All Comments on 'Jumping to Conclusions'

by magmaman

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betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 10 years ago

Tough tale. He was perfectly within his right accusing her of infidelity when he was told about the tattoo. Only being lucky discovering the clock/camera did he find out the truth. She was so hurt she divorced him, even after he apologized profusely. Although they're together again it won't. last. Trust issues will break the apart.

This tale made you think too much. It's actually seems more realistic than you might think. A sequel would be nice.

tazz317tazz317about 10 years ago

but the look and leap should come into play and yes the stove is hot and the icebox light does go off, TK U MLJ LV NV

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 10 years ago
Very good story with marginal narrator

Boy, did the Brent character strike a chord in memory, a hit and miss Lothario who's spell is strictly short term. The clock radio / trojan camera was solid plot twist.

Danny bothered me. The bet was sleazy and if you really, really have regard for your woman, there are unfathomable implications with tacit permission given for the wager to ' play out ' win or lose.

He wasted no time clambering to imagined moral high ground. Definitely a young man's miscue at best, hopefully Danny has learned his lesson.

Anyway magmaman did sterling job steering his main couple to safe harbor. Nothing's guaranteed , there were unexplored nuances about what Jill did during hiatus and Danny's ability to accept this long term.

sugnasugnaabout 10 years ago

He didn't get too much sympathy from his "friends" or his wife for being played by Brent. He was a hot head, but that is not too unusual for a young man. He got a raw deal in this story, She should have understood why he didn't trust her after he had been played. He hurt Brent not her. She didn't forgive him for a reasonable reaction.

Tw0Cr0wsTw0Cr0wsabout 10 years ago

It is odd that his friends did not have more sympathy for him, since Brent had cameras in several of their homes also.

Pretty well written and thought provoking.

OneShotOneOneShotOneabout 10 years ago
She looked for someone like him but

couldn't find one. You would think she'd had enough of immature violent hot headed morons.

zed0zed0about 10 years ago
Pretty Depressing!

The wimp gets his well fucked wife back!

Oh Boy, Oh Joy!

What a bunch of lame crap!

Now I remember why I gave up reading your shitty stories.

tae352001tae352001about 10 years ago
Excellent story to print save and keep in mind 5 stars

This has nothing to do with Jill, the issue, RESPECT, you can add CHEERISH, HONOR FOR SAKE ALL OTHERS... that means allowing anyone to enter your marriage. This bet should never have happened. Danny should have defended Jill, remember a wife, is a partner and life partner and above all your family. Danny failed and failed badly. Believing someone outside of their marriage on issues of infidelity was inexcusable. I am glad they got back together, sadly it has changed them. the purity of their marriage is gone. Should Jill stopped and talked before divorce, yes, this is not about cheating, OK, Danny is the cause, but the now end result, and yes they remarried, shows the damage is far from healed. I believe that this marriage will not last.

tae352001tae352001about 10 years ago
add something else sorry

The true culprit and stuns me the friends too did not gather and provide support for Jill and Danny. Brent, what he did was a crime. The real question, those cams he did gain access too, what became of the pics, too many websites have that trash posted. How sad

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

This almost felt like a commentary on how stupidly quick the "heroes" in most of these stories jump to the conclusion that their wife is a cheat, and oops gosh like magic I don't love her anymore because lol

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
pure crap cuck drivel

man up . and drop the bitch. a whole year of depression, she sleeps with other men. you want her back.. stupid...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Good story that shows illustrates how distrust can kill a marriage. But it seemed rushed at the end.

And to the reader who called him a cuckold...what the fuck are you talking about? They were divorced, she's free to so what she wants with whomever she wants. A divorce he precipitated by not trusting her, a divorce he caused when he treated her like an object and not his partner, a divorce he deserved when he threw a tantrum because another guy played with his toy.

frasnostfrasnostabout 10 years ago
Good ...

... but that's it. Never maintain a "college buddy" friendship with a hound dog after marriage, particularly when he can't hold down a relationship, knows your missus from before you were married and spends time at your house by himself. That's just asking for trouble.

Hubby had to pay the piper with an obstinate Wifey, but she had just cause like most of these scorned "scorched Earth" Husbands we're reading about lately. If Hubby couldn't stomach Lothario knowing about Wifey's tat, how can he accept (now ex) Wifey's list of soul-searching fuck buddies? Perhaps a slice of humble pie has done the trick to pacify his jaw-breaking urges, but he'll forever wonder why he didn't "even the score" with his own Sherry-esque fuck buddies after the fact.

The irony is he ended up more of a wimp after divorce than before it, because Jill will expect fidelity on his part.


frasnostfrasnostabout 10 years ago
It's OK having a bet ...

... just make sure Wifey is on board. This'll give Hubby piece of mind and that extra level of trust to dispel his doubts when the shit hits the fan, otherwise Wifey is within her rights to divorce a sleazeball who "cheats" on her with stupid bets made without her blessing.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
well above average tale...

but friends do bail out on a couple having problems... young friends/couples have no time to share with those in trouble... Had a friend out of high school like Brian, he could charm the panties off the best of them... always had to watch him and distance yourself from him... which a lot of the couples did...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

BTB keen to try the other players then go home to cucky

Sid0604Sid0604about 10 years ago
Thank you...

I enjoyed reading your story. Thank you for sharing.

Richie4110Richie4110about 10 years ago
Fairy Tale

This only plays as a novel. Their respective characters are set by time. The chance that they could get back together AND stay so remote as to be unbelieveable.

KarenEKarenEabout 10 years ago

While I can SOMEWHAT understand her anger at the bet, he bet on HER, he had total faith in her fidelity, she should have been more upset if he WOULDN'T make that bet, that he was afraid she'd cheat.

