All Comments on 'Marriage as a House'

by Tx Tall Tales

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

How sweet.

scalinghammerscalinghammerabout 11 years ago
a change of pace

This is a change of pace. Most if not all of your previous stories have been upbeat and fun. This is a much darker story. I will admit I like the lighter fare. Keep up the good work no matter light or dark.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Sorry, intervention needed

Nothing like beating up the wife to control her and dominant the dialog. Your protagonist is bat shit crazy. That isn't the way to do it.

But it is just a story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Interesting views

My wife and I have a saying "Death comes before divorce in the dictionary". I've never thought about it applied in this way, but the story makes sense to me. The violence is a little strong for real life. Good read and thought provoking on the importance of vows.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Brand new story

Only three comments so far. Not to worry. The Taliban will show up shortly to give you 5's. Well, on second thought , they might call you a wimp since you only hit her in the gut twice, threatened her with death and killed the guy who wanted to fuck her. Of course, she never actually did it but someday she might have. Everybody knows that beating and killing people for thinking about adultery is legal in every state. In fact, in Virginia, husbands get medals for doing that.

Guess you're just an old softie.

SKHPSKHPabout 11 years ago
I didn't like this guy

A brute - arrogant and selfish.

Tx, keep on writing! I admire your enormous output of well written stories, even if one lacks a sympathetic hero. A good 4*.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Well done.

You worked this set of themes - fight off the seducer, the friend who sets up the victim - as well as in any story I've seen on this site. Basic principles, clearly stated, carried to logical if at times disconcerting conclusions. Hitting the spouse and threatening murder (calls for banning the story and or author to follow in 5, 4, 3 ...) as demonstration of commitment -- that's a pretty good hook, daring even, and not easy to pull off. Then, the protagonist's simple, confident thoughts about certain retribution to come work to generate suspense with zero explanation (or need for explanation) about the protagonist's background (the old Navy Seal, martial arts, boxing stuff) enabling him to so act ... and the story is better for that.

chastenchastenabout 11 years ago
Enjoyed it

Didn't really like the guy but who says you have to like the characters for it to be a good story? I enjoyed reading it and that's what matters.

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 11 years ago
This is how Orthello should have done it !

As an agent provocateur for out of box & unsanctioned marital solutions in times of strife, this story is superb. Most men would fall short of the standards of mastery the narrator had. Napoleon & Machiavelli united could hardly have concocted a more effective plan. Yet another uber-compelling read from Tx Tall Tales. Full marks.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

If we don't support this story with a 5 we need to become wimps

Vulcan_in_OhioVulcan_in_Ohioabout 11 years ago
Liked a lot of it but not the beginning . . .

I can understand the emotions here, but hitting one's wife multiple times, choking her, and threatening her with death don't go along with a loving relationship. A wife is not property, and as noble as following one's vows might be, the law permits divorce and a spouse is not permitted to use bullying and threats to prevent it. Physical abuse and intimidation are not the way to win friends, influence people, or renew intimacy. Were I the wife, I think killing hubby in his sleep would be defensible. It could be justified on a domestic violence/self-defense basis -- women have been exonerated for more than that, in recent trial cases.

The rest of the husband's actions are much more sympathetic. One in theory could justify killing the creep on the basis of self-defense (he threatened to kill hubby and fuck both the wife and child in front of him before killing him); it's obvious the law did not deal with the bad guy in this story (suspended sentence!). Of course, it's just a story and one cannot legally be a vigilante, but it rings the chimes for the reader who is outraged at the actions of the man who issued the threats, was behind the "alienation of affection," and so forth. The writing was a bit emotionless but was technically pretty good, and it kept my attention. Thanks for writing.

Rogn123Rogn123about 11 years ago

Lets hope she doesnt grow up and become tired of his controlling ass. How fun could it be living with someone who threatens to kill you, your relatives and your friends knowing the psycho would actually do it if he felt justified in his own mind?

Rob ConnerRob Connerabout 11 years ago
Strong, But Good.

The man did what he had to do. I'm not crazy about some of his methods, but you have to admit they were effective. If he cut her loose he would have gotten screwed in the divorce. His only other choice was to do her IN> Good Tale!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Well written and a great plot. While our society disdains physical violence that Is only because we have become a society of wimps. To allow your marriage to be destroyed by a stupid wife and a rotten bastard is foolish. There is a reason why the traditional punishment for adultery was death. We now that we live in a decadent society that permits the destruction of families and children for the benefit of selfish individuals. It is wrong.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Hey Tex

