All Comments on 'Love Me Tender - Please Pt. 03'

by Kathi

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AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Very Sad

This is a very well written story, one which captivates the reader. However watching the destrcution of what once was a good strong marriage is very sad. At this point I don't think I can imagine the marriage surviving, and the author's past stories don't support it either.

Perhaps Karen will truly realize the consequences, but by then it probably will be too late.

Still, it is well written and worth reading.


Simple49erSimple49erover 15 years ago
Well drawn selfish woman!

You really seem to understand selfishness in women. Impressive how you detail her lying not only to her husband but her self. She is the spouse who wants it all and does not seem to get that she cannot love her husband and love sex with others. On the other hand, you have created like many author's on this sight, a stupid male who makes all the obviously wrong choices and this of course allows you to play out the plot longer. I cannot fault your writing completely, but I do fault the plausibility of your development of the men in this story. The only honest moment in the story was the conversation between the husband and Donna when she revealed her relationship with her philandering, coke sniffing (and other) husband. Why did he not run to the doctor to see if he got the STD too? The holes in this plot need plugging and maybe a realistic ending is in the offing? Could you not at least have had him think to get a detective in Vegas?

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
What a sad bunch of characters - idiots at best!

It is really hard to like or feel empathy for any of the characters in this drama - they all deserve to get a serious STD that hopefully destroys their sexual ability till hell freezes over. Are these cast outs related to any of the losers that bonnietaylor type of stories dribbles out?

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
This drags

If you like watching train wrecks in veerrreeeee slooooowwww motion, this is worthwhile. Not my taste at all. (Other than being fairly well written, which is always good to see.) Redeeming virtues in the characters are depressingly scarce.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Should be in interracial, Ray should have been divorced and the slut has a S.T.D. Think I'll skip the rest.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Too long....

You have taken a decent story and tried to make it something it is not. It is simply too long, and most of it has not added to your story.

GenghisKhanGenghisKhanover 15 years ago
silly nonsense

25 points is for the patience of the writer. and to be honest, I read no more than a few short word of the story beyond the first a couple pages, just to establish what kind of characterization the story throw out; once that's done, little beyond psycho babbling can be learned from the story's characterization; you can skip pages and pages and you won't miss much because the story has not gone anywhere, except meandering from one meaningless sexual account and description to another.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago

Oh I know...the next LONG chapter will be Karen's POV of her trip to Vegas....and then the next LONG chapter will be about when Karen's STD...that she got from Trey who fucked wait...she gets it from Montrell in Vegas who fucked Donna...and since Ray fucked Karen pre-Montrell, he doesn't have it....Karen's world collapses when she realizes Ray has seen the Grotto tape of her and Trey...and tries to blame Trey for the STD...that way she hides her affair with Montrell...until Donna tells Ray that it was Montrell who gave her the STD...NO WAIT...Montrell doesn't have a wife...then it is Trey after all...he has a fat wife...but the clincher is when after Vegas...all the girls and guys came down with a STD including Adele and Montrell....the source was poor up and cumming Karen....and the children...they know what a cunt Karen is...and Ray is doesn't...hahahahahahahahaha

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
You need to trim the excess from your story

Each of these chapters are 10+ pages. I think that you could trim these by 25 - 30% without loosing whatever message you want to say.

Regarding the characters- the husband is brain dead. He catches the wife in ever escalating conditions and talks himself out of it. He almost dies and the wife gets thrown out of the house. But a couple of days later she's back and still going to Vegas?

And will we find out if Adele is actually on the Vegas trip? He hears about the owners both with STDs; and he doesn't run off to get tested himself?

This couple is perfect for each the way they lie to each other and themselves.

Judging by the authors track record we have at least another 10 - 15 chapters of this to go through before any conclusion.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
good story.

Should be made into a full length movie

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
just ignore

the comments about the characters or the length of the story. You're doing great. An very entertaining story. You painted her denial and his struggle just the right way. Please give us the rest very soon. G.Belgium.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Excellent story

And a real story it is! Rare for Literotica readers to see anything like this good. Keep it up.

shangoshangoover 15 years ago
You guys are suckers

Where was "Ray's epiphany"? All these pages and Ray won't admit to knowing a damn thing more than he did at the beginning of this dreck. Th rest of you chumps can continue on this excrement. I'm out.