And, yes, he should have believed her, but Brent had some pretty compelling evidence. In hindsight he should have tried to find other ways he could have found out - maybe some of her girl friends have seen her nude when changing? Maybe he somehow found the tattoo shop?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
You never told us if you got your balls back

Let's see:

1) He makes a stupid bet involving wifey & doesn't believe her about Brent.

Like she ALWAYS believes EVERYTHING he says. )))))))))))

("I violated her trust" Oh! SOB!!!)

2) She F*CKS "a couple" guys, divorced or otherwise.

3) And ONLY AFTER THAT does she want ex hubby back.


I guess I need a NEW BALANCE.

Mine is leaning OFF THE SCALE in HIS favor!

But being a pitiful, self-pitying nutless wonder he takes her back??

And now, she knows EXACTLY how pussy whipped he truly is.

(He can't live without her! Oh! SOB!!!!)

WAY TOO MANY fish in the sea for me to EVER do that!

Where the hell have all the men (guys with some balls) gone?

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
So true this story of the human ego

People can and do react in different ways when they hear a story that affects them personally, in her case and his he made a bad bet, she did not deserve his accusations and took it hard ,not believing her. Taking his word and not getting the facts down, so we have a reversal of hurt that is carried into her divorcing him. Oh my our egos are so fragile in a lot of us. All for a stupid bet.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
dear annony you're such a tough guy!

Big fucking man !Never been in love or even close. We all feel sorry for your dumb ass

YathinkYathinkabout 10 years ago
I agree with KarenE: 1) he bet on HER & 2) Brent did know about the tat....

Both over-reacted.

He should have believed her that there MUST be some other explanation


She should have understood his doubt!

To me, she simply saw this as an opportunity for some strange.

In the end, he is nothing but a pathetic little wimp.

And with that, the story goes down in flames for me.

But thank you for writing.

RhomanovRhomanovabout 10 years ago
Reads like a cartoon

Let's see .... He makes a bet, gets a reply and jumps to an assumption. No checking, no asking, just assumes. She responds, leaves, files for divorce, becomes a complete slut that it takes the death of her mom to come to her senses. They talk. He takes her back.

So.... After their next "event", what's it gong to take for her to realize she over reacted this time?

After one too many "he/she what?!?" I lost any real interest.....

looking4itlooking4itabout 10 years ago

I have to agree with KarenE and wonder why she didn't appreciate his trust in her to make a bet on her fidelity. In all honesty, that would make me wonder about why that would upset her. He should have tried to determine why Brent would know beyond actually seeing it. Just because it's covered doesn't mean no one knows. Okay Danny doesn't press charges because he uses it as leverage for assault charges on him, why not any of the rest of the "crowd"? I wouldn't bet on this relationship lasting unless the get some counseling. Too much unspoken hurt and skeletons to make it long term.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
"I am not sure you do, a couple of them....I let to me."

Just had to get that "dig" in .. didn't you Magnaman?

Cuckerotica is full of LW stories where the husband is accused of overreacting or is vilified for not forgiving & taking his "wronged" wife back even when she has fucked multiple men or had a long term affair. The statement "It was only sex" comes up again and again in these stories where the writer inevitably portrays the male lead as a child whose toy has been taken away and behaves badly. Of course in the end after being shamed, the "bastard" spouse falls on his sword and takes the wife back without any questions .... "BUT" ..... only after she has "Hung the Horns of Shame" on him by "letting a couple make love to me!" Nothing like a little salt in the wound!!!

The mother was right ("Before she died, right there at the last, she told me I was being silly.") and Magnaman you are wrong in Danny reconciling with Jill! If she was willing to divorce him over his accusation of her cheating (which from his AND the readers standpoint was initially valid) what happens to them when something far worse happens ..... say he leaves the toilet seat UP???? Does Jill get to have a year long gang bang and make Danny watch, does she turn him into a pathetic Cuckhold in order to "punish" him for standing up for what he thought was right? Where is the "forgiveness" that so many demand of the husband / male after the wife violates the marriage vows?

When it comes to Cuckerotica, Double Standards are the norm with your own submissions serving as good examples of how the two sexes are not portrayed equally. The challenge is to find a writer who does not have a hidden cuckhold/male bashing agenda. Someone who can create a story that doesn't require the husband being emasculated or the female getting one last "dig" in!

So Magnaman ... are you up to the challenge??

swingerjoeswingerjoeabout 10 years ago

I normally would have bailed on this story after the first page, as I found the narration to be boring and rambling. What was the purpose, for example, of explaining the sexual histories of the main characters? Why mention Sherry at all?

But there were so many comments on this story that I slogged through it to the end. I have to agree with a previous commenter that all of the characters in this story were stereotypical cartoons. I felt no connection to any of them. Danny is an immature knucklehead who sees his wife as his property instead of a human being. The moment he suspects she's no longer "pure", he flies into a fit of rage and packs a suitcase. Moronic.

Brett is equally immature and one-dimensional. He, too, sees women as property or conquests. I suppose the wife is the only character in the story with a semblance of integrity, although we didn't learn enough about her to make that call.

I think some of the comments here are more entertaining than the story itself. A few people called Danny a "wimpy cuck." To quote Inigo Montoya: "You keep using that word; I do not think it means what you think it means." It is absolutely laughable. It seems that if a woman has sex with ANY man besides yourself at ANY point in her life, and under ANY circumstance, then you are a "wimpy cuck." Priceless!

IronDragonIronDragonabout 10 years ago
A razor thin line between Stubborn and Stupid.

He bet ON her, not AGAINST her. He had faith in her, until Asshole told him about the tattoo, which he shouldn't have known about. The discovery of the camera and his apology to her should have put the whole thing to rest, but Wifey was just being a bitch at that point. She went on and on about his lack of faith and trust in her, but she completely disregarded the fact that ASSHOLE KNEW ABOUT THE TATTOO! If the camera hadn't been discovered, he would have divorced HER.