Great Work on this! And thankyou! I have never understood or would agree to any rationale of striking a woman...especially one you love. Imagine my shock to find you paint a story where it worked. It has to be a testament to your writing. For my own conscience, I prefer to see it as an allegorical image (i.e. "he had to slap some sense into her"). Gosh, that most disturbing of scenes was made more powerful as he refused to let her uttter the words that would destroy their marriage. It helped us to understand his character that when he did it, he was sober, and it truely was a onetime event and wake-up call. Plus, he had time to reflect, and accept accountability for his own failings and contributions to the marital woes, and remained commited to correcting those mistakes; never expecting her to do anything he wasn't also prepared to do to work towards a solution, together, the way it is supposed to be. I know the germ of this idea was to present a situation where the husband took control, to prevent the unforgivable mistakes from happening, and to truly fight for his marriage. You are right that not enough of these stories exist on this site. You are a very talented writer, and I really appreciate the way you challenge your readers to think, even if you attempt to go against something that many would hold as strongly held beliefs. An easy 5 stars, and can't wait for the next.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Novel Plot and well done

Certainly one of the best of this authors. I did feel that in the latter part of the story it could have been trimmed to make it flow better. Had a problem with the wife knowing that ever since college her best friend was a slut and how she encouraged her for years to try it and then she let's Karen introduce her to a sexual predator which according to all accounts in the story was not the least be handsome. This turn around in his wife's behavior seems ridiculous. Also after the married couple confronts the attempts of Chester to fuck her, then an only then does she very slowly realize what she was blind to for 6 months which makes her extremely naïve. Also the Chester then appears to be a very crude, ;loud mouth brute and I doubt he could be such a great actor with the wife during the seduction phase. I just have a really hard time believing the wife could be so gullible and naïve.

FD45FD45about 11 years ago
The first story of yours I have read, I believe

I enjoyed it.

FD45FD45about 11 years ago

No. I read your ending to "The Joke".

So it wasn't a stand alone, so it doesn't count.

Hmm. That one, first you went Dark Shadows, then you went Disney.

This was a much more consistant tale.

katibkatibabout 11 years ago
Loving Husband?

Good writing, edited well--almost perfectly. But the character! He's proud to be a hard-headed businessman and lmagines he can apply his "principles" to his marriage.

To him marriage is a contract to be enforced by instilling fear into his spouse. And--even worse--he thinks that dressing up involves pulling on his dockers and wearing a polo shirt. Give me a break! Five for the writing and zero for the theme.

BTTapBTTapabout 11 years ago
Mixed reaction from me

Loved the concept. A weird head space I climbed into with this author's words: the hubby was a sociopath. Hated the depiction of domestic violence, and threats of domenstic murder, but it wasn't as if the author was endorsing it, just running with an idea....

The seduction route was very realistic: the stay at home wife and mother, the 7 (or 8) year itch, the serial seducer zeroing in on his prey (wrong metaphor, but whatever), the hubby busy with work, not keeping the home fires burning like they both should...this shit happens. How he dealt with it was definitely different.

I enjoyed some of the hubby's takes on things: fighting for his marriage, insisting on full disclosure, taking a stand against those who encouraged/stood by while the affair gained momentum, etc. I also liked his thinking about letting her see the error of her ways before she went too far-the only way he could trust her (at least in the short term). Still, couldn't help but think that hubby's attitude was not that the marriage was a house, but rather that his wife was his chattel...a fine distinction?

I'm completely okay with having some things left unsaid and unknown (how hubby first got tipped off, etc.). There were some disconnects, however....

First, hubby claims that he intervened before it went too far. How could he possibly have known? He didn't have his web of gadgets up and running until after the confrontation. His informant wasn't one of the wife's confidants. In fact, he didn't intervene--the intervention was thrust upon him. Despite his claims of being proactive, he was reactive throughout the entire story-he didn't even confront the seducer until/unless it was in response to the seducer trying to contact the wife.

Second, I just didn't buy the wife's plan. She didn't want a divorce (that would be what she would fear about having an affair). So, she wanted a separation to try a new guy on for size? What now? She either has a moral qualm about screwing around while married or not. A separation wouldn't ease that, and again would make it more, not less, likely that her affair would be found out. Granted, the other guy was certainly feeding her so much bullshit, but he wouldn't be urging her to divorce or separate from her hubby-he would want to discourage it.

I still enjoyed the story and it's delivery very much and gave it 5*.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Triple T

I haven't started reading yet, but I have exception with your statement in your prologue apoligizing as a "Romantic". It's o.k. to be a Romantic, but more than that, when you stop, step back and look at divorce, especially with kids, it is much more logical, economical and moral (in most cases) to try to heal it. Now, I'll go read.

Rockyderek_caRockyderek_caabout 11 years ago

Good job with the rationale of running interference before it's too late. Liked the characters, all plausible... But, I think that our intrepid hubby and Jerome should get creative and a bit devious with ssome sexual servitude... Nothing like some bondage tape and a home-made bobdage X-cross.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
To Anon: Brand New Story

Taliban has arrived & gave it a "5"! Now you can go back to your closet and watch your wife/girlfriend get fucked in the ass, "jack off" and feel ALL BETTER!

dinkymacdinkymacabout 11 years ago
Interesting story --

thanks for sharing!!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

A man working on saving his marriage? He's not even a real man, real mean don't hit women you piece of garbage and for you to write it must mean you condone it.

