Kinky Girl

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Married siblings find comfort in each other.
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I scowled across the table at my wife as she flirted with Gordon, my younger sister's husband, I had a nagging suspicion that Gordon and Claire, my wife, were having an affair and although my relationship with Claire was not that good I did object to the idea of being cuckolded. Then again it could all be the fevered imagination of a thirty year old man suddenly aware of his own mortality, Lucy, my sister, leant across the table to say something to Claire and I saw a flicker of annoyance in my wife's eyes and I knew that I wasn't imagining things.

Looking at Lucy I wondered if she knew what was going on, my little sister had always been a bit naive about people, especially Gordon who had charmed her into the wedding bed long before the wedding. None of the family had approved of Gordon, but after five years of marriage I had to admit he had stayed with Lucy though I had no doubt he'd had a number of flings in that time, Claire being the latest of them, or so I guessed, the fact was I had no proof, just a gut feeling. Lucy was smiling at me and I marveled at how beautiful a woman she had become after her spotty, buck-toothed childhood, at twenty-five she had everything a man could want which made Gordon's philandering incomprehensible.

"You're quiet tonight Gary." my sister smiled.

"Hmm," I replied dragging my mind back to the present, "oh, sorry, I was miles away then."

"I said you're quiet tonight." Lucy repeated herself.

Her smile looked a little strained to me and I wondered if she was at last seeing Gordon for what he really was, but I kept my thoughts to myself as I replied.

"I've just got a few things on my mind." I said glancing at Claire.

Lucy's eyes flickered in the direction I was looking then came back to me, she sighed then smiled.

"Gordon's taking Claire to Ascot tomorrow," Lucy said with a hint of annoyance in her voice, "would you like to come over and keep me company?"

"I'd love to." I replied, as I wondered why Claire hadn't mentioned it to me.

"It's a date then." Lucy smiled almost sadly, "I'll see you at ten or will that be too early."

"Ten is fine," I replied, "put some wine on ice and we'll make a real day of it."

Later that night I asked my wife about her 'trip' to Ascot with Gordon, we ended up having a steaming row which ended with her storming off to bed while I fumed quietly in the living room. There was a man I knew who had contacts with a detective agency and I called him then and there, thankfully my friend didn't keep office hours and was only too pleased to make the arrangements to have Claire and Gordon watched. When I hung up the phone I felt a little guilty for not trusting my wife, but my guts were telling me there was something going on and I had always been one to follow my instincts, they'd seldom let me down in the past and I didn't think they were wrong now.

Pouring myself a stiff drink I sat and brooded about what had gone wrong in my marriage of ten years standing, I suppose it had all gone wrong when Claire had miscarried three years back, thinking back on it I should have guessed something was wrong even then for later tests had shown that I was totally sterile, the equipment worked, but I was firing blanks. This made me wonder how many other lovers Claire had been with since we had got married, by the time I went up to bed I was feeling more depressed than angry and to find that Claire had locked the bedroom door was the last straw. I decided that if it was proved that she was having an affair with Gordon I would divorce her, the way the laws were now I would not lose much once it was proved she was an adulteress, but I felt sorry for Lucy, she didn't deserve this added problem.

Promptly at ten the next day I arrived at my sister's home, she opened the door looking pale and red-eyed as though she'd been crying, nevertheless she gave me a smile as she ushered me into the living room.

"What's wrong Lucy?" I asked as I sat down on the couch.

It was like opening a floodgate, she flopped onto the couch beside me, leant her head on my shoulder and sobbed her heart out, and in between sobs she haltingly told me about all the affairs her husband had had since their marriage.

"I can't turn a blind eye to it anymore," she said at last straightening up, "he's hardly ever home anymore and when he is he's too tired to want to do anything. This latest affair with Claire...Oh!"

"It's all right Lucy," I grinned at her gasp of horror at letting it slip that my wife was having an affair with her husband, "I had an idea of what was happening anyway, in fact just last night I set a detective agency on them, once I have the proof I'm divorcing Claire."

"If you get the proof," Lucy declared, "I'll divorce Gordon too. God how could I have been so stupid for all this time."

"Because you always see the best in people," I grinned, "I haven't figured out my excuse though."

"Because you're too nice Gary." my sister laughed.

It was as though a load had suddenly been lifted from our shoulders, with a grin Lucy stood up and declared that she was going to 'freshen up' while I poured the chilled wine I'd find in the fridge. Sure enough there was a bottle of white wine in the fridge and I poured us both a large glassful which I carried through to the living room, about ten minutes later Lucy joined me again, she'd certainly freshened herself up though she still had a little redness around the eyes, but on the whole she looked stunning and I said so.

"Flatterer," she grinned as she took her glass from me, "I don't remember you complimenting me when we were younger."

"You weren't such a gorgeous thing when we were younger." I laughed.