Also, the Anon has a point about the "dig" she got in on him by admitting that she slept around while they were Divorced. MGM, I like a lot of your tales, but this one just didn't sit right with me on some levels. Women that stubborn, when they "make up their minds and stick to it", will do ANYTHING once a thought pops into their heads, though Hell itself bars the way.

His ending reaction is realistic to some point, with the slow rebuilding of trust on both of their parts. But, what happens next time he does something that makes her angry?

4 Stars, barely. I came very close to giving it a 3, but the tentatively happy ending got the extra star. At least she finally realized how stupid she'd been... this time.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
swinger joe..

go swing a cock in your mouth

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 10 years ago
re: "I am not sure you do, a couple of them....I let to me."

I totally agree with you, if he dug his heels in and divorced her even after he found out the truth, everyone would be calling him an asshole. The thing that gets me is how quick she started dating. And Mag your another one that has the man sitting around for years crying in his beer. Most "men", note I said men, try to fuck everything walking after a divorce.

oldauthoroldauthorabout 10 years ago
Always good

As I expected when I clicked on this story it was entertaining and thought-provoking. I am never disappointed when I read one of your stories, Magmaman, despite some of the negative comments you often receive on your stories. I often feel most of them are ill-deserved and are only posted by those who cannot write even as much as a child's story.

jasonnhjasonnhabout 10 years ago

He bet on her, believing in her fidelity. Guess what? She WAS faithful and HE DIDN'T BELIEVE HER. Instead he believes the arrogant jerk of a friend. So in the end he trusted his hound dog "friend", who turned out to be a complete pervert, instead of his extremely loving wife. Making the bet was childish and insulting to his wife. Scoring pussy points relegates the woman to a piece of meat. You just DON'T do that to someone you love.

And FIRST, FIRST, FIRST you believe in your spouse! Until undeniably proven wrong.

The story was well titled. He deserved all the pain he suffered.

Did she cheat? Well, they got a divorce. She didn't get divorced so she could screw around. She thought her marriage was dead. She slept with a couple guys after being divorced. Her silly FEMALE PRIDE (It DOES exist! Who knew?) was keeping her from being happy. Her mom dope slapped her and she realized it.

Is the guy a wimp? Would he have been a wimp if she had slept with people before they got together the first time (Remember, he wasn't a virgin)? If so, the vast majority of husbands are wimps. She makes absolutely no negative comparison of him except for not believing in her. In fact, in the end, he is the only one for her.

It seems to me that he was a dope and she played by the rules. After being alone for a while she found it in herself to forgive him. How many reconciliation stories have we read where a guy does a similar thing when the situation warrants it?

The reconciled relationship is not quite as strong/good as the previous one. Yup, the cost of being stupid. His best bet is to accept it as a price paid, move past it, and treasure his wife.

Nice story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Sad death of a relationship

I guess communication or lack thereof is what killed this relationship, he placed a bet upon her fidelity like a game and your spouse should never be a game. I understand her anger at the "lack of trust" but the pervert had information on her of a very intimate nature I would have been dissapointed had the husband not been blinded by anger and pain because it would have meant he truly cared nothing for his wife an emotional knife through the heart hurts worst when it comes from the one you love and thought would never be holding the knife. Often times pain trumps trust but she took it to an extreme and failed her husband horribly as well she refused to get over her anger. The only way I see this ending is in a second divorce the easy touches, kisses and general intimacy of before is gone never to return. Perhaps even worse is that he will begin to resent her for sleeping around true they were divorced but emotions hardly look to logic for reason and in his heart it will always feel like a betrayal she found it easier to throw him away and go fuck some other guys than to talk to him about his insecurities sadly in the end I dont see the rising of a phoenix. (Sorry that was long winded, it was an ok story I dont regret reading it but it is a sad tale)

bruce22bruce22about 10 years ago
Excellent Story

MGM has produced an interesting plot and fascinating characters.

The hero is called both arrogant and wimpy so MGM must have stepped on everyone's toes! Personally I find it strange to have him called a cuckold. As a divorced lady she has all the right to sleep with a couple of guys while shopping for a new guy or would you be so old fashioned that you would reject her trying the new beau on for size before getting hitched...???

Eighty percent of the commentaries disconnect from the facts of the story. This is normal and fun but negates the critical value of the evaluation.

I would suggest that the colleagues read Alberto Manguel's "A Reader on Reading" and recognize that the readers where looking for cuckoldry!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Enjoyed it!

The author did a great job making me think, as usual.

My problem was first with Danny, making the bet. Even when I was very young, married at 19, I would have never made a bet like this. My second problem was with Danny again, not believing his wife. If there is one thing I've learned in the past 40 years, believe your spouse. She is your rock, your wall against the world. So unless you know she's a slut, believe her.

My last two problems were with Jill. First, she wouldn't forgive. No matter what, she wouldn't forgive and served Danny. And finally, she turned slut in the next year. Personally, I would not have taken her back. She made her bed(s), let her sleep in it, away from Danny and with a bunch of other some ones.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Pretty good tale, at least entertaining.

I did wonder why no one seemed to really go after Brent? He committed several crimes - each time he put his little spy clocks in peoples homes and no one wanted blood? I also found it surprising that all of his so called friends dropped him. What about his family? With all of his friends gone and apparently no family why didn't he pick and move to another city and start over fresh. Especially after he sobered up? A new, fresh start would have seemed in order. While he might have been sympathetic over her Mother's death, I don't see that as a reason for him to get over her actions and just jump right back in with her. Too much water under the bridge. Maybe a sequel with more information?

eightytuneseightytunesabout 10 years ago
Who's Sorry Now

Not sure that they really moved past the initial separation. There was betrayal by Jill.

That she admitted to several dates with benefits, makes it hard to reconcile totally. That they were divorced is not the deciding factor to turn the other cheek.