BigJohn601BigJohn601about 11 years ago
I like a proactive response to a marital threat....

And snakes need stompin. Great story.

winterfoxxwinterfoxxabout 11 years ago

I almost put the title of this comment in caps ...

What an interesting story and reader reviews!

I won't say I agree with the domestic angle ... but it fit your character as you developed him. As a reader I understand this is fictional story and I may not agree with that part but I allowed myself to thoroughly enjoy the rest!

This story has a unique approach and I give you credit for developing it well.

Thanks for the read!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
really sorry

you have always to go from one extreme to the other and neither is erotic. if you tell your wimp/nymphomaniac/stupid bulls story or like this one a stupid wife/bad friends/psychopathically assessed husband, nothing is likeable. and therefore not erotic. you write good and can tell a story, unfortunatelly so exaggerated you start to not like the author, as everybody knows it's a story and the story is told by the story teller. so if the story just contains assholes what makes that the story teller. even worse of course when the story teller tells us it's true.

RhomanovRhomanovabout 11 years ago
Dominant Side

Scorched earth policy .... A nice change from most and quite well done. This reads more like a possession tale instead of a partner tale. Still, it works. The quarry was a nice touch.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

You've written one of the rare few stories that makes me despise the husband far more than the wife. The "murder the lover" thing has been done before in darker stories, and while I enjoy some BTB it seems to be rational only among the more extreme of the BTB crowd to start committing murder. It's odd, and probably hypocritical, but I really could give a rat's ass for the dead lover. But the abuse, physically one's wife and threatening her with death in order to make her love you again (fear, not love) is far worse than the cheating, The marriage was dead the second she cheated and lost respect for him. For him to take it across that line was not merely a loss of honor, but stepping far beyond the bounds of anything acceptable.

A domestic abuser is 1000X worse than a cheating slut. End of story. They have no honor, no respect for themselves, and behave like a lower form of shit than the lover in this story. They're animals, preying on the weak, must like a serial seducer. Honestly, the only thing that made the lover worse in this story was the threat against the daughter, and the husband made it clear from the beginning that he was going to commit murder and instigated the fighting.

As for the sick fucks among the readers who thought this is a legitimate way to conduct a marriage, fuck off to the middle east you shitbags. Adultery has always been a purely hypocritical issue - men are given a wink and a nudge for the boys will be boys attitude while the women must die for adultery. Spare me the Biblical shit - most of the stories here violate half the commandments. You are an embarassment to those of us who enjoy BTB stories for the entertainment value yet are still capable of clearly understanding the boundaries.

As I've said before, your stories are hit and miss. This one's a miss, though I'll give it three points for sheer creativity and what feels like morbidly watching a train wreck in progress.

TXanyTXanyabout 11 years ago
Wow...5 star times 3.

I enjoyed page one a lot...and thought then that you could have broken it into a single chapter and then picked up with page two, but was glad you didn't...then page two was equally entertaining! Page 3 was good and I was glad to see how understated the ending was...but cold, cold cold! This one had a different flavor than your others...almost a different writer...which to me, means you are really doing a good job stretching your skills.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Loved It

I never comment on any stories. I loved this one. I loved the imagery of the house & the gate. Yes, it is a little violent and not politically correct at all, but it is right. That is how I would want ( and expect) my husband to react. The feelings the characters express are very real and gut retching. The reaction of the wife and the sister to the husbands' plans are authentic. Everything in the story is so refreshing, no wimpy men or overly important women. The moral of the story is perfect for this site. Simply put your marriage and your partner first. Thank You

x_witless_xx_witless_xabout 11 years ago
I absolutely fucking hated it

and loved it at the same time. How the fuck did you do that to me?

Extremely well writ. 4*

in2itdeepin2itdeepabout 11 years ago
Best one you've ever written!

It has everything! You didn't pull any punches and the philosophy you portrayed was right on. Keep it up....please....soon. Thanks!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Run Donna Run

Why would Donna want to be married to an asshole like that. He is a control freak and psychopath. No wonder the marriage was on the rocks. He is not a real person nor are there any real life paybacks in that story

SparksWillFlySparksWillFlyabout 11 years ago
I Like Your Writing

But this guy is the world's biggest asshole times ten. As the story progressed, he became even more ugly in thought and deed. The real question isn't can he ever trust her again? It's how can she stand to live with this controlling asshole? (And this is from a committed fan of BTB stories.)

LeFrog08LeFrog08about 11 years ago

A husband with a huge set of balls.

He may be a bit extreme but, hey, he's looking after his "house".

A nice change from the wimp cuck tale all too prevalent nowadays.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Character development

I felt you could have done more to develop the main character more fully. He came off as being a little one dimensional.

Still, I liked this cautionary tale.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Not bad a little to extreme knocking off gerald.

