Love And War Bk. 05


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"They will have transporter signal scramblers all around the detention block, so getting them out that way is out of the question." Jason said to his assembled team. "We'll fly in cloaked while the negotiations are going on and dock in the shuttle bay. Once we're landed, we make our way as quickly and quietly as possible to the detention area and get them out back to the shuttle bay, then evac out and cloak again once we're clear."

"Armaments?" Rash asked.

"Phaser rifles and pistols. One rifle and two pistols each. Extra pistols are for our people." Jason said and nodded to his friend. They all had volunteered for this mission.

"Here he is." Rachael said as she brought up the Orion Captain's file from Starfleet Intelligence. "Hunter. AKA Captain Orosin. His wife was killed five years ago along the Romulan Neutral Zone on planet NZ8-257."

"Captain Sulina." Jason said. "He wants revenge. He's going to want me, Rachael."

"You let me worry about that, Jay. You have your mission and your team. You get our pilots back."

"Roger that, Captain." Jason said.

"Jason, I'll have the fighters beamed over from the Valdore when I return. We have very powerful transporters on our newest Warbird." Donatra smiled.

"Thanks, Donie." Jason hugged her, and she hugged him back tight.

"Jay, please bring Delie back." She asked in a whisper.

"We will, sweety. Don't worry." He broke the hug and smiled at her.

She turned to Cole. "Collin, you don't have to do this. I am more than willing to go instead."

"Dona, I won't have you in harm's way if I can go instead. I'm not gonna take any unnecessary risks, though. I love you." He held her close and kissed her.

"I love you too, Irish. Come back safe, aye?" Donatra was nearly in tears.

"Aye, luv." He kissed her.

"Ten minutes until we drop from Warp, everyone." Rachael said.

"That's my cue. Good luck, guys. I'll have the fighters sent ASAP when I get aboard." Donatra tapped her combadge. "Donatra to Valdore. One to beam over, and prepare the transporters to send the Night Owls to Nimitz's aft flight deck."

She disappeared in the green whining thrumm of the Romulan transporter beam.

"And that's our cue. Let's get to the flight deck and get prepped." Jason said, and his strike team left the Ready Room. He turned to Rachael. "Don't worry, Rachael. Rash will come back from this one."

She got up and hugged him. "Jay, you all need to come back from this one. Are we clear?"

"Yes, ma'am. Let's go get our pilots back." He said as he pulled back and kissed her cheek. He nodded, and turned to leave the Ready Room as well.

They held the turbolift for him, and he ran to meet his friends. "You guys ready?"

"Gloria ad mortem, Cobalt." Rash said. "It's time to teach these fucks what it means to mess with Skull Squadron."

By the time they got up to the flight deck, all four Night Owls were there and prepped for launch.

"We know what we have to do," said Cobalt as they walked in and saw Tanya waiting with their weaponry. She handed each of them a rifle and two pistols from the ship's armory. "We know what's at stake here. These aren't just our squadmates and fellow pilots. He kidnapped our family. We are not going to allow that sonuvabitch over there to kill our family. Oorah?"


"Skull Squadron, mount up."


As soon as the Orion, Romulan and Federation ships dropped out of warp, the cloaked Romulan fighters launched from the aft hangar deck on the Nimitz.

They flew in formation, able to see each other thanks to their built-in autodetection.

"You know the drill. As soon as we're in their flight deck, we open up with disruptors only. Slag as many of their fighters and personnel as possible. Make sure you have positive locks before firing. Then we fight our way to the detention area, get our people back to the flight deck, and get the fuck out." Jason laid out the plan.

"Rash copies, Cobalt."

"Bounce copies, boss."

"Bolter copies, sir."

"Good. We're going to be in for the fight of our lives, guys. Let's go make these shits pay for taking our family. Gloria ad mortem." Jason said.

"GLORIA AD MORTEM!" They shouted in reply.

Jason grinned and saw that the war marshal's shields were still down. They breached the shield perimeter and flew cloaked into the fighter deck. "On my mark. Target telemetry sent, guys."

"Roger." came the replies. He linked his target HUD to those of his wingmen.

Five mechanics were gathered around talking and twelve fighters were docked in the war marshal's flight deck. "Disruptors only: Fire!"

The four Night Owls decloaked and opened up on the mechanics and fighter craft. In a matter of a few seconds, the mechanics were vaporized and the twelve Orion fighters were burning wreckage. They set their Night Owls down and vaulted from the cockpits with rifles at the ready. They sprinted to the turbolift. Cobalt took the extra pistol from Bounce and left him to secure the hangar. He took up a defensive position, ready to fire into the turbolift if any Orions came out of it.

