Lend the Money


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Blushing, Samena covered her mouth. She raised her head, looking deeply into his eyes. Was she finally catching on, Fahim thought.

"I can't do this," she looked at him with disbelief and said shyly. "I'm not a whore." Then she lowered her face to avoid looking at him.

"Samena! I know you have also wanted me for years. I've read your eyes. Samena, I want you. I want to make sweet, slow love to you. Samena I love you."

"There's no way I can lay next to you. Fahim. I promise to pay back the loan."

"I know you will, Samena, but I am serious. If you don't comply, I will leave you. Imagine that for a minute."

Samena rose from her chair abruptly. "I need to go now." Looking away from him and clearly embarrassed. She followed with, "You can buy a dozen pretty, not to mention young girls for this,"

Fahim shrugged and responded, "Ok, you can go if you wish but I made you an offer. You can take it or leave it."

As she was about to walk away, Fahim thought to himself, "I've got to see this through. It's now or never. He reached out his hand and held her by her wrist. Samena jumped and jerked his hand away, her face pale with fear. Her hands became sweaty, and her pulse quickened even more. She felt frozen as if she were a deer facing a hunter.

"Fahim! Please don't," she begged, "Please, I am a happily married woman who has never cheated on her husband! I've never done anything like this, and I don't plan to." Samena continued, her panic increasing, "Fahim please, just let me go. Please,"

"I can't let you go like this!" Fahim held her wrist and could feel her pulse was at a break-neck pace. Her heart was probably ready to tear out of her chest.

Finally, Samena had had enough. "Behave yourself," she admonished, "I'm not your wife where you can do what you want with me. I am a married woman. You know I can't just go to bed with you. I would feel tremendous guilt if I pursued this. It isn't right,"

Fahim decided to give one final push. "Look Samena, I know you want it, but the choice is yours. You will lose your family as you've said. This is a golden opportunity here." He said firmly, Take it!"

Fahim held her by her shoulders and pulled her towards his body. She felt the electricity between them as her body pressed up against him. " Fahim?" her voice was uncertain and then got a tinge of anger as his hand moved down her back to caress her ass, "What are you doing Fahim?" Samena tried to push him off, but lacked the strength to do so. She pushed even harder against him but he held her more tightly.

Quickly Fahim pulled her towards him, one hand resting on her chin and then raising it gently. Their eyes locked and Samena knew what was coming, but was unsure how to react.

Fahim bent his mouth to hers, gently placed a kiss on her chin, and then withdrew his lips. A strange feeling of need suddenly gripped her and she felt warmth rush to her loins.

Giving one last attempt at her pleas, she said, "Please don't, I can't do that to my husband and to your wife. It would be wrong. We're family. We're friends." Continuing her appeals she said, "Your wife is my friend and my husband is your friend, I don't want to break off my friendship with your wife because of this. You have your wife. You're hers and she is yours. I've my husband and I am rightfully his. You have to understand that."

"I agree. We've our spouses but we like each other and I know you like me." Once again, he leaned his face towards hers and this time met her lips with his. The more she tried to stop him, the bolder he became.

Breaking the kiss, Semena said, "My husband, or anyone else for that matter, wouldn't forgive us for doing this." She could feel his rigid cock pressing against her belly and his warm breath onto her neck. A tingle ran through her entire body.

"So are you going to tell your husband?" he whispered in her ear. "Don't worry Samena, we are friends and will remain friends. I will not tell my wife about this nor do you have to tell your husband about it. I know your husband loves you, and I also know that you want me to make love to you," he continued. He'd started nibbling, kissing, and caressing her neck with his tongue. This was her most erogenous non-sexual area and a shudder went through Samena with a moan escaping from her mouth. Fahim kept up his assault on her neck, but at the same time, began to trace circles across her qameez.

Moist lips on her neck, and soft hand on her breast was sending chills up and down Samena's body. She felt so guilty. She wondered when the last time she had sex with her husband. She really could not remember. It must have been six months ago. Now due to the long sexual starvation, she was feeling so much sexually aroused. She felt juices pour out and run down the inside of her full thighs. She felt so weak she was afraid she would fall. She could feel her body betraying her with each second that passed as his body remained pressed tightly against hers. Squeezing her eyes tightly shut; she tried to convince herself that she did not want it.