Is he a mafia hit man. His killing of Gerald was over the top.and to threaten his wife life if see wanted to leave him.doing what is necessary to protect your home is one thing. But killing him he should pay the price,not get away with it. I cannot see what the wife sees in that sicko.he is now controlling her with his threats and intimation.

gatorhermitgatorhermitabout 11 years ago
Interesting and well written story

I don't think I could do what the husband in this story did. Not even sure he was correct in what he did. Sure makes for an interesting read, though. Five stars.

elHosedelHosedabout 11 years ago
Loved it!

I'm with the author, never understood the penchant to let the most important thing in your life fall through your fingers. I like how this guy actually faught for his wife, even when she wasn't willing to. If more people faught for what was important in their lives, the world would be a better place.

The violence, although reprehensible, was necessary as well. Sometimes the only thing that'll shock someone out of their trance is a good smack of reality. Obviously this story started well past the more "socially acceptable" forms of reality smacking had occured over the prior months.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
finally a non wimp and cuckold story

great work as always my only complaint is the domestic violence

Tx Tall TalesTx Tall Talesabout 11 years agoAuthor
This is Fiction - Do Not Try This At Home!

Thanks for all the feedback. I tend to agree with the naysayers about domestic violence. Never have hit a woman, not even when sorely tempted. Don't believe I ever will. That said...

Watching the Quiet Man, thinking about The Taming of the Shrew, I got to thinking if there was ever a case for hitting a woman. Would you do it to save her life? Of course. Save your marriage? Hmmm...

What kind of man would do that? Can I make him even the least big likable? That would be hard as hell. Of course a man who would resort to violence against his wife, would probably have no issue at all when it came to payback against the cheating bastard who went after her.

The whole marriage as a house analogy, was not a part of the original concept. It developed from the initial dialog I wrote between the couple, and I gave it a little more recurring theme throughout the story.

Those of you who see no reason for violence whatsoever, I'm probably not going to make very happy here. Those who don't believe in hitting women, again, I see the point. As a work of thoughtful fiction, I wanted to test the boundaries.

Is he cold, controlling, overbearing? Yes. But only afterward, as a last resort. Not something he wants to be, not in his marriage. He thinks it's whats needed to stop the unforgivable, and I want to believe that with time, the trust would return, and he'd stop keeping track of her actions, and return to the way things were. It wouldn't be easy, but I tried to make it look like they were on their way.

Again, my $.02 about the reasoning behind some of what I chose to write. Went for the early shock value, as a literary tool, and ran with it. Personally, some of the stories in this genre, even I don't like the characters (A Joke, That Damned Valentines Day Card, Eco-Friendly Cleaning). I could relate to this guy, as someone desperate to stop things before they went too far. Kind of liked him, to be honest.

leviayersleviayersabout 11 years ago

great story envy your imagination and creativity 5

cliqueggecliqueggeabout 11 years ago
You draw an enormous amount of comments

Interesting conundrum here, I really like your writing but not the character or the content. So I guess from that point I wont be giving it a high score this time.

You ask a pertinent question in your response to comments "Is there any excuse for hitting a woman" The answer for me is Yes if it is in defence of me or my family, and by defence I mean from harm, but I can see absolutely no reason to hit a woman for "behavioural modification" or similar issues.

If my wife wanted to have an affair then it would be her choice, I tell her often that I love her and show it in many ways, if that isn't enough for her then fighting her is a waste of time.

Thanks for an interesting story.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

A dark tale but one told very well and well explained. Still a 5 star experience for me.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

You know what you tell a woman with two black eyes???


You've already done told her twice....

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
He doesn't love his wife.

He instead treats her like chattel property. He is so full of himself, so full of pride. No normal woman would tolerate his violent, self-justifying ways and his crude threats. As a fictional character he is the antithesis of the more common cuckold/sissy that upsets so many men here. He exudes quiet confidence and complete control of his surroundings, making his wife, friends, and the police bend to his will. In that regard he is a fantasy action hero, a wish fulfillment for many men. Always right, always reasonable, always justifying himself to himself, and willing to visit violence on anyone who crosses him, wife or otherwise. A monster.

karan9876karan9876about 11 years ago
Domestic violence???Your a jerk.

As someone rightly said in the comments section that domestic violence is justified only if your saving yourself or your family from bodily harm or something like that. In this case it's not. You deserve to be whipped (non-stop i might add).

1 star and totally disgusted.

betrayedbylovebetrayedbyloveabout 11 years ago

Makes up for your last tale on LW. A husband fought for his marriage and won. Luckily the wife hadn't cheated yet, just teased it, or there would have been no chance. I don't know if love won out in this tale but just say that sanity won out. Anyway a tale worth reading.

MasoilsaxMasoilsaxabout 11 years ago
Perfect reaction

Like the old need to be cruel to be kind...then only they will understands the cost of their actions

solotorosolotoroabout 11 years ago
Fun story

You truly are a "romantic". This guy spooks even me. Bitch is trapped and she knows it. One question regarding your openning remarks: if you have to fight to keep it, is it really true love?

hansbwlhansbwlabout 11 years ago
The second last paragraph killer it!