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioover 15 years ago
Another well-written chapter where nothing happens

I liken this relationship (Ray and Karen) to one of an abuser and an abused. Ray is the abused spouse and Karen is abusive. The literature on abused spouses fits this relationship to a "T." The abused spouse feels guilty, that somehow everything is his/her fault and he/she deserves to be abused. It is very difficult for the abused spouse to rebel and to leave the relationship. When it's the woman who is abused, she can end up with serious injuries and yet still stay in the relationship, rationalizing to herself that she "deserved" what happened to her. In Ray's case, he is ending up with a lot of emotional injuries not to mention the physical ones from his run-in with Latino lover-boy. I believe most males would read this story and conclude, as I have, that at least to this point in the story, Ray is a pussy-whipped weakling who won't face reality and who goes back again and again for more abuse. I'm surprised that Donna did not bring the DVD showing Trey and Karen in Shangri-La (or is that the "grotto?") when they were just doing some innocent real estate training exercises . . . I really don't believe she want's Karen's relationship with Ray to survive, so why does she keep the DVD a secret from Ray?

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Good Grief!

Adele has shown more brains than most of these clowns put together. You're current theme of alcohol as the reason is ridiculous. The problems occurred long before booze got into the picture. There are so many plot inconsistencies that I don't want to keep track. Please end this story. Reconciliation, divorce...whatever, just put this baby to bed already.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Too Damn Dumb Nuthing!

Get on with it -This guy is dumb as a stump!

indyman2752indyman2752over 15 years ago
no longer worth reading

I agree with the others, Ray is too dumb to be real with absolutely no self esteem and no clue. She is an abusuve selfish bitch who has no reason to still be breathing.

I'm done.

NucleusNucleusover 15 years ago
Weiter so ...

Deine Geschichte ist eine emotionale Achterbahnfahrt. Das allein zählt. Mach weiter so. Ich werde am Ball bleiben.

(Your story is an emotional rollercoaster. This counts. Keep on writing. I'll watch and read your continuation. Thank you for enjoyment.

digdaddyrichdigdaddyrichover 15 years ago
I see rehab in her future

I just want to know what drugs she is taking. Whatever it is, it sure loosens up her libido and smothers her regret of cheating. I can't wait until she has to tell Ray that she has the clap, and she must have gotten it from him. The best thing Ray the pussy boy cuckold could do, since he isn't man enough to kick the slut out of his life, is to hang himself in the garage, and make it look like she murdered him. Set her up with false evidence that will be enough to convict her for his death. That's the only way a wimp like him will ever get back at her. What a worthless piece of shit he turned out to be. Oh well it's just a story, isn't it... Good writing though,the subject material and the theme seems to infuriate me, so it must be doing what the author wants it to do....Rich

tastesgreattastesgreatover 15 years ago
Kathi, Kathi, Kathi...

You are such a good writer. In general your plot development and character development is very good. What you don't seem to be able to do is write about believable main characters. I don't think anyone in 'real life' could be as hateful and stupid as these two. I really hope you have something up your sleeve to save this story....

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
she held his eyes and lied to his face

""A sudden realization, flashed like a light coming on in her mind, at how easy it was to lie to him. She stiffened and waited for a feeling of guilt or remorse to fill her but it did not come and she relaxed and let an internal smile form.""

Thats all that needs to be said for this lying cheating whore. She only wants what she wants, the drinking and pills continue after her promises, which we know continues to mean nothing. Wimpy Ray as always continues to believe the lies and does nothing. If he had actually showed some balls and presented her divore papers or kicked her out for a while then maybe the slut would realize what she is doing. She even continues to lie and excuse her actions and Adele is the only one who has any brains or sense. It will probably come out she has an STD and she will blame Ray for it as usual. Can't wait for that to happen. Maybe wimpy Ray will take the blame and let her run around will Montrell some more.

Still an interesting story but the lying slut needs to go so Ray can have a chance with a real woman.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
really sad

Wife and mother searches for a new role in life? sound good, doesn't it? but after reading now so many pages of a sad and not erotic story, I started to ask myself who is the writer? a woman? who has this woman so bitterly disappointed that she creates a woman who has everything and now goes and destroys everything she has. good kids, a good husband , father and lover? did she watch to much TV without the brainfilter an adult has to have? I don't know but I read her bio and it seems there is a new type of women around who unfortunately missunderstood the word emancipation. it did not mean the liberation of all values that have made a couple happy over more than 20 years. but as I wrote after reading the bio what else could anybody expect: Fetishes: Incest/cheating/nylon and then: Some words from Kathi:I have been married to the same man for 35 years. We allow ourselves some sexual freedom in our marriage as long as we do not hide it from each other. I write about experiences - mine, and other peoples. I find that my fantasies tend to creep into my stories.