As soon as the turbolift door opened on the detention deck, they sprinted down the hall, firing as they went. Orion security died under the phasers of Cobalt, Rash, and Bolter.

"Go go go!" Jason shouted as they got to the holding cells.


"What was that?" Roy said as he heard the shots in the hallway outside their holding cell.

"Federation phaser rifles." Delaara grinned.

"Go go go!" She heard Jason shout as his strike team came around the corner and she saw them.

"Stand back, baby." Jason said with a grin when he saw her at the cell forcefield. She stepped back, and he fired into the wall panel, shorting out the forcefield.

He handed his pilots the extra pistols and they went to leave as a dozen Orions came around the corner behind them.

Bolter and Rash fired first, sweeping their rifles right to left, followed by the phasers of the other Skulls.

"Ah, FUCK!" Bolter shouted as an Orion disruptor shot hit him in the leg.

"I've got you, Cole." Alex slid his arm around his friend's waist and they went back towards the turbolift.

Jason took point as before. Flanked by Rash and Delaara, they cut a path through the Orion security teams back to where they came from.

"Keep it tight, guys. We have to get back before they overrun Bounce!" He shouted as they moved as fast as possible.

"Bounce to Cobalt. I'm taking some serious fire here!" His shout came over the comm.

"We're almost there, brother. Hold tight." Jason shot another one down, and then a blast from behind them hit Bolter's other leg.

"Fuckin' hell!" He fell out of Alex's arms and rolled onto his back. he brought his weapon up and shot down the five Orions coming from behind them. He looked at his friends. "GO! Get outta here, blast ye!"

He looked back and kept shooting as he leaned against the wall.

"We're not leaving you behind, Cole. Alex, grab him!" Jason said as he shot another Orion from in front.

"No time, Colonel! Get our people outta here! I'll hold the Orion shits here!" Cole shouted.

"Cole, as soon as we have the way cleared, we're coming back for you!" Jason said.

Cole watched them run down the hallway, firing as they went, then turned back towards the security area and kept firing whenever an Orion came around the corner.

He knew he wasn't going to make it out, as much as the Colonel wanted them all to get out. His charge ran out on his rifle, so he drew his pistol. "C'mon, ye shits! Ye've never been killed til ye've been killed by an Irishman!"

He kept aiming, but no more were coming for the moment. He tapped his combadge. "Bolter to Valdore."

"Donatra here, Collin. What's wrong?" Her voice was concerned.

"I'm not gonna make it, luv. I'm down and wounded, and I told the rest to go on ahead." He fired twice more, burning down another two Orions. "I just wanted to say I love ye, Dona." He tapped his combadge before she could reply, cutting her off. He started to rise and leaned against the wall as he moved backwards, shooting as he went.


Cobalt and his team burst out of the turbolift along with their fellow pilots, and they burned down the Orions firing at Bounce's position. Bounce came out. "Good job, guys. Where's Bolter?" Bounce asked.

"I'm going back for him, Bounce. Get them all out of here." Jason said to his friend, then ran back towards the turbolift.

He exited the turbolift back on the security deck and saw his friend backing towards him slowly as he fired at the advancing Orions. Jason added his own firepower, and finally his rifle ran dry. He dropped it and drew his pistol. "Come on, Bolter! We don't have all day here!" He kept shooting one after another as the Orions fell by the dozen. Cole took another shot to the shoulder and started to fall.

Jason ran forward and caught Cole just as the green transporter beam enveloped them both.


"Valdore to Skull Two. We have both of them!" Donatra said over the comm.

"Demoness copies, Valdore. We're out of here. I've set the remaining Night Owl to self-destruct." Delaara said and vaulted into the cockpit with Alex behind her in the RIO seat. They closed their cockpits and lifted off, cloaking as they left the flight deck on the Orion ship.

She led her people out and back towards the Nimitz. "Two to Nimitz. We're on our way back. Cobalt and Bolter are aboard the Valdore."

"Nimitz here. Thank God, Del! Get our people back aboard and let's take down that war marshal!" Rachael said.

"We will, bunny." Rash said. "We've got a man down, though. Bolter was hit pretty bad."

"No worries, Rash." Bounce said. "The Orions are about to find out just what they've won for fucking with Skull Squadron."

The Night Owl's self destruct didn't just blow the dilithium reactor, but also the warheads of its plasma missiles. The entire aft section of the war marshal disintegrated in a ball of green fire, leaving the Orion battleship crippled.


