All Comments on 'Life as a New Hire Ch. 08'

by FinalStand

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
If you read the comments, to see what people think....

IT WAS AWESOME .... love the way it is going, love the interactions between Cael and Aya ( the bonding relationship between these two make the story so much more enjoyable ) my only question is, how does the Corporation communicate over the world, or do they always group up when deciding corporate policy?, in my mind I envision multiple nodes of influence from various countries.

If so, how are they run, in a cohesive manner, from the story's viewpoint i get the feeling that Hayden is the top dog (as long as she can maintain control over the intricate situation.)

But there must be other powerful leaders, which run companies from different regions around the globe? or is it a sort of queen bee, and worker idea?

Well anyways I would like to thank you for the story, it really makes my day to see a new chapter uploaded.

Well better stop before I ramble on any further, Thanks again from a fan in New Zealand.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago

It looks like things are coming more and more to a head! As the fan from New Zealand commented, I do have to wonder how the other corporate divisions of Havenstone are reacting to this, as I am sure the CEO's from the other continents must have their own questions/concerns to the New Initiative Plan. Still, it looks like soon enough the folks at Havenstone will have to contend with the rest of the world. Either way, it all makes for great reading and I can't wait to see what the next chapters bring! Keep up the good work! You definitely get 5 stars from me!

FinalStandFinalStandalmost 10 years agoAuthor
Amazon Command and Control

The closest, and by no means exact, example of the Amazon command and control structure is this: Hayden is the Pope - as long as she does not go freaking nuts, she has absolute authority. This is reinforced by their selection process - 80% mysticism an 20% political. What the story is witnessing is the gradual transition from a feudal hierarchy to that of a modern day, instant communication society. Plenty of geographic leaders feel the right to (almost) challenge Hayden because they are used to being isolated - thus orders from on-high were rare in coming, or easily misinterpreted (if it was something they didn't want to hear).

To add to the complex mess is the ideal of a Council. Traditionally, when the Amazons were one compact group roaming around, a council made sense. Later, as they fractured geographically, the council was something that met when summoned - sometimes as infrequent as the election of a new High Priestess at a times due to the dangers of traveling and of bring all the Heads of Houses together.

In the modern era, the Council can meet with a weeks notice, making it a much more effective political body. This also forces Amazons with widely-varying political views to confront one another.

Another complication: Amazon High Priestesses are usually chosen in their early to mid-twenties, so they have a long reign (most Amazons do not 'take themselves to the cliffs' until their mid-sixties). At the start of their reign, they can be rather unsure - candidates for High Priestess have no idea they are in the selection process - and in later decades, they can be very opinionated.

Finally, Hayden's predecessor and Hayden have both expanded on the power of the 'bureaus' (its the closest name that fits). They existed for some time, but were never unified into cohesive organizations until after WWII. These are things like the Marshal of the Amazon Host (as the idea that Amazons can now pull military assets from all over the globe has become a possibility). The Marshal position existed, but had become largely symbolic.

More important to this story line is the Walkers in Darkness and Night - Katrina's group. Yes, they pick up food, laundry, new cars and play daycare and straighten up your house. They also bodyguard key targets, spy and assassinate enemies. They are both internal and external security. A century ago, they were a very arcane and secretive body with an informal organization. After WWII, this began changing. They became a true, modern intelligence network. Unlike other Intelligence agencies, the Amazons still keep a regional basis for their networks. An agent born in Chad is likely to work that region of Africa her entire life. She reports to Katrina. She also keeps the local West African Heads of House in the loop as common courtesy. This means Katrina does not have a 'lock' on information coming into Havestone, but it also means that the regional Houses do not mess with her operations.

Lastly, not seen yet, are the Augurs and the Lore Keepers (one group). They keep the Amazon laws and traditions, plus help select the next High Priestess. Technically, they work for Hayden as High Priestess. More importantly, they are seen as impartial translators of the Ancestors wills. The Amazons do not separate their worship of their numerous Goddesses with the veneration of their Ancestors - it is all one Faith to them. Religion is key to Amazon society. It is the glue that holds them together. One the Ancestors have decided on a course of action, it is madness to go against it. This is why what Ursula did by sending Leona to kill Cael was so horrible in Amazon eyes and why no one, but Ursula, batted an eye when Hayden dispatched Leona - Leona had gone against the Will of the Ancestors and had to be put down as a dangerous lunatic.

Before anyone goes 'Ah, a wingnut religion', let me remind you that this is a Sci-Fi/Fantasy stories. Do not expect fireballs and dragons, but answer me this: Cael is alive because he A) has more love than hate, and B) Aya missed her first arrow - the one that skidded to his feet. Had Cael callously ignored the arrow, or had Aya's shot been anywhere else, Leona would have killed Cael.

