Magic Pills Ch. 06


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"You walked here?" I asked.

"Yeah, for the exercise, you know to lose a couple of pounds," she said.

"So he's coming over here to pick you up?" Linda asked.

"Should be here in about fifteen minutes," she answered.

Linda looked at me, then at Jude and grinned, "Well you have two choices; you can let your husband see two naked ladies lying on the deck, or three, one of them his wife."

"Yeah, well I think that's why he's picking me up. I told him about you guys sunbathing naked out here and I think he wants to see for himself!" she admitted.

"So get comfortable and join us," I told her.

To my surprise she did. She slipped of her shorts and panties and then pulled her shirt over her head. She wasn't wearing a bra, but sure didn't need one either. Linda kidded her about her wild bush saying that she should let Mike take the weed eater to it.

"He's talked about me trimming it, but I just haven't yet." She said.

"Well get him to help you, that's always fun," Linda said to her.

She laid back and tried to relax, but I know she was apprehensive about Mike seeing us there together, about her being naked outside. Jude was turning into a really good sport.

We heard Mike's car in the driveway and Jude started to fidget, wanting to do something besides just lie there as he walked in. The long whistle told her it was too late, that he had already seen us.

"Hello Sis," He greeted Linda, "sure seems like we're seeing a lot more of each other these days." He was being a smart ass.

He sat down on the edge of Jude's lounger and leaned over to kiss her, "I'm glad to see you're having a good time!"

She was perfect as she answered, "Just thought I'd work on my tan a bit," without the least show of nervousness.

"You don't mind do you?" she added with a sexy smile.

"Not a bit, oh no, not me," Mike replied quickly. Then he added, "Good to see you too Jackie."

"You certainly have a beautiful wife Mike," I put in, "I hope you're taking good care of her."

"You ready to take me home and take good care of me?" Jude asked with a much more wicked smile.

She got up and fetched her shirt and slipped it on, then pulled her shorts up, leaving her panties on the deck. "Come on Mike, take me home."

"Go on you hussy," Linda called out to her laughing as she walked out.

That weekend we were all going to my Mom's place on the lake for the day. Linda had known Mom since high school and she was like another sister around the house. We took Al's big SUV for the trip because we were taking an ice chest full of beer and snacks for the day. Mom always puts out a big spread to eat, but we liked to do our part too. We spent the day talking, teasing and laughing while we played on the lake, caught Perch, watched a ball game and just enjoyed the company of everyone.

I had told Linda to wear underclothes, shoes and socks. She just gave me a questioning look, but knew that I must have something in mind. We wrapped things up just at dark and packed the car for the trip back home. It's about an hour and half drive with all but the last ten minutes on country roads or Interstate.

A few miles from Mom's I mentioned that it would be a long boring drive, so I had brought a deck of cards to help pass the time.

"Anyone interested in a card game?" I asked

"What we playing?" Linda asked

"Strip Poker!" Joe kicked in.

"Yeah!' Alan confirmed.

These guys are so predictable. I opened the pack of cards and shuffled them on the back seat as I let the suggestion sit there.

"Well? You chicken?" Alan asked both of us.

"No, I was just picturing your naked ass driving this truck down the road!" I shot back.

"Come on Jackie," Linda said, "you know we are going to do it, just deal!"

Joe, Linda, and I rotated the deal, laying the cards on the console and using a single overhead light so we could read them. We played five card draw with nothing wild, except that is, the people playing.

The next 30 minutes were spent on a farm to market road with little other traffic and few roadside stores. We took turns losing, no one player gaining any big advantage. By the time we reached the Interstate I was down to my shorts, panties and bra, Linda had that plus her blouse, Al had his pants, shirt, and I assume boxers, while Joe had only his pants and boxers left.

The traffic on the Interstate was much heavier, and even though Al's Suburban sat high and the windows were tinted you could still see into the car. The game continued with Linda losing more now and soon she was down to her bra and panties. Al lost his shirt and Joe his pants then I lost two hands in a row, stripping me to my panties only.

Al then let out a little laugh and said, "Hey guys. Believe me I didn't plan this, but we're almost out of gas."

We all just looked at each other.

"It's your car and you do have the most on so I guess you get to fill her up," Joe replied.

"How about this?" Al let out, "we play one hand and the person with the worst hand has to fill it up?"

Linda and I looked at each other and grinned. Joe laughed and Al just kept smiling at us.

"Deal the cards!" Linda told him.

I was determined to win this hand, but I knew Linda was too, so I had to really concentrate. I was dealt two aces, 3,6,7. When the draw came around I took three cards. Linda took three, Joe and Al each tool two.