So do you think somebody who obviously is proud to fuck around (and by the word experiences she wrote MINE, so to what kind of conclusions could a poor man like ME come to ? )could create something else as long as there is a guy besides her who says: well just have fun honey. me and the kids just wait for you to come home with some new std we can discuss having lunch. and I sure both of our kids have the same sexual exitement at school you had when you got the clap unfortunately we are to young to get stoned on drugs or booze. Conclusion: what kind of character has a writer called Kathi? who gets a sexual kick writing a story where everybody else around her gets harmed? well this question you have to answer yourself! by the way really good written but what a waste of talent.

tigertonytigertonyover 15 years ago
hoping it gets better

i wish women authors would quit trying to write stories where the women cheat, they make the hubby a dumbass and a wimp. this story is entirely too long. only reason i keep on reading is im hoping it gets better or the hubby gets a little smarter or grows a backbone. he hears a man when he calls her cellphone but nothing is mentioned of it later. thats dumb. donna knows about her affair but doesnt tell him, thats illogical. author gonna have to go a long way to make this story worth a dang.

Harryin VAHarryin VAover 15 years ago
A huge Pile of Mose Shit

Its Male Humiliation story now. I dont want to say "I TOLD YOU SO"... But I did.


Read this author's OTHER stories. Every single one features and idiot Husband... some even worse than this one.


everyone one of of her stories.


Read her Bio. ThE author-KATHI- says she has a totally OPEN sexual marriage.. which of course is crap. But here is the rub.


This author in her Bio says " I find that my fantasies tend to creep into my stories."


You see? THAT is WHY this story has turned into a huge pile of Moose shit. In Kathi's real life her Husband supposedly Knows about this author's sexual episodes.


In THIS story the husband does NOT.


ergo we have two options


1) the author Kathi really does have an open marriage but the author cannot see the difference between lying/ cheating on one's spouse and and open marriage. The author may be mentally ill.


2) the author does NOT have the open marriage says she does and lies about it here at LIT to take out her frustrations becasue she married badly.

Tearsofsorrow2Tearsofsorrow2over 15 years ago
At this point

in the story the only way the husband could be this stupid is if he had his brain removed. No one male or female is this oblivious. She treats him with contempt at every turn and he never does anything about it. She cheats and does not cover it up well and still dickless does nothing. As a writer you can write. Your problem is in believable characterization and your obvious hate of men. At this point I would expect nothing less then him pulling a "Pardo".

Tearsofsorrow2Tearsofsorrow2over 15 years ago

I have to say right up until the end of your analysis you were spot on. She did not marry poorly her husband did.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
This story was supposed

be also about some strength, compassion and love. Since most of times these words have positive meaning I though there would be something in this direction. Now I think I misunderstood. What kind of strength has Karen shown so far? The strength of consistently killing Ray’s love for her and ruining her family. What kind of strength Ray has shown? The strength of being patiently dumb. Compassion? She abandoned her husband while he was still recovering from his injuries and went to party and fuck in LV. Love? This could be used only in past tense. In other words the story has gone so negative, it is practically impossible for something positive to happen from now on. While I know it is an exclusive author’s right to develop the story anyway she wants, from reader’s standpoint it has become boring and uneventful. We knew well ahead of time her LV trip would turn to a wild orgy. The graduation party fuck up was also expected (at least for me). So why spend dozens of pages to tell us about something that we already knew? I can see half of the next part being about the details of Karen’s ”adventure” in LV. Finally she will say "Wait, Ray. I can explain.” and he’ll answer "I don't want any explanations” (which has become the most common verbal exchange between them), they will have a “reconcile fuck” (so she can show us some of her newly learned ricks), the next day she’ll forget about her promises and he’ll let her do whatever she wants. Way too predictable, nothing new and thrilling. The only new and interesting fact in the chapter was the STD thing……will see how Kathi will pay this hand down though.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I Trust You