Jill looked for another "Danny", none to be found, so if she wanted Danny then she had to fight for him, but having dates with benefits makes it a rocky road to have a lasting second marriage. Doubt will always creep in and cause anxiety. After all during the separation / divorce he didn't date. So my opinion is she is dirty!

As the author said in the last lines of the story "And some things? They are always there."

magmamanmagmamanabout 10 years agoAuthor
Touched a nerve, I see?

Interesting reactions. Logic would suggest that a person trusts their mate, because if one does not, things seldom end well.

Logic would also suggest that one would never wager on their mate, certainly not about what they would do in a given situation.

They would or should already know.

There is not much that can be worse than to show a lack of faith in the one person that one should have the most faith in.

I see that my poor efforts touched a nerve this morning, even with the silly typos and all.

Interesting comments and responses, all over the map.

Which means I did my job. And yes, I like that.



AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Discovering true literary talent...

Having the degree of creativity to construct and fashion character is a rare gift. Understanding even a few of the of essentials and nuances of human existence that differentiates the state of being categorized as "human" from the base animal is both the curse and the genius of a writer. Plotting the story is never a worry once you get your characters on their feet and ready to function intuitively. Then, too, the writer always suffers that postpartum perception of having opened another void of staggering challenges the conquering of which will produce another painful insight. We never win the day. Do we?

Please continue to write.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago

I actually understand about the bet and why he made it. If some a-hole was saying he could get to my wife I would be understandably pissed and in the heat of the moment could do the same. Would I mean it? No. Does it mean I don't trust my wife? Not at all. Things said in the heat of passion rarely ring true in the end and this is one of those times. And as for not believing her, we here all the time in stories like these, trust, but verify. So since she couldn't explain how he knew anyone could find some doubt with her. Its reasonable. But when he found the gods honest truth, he did try and appologize and her faith in him was so low she wouldn't see his side. If he had a parrot tattoo near his penis and the town slut told the wife she saw it she would have done the same thing he did.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
only one point

to the story. as good or human this story is, the end was to short. you spent a lot of time in a bit background, the actuel wager (if dumb or not, who cares thats the story) , the outcome = divorce, where most of the action should have happened. not just between the couple, no also those friends who have been spied on aswell.

there is just nothing. so after 8/10 or 9/10 of the story you write in short: he was miserable for a year and she dated.

and kind of in the last sentence her mom died, she called, he went but they are not good together= finish.

if he was an idiot and she was stubborn and there mutual friends dense is not the point. why should he want to take her back if she never forgive him for his hot headed behaviour ? I can almost follow his mistake but I tell you she is worth less than him.

I grew up with a sulking sister who would try to make our lives bad if she did not get what she wanted and of course she is my sister and will remain my sister but she had to learn this is not working and my parents and my brother had to learn not to give in.

I never did and she had learned it before she was 16. But meeting a woman over 20 who would just play her game and would never listen to anybody until she stood at the end of a cliff, belive me I never consider somebody like that as possible partner. to much shit for the rest of my life.

so instead of 2 lines at the end of the story, just to finish it I would have preferred an end with a lot more communicaton between them.

the idea is/was good.

rphinneyrphinneyabout 10 years ago
Nice plot device...

but I don't really believe the follow-through. I suppose some people still believe in the myth of soul-mates or one true loves. I know that is a delusion, so I can't really believe the result of it.

I am married, and I love my wife. But, I know for a fact that I could be married to any number of other women and have just as satisfying and happy a life as I have now. It would be different, of course, as all people are different, but just as happy as my current relationship.

Trying to recapture a relationship that has been broken is a futile effort. They would be better off writing it off and finding someone else, or even staying single, because they will never have what they had, and they will always see their relationship as less than what they had before. Eventually, they will look for blame, and feel resentment for the loss of what they had.

I feel sorry for those people who have been taught as children that there is a one true love for them, because it leaves them clinging to something broken and results in wrong choices being made that will diminish what their life could have been...

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
this is a joke right ? Let me see if have this right

So the wife... Upon learning that she really misses her ex husband.... and as been trying to replace his presence by fucking LOTS of of men... Reaches out and reconnects with him.?? WHY in god's name would she think that that this would work??

That sort of thinking this is mentally disturbed irrational shit.

Whereupon WIMP idiot ex husband... Learns that his ex wife is a mentally disturbed irrational crazy CUNT... take her back ??

LOL... sure whatever...

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 10 years ago
YEAH he is a borderline cuck and a wimp

Authors love to cloud this characteristic a trait by a weak manner husband... by having him throw a Phil punch or two in the story.

What makes him a wimp is the fact that he so easily accept her reasoning about why she was screwing other men after they were divorced.

To be sure she can legally do so --- after all they were divorced. But I am not talking about the law or morality morality here.

I am talking about the wife's reasoning or lack of it. She is the one who into the marriage even after learning the marriage was under attack by a devious underhanded back stabbing friend

If she is looking to get back to him the ex husband.. The idea or reasoning that she is trying to replace him by FUCKING other men.. it is so crazy so irrational so mentally disturbed that simply shocks the mind.

in other words what makes him a wimp/border line cuck in this story is the fact that he accepts a sort reasoning / behavior from her without even asking a single question.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Started good and then it turned into another wimp loser husband story

And a slut wife. Pathetic shit.

Harryin VAHarryin VAabout 10 years ago

MAGS/ Jason

The reason why this story drew to such a strong reaction is not because of some sort of male chauvinism or stupidity on the part of the readers. The reaction comes about because the way that the ex husband's character was developed is wholly inconsistent with the end of the story and his actions at the end of the story .

There are three points of the story which some seem to not pick up on. I am not asking that you agree with me -- I am asking that you take these ideas under consideration.