TangentoTangentoalmost 10 years ago

Love your stories! Keep it up!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 10 years ago
Per FinalStand's earlier share,

You say that this is Sci-Fi/Fantasy, and you imply something about Cael being lucky enough - or a string of coincidences magically arranged themselves in a way - that he unwittingly dodged the arrow? You make it sound almost as if Cael carries some leprechaun blood in his veins and that thus he has enormous amounts of luck. Well, a bit more active power would be more fun if you'd go down the Sci-fi/fantasy lane, but hey, he is obscenely active at jabbing&insults inc, so I can't complain about that - LOL!

Joke aside, I do wonder how come he's still alive! Especially since he is being raped daily - in a metaphorical sense. I mean really, there is only so much of a psychological and physical mix of stress that a human being can take before succumbing, unless they are absolutely coo-coo crazy. Is there something you plan for Cael?

Steve150177Steve150177almost 10 years ago
5 stars

Hello FS.

You may remember that I don't laugh out load much. Aya's comment that Else beat him unconscious and he didn't learn anything, made me laugh for 5 whole seconds.


j311j311almost 10 years ago
Random question on the amazon's bloodlines

Hey FS loving the new story, the characters are the right brand of crazy as i've come to expect from you. I did have a question on the whole Pureblood vs Halfblood thing, as i'm slightly confused as to how the difference occurs.

Given that there's no male amazons (what with the whole thrown of cliffs thing) I intially assumed that an amazons lineage was traced purely through the mother, so any amazon that could trace back to thier origins was considered pure and any that couldn't was considered a halfblood.

However with Desiree being called a halfblood despite her mother being Katrina's sister so assumedly pureblood, does the father factor in to the equation? Is she considered a halfblood because her father wasn't an approved and presumably throughly vetted match? or is it her mothers decision to leave that causes her to be considered less than pure?

MethusalemMethusalemalmost 10 years ago
Just great!

New Chapter of Red Sisters and Life as a new Hire on the same day... damn what a decision *chuckle* I won't tell what I looked into first to not make either author jealous.

"Ten seconds later, she told the front desk to let all female visitors requesting me to come up...then she added Timothy to the list."

I laughed so hard at that.

@j311 I asked the same question last chapter. I got a answer per mail from FS, I just sent it to you.

FinalStandFinalStandalmost 10 years agoAuthor
Since it is an issue...

Okay. A Full-blood has as a Mother an Amazon of the Host (ie not Buffy, Helena and her crowd - 'Lost Bloods/Runners) who breeds with a male of their captive breeding population.

A Half-Blood has a Mother of the Amazon Host, but whose Father is an 'outsider' male, usually mated with out of love and affection. They are still members of their House, thus the Host, yet are sources of shame and ridicule to other members of that House.

It is the mating out of affection that bothers the Amazons. Until the start of the story, it is a sign of weakness thus 'half' the blood strength of the 'full'ly dedicated, acceptable Amazons. Does this seem stupid? It should until you understand the Amazons are all about avoiding infighting and promoting harmony in their own ranks. Instead of doing this through tolerance, they do this by punishing non-conformity. Yes, this means Fabiola is the rule of Amazon of behavior, not the exception. The rest of Katrina's recruits were chosen for their 'independent' thinking.

To give an example how much of an uphill battle Katrina, Hayden and (kind of) Cael have. The 'First' Directive - the induction of non-Amazon women into the society took place 60 years ago. The process was supposed to work like this: a recruit works hard, proves themselves and is then inducted into one of the Houses. In reality: in 60 years only 50 'Runners' have been inducted into ANY House.

The 'New Directive' is supposed to bring in a new breeding male population. This time they are basing things on a male's intelligence, strength, resilience, spirit and drive. Their population is dying out and needs help soon. Their response - recruit FIVE males and set those men up for failure. That was the BEST Hayden, Tessa and Katrina could force the others to accept for Round One of the program.

That strong Traditionalist streak feeds back into why the status of 'Full-Blood', 'Half-Blood' and 'No-Blood' are so important. As with all forms of prejudice - its ability to distress any society is based on the number and power of the oppressed. In the same way this one Chinese-American hung out with the African-Americans in this small Iowa town back in the fifties, the Half-Bloods (always in tiny numbers) began hanging out with the 'No-Bloods'. Looking down and insulting those two was easy...while those were in small numbers. Now - now 'No-bloods' amount to half of Havenstone's population, yet they have no voice in affairs and little realistic hope of being 'elevated'.

Before you smugly sit back and think 'what a bunch of dumb broads' - what is the US Government' current deficit at? The People's Republic of China's One Child policy has resulted in a glut of sons...and this surprises anyone who understands an 'Eldest Son' based society? The WWF (thats 'Professional' Wrestling for those not in the US sphere of assimilation) has not even pretended to be real for decades yet still millions of people tune in three, or more, times a week to watch bare-chested men - and scantily clad women - roll around a ring (which is a four cornered sparing area) and touch each other. Cut the Amazons some slack.

