the master bathroom. "Just point him in the right direction."

Point him in the right direction? What is he? His pet pitbull? She looked at Doug and saw a little bit of family resemblance. Both had hair the color of dry sand. Tanner's hung down over his ears and on his collar though while Doug's was a number two buzz cut. She watched as Tanner's cousin deeply concentrated on tying his shoes. He'd somehow gotten one of the strings into a knot and was struggling to loosen it. He'd pulled on a pair of blue denim shorts over his underwear, but was still shirtless. Fuck. He's got muscles popping out all over the place. Reminds me of when Amy dragged me to the gym at five in the morning and we saw Gary Blunt in there working out. Now that boy's got some freaky huge muscles... but hairy as a gorilla and twice as ugly. Still... If he wasn't such an asshole we probably woulda jumped his bones right there.

Doug finally finished tying his shoes and looked up to she Dana Lee staring at him. He blushed and dropped his eyes but she smiled and said, "I'm Dana Lee. I don't think Tanner told you my name."

Pleased that she was talking to him, Doug grinned but kept his eyes down at Dana Lee's pretty feet and said, "I know your name. Tanner showed me your picture. You're so pretty."

Dana Lee listened to the slow, slightly lispy way that Doug spoke and instantly felt attached to him. Oh my god. He's so fucking sweet he's adorable. Fuck though. He seems kind of dumb. Not like Tanner is that bright either, so I guess it's a family thing. Stop it, Dana Lee. That's mean. "Thank you, Doug. That's sweet," she said as she reached and felt the vein running down his bicep before giving it a soft squeeze. "How'd you get so strong, sweetie."

Doug beamed. "I work in Uncle Frank's tire shop. I can lift the tires easier than anyone."

"I bet you can," Dana Lee said as she watched his pecs and abs flex as he pulled his shirt on over his head. Fuck. What a fucking body. "You know where the 7-11 is, right?"

"I know," he said. "I can find it."

"Okay," she said. "Take your time. Tanner and I need to have a private moment. Get Bud Light Lime. That's my favorite."


Amy drove her red Chevrolet Cruze Eco through the outbound gates of Queens Harbor and turned right onto Atlantic Boulevard. Alyson lit a cigarette with the car's lighter and held it out the window as she said, "I wish my mom was like yours."

Amy shrugged and said, "We had our rough patch. Mainly my fault. But it's cool right now. I still feel bad about Phillip though."

"He's the one that fucked you when you were too drunk to say no. Not the other way around."

"I know," Amy said as she maneuvered from one lane to the next so she could pass slower cars. "I just feel bad that she's so lonely."

"She's beautiful and smart, just like her daughter," Alyson said. "She'll find someone when she wants."

"Don't forget rich," Amy said.

Alyson giggled. "No. That shouldn't be forgotten. I don't really think she's that lonely, not since you started living with her again. Maybe just horny."

Amy laughed, "Maybe I should get her laid." I know just the cock for her too.

Alyson slowly inhaled on her cigarette and blew a stream of smoke out the window before saying, "Maybe you should."

"She was staring hard at Rashawne's dick when she walked in on us," Amy giggled.

Alyson gasped in fake horror and said, "Amy Gleason. You are an evil little bitch."

"But my pussy is sweet."

"That it is," Alyson laughed as she tossed her cigarette butt out the window. "That it is. Fuck. I don't want to do this."

"Fuck it," Amy said. "Don't then. Let's go back to the boat and fuck."

Alyson sighed deeply again. If only you were Dana Lee. "Don't I wish. Don't I fucking wish. But, my mom is not your mom, and she will without doubt cut me the fuck off. Completely. If I don't bow to her every whim."

Amy pulled into Avenue's Mall parking lot, and parked under a tree in sight of the food-court entrance where Christian Peller was supposed to meet Alyson.

Amy brushed Alyson's long red hair from her forehead and said, "Well, sweetie, you're gonna have to cut those apron strings eventually."

"It's not the apron strings that worry me. It's the purse strings. I want to go to college."

"Fuck college. Join the Air Force with me."

"Amy," Alyson said. "You talk about that all the time, but you never go see a recruiter. No one believes you're serious."

"I am though."

"How you going to pass a drug test?"

"Well," Amy said. "There is that."

Both girls giggled. Then both girls laughed outright as Amy took that opportunity to pull a joint from her purse and hand it to Alyson to light for them. Alyson took a deep hit on the joint and as she handed it to Amy for her to drag on, she said, "To the fucking Air Force."

