Jamal and Orla Ch. 01

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The Head Nurse: Snake gets Orla's attention, and the Head Nurse's.
4.6k words

Part 1 of the 5 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/02/2012
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Chapter 01: The Head Nurse

This is the story of an odd couple. A couple with strange ideas, different beliefs and opposing moralities. One driven by a religious fanaticism, both by a sexual appetite. High-school sweethearts, but not in the Disney storybook sense, this is the story of Orla and Jamal.

They were seniors when it happened, although they had both turned 18. Jamal was a basketball jock, but he wouldn't make college. He was well liked by the players, and respected by the coach, but he didn't stand out as the best of his team, and was a little too injury prone.

He was known as "Snake" by his team mates, for slithering along for whole games unnoticed, and being quick to strike in others. He was known to snake passes through tough defenses, too. Rumours were abundant that there was another reason for the nickname, but Jamal wasn't saying.

When the rumour reached Orla's young ears, she had to find out for herself. Orla was driven, determined. She had learned from her grandfather just how far drive could take her.

Her grandfather had formed a church, which had grown over the years. He was still at the head of the church, at 82, and a strong, powerful figure. She believed his teachings, and was willing to sacrifice everything to spread the faith. She had an iron resolve, what she set out to do, she did.

She was a clever girl, good grades, and sensible. None of the teachers would expect her to do what she did.

She snuck into the boys locker room during basketball practice.

She wanted to set up a hidden camera in the shower block, in and out quick. No one would ever know, and she would finally know if "Snake" meant what she thought.

That was the plan, anyway. She slipped into the locker room unnoticed. Silently, she sneaked toward the shower block, careful not to get her feet wet. She stepped swiftly into the doorway and looked for the best spot for her camera.

BANG! The locker room door flew open!

Her heart raced and her eyes darted around the room until she spotted the toilet block. A silent prayer, and she ghosted into an open cubicle and hid quietly. She didn't dare close the door, in case it made a noise.

"You're gonna trip over that thing one of these days, Snake," she heard one of the boys say.

"Yeah, like yo mama tripped and fell over this," said another, to a chorus of laughter.

The showers started up, and Orla got up the courage to peek around the door, trying to spot Jamal. She could see most of the team, and they were all pretty well equipped. A girl could have fun. No sign of Jamal, though. Damn.

Her mind turned to escape, she couldn't be caught in here. The only way out that wouldn't take her past the showers was though the gym. She took a deep breath.

"Just going to drain this snake, Coach," called a deep voice. Footsteps walked around the cubicle, the only thing louder than her heart. She couldn't escape, she was bound to be caught. Desperately, she slid behind the door of the cubicle, and prayed he wouldn't use this one. Jamal, unaware of anything unusual, threw the door open, almost catching Orla unawares. She raised her knee and stopped the door just short of her face. Pain shot up her leg, but she bit her lip, and held her breath.

Not daring to move, she rolled her eyes toward the source of her trouble. She couldn't believe it! It was Jamal!

Orla drank in the view of his naked body. Tight muscular ass, toned legs and powerful shoulders, he was hot! She still couldn't see his cock, but it looked like he had torn something just past his knee. It looked purple and slightly swollen.

Luckily, he never looked around at all, and as he turned to leave he still hadn't noticed her.

"Coach," he shouted, "who's on physio? Or should I take this thing to the nurse?"

"The nurse don't like snakes," laughed one of the players, "Scared she'll get bit!"

"Maybe she can suck out the poison!" Laughter. Orla was peeking out again as the team walked out of the shower block. All those naked athletic muscular body's were making her horny. Her pussy was moistening as she looked at the collection of big cocks before her. Her fingers traced a line along her inner thigh to her pussy, her skirt offering little resistance.

"Alright, boys, that's enough," Coach reprimanded, smiling. Orla almost hit the roof on her way back to reality.

"Nurse Dixon deserves some respect. Jamal, go lay on the treatment table, someone will see you as soon as I can get them." The bell rang.

"Ok boys, hurry up and get to class. I won't be blamed for slipping grades." The Coach shouted, walking past Orla's hiding place. She noticed that he was rubbing at his crotch, which seemed to be a little swollen. Probably thinking that Mrs. Dixon wasn't called the Head Nurse for nothing.

