Love And War Bk. 05


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"It's ok, Marie." Jason said. He would never admit it, but she was actually a good kisser. Still not as good as Delaara, though.

"Stop beating yourself up over that. It was years ago now!" Delaara laughed too, then hugged the First Officer.

"Did you catch what Big Lou said about the reception, Delaara?" Bounce asked, barely holding back a laugh.

"Oh, you mean 'Don't fuck with a Romulan Marine's man?'" She was grinning evilly.

Bounce laughed. "Yes, ma'am!"

"Listen to Big Lou. The man knows what he's talking about!" Jason said with a sage nod.

"Well after thirty years in the Corps, I would hope so!" Delaara said.

They got their beers and drank, and Delaara was in heaven. "Mmmmmm I never thought a beer would taste so good!"

"From what Rachael was saying, not drinking while pregnant is God's way of punishing women for getting pregnant in the first place." Marie giggled.

Jason laughed. "Guinan said it was murder."

"It's true. All of it! That's why I'm back on birth control!" Rachael said as she and Rash took their normal spots at the bar. "Hell, I should see if I could hire Guinan away from Lou!"

Jake looked at her and got a hurt expression on his face. "But Captain, you have me!"

"I know, Jake. I was kidding." Rachael patted the bartender's arm.

"Hey, Rachael. How'd your debriefing go?" Delaara asked with a wink.

"It was very satisfying for both of us." Rachael winked back.

Jason and Rash nearly fell off their barstools laughing, then noticed the perturbed expressions on their wives' faces.

"Yes, I know it's juvenile and stupid. We realize this, but it's also funny as hell." Jason laughed. "Almost as much fun as mooning the Enterprise!"

This time, the two best friends did fall off their barstools laughing, as did Bounce.

"Wait... you three MOONED the Enterprise?" Rachael was aghast. "WHEN DID THAT HAPPEN?"

"When we were in orbit around Earth before being sent to the Wormhole the first time." Rash answered as he regained his seat, still snickering.

"Then Jean-Luc commed me and asked what the hell we were doing." Jason laughed, and Rash fell off his barstool again.

"Honey, we were going stir crazy, not knowing when we would get called, what our next mission would be, or even if we would be able to get some more shore leave. So we got some beers and got shitfaced in the aft hangar one night." Rash explained.

"And then we bent over and mooned Enterprise." Bounce finished, and they all laughed, even Rachael and Delaara.

"Sometimes we all have to blow off steam." Rachael admitted with a smile.

"I knew you'd understand, bunny." Rash kissed his wife lovingly.

"We hate to hit and run, but Jason and I have some intimate time tonight for a change. Jan was good enough to watch Bryan for a few extra hours." She grinned and grabbed Jason's hand.

"We'll see you all later!" Jason said as he went willingly with Delaara.

As they left the bar, Rash chuckled. "We know that feeling, don't we, honey?"

"Yes we do, baby. The first few months are the worst for trying to sneak in some personal time." Rachael replied and kissed her husband.


Jason and Delaara stumbled through the door to their quarters, lips locked passionately and their clothes flying off as they undressed quickly. Delaara had the look in her eyes that said she needed him badly, and Jason was breathing heavily as the adrenaline shot through him.

They fell onto the bed naked, kissing passionately as he reached down to feel her. She was wetter than he could ever remember, and he was so throbbing hard for her, he thought he might explode at any second.

"Fuck, baby! I've missed your skin on mine!" She growled in her smokey voice as she pushed him onto his back. She had that look in her eyes that said she was in charge tonight, and he was going to lie there and take it.

He watched as she slowly slithered down his body, kissing his neck, chest, nipples, stomach, and down to his hardness. She licked up his length before plunging her mouth down on him. They both moaned in pleasure as he went down her throat all the way, and she had swallowed him to his root. Her fingers went to her pussy, and she came as she took him all the way into her mouth. Jason could feel her shudder, and it was all he could do to keep from exploding in her mouth. Their mind meld took them both, and their pleasure centers were amplified as they felt everything the other was feeling.

Delaara pulled him out and said "I need to taste you, my love." in a pleading voice. She took him in again and bobbed her head up and down on his thick shaft. Her amber-brown eyes looked up at his lovingly, pleading for him to come.

Jason felt himself swell in her mouth, his balls tightening. He wrapped his fingers in her hair. "God yes, Delaara!" He shouted as he came.