MethusalemMethusalemalmost 10 years ago

Will this background even be part of the story or is your mind just making up such detailed universes that you even have 'history' for your stories that aren't actually part of the 'present story'? Just wondering.

You also answered the question for me about the 'Amazons not speaking the language'.

Also the sentence "He is saving the world" is nagging at my mind.. did she mean "He is saving OUR world" or is there more to it, that we don't know at the moment.. I mean we are in the Sci-Fi genre. Time will show.

FinalStandFinalStandalmost 10 years agoAuthor
Background stuff

First off - I make stuff up. I look back at things I've written and expand on it.

Secondly, the whole 'blood' issue comes up again in the story twice more as of Chapter 16.

1) It is one thing to be called a 'bronk' and quite another to be told what a 'bronk' is and that is an insult. You can imagine some people not being happy about that.

2) The whole issue of the Host not keeping up their end of the bargain with the Runners (induction into a House) comes up in a big way.

As of Chapter 17, you start to get insight into a greater world beyond Havenstone. The Amazons are paranoid bitches for a reason. There are other Secret Societies out there and they have been living with a Truce for several decades, but that is about to end. Yes, it is Cael's fault.

Bigg_MikeBigg_Mikealmost 10 years ago
Your world building skills are quite impressive

I really love the complexity that you weave into your stories. Also, thank you for the info dumps from above. Additionally, thank you for the knowledge that this story will progress for 10 additional chapters! I would think this story would fit well with some of the publishers whom favor the dystopian end of the story spectrum. I can think of four or five authors whose published works do not meet your standard of excellence.

cliuincliuinalmost 10 years ago
Sense of Honor

Cael realy has a sense of Honor and Loyalty what you don't find at every corner of the streets .

j311j311almost 10 years ago
Question answered

Well that more than comprehensively answers my questions, thanks FS, and thanks @Methusalem for the link.

MethusalemMethusalemalmost 10 years ago
secret organisations

I can sooo imagine Cael screwing one organisation boss und then getting caught while scewing another... and *bäm* 3 WorldWar *laughes*

diablofirediablofirealmost 9 years ago
Love it So Far

This is a great series of stories. Love it and it has me hooked.

FinalStandFinalStandalmost 9 years agoAuthor
Thank you diablofire

I need to get off my butt and finish Chapter 41. It helps to know that people enjoy my work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

I think i'm in love with this series. Haven't laughed like this at any story in a while.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 8 years ago

it is now 3:51 and im out of smokes... damn you... making me laugh.... grumble.... snarl... sigh... on to the next one

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
love it so far but

one thing I found very odd about the story from a few chapters ago and ongoing. Their medical expertise being old-fashioned seems rather ridiculous to me and should seem so to you the author, when you take in context the story you've written for them. I'll explain: you have a group of strong-willed Amazon descendants that value old traditions and the like, I get that. But they also formed a fortune 500 corporation that is on all continents, has skyscrapers, tons of money, the works. Yet they're not using advanced medicine? You even mentioned that they did genetic work to try and help with their problems/lineage though it was still failing, which would surely use more advanced medical knowledge than a staple gun and no pain killers, just saying lol. I love the story but this one tidbit seems very, very off from the rest of the story and not as well fleshed out or planned. They have no basis or need to stick to old medicines in the modern era, it just doesn't make sense to me.

FinalStandFinalStandalmost 8 years agoAuthor
Well ...

... as you may figure out as the story progresses, Cael's idea of how things are and how things actually are can be very different. Havenstone mixes traditional and modern medicines as he will discover all too soon. In Chapter 46, I actually address his constant ability to take rather astonishing amounts of punishment while maintaining a(n) (un)healthy sex life as well as his career as a new hire.

AnonymousAnonymousover 7 years ago

I can't believe how good this story is getting and I can't hardly put it down to do anything you are doing a great job here thanks a lot


me123she789me123she789over 5 years ago

This one was so sad when you think about it. Page 3 really hit me.

FinalStandFinalStandover 5 years agoAuthor
Whatever this is over, thank you ... I guess.

I aim to give as many characters life as possible. That this happens in erotica seems to happen plenty of people off-guard, as this is not the normal fair. Is this directly about Aya? If so, she remains a central moral character to Cael's development throughout the story ... which I need to get off my ass and complete ... ugh. If you ever get there (chapter 48), let me know and I can send you the closing segment.

Thank you for your comment. Take care,

James aka FinalStand

AnonymousAnonymousover 1 year ago

I just finished chapter 8 of your story " life as a new hire" very very good I don't give 5 stars often at all I think only maybe 10 in 10 years,funny funny stuff you write 5 stars all the way thank you

Ravey19Ravey19about 1 year ago

I'm surprised Katrina was so open with Nikita and Skylar. 5⛤.

skippersdadskippersdad10 months ago

Damn that was intense.

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