After the last 8 comments, I'm afraid you are going to go have a "pity Party" and shoot yourself, Kathi, but I do trust what you said in the beginning of this tale in regard to strength, compassion and love, and I just have to keep on "enthusiastically" reading each episode in hopes that you do lead us to a fullfilling and honest conclusion! With all of the words you have put together in these first 3 sections, I can understand that you didn't have time to answer my 3 or 4 questions in the private mail that I sent. Please, understand that I am enjoying the story.

petletopetletoover 15 years ago
I won’t call Ray

A wimp or at least he is not the “classic” one. He is trying to fight in his own way (not successfully so far). He fully understands the situation but he definitely has melancholic and depressive personality. He acts being driven by emotions, not by common sense. Sometimes people like him are suicidal. I wouldn’t be surprise if the story comes to a tragic end – I can see him going something desperate and getting seriously injured or even killed.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I enjoy your engaging writing

Some of the one page wonders do not enough detail to the anguish and self doubt caused to the spouses in the 'known' extra marital affairs of their partners in loving wives.

I think that you have explained the self doubts and deliberations of the innocent doubting partner, as well as the frustration of the new found freedoms experienced by a once housebound wife.

You have accurately portrayed the denial thoughts of an alcoholic and the induced behavioural changes drinking causes together with the effects caused to a loving relationship

In a nutshell this story is not over stated or lengthy but covers enough ground to make it realistic and believable.

Ignore your detractors,keep up the good work.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Good writers

Good writers do not fall back on cliches, like the ones this story is filled with: 1) women who move into the work place automatically become sluts; 2)white sluts have to have black cock; 3)husbands are all stupid wimps with no backbone; 4) drugs and drinking make you lose your morals; I could go on but there are too many to count. I was hooked on the first segment, thinking the story had potential. But the last two segments read like garbage. I really wonder if the same person is still doing all of the writing or did the editor quit? Two other serious weaknesses: gratuitous sex and badly in need of editing, as someone has already said you only need to read about 1/2 paragraph on each page. The story could be reduced by at least 50%

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Story Characters

Developing believable characters has got to be one of the hardest jobs faced by an author. In this story Kathi has not demonstrated she has that skill. She is portraying Karen as such a weak, lying,low life slut that I cannot believe that Ray would have ever been attracted to her or surely never would have married her. It also unbelievable that getting a job and having a drinking and drug problem would have turned her into the slut she is being portrayed as. Likewise, I cannot believe that any husband could be as stupid or would behave like Ray since he is supposed to be an intelligent college professor.

Kathi, you had a good start in developing the characters but in my opinion you have lost it, you need to rewrite the last two parts.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
Without value but with wasted talent

She hasn't learned about life nor has she any intention of going there.<P>

Her world consists of a painful memory when she was treated badly in her mind by a man.<P>

Her mission in life is to punish all the men by making them into braindead spineless wimps by her hand.<P>

What a ludicrous waste of time and talent where only the very few sicko's into male humiliation cheer her on to fill their addiction to self disrespect.<P>

She is a broken record stuck on below low.

petletopetletoover 15 years ago
Some thoughts and question about Part 3

Most of people accused the author for showing Ray as a complete wimp. I in person will disagree. He bravely jumped in a fistfight with a lot large man who he didn't have any chance against. He also made an appointment with a divorce lawyer. On the other hand I feel Kathi is “teasing” us. Most of you think she is “on Karen’s” side but I’m not quite sure about that:

Is there a self-respecting straight-minded person who would allow himself/herself to get dead drunk at the his/her daughter graduation party (with all relatives and co-workers present), openly humiliated his/her spouse in public and on top of that let somebody fuck him/her in the garage and would take the side of his/her lover provided he/she is still in love with his/her husband (remember she opened up the garage door to let Montrell out) and also lied in front of the police about the reason for the accident (she said her husband got drunk)? What kind of a loving husband/wife would abandon his/her injured spouse and go on a “fun trip” after knowing he/she was the reason for the injury? How dumb one has to be after feeling himself/herself in marriage trouble (provided he/she doesn’t want to get divorced) would go to a trip when he/she know her spouse is about to meet a divorce lawyer? How smart is the new-rising star in real estate business not to know her business environment and the people who she works for (the owner is drug addict, his wife caught STD, etc.)? How come, somebody who knows his spouse almost freaked out about what he/she has been doing (note, a one who wants to keep his/her marriage) allowed herself to go to Vegas being aware his/her spouse is against that? Even more – she had promised to call Ray him every night but she just disappeared by the end of the week. Even a cheater has to be a little smart – why go to another room if you have one of your own (you know your spouse will call)? Why let your lover pick up your cell phone? The only explanation is dumb stupid.