"Dr. Sarken, how is he?" Jason asked the Valdore's Chief Medical Officer.

"He'll live, Colonel. We'll transport him back to Nimitz in a while after he's stabilized. The Commander is with him at the moment."

"Thanks, Doctor." He turned to look in the window as Donatra held Cole's hand. "Ok, I'm out. I need to get back and get things settled with Captain Orosin."

"It's my pleasure, Colonel. Good luck." Dr. Sarken smiled and nodded.

"Thanks again." Jason nodded to him, and tapped his combadge. "Cobalt to Nimitz. One to beam over." He disappeared in the thrumm of the Federation transporter beam.

"I didn't think I was gonna make it, Dona. I'm sorry, luv." Cole was heavily medicated as he held Donatra's hand.

"It's ok, baby." She stroked his face. "When this is over, I'm going to ask Rachael to perform our wedding. I can't live without being your wife any longer, Collin."

"Darlin', I can't wait to marry ye, either." He gave her his trademarked grin.


"Here we go, Skulls. It's time to take this idiot down once and for all. We ready?" Jason stood in front of his Squadron.

"Oorah, sir!" They replied.

"Good. Skulls, mount up!" He shouted and they scrambled for their fighters. The reserve Valk deuces were already assembled and ready for launch.

"Cobalt to Demoness," he said on their private channel. "This time, no prisoners. I'm not going to negotiate. I'm not going to obey an order to cease fire. Orosin dies today."

"I agree, my love. He wanted revenge on us for killing Sulina." Demoness told him.

"I know. Rachael brought up his file from Starfleet Intelligence before we launched the rescue op. It's ok, sweetheart. He's not going to threaten us or Bryan again." Jason reassured her.

"Skull Leader, this is CAG. All fighters showing launch ready. What's going on?" Colonel Jerov asked.

"Nothing to worry about, CAG. We're just going to say hello and goodbye to Captain Orosin. Skull Lead, out." Jason cut the comm and switched to Squadron. "Skulls, let's go kill an Orion. Gloria ad mortem!"

"GLORIA AD MORTEM!" The shouted reply echoed through the comm as they launched.


"Thatcher to Cobalt. What the hell do you think you're doing?"

"It's called revenge, Captain. You can court martial me later. I willfully admit to coercion of my entire squadron to help me in destroying the Orion war marshal currently disabled off of your starboard bow." Jason said.

"Good, Cobalt. Give them one from me!" Rachael said with a grin.

"Skulls! Alpha Strike all missiles on my mark!" They hit their warp burners and scorched the sky between Nimitz and the Orion battleship. As soon as they entered missile range, Jason hit the comm again. "FIRE!" He grinned.

Their missiles shot out over the distance towards the Orion battleship, fireballing it just as a single fighter shot forward from its forward shuttle bay.

"COLONEL MACKENZIE! I CHALLENGE YOU!" The shout over the open channel caught Jason offguard a bit.

"Captain Orosin, I presume." It wasn't a question. He switched to Squad channel. "Stand down, Skulls. He's mine."

"Bravo copies, Lead."

"Charlie copies, Lead."

"Baby, be careful." Delaara said over their private channel. He switched to it.

"I will, sweetheart. Don't worry. I love you." He replied.

"I love you too, Jason. If he shoots you down..."

"He won't. But if he does, let him go. Orions aren't honorable, but I am. I'll face him in single combat." Jason said. He then switched back to open comm. "I accept, Captain. Single combat. If you win, you will be free to go."

"Do I have your word on that, Colonel?" He asked.

"Yes. As an Officer of Starfleet Command, you have my word."

"Good. You have my word, for whatever you think it's worth, that if you win, none of my family will pursue you. This is my vendetta alone. It wasn't how I would have wished you to meet your death, but it will do." Hunter replied. "Now, Colonel. Face me and we'll let the Gods decide our fates."

Jason smirked and started the Manowar song 'Let the Gods Decide' playing over the open channel from his MP7 player.

"Fitting." It was the last communication from the Orion before the battle started.

The Skulls formed up and watched as the battle unfolded. The duel to the death between two of the best pilots in the galaxy.

'Our ancestors cheer from far beyond the grave...'

Jason heeled over and warp burned at an oblique angle to the Orion fighter, which fired off two photon missiles at him. Jason increased the angle slightly, and the photons overshot him. He nosed up and in at the Orion, firing a burst of pulse phasers. The burst scored a direct hit as the Orion fired back, slamming into the Valkyrie's shields.