POINT #1 The wife had every reason to be really upset. But when shown to proof that their marriage was under attack and being manipulated by sneaky line deceitful friend with a secret hidden camera... she still decides to end the marriage??.

That makes no sense at all and her actions are not explained in any way. In fact her intransigence gets worse even after finding out that both of them had been manipulated by this asshole.

SECOND... the wife's mother on her death bed gets the wife to wake up and realize that in fact she really misses her ex husband . That all those men she is fucking over the past several ... Is really just some sort of bizarre psychological effort to replace the ex husband.

Upon learning that she really misses him... And that she has in fact been fucking LOTS of other men in some sort of bizarre attempt to replace HIM... the ex husband calmly and meekly accepts this sort of irrational crazy delusional explanation .

The idea or reasoning that she is trying to replace him by FUCKING other men.. is so crazy so irrational mentally disturbed that simply shocks the mind.

THIRD POINT given the way the author developed the husband's character in the beginning of the story there is no possible way he would accept such behavior or reasoning.... unless the story is extended in an attempt to explain why and how the husband decided to change his entire personality and philosophy about life.

chytownchytownabout 10 years ago

For sharing.

Charley49erCharley49erabout 10 years ago
I am surprised:

I agree with Harry from VA. Painful as this is, he is right. And I think a partial solution is telling the wife's point of view. But still, her actions indicate that the year "off" were a chance to do what she has wanted to do all along. Following your character development of the husband, he clearly feels more strongly than she does. He stayed faithful to his love for her inspite of everything. They were not married and he too could have gone out and enjoyed being a bachelor. She could not wait. He had a reason to jump off the handle. Even she admitted that. His lack of trust was based on a logical conclusion. He did NOT go out and try to find women to get revenge on her. But that's what she did. Even when Brent had clearly manipulated all of them with the photos of information. In fact, when she said she had been sleeping with multiple men, he should have said, "That's a deal breaker." and moved on. If she really love him, she would have had to turn around and try to make amends. He is far to mild and meek at the end. And there is no discussion of counseling. This ending actually makes no sense...

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 10 years ago
Scary to agree with Harry

But his review is correct. The only way this marriage will succeed is if they push out a whole bunch of rug rats and hence be too tired to do or think about anything else. The other thing that I wonder about is why he took her back - there wasn't a single redeeming factor about this woman that made her remotely desirable. As a couple of others have noted, he should have taken the divorce as an opportunity to upgrade.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Some people spend WAY too much time trying to analyze these stories.

Great story, five stars.

I'm awaiting the next one.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
move on

I don't expect another chapter but this situation doesn't sound healthy. It seems to have lost it's loving atmosphere when they were married and the only reason she went

back to him was something her mother said before she died. Trust issues and as he said at the end "and some things, are always there" means to me that a dark cloud is preventing them from getting past these issues and thus the magic they had is no where to be found. If not happy and trusting you must move on for the happiness of both of you.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
You Do Know...

...that they won't make it. He is a died in the wool one woman man and SHE...slept around and - with no attempt to seek counsel or understanding.

Sure, she knew he was the kind of man she had loved and couldn't replace so what does she do?

She'll eventually, partially because he is now meek and subservient and because she has tasted the forbidden fruit, cheat, like it and occasionally get something on the side and then, fed up with him - she'll leave for good!

Yes, she was stubborn but think for a minute, she slept around without a second thought, saw him while she was dating and showed NO concern for him whatsoever.

MM, you always do this so - how about a sequel, give him his balls back and move on...he will see her as not the women he fell in love with and that will help! Also - No blood when they first had sex and he broke her hymen???

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Two wrongs don't make either right


I hope you ignore the complaints of the wimp-husband-hating extremists. A divorced woman who sleeps with a couple men in one year is far from an out-of-control slut. A divorced husband who sleeps with no women in one year is far from a pathetic loser.

You could have still made your story stronger if you had made your husband and wife act more like true lovers than temperamental children. Danny should have trusted his wife when she said she had been faithful. Then they could have worked together to figure out how Brent knew about her secret tattoo. Jill should have been proud her husband would make a sure bet on her fidelity and take $1000 from a jerk like Brent. If she really loved her husband, she certainly would not divorce him because he was tricked into doubting her when confronted with their tattoo secret. Trust but verify. Doubt but verify!

LickideesplitLickideesplitabout 10 years ago
Excellent morality tale

Sweetie was dating guys (after the divorce) trying (in vain) to find someone like Hubby. So she re-connected with Hubby (after 'attitude adjustment' from her dying Mom)! And she STILL didn't find Hubby, because HE had undergone a major (and sorely needed) change. You CAN'T go back home ... it will have been remodeled ... in this case, both the Man Cave AND the parlor are different, and probably better! But if each of them persists in searching for the past, they will NOT prosper!

Butthead Brent deserved being ostracized. But Hubby betrayed Sweetie MUCH more than Butthead did! Butthead egged Hubby into comparing Sweetie's fidelity with that of some faceless women. Butthead then offers a sucker bet and Hubby screws up again by NOT telling BB to fuck off! Finally, Hubby accepts a 'proof' that BB could have gotten in a number of ways AND, to cap it off, blows off Sweetie's protestations of innocence! Any ONE of those is serious or grave!

Sweetie would probably NOT have reconnected unless/until Hubby got his life back together. She was right to feel betrayed by Hubby's DumbShit attitude, the trickery of Butthead was IRRELEVANT!

"Never bet against another man's 'impossible' claim!" Damon Runyon paraphrase.


ttom76ttom76about 10 years ago
Turn about is fair play

First, I wish that she hadn't tried on others.

However, it this were the typical story where the wife screwed up, no one would complain if the husband slept around after being divorced.

Excellent story as usual.



SalamisSalamisabout 10 years ago
Time wasted on foolish pride

This story reminded me of "That Asshole" by K.K. I wondered why no one explores why we can have friends that are obviously assholes yet pretend they don't harm us or our relationships.