"Let me see if I understand this?" Joe put in before we were each dealt our new cards,
"the loser has to get out, dressed as they are and gas up the truck?"

We all nodded our acknowledgement.

"Well let's make it a little more interesting," he added, 'they get out like they are, but before they can get back in they have to remove one more piece! You guys game?"

Al being the only one who couldn't lose much jumped right in with his agreement, but Linda and I each agreed without much doubt.

"Ok guys, show your cards!" Joe said as he laid down a pair of Kings with and Ace kicker. Al promptly set down his three Queens. Linda looked at me and spread out her hand. She had 4,8, 10, Jack, King. I grinned at her, and she knew. I proudly laid out my 2, 3, 6, 8, 10 and cried out, "Yes!"

"You slut!" she laughed, "I threw away three fives!"

"The next gas station if you please James," I said with a giggle.

As chance would have it the next station was on the very northern outskirts of town and a major intersection. The station was a major brand, well lighted and pretty busy. It was almost ten at night so I wasn't concerned about kids seeing me as I slipped on my tennis shoes. Al pulled into the middle service isle and stopped. I opened the rear door and jumped out. I had forgotten the credit card so had to stand there leaning against his window while Al fished it out of his wallet.

I slipped the card into the machine and selected the gas and started pumping. This one did not have an automatic lock on the handle to keep it running so I had to stand there and hold it. Clad only on tennis shoes and high cut panties I pumped gas and drew a crowd.

Two middle-aged guys pulling a fishing boat were in the isle next to us and they just stood there and gawked at me. A young man came out of the convenience store and stopped dead in his tracks. Another car started to pull off, then the driver saw me and circled the station to get another look. A car coming up to the traffic light on the street turned in so sharply that I thought he would wreck. He pulled up to the store, got out and rested his arms on the roof as he stared across the lot at me. I was in heaven!

The Suburban has a big tank and I guess that I could have stopped pumping gas when there was enough to get home, but I put in every last drop it could hold. Then when the machine prompted me for a receipt I said yes and waited for that too.

My nipples were hard, my panties wet and I know my whole body was flushed red. I walked back around to my door and found it locked! Linda made a motion, pointing at my panties and I remembered the raise on the bet. I smiled at her through the glass and hooked my thumbs into the waistband and slipped them off in one motion. I spun them on my finger and tossed them to the fishermen.

"They'll never believe you anyway!" I said as I heard the door lock pop and climbed back into the car.

I was naked and out of the game now. Everyone but Joe ended up that way on the rest of the drive, somehow he managed to keep his boxers. Al dropped us in our driveway. I gathered my clothes in my hands and walked stark naked to the house. As we passed through the door I tugged his shorts off. We went to sleep several hours later.

We didn't hear from Jude until Monday. She was all excited about going shopping with Mike over the weekend. Judging from the description of some of the clothes she bought Mike must have been excited too. The magic pill therapy was working on that couple perfectly.

Jude told us that Mike was being the most perfect husband in the world. She said that for the first time in years she felt in love. I could relate to that.

"By the way," she told me. "I'm mad at you."

"Why?" I asked concerned.

"You lied to me! It doesn't taste anything like Sweet Tarts!"

I burst out laughing and replied, "Well you'll get used to it."

"Three times this weekend," she bragged, "and the last time was in the car on the way home from the mall. I thought he would die!"

"Judith!' I exclaimed, "You are turning into such a slut, next thing you know you'll be running around the house naked!"

It was her turn to laugh, "Come check it out, naked, shaved to a little heart and happy as hell!"

"Jackie," she started in a serious voice, "I want to thank you and the others for helping us like you have. I never would have suspected that I could be this happy and feel this free."
"Oh Jude, I'm just glad that you're happy! Someday maybe we can find that Doctor and thank him!"

We talked a little longer and then had to go so we could get ready for our hubbies.

That night after a nice dinner and a run into the grocery store that was one long teasing session, Joe led me to our bedroom.

First he blindfolded me with a silk scarf, then slowly stripped off what few clothes I had on. He pushed me to the bed and helped me down. Then I felt him tying my hands with more scarves. "Oh boy" I thought.

Our big four poster bed is perfect for this kind of thing, but we seldom used it like that. I really enjoyed the sensation of helplessness that being tied gave me, and Joe knew it.