"I know," she laughed, "God I was a sight back then and you always used to tease me about my spots and my teeth."

"I can't tease you now though," I grinned, "if I had you tied up now like I did all those years ago I'd not be tickling you that's for sure."

I was referring to an incident when I was fifteen and Lucy was ten, we'd been mucking around and I'd pretended to be an red Indian and tied her to the washing line post, I'd tickled her until she was sobbing. As I remembered the incident fondly I noticed Lucy give a little shiver, raising an eyebrow at her I asked her if anything was wrong.

"I was remembering that day," she grinned, "you were a right sod back then and you never knew how wet you made me when you tied me up."

She sighed wistfully at the memory, and then grinned.

"I've fancied you ever since that day." she admitted with a laugh.

"Lucy!" I said in surprise.

"Have I shocked you?" she grinned, "I'm sorry Gary, but ever since that day I can't see a rope without getting a wet pussy."

It was more of a surprise than a shock really, to be honest I had fancied Lucy ever since she had grown into a beautiful woman, only a thin line had prevented me from ever telling her how I felt about her, in that respect Lucy had more guts than I.

"I'm sorry Gary," Lucy said mistaking my silence for disapproval, "I shouldn't have said that. Lord what an idiot I am!"

"Not at all," I grinned, "I was just thinking that you were braver than I am."

"Why's that?" she asked with a puzzled frown.

"At least you could admit how you felt." I sighed.

"You mean...?" she breathed after a long silence.

"I mean I've had the hots for you ever since you were seventeen." I grinned wryly, "Only I've never had the guts to admit it until now."

"Are we crazy?" Lucy asked with a smile, "I should be locked up for what I'm thinking right now."

"Maybe we are crazy," I grinned, "but I think they'll lock me up in the next cell."

Draining my glass in two quick gulps I looked at my sister, she grinned and finished her drink, I felt like a foolish kid on his first date, unsure of how I should act, what I should say or do.

"This is silly!" Lucy laughed suddenly, "We're both adults and we know what we want."

"What do you want?" I asked holding my breath.

"You to fuck me!" Lucy declared coarsely.

Grinning I stood up and went over to the window, with a sweep of my arms I closed the curtains then turned to face my little sister, grinning I started to take off my clothes, Lucy laughed and jumped to her feet, her hands tearing at her clothes. Within a few minutes we were both naked, I gazed at my sister's body while she gazed at mine, what I saw had my cock rearing like a stud stallions.

"God you are beautiful." I breathed as my eyes roved over her body.

Then I had a thought that not only amused me but excited me at the same time, my little sister had said she'd fancied me ever since I'd tied her up when she was ten, how would she feel if I tied her now. Picking up my tie from the floor I walked over to my little sister, she looked at me with wide, excited eyes as I held up the tie then took hold of her wrists, gently I tied her wrists in front of her, tight, but not too tight.

"Oh Jesus," Lucy groaned, "my pussy's sopping!"

"What a kinky girl you are Juicy Lucy." I smiled as I pulled her to me and kissed her.

My lips had barely touched hers when I felt her suddenly stiffen and shake; concerned that she was having second thoughts I parted our lips and looked at her.

"I'm climaxing you idiot!" she gasped, "Christ am I climaxing, sod the foreplay Gary, just fuck the hell out of me before I explode!"

Lowering her to the carpet I lay over her quivering body and thrust my cock into her wet pussy, Lucy cried out and jerked under me, her pussy tightening deliciously around my erection as I began to move with fast hard thrusts that made her tits bounce. It was as though she had been holding back her lust for years, with a loud yell my little sister wrapped her legs around my back and pushed up on my cock as an orgasm ripped through her, my thrusts became harder and faster as I fucked her at a frantic pace.

"OH FUCK!" Lucy cried out in ecstasy, "OH GOD!"

My own loud groan was drowned out by my sister's cries as with a last hard, deep thrust I shot my hot juices into her pussy, a bliss I had never experienced before filled me as my juices flowed into her depths in a torrent, her cries becoming a gasping sob as she hit a new peak. Then my climax began to fade and after a few slow strokes I pulled my cock from her body, surprised to find that it was still hard, sitting back on my heels I watched my sister as she slowly recovered.

"Oh Gary," she finally gasped up at me, "I've never felt like this before."

Smiling I reached down to untie her hands, but she snatched them away out of reach.

"Don't untie me," she gasped, "not yet."

I have to admit that the sight of her lying there with her hands tied in front of her was arousing in the extreme and it was only with a great effort that I forced myself to help her to her feet instead of jumping her bones again. We sat on the couch side by side, her thigh pressing against mine as we recovered and grew excited all at the same time. Without warning Lucy shuddered beside me, her breath coming in short pants, grinning at the sight of her climaxing without a hand touching her I waited for her to calm down again.