This husband, like so many others, jumped to a conclusion after engaging in a completely childish bet with an asshole. Is there any wonder how these events got so far out of control?

The mature one here was the wife; so it made sense that her efforts to move on were much more intense than her immature ex-husband. Who can fault her for having relationships as a SINGLE woman?

At the end, I was left asking what she saw in this fool. Certainly, the readers were not given enough of his 'good attributes' to justify her return.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
Good Job


You are at the top of your game.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 10 years ago
everybody stop defending her

1. she see's hubby upset n instead of trying prove her innocence like most would want to stop his hurt n keep him she stomps off caring more for her hurt narcissitic vanity, he did it FOR her believing in her 2. she knows he could go to jail or lose alot of money n says he is on his own with the assault 3. before all this we r led to believe things r good(clearly they were if she was looking for a clone and took him back) yet the first problem they have she not only throws him away but cruelly someone she claims to love. house/car/half of the money n she wouldnt have gotten such a good deal due to it being a short marriage if he wasnt fighting to keep her rather then be a vulture like her(what about if he gets fat or sick or etc will she bail out again, what if there r kids) 4. mom likely told her again n again like he did but she only listened on deathbed 5. clearly took him for granted n jumped to the conclusion he could be replaced with someone better instead of even trying to fix things or even be civil in its end 6. only took him back after she fucked around, dead mom, he cleaned up n because she wasnt happy(not because she realized she made a mistake hell she didnt even say sorry for not forgiving him when he was begging her until he called her out on it, all she cared about this whole story was how she felt he was treated as a consolation prize after she failed to replace him) 7. he made 2 small mistakes over drinks, temper and belief in her the 2nd backed with a secret perv shoudnt have known in a small window of time. she was sober and had plenty of time to think and think things through, knew about cam n not only did nothing to perv for spying n hurting her n hubby(like it was no big deal or loss) but only came after hubby for everything she could. even if u defend the divorce which he didnt deserve u cant defend her cruelty in how it was carried out 8. no real mourning of the divorce it seems or reaction to seeing husband destroyed who was still faithful because he couldnt imagine being with another even after the divorce a issue she very clearly didnt have 9. from what we've seen of her personality n his if setup was reversed she would have thought the same as him n ran again, leaving hubby to prove innocense n him taking her back even if hurt the hyprocrite. if it was completely reversed i would say all these same things but for the other one 10. clearly he loved her more then she him. he proved her innocent when she didnt bother, fought for her n the marriage n mourned the loss of both while she had only fought to take him for everything n replace him 11. when they get together she wants a fresh start never offering amends like he did or apologies even though what she did was way worse 12. hubby should pay perv because in a way he did prove her unfaithful n she would betray him. being faithful means more then just not cheating it means sticking by someone, she betrayed his trust n love worse this way then sleeping around. she saw him devestated, sorry n wanting her n a second chance over something she knew she could have fallen for n reacted the same yet she ignores his cries n sets out to hurt him in the divorce n moves onto the next guy//someone please do a ch 2 address this n have him be with someone who would fight for him as he would them :(

Jim44444Jim44444about 10 years ago

I always enjoy your stories Magmaman. But this one, although not your best, may be the most entertaining. The comments have put it into a class of its own. I find it hilarious how the fools get so wrapped up in a bit of fiction, their keyboards must be covered with spittle. Thanks for writing.

krosis666krosis666almost 10 years ago
Guy was an idiot to make the bet

But it did seem very strange that she immediately divorced him, and took EVERYTHING in the divorce, refused to talk or see him, and stood by and did nothing when he was in the gutter, and yet, did absolutely NOTHING about a guy that was secretly taking naked pictures of her in the shower! Not a single word about it. Seems she liked the idea of it. There are so many other stories where wives cheat, and yet people leave comments saying the guy should forgive her 'mistake', and take her back, yet here, nobody cheats, an idiot made a stupid bet, jumps to the wrong conclusion, (understandably at the time) and everyone claims her over reaction was warranted.Where was her forgiveness? Double standards indeed.

h4751h4751almost 10 years ago

You might think I'm asking why he made the bet. That was an idiotic thing to do. But why did he go back to her? She overreacted, pursued the divorce, sleeps around, then wants him back? I can imagine her wanting him back, but once divorced -at least for me - it's over. Move on and don't look back.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

By him betting $1000 he was saying he trust her. After she got the big D and slept with the other men he was crazy for taking her back it will never be the same

LoneEagleLoneEagleover 9 years ago
I agree

I thought he was showing his confidence in her by betting, and when not if he won the bet, he and his wife would be a grand richer. That was perhaps not the smartest thing to do, and he should have believed her when she said she didn't cheat. Having said that, I continue to believe that the bet was a show of confidence in her, not an assumption that she would cheat.

And while I'm not one to say we shouldn't forgive, I would suggest they start by dating to see if they were even compatible. I certainly wouldn't have stayed over the first night, even on the couch.

ohyessssssohyessssssover 9 years ago
my opinion

The bet WAS stupid, but also was a vote of confidence. They both over reacted. She raped him in the divorce and commenced into becoming the good time had by all. He went into the dumps. He became a man and completely changed his ways. He moved on. Without her. I would have thought the best way to show that he had become a better man was to look her in the face and tell her NO THANKS , when she asked if they could get back together. It's called self respect. He was past needing her. You chose to have him back slide. Just my opinion.

sdc97230sdc97230over 9 years ago
They're probably a good match for each other

They both act without thinking.

If he had thought first, he never would have made that bet in the first place, and after the first screw up would have considered how ELSE Brent might have found out about the tattoo.

If she had thought first, she wouldn't have rushed to divorce.