"I am afraid, I have never slept with any other man besides my husband," she stammered, looking at him like a frighten deer, then laying her head against his shoulder. Fahim could feel the flush to her cheeks and the quiver and sudden hoarseness in her voice. This told him that either what they were doing embarrassed her or the closeness of their bodies aroused her.

He sensed the latter. She was on sexual heat and was not in a position to resist his moves. "Fahim, please don't make me do this." she whimpered as she struggled against him, both physically and emotionally. It was useless. Samena realized she was losing both battles. He was too strong and her own feelings were sabotaging her defenses. Half of her wanted to have mad, hot sex with him but the other half was warning her, reminding her husband and her family.

Fahim held her away from him so he could look her in the eyes. "Me neither," he lied, "However let's make this morning a memorable one. I'm in love with you and I want to make love to you!"

Samena blushed, looked up at Fahim, and giving him a smile and snuggled closer to him as her hands hesitantly reached around him, tightening the embrace and nestling into his chest. She willingly melted into his arms. He could feel her tremble slightly, and he knew she was trying to calm her wildly beating heart.

Fahim could not believe that he was holding his friend's wife in his arms. The first time that he had been alone with her and now there he was holding her. There were many, many times that he imagined his friend's wife while jerking off. There had been times in her house when he saw her breasts and butts whenever she bent before him or her duppta slid from her shoulders.

He wrapped his arm around her feeling her cushy breasts pressing against his chest. Their embrace became tighter and urgent until she was burying her face in his neck breathing deeply, almost gasping and weeping lightly, her body trembling convulsively.

Samena's breathing became more labored and she could feel the heat rising between her legs. Unfortunately, she was also feeling fear and guilt; and this wasn't allowing her to enjoy this moment...

Tears now filled her eyes, as she pleaded, "No! We can't do this. Let's stop this now.."

"Listen, Samena we have come too far to stop now. You are mine, you know." Fahim suddenly gripped Samena's face in his hand and turned it further to face him. Samena turned her body and as she faced him, she looked straight into his eyes. "You are gorgeous Samena," he said as he lifted his finger and started to circle her pouting lips. Spreading her legs wide, he continued to finger her. His long fingers sank deeper and she gripped the bed sheet. Samena shied away and covered her face in her other hand.

Fahim brought his hand under her chin lifted her face and said, "Let me have a look at you."

"Why, have you not seen me earlier," she asked?

"I have, but holding you and seeing you from a closer range, you appear more gorgeous," he said as his eyes dipped down from her face to her bosom. Samena blushed at his words.

"You have a great figure. Do you have any idea how beautiful I think you are?" he said in a husky voice as his eyes glued on her heaving chest.

She smiled and replied, "I know. I see you looking at me. But, I am not as stunning as your wife."

"No. Her body is not to my liking,"

"Why don't you like her figures?" she asked,

"I love to fondle curvaceous body, as you possess," he said as his hand pulled the dupata from her chest exposing her qameez covering her swollen breasts.

As he reminded himself again, it was now or never. He leaned in and smiled, kissing her on her cheek, Fahim expected Samena to pull back, but she didn't. "Samena.. Samena, Samena," he breathed into her ear, "You are prettier than any girl could ever wish to be. I swear you are so hot. I want you, I need you." Samena didn't say a word but only let out a sigh. She was taken aback by this turn of events, but she also didn't push him away. Fahim's eyes immediately fell to her chest. She was breathing heavily. Things were clearly coming to fruition..

Fahim raised her chin with his index finger, and staring into her lusty black eyes, he planted a soft kiss on her full ruby lips; she didn't try to avoid the kiss. Her lips were soft, warm, and moist. The kiss was so sweet. She was so sweet. He increased the pressure, and heard her moan low in her throat. She opened her mouth and their tongues locked together for the first time. It was one of the fieriest kisses Samena had ever experienced. She kept her eyes closed for the entire kiss as his blood surged in his veins and roared in her ears. After they broke the kiss, they kept exchanging a few glances and some smiles for a while, allowing their breathing to slow down a bit. He moved her hair away from her soft neck and licked ear lobe.