Murder is poor revenge. They do not live to feel the loss and pain. Therefore the story went from a 5 to 3 for me.

Huedogg2Huedogg2about 11 years ago
gave it a three, just for the writing

If I have to kick her ass for her to stay then I don't need her. If she feels so little for the marriage then fuck her and move on.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
To much

I would have liked the story alot more without the wife beating. I'd rate it a 1 or 2 solely because of that however I'm going to give it a 3 since I enjoyed the rest. You really are a good writer. One of my favorites. It'd have been a 5 if you could have found a way for him to cut off what she was saying without physical violence. There would have been plenty of ways for him to do so. The only excuse a man has to use physical violence against a woman or child is to physically protect himself if he or someone else is being attacked and even then it should be limited only to what is necessary to stop the assault. Any man who beats on a woman isn't a man...he's just an animal and I can't relate to a main charter that's an animal.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
this story

is... different

4 starrs

LordSlamdawggLordSlamdawggabout 11 years ago
Tragicomic commenters

They fail to see the difference between downgrading a story because it's bad & downgrading a story because the narrator / main character doesn't act as the commenter would. Clearly the author must pay if he doesn't pander to their dysfunctions.

hawkeye0007hawkeye0007about 11 years ago
good story

I had no problem with the revenge on the wife or the bastard who tried to seduce the stupid wife. She was lucky her husband loved her as much as he did, very lucky. 5 stars

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago

He did way he had to do. The man was a predator and when he threatened to rape the now rejecting wife and the 6 year old daughter then death was appropriate. A bit harsh with the wife but it was a shock treatment and he really did not injure her, more like scared her with a few non life threatening hits.

JackorChuckJackorChuckabout 11 years ago
Violence Against Women

I realise that this is fiction, but I cannot condone the cold blooded way he assaulted his wife at the start of the story. I grew up believing that it is wrong to hit a women and I still believe that any man who does is not a man. In this forum of erotic stories concerning cheating wives we should not accept that violence against women is OK.

HarddaysknightHarddaysknightabout 11 years ago
I had to think about this one.

My first reaction was that the husband was one scary dude and keeping a marriage intact through fear is no way to "save" a marriage. But we have to realize that this is fiction, and well written fiction. It presents a different way to approach that age old problem. Hopefully, most men would not try this remedy, but this guy did and it worked for him. As a story presenting a different, if radical, way to approach the fidelity issue, it was very effective.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Craft vs Subject matter

The writing itself is fine; the subject matter (for me) is not. One does not use violence and constant threats of death against a person to keep a marriage together.

The writing itself was engaging and dark. While I did not enjoy the subject matter at all, it kept my attention all the way through.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

This is a story of physical and mental abuse. The main character comes off as the villain and although I wanted to dislike the wife I only felt sorry for her.

studebakerhawkstudebakerhawkabout 11 years ago
Good thing you made Gerald out to be such a monster.

It was the only way you could make hubby look good. I very much agree with the earlier craft vs. content remark. This was an awful story written awfully well.

BDEarthBDEarthabout 11 years ago
Very Intriguing

Although its fiction; we know there are men in this world like Allen. This was a dark story that kept my attention. I don't condone domestic violence; but it set up Allen's character very well. Allen was not going to be a cuckold (Triple T made that very clear) and I agree with him. She was on the brink of violating her vows beyond repair; but he wanted to save his marriage, to save his "house".

I'm pleased that this story had a happy ending. (in my opinion)

Well done Triple T...well done!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
She didn't stay for love.

Any husband who hits the mother of his children needs put down. She was right to seek separation. She was protecting the children from a man who confused revenge with protection. He divided the house. He broke down the walls. She was merely responding (as women are designed) with phasing out the relationship.

He waited until he could become physical. That is all the response he knows to deal with the problem. He could have used all the "technical" skill in the first instance of a problem, and ruined the predator just as easily. But, no, he has to wait and become offensive to both his "cherished" and predator.

This story is a good read, but reality demands that one not recommend it as anything more truthful in ways of dealing with a wife than stated in "Peter Peter Pumpkin Eater."

Vixen4fun4uVixen4fun4uabout 11 years ago
Good theme

I liked your story idea of fighting for your marriage. I am also tired of reading of guys standing back and watching their marriages being destroyed without fighting for their love. The story kept my attention the whole way even though it was very dark.

Having said that violence against your wife or any woman in any form is unacceptable. I found myself feeling for the woman and thinking that Allen is a weak and feeable man suffering badly from small man syndrome.

maybe in the next one not so dark

jasonnhjasonnhabout 11 years ago
Very interesting story

As shown by the comments this story evokes a lot of emotion.

