Janice's Story

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A loving wife shares her husband with a widowed friend.
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Hello, my name is Janice, and I would like to tell you about a wonderful experience that I had a couple of years ago when I offered my lovely husband to a girl friend who had recently been widowed in tragic circumstances.

To begin with let me tell you a little more about myself. I am 45 years old, and my husband Peter and I have now been happily married for 22 years, and we have two lovely children, who are both in high school. I am petite, at 5ft 3 inches tall, with a nice figure that I like to keep in trim by regular sessions at the local health club, nothing too strenuous, as I don't want to turn into an amazon, mainly fitness classes, aquarobics and swimming, which I have found is really good for keeping my bosom in good shape.

Talking about my bosom, my breasts are still nice and pert, not too big at 34D, but a nice handful, as my husband keeps telling me. I have shoulder length blonde hair, and a few years ago I started shaving my pussy, which really turned Pete on - he said that it made oral sex much more enjoyable, and I found that it increased my sensitivity too.

I met Hilary at the health spa, and we soon hit it off, quickly becoming intimate friends. After sessions we would often go for a coffee and cream cakes at a local cafe, which rather undid the good work I suppose, but we all deserve a bit of naughtiness in our lives. She was about 12 years younger than me, and I soon learned that she had tragically lost her husband to cancer 5 years earlier, leaving her with a young child, who had taken up all her time, until he started at school the previous spring.

She admitted that for a long time she had not even thought about sex, and had only recently been getting stirrings of desire. She had been content to masturbate, and had bought a vibrator and a couple of dildos from an online store, although she had still not had the confidence to start dating, the memory of her husband still being too fresh in her mind. When I pressed her, she did say that toys were okay, but were not the same as a nice hard cock.

Pete and I had a satisfactory sex life, not like the passionate love making of our first few years of marriage, but still nice and loving, although I have no doubt that some would describe it as vanilla sex. Recently, however, the stories in women's magazines had made me wonder if I was missing something. Oh, I usually had a pleasant, though not earth shattering orgasm, nothing like the mind blowing ecstasy some women described, although I did wonder if they were exaggerating a bit.

When Pete and I were making love I had started to fantasize a bit, mainly based on some of the stories I read, and I found that I got quite turned on by the thought of watching my husband fucking another woman, and perhaps having sex with her myself. I had kissed a few girls when I was at school, but it never went any further, and I was curious what it would feel like to make love to another woman.

It was while I was talking to Hilary that the thought struck me that I could satisfy my curiosity, and help her as well, if one Saturday night we could makeup a threesome. I was sure Pete would enjoy it, like any red blooded male he liked looking at pictures of naked girls, and although I had never asked him, I was pretty sure he wouldn't pass up the chance of a bit of variety, as long as there was no deception involved. We were still happily in love, even after twenty years together, and had no desire to start swinging or anything like that.

I didn't tell Pete or Hilary what I was thinking. I didn't want to scare her off, and I wanted it to be a surprise for him, a nice present to say thank you for all those years of happiness. Having made my mind up to go through with it, I started to think about how I was going to bring my fantasy to life, it was really very exciting planning the seduction of my husband and my friend. I found myself getting very wet between my legs, as I ran through various different scenarios. In the end I decided that what I wanted was an evening that was deeply satisfying at many levels, an evening of good food, good wine, great conversation, and ending up with fantastic and memorable sex.

Hilary was delighted to accept my invitation, as she didn't get out all that much with a young child to care for. I suggested that she should ask her babysitter to stay the night, so that she didn't have to worry about getting home, and also because she wouldn't have to watch how much she had to drink. She replied that she didn't have a regular babysitter, but that she would ask her mum to sit for her, which she knew her little boy would love, since he would be allowed to stay up later than normal playing computer games - grannies are so soft-hearted!

On the night in question, Hilary turned up at just after 8pm, with a bottle of wine in hand. She was dressed smartly, if not particularly provocatively, in a black skirt and blouse, set off with a cerise scarf to match her lipstick. I knew from our conversations that she would be wearing hold ups, since she didn't much like tights, and I had noticed when we were in the changing room that she favoured lacy underwear, which I knew that Pete would like - men are so easily satisfied.