Delaara felt his cum hit the back of her throat, and she swallowed load after load as the fingers of her free hand were once again drenched by her own cum. Their bodies tensed for several moments, then released. She'd swallowed every last drop, but he remained hard as she crawled up and over him on all fours, moving slowly like a panther. Her eyes were still filled with the lust and hunger caused by their long deprivation of each other, and she was going to get her fill from him.

Jason looked into her eyes with a similar look in his. He pulled her up and kissed her deeply, tasting himself but not caring. He just needed to feel her mouth on his as her legs straddled his hips. He grabbed her hip with one hand and his cock with the other, guiding it into her and pulling her down onto him hard.

She gasped as he suddenly entered her, her eyes going wide as she moaned out loud. Jason thrust up into her hard as he pulled her hips downward, and she placed her hands on his chest to steady herself. She started spasming on top of him as their combined pleasure rocketed through her body via their linked pleasure centers.

She looked into his eyes as she rode him. Harder and faster with each thrust, her breasts bouncing with each movement. Deeper as he extended himself upward as much as possible into her. They moaned and gasped as they fucked, wordlessly telling the other how much they both needed this. They both felt her climax building, and she screamed a primal scream as she came around him, convulsing as her pussy contracted around his swelling cock. He hit her cervix over and over as he continued to thrust upward hard into her as she came. He felt his balls tightening again, but held back his own release as long as possible.

Finally, she gave voice to her need. "Come in me, Jason! Come in me NOW!" She snarled as she leaned down and bit his shoulder.

As her teeth sank into him, Jason yelled wordlessly and came harder than he'd ever come before. His seed shooting into her like a meteor shower, firing blast after blast of molten cum into her pussy as she massaged and milked him of every last drop. Delaara came again, screaming into his shoulder as her teeth continued to bite hard. Her body spasmed and convulsed, as did his below her. The mix of pain and pleasure was exquisite.

Finally they fell still. Delaara unclamped her teeth from his shoulder, and leaned back on him with a glazed look in her eyes. A slight trickle of red ran down from the corner of her lips, and his eyes widened in shock. They were both breathing heavily, and her eyes cleared as she tasted his blood in her mouth. She looked at where she'd bitten him, and her eyes widened in concern at the beads of blood on his skin where her teeth had sank into his flesh.

"Oh my God, baby!" She jumped off of him and grabbed the dermal regenerator as well as a few tissues. She wiped her mouth with one, then moved back onto him and wiped his shoulder with the others. She switched on the dermal regenerator and pressed it against his shoulder over the wound. "I am so sorry, Jason. I..."

"It's ok, sweetheart." Jason said, smiling. "I think we both got a little carried away, there." He laughed.

She laughed in relief. "I know I did." She blushed.

She removed the dermal regenerator as it finished its cycle, and his shoulder was now clear. She wiped off a little excess blood from where the wound had been, and moved to the garbage chute, disposing of the tissues. She came back as he sat up, slipping into bed with him.

"Sweetheart, for future reference, we will not go without for that long again, ok?" Jason said with a grin and a laugh.

"I am in full agreement, baby!" She replied, snuggling up against his side. "This must have been like what Vulcans experience during their ponn farr. I've never felt a need like that before in my life. It was like my blood was on fire!"

"I felt it too, sweetheart. Both erotic and primal. I'm glad I get to experience it more than just once every seven years, though!" Jason laughed and kissed her lovingly. He tasted the slight tang of his own blood in her mouth, but it didn't bother him. "I married a Romulan vampire." He winked, and she blushed some more.

"Baby!" She hid her face in his neck, laughing quietly even as she blushed. She'd completely lost control, but it had felt necessary.

Three long months of depriving themselves of each other for the sake of taking care of Bryan had been difficult, to say the least. But both of them agreed that it had been worth it. Just now, they would have to make sure to leave Bryan with a babysitter more often so they could make love more than once every three months.

"Should we go get him now, or wait a few more minutes?" She asked in a sleepy voice.

"We'd probably better go now. Otherwise, Jan is going to kick our asses up one side and down the other, since we're about to fall asleep. I don't think she wants to watch him all night long." Jason chuckled as they sat up.

"You're right, my love. Let's go get our baby." She smiled and kissed him lovingly and lingeringly.


Janet was changing Bryan when they showed up at the nursery for him. She looked up and grinned at the looks on their faces. "As a nurse practitioner, I prescribe sex more than once every three months for you two!"