Reconciliation is the best ending, because it's better that they end up back together than pairing up with a couple of other unsuspecting partners and screwing up THEIR lives.

fanfarefanfareover 9 years ago
The hypocrites are howling!

The commentary by the usual suspects of the BTB lynchmob are just too stupid to realize that they are parodying themselves!

As usual the misogynist trolls blame the female victim for being victimized. Spewing their hate at her for having the temerity of complaining about being victimized.

The vinyl blow-up dolls they have a relationship with would never dare complain against injustice. But meekly dawned their prescribed burqas and silently follow behind their self-proclaimed masters down the street.

If the situation was reversed, these same commentators would scream bloody murder that the wife should be violently punished for the mere suspicion of inappropriate behavior.

AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago
Another one

This guy writes as if he likes whores for wives... He is so forgiven.. So understanding.. Yeah right a closet homosexual.. Who likes to guzzle cum...

EgoTrixiEgoTrixiover 9 years ago

...I realize you have got a problem writing your name; welcome to the legion of spineless clowns on this site. You should really work on your ability to recognize behaviour or situations. How could you possibly come to the conclusion she was a wife whoring around?!? Let me enlighten you: She did nothing wrong. Her reaction to his stupid bet was understandable. After their divorce it was natural for her to try to start all over. He is of course to blame, - for being an insecure idiot and for his jumping to conclusions. Nice one, Magmaman, but I know you can do better..

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago
Poor wimp moron

Very depresed.

LickideesplitLickideesplitalmost 9 years ago
Good story

Only quibble is the unlikeliness of accepting a weird gift like a digital clock. Perhaps if the (wannabe) Bull had a good cover story, like getting a dozen in a salvage deal for $20 bucks, it MIGHT make it less weird.

Cannot believe ANY readers believe that Sweetie did ANYthing wrong! It takes all kinds of delusional assholes to make a village! Hubby screwed up royally at almost every decision point - starting with even arguing with Mr. Stud about his seduction prowess!


AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Yes, he was really wanting her back, he loved her and wanted her...But -

The fact that she had once been angry with him would never totally leave her subconscious (in other wards - his character wasn't totally what she thought of him) and that would also now be a part of how much respect she had for him. Also, she had vehemently dated and had sex with other men in an effort to rid herself of him and by so doing, lost more respect for him, even though they were divorced - he desperately made her into this person to try and escape what was once bliss and now anger at his distrust and accusations.

Her mother told her she was foolish and looking for her husband, he cleaned up, looked good and she thought that they should try and be together again isn't the same and the deep mutual love, trust and playfulness is no longer there, just a man who looks like the man she once loved and adored so...?

Even though he caused everything and was willing to accept her activities (agreed while divorced) his mind will always (he thinks secretly) revisit the past and the fact that she dated, sexually, other men and she will sense it, even though he hides it. She looks like the woman he loved so much and physically she was but mentally, she has moved on and they are just going through the motions.

She probably doesn't want to hurt his feelings but she will...soon...sit him down and try to nicely tell him that once was, was exactly that...once was, they should try to be friends and move on.

BTW, his guilt...80-85%, hers...15%, she refused every and all efforts to work things out, attempted to replace him and she was right but, their past was just that now, sad!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

Don't be too hard on anon for not writing his/her name. Not all have your courage. By the way, how much did your parents hate you that they named you egotrixie?

tazz317tazz317almost 9 years ago

the other dumb thing is looking before leaping, TK U MLJ LV NV

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
I'm with the wife!

I've read other stories about a bet like that. If some guy tried to goad me into a bet like that I'd make it perfectly clear to him. "I would never insult my wife by making a bet like that and if I find that you tried to seduce her I'll rip off you arm and shove it so far up your ass you'll be shaking hands with your mouth."

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
To "I'm With The Wife"

Youth and alcohol. Not that far fetched. Guess that's why this gets used a lot.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago
She was stupid.

I can see her being angry but divorcing him and fucking a bunch of other men?

She is too stupid a bitch to stay with. He is a pussy.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
He Was Stupid

He was really stupid to not believe her in the first place, and he was stupid to get back together with her again. Stupid is as stupid does, as the saying goes.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 7 years ago

They were both stupid.

rick_ohrick_ohover 7 years ago
Wife was justified

Think about it. You're a guy, and your wife accuses you of infidelity when you're innocent, and she stubbornly holds that view. You're done. Trust is gone. So you divorce her.

Now the fact that Dan eventually discovered what really happened, BY ACCIDENT, doesn't make everything hunky-dory.

As far as the story goes, I don't think Brent got enough comeuppance out of the deal.

laptopwriterlaptopwriterover 7 years ago
There are a lot of stories that center around a bet like this...

and I have to say, any husband who would make such a bet deserves exactly what this husband got. In the first place you can't call anyone who would bet you he can seduce your wife, a friend. He would immediately be cut out of my circle of friends. Then I would tell him that if I ever caught him sniffing around my wife I'd stick my foot so far up his ass he could trim my toenails with his teeth.

Everyone complains about the stupid women in stories but these stories always have stupid men.

That's not to say I didn't like this story, I did.

notredame43notredame43almost 7 years ago
forget it

he blew up she went nuclear time to go

fifteen16fifteen16over 6 years ago

Look before you leap, in other words a stitch in time saves nine. Good yarn,

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago

I agree with notredame43. Forget it and get on with your life.

timrivtimrivover 6 years ago

Always look for a reason to have a reconciliation but in this case I would think that it in the long run, won’t work due to her actions before the divorce, getting the divorce, and screwing other guys after the divorce. He might try to get past it but doubt he will. I know I couldn’t. Guess Brent won after all.

silentsoundsilentsoundover 6 years ago
Very unsatisfying

Betting an asshole like this is stupid, having stress and getting to the bottom of how he knew about how she looked naked is reasonable but without flying off the handle.