'One will survive...'

Jason slammed his throttle forward and warp burned around in a long arc before cutting thrust completely and spinning in place. He locked his trigger to the stick as the Orion came into his targeting reticule.

'Face me, then let the Gods decide!'

Their bursts slammed into each other at the exact same moment. Jason shunted his shields all forward and accelerated towards the enemy fighter. Hunter tried to bank, but the Valkyrie's phasers tore its starboard wing off as its shields buckled completely. The Orion disruptor burst peppered Jason's hull behind the cockpit as he flew past the now crippled Orion Corsair class fighter. As the song finished, Jason got on the comm.

"Surrender now, Captain. This will be your only chance, sir." He offered.

"I can't do that, Colonel. Your skills aren't exaggerated." The reply came back. "Send me to the Afterworld so I can be with my wife."

"Ok, Captain. I hope you find her." Jason targeted him and sent another extended burst into the Orion fighter, fireballing it. No EV pod ejected, and Hunter was gone in a fireball.

The cheers over the Squadron channel were loud and proud of their Squadron and Wing Commander and his show of skill. Jason felt the lump in his throat and the tears roll down his face. "Thanks, guys. Skulls, let's go home."


As they landed in the hangar deck, Jason and Delaara embraced again, kissing each other with more love and passion than before. She could see the tears streaking his face as she held him close.

"I know, my love." She said in Romulan to him. She understood why Hunter had done what he'd done, just as Jason did.

"If the situation had been reversed, I would have done the same for you, Delaara, my dearest heart." He replied in her own language. "I would have sought vengeance against those who had killed you."

"We are alive, Jassonn. He chose his fate, just as his love chose hers." Delaara was crying as well.

Rash saw their exchange, and held his usual 'get a room' comment. Instead, he moved towards them and hugged them both. "I understand, guys. Now, let's go face the music."

They walked towards the turbolift down to the Bridge together.

They were greeted with applause by the Bridge crew as they walked slowly to Rachael's Ready Room. Rachael, Donatra, and Angie were seated as the three pilots walked in.

Jason saluted. "Captain Thatcher, I hereby submit myself for disciplinary action."

She returned his salute. "Not necessary, Colonel. You gave him the chance to surrender. He didn't." She got up and hugged him, then grabbed Rash and kissed him hard and passionately.

"Get a room, you two!" Delaara smirked.

"We bloody well have a room. You three, get out of our room!" Rachael chuckled at them and shooed the four others out.


Cole and Donatra walked into 11Forward. Well, Donatra walked and Cole hobbled on his crutches. The shot to his shoulder hadn't been that bad compared to his legs, and Dr. Sarken and Doc Tavolk had been able to get him up and moving. He was still grinning ear to ear as they made their way to where Jason and Delaara were standing by the bar.

Jason grinned at his friend. "Cole, I'm putting you in for the Medal of Gallantry, as well as promotion to Lieutenant Commander."

"With all due respect, Colonel, I'll take the medal, but ye can shove that promotion up yer arse.... Sir." He grinned. "I'm a Skull, sir. I'm damn bloody well gonna stay one!"

"Yes you are, with the promotion, Bolter. You're also going to be commanding the new Delta Flight that will be flying off the IRW Valdore as part of the new exchange program with the Romulan Empire. But if you don't want the job...." Jason left it hanging.

"Sir, I hereby take back what I said about shoving that promotion up your arse." Cole nodded and gave his trademarked grin again.

"I thought you'd see it my way. Now, as for your Flight, you will have Lieutenant Logan as our other representative over there, and Donatra will assign your other two from her own pilots." Jason raised his beer to her and took another swig.

"That's right, Collin. We can be together when we're off duty." Donatra held him close.

"Dona, love, I would be more than honored to serve... under ye." He kissed her even as she giggled at the double entendre.

The rest of the Skulls showed up soon enough, and Steve shook both Cole's and Donatra's hands as he would be joining Cole onboard the Valdore. Nimitz would still have official command over their joint unit on the Valdore, but Cole would have field command on independent missions.

"Bloody hell, boys and girls!" Rachael shouted as she and Rash wandered in. "You started the drinking without us?"

Janet had agreed to keep track of Bryan and Brandon for them, so they could celebrate Cole's promotion and their survival over the course of the mission. They were in Warp back to Starbase 1 to await further Orders, and Comanche was with Nimitz and Valdore. They would be deployed to wherever they would be needed throughout Federation and Romulan space, and would be nominally under Captain Will Riker's command in Romulan territory with his command of the Titan.