Delaara grinned. "We agree with your prescription, Jan. Now, has Bryan been good on mommy and daddy's date night?"

"He's been a good boy all day for his Aunt Janet!" the Nurse replied as she grinned at the smiling baby boy. She had a way with children, and had raised two boys of her own during her career. This was her first posting to a combat vessel, but with the divorce and her sons going to the Academy, she'd applied for the Nimitz, as her Captain and crew had a great reputation with a family type feel. When she'd first met Rachael and Rash during their long semi-sabbatical during the Nimitz's extended refit, she'd been impressed with them both, and had found them to be both fun and very nice.

At 45, Janet was still beautiful, and reminded Jason a bit of his cousin Angelina Castigliano, now Captain of the USS Comanche and deployed on a long term mission to Klingon space as special liaison between Klingon Empire and Federation. As First Officer aboard the Comanche during the Dominion War, she had taken command of the ship after the death of her captain, and had saved the Excelsior class heavy cruiser, as well as most of the crew. Being reminded of his mother's niece, he realized he hadn't seen her in years, even longer than his parents had been kept as prisoners by the Orions. They were ten years apart in age, but had been fairly friendly growing up when his Aunt Kate had come to visit with Angie.

The similarities would be apparent to anyone who knew them both. Janet had the same quiet strength and determination that Angie had, and Jason spotted that easily. Their physical looks were similar as well. The mediterranen complexion and features as well as the smile. Jason made up his mind to comm her as soon as they got back to their quarters.

"Thanks, Jan. You really are the best, you know that, right?" Jason said as they took Bryan off her hands.

"I try." She smiled at them both in a motherly way.

They got in the turbolift as Jason held Bryan against his shoulder. He could feel his son drifting off to sleep, and smiled at Delaara as she heard the baby nod off too. She smiled back, and they were very quiet getting him back to his crib in the second room of their newly expanded quarters.

Once he was down for the night, Jason told Delaara that there was one more family member she needed to meet.

"Who?" She said quietly to avoid waking Bryan.

"My cousin Angie. She's Captain of the USS Comanche over in the Klingon Empire as Special Federation Liaison." Jason smiled. "I haven't seen her in years, but Janet reminds me of her in several ways. I think you two will like each other."

They went to the desk and sat down as he brought up the Comanche's comm frequency and place the call. "Colonel Jason MacKenzie to Captain Angelina Castigliano, USS Comanche."

The acknowledgment went through, and he saw her on the Bridge of her ship. "Hey, cousin Jay! It's been forever!" She smiled at him. "Wow, a Colonel already, too! I've been following your career, by the way."

Angie was ten years older than Jason, but always treated him as an equal when they were thrust together at family functions, as they were always the youngest two there. She'd joined Starfleet late, at 20, but had excelled at what she did. She was a full Commander by the age of 27, and Captain by the age of 32, thanks to battlefield promotions during the vicious Cardassian Conflict and the Dominion War on its heels.

"Thanks, Angie. I've heard about your heroism during the Dominion war, and I have some news about Mom and Dad." Jason replied.

"One sec, Jay. Let's take this a bit more private." She turned to her communications officer. "Brett, send this to my Ready Room."

"Aye, sir." He replied and the signal cut for a moment.

It came back up as she sat behind her desk. "There. That must be Delaara beside you."

"Angie, I would like you to meet my beautiful wife, Delaara. Former CO of Gladius Wing, RIFFC, and current XO of Striker Wing and Skull Squadron. Delaara, this is Captain Angelina Castigliano, Commanding Officer of the USS Comanche, and hero of the Dominion War." Jason made the introductions.

"It's an honor to meet you, Delaara." Angie smiled at her newest relative.

"The honor is mine, Captain." Delaara replied.

"Hell, Delaara. You're family now. Call me Angie!" She smiled.

Delaara laughed. "Thank you, Angie."

"We'd introduce you to our baby boy, but he's down for the night, Angie." Jason grinned.

"I have a new cousin? Awwww, I bet he's a cutie!" Angie said as her gaze softened a bit. Delaara had noticed the edge to her immediately, and recognized a battle hardened veteran when she saw one. "But what's this about Uncle Bryan and Aunt Evelina?" She needed to know.