I greeted her warmly, with a kiss on the lips - the first time I had done that - enjoying the feel of her soft lips on mine; she tasted rather nice too. Dinner went well, and we were all soon laughing over stories about the funny things our children came out with in their innocence. I was pleased to see that Pete found her attractive, and as the evening progressed they both became relaxed in each other's company. By the time I was ready to serve coffee and liqueurs, they were flirting just a little, and when we took our drinks into the sitting room, I suggested that they sit together on the settee to chat, whilst I loaded the dish washer.

I had made sure the ambience in the sitting room was warm and relaxed - soft lighting, scented candles, romantic music on the CD player, that sort of thing. I took rather longer than strictly necessary in the kitchen, and when I finally walked in, Pete and Hilary were sitting very close - the effect of the atmosphere, and the wine they had drunk, sufficient to relax their inhibitions - and Hilary was turned towards him with one hand on his knee. From what I could gather she was telling him about her life, and the difficulties facing a single parent.

Rather blatantly, although they didn't seem to notice, I manoeuvred the conversation onto the subject of sex, and after a while, suggested to Pete that Hilary missed male attention, and would rather enjoy a friendly cuddle and a kiss from a nice man. Pete looked at me with a rather surprised expression, but I just smiled at him, and started to unbutton my blouse, slipping my hand beneath the soft material to caress my breasts. At the same time I mouthed silently, "I love you."

Pete took my meaning, and taking Hilary in his arms, started to kiss her on the mouth, gently probing with his tongue. Soon their kisses became hotter and more passionate, and their mounting desire soon made them oblivious to my presence, sitting quietly in my chair. It was so arousing watching them kissing and cuddling, but, although Pete had his gone as far as to slide hand beneath Hilary's skirt to caress her thighs, things were not proceeding as fast as I wanted. I sensed that without further prompting on my part, this might be as far as they would go, and I was now certain that I wanted to see Pete take her, and to watch his cock sliding into her wet cunt. I had planned this for days, but even so, I was surprised by how much I desired to see them in ecstasy, lost in each other's pleasure.

It was time to be bold, something normally foreign to my rather reticent nature, so clearing my throat loudly so as to catch their attention, I said that I thought we would all be more comfortable if we retired to the bedroom. Standing up, I moved in the direction of the door, making it very clear that I expected them to follow me. As we got to the top of the stairs, Hilary said that she needed to go to the loo, so Pete and I went into the bedroom alone. Flinging my arms around his neck, I kissed him passionately, savouring the clinging memory of Hilary's scent on his skin, and the taste of her lipstick on his lips.

Murmuring softly, I told him to go ahead and make love to her, and to enjoy this one special night in her arms. To encourage him further, I started to unbuckle his trousers, and taking my hint, he was soon sitting on the bed in just his briefs. Kneeling in front of him, I pulled them down to free his half erect cock, and leaning forward, I took the head into my mouth for an instant, before standing again. "Make it very special for Hilary," I told him, "she has missed the feel of a man inside her for too long. I want tonight to be the beginning of a new chapter in her life, not with you my darling, this is just the catalyst to set her free from the dead memories of the past."

Hilary had not reappeared, so giving Pete one last kiss, I went back onto the landing to find Hilary starting to creep towards the stairs. Stepping in front of her, I kissed her gently on the lips. "I want this to happen," I murmured, "tonight, but only tonight, Pete is yours. This is my special gift to both of you, so go in there and let him make love to you, my dear. I am very aroused at the thought of you taking pleasure in each other, and if you don't mind I will watch for a while, but then I will leave you alone until the morning."

Hilary still seemed a little reluctant, so taking her by the hand, I led her into the bedroom to where Pete sat naked on the bed. I kissed her again, and unzipped her skirt, letting it fall to the floor at her feet. I then turned her round to face Pete, and pushed her in his direction. "Take off your clothes for him," I said, "and let him see your beauty, I'm sure you won't be disappointed in his reaction."