That’s why I think Kathi is setting us about Karen. Let’s wait and see how it will turn in next chapter.

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
I love your story

Your story has so many different elements. I can understand Rays point of view, just because you accept the love of your lifes lies does not make you a whimp. I have to comend the author on her insight of this story. Let me just say bravo..bravo...

AnonymousAnonymousover 15 years ago
The Ray guy is unbelievably indecisive.

Before he’s done contemplating his misery and makes up his mind his bitch of wife will dump him and move in with her Latino lover.

petletopetletoover 15 years ago
The Part 4 key is definitely hidden into the STD

Since I’m impatient see the next part, I wish I could take a quick look at Mike’s and Karen’s gonorrhea test results (for those who would say they should come positive - not every intercourse with infected person transmits the disease). There are quite a few completely different scenarios for the story development just depending on who comes out positive/negative. The author is quite skillful so I don’t expect her to send the whole real estate office to the hospital, I’m sure she has a lot more subtle ideas.

petletopetletoover 15 years ago
I will make the weirdest comment ever:

Karen will end up with Mike. I know most people think it would be the Latino hunk but I am sure it won’t be him. He likes hunting for pussy and neither his age nor his social status is a match for Karen. Don’t forget she is 40 and comes out from a marriage that lasted almost 20 years. I mean he is fine for a short weekend trip but he won’t last for a longer journey - he’ll dump her as soon he finds something “fresher”. At the very beginning of the story we were informed 2.5 years after she was sitting in a fancy restaurant on the river bank, all dressed/made up, well tanned, pedicured, etc. and awaiting her daughter for an important meeting. In other words she was doing well (got money). Another point: who would set up a meeting with his daughter to discuss important matters at a public place provided they either live together or are on good terms? Answer is nobody. So it shows she was doing well and wasn’t living with Ray (otherwise she would have met her daughter at their home). Don’t forget Karen had a soft spot for Mike from day one. She even evaluated his body when they first met (see Part 1). I also don’t expect her to advance in her job – wild parties, lots of booze, pills (may be some other stuff) don’t bode well for anybody who is looking to advance professionally. So after Mike and Donna split (can’t say who is going to get the boot but it really doesn’t matter) and after Ray kicks her out who she will end up with? Obviously it will be somebody who can provide and satisfy her taste for money, luxury and high social status. Having in mind we are in a late stage of the story i.e. I don’t expect any new characters to show up I say it will be Mike.....I wish I was a writer:-)

vietvetvietvetover 14 years ago
Even wimps can get mad

but taking a shovel to someone dosnt make you any less a wimp. Karen will wind up with a pimp because she sells herself cheap.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 14 years ago

Does this guy ever grow a pair? Please tell me he does. You've created a guy that has superhuman patience. I know this is fiction but lets keep it a little plausible for entertainments sake.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 9 years ago
Loving it

this was the turning point chapter. I still don't see the husband as being wimpy or indecisive. It appears that you are simply building a strong case for him to leave with the knowledge that he did everything he could, and gave her every possible chance to change. This chapter cast her in the most unsympathetic light yet. She is in a cycle that just seems never ending: she shows remorse, gets angry, then falls into the same pattern of behavior.

The author also shut us out of her mind in this chapter. We don't know what was really happening in Vegas. Does it matter anymore? The next chapter might reveal her perspective, but so what. Her not calling is inexcusable. Her getting angry with him is inexcusable. The husband may have shared some blame at first, but he has redeemed himself.

Even if she did remain upright during the trip, the marriage is over. Ultimately, her attitude is the root of the problem here. At one point she gets it. Then the next moment she doesn't. Is it the alcohol? That doesn't help, but it is certainly not the root problem. The fact is she likes the changes in her life. Her remorse only seems to come when she gets caught and she realizes what she is about to lose.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 9 years ago

Five stars on this chapter. Again, this is an exemplary work. I see you haven't posted in several years and are more than likely no longer checking the site. Too bad. I really think this is one of the best works on this site. I am still hopeful of eventual reconciliation, but think she needs a bit of comeuppance. She has to have an actual change of heart and I am not sure how that will happen (authentically) given her failed changes up to this point. Barring a change, no reconciliation would be acceptable.