I'll tackle the easier part first. Allen is a man that believes in taking very strong action to defend what he feels is his. In our metrosexual world we are not used to that. We have even become convinced that such men are out-of-date Neanderthals. Yet what is the result of that? A lot of people like Gerald do bad things and don't care because they know they can get away with it. In this story, he is angry about his reversal of fortune because of his OWN ACTIONS and he gets nasty. What happens? Effectively nothing. That doesn't even touch on the damage to people and society of his philandering actions. For those actions, society exacts NO punishment. What would happen if people like Gerald got their dicks cut off, tar and feathered, and tossed out of town? You think future "Geralds" might consider their actions before seducing married women? Bet so. Because society tolerates "Geralds", "Allens" either get NO justice or have to seek it as Allen did. He actually let Gerald off pretty easy at first. All Gerald had to do was take a clue. He didn't and paid the final price.

Yes, I get it that murder is not an acceptable solution but as so many keep saying "it's a story" and in this one, that is the way it went. I find it hard to be too troubled over Gerald's well deserved fate.

Now for the tough part, how he treated Donna. On the surface, slugging your wife and threatening her is not OK unless perhaps in self defense. However, the author makes it abundantly clear that Allen is has not been an abusive man and is not for the rest of the story. The situation forces him to be. Do we go around shooting people? No. But in a war, we do. We are trained and expected to. So circumstances DO make a difference.

Taking "till death do us part" literally? Extreme perhaps but 100 years ago people took marriage very seriously and many marriages were held together by such beliefs. Some of them were bad marriages, some that just needed that type of reinforcement to keep them together through the tough time. Are today's drive by marriages a better solution?

Here's a scenario to consider. If your wife was walking into the path of a car, would you tackle her to knock her out of the way. In doing so, she gets scraped and bruised and her arm is broken. Was she abused? Allen sees Gerald and the situation like a truck bearing down on their marriage. Donna's perceptions are all screwed up and she doesn't see the danger. Allen knocks her out of danger's path. Yup, she gets banged up a bit in the process. You've heard of a "dope slap"?

Allen's intensity and threatening language is scary but if you don't believe the messenger... And I also have sympathy to those who said, if she is willing to cheat, who needs her. But you DO have to fight for what you want. Otherwise you are just a sap that everyone takes advantage off.

Anyway, I enjoyed the story. A strong, confident man is a pleasure to read about. As Tx Tall Tales says, he's not advocating this as a solution to such situations.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
you know HIV was right after all

he said this author was a nutcase... looks like HIV was right again

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Shock and awe!

Loved it. The odds are against Karen. 5*

H.H.MorantH.H.Morantabout 11 years ago
He shouldn't sleep well

... if she owns a pistol. The question is whether she blows his brains out, or shoots his balls off

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

There is never any justification for domestic violence. Fuck this story

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago

it is not domestic violence the characters dont exist. it is just a story. if you had a wife and she was sleep walking toward a cliff an the only way to stop her from walking over it was to hit her and wake her up, would you do it or let her walk over the cliff. well the wife was sleep walking or hypnotized and was sleepwalk and he woke her up to the cliff. we are talking about a man who was goine to rape her and her little girl because he was angry at the husband; so it would have been better for the husband to see this monster with his wife and child than smacking her a few times to wake her up?

like it said - it is a story - no wife was abused in writing it. get over it.

BTTapBTTapabout 11 years ago
Another comment (or two)

I will say that it is humorous to see the comments. The use of "it is just a story" by some commenters who seem to take other stories very seriously indeed is entertaining. Hypocrisy anyone?

Secondly, I think the "it's never okay to hit a woman" attitude is stupid. Of course there are exceptions to that general rule. I would kick the shit out of a woman who was hurting my child, my wife, and I would use sufficient force to protect myself, too. Similarly, my uncle has told me about killing some Viet Cong guerrillas who happened to be female; I figure that was fair, too. Still, probably not a bad default rule.

Finally, I didn't even have as much of a problem with the main character striking and suffocating the wife as I did with his clear message that he would kill her rather than let her divorce him or otherwise do something to end their marriage (e.g., cheat on him). The first could be seen as a wake-up call (not right, but...): she was heading down a dark road because she was being mentally and emotionally screwed with by a sexual predator. But the heavier threat: death before divorce. Well, that's just sick and wrong. This guy was a sociopath. An intelligent and perhaps generally benevolent one perhaps, but also an extremely violent one.

I liked that this story made me think and feel. Triple T has certainly been delving into the other side of LW stories as of late.

shuriken2012shuriken2012about 11 years ago

I find it funny that women argue so hard for equal rights with men but then complain when they get them. If a man screws me over i punch him and probably do a lot worse. If women want equality then they have to accept how men handle their problems. Saying that you never hit a woman its just stupid cuz there are situations where you would have to hit a woman. Holding them behind a shield is just sexist and puts men at a distinct disadvantage. This guy was trying to save his marriage from his wife's stupidity and a sex predator so sure he had to get a little extreme. And his idea of death over divorce is biblical so all you can accuse him of on that front is being a devout Christian

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Those who are complaining about the so-called "domestic violence" are either AIDS-ridden whores or wimp-assed castrated cuckolds who love to be betrayed by their cheating slutwives.