Amy giggled as she accepted the joint and before taking her own hit also said, "To the fucking Air Force."

They finished off that joint and Amy asked, "When's Christian supposed to be here?"

"According to Mom when she was chewing my ass out on the phone," Alyson said. "He's been here waiting for me for an hour. I should text him and let him know I'm here. Damn. I'm not nearly stoned enough for this."

"Then, let's have another, shall we?" Amy took out her last joint and lit it up, took two hits and passed it to Alyson, who took two hits of her own. Puff puff pass, puff puff pass, until it was finished. When Amy took the last hit, she dropped it out the window so it could burn out harmlessly on the pavement next to her car. Only then did Alyson text Christian to meet her by the food-court entrance.

Amy giggled. "Good thing everyone knows you're never on time for anything."

Alyson giggled too. "He should be coming out to meet me any minute."

"You know this guy well?" Amy asked.

Alyson shrugged. "From the youth group at church, and we go to camp together every year. That's the only time we ever hang out though."

"He's cute."

"You know him?"

"Yeah," Amy said. "I've seen him around at school, plus I used to go to swim meets to watch Deandre's little sister swim."

"Yeah Christian's still on the team. I think."

"You should fuck him."

"AMY! My god."

"Come on, baby. It might be just what you need."

"Not my type."

"I know. He's got a dick."

Alyson smiled. "True story."

"Dick is fun, sweetie. Dick feels goooood."

"Not interested."

"Just pussy, huh? More accurately. Just Dana Lee's pussy?"

"Well," Alyson said. "I have had your sweet pussy."

Amy giggled. "I thought you said you didn't remember it that well."

Alyson blushed. "I do... I just don't remember it as well as I'd like."

"Well... I'll be happy to refresh your memory any time, sweetie."

Alyson smiled, but turned suddenly serious, "She's never gonna love me like that, is she?"

"Well, sweetie, I don't know. I've never met a girl as crazy for cock as Dana Lee. But why don't you just make a move?"

"I can't! What if she freaked out? She's my best friend... I mean, besides you."

"No, that's okay, I know you guys are besties. Fuck, she had herself put back in eighth grade so you'd be in the same grade!"

"She did it for you too."

"No. It was for you. She loves you. I mean, really. She really loves you."

"But not that way."

"No. Probably not. But I could feel her out for you..."

Alyson's emerald eyes flashed. "No! Don't! You swore you wouldn't tell her! If she freaks out she'll tell everybody, and then my mother will find out! If I don't get the trust fund that Daddy left me, I'll never be free. But if I get disinherited before I'm 22, I'm fucked!"

"Sweetie," Amy said. "I'll never tell a soul. You know I'll never tell a soul, but."

"But what?" Alyson said.

"People are smart, and you're beautiful."


"I mean you are drop dead gorgeous beautiful."

Alyson blushed again. "No I'm not."

Amy rolled her eyes. "Whose mom has pictures of her red headed baby girl winning beauty pageants hanging in every room in their house?"

"I haven't done that since I was 15," Alyson said.

"Still. You did them, and you won just about all of them. You, my love, are drop dead fucking gorgeous."

"So what is your fucking point, Amy?"

"You don't have a boyfriend. You've never had a boyfriend. You've never even gone on a date that wasn't a group thing."

"I don't like boys."

"Exactly!" Amy said. "And people aren't stupid. Why does a girl that could have any boy in the school only hang out with Dana Lee and Amy?"

"Because she loves them." Pause. Realization. Then a soft whisper. "Oh."

"Now you get it, beauty queen?"


"So, why not make Christian your boyfriend?"

Alyson stared at Amy open-mouthed for several seconds. "Wow. That would make my mother so fucking happy."

"And I bet Christian would jump at the chance of dating the high school beauty queen."

"He probably would." Then Alyson smiled, having a sudden wicked thought. "And I bet he'd jump at the chance of fucking me too!"

Amy laughed. "Oh, shit yeah! I know you're just joking, but you should do it! You should totally do it! Hey, the Emerson Inn is just down the road. Dump the pamphlets you're supposed to pass out, and go give Christian your cherry!"

Alyson's heart started pounding in her chest at the terrifying, exciting thought. "Fuck. Really?"

"Hey, how come you're so certain you hate cock, when you've never even seen one?"

"Yeah I guess you're right. Fuck. If I wasn't lesbian, my life would be so much easier."

Amy was positively giddy at the thought of Alyson actually going through with it. "You should fuck him and find out once and for all! And another good thing, he'll tell everyone you fucked. Boys always tell."