"Oh God," Lucy groaned as her body trembled gently, "I've never felt so horny before."

"I must admit," I grinned, "that I've never been quite so turned on. God help us if Lucy and Gordon ever find out about this, they'd take us to the cleaners, but it would be worth it."

This time when I reached over to untie her hands my sister let me do it, she smiled as I tossed the crumpled tie onto the pile of my clothes then sighed happily and leant against me. It was strange, but I felt happier at that moment than I had ever done with Claire who I thought I had loved once upon a time, it struck me as ironic that the one woman who seemed to satisfy me and understand me was one of the few women I was not permitted to touch by law. 'Well sod the law' was my thought, if Lucy wanted me again I'd gladly give myself to her.

"Gary," Lucy breathed softly, "when we've finally sorted out Gordon and Claire could we...would you...?"

She fell silent, her face flushing red as though what she were trying to say embarrassed her, puzzled I looked at her face and a light suddenly dawned, I grinned and put my hand under her chin.

"Lucy," I said quietly as I tilted her head up, "I'd like you to move in with me when I'm free of Claire."

Her face lit up as a smile erupted on her lips, she hugged me and kissed my neck as tears of happiness flowed from her eyes, one thing sort of led to another and a few minutes later my sister was sitting on my lap with her legs straddling my thighs as my cock glided in and out of her pussy.

Late that afternoon we dressed reluctantly in anticipation of the return of our spouses, two hours later they finally showed up with not a word of apology for being late. When I took Claire home I was not surprised to find that I had been relegated to sleeping alone in one of the spare rooms, but this didn't bother me at all as I had the wondrous memories of my day with my sister to lull me to sleep.

The next day I received a package by courier, when I opened it I found a report from the detective agency my friend had employed on my behalf, the report made interesting reading and the photographs that went with it left no doubt at all that my wife was having an affair with my brother in law. I called Lucy and she agreed to meet me at my solicitor's office, where, after a few social exchanges, the process of divorce was started, in a perverse way I wished I could see both Gordon's and Claire's face when they received the divorce papers. A few weeks later, after some more digging by the detective agency, the case came before the court, on my part I now had proof that my wife had been involved with fourteen other men in the past three years, the number of infidelities on Gordon's part was staggering, twenty-three in one year alone, naturally the court had no hesitation in granting the divorces. Even better, the court ruled that neither Gordon or Claire were entitled to any form of settlement, they were to leave the marriage home with only their clothes and whatever personal possessions they may own, there would be no alimony and no splitting of the family possessions.

Free at last Lucy moved in with me the day the divorce came through, that evening we went out for a meal to celebrate, to all outward appearances our relationship was brother and sister, but when we got back home with the door closed and the curtains drawn Lucy was in my arms almost immediately. Having restrained ourselves during the course of the divorce proceedings that first time after we were free was a wild, impulsive, explosively passionate, frantic race for satisfaction, but as we recovered a little later Lucy grinned and slid off the bed.

"Wait there." she said firmly with an impish grin on her lips.

For appearance's sake Lucy had her own room, but it would be little used as she and I would share my large bed like man and wife, or more aptly, as lovers. She went off to 'her' room while I lay there staring at the ceiling and sighing with contentment, my sister was gone fifteen minutes, but when she returned the wait was well worth it, she was dressed in a basque that hid nothing, stockings enclosed her luscious legs and high heels covered her feet. What was the real turn on however were the chains around her ankles, hobbling her so that she took small mincing steps, and the handcuffs on her wrists, somehow she had managed to cuff her wrists behind her back and around her neck swung the handcuff key on a silver chain. Rising from the bed I swept her off her feet and lay her on the bed, she laughed as my hands ran over her body then sighed as I started to tease her boobs, nipples, pussy and clit.

"You are a kinky little girl," I grinned as I rolled her on her side and thrust my cock into her pussy, "don't ever change."

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

I fully agree with Anonymous, about don87654. Since an asshole has purpose, I will not say he's an asshole-- just what exits an asshole.

RodThrustinRodThrustinabout 5 years ago
One Little Mistake...

...was that you wrote "Lucy" when you meant "Claire." Good story, though. Longer would have been better.

CaptronbobCaptronbobover 11 years ago
Not bad, but...

You used the word grin way too much. Also, you can't grin a word. You can only say a word, i.e. "I'll go first, " Lucy said, not grinned. Words can't be grinned or laughed... Only said.

snifkasnifkaalmost 17 years ago
incest with brother

I remember having the hots for my cousin and fantasising about her navy blue knickers but imagine the reality of arousing my young brother, wanking his pencil cock as he struggled in joy and as I got nearer I could see the foreskin stretch probably for the first time off his helmet as his first ejaculate emerged in spurts from his tiny slit

AnonymousAnonymousover 17 years ago
Is there a more stupid comment then that by.......

..that total asshole don87654?

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