The protagonist reclaimed his marriage after enduring six months worth of punches to the gut. His wife's two sucker punches were mild in comparison and facilitated the wake-up call from her delusional mindset.

Don't be jealous, just appreciate one of the finest authors on Lit.

frontlinecasterfrontlinecasterabout 11 years ago

I don't hold it against the author that I absolutely cannot relate to the protagonist here and find him completely despicable, after all an author can write characters who are monsters and even protagonists who are, and I've read a few of this author's other works that I liked to give the benefit of the doubt.

That said, the commenters here who are running to the defense of the narrator confirm everything awful about the 'Loving Wives' section of this site that I've always hated. The blatant misogyny of those running to the defense of the narrator, praising him for 'having balls' and 'showing her her place' or whatever is disgusting. It's a story about an abusive relationship where he is using fear to keep a woman who is clearly unhappy trapped and isolating her from her friends. The morality of the man she thought of cheating with is irrelevant, her husband is a monster. Yes, it's just a story, but the guys who are cheering for him and rushing to defend those actions, even in a fictional setting, need serious help.

slaverowanslaverowanabout 11 years ago

The wife obviously wanted a divorce. The husband assaults her, chokes her unconscious and then threatens her that he will murder her.

She hasnt cheated. She thought about it, she came close, but she didnt. So he has to hit a woman, for thinking about leaving him. How dare she leave such a specimen of man, a wife beating prick who gets his jollies out of violence. I'll say this, the wife would stay to make sure her daughter was never in danger, but she would murder the "husband" in his sleep. Why? Wives will protect their children and no judge will jail a wife after she's retaliated from domestic abuse.

Story? This isnt a story, it's just fucking garbage.

1 star. if I could rate it 0 I would.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Liked this one - wife got what she deserved.

And we would say the same if the genders were reversed. Great story author!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

loved every word of it keep up the good work. 5of5

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Are you crazy??

Seriously? The wife is going to tell the husband she is leaving him for another so he keeps punching her in the stomach and threatening to kill her until she agrees to stay, give their marriage another chance, and have sex with him. What planet could this possibly happen on? The violence isn't even rage induced; its just repeated verbal and physical abuse until the wife agrees to do what the husband says like a robot. "Tell me you love me or the beatings will begin!" OMG! This read like some concentration camp interrogation. I was expecting the water boarding to begin soon if the wife didn't kiss his boot. You think something even close to this could happen somewhere in the Western Hemisphere without hubbie going to jail? You need help,

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Tale of whoa

To consider that some responded with the view that it is righteous for the man to "hit" not just any woman nor some woman who is an enemy combatant, but the wife!

Not only that but the intent to commit murder if the "contract was broken" shows what a very dark heart the man has.

If I were the wife, I would take legal action against him. He is a danger to the children, and will eventually bring great harm to them.

He is not a loving husband. He is a man of violence who waited until he could take out his vengeance in extreme measures. Like one other stated, he could have taken action at the very first indication given him of the problem rather than waiting. He waited because then it would seem that his actions were not extreme. WRONG!

Wrong thinking resulting in wrong actions!

He didn't build and repair his house. He destroyed it.

He just doesn't know it, yet.

BelgiumBelgiumabout 11 years ago

A good premise of a marriage under fire but you fucked it up by having him beat her into loving him again. Domestic violence won't make people see reason or love you again. They will only make them fearfull and obliging until they can get away. All I can say is run, woman, run!

kelchakelchaabout 11 years ago
Works For Me

Honour and integrity seem to be slipping away in our present world. When you consider the absolute misery divorce and affairs can generate and the unfairness of asset division, this solution works for me. But only due to the real asshole the seducer turned out to be.

In real life, it would be foolish to murder and try to get away with it. Yes, you may escape punishment. The prisons are full of people who thought they could too. When you have a family to support, you have to take shit sometimes.

bruce22bruce22about 11 years ago
Well written

Like most of the old fogies on here, raised in the forties, I have it written in my brain, that you do not hit a women. Therefore I can not identify with the protagonist nor find anything exciting or pleasing about the story. I did not comment exactly for this reason....

Now, having 24 hours to mull it over and the interesting statement by Kelcha, I realize this is a fantasy story about a possible solution to the present fact that the cheater is protected by the present divorce laws and we do not accept interpersonal violence. This is truly a conflict solution. Perhaps we should go back to Pilgrim times, make adultery a crime and have the guilty sit out in a public place for 24 hours. Or, better yet, make them do community service in an identifying uniform.

I know that it does not reduce the pain, but it would channel the reaction, get the victim focalized on gathering evidence and certainly should reduce the incidence of the crime...., without causing one-half of the population to go to prison. The problem is that the adulterers might just have more votes than the fidelity group!

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
One of the most idiotic stories I've come across

And the author's salvo was: I can't believe people write about stories where the husband thinks there's something suspicious; but he's will to allow nature to take its course, so as to find out whether or not the spouse is really moral and ethical, and worth to build a life around...