Hilary looked at Pete, and seeing the desire in his eyes, she did as I had bid her. When she was naked, Pete stood up, and taking her by the hands pulled him onto the bed with him. They lay there face to face, kissing passionately, their tongues dancing, and soon they forgot about me, as they started to explore each other's bodies, their caresses quickly becoming more urgent and intimate. I stood quietly in the doorway, watching them, and removing my own skirt, slid one hand into my panties to stroke my pussy, which was very wet with my arousal, whilst kneading my breasts and pinching my nipples with the other.

Pete turned Hilary round so that he was lying behind her, his arms around her, and parting her legs, put his erect cock between the swollen lips of her pussy, sliding it backwards and forwards with gentle but insistent thrusts of his hips. Hilary put her hand down to take hold of him, and placing the head at the entrance to her cunt, spoke for the first time. "Please fuck me," she whispered, "it has been so long, I have almost forgotten what it feels like to have a real cock inside me," and she turned her face to him to kiss him again, a kiss of invitation and desire.

Slowly, Pete thrust his cock deep into her cunt until he was fully engulfed inside her. Hilary kept her hand between her legs, holding him still for a moment, savouring the delicious sensation of being filled by a cock again. As they began to fuck, slowly and sensuously at first, I slid two fingers into my own cunt, and started to masturbate myself, keeping time with the rhythm of their mating. The sounds and scents of sex filled the air, as all three of us ascended towards our climaxes.

Hilary came first, her head thrown back, and her eyes shut. As her orgasm hit her, her muscles contracted in waves of pleasure, and she cried out in ecstasy, as she experienced the exquisite sensations of an orgasm with a man for the first time in many years. Pete's climax followed shortly after, and the sight of his balls contracting as he pumped her cunt full of his seed was enough to drive me over the edge. My orgasm was so strong that my legs felt like jelly, and I had to catch hold of the door frame to stop myself from falling. The feeling inside was like a fire in my whole body, and I felt as if firecrackers were going off in my head, something I had not felt for a long time.

When I had recovered my strength, I slipped away to the spare room, where I lay in bed playing with my favourite rabbit vibrator in my cunt, as I relived the erotic vision of my Pete's cock sliding into Hilary's cunt. After another delicious climax, and floating on a cloud of post orgasmic euphoria, I fell asleep, only to be awakened several time a during the night by moans and cries of ecstasy from the adjacent bedroom. I remember that I felt so happy that my little plan has been so successful, and that the two people, other than my children, I cared about the most, were enjoying such pleasure in each other's arms.

In the morning, when I heard Pete going to the bathroom for his morning pee, I slipped out to join him, and walking up behind him, I put my arms around him and nuzzled his neck. "Why don't you go downstairs and make breakfast for us all," I said, "I would like to spend a little time with Hilary now, and we can all eat together before she goes home. Then you and I can go back to bed, and you can tell me all about your lovely night. I do hope you have enough strength left for me, because I am feeling very horny for you, my delicious husband."

With that, I squeezed his bottom, and kissed him, then turned and crept into our bedroom. Hilary was lying on the bed, half covered by a sheet. She was half asleep, and looking dishevelled but still beautiful, with a slight smile on her lips. I took off my nightie, and got into bed behind her, putting my arms around her to caress her lovely full breasts, and showering little butterfly kisses on her neck and shoulders. As she woke fully, she turned her head to me, and smiled. "Thank you for sharing your lovely man with me," she murmured, and she kissed me full on the lips, delicately probing my mouth with her tongue.

She then turned to face me, and we started to kiss and cuddle, gently at first, and then with increasing passion. It all seemed so natural and tender, a beautiful way for two people to express their mutual love, and when she put her hand down between my legs, and slid two fingers into my waiting cunt, I knew that this was something that I would want to do again and again. Hilary knew exactly how to stimulate me, and I was soon overcome by such exquisite sensations that I felt as if I was melting in her arms.