Once the boys had left, Orla had slipped out of her hiding place and decided she'd taken enough risks. She made her way soundlessly to the door she came in. It creaked as she opened it.

"That you Nurse?" Jamal shouted. Orla jumped, heart in her mouth. She looked round and saw the treatment room door. It was open just enough so that she could see a shoeless foot. Must have been at least a size 12! Big feet, eh?

Maybe she would take just one more risk. After all, she had been lucky so far.

She rounded the row of lockers, making sure to have something between her and the Coach's office door. The physio would be here soon. She crept slowly toward the treatment room door. She could still see that big foot, sole pointed outward. She could also see the calf of the attached leg, muscle twitching. She slipped closer, moving across the locker room trying to get the view she'd come for.

The tantalizing thought of it had her hormones raging, and her hand once again found the damp crotch of her panties. She was close enough now to see a knee, and that swelling she'd seen in the cubicle earlier. It was purplish, and big. There was a large hole facing her, possibly it had been lanced. But, hadn't it been on the other leg?

She stood, fingers delicately tracing the lines of her womanhood, sexually charged. She imagined how roughly a stud like Jamal would treat her, how she'd treat him. She looked back to the treatment room, where Nurse Dixon's tight mini-skirted ass blocked her view.

Orla stifled a squeal, thanking the Lord that the Head Nurse was facing the door. She held her breath, praying that the white bitch wouldn't turn around.

Mrs. Dixon, the Head Nurse, adjusted her tight miniskirt and loosened a button on her breast hugging top. She'd become a nurse to help people, but the outfits were a great bonus.

She thought she heard a squeak behind her, but instead of looking round, she moved quickly inside the treatment room, grinning widely at the sight before her. Snake was right, this boy was long! And thick enough to swallow a small mammal. She closed the door before anyone could see, and locked it tight.

Orla heard the key turn in the door. She cursed her luck. She hadn't been seen, but she hadn't seen what she was there for either. Deflated, but still determined, she headed off to class.

"You're not going to tell me it's your groin, Jamal?" The nurse pointed with her left hand, wedding band in full view.

"No, Mrs. Dixon," Jamal responded, "I'm not sure, it feels like that whole leg."

"OK." She surprised herself by sounding a bit disappointed. She looked around and found a chair, walking over to grab it, she asked,

"So what happened?"

Jamal was glad it was Nurse Dixon. If nothing else, she was a healing sight. Nurses outfits, always too tight, too short, but she had the body for them. He was watching her sweet ass swing as she sauntered around the room.

"I was running the court, threw a dummy pass and spun, next thing I know, my leg can't take my weight, and pain in my knee and thigh, shooting straight up to my-" he hesitated, switching out his normal choice of words, "umm, butt."

"You don't have to check your language in here, Jamal, I've heard it all before." She had walked back with the chair, and was in the process of turning it so that it had its back to Jamal's face.

She sat facing him, one leg either side of the chair, big, tightly wrapped breasts pushed further up by the back of the chair. Jamal had a superb view of her bountiful cleavage, pale white skin pushing out of the top of the nurse's uniform. He felt the effects of her hot body starting in his groin. She leaned forward, pushing more cleavage into view, knowing the effect she'd have on the young man.

"But you walked here, right? I mean, how long," again she gestured towards his snake, allowing herself to imagine it spitting its venom at her. She felt a slight twinge in her nether regions, "how long were you down there?"

"Down there?" Jamal asked, confused, "Oh, right, umm, Coach had Mike and Leroy help me off the court, sat me on the bench."

The nurse sat back a little, back of the chair still under her tits. Jamal thought he could see her nipples stiffening. Her hands fell between her spread legs, and Jamal noticed just how short her skirt was. He could see a lot more skin than he should. He hoped the nurse wouldn't notice his cock twitching at the sight.

"Does it feel stiff?" Of course she'd noticed, she loved having this effect! "Or was there any throbbing?" She licked her lips.

"Umm, not stiff, it twitched a little, umm, my leg, I mean," he stammered, getting a little nervous. Nurse Dixon smiled, he was putty in her hands.

"All right, let's have a look."

She put her hands on the back of the seat, pushing her tits together. In her mind, there was a big black Snake writhing between them. She stood up before he spotted her damp pussy, uncovered as it was.

"Any pain right now?" she asked, moving to his muscled body. He shook his head. She started to run her hands up one leg, noticing with satisfaction that his Snake moved in response.