And then THE AUTHOR opens his story with the man beating the crap out of his wife, TRYING TO SUFFOCATE her, just when she's about to tell him she's thinking about ditching him... and, so I stopped reading... but from the COMMENTS here, others said the author had the husband continue to beat the crap out of his wife, and MADE HER LOVE him in the end... or that the beating and bully and torture actually made her return to focus on the marriage?

I mean, was THAT the rational to this nonsense? Isn't that what we typically called shit for brains?

The typical Literotica LW story of husband finding out wife is cheating and him waiting a bit for real confirmation before walking away --- however hard, due to kids, jobs, reputation, divorce, financial stress, etc. --- THAT is SOOOOO much more honorable than starting to beat the crap out of your wife, trying to suffocate her because YOU SAY YOU LOVE HER TO DEATH and just to her a few punches in the face and choke holds, so she realize --- "before it's too late" --- what she had in you!

Complete utter nonsense. This is a classic case of real life abusive marriages and relationships...

Drbeamer3333Drbeamer3333about 11 years ago

Well written and I love the premise of stopping things before they go too far and fighting for the marriage. However, there is no way a wife would ever stick around after her husband abuses her and continually threatens to kill her. Reminded me of the movie Sleeping With The Enemy. She'll play along and then make her escape when she feels she is ready.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

You sure know how to build an Aggie sized bonfire all my your little ole self.....:)

user110user110about 11 years ago

i too "never understand stories where the husband sees his wife on the verge of cheating and just watches to see what will happen," but this was too far in the other direction. socking up your old lady and declaring DEATH BEFORE DIVORCE wont save a marriage, it'll kill it even faster than infidelity.

chytownchytownabout 11 years ago

A long read.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
Ignore the nea sayers

I LOVED LOVED LOVED THIS STORY!!! The metaphor of a marriage as a house is PERFECT!!! And correct in my opinion, it's how I see it. So, how far would you go to defend your marriage? All the fucking way...ABSO-FREAKIN-LUTELY!!!

As for how Allen dealt with his wife...he needed her to see that his words had iron in them. Donna had lost her perspective and he needed to bring her focus back onto their marriage. Once trust is lost it takes a damn long time to be regained, if ever.

"Demons run when a good man goes to war."

I do however find it peculiar, in the extreme, that the author seems to write almost exclusively about actively cheating.

On a side note, I myself do not understand the point of cuckolding, swinging or group sex in stories or in real life. Cheating with consent is cheating. Cheating without consent is cheating. Cheating is cheating. Those thinking otherwise are merely living in a fools paradise.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Is, a lot of what we all could/would like to be able to do....LOL

That was a great story, it lets out many bad old feelings, but of course we wouldn't realy do something like T H A T.


AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

Every man who has a wanna be cheating slut on his hands should be able to legally treat her bastard boyfriend like that

wanoldmanwanoldmanabout 11 years ago
old story

I enjoyed the build up, the suspense even the threats. You see, something similar happened to my Dad with his first wife. He was only about 5'4", an Edwardian gentleman until he found out. Libby is a very, VERY small town. He made the pretense of joining the masons. Her BF was Dad's mentor and coach. Dad drove them about 15 miles out of town and afterwards, he left the guy to limp and crawl back to town. The idiot was smart enough not to press charges. Montana divorces were swift.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

I have to say I have enjoyed some of your other stories a lot. Not this one.

There is no love in this marriage. She is staying with him and acting however she knows she has to act to save her own life.

Threats and physical abuse prove him to be a pathetic piece of shit lousy excuse for a man. If I had a sister married to this guy, he would be the one in the bottom of the quarry. Guaranteed.

Romantic1Romantic1about 11 years ago
Result = Slavery

The protagonist in this dark story is a sociopath - clear and simple. He saves his marriage with threats of death and other dire consequences to any others involved. The resultant marriage is anything but a marriage since it is based on these threats. Cognitive Dissonance Reduction by the wife will certainly help her cope, but beneath any 'love' she professes will be stark fear. In essence, Donna has become a domestic sex slave pretending that all is 'fine' in her life. All that said, this was one intriguing story.

lonewolf3307lonewolf3307about 11 years ago
Considering the evidence, I don't think that I would be nearly as certain that Donna hadn't crossed the final threshold of infidelity as Allen seemed to be...

... but I do admire his "take no prisoners" approach to solving his problem. In divorce or reconciliation, I, too, believe a "scorched earth" policy is best.

cantbuymycantbuymyabout 11 years ago

i know you got a lot of shit off this one but damn i liked it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago
I liked it

Prosperity through free enterprise, cooperation through free trade, good neighbors through good fences, and peace through superior firepower.

I liked this story. I don't hold "til death do us part" in the same regard as your protagonist, but in his place I might do something similar.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 11 years ago

A refreshingly different perspective on infidelity. A somewhat dark tale but also very entertaining and well written. Top marks.

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