Fahim's left arm moved around her shoulders, his right hand to her face, his fingertips lightly brushing her skin. They resumed the kiss and Fahim realized she was a fantastic kisser. Her lips parted slightly and he ran his tongue softly across her lips as her tongue greeted his. He felt her hand on his thigh, rubbing, and her other hand ran through his hair. They kissed for a long time and it got to the point where they either had to move forward or stop right here.

Fahim continued the kiss, making it long and deep. Their hands started to explore each other with her hands going down his back so she could grab his ass, pulling their groins together. Fahim was grinning inside as his hands began to roam over her body. Samena was confused, but was so aroused. One of his hands went behind her neck and pulled her head close while the other went to her hip, caressing her butt. His hands were roaming as he was caressing and then pinching her ass frequently.

Samena's breasts were heaving and the blood was rushing into her nipples forcing them to strain against the fabric of her bra. Her arousal was showing with her erect nipples clearly pointing through the thin material. Fahim could feel her nipples against his arm and slowly walked his fingers to move forward, running his right hand down her face, down her neck, moving lower to her chest. He was alerting himself for the slightest indication that she'd stop him. There was no such signal and his hand found her breast, which was full and firm. He cupped one of her breast, gently kneading it, and then bunched the fabric of her bra between his fingers and rolled the captive nipple between them. He could feel her nipple poking through her bra. With her arousal increasing, her hand moved higher up his thigh. Fahim noted that with every passing minute she was becoming more and more eager in participating.

He slipped a hand inside the top of her dress and closed it around a lush breast. When his hand cupped her breast Samena gasped, the touch was so illicit and yet so thrilling, she was shocked at the feeling of completion, that she'd wanted him to touch her there as his hand had roamed up her body. It felt like his hand was now where it should be.

His hands found her breasts and massaged her nipples. He began to twirl, twist, and agonizingly pinch the now fully rigid nipple. Samena was stunned, a wave of pleasure raced through her body as he pinched her nipple, instinctively she let out a gasp. He was nibbling on the sensitive flesh of her neck and drawing little warm, wet circles with his tongue, which caused Samena to squirm. The heat between Samena's legs was increasing and the juices were now beginning to flow. It felt so good to her, she instantly felt terribly guilty but actually getting wet and hot at the same time! He was pinching her nipple while his one hand traveled down her body to spread her legs apart, caressing the insides of her thighs. Samena's head was so filled with heady pleasures, she willingly parted her legs without even thinking about it, and there was a kind of itch between them. Fahim's hand was suddenly there in her v-shaped area as he cupped her pussy. She gasped at both the indignity and the incredible pleasure of it.

Samena was on fire now. For the umpteenth time, Samena exclaimed to Fahim more than to herself, "Oh Fahim, what are you doing? We can't do this," she whispered timidly as he kissed and nuzzled his way down her neck. Samena's body language not to mention her body was becoming putty to him. Despite her objections, she realized she needed him, his body, and his money.

Ignoring her question, Fahim closed his eyes in rapture and she responded more than he expected. Suddenly she pulled him tight and started kissing his lips passionately. He was surprised upon this changed behavior. It was more than he could want She just opened her mouth and let him feed on her full lips. She was no longer shy, nervous, or guilty.

Soon Fahim realized that her tongue had popped out to intrude inside his mouth. Samena began breathing hard and faster. They continued to kiss, joined at the lips, while they sparred with their tongues in each other's mouth. Her husband was the only man she had kissed in her life, and she had gotten used to his technique, always one-sided with his head on her right shoulder. Now Fahim was kissing her in a totally new way. She felt her vagina twitch as she felt his tongue enter her mouth. She heard herself moan loudly as her pussy clenched itself twice very hard and rocking her into oblivion. It was more than she could imagine. Her body was on fire, she felt herself on the edge.

Fahim grasped her soft ass, and pulling her closer to him, grinding his hardening cock against her soft belly and caressing her bottom. She had the smoothest, softest ass. The soft flesh of her beautiful ass gave him a thrill because he could tell that she was wearing nothing underneath her shilwar. He unzipped her qameez at the back, put his hand inside and around to the front. Fahim began to fondle the right and then her left breast. Samena protested slightly but was unable to stop him for the simple reason because...she didn't want him to.