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333over 9 years ago
One last thought

in many ways, this story reminds me of the story Wicked, by Metamorphose. Equally well written - yours is probably better in quality. The circumstances that let to the wife's destruction were different, but her slow, corrupting decline while trying to hang on to hubby was heart-wrenching. That's what this story is like. My heart is breaking for these two, and the kids.

loveoverlustloveoverlustabout 9 years ago
A marriage is a partnership,they say.

So, when one partner is in to killing the 'business' of family happiness,its time for the other partner to step in. A 20 yr. old 'business' can't just be allowed to be pushed in to 'bankruptcy' so easily.It's high time Ray takes some meaningful action ,not necessarily BTB.

Both the partners seem to be in an 'overkill' mood,one by action the other by inaction.

Your luck with 5 stars seems 'unabated'. At least from my side. lol.

AnonymousAnonymousover 8 years ago

The author's main character becomes more and more pathetic. I'll try to ride this story to the end but nothing can recoup this character's image.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 7 years ago
I'm hooked at this point.

Feels like the author is setting up reconciliation based on her alcohol and I'm guessing drug problems. But she is incredibly selfish and hateful even when sober.

TatankaBillTatankaBillover 6 years ago

This is almost too painful to read. I began by thinking that Karen is a fool, but in this story I realized that the moron in this story is Ray: "Our vows of marriage are sacred to me but I don't know for sure if you've violated them or not." Seriously? He KNOWS she fucked Trey. He SAW her dry humping Montrell. Ray is getting too damned dumb to be believable.

Kathi, this is well written and you made me care about the characters. That's no small accomplishment. At some point- it was cumulative, I reckon- I stopped liking either one of them. I still want to know what happens to them. It's like watching a train wreck and I can't stop myself. But I'm now finding it very hard to put myself in your protagonists' places. I'm finding it difficult to empathize with such monumental stupidity. People say and do remarkably self destructive things- I've seen it happen. However, these two are a couple of jackasses. I hope you pull them out of this with some semblance of dignity...but I'm no longer expecting it.

It's a testament to your skill as a writer that I'm still reading.

AnonymousAnonymousover 6 years ago
5* but with serious reservations...see below

I totally agree with TatankaBill's comments, sadly I must say. His monumental stupidity spoils the story. I realise that if he was smart there would be no story but does he really have to be that stupid and gullible?

Ocker51Ocker51over 5 years ago
No One Is That Stupid

This story has lost all reality, no one is this naive and it spoils the story ⭐️⭐️⭐️

26thNC26thNCover 5 years ago

She is an unrepentant whore and he is a cretin. Hope you can save this, but it will be difficult.

BeauReadyBeauReadyalmost 4 years ago

These "chapters" are far too long! You need to submit all of this to a couple of decent editors.

Prolonging the narrative with mere vacillation by the husband is a cheap and boring trick. It doesn't help either the story or the characters. Frankly, for a man who has TWO PhD's, his doubts and vacillations are entirely inconsistent of an intelligent, educated man. You have unflatteringly painted him as a milquetoast boob. I've completely lost any respect or sympathy for someone so stupid who is so easily lied to and manipulated. He deserves everything he gets, including a cheating, whoring wife.

Anything after this is just more anticlimactic, long-winded garbage. I don't have any more time in my life left to waste on this claptrap. Such initial promise, only to plunge into the toilet. Sad.

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
Nothing new. Narcissistic and cheating slut. Stupid and clueless cuck

Same old worn out plotline. Wife is a slut and hubby is too stupid to see it. Writer has So called good wife become a wanton Whore. Of course hubby is a pathetic idiot and doesn’t stop it or even see when she throws it in his face. What did you do look up stupid in your family and design husband character around it. Ridiculous

bobareenobobareenoabout 3 years ago

Ray, the doormat, rose from the ground , almost inches from the dirt. Recognizing his error, he immediately flopped back to the floor, and sucked his worthless thumb, as his wife fed him sweet bullshit. Could you write this guy as more of a loser, please? I miss having him watching videos as his wife is getting fucked at a party he is attending.

CuckvoyeurfanCuckvoyeurfanover 2 years ago

I happened upon your profile page and saw this story. Unfortunately, Each chapter has the same descriptor, or teaser. I really enjoy your writing style, so I wonder if you would get more views if you used different descriptors for each chapter. On longer reads, I like seeing how a story is building, but having similar descriptors doesn’t allow for that. I took a chance and opened this chapter on its own. I will definitely look through your other works.

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