Law of the Heart, The Rebuttal

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Jill has her opinion, but so does Jake.
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This story is my rebuttal of the story posted by Angiquesophie on 5/24/07 entitled "Law of the Heart -- Jill's Opinion". If you haven't read it or the many preceding tales of Jake and Jill then you shouldn't waste your time with this little addition.

I totally reject the premise on which that story was written as relayed by Jill giving her point of view. In it the blame for her actions falls squarely on Jake's shoulders because he did not step up and stop her, rescue her, come and fuck her in her horny state, etc. etc. ad infinitum. Allow me to rebut that premise in just a very short continuation of that story.


A courier arrives on the beach with a delivery for Jill. She looks at the return address and sees that it is from Jake. As she opens the packet, she notes a letter addressed to her and withdraws it from the packet.

Sally lounging nearby asks her, "Is it from Jake?"

Jill replies, "Yes it is."

Sally says, "Why don't I take Little Jake for some ice cream so you can be alone while you read his letter?"

Jill says, "That would be great Sally, thank you."

The Letter:

Dear Jill:

I know you and I am sure you are sitting down there just waiting for me to tell you that I am sorry. I know that you blame me for a lot of what happened at the reunion and you want me to take responsibility and to apologize.

Jill, I want you to know how very very sorry I am!

I am sorry that I ever met you. I am sorry that I fell in love with you. I am sorry that I married you.

I am not to blame for what you did in Florida. You are an adult and are responsible for all of your own actions. You say I should have stopped you. You say I should not have allowed you to continue. You said I should have come and saved you. Jill, those were things that you should have done for yourself. Not me!

The truth is that the nail had been driven into my heart long before you saw me and expected me to stop you, save you etc. You had already destroyed my heart.

You say you loved me and still do. I challenge that statement. If you loved me and respected me as your husband, lover and friend you WOULD NOT have gotten onto the boat with your former lover (or I should say former lovers), with two men who you knew I despised and hated, my arch enemies. Remember? These were the two men who beat me up when I defended you against them even before we were married. If you loved me and respected me you would not have been wearing a skimpy bikini on their boat and you certainly would not have ended up topless in Juan's arms. No Jill, I don't think you love me at all. I don't think you ever loved me. I think you love you and only you.

The moment you allowed all of that to happen is the moment you were unfaithful to me. You made that decision all by yourself. That is the moment you drove in the nail. The rest of what happened in Miami only served to drive the nail deeper. You were unfaithful to me when you got on the boat Jill.

You contend that everything else that happened was the result of my not stepping in to stop you. Jill, you are an adult and my wife and you had total responsibility for stopping yourself. You didn't stop because you didn't want to stop. You wanted to fuck those two and you are only justifying it by blaming me for not stopping you. You wanted to be 21 and unmarried again and you used the excuse that I drove you to it by not "saving" you. No Jill, it was all your own doing, not mine. I will take no responsibility for your continuing to cheat and get fucked by those two slime balls. You bought that package all on your own.

Enough said. In your eyes you cheated because I didn't stop you, but in my eyes you already had been unfaithful before you even knew I was there.

I cannot and will not live with a cheater.

For your information I have filed for a divorce from you this very day. I promise you the settlement will be fair. The one condition that I will be unmoving on is that a paternity test be done on Little Jake. If he is indeed my son, I will b e seeking joint custody of him, but if he is not even my son I will not pay you a dime in support for him. I never would have doubted that I was his father, but now I just don't know anymore so I insist that it be proven.

Jill, our marriage is over. Your actions killed it and there is no way to bring it back. There will be no further contact from me. Any future contact or correspondence will have to be through my attorney only.

You will be served with divorce papers shortly. You know how meticulous I am so it shouldn't surprise you that I have this all arranged.

Goodbye Jill, I truly wish this was different but it is not.


p.s. You know I always disliked Sally and she disliked me. I disliked her because she constantly tried to get me to fuck her being the slut that she is but I always refused. Yes, I was totally faithful to you Jill. She disliked me because I constantly turned her down because I would not stoop to her (and now I find your) level. Well, I promised her I would fuck her now if she would help me. You notice of course that she is no longer anywhere to be seen. When she left the beach she brought Little Jake directly to me and as you read this he and I are on the way back to the airport to for our return trip to Boston. I suppose I really will need to fuck Sally for helping me even though I think she is a skank. Well I guess if you can fuck those two skanks the Mendoza's I can fuck one.

Enjoy the rest of your stay in Florida. Hey, and with Little Jake gone now you are free to fuck Juan and Hector some more. Enjoy.

Jill jumped up and searched for Sally and Little Jake but of course they were nowhere in sight. She slumped back into her lounge chair and began to sob. A few moments later a man appeared in front of her and asked, "Are you Jill Roberts?"

She nodded her head yes.

"Jill Roberts, you are hereby served," he said and left.



Though the opinion expressed by Angiquesophie is widely accepted by cheaters, that someone else is to blame for their infidelity I still hold to the "black & white" opinion that no matter the circumstances, each of us is responsible for ourselves and need to suffer the consequences of allowing ourselves to make mistakes.

My vindictive nature in the wake of infidelity made me write the p.s. Jill needed to suffer some consequences for her failing to police her own actions. Some would make her suffer more. I am content with this.

In reality, Jake probably should have stepped up and stopped it all but undoubtedly his emotional state was seriously affected by seeing his wife on the boat half naked with her former lovers. By that time I guess his objectivity and common sense were lost so he did what he did.

Could they have worked through the problem at that point? Hopefully they could have, but emotions are part of the human makeup and right or wrong, they effect what we do and who we are. So, Jake and Jill didn't get the chance to work it through. Life is life and sometimes it sucks.

Either way, this is a tragic story of a marriage failed. There are way too many marriages that do actually fail for the exact same reasons. There are no winners and all are losers.

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LoriRobinsonGaLoriRobinsonGa3 months ago

A bit brief but well done.

Asterisk42Asterisk427 months ago

I wish you had expanded this more. I appreciate the vignette, maybe I'll continue this? I approve of this end to her story, I just... am left wanting.

26thNC26thNC8 months ago

That’s showing her who’s boss. I hate a cheating bitch.

murfncalmurfncal9 months ago

i think if he finds out jake is not his he will send him back to his mom, but i do think he is his son, She still has a chance to fix this., thatg would be best for lil jak. of course this it the best response to angiq

MasterKoteMasterKote10 months ago

Lol at the thought that someone could blame their spouse for herself not being able to keep her legs closed. Why stop her? It's a test to see if she would pass or fail and she certainly failed.

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