Soon I was spread eagle and naked on the bed, open to whatever he had in mind. He began with his fingers, just ever so lightly slipping them over me, tickling the fine hairs on my body. Kisses followed, soft tender kisses in all the right places. Not being able to see heightened my awareness of touch and each soft caress of his hands or fingers sent a chill through me. My body was responding beautifully to the stimulation and the feeling of his bare flesh against mine excited me. His warm breath covered my body in waves of pleasure and his lips touched off fires as they glided over me.

His teeth touched a nipple and closed tenderly sending a river of chills through me. His hands glided up my thighs and surrounded my pussy and I arched up to meet him. He denied me as I knew he would, but I had to reach out to him, for his touch.

His tongue parted the folds of my pussy and my whole body jerked in orgasmic bliss as the first of many ran through me.

He licked and sucked and nibbled for an hour, all over my body. I was dripping wet and so hot that I was moaning with each of his touches. My breasts were tight, and my nipples so hard to be almost painful. My clit was swollen and tender, and wanting more as his tongue and fingers played over it again and again.

Finally he slipped inside me with his hard cock. It felt so wonderful as it parted and speared me, driving to my depth in one strong push. He slowly worked in and out, taking long and powerful strokes into me. I was lost in the heat of sex as he pumped into me.

The orgasm started deep in my gut and slowly expanded like a balloon being inflated. I cried out obscenities and pleas for him to fuck me harder, faster, and deeper. Then like someone letting go of the end of the balloon it collapsed and I came in a rush of quivering and laughing and moaning pleasure.

Just as I let loose with the best orgasm of my life Joe pulled out of me and shot his cum all over me. He splattered my breasts and stomach, one burst hitting my chin and pooling on my throat. I was in a sexual stupor and his hot cum carried my orgasm on and on.


Jackie looked beautiful laying there, her arms and legs tied to the four posts of the bed, her naked form spread out under me and available. I had made love to her, fucked her as completely as I could with my whole body. I ended bathing her in my love.

I had been waiting for this moment for months, for more than half a year I had been hoping for the perfect time. Now with my lover dazed and satisfied under me I knew the time had come.

I crawled up her body, moving to my knees over her. The touch of her skin was electric against my thighs. My softening cock drug over her body, slipping through the cum still covering her. She was smiling and looked so at peace.

"You know that my agency insures some very sensitive companies," I started.

She didn't respond, just laid there breathing and smiling with her eyes closed.

"We have to be very careful about confidentiality with our clients. " I went on.

Still she lay tied and at peace, moving her body slightly to change the points of contact with mine. My thighs were against the side of her breasts now and I was still slowly moving up her.

"To insure that we provide our clients with confidence that they can leave their secrets with us we installed a monitoring program on all our computers, particularly for our email and internet systems."

Her eyes came open, but they didn't show that she was registering understanding yet.

"I do a lot of my work from home, as you well know, so the system at home is networked with the office."

Her eyes were wider now and she was shaking her head trying to clear the sexual fog from it. I continued to slip up her body and was now sitting just below her chin. Her mouth was open, but no words were forming.

I took my hardening cock in my hand and fitted it into her mouth, stuffing her full.

"Next time you talk to the Mad Scientist tell him I said thank you, thank you very much!"

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AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Great, one of the BEST

Baddogie59Baddogie59about 5 years ago
Secret Revealed

As he has her all tied up and in a orgasmic coma he lets her know he is aware of her knowledge of the magic pills and the source. Nothing like getting caught with your hand in the cookie jar. Got to love when your secret is revealed and your all tied up and in a organic coma.

Jackie I truly enjoyed your story with a great deal of interest. No wait....wrong word...Intensity and involvement is a better description.

I was a bit saddened to see you have not taken this a bit further with more chapters but even more saddened to see you have not posted any other stories sense 2005.

I will need to send a direct correspondence to you and see what happened.

Sure hope I get a response and all my comments where just in vain that will never be read by Jackie.... Now that would be even more heart breaking....

Winks with a Smile..... :-)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

Magic pills or not I never get in these stories the pulling the cock out as spraying the cum over the woman's body, it is body that action is best left to porn videos and films as it can be seen, in the written word it has very little effect. In Literotica description the better way in the written word is how the woman's experieces her orgasms as it washes the inside of her vagina.

Tuzolto54Tuzolto54over 8 years ago

I wanted to wait until the end to comment. This is one of the best I have read on lit, I kept waiting for it to jump the shark and the girls stand banging everyone and anybody but you kept it right on the money. Titillating, but between a man and his wife thank you for keeping it there. You have talent, keep it up, and you have a new fan.


AnonymousAnonymousover 9 years ago

Well, here I am again. Good ending, Jackie. Second time read was just as good as the first. Cheers! connoisseur29

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