"Stiffness?" He swallowed, but shook his head. Her hand reached his knee, where his purple cockhead was rested. She resisted an urge to touch it. "Twitching?" Again he shook his head, but there was a twitch where she was looking. "Swelling?" She asked, her hand now running up his thigh, admiring its curves. He almost choked, a drop of pre-cum forming at his glans. He shook his head.

"No, n-not that I've noticed."

I have, she thought. "OK, can you roll onto your stomach?" He did, his long black rod still lay between his legs. She walked around to his head, her bare legs touching the table about an inch below the hem of her skirt.

"Bend your knees, lift your feet off the table," she said, causing him to looks up and face her pubic mound. She imagined burying his face there, grinding her beauty into him.

She bent her knees, her skirt rode up a little as the treatment table came up against it. She lowered herself until her cleavage was resting on the table. She could feel the teenager breathe on the exposed skin. Her hand slipped south, as she risked a quick touch at her aroused womanhood. Her fingers came away damp.

"OK, stretch them out, nice and slow." She continued to toy with him, standing up as he stretched his legs, her skirt higher than before, she felt his breath on her legs. She considered raising her skirt the remaining inch or so to expose her bare pussy to him.

No, not yet, she thought. "Spread you legs apart, as wide as you can without stretching, Jamal." She turned around, making sure to give him an eyeful of her pert buttocks before walking around to the foot of the table.

Now that he was facing away, she could openly admire his huge fuckstick. For the first time, she saw his testes. She managed not to gasp, they were huge! They both rested on the treatment table, one on either side of his massive member. She was sure they were the size of tennis balls. Recently shaved, they had grown a little bit fuzzy like them, too.

They had already been busy, a puddle of pre-cum had formed at the end of his cock, which looked uncomfortably hard, pressed against the table.

"That as far apart as you can get them?" She asked, scootching up onto the table, between his legs. Knowing that he couldn't see, she dipped her fingers into the puddle, scooping up a little. As she brought it to her lips, she slipped two fingers of her other hand into her sodden cunt. She forgot herself for a second, letting out a moan.

"You see something?" Jamal asked, concerned.

Something, all right, she thought. "Nothing yet, Jamal, just going to have a feel around, see if anything is out of the ordinary, OK?"

She didn't wait for a response, taking another scoop of his tasty pre-cum, she licked her fingers.

She placed her knees on either side of his cock, careful not to kneel on his big balls, and started to rub his lower back. Jamal moaned at her manipulations. She moved down to his well muscled ass, thinking how her naked cunt was this close to his hard cock. All he would need to do was roll over, and it'd slip right into her married white pussy.

Her knees slid forward as her hands moved on to his thighs, and soon she was resting her ass on her heels. She stopped for a moment and hitched her skirt up all the way to her waist. She looked down, expecting to see the tip of Snake's baby maker, but she could only see shaft! A wave of warm sexual energy flowed through her as she realised how close this monster was to her wet cunt.

She started to rub his inner thighs, coming ever closer to his sperm filled balls. She planned on emptying those soon.

Her pussy was soaked as she let her heels move to either side, so her ass could lower that vital few inches more. It was enough. As the wide head of Jamal's snake brushed against her naked labia, he gasped. She knew that she would not be able to hold back. This cock would be in her, deep, and soon. She felt it grow, trying to push into her. She slid herself back, already feeling the emptiness without him. She wondered if Snake knew what had just touched his cock, where it had instinctively begun to invade.

"You ok? I heard a gasp," she tried to cover her tracks, "Did I touch a sensitive spot?" Again, she didn't wait. She ran her hands along his inner thighs, this time making sure she did touch his churning balls. This produced another intake of breath.

"Hmm, I don't see anything, let me have a closer look." She leaned in, her face getting real close to him, her breath hot on his inner thigh, her hair tickling his nutsack.

"Hmm, interesting." She turned her head to face the other thigh, pausing to breathe the scent of his distended balls. She pushed her body closer, her tightly encased tits now pressing against the real target of her machinations.

"Hmm, yes," she moaned, trying to sound like she found the source of the problem. She slid herself back and forth a bit, innocently wanking him between her tits. Finally, she slid off of the table, hot breath on his long, thick tool.

She walked around to the side of the table, unfastening her top.