Fahim told her how long he had been in love with her, and she said she knew all along. He held her body against him, her hot breath on his cheek, her hands kneading his back, and then sliding it downward over his buttocks. She put her arms around him, hugging him to her ample breasts.

"You're nice man, you're not bad. I can feel it." Then Samena brought her mouth close to his ear and said with a lustful moan as she erotically whispered into his ear. "I've wanted you for so long," she whispered.

Her words were thrilling to Fahim. "And now we have each other," Fahim said pressing his lips to her softer ones. After the kiss, Samena said softly, "Ok! It's all right. I am ready to sleep with you, Fahim, Take whatever you want but it must remain secret all through our lives."

Fahim sat upright, stared at Samena and motioned her to come to him. She stepped towards him and he reached out his hand for her. She took hold of it and he pulled her gently, seating her on his lap, facing her, with her legs straddling his.. He kissed her deeply. By this time, she had begun to respond warmly and more importantly, willingly. When their lips touched, passion overtook both of them immediately. Long, hot wet kisses ensued as their tongues wound around each other. She felt his hard cock slowly begin gyrating against her groin.

Fahim's kisses were impassioned, deep and appeared to help dissolve any second thoughts Samena was having about the encounter.

Fahim told her, "Samena, stop looking sad. I want to tell you that I don't want to exploit you, however, I'm giving you what you need." He reminded her, "You could change your mind if you like. It's up to you."

"This is a consensual thing between two adults. Nothing forced. No unusual expectations from each other. Samena, you don't have to do this if you don't want to." He was telling her this still unsure whether she was indeed doing it just for the money that he was going to pay. "I will pay you without it my dear," he told her.

She looked about and replied in a low voice, "I understand, and I'm not doing it for money." She said seductively, "Let's take this into the bedroom."

They did not waste time as he took her by the hand and led her to his bedroom. No sooner had they shut the door of the bedroom behind their backs when, Fahim pulled Samena to him, spinning her on her heels as she crashed into him. Once Samena was in his arms, he pressed hot kisses on her lovely lips and allowed his hand to run all over her womanly perfection.

Fahim held her tight with one hand around her waist as he raised her face to him with the other, seeking her luscious lips. He kissed her on the lips and then sucked them into his mouth as he disengaged his hand from her face to rest it on her buttocks. In a completely involuntary act, his hands slowly ran over Samena's qameez covering her breasts. A low, barely audible moan escaped Samena's lips and her eyes half closed. He pounced on her with both hands and cupped the double globs.

They resumed their passionate kissing with Fahim's hands all over her body. He molded and caressed her firm perky breasts, squeezing them hard through the qameez..

After some time, his hands moved to the knot of her shilwar at her belly. She moved away from his body to give him room for his hands. When he'd fumbled with the knot of the drawstring of the shilwar; she'd obligingly reached under and undid the knot for him. He then pulled her shilwar off her hips slid them down her legs.

Slowly Fahim's hands went to either side of her qameez and Samena helped him, pulling her qameez over her head and let it drop to the floor, revealing her bra-covered breasts. Each mound was encased in its own blue lace cup, which contrasted against her perfectly milky skin.

She now stood before him in her lacy blue bra. Samena 's bra barely covered her nipples and her massive tits were bulging out of the top. Her corset led to her tiny waist, showing off her wide hips and her perfect, hourglass figure. Biting down on her lips. she just tried to relax as she exposed her body to a man other than her husband for the first time.

"Very nice," he said, his gaze traveling her body. Fahim could see her clean shaved pussy between her milky thighs. He sighed and reached behind her to unclasp her bra. Samena lifted her hands allowing him to remove the garment. When completely removed his eyes devoured the mounds of her enormous, firm breasts with medium size pink nipples jutting out, pointing towards him in invitation.

They were everything Fahim imagined them to be. They were amazing, her breasts were large, beautiful and full. . They were ripe melons of white-and-pink tit flesh, tipped with brownish erect nipples set in large wide flaring areola and half inch long nipples. She had rosy, hard, jutting nipples; permanently swollen, and the raised areola covered almost the entire tip of her breasts. Her pink buds stood erect, at least half an inch long, showing him how aroused she was. Just ogling at her beautiful breasts in its grandeur Fahim thought he would cum in his shilwar He wanted to touch and suck on her nipples while fingering her pussy at the same time.