Coming down after a long drawn out and deeply satisfying orgasm, I pulled away from Hilary and slid down between her legs so that I could kiss her sweet pussy. I parted her lips, which were still slightly puffy from her night of love, and began to lick her slit from the entrance to her cunt up to her clitoris, which I sucked into my mouth. She tasted so nice, a mixture of her own sweet vaginal secretions and Pete's salty semen, which I knew so well. She put her hands behind my head, entangling her fingers in my hair, and I licked and kissed her fervently until she came, her hips writhing and her back arched, as she surrendered to my loving ministrations.

When at last she was still, I took Hilary in my arms, and we just cuddled quietly until we heard Pete shout up the stairs that breakfast was ready, and if we didn't hurry he would have eaten it all. We got up rather languidly, and slipped on a couple of robes before going downstairs to join Pete in the kitchen. After a leisurely and companionable breakfast, Hilary and I showered together, and she finally left to go home just before lunchtime, embracing us both, and thanking us for a very lovely night, her voice full of deep emotion.

Pete and I didn't bother with lunch, but went back to bed, where we stayed until it was time to get up and prepare the evening meal. My feelings were partly relief that things had gone so well, and that we had all reached new heights of sexual and emotional pleasure, but mainly deep happiness and contentment.

Pete and I have talked about that night many times since, and we both agree that it put new life into our relationship, and sex has been so much more exciting and adventurous ever since. Hilary joined a dating site the following week, and went out with a number of men over the next few months, one or two if whom she introduced to us. Nothing permanent seemed to be coming of it, although she was much more happy and contented, until she met her present partner. Doug is a few years older than her, a widower who had lost his wife to breast cancer. Strangely, it was not through the dating site that they came together, but a support group for people who had lost a loved one to cancer. They had actually met occasionally at meetings, but Hilary had just not noticed him in that way. They are now thinking about moving in together, which is wonderful news.

Pete and Hilary have not any sort of sexual relationship since that night, although they remain very affectionate in the way of close friends. She and I have continued to be lovers, however, although we have not become part of the lesbian scene. We did go to a lesbian burlesque show one night, but we left after a couple of hours, as we were both somewhat put off by the underlying sadomasochism of some of the acts, and neither of us were interested in group sex. To be completely honest we are not all that interested in pornography either, finding that is the tactile nature of nakedness that we enjoy rather than the visual.

We usually get together once or twice a week, after the gym, when we go back to one or the other of our homes. Sometimes we lie in bed naked, just cuddling and talking, at other times we make love, and have learned over the months just how to give each other the most wonderful orgasms. We have experimented with different toys, including a strap-on dildo, but recently I bought a vibrating feeldoe, which has allowed us to experience simultaneous climaxes of extraordinary intensity. We have also been away for a few long weekends at a lovely health spa in the Yorkshire dales, where we have enjoyed nice walks during the day, hand in hand, followed by nights of love after a pleasant intimate candlelit dinner.

In many ways I suppose I now have the best of both worlds, with a loving husband and beautiful children, and a female lover. I know that I love Pete and Hilary equally; both of them are wonderful in bed, but in different ways, and my life seems complete in a way I could not have imagined before that night.

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The author would appreciate your feedback.
26thNC26thNCabout 3 years ago

Just as cheap as a cuck story with the sexes reversed. Nothing realistic or cute about this type story.

Ducky7Ducky7almost 7 years ago
Hot and cold hearted at the same time

Hot in that she helped her friend and allowed her experience a real cock again.

Cold hearted in that she herself couldn't just eat one chip.... Why did hubby have to be left out?????? She seems to want her cake and eat it too. Hubby could call that cheating.....

sexymeupsexymeupalmost 7 years ago

Well, that is tacky and selfish of the wife she lets hubby only fuck the woman one time so she can have an affair with another woman, that is kind of one sided lol.

Alex BelligAlex Belligover 9 years ago
Great story!

Mr. oldwayne, get a life! if you find this story disgusting, then you are on the wrong site. Did you expect a Dostoyevsky novel?

It's a very nice writing, finally a woman's perspective instead of a guy's.

oldwayneoldwayneover 9 years ago
I didn't like it much...

and thought it was actually kind of disgusting.

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