Her reaction was a betrayal of her self as well as her husband and I believe the far greater sin.

Divorcing? Fucking around when she still loves her husband?

The bitch is to slutty and stupid to be married and he was a pathetic pussy/almost cuck to watch in agony and not move on at least to date.

No where near equilibrium in this fairly lame tale. Be interesting to see how she handles her own medicine being dished to her by having to watch him go out with other women who he is obviously fucking.

No one to like here.

Nearly cuck and whore fodder without the hot sex writing.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Not good

They're both dumber than stumps. His stupid bet and her silly anger aren't a good combination. He should have hired a GOOD attorney. He would have gotten half the house, half the Camaro and half the bank accounts. With no kids, everything would have been split down the middle. Then take a transfer or change jobs and move far, far away. Who wants to be married to a bat-shit crazy, stubborn ass like her? Horrible ending. Those "some things" will ALWAYS be there. It's just a matter of time before they divorce again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 5 years ago
The End!

Forget reconciliation! If they couldn't work it out prior to the divorce,it will never work! She doesn't really forgive or trust him.He's already wondering who/how she's been fucking and,questioning whether she was fucking before they got married.Will never be the same relationship,just an empty shell.

magmamanmagmamanover 5 years agoAuthor
Reading the comments this morning

This one seems to have yanked some chains. Some suggest dump the bitch, move on.

Live isn't like that. Others suggest getting back together, yes, after human beings demonstrate the glaring flaws all of us are privy to.

How about a stupid bet, on a pool game? I know a guy that did that, and... lost. Wife, pissed off, paid up. Downhill from there. Then yes, he took her back. After what became a fairly public year long war, both of them sleeping with everybody, flat tires, keyed cars, fist fights, cops, the nice house became a trailer after the lawyer fees, man.

We all figured someone would end up dead.

Damned if they didn't end up in the sack together two weeks before the divorce was final. Now a.. couple again. Part of our circle, they seem happy.

Sometimes I wonder how many men.. AND women, have rescued a relationship after a painful indiscretion. I have, or I should say, tried to and failed once, tried and succeeded the 2nd time.

So far.

My 2nd wife, nothing happened.. at all. Now SHE had just one mate in her entire life, the only person I know for certain that did. Could she have? Maybe, but, she passed.

I also wonder how many couples are each with their very first.. AND last mate?

I suspect THAT is a very rare thing.

The way some of you readers think fascinates the hell out of me.



26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

He shouldn't have made the bet, but she should have realized he made it because he trusted her. She should have talked to him. Don't think I would have wanted her.back. Still a good story.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsabout 5 years ago
Good story and something different from the norm here.

The bet was foolish. Her leaving was foolish. Their not getting back together once the camera was found was very foolish. It's sad that it took a year, but a good consistent story none the less.

Just_WordsJust_Wordsalmost 5 years ago
I can't help but wonder...

...what would she have done if the situation were reversed? Would she have believed him? I don't think so.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

On 9/18/18 you said not many men were with there first and only. I can tell you, your wrong on at least one count. In February my better half, the love of my life, and I celebrated our 50th. It wasn't all roses. I admit I am an ass at times. And in the beginning the green eyed monster and I were one and the same. But she is very understanding and I finally grew up and realized that she could no more cheat on than I on her. Now there is a peace in my soul and my only fear is she will not out live me. I don't know if that will happen or what I would do after. As you have said before, that is another story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 4 years ago

so he fell apart and she....dated and had sex.

does he really want her back?

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
A couple of hotheads

Why would he give up the house in the divorce? They would have split things right down the middle. And that would have included selling the house and him getting half the value of the Camaro. It's a no-fault world baby! After that, any man with half a brain gets a transfer far, far away and starts over with an unlisted phone number and a different E-mail. No wife, no friends and no life. Time for a new start. Jill can suck an egg. Why would he take her back? This ending made no sense. UGH!

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
No Way!

Me, after the divorce, I'd of resigned my job, sold everything I couldn't get into a uhaul, put my car on a carrier behind the uhaul, and driven away never to return or contact anyone back there again.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

When I read that Brent dropped his lawsuit against Danny, once he realized Danny had over him the clock-Trojan camera invasion of privacy, leaving them at a draw legally speaking, what I anticipated happening next was that the others inflicted with the clock-Trojan camera would sue Brent for invasion of THEIR privacy, thus in a way jumping to Danny's defence (by inflicting deserved revenge on Brent).

When this did not happen, it was a disappointment in the story that I did not get over.

Paul in Oklahoma

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
agree with 26thnc

Bet was a bad idea but he never explained it was the total opposite. He bet the wife would NOT cheat. She assumed the opposite.

But since she so easily moved on with lots of dates and sex I would not remarry for certain nor would I move in. I would probably have sex (not love) but wear a condom and no kissing!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Perhaps it is because she was near death, but Jill's mother gave her bad advice. This couple got together young and thus they had little to no experience with others.They split up after only a few years together and have been apart for a year before she takes her mother's advise. During that year she substantially increased her amount of experience with other men but he did not engage with other women.

At this point it seems unlikely they are each other's best option for a long term relationship. They do not have decades of history together and both are young and healthy. Over time he will come to resent her sexual involvements during time time apart. That issue will have to be addressed. If left to fester, it could easily become the stimulus for him to cheat on her in the future. They likely would both be better off to pursue someone new.

Hiram325Hiram325over 2 years ago

She burned the bridge when she fucked the guys she dated. Brent should be burned at the stake.

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Me, I'd of told her to go screw herself, and to leave me alone. I'd needed to get on with my life without her.

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6', 186#, published writer. I have worn many hats. As a young man I was crazy, carefree and making wads of money. Then along came a messed up war and I was cannon fodder. From there I came home even crazier, and survived a 120 MPH crash which got me 15 years in a wheelchair...