"Well, it turns out they weren't KIA when the USS Stanford was destroyed by the Cardassians. They'd been taken prisoner by the Orions and held in captivity until a few months back. They were rescued by some Marines when an Orion estate was raided, and returned to Earth. While we were awaiting refit on Nimitz, we found out, but Dad died because of an Orion boobytrap inside him that released a neurotoxin into his bloodstream. Mom nearly died as well, but Doc Tavolk and Doctor Crusher were able to save her." Jason took a deep breath.

Angie was stuck somewhere between grief and elation that her family had somehow survived. Except for themselves and the new baby, they were the only surviving members of their respective blood families. "Well, it's a relief that Aunt Evelina is alive, but I'm sad that Uncle Bryan died.... again." She gave a bitter laugh at the irony of it.

"I know it's a lot to take in, but at least we have Mom back." Jason said with a wry smile.

She nodded and smiled. "I'm glad she's back. We're going to rotate back to Earth in a couple days. Where's the Nimitz these days?"

"Right now we're waiting on Jean-Luc to get here with his battlewagon so we can close this new wormhole that popped up from the Gamma Quadrant." Jason replied.

Angie's smile disappeared. "I'd heard about your mission through there last year, and I'm proud of you, Jay."

"Hey, Angie. I've always been proud of you, ever since I heard about you saving the Comanche against that Jem'Hadar battleship." Jason retorted.

"I agree. You saved a lot of lives when you released and ignited your warp plasma right in the path of that ship. I flew off of the IRW Ravansior in that battle." Delaara nodded. "I wasn't aware of who you were, but everyone noticed your tactic there."

Angie smiled warmly at Delaara for the first time. "Thank you, Delaara, but it was an act of desperation more than anything."

"Angie, desperation is the mother of innovative tactics." Jason grinned.

"I would recognize that saying anywhere. Captain Rachael Thatcher, unless I'm mistaken? Her words of wisdom are almost as well known as Sun Tzu." Angie smiled broadly.

"That's her. She married Ryan, and they have a baby now, too." He grinned at her expression.

"Wait! She married Roadrash?" Angie's jaw had just hit her desk. "I'm afraid to even ask how that happened." She laughed once more, shaking her head.

"Nick found a loophole for them in Starfleet regs." Jason shrugged.

"Does he still pass out for ten minutes and wake up completely sober?" She grinned. The last time they'd all seen each other was the day Rash had wrecked his Bike and Lou, newly retired from the Marines, had given him the nickname. Jay and Ryan had still been in the Academy at that time, and Ryan had made a pass at Angie after the ill-fated race.

"Yeah, he does. The last time he did it was right before he got married to Rachael." Jason laughed.

"Geesh, Jay! I should have slugged him harder after he kissed me!" Angie and Jason both laughed at that. He turned to Delaara.

"Right after the race where Rash wiped out and was limping back to the bar, Angie and I went to help him. He looked at Angie and said 'You're hot', then made a pass at her." He said, chuckling.

"No!" Delaara's eyes went wide.

"Yes! Then Angie hauls off and slugs him in the gut hard enough to bend him double." Jason and Angie were both laughing at that as they heard their door chime.

"Come in, but be quiet. Bryan's asleep." Delaara said quietly, but loudly enough for the door speaker to pick it up.

Ryan and Rachael entered with Brandon in her arms, and they noticed Jason and Delaara at their desk. Ryan's eyes went wide and his jaw dropped when he saw who they were talking to.

"Oh shit," he said quietly.

"'Oh shit' is right, Cadet!" Angie grinned at him.

"How you been, Angie?" Rash asked with a smile.

"Not bad, Roadrash. I hear you're still annoying my cousin Jay." She was enjoying his discomfort, but also had to admit that he'd been a damn good kisser even back in his Academy days.

"More like saving his bacon by taking down Orion battleships with just my flight backing me up." Rash recovered with his usual shit eating grin. He was never going to allow anyone to forget that day when he and the rest of Bravo flight had destroyed an Orion war marshal without assistance.

"Hello, Captain. I'm Captain Rachael Thatcher. Ryan is my husband, but I don't believe we've met." Rachael was smiling a very thin smile.

"It's an honor to meet you, Captain. I'm Captain Angelina Castigliano of the USS Comanche, but call me Angie. Jay is my cousin, and Ryan is... well, let's just say I know how good of a kisser he is." She grinned, and Rachael laughed.

"You slugged me in the gut when I was broken and bleeding!" Rash got a mock look of hurt in his eyes.

"Oh shush, Roadrash. You were well enough to grab the back of my neck and lay one on me!" Angie was laughing outright now, and Rachael had joined in.