"OK, Jamal, we're going to roll you onto your back. I won't be able to do this without your help, but I want you to let me move your legs. We don't want to aggravate anything." She smiled,she had a plan. She would have his obviously hard cock jump up and "tear" open her tight top, exposing her to him.

"Raise your hips a little," she watched his cock remain pressed against the table, judging that it would have enough force for this. She reached under his leg and hip, then decided to move down a little, one hand just above his knee, one right below his hip, in line with the base of the pussy pleaser she was going to have.

"On 3," she instructed, her excitement palpable, skirt still hitched, pussy drenched.

"One," She set herself, knowing that Jamal was no feather mattress.

"Two," she imagined Jamal's cock finally crammed down her wanton, white throat. It tasted good.

"Three!" He flipped right over, doing most of the work himself. It seemed her plan would work, his hard black rod swung up, as she expected. Almost as she expected. It was faster, much harder and faster than she had planned for. But most of all, and most unfortunately, it was longer.

Instead of rubbing along her overhanging orbs, opening their supporting top, it whacked her hard, a stinging slap against her tit. It knocked her sideways, where Jamal reached to catch her, one hand between her legs, another under her arm. He got more than he bargained for, as both hands contacted flesh.

A little dazed, Mrs. Dixon realised that she had lost the initiative. Snake had his hand clasped around her bare tit. Squeezing tightly, his other hand slithering towards her pussy, and before she could protest, his long fingers were probing at her depths.

She moaned, happy to let this go on for a while. His hands already seemed expert, as he caressed her torso, a thumb finding her clitorus and sending sparks through her very being. She was already so horny at the thought of him that she found herself cumming on his hand, warmth spreading through her like a tidal wave. Her legs shook and she bucked on his hand, juices spilling out over him.

Jamal felt like a real stud. He wasn't a virgin by any means, none of the team were, but this white, married, fucking hot bitch had came at his touch. Fuck!

She shook herself, regaining her self composure a measure. She wanted that big black cock in her. She had to taste his delicious seed. The Head Nurse would live up to her name.

She maneuvered herself away from him, climbing back up onto the table. She stood over him, skirt hitched up to her waist, and removed her top completely. She threw it to the floor, safe in the knowledge that she had locked the treatment room door.

She allowed her prey a moment to admire her curves. The pale flesh of her pert tits, small round aureoles surrounding hot red nipples sticking right out like football studs. Athletic build, tapering to where her bunched up skirt sat. Below that, her glistening hairless pussy, already invaded, clearly awaiting more.

She looked down, his massive black mamba stretching out before her. It reached past his navel, and looked tasty, framed by is toned abs. She took a step back, moving between his legs so that she could see those big juicy balls. They were even heavier looking, like they'd produced even more cum for her.

Good job, boys, she thought, time for a reward. She knelt on the table, one hand fingering her soaking wet pussy. She used the other hand to weigh Jamal's mighty nuts. She lay on her stomach, enthralled by this teenagers equipment. She gave his thigh a quick nibble, but couldn't tease herself any more. She took his shaft in both hands, amazed by its width, length and strength. He playfully tensed it up, and it was able to pull her closer to him!

That was all the excuse she needed, and she went right to work, tongue slobbering up the veiny black shaft.

"Fuck, Snake, this thing's a beaut." She breathed, kissing and sucking along its length. "I'm in cock suckers heaven!"

Her drooling lips went all over the awesome appendage, her hands played on his heavy nutsack,straying occasionally to her pussy, her tits, her mouth.

She pulled him to the edge of the treatment table, where she could kneel reverently before this idol before her. Her lips never left the cock she was adoring. The purple head glistened now with pre-cum, the shaft with lipstick and saliva.

Her tits touched the table, reminding her of an earlier thought. She wrapped them around the monster and started bouncing them. Even with her massive mamms engulfing it, there was more cock on show than her husband had all in.

"Plump, ripe, juicy melons," Jamal observed.

"This is where it gets good," the married white nurse replied, "Just hold on as long as you can!"

She began to slide her funbags up and down Jamal's slick shaft, moving in long slow strokes. When she bottomed out, she'd kiss, suck, lick the shaft, but never touch the sensitive head. As her pace increased, Snake's mamba began to produce pre-cum in more copious amounts. There was enough there for it to run down between Mrs. Dixon's firm, round tits. She knew it would taste good.